
5 Truths of Body Love

I’m so glad that Maxie wrote this post. We were actually gchatting about this and I think it’s one of the most important topics women can talk about… both with themselves and with other women! Loving yourself from the absolute inside out should come first. For a very select few, this comes easily and naturally and…


Tips From a First Year Blogger (Guest Post by Maxie)

When Maxie first told me she wanted to start a blog, I turned into a giant cheerleader. If anyone should be blogging, it’s Maxie. (I love love love her advice!) Sometimes it’s hard to get into the rhythm of blogging and even more so, sticking with it. So proud of Maxie for hitting the one year…


Soaking Up Sunday

Maxie hits the nail on the head with this guest post. I tend to fall victim to “the Sunday scaries” around 9pm. I always think it feels like you’re at the top of a roller coaster knowing you’re about to drop. ***** Soaking Up Sunday by Maxie McCoy When I think back to my childhood…


Stay In Touch (Guest post by Maxie)

So pretty much everyone knows that Maxie and I are great friends. (And if you didn’t know… you know now!) But the thing is that we really rarely get to see each other. Even when we worked at the same company, she worked remotely from the west coast. And yet, I talked (and still do talk)…


The Lost Art of Letters

I have a box of letters that I keep under my desk. Some of my favorite notes are from Maxie! She’s always the sweetest and so thoughtful and genuine in her notes. And while I love stationery, I should be way better about actually taking the time to write and send notes! (There’s only so…


The Problem with Uptalk

I really don’t like listening to videos of me speaking. And it’s not just because I think my voice sounds differently in my head. It’s because I use verbal crutches… a lot of verbal crutches. The “likes,” the “ums,” and the “uhhhs” are really bad. Another thing I’ve picked up and realized that I’m doing?…


How To Command a Room from Across the Country

To be completely honest, most of my time with Maxie is spent while we’re across the country from each other. (Sometimes I have to check “Find My Friends” because you never really know where in the world Maxie might be on any given day.) And this is the same for a couple of my friends too!…


How to Pull Off Lipstick: Tips from a Southerner

When she sends me the Google doc with the draft of the post, I always am at the edge of my seat to see what it’s going to be about! It’s like Maxie reads my mind every week. I’ve been trying to wear more makeup, and to wear it better, but the lipstick thing makes…