
TEN YEARS OF BLOGGING (+ an epic giveaway)

I’ve been writing this post in my head, as I do for most of my long-form posts, for the better part of the year. Of course, now that I’m sitting down to actually write it, my mind is drawing a blank. In a way, I think it’s because I know there’s no way any post will be able to sum up what my life has been like over the past ten years. I’m a little disappointed in myself because as I read and re-read it, it just doesn’t even come close to accurately describing everything I feel.

On this day, ten years ago, I sat down during Christmas break of my freshman year at Georgetown University to write a blog post. 

I could never have guessed I’d still be here ten years later. I was a teenager when I started and I sit here tying nearing 30. Social media wasn’t social media back in 2008 and I got very lucky with the timing of starting my blog. Whenever I talk to high schools or colleges, I try to explain just how much has changed in ten years. When I started my blog, I had a Blackberry and BBM was the way to communicate. No one was tweeting, or pinning, or gramming. Facebook was around, but you couldn’t “like” a page just yet. I still carried a small digital camera with me for photos. (Slightly unrelated, but if you really want to know how blogs were described back then, you have to read this article about Meghan McCain’s blog that she had while her dad was running for office.)

The truth is that I was just coming out of my lowest point when I started to blog. It’s hard to tell from the exclamation points and excited attitude of the writing, but I was struggling big time. That first semester at college was as rough as it could have gone. I was having a hard time adapting to college life and when I started to fall behind, I started to spiral because I had never really faced failure before. Of course, looking back now, I’m so glad I experienced it then because it made me realize that the world doesn’t stop spinning if you fail. My blog was started because I was desperate for a creative outlet– something to distract me from the things that were causing me stress. I felt out of control of so much of my life and this was one space where I could write what I wanted and do whatever I wanted without being graded by a teacher or critiqued by a coach.

I didn’t start it for anyone to read it– I just felt, deep down, that I had to do it. I craved that freedom from judgment and felt like I was in the driver’s seat for the first time– maybe ever– in my life up until that point.

It’s hard to think or even talk about, but this little blog of mine probably saved my life. When I say I was in a bad place, it really was quite dark. This blog gave me something to look forward to every day, regardless of what was going on in the rest of my life. Even if nothing ever came of my blog or if at some point down the road I move on, I will always, ALWAYS be forever grateful for this space because it was my lifeline out of that dark place.

Of course, we now know that social media was about to blow up. I joined sites as they popped up and started to incorporate more content on Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, then Pinterest and Instagram. (Then much later Snapchat and now Instagram Stories.) I was lucky to have started a blog before all of that really took off because it let me get my foot in the door, I was able to find my voice, and figure out what I wanted to say…. and how. Even with every platform that’s popular right now, my blog will always remain my bread and butter: the sun, if you will, in a social media solar system. At the end of the day, it’s the ONE place where I have true ownership…. if Instagram shut down tomorrow, you’d still know where to find me.

So much of my life over the past decade has been documented here, for better or for worse. It’s a little bit of a gift (if I ever forget something, I can usually Google it and quickly find it haha) and a curse (because there have been some moments that I’m not the proudest of). But that’s also life and I’m happy to say that I think I’ve done a pretty good job of sharing the good and the bad, and everything in between. Life isn’t all about perfectly curated moments and that’s where I think platforms like Instagram fall short. There’s something about a blog where you can really document and share and connect beyond just a staged photo and a heart shaped like button.

Because of my blog, I’ve been able to meet so many of my best friends. I’m forever grateful for that as well. I can’t believe the amazing people who are in my life because of my blog. I can’t imagine how our lives could have crossed any other way. These friendships are something that I’ll truly treasure forever. I’ve also connected with so many readers and it’s an unbelievably humbling experience every time it happens. There’s a group of girls who I feel like I’ve watched grow up as they started reading my blog when they were in middle school and I’ve met almost every single one of them at this point– at least once! I also know that there’s a huge group of you who have grown up with me and we’ve shared all kinds of milestones together, like graduations, big moves, falling in love and going through breakups, and building careers.

Speaking of which, my blog also turned into my job. As crazy as it is to think about blogging for ten years, it’s even wilder that I’ve been doing it as my full-time job for over half of that. Five years of my dream job and I couldn’t be prouder of that. It’s a different experience when you’re doing it for fun versus when you’re doing it for a job, but I try my best to have the same mindset today as I did when I was just starting out.

As I’ve seen other blogs grow, I’ve seen major changes in how they’re run and handled. Obviously, everyone needs to do what makes the most sense for them. But I’m really proud that every word you read here is written by me. Every DM is actually sent from me. I respond to all non-partnership emails myself. All tweets are my own. I’ve chosen to work with a manager to help alleviate stress on my inbox and a photographer who handles all the photo editing, so I can still make time for the reader-facing things. It’s extremely important to me and something that I want to continue to do as long as I’m blogging. Yes, it’s a business. But I’m still a person and I want that interaction to still feel as personal as possible.

Through this job, I’ve had firsthand experience with all kinds of facets of the industry. (It’s crazy that it’s even an “industry” now because it certainly wasn’t back in 2008!) I’ve been able to practice so many skills as a blogger and I have a greater understanding of where my strengths lie because I’ve been required to do so many different things over the years. Because I wear so many hats, I know there’s not really a limit to what I could do if I really had to. But, I’ve honed in on the things that truly excite me and I know that even without the blog, I could always apply those things in other ways.

I’m not sure when, but at some point, I always thought, when I get to ten years of blogging, I’d let myself walk away if I wanted to. This past year I wanted to quit at two different points as I tried to figure out if the negatives of this industry were even worth it anymore to me. If I hadn’t set that ten-year goal, I think I would have just walked away without so much as a Tweet. And now? I’m not sure what’s next. The bottom line is that I still love doing this. I think it’s only natural to have moments of feeling burnt out when you’ve been doing something for ten years straight. I don’t want to walk away and give all this up. I’m proud of this blog and everything that it means to me. I love you all. I feel honored that you choose to take five minutes out of your day to read what I write. There is SO much out there that you can read and watch and the fact that you choose my blog means the world to me.

Some fun milestones:

December 2008: Sat down and wrote my first blog post as “The College Prepster” for an offensively fluorescent pink and green website I called “College Prep.”

November 2010: While waiting to board a flight, I was “recognized” by a reader for the first time ever. It was such a bizarre feeling. The girl actually went to college just down the road at GW and we became friends after grabbing cupcakes at Baked and Wired in Georgetown (hi Gabbi!).

November 2011: Downloaded Instagram– fun fact, I didn’t have an iPhone so I could only Instagram from my iPad.

January 2012: My first experience with viral content: my Instagram Photo Strips Tutorial! I used to keep the Google Analytics Real-Time up on my computer all the time and one night, it went from 100 users…. to 200 users…. to 15,000 users at any given moment in like an hour. It was insane. (My Intense Study Tips and How to Roll Your Sleeves Like J. Crew posts have also been a steady source of traffic.)

May 2012: My first big collaboration was with Kate Spade for my college graduation dress. I can’t explain how HUGE of a deal this was for me and, looking back, it couldn’t have been more perfect or fitting. PS This is how Julia and I first “met” because I was the east coast blogger and she was the west coat blogger!

September 2013: I officially quit my job and gave myself three months to “test” what it would be like to blog full time… I never turned back!

November 2013: I was tapped for the Teen Vogue Insta-List. Teen Vogue had always been a favorite magazine of mine and it was such an honor to work with them.

September 2014: I signed with my first manager. We eventually stopped working together (although I’m still friends with her to this day!), but it was the best decision I ever made.

July 2016: After years of blogging on a free platform, I switched to WordPress for more creative control and, most importantly, complete ownership of my site. It was a big task to undertake, but so worth it in the end.

October 2017: Reluctantly rebranded to Carly the Prepster. I’m glad I did it in the end, but I still find myself saying The College Prepster 😉

December 2018: Celebrated the ten year anniversary!

[CLOSED, Congratulations Alexa K.] To really celebrate in style, I partnered with ten of my favorite brands for an EPIC giveaway. [CLOSED]

Elizabeth Arden Retinol Ceramide Capsules & White Tea Fragrance

Neely & Chloe Zip Wallet

Kate Spade Large Margaux in Tuxedo Blue

Gal Meets Glam Dress (of your choice)

J. Crew Factory $150 Gift Card

Barbour Beadnell from Tuckernuck

Margaux Ballet Flats (of your choice)

Draper James $100 Gift Card

Lilly Pulitzer $300 Gift Card

J. Crew Gift Card

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Stephanie Yoon

Carly! I’m so proud of your 10-year achievement! I’ve been following you since I was in 5th grade while in a desperate search to organize my desk and found your “Organize, Please” series. Since then, I’ve read your posts daily and you have served as my fashion icon, my work ethic model, and someone who I value for her honesty and relatability. Thank you and I can’t wait for the amazing things you’ll do for the years to come!!


I’ve been an avid blog reader for close to 10 years now. There are times in my life when I don’t have time to be caught up with all the blogs, but yours is one I have to read every post. I love your approach to life, and because of you I truly understand the meaning of influencer… I really do buy a lot of the stuff you recommend. Congratulations and please keep it up!


I remember finding you when I was just starting high school! Now as a college senior, I still read every post (and love your midnight postings, the perfect study break). So excited to continue following your journey!

Cassandra Cyphers

Congratulations on such a milestone! I have followed your blog for a few years now and have been so impressed with how much you have grown and expanded this space and brand. It is so inspiring to see how the blog began as a creative outlet and refuge for you on a personal level, and now has become a real powerhouse. I look up to you so much! Thank you for creating such a lovely space on the Internet.

Sydney Paulsen

Oh my gosh, Carly!!! I’m so happy!! Your blog has been such a blessing to me the last two years and I am SO thankful I found you. You’re amazing, and I’m so incredibly grateful to you for sharing yourself with us for the last 10 years!!

Alicia Fortier

Carly – I love reading your blog and have made it a part of my daily routine for years now. I first found it when I was fresh out of college, looking for a job and had plenty of time on my hands. I would binge read old posts and watch through all of your youtube videos. Now I enjoy reading and following along with your instagram stories! Thanks for all that you do, I hope you continue for years to come. Cheers to 10 years!!


Congratulations on ten years of running a blog! It’s no small accomplishment and you should be very proud of what you have created. May it continue to bring you joy as it does to your readers.

Ashley C

Congrats on 10 years!!! What a huge accomplishment! I’ve been a daily reader for at least 6 years, and your blog has always been a bright spot in my day. Here’s to 10 more years!


I have been following since the beginning, you were the first blog I found and I don’t even remember how. But, we have similar style and graduated the same year so it fit. Congrats!

Delacy Carpenter

It’s so crazy to think that it’s been ten years since you started blogging! I think I started reading my sophomore year of college (but maybe sooner?), so 2009! I don’t really comment on anything, but I love having your blog as a part of my day. I distinctly remember your graduation post with Kate Spade, because I graduated that year as well! It feels like we’ve grown up together and like we’re friends even though we’ve never met-congratulations on 10 years, Carly!


I cherish the time I spend in the mornings reading your daily blog posts! My favorite post in the past was your recap of Headspace/Meditation. You inspired me to start meditating daily and it has truly turned my life around.

Delacy Carpenter

I can’t believe it’s been ten years! I’ve been reading since my sophomore year of college at least, and maybe before that-so 2009! I don’t comment regularly or frequently, but I love having your blog as a part of my daily routine. It feels like we’ve grown up together and we’re friends even though we’ve never met-I remember your graduation post with Kate Spade because I was graduating at the same time! Congrats on 10 years, and here’s to whatever comes next!


Wow, ten years! That’s an incredible milestone, especially during this decade of life when so many things change. Congrats and I look forward to seeing what you do next!


We are the same age, and I found your blog around when I graduated college — I was likely looking for style ideas for my new “adult” wardrobe! (Ps fun fact: I have friends who sort-of know you from both Tampa and Georgetown! Lol)

Lori Guyer

Found your blog on Horse Country Chic. I’ve been following your blog daily ever since.

Lauren W.

Thanks for all the style tips and honesty over the years — love checking this out each and every day!


Congrats on 10 years!! I’ve been following your blog since my freshman year of high school, and now I’m a sophomore in college. Crazy to think how much your blog has grown in those 5 years. So excited about this giveaway!

Leslie Perez

Hi Carly! I’ve beeb following for a few years now. I’m obsessed with home decor so I would haceto say my favorite content of yours would be about your home.

Leslie S

Carly –
I just want to say thank you for starting this blog and continuing it. You’ve been a true light. Reading your blog every day is one of the best parts of my day. I’m pretty sure that I’ve referred to posts as “my friend Carly suggested this…” on multiple occasions because that’s how it feels. Thank you for sharing a part of your life with us all. You’ve helped me navigate high school, college in DC (AU!) and now being a young adult in a big city. Congratulations on 10 years!!!


Happy 10 years!!! I’ve only been reading for a couple years or so, but your blog is one I still enjoy engaging with daily. It’s nice to still have an authentic voice online these days. I especially love your “On My Radar” posts!


Congrats on your anniversary, Carly! What an incredible milestone. I found your blog through my sister— who’s essentially followed your blog for the better part of the past 10 years. She said you were her ‘go-to’ for preppy style (we needed a source since it wasn’t a strong trend from where we were in Canada— more West Coast in style). I’ve loved all of your travel posts ❤️ I live vicariously through your travels. I follow your Instagram as well! Elizabeth.Anne44 😊 Congrats again! And here’s to another 10 years

Sarah Bielejeski

Your blog was one of the first I discovered, years ago, in my childhood bedroom, after I moved back home after college. Your ten year mark makes me feel old! Congratulations!


I don’t remember how I found your blog but I always look forward to reading your daily posts. Thank you for being so raw and honest about your journey. Congratulations on 10 years and best wishes for whatever is to come!

Gaby Taylor

Carly!!! Congratulations!!! This is incredibly exciting. I’m graduating college this year, but I’ve been following for about 7 years. I think I found you randomly on Pinterest, but you are absolutely my favorite blogger. I am so inspired by how real you are. Again, congratulations on 10 years!!

Kim H

I found your blog 7 years ago when living abroad and missing American styles. Have been reading it since! Happy anniversary.

Abigail Mattern

My favorite posts are your yearly favorites, and I loved the post about things that bring you joy! I found your blog on pinterest!


I started reading your blog maybe six or seven years ago. I had just moved abroad for work and was feeling so lonely and homesick. Reading your blog every day helped me feel a little closer to home and I actually found a friend when we realized we both read your blog! Since then, I’ve moved to a new country again (twice, actually…), gotten married, and had a baby. I went through some dark days after giving birth and while on maternity leave, but taking five minutes for myself to read your blog each day helped me stay grounded and sane. Thanks for all of your hard work over the years x

Kate S.

I’ve been reading this blog since I was in college, and it’s been so fun to follow your journey as we’ve gone through many of the same things. Congrats on 10 years!

Elena Itameri

I was introduced to your blog when I was a freshman at Georgetown. A friend linked it to me because she thought my style was similar to yours, and because I also grew up in Florida 🙂 Still a daily reader 4 years later!


Happy 10 year anniversary! I started reading your blog, oddly enough also in my freshmen year of college (at a VERY dark point in my life). I too, never looked back, and 6 years later I still continue to reach for your content everyday. Thank you, Carly for giving me something to always look forward to reading 💓

Bridgette Mack

Carly! I am so happy for you in and your 10 year achievement! I started reading your blog in the summer of 2011! It was the summer going into my last year of highschool, and i think I read every single one of your post that summer! I have read every post since! I have loved following along on your blogger journey and you even inspired me to make my own blog! Keep up the great work and please keep blogging! You are hands down my favorite blog to read and you create so much inspiration for others!

Leah H.

Happy 10 year anniversary, Carly! I believe I found your blog in 2011–the summer before my third year in law school. I remember thinking it was really cool that you loved Lilly Pulitzer (so do I) and went to Georgetown because I did a summer program there in high school and loved that experience!


So excited to see you hit such a huge milestone! I’ve been following for probably 8 years! There have just been too many posts to choose a favorite. Congrats on 10 years 🙂

Kristen from Pugs & Pearls

Congratulations Carly!! Ten years is such a milestone. Especially when you think about how different things were. I think I’ve been following since 2012 or 2013! This was the very first blog I started reading and I never missed a post! You inspired me to start my own blog. I’m so glad you’ve stuck with it and I can’t wait to keep following along!

Taylor Whitaker

I found your blog as a college sophomore, in 2012, through Pinterest! I was attending the Kentucky Derby and used your Lilly Pulitzer dress as inspiration! I’ve been following along ever since!


Congratulations Carly on 10 years!

I love coming to your blog everyday. I don’t remember what post first brought me to your website, but I remember thinking, ‘where has this blog been in my life.’ I’m a pretty avid blog reader and yours is in my daily rotation. I think I still have it bookmarked as The College Prepster.

Cheers to many more years of memories!

Emily Anne

Congrats on the big 1-0! Back in the tumblr days, my favorite posts were your college and postgrad OOTDs – I used to go there first if I was ever stumped on what to wear.

Coralys Melendez

Carly it’s so awesome that you made it to the ten year mark. Reading your blog has been an amazing experience. I love all your tips and you have become a fashion icon for me. I first found your blog a couple years ago while browsing on google and now I read daily. Thank you for being you and keeping it real. Here’s to another ten years.

Lindsey Martin

Oh my goodness, I was in high school when I started reading your blog. Then, my senior year I started blogging, too! I ended up blogging all through college and finally picked it back up again now that I’ve settled into my career as a teacher a little bit! This is so cool that you’ve been blogging for so long! Congratulations!

Elle Dooley

Congrats Carly on your 10 years! You were the first blogger that I followed around Jan 2012! I’ll never forget the first collaboration with Kate Spade later that May! Keep up the great work! xo elle

Michelle O

I read every morning with my coffee before I get ready for work. This place has become a little part of my morning routine, it’s been delightful.

Rebecca Mackey

Congratulations on 10 years! I’m almost 29 and have been reading your blog since I was 19! Having a cup of coffee and reading your blog is my favorite way to start my day. Keep up the good work!

Carolyn S

Congrats! I’ve been a reader forever (at least 8 years??), not even sure how or when I found your blog! I’ve always loved your gift guides!


Carly, congratulations on 10 years! That’s a huge milestone! I’ve been reading your blog for about 5 years and I believe I found you through Mackenzie Horan’s weekly links—now I am a daily reader! Some of my favorite posts are most definitely your style (it’s perfectly feminine and classic!) but also your wellness posts! I love your perspectives as well as your friend Maxie’s. Your writing is fun and upbeat and such a joy to follow!

Audrey | Brunch at Audrey's

I started blogging in late 2014 and your blog was one of the first blogs I followed. I was part of a Tumblr network of microbloggers-turned-bloggers, and we were all learning the ropes together; I think someone recommended your blog for reference and for inspiration! // It’s hard for me to say what my FAVOURITE blog post of yours is because there are just too many, but one nostalgic one for me is “Ask A Blogger: Aren’t You Cold?” which I identified with and found hilarious. I just looked back on that post and saw an old comment that I had left on it in December 2014 haha. I also loved reading about your rebrand and your blogging journey, and I loved the outfit featured in “Oui, Oui!” as well! // Congratulations on 10 years!!! -Audrey | Brunch at Audrey’s

Victoria S

Hi Carly,
I started reading your blog when I was a freshman in college in 2011/2012. It is the only blog I have ever consistently read every morning when I wake up. I think back when I was in college, I was drawn to your blog first by the clothing (I’ve always been somewhat of a prepster – I think I found your blog by typing “preppy blogger” into google haha) and secondly by your honesty with everything in your life. It’s so easy to think everyone’s life is perfect when looking at the highlight real that is Instagram, which makes me have so much respect for your blog where you show both the highlights (traveling, clothes, friends) along with the not so glam parts (breakups, anxiety, stress).
Your blog has been one of the most consistent parts of my day from when I was in college through now as a working adult, and I hope you continue to share your life with us for years to come!

Janice Stern

Congratulations! What an achievement! Looking forward to seeing what’s next for you (including or not including the blog of course).

Hilary Gugig

Congratulations on 10 years! I’ve been reading your blog for upwards of six years, and I am fairly confident I found you through your “How to Roll Your Sleeves Like J. Crew” post! I usually don’t have time to check all the blogs I follow every morning before work, but I always make a point to check yours. Congratulations again, and thank you for everything you do to inspire women young and old, because you definitely do so much!

Abigail Macaluso

Congrats! I’m so glad you still love this because I couldn’t imagine my mornings without your posts!

Dana Hove

What a huge milestone! Congratulations. I found you on Instagram about a year ago. You are one of my favorites to follow as I appreciate your authentic voice.

Shayne Harris

I love love your blog and I have been following since about 2011! I am not sure how I found you, but I know I was sitting in my dorm room in Baltimore :-)! My favorite posts are the ones about “real” life. Sometimes it helps to know other people have ups and downs, but make it work! Thank you, Carly!


Congratulations! I only started following your blog within the last few years, but am so glad I found it.


I’ve been reading your blog for ~8 years and have always had a lot of fun checking your content everyday. Congrats on ten years!

Rachel Stocki

Congratulations, Carly! I’ve loved following your journey. I love your style and personal posts.

Lisa Parker

I’ve been following along since 2009! I moved to DC in 2007, and your blog was one of the first “dc blogs” I followed. I’ve loved watching your platform evolve, but you’ve always kept your voice. Favorite memory? Your first trip to Paris.

Julie U

Congratulations Carly on your 10th anniversary! It’s been fun to read your posts and follow your blog. I don’t remember when I actually started following college prepster, but it’s been a long time! A favorite memory was when I introduced myself to you at Create & Cultivate in NYC, you were very sweet!

Gwen Saxby

Congratulations on this milestone!!! Started reading your blog when my daughter told me about you – been reading almost 10 years!


Since it’s baking and winter season i would say the cookie recipe and how to tie the bean boots are my current favorites! I have been watching your video how to tie a silk scarf too! I found your blog through instagram. I just immigrated here in 2011, didn’t know anyone and just got a new iPhone. It was a lot of adjustment and free time. Also i was trying to know what my sense of style was and found that i really liked yours! I was a girl coming from a tropical country with zero idea how to dress in a fall weather. I especially love your fall outfits. My special memory of you is… i came to try and meet you in Chicago! I briefly saw you because i came late and you were heading out but i sent my husband first at vineyard vines and he has a pic to prove it! Up to this day my friends who follows you too and i cant believe he went up introduced himself and got a picture!

Mary R

My favorite posts are those where you open up about personal struggles. It’s reassuring to hear that some one else is going through some of the same things I am experiencing. I also love the posts where you share the backend of blogging. It’s so interesting to learn about how the industry works.
PS I am obsessed with Margaux shoes- I have a pair of the custom fit flats and they are a game changer!

Kelly F.

Congratulations on 10 years! I’ve been following along for about two or so years now, and I find myself opening your blog page right up every morning to start my day! Thank you for your consistency, your voice, and your style!

Beth Chappell

I first discovered your post showing your dorm room from 2009! It was 2010 and I was searching for ideas for my sophomore year dorm and a picture of your Pink & green dorm fell into my search and I loved it, I then read tons of your posts from the past and would check in for new posts every few weeks. 8 years later and I have Carly the Prepster pinned to my home screen and I read your post every morning while drinking my coffee before work. My favorite posts are on Fridays 🙂 Congrats Carly, 10 years is amazing!!

Madison Smith

I don’t remember how I found your site but for the past 3 years every day at some point I have read your posts. Being 20 years old you made me feel okay with the ups and downs of life and helped me with my own failures in college. Your blog is a space that feels safe in a world that feels like all bad news. Happy 10 years!! Congrats!

Lizzie D

I don’t remember how I found your blog but i’ve been enjoying it for years. You always have great tips and have helped me find some items that I love. I know from your posts that it hasn’t been easy to have your life out there. Thank you for doing it. Favorite recent posts: Paris Trip and Gal Meets Glam dresses.

Anne Caverly

I haven’t been a reader for 10 years. But it’s been at least 8. Your blog is the first thing I open in the morning. I’ve loved watching you grow and change. I still google the old posts to find ideas and memories. I’d love to see a post including all of your favorites over the last 10 years!

Congratulations on this monumental achievement!

Heather Cook

Congratulations on 10 years! I started following around September 2010 and have been a daily reader ever since! I was in college during the time that you were as well, and your posts on study tips was so helpful! It’s awesome to have followed your blog for so many years, and watch how it has grown! Congratulations! <3

Jen Cody

Congrats on ten years of blogging! It is crazy for me to think about the fact I have been reading every day for almost 6 years! I remember finding your Instagram account from one of those follow this blogger and then this blogger to enter a giveaway. I loved your Instagram account and later made me love your blog because you are so relatable and down to earth that I feel like you are one of my close friends. I talk about you all the time to my friends and they have to remind me that I don’t actually know you. Thank you and looking forward to another 10 amazing years to come!


This really is an epic giveaway!

I found your blog about a year ago through Julia’s Gal Meets Glam blog. I love how open and honest you are. Reading your posts is like reading a friend’s blog – not just another run of the mill fashion blog!

Rebecca Pilipowskyj

Mazal tov, Carly on 10 years! It’s crazy to think that I have been with you since my freshman year of college! Cheers to many, many more!


Congratulations!! I found “college prepster” in 2011 while trying to find a good planner for college. 7 years and multiple Lilly planners later you’re still part of my morning routine! Happy anniversary Carly, here’s to many more


I came upon your blog during your levo days. I was at my first job then too and it was so comforting to know someone was moving at the same frantic pace. Thanks Carly!

Elizabeth Hails

I followed your blog from college, to grad school, and now (almost its entire existence)! Congratulations on 10 years!


I’ve been following since I was a senior in high school and am now 25. Loved all your outfits of the days post when I was really trying to find my style


Congratulations on 10 years! Your blog is the first blog I ever read. At the time I didn’t even know blogging was a thing. I’ve been hooked ever since. One of my favorites is the cake pop one with your mom. I could never get the cake pop thing right until I followed that video. Can’t wait to see what you’ll do in the future.


I found your blog when another blogger linked to it when you were moving out of the city, and I have been following along ever since!

Amanda Silva

Congratulations!! I started reading your blog while at Georgetown (I graduated a couple of years before you though) and my mom now also reads regularly!

Samantha VanInwegen

I found you when I was in high school and I’ve been reading you ever since! My mom and sister also love to read your blog.

Kavita Gupta

1) Congratulations on 10 years, I haven’t been at a job for 10 years but I bet it is super gratifying especially when it’s one you created for yourself
2) Thank you for writing both sponsored content and real life. Your real life posts are my favorite and perhaps grautaying in 2013 myself, I feel like I resonate strongly with where you are at and how you respond to those situations
3) thank you for thinking of your readers and doing a give away on your major moment/milestone especially with high quality brands that are quintessential Carly! (#margaux)

I hope you had a great holiday with your family and I can’t wait to hear from you, Maxie, and Lou in the upcoming year.


Congrats on 10 years! I originally started following because one of my college friends grew up in Tampa. You’ve provided a great way for me to see her hometown!

Christina Swigart

Cannot believe I have been reading almost as long as you have been writing! I feel so lucky to have “grown up” with you – because I’m a couple years younger than you are, I always felt like I could come here for advice. While I’ve always loved the organization and home tours, I think your posts on anxiety and battling it are my most read. You were posting your experiences before people really became comfortable talking about mental health, and helped me recognize my own anxiety. Over time, Headspace, going to the gym regularly, self care — and therapy! — helped me set down some of the plates I felt responsibility for keeping spinning.

Biggest of congratulations to you – will keep reading as long as you are happy writing!


Carly, I’ve been following your blog for several years now (thanks to my mom!). I mainly used your blog for outfit ideas, but through your blog I’ve been able to travel the world and experience NYC (I’ve never been!) with you. I’ve found myself identifying with you on a personal level. We’re about the same age and I also have struggled with anxiety (I personally know how dark those dark places can be). I’m so happy that you have been able to find a wonderful creative outlet through this blog! Can’t wait to join you for another 10 years 🙂


You are my favorite blogger. I’ve been reading since high school, probably 5 or 6 years. I read your blog every day, it’s my favorite thing to do in the morning. Thank you for making the world a happier space!

Marjie E

Can’t believe I’ve been following you for over 5 of those 10 years! I remember reading your posts every night in college at midnight as soon as they posted and now I read them first thing in the morning at work! PS I bought the Don’t Lose your Cool game for my family after seeing yours play it at Thanksgiving. It was the funniest thing ever, I was crying laughing.


I wish I could remember how I found your blog! All I know is that it was one of the first blogs I read, back when you were still in college. Congrats on 10 years!

Juyoung Shin

I haven’t been reading your blog for ten years but ever since I started reading when I was in college, it’s been a daily read for me. I trust your judgment and admire your authenticity and consistency. I hope you keep blogging for a long time!

Alexandra P.

Oh my goodness! What a sweet post and a wonderful story of your 10 years of blogging. I’m a long time follower but don’t comment very often – another way that blogs have changed over the years! It’s so much easier to “engage” on instagram than on blogs now. The things we used to consider commonplace (entering an email address and a name) now seem like too much of a hassle. It makes you wonder what will change in the next ten years, no? Thank you for all the hard work you’ve put in to this blog. I’ve so enjoyed reading it!


Congratulations on 10 years! I moved to New York for my first job a year before you did, and came across your blog when I was trying to find some calm and sanity in a crazy, hectic city. Even though I never would have considered myself “preppy”, I’ve always found your content to be the best balance of aspirational and authentic. I appreciate what you do, and thanks for helping me find a refuge in the whirlwind of NYC.

Lauren G

Congratulations on 10 years, Carly! I found your blog way back in the day through a post on Classy Girls Wear Pearls. While I’m a few years older I feel like we’ve grown up together and while we are in very different lines of work I can identify with a lot of your triumphs and struggles. You have inspired more than a few outfits (including the dress I wore in my engagement photos!) and I continue to look to your blog as a reliable resource for classic style.


It’s been so long that I’m not positive, but I *think* it was through Mackenzie’s Design Darling blog.

jordan @ dancing for donuts

just reading this made me want to cry happy tears for you, girl!! i’ve been reading your blog for SO long now – i started reading them back when i was a sophomore (i think we’re the same age!) and then started my own in 2011 just as an outlet when i moved across the country. it’s amazing to see how far you’ve come and i wish you all the best for the next 10 years with your business, blog and brand!! Happy Anniversary!


I have been an every day morning reader of yours for the better part of 4 years. You have become a part of my daily routine – get to the office, get coffee, and read your blog before answering emails. I want to say thank you. Thank you for giving me a morning outlet to focus on something but the daily stresses of life. Even the simplest posts make me smile and get me day dreaming about the next outfit I’ll wear or next vacation I’m going on. Thank you for making yourself so relatable. I actually went to college at the same time as your sister and had a lot of mutual friends with her, so it’s easy for me to feel like I “know” you and your family. But the biggest reason for that is because of how you present yourself to your readers. You have become our friend, and sometimes our mentor. Thank you for sharing your hardships and anxieties. I started Headspace because of you and my life is better because of it. I know it can’t be easy having so many people pry into your personal life and relationships, but you handle that with so much grace. Thank you for being our friend. Cheers to 10 years and hopefully many more.

Joanna Mulvey

Happy Anniversary! I started reading back in 2013 (the summer after my freshman year of college), and I’ve stopped in every morning since. Thanks for putting your heart and soul on the line for your readers and followers day after day — we appreciate it!


Hey Carly! I’ve only been reading for a couple of years now but your blog quickly became one of my very favorites. I love you consistency, transparency, and classy style! Congratulations on this huge accomplishment!


I’ve been following for a almost 8 years now. I definitely found you through the study tips while searching for some in college. My favorites posts though are the vacations posts and the family holiday posts! Thanks for bringing me daily inspiration and happiness through the blog. Can’t wait to see what’s next for you!

Jill B

I cant believe its been 10 years! I started reading in 2009 when I went to college and haven’t stopped since! It has been amazing to see your style grow over time and your personality shine!


Wow! So thankful to have found you and walked alongside some of these big moments!! Congrats!!

Katie W

Congrats on 10 years! I am so glad you stuck through the rough spots as I have loved reading your posts for the last few years. I think my favorites are your personal posts as you write them as if you are talking to a friend. Also, your book recs, keep them coming please 😊 Congrats again!


Congratulations on 10 years of blogging!!! I’m excited for the next 10! I don’t remember how I found your blog at this point, I’ve been reading for a very long time (since you were at Georgetown). There are so many posts that I have loved, and I couldn’t choose just one. A few that stand out off the top of my head are about your hair styling process (changed the way I blow dry my curly hair), your travel posts, all the fun things you do with your family (like the dive in theater), and your YouTube videos. I really appreciate how you have shared the good and the bad with such grace and poise—it’s not easy, I’m sure.


Carly I’m so happy for you! It seems hard to believe it, but I’ve been following you for almost 5 years! I remember sitting in my own college dorm stumbling across your blog! I have always been impressed with your writing and posts. Unlike some bloggers, you seem so down to earth and I often feel like we are friends without even meeting you. Congrats!

Sophie Kahler

Wow, 10 years!! I’ve been reading your blog since I was in seventh grade and I’m now a sophomore in college — it’s interesting to reflect on how much I’ve changed as well. Fun fact: my cousin met you in Charleston and got you to sign a graduation card for me and it was such a sweet gift that I’ve kept since then. Looking forward to what you do next!

Katherine K

I found TCP when I was moving into Georgetown my freshman year. I had so much nervous energy in the hotel room the night before move-in that I just started googling Georgetown and found your blog (you had just announced you were moving to CT). I’ve been a loyal reader post-college and look forward to your posts. Congrats, Carly!

Molly R.

Carly, I think one of the best parts about your blog is the fact that you describe your challenges and how you have dealt with them. I’m sure it’s been a source of light and strength for many readers over the years.

Elizabeth S

This was such a beautifully written post, congratulations on ten years! I discovered your blog through a friend in middle school who knew I would share your affinity for all things classic and preppy, and boy am I glad she knew me so well! You and your blog have provided me with inspiration in countless situations over the course of my middle and high school careers, and now into my first year of college. Not only have I been able to carefully cultivate countless outfits that made me feel confidence I’ve never experienced before, but I’ve been inspired by your hard work, dedication to your readers, and love for your job. Your blog is the first thing I read every morning and it has become one of my favorite parts of the day. Thank you so much for this little corner of the internet!!

Rachel S

Congrats on 10 years, you should be incredibly proud of your accomplishment. My favorite post was when you discussed how helpful meditation and Headspace had been for your anxiety. It inspired me to meditate.

Jackie M

Congrats! I think I’ve been with you since your sophomore year! You are one blog that I pop on each day to check in. Much love!


I cannot remember how I first found your blog, but I’ve been reading for a long (long!) time. I remember when you were in Teen Vogue and thought that was such an amazing accomplishment. Congrats on 10 years!


I remember having a blog (briefly) back in college also and was always a big fan of your work. Congrats on your 10 year anniversary! Keep up the awesome work 🙂

Sydney Smartt

Hi Carly! Congrats on hitting the 10 year mark! That’s a huge achievement and something to be so so proud of. I started reading your blog a couple years ago, after a friend mentioned following you. Now, every morning before work, I pull up you blog and read the newest post. But my favorite post of yours is the On My Radar ones. I love reading the things that caught your attention for the week, whether its a cute piece of clothing, or a funny video. Thank you for all you do and congrats Carly on this big achievement!!

Ashley B

Congratulations Carly! This is so exciting! I started following you as a freshman in college, and have so enjoyed following you. I have used your advice on so many different areas of my life. You’ve helped me develop my own sense of style, and feel confident going out into the “real world”. Thank you so much for being honest and open. I can’t wait to see what the next decade brings!


Congratulations on the 10 years! I was so happy to find a blog by someone that also loves Lilly, Kate Spade, Subaru’s and dogs. Thank you for sharing with your audience. I always look forward to reading your blog with my first cup of coffee!
(I originally found your blog after searching for Lilly Pulitzer after party sale tips.)


Congrats on 10 years! You should be so proud of your blog and the community you’ve built through it. I stumbled across your blog while living in Asia about five years ago and attempting to blog myself. Ever since, Carly (College) the Prepster has been a daily read for me, and often the first thing I read once I get to work (sorry, work!). Congrats!


Happy 10 years! I found your blog back in 9th grade when I was having a really rough time adjusting to a new school. Reading a new blog post was a highlight of my day! It was so nice finding a blogger with a similar sense of style/personality as me!

Megan H.

Do you think you could ever have a “real job” again after all this time, and if so, what kind of job?

Emily C

Hi Carly! Happy Anniversary! I started reading your blog sometime after you went full time with it. After reading your anniversary reflection the thing that stuck with me most is that because you came to blogging so early, your blog will always be there. Social media may come and go but Carly the Prepster will be there for you. Which makes me think of your blog like an old friend, referring back to it for fashion advice, a good story, a fun recipe, travel tips, you name it, it’s probably here. One of my favorite posts, was when you came back from Tampa after Christmas 2016. I remember it was a very difficult time in your life and through the darkness I felt like it was the start of something great for you, which it was as we learned throughout 2017 and 2018. I had just recently gone through a difficult decision as well as some other life transitions in 2016 that pretty much consumed my life from January to July. I was miserable and yet somehow that summer I turned a corner and really found a way to come out from all the hardships I faced earlier in the year. By time January 2017 came around, reading about you, I felt like I wasn’t alone having just gone through something myself. And as the year when on, I felt like I was constantly saying, “good for you!” or “that’s great, Carly!” as I read your blog in the morning because I was so happy to see you back and overcoming your obstacles. Additionally, I love all your Meesh posts. I love seeing the mother daughter dynamics and your similarities but also your differences. It makes your blog even more relatable. Basically I love all your posts where I’m able to say, “me too.” Thanks for all your memories and stories through the years! Now go open a bottle of bubbly!


Congratulations Carly! I’ve been following your blog since I was in college (8 years now) and feel like I’ve grown up with you. Such an amazing milestone!

Mollie Moran

Hey Carly! I found your blog about six years ago when I was leaving for college. My favorite post is your “On My Radar” I still wake up a few minutes early for work and read it. Keep up the good work!


Sitting here now I’m realizing that I started following you when we were both in college (has it really been that long?!). Congrats on making the 10 year mark!

Becca Kuhn

I found your blog when I was in undergrad. I continued to follow through grad school and getting my first job. I’ve read other blogs but yours has always been my favorite and one that I read religiously.

Liz C

Congratulations on 10 years!! I’ve been reading and following you since about 2009. I had moved to the East Coast for college and felt underdressed my entire freshman year. I found your blog when I was searching for guidance navigating the sartorial waters of east coast prep, and have been following you ever since. I think it might’ve been a post you did about bean boots. I’ve never commented before, but reading your blog is a part of my everyday morning routine.


Congrats Carly!!! Love reading, and love your collabs with Julia! Off to read that sleeve roll post now ❤️


Congratulations on 10 years! I am so glad I was introduced to your blog. I had been following Julia for a while (I think I first saw her on pinterest?!) and I believe at one point she had a list of bloggers she loved. I remember taking a quick look at each of them but when I got to yours I spent hours going through your past posts. I was hooked and have looked forward to reading your blog every day since!

Zoe Jackson

Congratulations on ten years, Carly! From the study skills post (which is how I found you, of course) to now, reading your blog has been part of my everyday routine for the past 5 years. You’ve inspired me to get organized, travel more, and even start a blog of my own. Here’s to 10 years and hopefully 10 more!


Wow!! What journey you have had- I am so happy you took that step ten years ago- my days wouldn’t the the same without my little bit of Prep in the morning:)

Georgia Payne

I have loved reading your blog for over 5 years! You have so much wisdom you’re willing to share! Thank you:)

Jessica S.

You were one of the first blogs I discovered many years ago! I still fold my sleeves the “J.Crew way”. Congrats!


Happy 10 years! My favorite posts are probably the “real life” posts – those about breakups, moves, family. And Insta-stories with Meesh!


Congratulations! This is a huge milestone. I’ve been following for years, but I became even more of an avid follower after you got Teddy (then Hamilton) because I have a dog almost exactly Teddy’s age and I loved reading your posts about him so I didn’t feel like my struggles with my own dog were that crazy. I can’t wait to see what the next ten years bring!

Kelly Johnson

I’ve been reading your blog since 2012! I feel like I’ve grown up along with you and so appreciate everything you have shared here. Congrats on 10 years of blogging!

Kate Zimmerman

I’ve been following along since college – we’re the same age and it’s been SO fun to grow up together. To go through the good and the bad and to know that I’m not alone!

Kelly B

Congrats on 10 years! It’s so crazy how social media has changed so much. I started following you around 8 years ago – I saw you post something Tampa related on Tumblr and then I was hooked!

Mali F.

Congratulations on 10 years, wow! I’ve been a long-time reader/lurker and have pulled much inspiration from your looks, gift ideas, and more.

Caroline Forrest

Hi Carly!
I appreciate your blog and all of the thought and time you put into it, especially this 10-year reflection piece. I first discovered your blog on Pinterest, and it was with one of your college studying posts. (I’m addicted to reading studying/organizing blog posts!) While I read just about all of your content, my favorite post was “Goodbye Connecticut, Hello…” I like this one the most because it must’ve taken a great deal of faith, confidence, and determination to move. As a college senior in a committed relationship, I’ve thought about moving in with my S/O, and can only imagine the joys & challenges it brings you. Hopefully the same determination and trust will rub off on me! Stay true to you, and thank you for 10 years!

Kyle H

Congrats on 10 years!!!! I found your blog in my quest to be all things preppy…needless to say, I’ve grown out of that! Thank you for being an example of hard work and vulnerability in an online space—I’m grateful to have grown up alongside you!

Kelly Nugent

Congrats on your 10 year! How exciting! I was introduced to your blog by one of my friends. We met a couple of years ago in Bible Study. We just moved to a new city and didn’t know anyone. Now, she’s one of my best friends and we bond over your blog! Here’s to more years of your successful blog, the memories along the way and friendships! Thanks, Carly!

Faith Schanck

So inspiring!!! I absolutely love reading your blogs because I find it so easy to related to you. You also talk about things people don’t talk about across social media which is what drew me to you in the first place. Keep doing what your doing and Happy 10!


Congrats on 10 years! You should be so proud of your blog and the community you’ve created with it. I stumbled across your blog about 5 years ago while living in Asia and attempting to create one myself. Ever since, Carly (College) the Prepster has been a daily read for me ever since. Congrats!

Hannah S

Congrats, Carly! I found your blog while searching for style inspiration during my freshman year of college. 7 years later, still following!


Carly! Congrats on this milestone. I’ve enjoyed reading your blog since I was a freshman in college – 2011. Best of luck as you head into this next chapter.

Caroline Forrest

Hi Carly!
While I originally discovered TCP via your college & organization posts on Pinterest, my favorite post so far was “Goodbye Connecticut, Hello…” because it must’ve taken a great deal of faith, confidence, and determination. As a college senior in a committed relationship, I’ve considered moving in with my S/O and I can only imagine the joys & challenges it must bring! Just like in this post, I appreciate all of your sincerity in everything you do. Stay true to you and congrats on 10 years!

Julia :)

Congratulations on 10 years Carly!! I don’t remember exactly when I started reading your blog but I’m thinking it was sometime around 2010 when I started college! Now I’m long out of school but still check in almost daily! Thank you for being you and keeping it real in your writing! The posts I love the most are always the personal and lifestyle ones because I feel like we get to know you as a friend! Have a great new year!

Marcella Martinez

So many feels! We are about the same age and I was introduced to you through Pinterest but don’t remember the post. I have followed you ever since and was so addicted that I went back to your very first post. I started following you in 2009/2010 (I think) and you have always reassured me that I’m on ‘the right path’ as our lives mirrored similar struggles/challenges around the same time. Congrats on 10 years!


I’ve been reading your blog for years. Your style posts have been a huge inspiration for trying to create a style for myself, especially as a working mom.


I found your site while in college because I wasn’t sure I was happy there. Since then, our big life changes have lined up more than a few times and it’s like talking to a friend in a similar situation to read your posts!


Congratulations Carly! I’ve followed various blogs over the years, but yours is hands down my tried and true favorite. I deeply appreciate your authenticity to your readers and your style is always so beautiful and classic – I love it! Some of my favorite posts have been your life update posts and recipes (Also I loved when you did vlogs on YouTube for a short time.)! I found your blog back in 2012 during outfit inspiration searches on Pinterest. Can’t wait to continue reading – Cheers!

Jennifer Basom

Carly, How cool that you have been blogging for 10 years! I started following you around when you went full time and I read your blog daily. I think one of my favorite posts was the one about breakups. I think because it was so raw and relatable. I don’t remember how I found you but I am sure glad I did! Congrats on 10 years! Jennifer Basom
[email protected]

Kimberly Pultz

I’ve followed your blog for a couple years now and I love your content, both stylized and real. I also genuinely enjoy when you and Mesh are on your Instagram stories together, lol. Keep up the great blogging!

Nikki Rossetti

Carly! I’ve been following you since my 2010(ish). At different points, I’ve followed many different blogs, but yours is the only one that has been in the mix from the very beginning and remains a constant fixture. I am exactly the same age as you – well, one day older, to be exact – and it’s been so fun to grow up with you and reach a lot of the same milestones around the same time. Keep staying true to yourself. I love watching you grow and change.

Julia P

Congratulations on 10 years Carly!! I don’t remember exactly when I first started reading your blog but I think it was sometime around 2010 when I started college! Now I am long out of school but still check in almost daily! Thanks for being you and keeping it real in your writing 🙂 my favorite posts are always the personal and lifestyle ones because I feel like we get to know you like a friend! Keep being amazing and have a great new year!

Sofia M.

Congratulations Carly! I have followed you from Uruguay for a long time! It0s very inspiring how you have made a career out of doing what you most enjoy and keeping it real. Especially combining all the available platforms nowadays to make it more interesting and easy to keep in touch. Keep up the great work and here’s to many years more!

Gillian Greco

I can’t remember how I found your big, but I’m so glad I did! I appreciate your honesty, fashion advice, and I’m loving your posts about your fitness journey. Congrats on 10 years!


Congrats Carly! I’ve been reading your blog for a few years now and it’s such a breathe of fresh air. Cheers to ten more!

Jay B

I first found your blog when I was researching reviews on barbour coats in college! I started following because your style so closely resembles mine. I kept following when I moved to New York because you had moved to Hoboken and now I’m in law school I still find your beauty, reading, and style recs so useful. I also found some of my favorite brands through your blog, like gal meets glam and tuckernuck. Thanks Carly!


My favorite posts have been your posts about Nantucket. I cry whenever I watch the video you made from this summer!

Lucy M.

Found the blog after moving to NYC and still reference it for classic style inspiration 7 years later! Congrats on a great run

Sydney C

I started reading your blog a couple years ago when I started the college application process and I’m now a junior in college! Congratulations on ten years Carly!!

Cassie Falat

Congratulations on 10 years! I honestly cannot remember the first post or reason I started reading years and years ago, but I never miss your posts. I have dropped off reading a lot of other bloggers in the last two years, but I always look forward to your posts in my inbox and your posts/stories on insta. Thank you for always being honest about yourself and for showing when times are tough. You are such an inspiration! I hope you do something for yourself today to celebrate!

Emma Potter

I was getting really into outfit building on pinterest. One day, I saw a picture with someone with the cutest black plaid skirt on (you), so I repinned it. A few minutes later, I found another one and another one. I ended up pinning over ten of your outfits, and wanted to know who this person was. So i clicked the picture and found this blog. I followed you on instagram, pinterest, and signed up to get emails from the blog. Ever since Summer of ‘16, I’ve been reading!

Alison Jones

Congrats Carly! I’ve been reading your blog for years. I started reading it when I got to AU in DC, and I related to a lot of your college posts, as well to the fact that I’m also from Florida. You have and continue to be one of the only blogs that I read regularly. I love your personal style, but I also appreciate your ability to be honest on your blog and share more personal aspects of your life (as you see fit). I’ve used your recommendations for travel, and for gifts and for everything in between. Can’t wait to see what comes next. Cheers!


Congrats on 10 year!! It’s crazy to think that I’ve been following you for about 8 of those years now. It’s crazy to see how much we’ve both grown and I’ve absolutely loved watching you grow and mature and find your voice through the process. You’ve introduced me to some of my favorite brands, helped style me for countless events and have overall been what I look forward to having in my mailbox every day. I think some of my favorite posts of yours have been the Holiday themed ones and the ones that involve Meesh! It’s nice to see you and the fam working together. Thanks for all that you do and I hope I can keep reading your content for the next 10 years to come!


I love following along with your blog and everything you have to offer! 10 years – wow!

Heather Watts

Congratulations! 10 years is an awesome accomplishment. I always enjoy reading your post and appreciated your consistency and content. Thanks for all you do!

Lindsay C.

Loved following along the last ten years! I’m also a Georgetown grad (same year as you!) and have really enjoyed seeing your life on campus and how you have grown and progressed since then!


Hi! Just entered rhe giveaway. I found your blog through Julia’s blog who I found through Pinterest. I live about 20 min from NYC and I’m a mom to 3 boys. I love the outfits you post because I can wear them for work or weekend ( with children in tow!) Plus all the other features ( book reviews, things to do in the city) are life enhancing! Congrats on your 10 years!


I can’t believe it’s been ten years. Congrats!
I remember being in college when I found your blog, I had been looking for a way to keep all my cords in order. You had these binder clips with the cords through them. It was such a lifesaver back then

Christina Larigan

I can’t remember how I found your blog, but I have been following you since almost the very beginning. I’ve always loved your content and your honest voice & point-of-view. And, after all this time your blog is the one blog that I still read – daily – and I look forward to 9 pm pst to read your latest post. Cheers to you and for many more years of success, whatever that may look like! 🙂


Congrats on 10 years!I have been a follower for many of them and love your candid attitude toward life and your consistent recommendations on style, organization and so much more! Xo


Congratulations! I found your blog when searching for information about the Lilly sale a few years ago, and reading it every day is one of my favorite morning rituals. I’m so happy you have decided to keep blogging for the foreseeable future.
Thank you for always providing such wonderful content,

Lauren Miller

Congratulations on making it to this amazing milestone!! I have followed you and your journey for the better part of this 10 years. It has been amazing to read and watch along. I appreciate how you never leave a message unanswered and take the time to interact with your followers. One of your recommendations, The Smith, from years ago is still my favorite restaurant in NYC. I can’t wait to continue to follow along on all your adventures!!

Lauren Gluck

OMG Carly, I am so proud of you! I have been following you for pretty much the entire time you have been blogging! I love how authentic you are, and how you don’t shy away from sharing the “real”parts of life. I am 29 as well and I love being able to navigate our life’s milestones together. Thank you for all of your posts, advice when I DM you, and for just being you!

Haylee M

Love reading about your journey! I look forward to reading your blog every morning before I truly start working.

Lauren Miller

Cheers on 10 years!! This is an amazing achievement, and I have loved following along for 8 years of it. Thank you for always responding to messages and being so kind to your readers!


Your blog was one of the first blogs I found when I moved to DC about 10 years ago. Congratulations

Bailey Johnston

Congratulations on 10 years! I found your blog through Instagram one day and so glad I did! I love to reference your blog for closet staples and unique gift ideas – you have been able to make such different content that is so great to reference time and time again.

Caitlin Honard

Congratulations!! I’ve been going back on forth with whether I should keep my blog (I’m feeling burnt out with it every 3 months, it feels like), but reading your story has kept me motivated. I don’t need to quit, I just need to shift. 🙂


Congrats! I found you maybe two years ago so I may be a new-ish reader. I found you after a recommendation from my friend, who sent me your way after your posts on meditation. I stayed for the classic style tips and real talk.

Caitlyn Simmons Flory

I have loved following this blog to learn of classic twists to modern trends. It has also become a platform for my friends across the world to stay in touch. “Did you see the coat that Carly posted today? It would look great on you!” “Let’s do a girls trip to the resort Carly and her sister just went to-it looked fabulous!”

Chloe Hubbard

Your blog has been such a joy for me to read over the years! I look forward to getting the email every morning and also love seeing your stories on Instagram. You’ve made everything seem more relatable. Thank you for a great 10! years!! My favorite post was the one about getting over a breakup. Your honestly in general in your posts has been beyond helpful.

Erin H

Congratulations on 10 years! I found your blog some years ago, but only became a daily reader in the past two years. Your blog is a breath of fresh air and a wonderful resource. Thank you for continuing to write when it was hard. It takes real courage to put yourself out there the way you do.


CONGRATULATIONS ON TEN YEARS, CARLY!!!!! I am so excited for you, and this big milestone. I remember searching something on Pinterest for outfit inspiration while in college. I found one of your pins, and completely fell in love with the outfit!!! I was new to Pinterest, and did not know that clicking on the pin would bring me somewhere else, like to your blog! I immediately starting reading your posts, and made it part of my everyday routine, it was like my version of reading the morning paper. Reading your blog made me feel more comfortable with myself, and my style. I have loved being on this journey with you!!

Thank you so so so much, Carly!!! Enjoy the rest of your holiday, and happy ten years!!

xoxo Libby


I still remember finding your blog when I was in 8th grade and amidst a very preppy phase. But one of the first posts I ever read was something like “Freshman 50 Jr.” and it had all these tips for high school. I was about to start school at Plant, and when I realized you had gone there I thought it was the coolest thing in the world like I had found this famous person from South Tampa too! Anyway, despite me not following through with my preppy phase, I still loved your blog and read it pretty much everyday and I’m in my second year of college now.


this is incredible!! I remember meeting you earlier this year in ny for Maxie’s book tour and just in awe of the fact that you didn’t quit when being faced with such nasty people — to know that you pushed through to make it to the 10 year mark and let yourself think about it is really an incredible mindset. Thank you for sharing your life tips (and style of course) for the past 10 years! It’s meant so much to so many people 🙂

Hannah Barnes

Carly! Congratulations on your 10 year anniversary! I originally found you through Instagram (I think via KJP). I told my friend I wanted to start dressing “Preppy” and she told me I needed to pick some people that embodied my fashion sense and you were one of my picks. After that I started a blog of my own to share my travels and outfits. Thank you for inspiring others through your journey!

Hannah Barnes

Traci D.

Congratulations on 10 years! I’ve been reading for the past few years, but I kind of wish I had found your blog while I was in college because we’re around the same age (I just turned 30 over the summer, and I really struggled my freshman year as well). I look forward to reading your posts–from fashion to coping with anxiety–every single morning while I sip my coffee. 🙂 It was also particularly fun to read your blog while you lived in Stamford because I actually live there too, haha. Anyway, cheers to all you’ve done to make this blog what is over the years!


Wow congratulations Carly! I think I found your blog sometime in 2015-2016 but I can’t actually remember 😉 but I do remember that I was bored over Christmas or summer break and I googled good blogs to read. Your’s came up with a few others and I have never looked back. I used to love that you had your own app!

Sarah Kennedy

Congrats on 10 years! Can’t believe it’s been that long. I think I found your blog during year 2 and feel like I’ve grown up with you! Loved getting to “go through” life with you! Thanks for always being real and authentic. It’s easily one of my favorite parts of your blog!

Carrie Christensen

Happy 10 years! I have been following along for about 6 years. I can’t remember how I found your blog – probably Instagram but I have really enjoyed following along. When I read your blog I feel I’m talking to a friend & everything feels so genuine. That is something I really appreciate about your writing. Hope you had a good holiday!


Carly! So proud of you! Ive been following you since i was in high school and now I’m about to apply for jobs and you feel like an older sister! Lots of love from NC!


My favorite post you have was from Dec. 22, 2017. It was an on my radar post and was the best Christmas post. I love skiing so the picture just brought me back to when I would ski with my family. Also, the on my radar recommendations were amazing too!

Renata Kingsbury

Congrats on 10 years! It’s so crazy how so many things can change and still stay the same.

Amy B.

Congratulations on 10 years, Carly! I’m a fairly new reader, finding you through Julia’s blog (if I remember correctly, a post about an apple picking trip a year or two ago?). I have always loved how relatable and down-to-earth you are on your blog and in social media. Although I’m a few years older, following your style over the last couple years has inspired me in so many ways, most importantly to clear out my closet and start investing in timeless, quality pieces that I love and make me feel more put together even when I’m just wearing jeans, a t-shirt, and ballet flats 😉

Hannah Barnes

Carly, congratulations on your 10 year anniversary! I remember telling my friend that I wanted to start dressing in “preppy” style. I had found your Instagram (via KJP I believe) so when she told me I needed to pick a few people that were my style inspiration- you were 1 of my choices. One of my favorite posts is actually “Wardrobe Staples”… I still have the pictures as screen shots on my phone because I needed major help in transitioning my wardrobe.. haha. Anyway, you are one of the big inspirations behind the blog I started to share travels, style, and any other thoughts. So I just want to say thank you for inspiring others, like me, through your journey!

Julia Marie

Congratulations on your ten-year anniversary! I remember finding your blog my junior year of high school, you really have been an inspiration. I admire your honesty, and the authentic voice that shines through everything you write. Best of luck with everything going forward!


Congrats on 10 years, Carly! What an amazing accomplishment. I can’t remember how exactly I found your blog my one of the first posts I saw was when you did the outdoor movie! Since then I’ve read almost every one! Can’t wait to see what’s next for you in 2019!!


Meg Finnegan

I have been following you since I graduated high school! That was 2012 and I still read your posts every day. I love how honest and inspiring you are with your readers. Congratulations on 10 years!

Ashley Cecere

Carly, CONGRATULATIONS! You are one of the main inspirations for my blogging journey. I discovered your blog when I was in college…so about 2010. The most unforgettable moment for me was when you rebranded to the tortoiseshell color scheme and unveiled the new logo. It was the first time I had seen a rebranding and I LOVED it. SO HAPPY FOR YOU! Also…you got me obsessed with Tuckernuck.

Tracy Bach

Carly – congratulations on hitting your 10 year mark! I loved reading all your posts about real life day-to-day stuff plus following along on your workout/fitness journey!! So happy to for you 🙂


10 years is quite an achievement- it is hard to believe how much has changed in that time and how many bloggers I followed have since stopped!

Emily Grabarkewitz

Carly, I can’t believe it, congratulations on 10 years! I have been reading your blog for the last 6 years. I started reading when I was a freshman in college struggling to find my place and dealing with a horrible roommate situation. Thank you for all your inspiration and honesty! You always post such authentic content and it is such a refreshing oasis in the world of social media!

Abby R.

Carly, your blog is the first one I ever read, and I still come here daily for your posts! Congratulations on your milestone!


I found your blog while you were still in college (I was a few years out) and despite being older, I found myself relating to you and loving your style. Congrats on 10 years!

Samantha Scott

Hi Carly! I have been a fan of yours for as long as I can remember. I found you through Instagram and loved your affinity for life. You’ve done a wonderful job at staying true to yourself and not making others feel “less than” in the process. I feel that is something a lot of other bloggers could learn from you. I also love Headspace per your recommendation! Keep it up girlie – we love you!


I remember seeing the sleeve rolling on Pinterest long before I found your blog. Have been using it ever since.

Erica W.

Congrats, Carly! I started reading your blog when I started my first internship — I had no clue what to wear, and I loved following your fashion advice as a guide. I’ve continued following you and always appreciate your clear point of view, your honest opinions, and your sense of humor. Thanks for making this blog into an outlet for so many!

Elizabeth M

Congratulations! I discovered you via Instagram (I have a house on Nantucket) and pop in from time to time!


I remember seeing the sleeve rolling on Pinterest long before finding your blog. Now I read it daily.


Thanks so much for continuing to be here 10 years later! I’ve been a daily reader for around 7 years when I found your blog through a random Google search when I was going through the college hunting process. Something along the lines of “Georgetown student blog”. While I didn’t end up going to Georgetown, I have continued to read that blog I stumbled across every day since then! It’s been great having someone a few years older than me go through all the ups and downs of college, then jobs, and then adult life in general, and knowing somebody else has made it through to the other side.


Wow! So many great classic-wardrobe building pieces have been found thanks to you!! Congrats on 10 years!

Tara Farmer

I found your blog quite accidentally about 3 years ago, when I was looking for style ideas. I think I have read every blog post since! I love your sense of style and your insights on life in general. At 41 years old, I am older than your standard reader, but most things are still very relevant to me. That is an accomplishment! Bridging the age gap and making things relevant for all ages! I hope you keep blogging for many years to come! Thanks for sharing your passion and your insights with all of us! On a side note, I traveled to NYC earlier this month, and realized we were at Rockefeller center on the same day….it would’ve been so cool to meet you! I need to be more attentive next time! Haha!

World Traveler

Hi Carly! As someone who loves traveling, I always love seeing what you’re up to and where you’re headed next. Thank you for including budget pieces in your posts and keeping things affordable to us normal folk. Congratulations on 10 years! A decade is huge!

Rebecca Gartmann

Congratulations on 10 years! I found you when googling how to roll the JCrew sleeve and have followed ever since. Your blog has always been amazingly “real”and I have really appreciated all the post. By letting others in with the struggles and joys you have, as well attainable outfit styles- you been a very bright spot in my day. Thank you so much for all you share!

Elizabeth Ingham

Congratulations on 10 years! I’ve followed you through this blog journey and it’s always a highlight of my day to read your posts. Thank you for sharing so honestly with us, can’t wait for the next 10 years

Elizabeth B

Congratulations Carly!! I found your blog as an intern on the hill and you have since become one of the favorite parts of my day! Cheers to 10 more!

Emily R

Thank you for providing awesome content for 10 years! I have always loved following along and know I can count on you to provide good recommendations or honest reviews of products/places, etc. Congratulations on this anniversary! Here is to the next 10!

Christina Wabiszewski

What an amazing accomplishment! I have loved and followed your blog for years, and it’s the first site I visit when I sit down with coffee before work each day! Thanks for maintaining this bright little corner of the internet!

Sara R Albinger

Congratulations on ten years! What a milestone, you have so much to be proud of. Here’s to ten more!

– Sara

Elizabeth Waynick

Carly – regardless of the giveaway, I would have commented on this post. I found your blog very soon after you started. I’m two years older than you and feel like we have done a lot of growing up together. I remember posts like your election post, your breakup post, your anxiety post, your meditation post. The fashion is great, but I love the honesty you infuse into everything you write. It’s refreshing in a world that often seems fake. Best wishes to your next decade – wherever that takes you!


Your blog is my favorite. I’m so happy you kept going. I love to read it every morning it’s become part of my routine.

Yep I also remember when blogs were considered a big joke. Nobody respected blogs or bloggers, then slowly blogs became big business.

I now see blogs as online magazines and I kinda see bloggers like accountants, graphic designers, stockbrokers, nurses, and doctors, etc.

This “industry” has attracted a lot of talented people to become bloggers. I think way too many bloggers get anxious about no longer being the only one in their niche.

The world is a big place and the internet is a big playground. 🙂

McKenzie A.

Congratulations, Carly! I found this blog at a time when I most needed it in college and have been reading ever since. <3 Sending lots of love!


Congratulations Carly! I’ve been following along and reading for years, thanks for taking us on this journey with you xx


Congrats on 10 years of blogging! I’ve loved following along on your journey from college to NYC and beyond. I moved to NYC shortly after you did and your posts about the city were SO helpful in guiding me around. My favorite posts of yours were the ones about decorating your NYC apartment. I can def relate to living in small spaces but I know I can draw inspiration from you on how to organize and make a small living space look cozy and warm!

Morgan Rose

I have loved your blog for at least 5 years and love how it changes and evolves with you! I look forward to checking it every morning!


It has been such a blessing to read you since 2010 — when i first discovered your blog thanks to Pinterest.

I’m so happy you’re sticking with it and will continue to write for the next ten years!

Alexis Teevens

Yours is one of my favorite blogs to come back to. I went through a phase where I read TONS of blogs, and now, I honestly only check on 2 or 3, and yours is one of them. Congratulations!!

Victoria Gawel

Congrats Carly!! I still remember reading your blog in my college classes in 2012, I think I found your blog through Instagram or Pinterest! I had just joined a sorority, was introduced to Lilly Pulitzer and wanted to update my wardrobe. Your blog was a life saver! One of my fav memories was when I emailed you early this year about skiing, what I should bring and how I should keep up with some very talented skiers that make up my at the time very new boyfriend’s family. Well I survived that trip with some help from you and many others and now I’m moving from Philly to Alabama to close the distance with that guy! It’s been so fun following your blog and remembering where I was at that point in my life when I see old posts! So happy you let me and so many others be a part of your life! It’s been a fun time, can’t wait to see what the next 10 years bring.

Holly Rigby

So happy to have found your blog so long ago! I do feel like my life and yours have been progressing together as we both approach 30! Your blog post on Mont Tremblant several years ago made me put the mountain on my travel list. I went with friends last year and it was one of my favorite experiences of 2018. Congrats on 10 years!

Morgan Rose

Sorry if this is my 100th comment… It doesn’t look like it’s posting every time! But I love you and your blog and look forward to checking it every morning!


Congratulations!! What an amazing accomplishment. I have followed your blog for years, and I love the variety of topics you cover. My favorite posts are yours that discuss movies, as we seem to have similar taste! Thanks for all you do and for making one corner of the internet a happy, positive place to visit.


What an accomplishment! 10 years of creating and cultivating everything that sets your heart on fire. Congrats!


Congratulations on 10 years, Carly!!! I found your blog by chance and have loved reading it every day for years. Here’s to many more years!!

Tara F

I found your blog by accident about 4 years ago when I was looking for style ideas online. I was hooked! I’ve been following every post ever since! This is my favorite blog! I appreciate your sense of style and your wisdom! Thank you for sharing with us!

Molly Voss

Hi! I discovered your blog when I was a junior in high school in 2010. I’ve been obsessed ever since! I loved “growing up” with you and seeing style change. Thank you for being part of my morning routine, showing me so many great products, and bringing us all along your fun adventures!!

Michele Innis

Congrats on your 10 year anniversary. I started reading your blog about a year ago, and I read it most mornings while drinking coffee before I start my work day. Reading blogs like yours are something I look forward to in order to relax before starting a stressful day. Thank you!

Caitlin Donahue

Congratulations on 10 years! I’ve been reading your blog for years and love your posts- keep it up!

Katie T.

It’s hard to believe how long I’ve been reading your blog!! I don’t remember how I found you, but I *loved* the outfit mirror selfies you used to post when you still worked at Levo. Those stacked pearl & gold bracelets were to die for.

Lauren Goldstein

At this point I genuinely can’t remember when I started following you but I know for sure that you’re the reason I thought I could start my own blog! I used your Photoshop tutorials and articles about blogging to get started. Yours is still one of the only blogs I read daily!

Elise Steimle

I’ve been following your blog since I was 18 and a freshman in college (I’m now 26 and 4 years out of college and into my career!) I feel like I’ve truly grown up with you — through the ups and downs of college and adulthood — all just by reading your posts and following you on Instagram. I’ve followed lots of different people along the way but you’re the one person’s posts I’ve truly connected with and consistently followed throughout the entire time this social media/blogging bubble has blown up, and I think it’s because of how real and genuine you are. The kind of person you are really shines through, and for me, that differentiates you from everyone else out there who’s doing this same thing now. Thank you for sharing your journey through life with us over the last ten years!! You are amazing!!!


Congratulations Carly!! This is amazing and while I didn’t find your blog at the beginning I definitely have been an avid reader for 4 years. You have shared moments that really connected for me as someone who deals with the ebbs and flows of life. While I haven’t started my website yet- you pushed me to continue my love of baking and start in the New Year recording it as I learn!

Ali Koch

Carly! So glad you’ve kept this up for 10 years! I’ve been reading for about 7. My first post read was intense study tips, and I fell into your blog with a frenzy. You gave me that kind of motivation/inspiration on par with Rory Gilmore. Frankly, I’ve never been too much of a prepster, but still, year after year, I’ve been coming back because of your honest writing, your funny stories, your family [lol I know that sounds weird but still true!], and your determined personality. I feel lucky to read your blog, and can’t wait to see what comes in your future <3 You rock

Grace M

Congratulations!! Your blog is one of the things I think about as I decide to go freelance or not (as a success story!) So happy you’ll continue to be in this space. Celebrate yourself today — you’ve absolutely earned it!!


I’ve been following your blog since college (2012 grad) and most enjoyed your travel posts.

Caitlin Pond

This post makes my heart swell! I found your blog in college while I was trying to learn to study. Your study tips were great, but reading through your blog and learning that I wasn’t alone in struggling emotionally through college meant more than you can imagine. That was 2012, and I’ve often been a midnight or first thing in the AM reader since. I’ve looked up to you through the years at so many milestones. I’m never great at leaving comments, but know I’m here and I appreciate you. Happy anniversary!

Kaitlin Lowery

Congratulations on 10 years!! I have been following for the last eight years and always enjoy your posts!

Danielle B

Hi Carly, this is probably very random but wanted to share anyway. I loved your perspective on the Nordstrom anniversary sale this year. I was disgusted with the amount of product some bloggers were pushing. We live in an age where we are constantly being marketed to and it honestly gets incredibly overwhelming. You begin to not be able to differentiate between products you think are nice and products you actually want. Thanks for keeping it real and providing authentic content centered on products (among other things!) you truly believe in. Happy 10 years!

Alexandra Streifel

I found the College Prepster 4 years ago while looking for preppy outfit inspiration, and I’ve been checking daily as part of my routine ever since! It’s been exciting to grow alongside you, Carly!!

Shannon W

Hi Carly!! Long time reader here. Yours is the very first blog I ever started reading- I didn’t even know blogs existed until I found yours! I remember the pink and green background, so nostalgic. I think I found you by googling “preppy college style” or something like that and I have been reading ever since 🙂


Congratulations Carly! I’ve been reading your blog since 2014! It’s so amazing to see how much you’ve done. Keep doing what you’re doing! Love reading your blog!

Maisy Claudio

Proud reader since 2012! I wish you could fully understand the positive impact you’ve had on me!

Tatum Connell

I found “The College Prepster” through Pinterest. One day I was scrolling through it when a picture of a very preppy girl popped up and I absolutely loved the style! I began to follow her on Instagram as well where I have constantly loved looking through each cute outfit and each beautiful location.

Rachel M

Hi Carly,

First time commenter, but daily reader since 2010. One of my friends showed me your blog in a high school study hall, and I haven’t stopped reading since.

I’ve changed a lot since 2010 (went to college, got my first job, moved to DC, got another job, moved to NYC, etc.), but your blog has remained a constant in my life. You’re just a couple of years older than me, so reading your blog has always felt like getting advice form the best older sister. I’ve always truly appreciated your candor, your willingness to share knowledge, and your perspective.

Congratulations on this huge achievement, and thank you so much for sharing yourself with us for the last 10 years.


Congrats on your 10 years! I’ve been an avid follower for almost 10 years and you’re the only blogger who’s opinion I can count on! Can’t wait for the next 10 years!


Congratulations on 10 years! I have been reading your blog since college – maybe 8 years? I graduated in 2012 🙂 What an amazing accomplishment!

Melanie Meleney

Congrats, Carly! I’ve been following your blog since I graduated from Lafayette College in 2012. I was feeling really lost, I had no idea where I wanted to take my career after school but reading about your blog gave me a great escape. I loved your style then and still do now! It’s been really fun to watch your style evolve as we’ve both grown older (and closer to 30…eep!) Good luck with everything!

Claudia Gelles

Congratulations Carly!! I love your style so much!! You are so pretty! You kept coming up in my instagram suggested section so I decided to follow you. I hope that you keep blogging, and don’t let negative comments bring you down!

Jordan Peterson

I really feel like I’ve grown up with you, I was a year behind you in school but overall I feel like we’ve gone through similar struggles at similar times. I appreciate your vulnerability and honesty, keep being 100% you!!


I found your blog in college (a few years after you started) and it was the perfect time for me personally since all your early posts seemed to describe exactly what I was going through at the time. I remember you were the first blogger/person I didn’t know that I followed on Instagram! I feel like I have grown up with you and your blog and I am so glad to see it reach 10 years!

Natalie Riendeau

Carly, this is such a momentous occasion and I am so thrilled for you! Admittedly, I haven’t been following you since The College Prepster’s inception, but I’ve certainly been following for a few years (always love your content!). I hope that you always overcome that feeling to “give up” because I truly look forward to your posts. ♥️ Congratulations on 10 Years!!!

Madison Leonard

Been following along almost daily since college and all throughout law school. Thanks for all the inspiration and advice 🙂

Jane W.


Congratulations on 10 years of blogging! You are AMAZING! I remember reading your blog “The College Prepster” when I attended The University of Oklahoma (2009-2013). Your blog has been very inspirational and love reading your columns about Lifestyle. Everything from recipes to fashion to relevant books to travel and more… All of your advice has been inspirational! Please keep it up, would love to see what the future holds for you 🙂

Jamie Bergstein

Congrats on 10 years! I’ve been following for a long time and I’m thrilled for your success.

Ashlee Korlach

Congrats Carly! I can’t remember exactly when I started reading your blog regularly, but I definitely started following your Instagram when I was in high school — and I’m a senior in college now! I followed for your style but stayed for your honesty. Best of luck for whatever the next 10 bring you!

Emily Tebo

I found your blog somewhere around 2009 when my roommate told me about you! She had read your blog every morning up until that point, and we’d always have habit of saying something like, “Did you see Carly’s dress today?!” Six years removed from college and no longer sharing our tiny room, we still keep in touch and text about your posts regularly! Congratulations, Carly!

Lauren Brousseau

I found your blog several years ago when I fell in LOVE with the preppy style. I was a sophomore or junior in high school and was already longing to go to college even though I still had a few years ahead of me. I found your blog to be an inspiration and even started my own. I have grown past that blog now but now that I have gotten into the groove in my college life, I want to start blogging again. Thank you for being such an inspiration and a complete #GIRLBOSS


Congratulations on 10 years of amazing content! I truly value your insight into style and especially life! I particularly love your book, podcast and travel recommendations!


First of all, CONGRATS on 10 AMAZING WONDERFUL YEARS of blogging!! I’ve been reading your blog, sporadically at first, and then daily for mhmmm 7 years now! I feel like I started out reading your blog for the preppiness, but I stayed because of how real and down-to-earth you are. I have enjoyed watching you learn and grow and achieve so much these past 10 years and I can’t wait to see what the next 10 have in store for you! Cheers!

Laura H

congratulations on the anniversary! you were one of the first blogs I started following and i can’t believe it’s been ten years!

Julie from Austin

I don’t remember how I found you but I started following in 2012. Have really appreciated your honest posts on anxiety, meditating, and am so looking forward to that book ;). Also love the randomness of what’s on my radar – probably my favorite.

Laura G.

I’ve been a constant reader of you for the past three(ish?) years. Your blog was the first blog I actually started reading regularly for its content, and I still enjoy it to this day. I’ve noticed that an increasing amount of “bloggers” have (imho) slacked off on creating consistent content for their blogs and seem to devote more time to instagram, but I think that blog posts are much more engaging and personal, and I really enjoy seeing new content on them. That being said, I know to expect new and consistent content from you, and that is really nice 🙂 Thanks for what you do!

Megan C

Carly, congratulations on 10 years! I have enjoyed following your content for about 7 years now. I first heard of the College Prepster from a friend in Tampa and I have been hooked ever since! Thank you for being such a wonderful rolemodel for girls everywhere. It has been so fun to watch your evolvement over the years on various social media platforms. With the more recent Instagram stories, I feel like there’s even more of a personal connection. Thank you for your wit, humor, and smiling face! Here’s to another 10 years!


I am someone you recently found you. Recently as in the last year. What a great achievement to be here 10 yrs later and enjoying the relationship you have with your readers. Thank you for putting yourself out there and allowing others to be part of your life.

Mary Kane

Pretty sure I found you on Pinterest 6-7 years ago – have loved following along since then!


Congratulations Carly! I’ve been reading your blog every morning during my coffee/breakfast since I started college in 2013! I’m so excited for your milestone and can’t wait to see what you do next! Xo

Stephanie A-P

I love your blog so much Carly! While I definitely love your style posts, my favorites are always posts like these when you share your feelings behind the scenes of blogging. I can only imagine the stress of having such a public life(open to commentary), but I really hope you keep blogging!! <3

Megan C

Carly, Congratulations on 10 years! You have been such a wonderful role model for girls everywhere. I first started following you about 7 years ago after a recommendation from a friend from Tampa. I have been hooked ever since! It has been so fun watching your evolvement on social media over the years. Thank you for your wit, humor, and smiling face. Here’s to another 10 years! – Megan C

Catherine Hannum

Congratulations, Carly! I’ve enjoyed following your journey since my sophomore year of college (2010), and have checked in at least weekly if not daily since then. It’s been really fun to see how you’ve changed and to learn more about you through the years. You’ve been a great check in point for things ranging from style, to jobs, to dealing with stress, etc. Congratulations again! xxoo

Taylor Gwin

Carly, reading this I will admit, I got choked up once or twice. I also felt my heart swelling with pride for all you’ve accomplished! Like many of your readers, I tune in each day to start my day on a positive not. Because of this, I truly feel as if we are friends. I celebrated your wins alongside you, and am always amazed by the grace with which you handle low points. I started reading when I was early in my undergrad experience, because my best friend recommend your blog. (Fun fact: She and I attended UF, so when I was introduced to the College Prepster it was “This is the sister of a girl her at UF! Her name is Stacy, can you believe that?! What a small world!” 😂)
I followed you through the years, from your New York days, to your Connecticut days, and back to Hoboken. My favorite part of your content, writing, and posts this past year to year-and-a-half, is that you have been GLOWING. I can really tell as a long time reader that you have grown into your own in the past few years. You seem more confident, capable, happy, and strong than ever before. Even your style has evolved to being so wonderfully mature and simplistic, and I love it. You have become such a role model for me in the women I hope to become as I evolve through my 20s. Your love for yourself, you family, and your friends is inspiring. Thank you for continuing this journey and allowing each of us into your life. Congratulations on this milestone and I can’t wait to follow along as we find out what 2019 has in store!

tracy b

Congratulations Carly! 10 years is quite an accomplishment in this ever changing world of social media. At this point there are very few blogs I still read, but I check yours daily. Thanks for the inspiration and best wishes for continued success.

Bailey Sullivan

I have followed your blog for several years and love it! As a college student, it is so helpful to follow someone who is several “steps ahead in life” – you are an inspiration!! Thank you for your creative content and fresh ideas!!


It has been such a pleasure to follow your blog for the last 6 years! I started following when I was in college and found you through Pinterest with your intense study tips post. Now that I’m out of college, I love following along your daily posts as I drink my morning coffee! Congratulations on this incredible milestone!


Carly, congrats on 10 years! I’ve been reading your blog since high school and still enjoy it every day post college. I never comment but I’m always here! Congrats again and happy holidays.

Megan Hollander

Congrats on 10 years! What an accomplishment! I always enjoy reading your outfit posts, they give me a lot of inspiration!

Grace K.

I started reading when I was in high school! In college, reading your blog became part of my morning routine and I read religiously. I still read all your posts and know that I can count on your blog and instagram as a bright spot in my day! Thank you for sticking with it and keeping it personal! Congratulations

Zahraa Ansari

Carly, I feel like I grew up with you. I’m younger than you by just a year. I think “our moment” together was when you were going through your breakup and I was going through mine as well. That breakup post meant everything to me -it got me through so many days. Thank you!

Winifred Gibbons

Congratulations! I started reading in around 2010 or so when I was in college and your posts are still the ones I most look forward to reading!

Meredith R

Congratulations, Carly! I’ve enjoyed ready for the past several years and look forward to many more!

Alexa Marsh

Carly! Congratulations on 10 years of blogging that is absolutely amazing! I’ve only had my blog for a little under two years, but I love going back to my old posts to see what I was thinking and feeling at that time. It must be so amazing to be able to look back on your posts that you created ten years ago! I hope you had a very merry Christmas and have a very happy New Year. 🙂


Carly, it’s been so fun to read this blog over the last 10 years, its always been a source of knowledge when I found myself at similar crossroads over the years.

Thank you for being such a great role model !! And congratulations!!

Sarah Shaneyfelt

Congrats on 10 years!! I can’t remember how or when I found your blog but it’s been a few years ago. I was thrilled to finally find a blogger with whose fashion I actually loved and wore! I also loved (and still do!) that you wrote “real” content instead of just fashion-related.

Kelsey Brown

I’ve been following your blog since 2010/2011 and you’re what inspired me to create my own blog! Thank you for everything Carly! Without finding your blog, I would have never had the courage to start blogging.

Erica M

I loved the post(s) where you started owning your workouts & gym routine, especially when you lived back in CT. It was clear how much the routine, physicality, new friends, etc. boosted your life and filled you with pride. As someone who loves working out and gets those same workout “highs” it was so fun to see you build a routine and upgrade that part of your life!


Wow congratulations on ten years Carly! I can’t even remember when I first found your blog, but when I first started reading, I went back and read all the previous posts. My favorite posts have been when you talk about anxiety because I can relate, and also trip recaps because they’re so fun to read. Thank you so much for doing this giveaway!

Allison Owings

The post that sticks out to me most over the past couple of years that I have been following was the post when you announced the switch to Carly the Prepster! I loved the new name and the story of how it just happened, like it was always supposed to be Carly the Prepster!

Molly O'Connor

I have been reading your blog for SO LONG I don’t even remember how I found it! I do remember meeting you at NYC Create & Cultivate though 🙂 I also LOVE that you are still the one posting to instagram, writing your posts and answering those emails. That means a lot and says a ton about your character and passion! You’re such an inspiration!!

Renata Williams

Carly, you’re awesome! Love reading the weekly On My Radar posts, and you’ve definitely inspired my desire to go to Nantucket! Your clothing choices, camera filters…everything…are so carefully curated. Keep it up!

Bailey Carver

I found you through Pinterest. The Intense Study Tips post really set me up for success in college and more importantly it got me excited for my freshman year!

Thanks for being such an inspiration.


Congratulations on 10 years of blogging Carly. I discovered your blog when you first moved to NYC (so maybe 4 or 5 years in?) and went back and reread all of your posts from day one in the span of just a few weeks. You were the first blogger I started following and the inspiration for my own blog that I am still writing 6 years later. I look forward to your posts on a daily basis!


I discovered your blog as I was preparing to go off to college and have been an avid follower since! The variety of places you visit and topics you discuss makes your blog really special and a constant surprise. Thank you, and congratulations on achieving ten years with your blog!

Amanda J

Congratulations! I’ve followed your blog for a few years now and what I’ve always loved is your authenticity. It is refreshing and unique! Your content is some of my favorite in blogland!


This was like a walk down memory lane. Not that I followed you from the beginning, but just to read about how much society and social media have come. I had a techy bf at thr time and joined Facebook basically when it first started and it’s so strange to think about the changes since then.

Congrats on 10 years!

Claire Barnes

Congratulations on an incredible milestone! Your blog has been a huge source of inspiration, encouragement, and entertainment for me for a while now, and I wholeheartedly admire your creativity and honesty. It’s amazing to see how your words and experiences resonate with so many other amazing women as well!

Bri Stasiak

I started following in 2014 when you came to Buffalo to visit Tony Walker. Your blog was the first blog I started reading every day, and still is the one I keep up with! I don’t think I have missed a post since I started following (how crazy!). I can relate to so many posts and love finding new clothing pieces to save up for! You are my style icon! Effortlessly classy. Can’t wait to keep reading for the years to come (and can’t wait to see where social media takes the world). Happy 2019 🙂


Congrats! I’ve been reading for YEARS! I’ve always loved your gift guides, I somehow end up buying gifts for myself instead of for my family and friends!


10 years is NUTS! Congratulations! I’ve been a follower for most of that time. Everything I know about crew, I learned from reading your blog 🙂 You’ve also introduced me to so many products and lifestyle habits that I’ve loved. I don’t follow many bloggers and, if I do, it’s only for a few months at a time until I find someone else to follow. You’re the only blogger I’ve consistently stuck with and it’s definitely because of your awesome content and how real you are with your readers!

Congrats, again!

Nicole H

Congratulations on this milestone! I’ve been reading for at least 6 years, and I first found you on Pinterest (your “Intense Study Tips” post!).

Rachel R

Congratulations Carly! I am a huge fan of your blog and have been reading for close to 6 years. I love waking up and reading your posts. My all time favorite is your first post about Paris. My mom and I used your recommendations and had the best time! Thank you!

Diana Pearl

Massive congratulations, Carly! I’ve been reading your blog since the fall of 2011, and you’re always the first one I click on in Feedly (and previously, Google Reader! RIP, haha.) My memory isn’t specific, but when I started following you in 2011, I was a sophomore in college who was DYING to move to NYC after graduation. Not long after I started reading your blog, you graduated and moved to NYC. Seeing someone like you (who, like me, wasn’t from the New York area) make the NYC dream happen showed me it was possible. And in a practical sense, you taught me a lot about living in New York, like the best stores, restaurants (I definitely think you tipped me off to the Smith!) and neighborhoods (I ended up in Midtown East, but looked for an apartment on the UES!). What’s crazy is that now I’ve been living in New York for almost five years! So many bloggers had lives that didn’t feel applicable to mine, whether that was because they were constantly traveling and sitting front row at fashion week, or because they were just in a completely different life stage (married and living in the suburbs). It’s always been so nice to have a space like yours that I really felt like I saw myself in. Thank you for the past 10 years—I can’t wait to see what’s still to come!


Huge congratulations to you!! I have no idea how I found you, but I know that I’ve been following for *at least* the last 6 years (the beginning of college), which seems crazy. Your blog is the first thing I come to every morning. One of my favorite memories was sitting a couple tables over from you and Maxie at Maison Kayser. I didn’t say anything, it was just too crazy seeing you in the flesh! 😂 Congratulations, Carly. You’re a standout.


I started following just last year, and yours is the only blog I read consistently. Thank you for always being real and relatable with your readers. Congratulations on ten years, and I hope you are able to enjoy many more years of success!

Laura Rockwell

Really enjoy your blog, and I’m a newer reader. I don’t have a ton of time to spend reading blogs, but I found yours through @kellyinthecity and happy to say I read yours and hers daily!

Leslie Grant

I love reading your blog. You give me so much inspiration. It’s encouraging to know someone is going through the same things I struggle with. Thank you for sharing.


Congratulations! What an accomplishment (I don’t think I’ve done anything for 10 years except remain sleep-deprived.) I wish you many more successful years of blogging.

I don’t know how I found you, but have been following for many years.

Mariely V.

I’ve been reading for so long and I am so happy for you! All the moves, season and great posts. Here’s to 10 more!

Mary Cate

Congrats, Carly! I remember the first time I found your blog when I was a freshman in college and not having the easiest time adjusting. You helped me feel not alone when it came to having anxiety, adjusting to college, and even not having my first kiss since I was 18! Reading your blog has been the highlight of a lot of my days and I can’t wait to see the amazing things you do next!


I’ve been following for a while now, but never commented before. I couldn’t explain why I keep coming back, but your blog is bookmarked and I check it every day!


Carly, Congrats on 10 years! It’s crazy reading about all the changes since you started blogging. I’ve read your blog every morning for the past 3 years and I love starting my day that way. From Maxie Mondays, book recommendations, and your mediation tips I enjoy your blog so much. I would love to meet in you person one day or watch you speak (book soon? please lol) Congrats! Hope you are able to take some time to really enjoy this moment. Happy Holidays!


I think this is the very first blog I followed, and it’s been fun to see how your style has developed and influenced my own. Congrats on the milestone!

Emily A

Carly, this is the most exciting! Congratulations on everything you’ve achieved, small or large. All of the wins are big ones. I’ve been reading the blog since the beginning – I was a senior in high school! Trying to find my style- I loved opening up your posts to see what I had in my closet and what you were wearing. Trying to recreate it as much as I could. Everyday I look forward to reading and have read everyday since then. It really feels like we’ve grown up together, and I’m rooting for you for whichever paths you continue to go down. Here’s to so many more years!


Congrats Carly!! I have been reading your blog every morning for years now and it’s the perfect way to start the day. I’m a junior in college and you’re the best role model. I love not just your style, but also what you stand for. Thank you for everything and keep up the amazing work!

Joy Hodgson

I’m so happy I found your blog through Julia at Gal Meets Glam! One of my faves. 🙂


Congratulations on 10 years Carly! My sister and I have been reading for over 7 years. We are so grateful for your preppy style that inspires so many of our purchases and outfits, but also for your kind and thoughtful perspective. Thank you!


I’ve been a reader for several years now but I can’t remember how I found your blog!
I love your outfits but also the places you go. Last week I was visiting family in Florida and we went to the zoo in Tampa. I remembered you were from Tampa and since I’d always admired your pictures and posts of the Oxford Exchange, we went there for lunch. It was such a great place and I never would’ve found it myself but also, it made me feel a bit more like you by eating there. I admire you working to always better yourself and keep it together and so, by imitating you a bit, I feel like I’m getting there too.
Happy blogiversary!

Samantha Walsh

My friend Heather and I found your blog via tumble while we were in college together (maybe 2011?). We’re over 5 years out of college and don’t live super close. Catching up every day to talk about your post is one of the many ways we stay in touch and so close. Thank you!

Taylor B

I can NOT believe it’s been 10 years! Congratulations! I remember I started following you my sophomore year of college, also your sophomore year of college, and being able to relate to everything you were writing. I grew up in DC and loved following a blog from my home-city. I haven’t missed a post since! I am so proud of you and excited for your next journey.

Camille Harakal

Hi Carly! Congratulations! I have been reading your blog since I was in high school… and I’m now an adult with a real job! While my personal style has changed, I always return to your blog for your thoughtful content and interesting ideas! Congratulations again!!!!

Maggie Kelly

Carly! Congratulations on celebrating 1 decade of blogging!! Such an amazing achievement. I truly cannot remember when I started following you because I feel like it has truly been forever. Wishing you many more years of success! xoxo


Congrats on 10 years! I’ve been following you since 2012 and it’s hard to believe it’s been that long! I always credit you with making me brave enough to wear Lilly as a northerner!

Rachel R

Congratulations Carly! I started reading your blog in high school and just finished my first semester of law school! Reading your daily posts have become a special part of my morning routine. So much of my style has been inspired by you and other bloggers I’ve found through your platforms. Ten years is an incredible milestone and certainly something to celebrate!!


Carly! I cannot believe it has been 10 years! I remember finding your blog while looking for something to do during my (very boring) first big girl job. In between answering phones, I perused your posts and I feel like I’ve grown up right alongside you! Congratulations on your milestone! I can’t wait to see what else is in store for you!

Hailey Willimas

Congratulations Carly! I’ve been a reader for about 5+ years now. I don’t comment regularly or frequently, but I love reading your blog every day. You are my style icon and I appreciate your honesty and how personable you are! Thank you for being you! 🙂


I found your blog in the summer of 2016 during a lunch break at my lab intern job and reading your posts has become my favorite part of the day 🙂 your outfit posts have pushed me to try different things and enjoy putting outfits together. And your mental health chats pushed me to go to therapy for my anxiety. I’m so happy and proud of your 10 years of blogging!! Congrats!!

Allison K

Congratulations on 10 years, Carly! I myself just turned 30. (30 is wonderful and feels great, don’t worry!) I found your blog when I was in college too. I was searching for needlepoint belts and your post (I think a guest post by Little V?) popped up. I was just hearing about blogging and so loved following a blog – I thought it was so cool! I have discovered so many brands and products by following you and was even inspired to join a gym for the first time. Thank you for sharing all of this with us!

Laura Johnson

I’ve been following along for 7 years now and I love your blog- I appreciate your honesty and vulnerability the most. I’m so glad you found this blog to be your outlet and that it has turned into a job you love!

Sarah Clark

I started following your blog in high school and I still continue to read it every day seven years later!


I’ve been following you since 2013. I’m not sure what exactly linked me to you originally, but I stay for the American Girl doll references, links to gymnastics content, and our mutual love for Dance Moms.

Sydney Keen

Congratulations!! Your blog has helped me through a lot of lonely points in my life, and I’m very grateful for you the past 10 years!! Been following since I was 16!!

Jill Schuerman

What a huge accomplishment! congratulations! I cannot remember when or how I came to follow the blog but it has been a huge resource over the years. Cannot thank you enough for all the great content and the reader community on the facebook page!


Congratulations, Carly! What an incredible achievement! I’ve been following your blog since middle school, and now I’m in my sophomore year of college. Words cannot express how thankful I am to have had your blog in my life as I’ve grown up, discovered my personal style and sense of self, left home in Southern California to start college in the Northeast, and navigated life decisions big and small along the way. Your blog has been the most incredible source of advice, insight, and strength throughout the years, and I cannot thank you enough for that, Carly. You’re the older sister I never had but always wanted! I have absolutely loved following your journey so far, and I cannot wait to see what you accomplish in the future.

Danielle Bowman

What a great giveaway! It’s been fun following you for a few years now – I found you on Instagram 🙂

Lan Nguyen

Carly congrats on your 10 year anniversary, what a huge accomplishment. My favorite post was the announcement of you getting Teddy.


I found your blog around the time you left your job and started blogging full time. We live very different lives, but I have so much fun following your adventures and getting little tips and tricks from you. Congrats!


Congratulations on your ten year anniversary! I hope the next ten years are just as exciting.

Claire P

Congratulations on 10 years! I’ve loved seeing your life and style evolve over the years of reading 🙂

Georgina Tompkins

Congrats on 10 years!!!! Have been reading this blog since the pink and green format days!!

Nicolina DiVerde

Carly!! I have been reading your posts for about 5-6 years now and you are truly an inspiration. Congratulations on 10 years of blogging, what an achievement!! Reading your posts have been part of my daily routine. I typically don’t comment on anything but thank you SO much for everything that you do! xx.

Kayla Emerson

You continue to inspire us. Thank you for your hard work and dedication. Seeing you go through some hard times but still enjoy what you are doing is rewarding.

Ashley W

Congrats on 10 years Carly, it is so exciting!! I actually found you on Pinterest years ago and have been reading your blog since then. I absolutely love your post and can’t wait to see what the next 10 years that your blog brings!

Katie L

Congratulations, Carly! I found your blog in 2010 and have loved following you since. I got to meet you in 2014 at the Southern Proper blogger day (I helped coordinate the event!) and still fan girl when the picture pops up on my memories each year ☺️ I’ve loved growing up “with” you as a reader. Here’s to 10 more!

Hannah Denis

I discovered your blog on Instagram and have been an avid follower on both Instagram and the blog!!! Love your posts and have found so much fashion and life inspiration!

Marisa B

Congratulations, Carly! I first started reading the blog when I was a senior in high school and have continued to read ever since. Your posts have always been inspirational to me and helped me out so much since post-grad. A few years ago, I worked up the courage to email you for advice ahead of moving to a new city for a summer internship and it meant so much to me that you personally responded and had authentic advice from experience. Although I rarely comment, I want you to know that I look forward to reading the blog everyday at midnight!


I started following you in college and I think I found it through a suggested Facebook link almost around the time you started! Congrats on the ten years!!

Kate Korslund

My best friend showed me your blog during my freshman year of high school. Now I’m a junior in college and I still read your blog every day (sometimes in class haha).
I always look forward to your on my radar posts every Friday for a nice treat


I won my first pair of Jack Rogers from you! Now on pair number ??? and am excited to buy my daughter (due in May) matching ones!

Alyssa Barrett

Happy blogging anniversary! My favorite blog post is Pushing through fear. It’s very refreshing to know that you’re just like all of us. I found your blog via Instagram (I think, it was a really long time ago though so I could be wrong)! Thank you for creating your blog and being an inspiration to us all!

Meg A

I found your blog back when I attended boarding school and started struggling with anxiety. There were lots of blogs that focused on preppy fashion and lifestyle, but there was something about yours that drew me in. It was completely random that I found your page, but quite a happy accident. I graduated from college two years ago and your blog has been a permanent tab open in my browser, like a long distance friend I check in with daily! I cannot say thank you enough for helping me and others like me with your real and raw honesty. Congratulations on ten years!

Jessica Silvershein

Congrats on this huge milestone and looking forward to seeing where you take Carly the Prepster in the new year! XO

Jennifer Rubin

Carly- congrats on 10 YEARS! I’ve been following along since almost the beginning and I’ve loved every post, comment, photo, etc. Can’t wait to see what you will share in the future!

Ellie Durbin

OMG congratulations!!! This is so exciting!! I can’t figure out how or when I started following you, but I was definitely still in college and I definitely was using Google Reader to keep up haha. My favorite posts are always the honest, more personal ones, but I also know I can count on you for a go-to resource for anything classic!


I can’t remember how I found your blog, but I’ve been reading since I was in about 8th grade and I’m a junior in college now! I, too, struggled with failure for the first time in college and found it comforting to go back and read some of your posts on the topic through the years. Thanks for being such an honest and genuine blogger; I definitely appreciate it in the current world of perfectly curated moments that everyone chooses to share. Congrats on 10 years!! 🥰

Lila Shelton

AH girl this is so exciting! I remember stumbling upon your blog wayyy back when I was a freshmen in College and have been tunin in every day since. I love your sincerity, kindness, vulnerability, genuineness, positiveness, and creativity that you show though this space. You’re a real gem to this industry and its so awesome to see you succeed and hit this huge milestone! much love xx


YAY! Way to go Carly! My favorite of your posts have always been any post with you and Julia, as you both are my favorite bloggers, or your Nantucket post from this past summer! I have always been such a fan of you. I am a college freshman and I actually started my blog YESTERDAY! You really inspired me to do so. I knew I should make a blog when I found myself tuning out during my lectures to check up on your blog. Best wishes for the next ten years! I will always follow along 🙂 Thanks being so real and fabulous!


Congrats on 10 years! I’m so happy I came across your blog a few years ago and have had the chance to meet you a few times in Charleston. I have you to thank for my J. Crew addiction!

Julie Hard

I’ve been following since 2012 from Seattle. When my daughter went to college in NYC, then Boston, I looked to you for advice. Thanks for all the help along the way.

Beth Weisbach

Thank you for sharing your life with us for the past 10 years! I get so excited when I get the email notification that you posted! even though I’ve never met you, I feel like I have! I have loved following you for all these years!

ashley m

congrats!!! also a plant high grad and have been reading since middle school (almost 10 years now). so proud of you for reaching this milestone and continuing to put out content! love that you highlight my favorite tampa spots and manage to remind me of home even after moving away. congrats on a great 10 years!!!


Carly, I am so excited for you and the progression of your blog! I am a sophomore in college right now and I check your blog every morning while waiting for class to start. My mother and I love to talk about your new posts and insta stories! From one Carly to another, congratulations!!
P.S. Me and my mom are big Meesh fans!!


Congratulations! There are many blogs that I enjoy reading but yours is one of the few that I read daily and I never miss a post. I love your honesty, the variety of your posts, your recommendations, relatability, and how you take the time to respond to your readers. Thank you for creating such a positive blog! Best wishes!

Sara K.

Happy 10 years, Carly!! I started following along I think about 5 years ago and you’re still the first blog I check when I get the chance to sit down at my computer and look. I so appreciate that you keep everything authentic and real on your site! I’m about a year older than you, so in some ways I feel like I’ve grown up with you as well. Here’s to another 10! Cheers!!


I’ve been following for years now and it’s been so fun to follow you as you have grown and changed (even though that means I have grown and changed as well). Here’s to as long as you want to continue!

Mai Tran

Even though I’ve only been reading for two years, I make time to read your blog everyday! Congratulations on TEN years. I’m so happy that I found this blog. I hope to still be here at twenty years.

Maitland Frilot

Wow it was really weird reading that timeline because I was able to figure out where I started reading and I can’t believe it’s been 6 years! I found your blog through pinterest and I love that of the other blogs I read I know you’re friends with most of them. And it’s your blog that’s lead me to a lot of others I enjoy as well. But I still likes yours best because I know there’s content I’ll love every day. I don’t specifically have a favorite post, but I love the ones where you open up about your anxiety. I have generalized anxiety disorder and seeing someone who is going through a similar struggle and is so successful gives me so much inspiration. I also love that we have a lot of similarities in style and in popular culture. Congratulations on hitting such a big milestone, and I look forward to the next ten years!


Congrats on 10 years! I began following your blog when I was a senior in HS back in 2011 and I’ve read almost every post since then! Thank you for being a fun and creative constant in my life! Good luck with the next steps!

Jenni B

Congrats on 10 years! It’s been so interesting to watch how this industry has developed and evolved through following your blog. It was the first non-food blog I ever read & I still pop over regularly. Best wishes going forward!


I’ve always appreciated how open you are with your anxiety. I grew up with a “perfectionist” personality. I would get so upset over a grade or something in elementary and middle school that my mom would have to bring my breathing machine to school to calm me down lol. I’ve just always been able to relate to you, which I appreciate. Thanks!

Claire Lee

I was in high school and tying to determine my style when I found your blog. Congrats on ten years!


Congratulations on 10 years! I have loved following the way your blog has evolved over time.


I believe I started reading in late 2009/early 2010. I had just started my first post-college job, and I believe I found you while Googling for preppy business casual outfits. I ended up rereading all of your posts as an escape from my stressful first few months on the job, and I’ve been a daily reader ever since! Congratulations on 10 years, Carly!

Kaitlin Cavell

Carly, I started reading your blog a few years ago when I began college. Thanks to my boyfriend’s sister, a blogger, I was introduced to your life, in which I see many comparisons. Have it be fashion or life I feel connected and thankful for what your blog has offered me. Thank you for the several year of inspiration and the countless years to come. Congratulations on 10 years!

Gretchen LG

I started reading your blog my sophomore or Junior year in college, 2010-2011. (We are the same age!) I will never forget the outfit posts you used to do in your college dorm room and how much I loved your classic style. I remember your graduation.. because I was graduating too! I also remember the year you worked full time and worked on your blog at night. I was so happy when you chose to commit to your blog full time! I have enjoyed following you all these years! Thanks for being you!

Taylor Smith

Congrats on a decade of writing!! I’ve followed you on Instagram for a while but I truly started reading your posts back in May/June 2017 when I was in Paris the same time as you. I love your realness on your blog and insta and I’m excited for the years to come to continue reading your blog!!

Kat M.

I have been following your blog since just before I graduated from high school (January 2013). I used to look up to you as someone who had it all figured out, and now that I am at the age you were when I started following I still look to you as the cool older sister who has great fashion and life advice that I can learn from! I am so glad I read your blog everyday!


Congrats on 10 years!!! I’ve only been with you for the past 2 years but I love your content and just wanted to say thank you for all the work you put in to making your brand 100% you!! Cheers to the next 10!

Julie Manning

Happy ten years!! I originally found your blog through The Londoner, when you, Julia, and Rosie were in New England during the fall. I LOVED those photos and ended up finding yours and Julia’s blogs through them. A year or two later, I was also googling around to find real people/blogger reviews of different meditation apps and methods, and found your posts on Headspace. Thank you for sharing so openly!

Steph Albrecht

You are truly an inspiration. Congratulations on 10 years, I can’t wait to see what the future brings for you and the blog! Thank you for always being honest, geniune, and for warming our hearts with your devotion to your readers. We love you!

Hannah Thebeau

I have been following you since my junior year of high school and I currently am about to head into my last semester of college! I feel like I can relate to you so much with your love of books, closeness to your family, anxiety, and so much more. You have been like a friend to me these past few years and I can not wait for the years to come of reading your posts, watching whatever YouTube videos you decide to post, and watching your Instagram stories. Thank you for being there for me and can not wait to see what the future holds for you <3

Gwyneth Farmer

My mom introduced me to your blog when I was going through college! I’ve been following along ever since, and I have a absolutely loved it! It’s been so helpful to me personally, and if I ever find myself going through something I need help with, I always search it on your blog first! You’re truly inspiring Carly! Thank you for sharing your life with us!

Caitlyn Wessel

I am so proud of what you have done over these past 10 years. I have been following you for about 4 years now which I crazy to me. You have inspired me in so many ways and can’t wait to see what the next 10 years bring!!!

Sarah T.

Congrats, Carly! I enjoy being “friends” through your blog and Instagram! I’ve loved following along on your travels and life adventures!


Carly, congrats on 10 years — I can’t believe I’ve been following for almost as long!

Kassandra F

Wow – 10 years!! I’ve been a reader for 7 of those years and I’ve loved seeing your journey! You are doing amazing things and I’m so happy for this milestone you’ve reached!

Casey Holt

Carly – congrats on the big 10!!! I can’t wait to see where this next decade takes you!!


Congratulations on 10 years! I have been following along since Fall 2012 when I stumbled upon a post on Pinterest while in college. I think it was one of your organize posts! While I work in the education field and cannot relate as much career wise, it has been nothing short of a pleasure to follow along and know that someone else out there is experiencing similar things in their 20s! We may not have always gone through things at the same times, but I have always known that if I needed some sound advice or inspiration, I could come here. Congratulations again!

Isabel Friedman

Since discovering your blog a few years back, it’s become one of my favorite parts of my morning routine! Your authenticity and vulnerability truly set you apart and make me root for you–thank you for all that you do.


Congrats on this milestone and for creating such a positive and inspiring space! I found your blog in college but really started following it in law school when I was struggling with moving across the country. Thanks for sharing part of yourself with us all! xoxo

Courtney Railing

I started following when I started college in 2010! I remember finding you because I was freaking out about packing and needed a really good packing list. I’ve been following ever since!

Maya Barrett

Hi Carly! Congratulations on your 10-year anniversary! I found you first on instagram because if your unique handle (I was amazed how you secured it), and then fell in love with your organization tips. Since then, I have avidly followed your wardrobe and lifestyle advice! I especially felt connected to your blog as we share the same hometown and even English teacher. Once again, congratulations on everything! Here is to many more years of blogging 🙂

Antonella Membreno

Congratulations! 10 years is a very long time and a great achievement. I found your blog when I was searching for preppy style inspiration. I have loved the variety of posts you’ve had. And of course, I love your style! Here’s to many more years!


Congratulations on 10 years! I’d seen your posts on social media for year, but just started following last year. I had also just moved and trying to adjust to my new city – thank you for sharing your struggles – made me feel like I wasn’t alone!

Kate Zubrod


Congratulations on your TEN year anniversary! I remember seeing your pink sofa the first time I read one of your blog posts and thought, “YUP, I like this girl.” I bookmarked your site and have been following along ever since!

You should be so proud for making it ten years. Blogging is not for the faint of heart! Cheers to another ten! xo


congrats on such a huge accomplishment! been reading your blog for 5+ years now. love your collaborations with tuckernuck and following your moves (and adjustments to moves) through the nyc/ct/nj area.

Catherine P.

Congratulations on 10 years! It’s crazy to think that you’ve been here on your little corner of the internet for so long. I’ve grown up reading your blog. Following along as you share the ups and downs of your life has been so inspiring to me. You’ve helped me navigate high school and college, and as I prepare to graduate this Spring, I’m so incredibly grateful. You’ve shown me that life doesn’t always go as planned and that’s okay. I wish you the best as you continue this journey and look forward to what’s to come.

Rachel L

I have been reading your blog for so many years that I actually can’t remember how I discovered it! Congratulations on a big achievement!

Kaitlin M

Carly! 10 years, that’s amazing! I found your blog my freshman year of college, when I was struggling myself. I remember being in my Introduction to Telecommunications lecture and I spent the entire hour going through page after page of your blog. Over 5 years later, I still read everyday and follow you on Instagram! You’ve introduced me to new products, brands, and ways of thinking. I’m so glad you created this blog, thank you!


Congratulations on 10 years! I’ve been reading since 2010 (never commented!). It’s been so fun getting to “know” you and see you grow as a person. Here’s to many more years!

Heather B

I have been following you since 2012 when we were both seniors in college! I’ve enjoyed watching this blog grow over the years and it’s one of my favorite things to check each morning. My favorite posts are definitely the travel ones. Congrats!!


Congratulations on 10 years! This may seem strange, but i often google your post about rolling the sleeves like j crew does. So helpful!!

Brittani K

Thank you so much for making my days brighter for the last 6 years that I have been reading! Your blog has helped me in more ways than one!! Out of all the life changes I have been through these last few years (breakups, going to college, graduating college, getting my first “big girl” job) reading your blog is always been a constant comfort to me and has provided me with so much advice and help! Thank you so so much and I am so proud of you!!!!!


I’ve been following your blog since I was a freshman in college. I was really struggling, too, and was looking for advice online when your blog popped up. Seeing how things got better for you made me more optimistic, and as I’ve navigated post-grad life, seeing how you’ve handled these transitions gracefully and honestly made me feel more confident in myself. Thank you for sharing your life with us, and congrats on 10 years!

Sarah S

Congrats on 10 years! We’re close in age and I’ve been following for many years. It has been so much fun to grow up together and hit so many of the same milestones at the same time.

Robin Mann

Congratulations Carly! I found your blog in the fall of 2012 – in my first semester of college – I was in such a similar low, dark place for many of the same reasons you explained here. I think I stumbled across your study tips on pinterest and when on an archive deep dive. Carly, you helped give me the confidence I needed to speak up and say I wasn’t okay and to reach out and pull the people I needed closer to me. THANK YOU!

Rachel Gallina

I found your blog by over Pinning all your outfits. 😂 I love how real you are with us. You’re the only blog I still read religiously.


Congrats on 10 years!! I’ve probaly been following you since my sophomore year in college & you were my first blogger I started following. I always love your posts & your Instagram stories!

Amanda McDowell

Oh my goodness, congratulations! I found you in the beginnings of my Freshman year & INTENSE STUDY TIPS was my saving grace for 18-hour semesters. I’ve been following along ever since! Thank you for letting us share your journey & keeping this as an authentic space. Love seeing how far you come & can’t wait to see where you go! 🙂

Taylor Krimowski

I found you on Instagram a few years ago and adore your style and genuine personality! Congrats on 10 years! May you have many more!


I randomly found you when we were sophomores in college . I went back read everything up to date and since then we’ve basically grown up together. I won a pair of Twisted Monkey (maybe? Red and white knot earrings) from you in probably 2011. It was the coolest thing to happen to me back then! Love your blog and you!

Abby Smith

Hi Carly,

I’ve followed you since I’m not sure when… haha! I love your blog though because your character and personality show through in all you do. I LOVE that you show your real life and that it isn’t picture perfect! I wish more bloggers were like that. Thank you for sharing your life with us!

Wishing you the best of luck in the years to come!
Abby Smith

Courtney J

Carly, I’ve been reading your blog since 2011 when I was a college freshman, similarly lost. I’ve loved the feeling of “growing up” with you and have always admired you. The way you’ve shared your struggles has helped me make it through tough times, and for that I thank you. If blogging is still a “thing” in 10 years, I suspect I’ll still be here. Thank you for everything you’ve done 💖

Stephanie Michelle

Hey Carly! Congrats on 10 years!! I started reading your blog when I was a freshman in high school (way back in 2010… eek I can’t believe how fast eight years has gone by)! Through my high school years and then through my college years you and your blog have been there whenever I needed advice, inspiration, or anything in between! It’s crazy to think a “What’s in my tote?” post from 2009 is what got me hooked and I’ve been coming back ever since. I look forward to posts everyday and your blog has become the funnest part of my daily morning routine! Thank you SO MUCH for everything you do!! You are such an inspiration to your readers!

Carolline H.

Congratulations on your 10 years, Carly! I first discovered your blog through Youtube (the video which you organized your closet, the Connecticut one) and have been obsessed ever since! Your style, humor, realness, the list goes on… are all things that make you relatable and an inspiration to many girls like me.

Kindal Kreamer

Congratulations on 10 years!! I actually found your blog based on your post on how to roll your sleeves the J. Crew way. I started down the rabbit trail of reading all of your posts and have been an avid reader ever since. Thanks so much for staying true to yourself and sharing all of the ups and downs – not just the pretty parts of life!

Ericka Pirozzi

Congratulations Carly! I’ve loved following you for a couple years because you’re so honest and real (especially your comments on the Nordstrom sale this year). I’m looking forward to seeing what you do in the future!

lauren valentine

This is such an inspiring read, Carly! I can’t tell you how many times I’ve done something without a reason behind it other than my own in-the-moment desire. It’s incredible what comes of your actions when you truly enjoy what you’re doing. Hope it always remains that way for you!

Katherine Waters

This actually makes me feel kinda old, hahaha! I found your blog my freshman year of college and I’ve been reading since then. I always love reading your posts! They are so relatable and I definitely feel like we’d be friends in real life! Thanks so much for doing this blog – so many people love it!


I loved reading this so much! I started following while doing my undergrad and reading about how you would take trips to NYC opportunity to live out your big-city dreams was such a source of inspiration — I also found myself wanting to move back to a quieter life around the same time you moved to Connecticut and it was such a relief to know someone else was feeling the same way! Wishing you every success and happiness.


Hi Carly! I’ve been following the blog for about 5 years. I like that your blog posts are genuine and your sense of style is similar to my own. Thanks for all the hard work you do to make the blog special!

Tess H.

I’ve been reading your blog for such a long time I don’t even remember how I found it! I’m sure I googled something that brought me to your page, and I remember reading some posts as far back as 2013, while I was still in HS. I visited from time to time but it was actually after your Election 2016 post that I became a regular reader. I thought it was so well written and insightful, I just ended up reading more and more of your posts. Now I read your blog every day, and it’s the only blog I follow regularly! I am so thankful for you to share your life with us in such a way and I always find your honestly and vulnerability so empowering and important. Thank you for building this community for us!


Congrats on the milestone! I found you via Instagram, probably about 5 years into your blogging career!


I’ve been reading your blog since my daughter started college. She loves everything you post (it makes choosing a gift for her so easy)! I also appreciate when you share your struggles- it is so beneficial to young women to see that you can work through the difficult times to get where you’re meant to be.


I found your blog in 2012ish…I remember I stayed up late going through all of the archives! Thank you for sharing your life with us, looking forward to seeing what’s next!


Congratulations! 10 years is a huge accomplishment and you should be proud!! Can’t wait to see even more!


I’ve loved reading your blog since almost the very beginning. A friend of mine recommended it to me and I remember sitting in my floral design class in college catching up on all your old posts waiting for class to start. I was almost sad when I had fully caught up. Haha. Being a year behind you in school (and now life), I’ve been able to relate with so many of your posts. I struggle with quite a bit of anxiety myself and it made me so much more comfortable to share my own struggles with friends and family after seeing you doing it on here. I’ve enjoyed following along through the years and plan to continue to for however long you continue to share. Thank you for being so open!


Congratulations! I love following you because you’re so real and down to earth. You’re really different than all the other bloggers who are constantly posting the same content and Nordstrom outfits. I don’t remember how I started following you, but I’m so glad that I did!

I hope you enjoy this milestone and continue to reach all the goals you set!

Kimberly Harrison

Congratulations on your 10 year blog anniversary! I found you through a blog giveaway contest page. I love your blog writing style. As well how you come across. So vibrant. Again, congratulations, and thanks for the chance to win 🙂


Congratulations on ten years, Carly! I still regret not stopping you to say hello when I saw you in Georgetown years ago – I guess I was star-struck! Thank you for sharing a piece of your life with us for all of these years!


CONGRATULATIONS CARLY!!! I love following you, both on your blog and on Insta! You are so down to earth and deserving of your success 🙂

Morgan Leigh

Congratulations on 10 years Carly! It has been so fun to read along with you for at least the last five of them. Cheers to 10 more years!

Lily Vo

Your blog has been one of the first I’ve followed. I’m not sure exactly how I found you but it must be over 5 years as I was in high school when I did. I love that over these years you have stuck to your classic style and have not been swayed by trends or fads. For that reason, your style has always resonated with me and will continue to. Always stay preppy, Carly! Much love!

Rachel K

Congrats on your 10 year anniversary! I love coming to your blog for inspiration. Here’s to many more years.


Congratulations!! I really love when you talk about your days at Georgetown, as I’m a fellow Hoya!

Sarah U

Congratulations Carly! I started following you when I discovered your post titled “Exam Grades” in high school. That post strongly correlated to my life because I have always been one to be extremely conscientious and strived for perfection in school. However, reading that post gave me a new perspective on testing that has tremendously impacted me and my study habits. That post helped me realize that grades are important, however one bad grade will not destroy your academic future. Now that I am in college, I have learned to enjoy these four short years even more by being creative and trying new things. I absolutely love reading your blog everyday and I will continue to be an avid reader for many years to come!

Paige Plucker

I remember being TWELVE and reading about you becoming a blogger full time! Crazy to think that I am almost 18 now. It’s been so cool to grow up as you have gone through all these milestones yourself!

Anna B

I started following your blog with my best friend after I moved across the country. We have read it together for almost 9 years now! My favorite post may have been when you featured my sister on 1 Girl, 5 Outfits! You’ll never know how much confidence that gave her! Thank you! And congrats on 10 years!

Lexi Conger

Yours is a blog I love to read! I’ve had a few attempts at blogging that just didn’t go as I had hoped but I still love reading your blog and always makes me want to try for many of the reasons you listed loving it. My favorite post of yours was tying bean boots, it’s what addicted me to reading your page!

Julia Callo

Carly what an accomplishment! I’ve been following your blog since I was in college and it has been such a great experience being able to learn from you. You are only two years older than me so I was able to gain life lessons through your lense. I love reading every week and I look forward to whats ahead!


Congrats on your 10 years! When I was in high school I started reading your blog after googling “preppy bloggers.” And you are part of the reason why I started my own site. I’ve loved watching you grow and change, plus I like seeing your Florida content as I’m a South Florida native as well (Goody, Goody is so good). One of my all time favorite posts is your Chevron Stripes Photoshop tutorial because it was so important in my life at the time. It helped me realize I could do Photoshop, it wasn’t as hard or as intimidating as it seemed. I no longer Photoshop chevron stripes but I will always site that post as a true lifesaver. Thank you for continuing to blog, I can’t wait to see what else you do!

Hillary L

Congratulations! My favorite posts of yours have been about Headspace. You inspired me to start meditating and I am really grateful!

Hannah Zak

Wow, time really flies! I’ve been reading your blog longer than almost any other one – I remember reading your post on your college graduation my freshman year of high school and thinking that day would never come, and here I am, getting ready to graduate in a couple months!


Congratulations! I have so enjoyed reading your blog over the years and look forward to seeing where it goes in the years to come! Thanks for sharing your outfits, inspiration, and life with all of us 🙂

McKenzie Palmer

Congratulations on your 10 year anniversary! You were one of the first blogs I followed and I’ve enjoyed growing up with you (we’re only a few months apart). Thank you for sharing a bit of your world with us. I’m sure you hear it all the time, but it’s such a comfort to know that the peaks and valleys that’s called life is shared by others – you’re not alone. Here’s to the next 10 years!


Congrats on this milestone! I was introduced to your blog via Instagram (via another blog I follow) and have loved following along since!!

Anna SD

So so proud and excited for you, Carly! I’ve been reading your blog since high school (I found you on Pinterest I believe) and have used it as a resource all through college and my transition into the working world after graduation. I admire your blog and your incredible career and confidence! Thank you for putting yourself out there and sharing so much about your life!


I’ve been reading your blog for almost 8 years now (but I’ve gone back and read every single post) and it’s been a constant for me throughout those past 8 years. So proud of all that you’ve accomplished – you deserve the best!

Emily Fitz

I remember finding you blog back when I was in college (thanks to Instagram) because some of your post featured my home area of DC. I got hooked when we had similar life experiences aligning as I read. Congratulations on ten years and may your success (and adventures) continue!

Samantha Findlay

Carly, I love all your Nantucket posts! It gives me such wanderlust! Look forward to reading your blog everyday!! ❤️❤️❤️

Lucy Patterson

You are such an inspiration to young women everywhere! Congrats on 10 years — and here’s to many, many more!

Emily Janicik

Hi Carly! I’ve been reading for about four years now and I’m so impressed your work! Your posts have helped me through so much, from college applications to style questions and so much more. I’m so glad that I stumbled across The College Prepster and I’m so excited to see what the future brings for you! Congratulations on ten years!!

Anne Marie Shipley

Your winter coat guide! I’m grew up in California and am studying abroad in Paris this spring and that post helped me with cold weather shopping!

Stefanie G

I really loved your Fall Classics (for Every Budget) post. It gave me tons of ideas on what to buy this winter. I even bought 2 of the coats.

Sarah R.

I found you many years ago (9 to be exact) while sitting in my freshman college class and I’ve been following along ever since!!!! Congrats on 10 years!!!


Congrats! I loved your outfits of the day back in college taken in the mirror in your college dorm room. 🙂

Nicole Picariello

Hi Carly! I cannot believe your blog is 10 years old. I remember scrolling through when I was an incoming freshman at UMass looking for all of your tips and tricks for surviving college. Now I love following along your journey as we grow in similar ways. Your style has always inspired me as well as your truly positive outlook on events young adults go through (breakups, moving, etc.) I feel like you’re a friend I can always turn to and always trust. Congratulations again!


Congratulations Carly! I started reading this blog during college and have since graduated, worked in DC, and now started law school in New York, so I feel like I’ve grown up alongside you. Your blog has been the best source of inspiration and motivation for me and since you post every day, I know I can always pop over here to my favorite corner of the internet. 10 years is so exciting and I can’t wait to see what the next 10 years will hold for you!


Congratulations on this huge milestone! I have been following along since I was a fellow college student in DC — your blog was the first I started to follow. I feel like we have grown up together! Can’t what to see what the next 10 years hold for you 🙂

Christie C.

I’m so happy that you’re still blogging! I’ve been reading religiously since sophomore year of college (so… 2011? wow) and your blog really helped pull me through some rough spots. I can’t quite recall how I came across it, but yours is the first blog I ever really read, and I love it just as much as I did when I started reading! I hope you have a wonderful holiday with your family, and give Teddy and Hamilton a snuggle for me! (seriously, they get cuter with every picture you post…)

Lindsey Ferguson

Congratulations on this accomplishment! I went through a similar experience in college and really wish I had created an outlet for myself too. I think I discovered you on Tumblr, but now I love following along on Insta and visit your website daily! I have been inspired by your style, have discovered meditation, and even had the best honeymoon in Paris—thanks to your travel guide! Thanks for everything that you do!! 🙂

Courtney Salinsky

Congratulations! I look forward to your posts everyday!

Good luck with the next 10 years and more!

Amy Miksch

Congrats on this HUGE milestone! You are one the first, and one of the only blogs I make a point to follow along with daily. Thanks for your accessibility and honesty that truly makes reading your blog feel like catching up with a friend.

All the best, and here’s to ten more years of growth and success with whatever you pursue!

Katie Mahnken

I remember I found your blog my freshman year of high school! I googled preppy outfits for prep day of spirit week! I’ve been reading your blog ever since (I am now about to graduate from graduate school). Congratulations on 10 years! I look forward to many more!

Martha Cebry

Thank you for helping me to help my daughter navigate the waters in college and as a young woman. Since 2013 I have appreciated so much of your content. Y children are rowers as well; so, I have always loved those themed posts! You are a remarkably grounded young woman!

Chelsea B.

10 years is an amazing achievement! I only started reading a few years ago (late, I know), but absolutely love your blog. I recently got a little Toy Poodle, so reading all of your posts about when you got Teddy and Ham has been super helpful in calming my anxiety!

Kateryna Christian

I can’t remember the first post I read but I remember being jealous of your water color paintings back in the day. Thanks for bringing all of us with you these past 10 years…

Liz W

Congrats on 10 years! I always love seeing how you incorporate different brands together into one outfit, often mixing higher and lower price points!

Victoria D

I´ve loved reading your blog for the past 10 years! I remember starting to read you in high school and haven´t stopped since! You´ve helped me put together outfits, figure out how to prep for school, and transition into the working world. Your blog really has grown with its reader base! 🙂


Congrats on 10 years! While there are blogs I have followed for years, and go in/and out of reading, you’ve remained one of my daily reads!

Mia Lints

Happy 10 year Carly! I’ve been reading your words for years and I look forward to it every day. Thank you for sharing your life with us!


I love reading your blog Carly! I feel like your point of view is so positive and refreshing. Reading your blog is definitely part of my daily ritual. I really got hooked on your blog at the beginning of this year when you were posting about your goals for the New Year. You just seemed so positive and uplifting and I really feel like I learn something important every time I read your blog. Thank you so much for staying true to yourself and congrats on the huge milestone! I can’t wait to see what the next 10 years brings you!

Danielle Duncan

Ahh!! Carly congratulations on 10 years!! I’ve been an avid reader for the last 8 and I have loved watching you grow as an influencer and a person.

Sarah W.

Congratulations on 10 years! I have been following CTP/TCP for about 4 years now and look forward to your daily posts. My favorite post “family” you write is about the importance of friendships. There is a famous quote that supposes you’re the sum of the five people you spend the most time with. I believe you’ve used it somewhere (that I can’t find right now!), and that you strive to live it. Your candid posts about the ways in which you support and are supported by your friends are downright inspiring, and have helped me both look for and strive to become the kind of supportive person involved in ‘friendships of the good’ post-grad (I just graduated in May!).

I admire the life you’ve built for yourself, and am so thankful you choose to share it. I have never actually posted on here before, but rest assured you’re a household name between my sister, mother, and I. Wherever you choose to bring the blog, we’re rooting for you! Merry Christmas!


It has been a joy to follow you, Carly! Congratulations on 10 years! I admire all you’ve done with your blog and love seeing all of your posts. My favorite post to date has been your Paris Travel Guide-which I used when I was planning my first trip to the city last summer. Thank you for all your inspiration! It’s been the best to read your posts each night at 10 pm (MST) when they’re published. So excited to see what the next ten years hold!

Kat D

Congratulations on hitting this big milestone! I found your blog around 2009 as I was starting high school and feeling lost on how to navigate what my middle school self thought would be the “most important years” (lol). Over the years I’ve read every single blog post, and I really appreciated how put together and poised you were while remaining real, relatable, and authentic. I also don’t know any other blogger who posts every day, so props to you on that! I’m looking forward to seeing what you achieve next!


Carly! I am SO proud of you. I’ve been following since 2010 and have loved following your journey on the blog, interacting with you on Instagram and via email, etc. When I had a tough time in college – especially at the beginning – I knew that I wasn’t alone. Thanks for being a consistent, thoughtful voice for so many of us. You’re awesome.

Megan Donald

Congrats on 10 years!! I’ve been reading for about 4 years now and look forward to your posts every morning. Can’t wait to see what the future brings!

Namrata Kang

Congratulations! I just realized I have been reading your blog for 8ish years now. This is such a milestone.


Congrats on 10 years Carly! You are fondly known as “TCP” in my friend group, and we usually start our morning (text/gchat) with a quick chat about your post. Like a bunch of people here I have been following since the beginning (the rowing/Tumblr community is SMALL). Here is to 10 more years of rowing throwbacks, Meesh, classic style, and puppy videos.

Jessica Johnson

Congrats on 10 years! I found your blog in 2012 when I was a freshman in college. I found your study tips article via Pinterest and have read every day since! I have loved following your journey from working at Levo, so going on your own, to all your moves and adventures in between! I always look forward to your Friday On Your Radar posts to see what you’re enjoying and typically click on every link! Thank you for your constant inspiration and steady presence in my life!

Katie M. Smith

Your blog was the first one I discovered in the “blogosphere” in my freshman year of high school (7 years ago). I love the genuinity of your content and consistency of your voice. My favorite posts are the ones that personally relate to your life living in New York, a dream I’ve had for a while. Still an avid follower and reader to this day!


Your blog is one of the only ones I read every day. I think my favorite post was when you did a video when you surprised your friend’s parents in Nantucket. It was just so sweet.

Mary Kate

So exciting Carly! Congratulations. I’ve been following since 2011, and have loved getting a glimpse into your life. You’re one of the few bloggers I follow who is the same age as me (most are older) and I love how genuine and open you are about life.

Devon Huntley

Carly – CONGRATS on 10 years of blogging! I remember finding your blog through the internet somehow while a college student up the hill from you at American. You had just started your junior year and I was starting as a sophomore, which would turn into the hardest year of college personally and academically. Having your blog, especially your candid posts about the ups and downs of school, was an outlet for me as much as starting this was for you! And the mirror-selfie outfit posts were pretty great, too! 🙂 Your blog then continued to connect me with real life friends – a coworker at a summer job in 2011 became a real friend to this day (and we still text each other about your posts)! I have found other bloggers I enjoy through you, but you will always be my favorite. Now that I’m in medical school, your blog is my escape – especially before exams. I take my mind off the content and enjoy a post or two before its time to begin. Your journey with headspace led me to get the app (which has really helped in school) and your relationship with fitness convinced me to get back in the gym, even if I was far from fit. Thank you for being you for the past 10 years, us readers couldn’t have asked for anything more. I’m usually a lurking reader in that I rarely post, but I’m always here and will continue to look forward to what you write in the future. Congrats and happy holidays!

Laura Kathleen

Congrats on 10 years! Been reading since college and love seeing how someone my own age is living such a different but similar life to mine! Exciting to see where the next 10 years will take us!

Kelsey S

Congratulations on 10 years! I found The College Prepster when we were both sophomores and have been following along ever since!

Kristen B

I started following you in college (I’m 28 now), and I think my favorite posts are those in which you share your hardships, be it online bullying, breakups, struggles with motivation, etc. I always read those and find myself breathing a sigh of relief thinking, “Oh! She goes through this, too!” Congratulations and thank you for 10 great years!

Stephanie Bevan

Carly, this is such a big deal! I don’t remember exactly when I started following you, but it was either my sophomore or junior year of college (I graduated from UNC in 2012 but Georgetown was initially my first choice, so I loved hearing little snippets about it!). You were one of the first bloggers I started following, and one of two that I still follow regularly (Kelly in the City is the other!). I love that I can read your blog for real and engaging content. Thanks for doing what you do!


HI Carly! Congrats on 10 years! I found your blog in 2012. I was in grad school and my friend sent me a link saying you reminded her of me- similar style – I’ve followed every day since! My favorite memory is when you went to the tonys party and had all the gown options

Sydney CS

I started following you when I started high school and am now a sophomore in college! Your posts are a staple in my morning routine, and most of my favorites are your gift guides, and now recipes since I have started cooking when home. My favorite of all your content, however, is hands-down all your Christmas adventures in New York-classic and magical. Congratulations and thank you, Carly!


Hi Carly — My sister and I have enjoyed following your blog for the past 10 years. Thank you for always writing thoughtful, interesting posts and for introducing us to amazing brands (and adorable puppies!).

Cheryl D. Foley

I loved your posts about your trip to Ireland. I have always wanted to go there, so your postings were the next best thing. Happy Anniversary!

Sarah M.

I found you through the “How To Roll Your Sleeves Like J. Crew” post! Have been enjoying ever since!

Christina Shelley

Yay! I’m so happy for you and your 10 years of hard work and success! I’ve loved your blog for years–your organization posts are my absolute favorite!


I’ve been following for years and although I don’t read regularly I always find myself coming back.


This is so awesome! I’ve been a reader of yours for a while and have always loved your content! It’s amazing that you’ve been blogging for that long. I remember finding you on Tumblr probably around the same time! Thank you for sharing your style and life with us!


Congrats on 10 years! It’s been so fun following your journey! I’ve been reading as you’ve moved to NYC to CT to NJ and enjoyed hearing about all the personal transitions!

Mandy M

Congrats on this huge milestone! I am a daily reader who found your blog via Instagram. Your style inspires me so much, and I especially look forward to your “On my Radar” posts. 🙂 Thank you for all of the work you put into this for us readers.

Stacey Weigel

Carly, you are truly a shining light in the blog world! I first discovered your blog probably about 5 years ago and my favorite posts have been your travel posts! I loved Ireland and Alaska in particular! Congratulations on 10 years!!!

Devin Shines

I started following your blog in 2013 as a college junior. It was so relatable, and honestly gave me some insight and inspiration from the point of view of someone just a little older than myself. Love that you’re still at it!


At first, I was afraid I was too old for your blog…
But the fashion items you highlight are so perfect for my style and personality!! I love seeing what new clothing and make up items you find and trying them out. I absolutely LOVE the Girl Meets Glam line. Thanks for that introduction. Even though I’m a mom, I can wear a lot of the clothes you feature to work as an elementary school teacher. I enjoy getting comments from others about how “put together” I am, even though my life can sometimes feel out of control!

Daniela Peña

I’ve been following you since my freshman year of college haha even went to your Apple store event!!!

Amanda Kaitlin

Carly I have followed your blog for awhile and love it! I like that your posts are honest and relatable. I have learned a lot about preppy and classic fashion through your posts as well. Glad you have been doing something you love for 10 years!

Caroline L.

Congratulations on 10 years! I think I started following you the summer after my sophomore or junior year of college and I saw a lot of my own story reflected in yours – a really tough freshman year, in particular. At the time you were living in NYC working at a startup, which I had always wanted to do – and so it seemed particularly fitting! Thank you for sharing your story with us for a decade!

Elizabeth K

I found your blog as a fun place to scroll through when I needed study breaks during law school and have been following ever since! Thanks for providing fun and interesting posts all these years!

Emily Sangkachand

Emily Sangkachand: My special memory was when I first found your page on Instagram, you introduced blogging to me and inspired and encouraged me to start my own blog called “Blog Of Joie” I remember thinking I want my blog to become as successful and amazing as yours and wanted to be just like you.

Julie Frankenfield

Congratulations, Carly! I loved reading this post about how you grew with your blog and the highs and lows along the way. Your blog is only one of two that I faithfully read each post the day it comes out. I don’t even think my style of dress could necessarily be considered preppy, but I find your voice to be genuine and I think that you’re always honest about the brands you promote – which I love, especially when I’m re-investing on staple items. Probably my favorite post so far has been the sponsored one with your mom. So cute!

Liz Pataki

I stared reading in college so back in 2010?? I think a friend of mine showed me your blog and I’ve been hooked ever since. You share things that are relatable and seem to hit at just the right time. Thank you for sharing and can’t wait to see what the next 10 years look like for you!!

Morgan Doll

Carly, I remember first reading your blog in first period my freshman year of high school after discovering you on Instagram. I’ve read every post ever since that day and have even gone back in your archives to read posts about boys, college, anxiety, etc., when those topics were pertinent in my life. Now I am a freshman in college having just finished my first semester myself! Your blog is a part of my daily routine and it will continue to be as long as you continue writing! Thank you.


I’ve loved reading your blog for probably 7 years. I keep coming back because I love the way you have evolved — I’m now 33, started reading while I was in grad school, but your content is still relevant to me, and you feel like a friend! Thanks for the many years!


Congrats on the milestone achievement Carly! I’ve been following you for years and one of only two blogs that still read every single day. I look forward to many more years of this morning ritual (coffee and your post)!


I can’t believe it’s been 10 years! I remember when your blog was green and pink and reading your study tips post. You feel like a big sister to me since you’re a few years older and I like to refer to your older birthday posts and see how you were feeling the same age I am now (25). Thanks for always being authentic!! Some of the other blogs I’ve followed through the years just seem to be click-baity now and full of sponsored posts now which is annoying because I miss their true voice but your blog isn’t like that 😊 congrats!!!!


Congratulations, Carly! I love reading all your tips, advice, and stories. Your style is impeccable!

Katie B

My sister showed me your blog a few years ago and it’s been so fun following along ever since! Congrats!


I was a prospective transfer student into Georgetown and somehow stumbled onto your blog! I’ve been reading since you were living with Little V 🙂

Laura Franco

Only now am I realizing how much time has passed since I first started reading your blog. It was my first year as a homeschooled freshman student. And I hated it. It was a complete change of environment from what I was used to, to say the least.
I can’t say exactly when it was that I stumbled onto your blog, but I assume having a flexible school time and a computer in my hands made it easier. I had read and seen other blogs but none of them really caught my attention. Yours did. Your blog had a mixture of everything, fashion, life advice, and everything in between. What really made me always come back were your words. You weren’t a fashion blogger just posting pictures of the trendiest (but also unrealistic/unattainable) fashions or a life coach just spouting advice. You were a real person. Your words were your own and what you wore was too. Despite me not knowing you, I knew that what you posted/showed to the world was authentic.
Although 10 years have passed by and much has changed ( the blog, you as a person, social media, I am know a sophomore in college!, and the list goes on) everything at its core has stayed the same. You are still continually authentic and genuine. It sounds cheesy and I’m slightly cringing, but it’s true.
So, Congratulations Carly!!! 🎉🎉🎉
You may not choose to continue to write on the blog for another 10 years but whatever it’s that you choose to do I will be cheering you on. Thank you so much for doing what you do with such honesty and letting us, the readers, get to know you throughout the years.❤️

Claire Ko

Carly!!! Congrats on 10 years of blogging. You were the person that kicked off my obsession of reading blogs, as well as the person who inspired me to get back into fashion. I can’t wait to see what you’ll do in the coming years!

Amanda Rosen

I’ve been reading for 4 years now, and it’s the only blog I come back to daily to read. We met at a Lilly event in NYC last fall, and it really was the highlight of my month- I couldn’t stop smiling! Thanks for being a great role model for me and introducing me to so many amazing things that have helped my life (headspace, bbg, fashion inspo, restuarant recs, etc) Keep the inspiration coming!!!


Carly, It has been so inspiring to follow you all over these years, and how much you have grown and your content that you provide! You have shown how hard work can make you accomplish great things and I can not wait to keeping ready for the next 10 + years to come!!

Amanda Rosen

I’ve been reading for 4 years now, and it’s the only blog I come back to daily to read. We met at a Lilly event in NYC last fall, and it really was the highlight of my month- I couldn’t stop smiling! Thanks for being a great role model for me and introducing me to so many amazing things that have helped my life (headspace, bbg, fashion inspo, restuarant recs, etc) Keep the inspiration coming!

Katie Wheeler

I’ve been following your blog for almost 10 years! I’m close to your age and have loved reading your thoughts and perspective on life experiences while also experiencing them myself- from graduating college to life as a young professional. Can’t wait to see where the next 10 years takes you!

Sarah T.

I have been following along since 2010. I have loved watching your blog grow and change with you and appreciate your authenticity!

Emily Yang

I’ve been reading your blog every day since high school and I just graduated from college! I love how genuine you are in your posts <3

Emily Anderson

I love how you have relatable content,
you put yourself out there and I really appreciate reading about someone I can relate to!


Congrats on 10 years – what a milestone! I found you while living in DC and it’s been fun following you since 🙂


I don’t remember exactly when I found this blog, but looking back on some of the milestones, it must have been a very long time! I find it very relatable as someone of the same age.


Carly, CONGRATS! This is an amazing milestone. I only discovered your blog about two years ago, but your sharing on this blog has made it something truly special. I originally came for the style inspiration, but I can tell you now that I’ve also gotten such a refreshing perspective on life from this! I’m graduating high school this year. The thought of college is both exciting and a bit daunting, but knowing that you and your blog will always be here is such a great encouragement. Thanks, and congrats!!

Elizabeth Anderson

Your pursuit of your dream is very inspirational! I am getting my PhD, and I really appreciate how you started your blog as an avenue to release your stress from school!

Madison Mcghee

My best friend recommended the blog to me over the summer and now I read it every morning before school. My favorite post are the ones you did about your trip to Paris. Congrats on 10 years! I hope you blog for years to come!!

Christina Lee

Congratulations, Carly! Your blog posts emails are my favorites to click on when I see them in the morning. I think I found you on Tumblr way back when, and I’m so glad because your style and the brands you work with have proven to be reliable and timeless, just like your blog 🙂 Happy New Year!

Emily G.

Hi Carly,

I’ve been reading your blog for about the past five years. You’ve inspired my style and encouraged me to try new classes at the gym. Some of my favorite posts of yours are the ones where you have discussed your anxiety and Headspace. I started using Headspace because of you, and it has helped me immensely with managing my anxiety.


Congratulations Carly! I don’t even remember how I found you! It’s probably been 7 or so years. I’ve been drawn to your authenticity and post content.

Katie Trainor

Can’t believe it has been 10 years! I’ve been reading since almost the very beginning with my best friend, and it’s been wonderful to watch your journey! Thanks for always having stylish and real content that makes it feel like we know you!

Jelecia S

I started following The College Prepster one day when I randomly searched “Note Taking” on google back in junior year of high school (I believe) and that was in 2011! Congratulations on 10 years Carly!

Brandy Brown

I first found your blog while looking for tips on college and studying and I think you post about Lilly Pulitzer planners was the first I read (and then bought my own the next day). I started reading and haven’t stopped for almost 7 years now. Your blog has been inspiring, informative and entertaining. You inspired me to start my own blog as well. Congrats on 10 years!!!

Jen Swets

Congrats Carly! This is an amazing accomplishment. You’ve turned something you love into a hugely successful career; this is something to be celebrated. Using your passion and talent to share stories of growth, challenge, and fun is an inspiration to others out there. Here’s to 10 more years of success, adventure and fabulousness!

Emma S

I found your blog after a friend suggested I would like your Instagram, which I obviously did and have loved reading your blog ever since!

Ava Brown

SO SO PROUD OF YOU CARLY! you’re such an inspiration and a vital part of my life 🙂

Katie McWilliams

I can’t even remember when I found your blog but I’ve been following you for years. I lived in Connecticut and grew up near Stamford so all my favorite memories were when you went places I recognized from growing up there.


Have loved reading your blog through college and now as I’m navigating the real world. Thanks for always providing real and relatable content!

Hannah Jane

Congratualtions Carly! Although I’m a relatively new reader (only two years or so) I feel life you have remained an honest voice. Many bloggers feel like they only exist to peddle me items but I feel like the things you promote are true to what you like and are reasonable. I love that you still write! Your writing is a joy to follow and you have an authentic voice.

I hope you’re celebrating this milestone with joy and pride!


I just started following you in the last year or so but I love all of your outfits and love how real you keep things – I always look forward to your posts and Instagram stories.

Congratulations on 10 years!

Hailey P.

I found your blog while looking for inspiration around a year ago. I really wanted to be a fashion journalist or go into fashion marketing and I needed a writing role model for inspiration to help me make a portfolio. I found you and you were absolutely perfect. I’m still working on my very own blog and you’re such a great role model to help me through the process. You’re dm’s are always open and it’s great knowing that you communicate with your audience. Thank you so much!

Ashlynn Stansberry

Congratulations on 10 years! I have always enjoyed reading your blog. You’ve always inspired me to try new things and showed me how much someone can influence the world just by starting a blog. You were one of the first blogs I started reading and I’m so happy that I stumbled across your blog one day.

Claire Eckert

I found your blog a few summers ago when searching how to create sparkler pictures!! I remember dm you my creation and you responding! It made my night haha Now my mom knows when I say “Carly was wearing…” or “Carly went here..” she knows I’m talking about you 😂


Wow congrats! You got me through so many tough times. I’m the same age as you and through my senior year of college I followed along your blog to imagine a dream life in DC! I was going through a rough time and your blog let me escape! Now, I live in DC (moved from NJ!) and you hold such a sweet spot in my heart.

Lydia Moit

Congratulations on 10 years! I’ve been reading since I graduated college and we are actually the same age so it’s been nice to have someone who relates to what I’m going through right along with me. Hope you continue to blog for several more years!


Carly, I found your blog through Julia’s Gal Meets Glam and I was immediately hooked by your honesty. You have such a perfect balance of realness and sponsored content – here’s to another 10 years (at least) for Carly the Prepster! Congratulations, love!


Kayla Sarin

Carly, congratulations on this incredible accomplishment!! I have been following you for quite a few years now and am amazed at how you connect with your readers — I feel like we are best friends & am constantly having to remind myself that you don’t actually know me 🙂 Thank you for being an inspiration to young women and for never being afraid to be vulnerable with your readers!

Andrea Terrones

I found your blog through my older sister and we both enjoy your posts! My favorite ones are the “On my Radar”.

Amanda A.

Oh Carly, I’m so happy I found your blog so so so many years ago. We share so many similar interests it made me feel like I had a long distance bff. I’m so happy/proud of you and everything TCP has become! Here’s to 10 more years!! 🥂

Lillian Kennedy

First, congrats Carly!!! I found your blog when I was in high school and my mom and I have become avid followers! I’ve continued to follow for six years now and your posts have helped me through so many of the ups and downs of college and helped me find my own style! Also I always love finding another rower out there!


Congrats on 10 years! Thanks for linking to the sleeve rolling post…very timely for me! 🙂

Abigail Nowell

Congratulations on 10 years!!! I found your blog on Instagram about four years ago when I was in high school. As I’ve transitioned into college and almost post-grad now, I really understand what you mean about your blog being an escape, and that no teacher or coach can tell you it’s wrong. I applaud you on the balance you’ve created between showing us glimpses of your personal life, but still keeping some things to yourself. I wake up every morning excited to read your new post! I can’t wait to see where your future endeavors will take you.

Emma Bradford

Congratulations on your 10 year anniversary! I love reading your blog and find it a constant inspiration.


I’ve been reading along happily since your college days. I love how much you interact with readers. You’ve responded to a few emails and messages from me over the years and are always lovey.

Cashel Koski

I found your blog Fall 2016, my freshman year of college, through your vlogs on YouTube! At the time, I had just started a blog myself, and found myself reading almost all of your posts. Hearing how you felt about school, work and dealing with being a type-A-perfectionist who now loves to work out really resonated and continued to resonate with me. I find myself constantly inspired with how polite you are and how you carry yourself. Every word you post on this blog is so personal and has clicked with me in one way or another. I know for certain we would’ve been great friends if we had been in school at the same time. Reading your posts over the years has taught me a lot about growing up, too. I always thought that either in college and now after college, my anxieties would be gone and I’d have it all together, but now I know that this is not the case, and that’s normal! Reading about you going through the same things I am at two different points in our lives has really shown me that these are things we’re going to be dealing with forever in different ways and I think that was really important for me to see. Thank you for sharing your life and creativity with us. Seeing a post from you everyday is something I look forward to and I wish you all the best!

Katie M


I have been following your blog for many years now and never comment, but just wanted to finally say how much I enjoy reading your content and hearing you share real stories. I also love your style! Congrats on 10 years of blogging!

Miss S

Ohmigosh Carly, I still remember following you on Pinterest after a college friend showed me your blog in her room because she thought I’d like your style, and I’ve been following your blog ever since! I was so proud of you for making the difficult choices to rebrand, to move, and to continue to share parts of your personal life with us can after everything that you’ve gone through. You’ve created such a unique, positive, gorgeous corner of the internet, and it has been such a joy to follow you. Congratulations on reaching the Ten Year mark 🎉😘💃!!!!!!!!! I hope that the comments of this post can serve as a reminder of how much good has come out of your decision to continue to blog whenever you feel like you need it, and I hope to keep looking forward to your posts for years to come. Congrats on everything, girl 🎉💖😭🙌!!!!!!!!!!

Madison Walters

Wow! 10 years! I have been reading for probably 8 years. I remember being in college and I would look forward to starting my day reading my favorite blogs, yours included. Back then you did a giveaway every Friday (?) and I would always enter. One time I even won and I could not even believe it because I had never won anything before from a contest. I still have the monogrammed necklace to this day from the brand Personalized from Me to You.
I have also always enjoyed your book reviews and organizational tips.
I also ran into you this summer at the Skinny Dip boutique in Nantucket and I asked for a picture.
Your blog is something I always look forward to reading! It has been cool having a peek into your life over the years and hearing what you enjoy and like. I appreciate you writing your blog, I know it can’t always be easy to do.
Thank you! Congrats again!

Jordyn P

I can’t believe it’s been 10 years of following along. I actually found your blog from hearing about it from a couple girls when I took an official visit to Georgetown for rowing! While I’m a few years younger, I’ve felt like I’ve grown up with your blog. Your study/organization tips seriously helped me get my life together as a floundering college freshman and have followed me from undergrad, through law school, and beyond.

Thanks for 10 great years! xoxo


I’ve been reading this blog since the green and white background days. You’ve done such an amazing job with it! Congrats on 10 great years!

Alayna Jackson

I can’t believe it’s ben TEN YEARS! I started following when I was 14 and wanted to look preppy sooo bad. Now I have a daughter and am finally starting to figure out my own style! Thank you!

Julia B

I’ve been reading for about 4 years! I first found you when I was packing for freshman year of college – I still refer to your list every August 😂 I’ve loved watching your blog change and grow!

ms. mary m. motta

it’s been easily 6-7 years since i started reading your blog. although i can’t recall how i first stumbled upon it, i do know that once i started reading, it became a frequent stop for me. although i have always been a passive reader, some of the content has really moved me. your courage to leave home helped me pull the trigger to move to new york. and while i lived there, your enthusiasm for a healthy lifestyle helped me get into yoga. i even attended a yoga class with you a couple of years ago in the city. because of you, i also tamed my anxiety and depression utilizing headspace. i’d never given much merit to meditation, but your posts got me thinking… i tried it and it’s helped immensely.

and you know what? i really love your passion for knowing who you are and sticking to it. while you’re discovering more all the time and bettering yourself, you know who that person is at the core. your brand is lovely because you are lovely inside. thank you for blogging.

Alexis Vieira

Congrats on 10 years!!

I’ve been following since wayyyyy back in the day and you are an inspiration to me.

I love that you were able to grow when that wasn’t what it was all about!

Giuliana Savini

Dear Carly,

I’ve been reading since I was a sophomore in high school (16), and I am now out of graduate school (23). I follow a handful of blogs, but yours is always the first one that I check every day–why is that, I asked myself? I think it is because you are reliable in your authenticity. Trends come and go, but your style is classic, which is why I return for quotidian fashion inspiration.


Kait Ritchie

I started reading your blog when I found it through Pinterest! I was browsing for winter outfits and found your *iconic* Barbour and fair isle look. I’ve been reading every day since! I’m past my college days now and I enjoy that your “look” has evolved as well. Congrats on 10 years!! 🎉

Anna Spencer

I remember finding you when I was in high school, again in undergrad, and refinding you as Carly the Prepster while in graduate school. I’ve enjoyed watching the blog change and grow over the years!


Carly! Can’t believe its been 10 years! I started reading your blog in 2013/2014, and it is amazing to see how much you have grown since then, while still remaining one of my favorite bloggers!


I always love love love your travel posts. They help me with my own packing and give me great ideas for both trip inspiration and outfit inspiration. Thank you for always being so uniquely you and for making us all feel like we are your girlfriends. You have been true to yourself since the beginning and that is what has been so amazing as a long time follower. Keep being you!

Lee S.

It’s hard to believe it’s been 10 years, I’ve been an avid reader for the last 7 or so. I’ve enjoyed seeing/reading about your travels, your career adventures, and love the way your style has evolved but has remained consistently classic.

Leigh Dunaway

So thrilled for you (and for all of us reading) that you hit this incredible milestone! I found your blog through your posts on anxiety at a time in college when I needed the words you shared so desperately. Can’t thank you enough for sharing with us even though I know there are so many hard aspects!!


I found your blog when I loved to DC and googled DC fashion and lifestyle blogs. I’m so glad that I found your blog!

Kate Minkus

I remember finding you when I was in college and at a low point as well. I felt lost, lonely, anxious and disappointed by my college experience, being less than what I imagined. Your posts about struggling through college, provided me a sense of solace, especially when you discussed failing an exam freshman year! Congratulations on 10 years.

Catherine Day

I can’t believe it’s been 10 years! I think I started following you in 2012 when I was in college and I stumbled upon one of your shoe roundups with duck boots in them! I’ve been following along ever since! Congrats, lady!

Annalise G

I have been reading your blog for about 5 years since I was a sophomore in high school! I remember reading all of your old college posts when I was making that transition, and now find myself reading your graduation and post-grad posts as I approach that season. I’m also from Tampa and love seeing the posts when you come to visit your family, but I would have to say one of my favorite posts was from 2015 when you talked about the Awesome Etiquette podcast as it’s now one of my favorites and I would have discovered it otherwise. Thanks for writing such an amazing blog all of these years!!

Ali Squellati

Carly – I’ve been reading your blog every morning since 2010. Thanks for letting us follow along on your journey!

Sara S.

Aah, this is wonderful! So many congratulations…I’ve been reading since 2010 or 2011 and can’t believe that so much time has passed since we were both in college. You’re still one of my favorite bloggers…I feel like I’ve grown up alongside you. Lots of love!

Jasmine Wu

Carly! I can’t believe it’s been 10 years! I am not exactly sure when I first discovered your blog, I believe it may have been through Levo or a Twitter giveaway. You are so inspiring and as a college student, I love your advice in the Freshman 50 book you wrote. I love your style and attitude towards things in life and will definitely keep following your blog, Youtube, Instagram stories, Twitter, and Facebook group for a very very long time!

Christina L

Congrats on ten years of blogging, Carly!! My roommate at Georgetown (Hoya Saxa!) showed me your blog a few years ago and the rest is history. TCP/CTP has done SO much for my personal style- I’m so glad I found you!!

Kyra Cotter

Congratulations, Carly! I’ve been following you for YEARS (since 2011) after I stumbled across a link on Pinterest. I have read your posts daily ever since. I love your content, but I still remember your “Organize This” posts. Thank you for everything you do!


Carly, ten years is no small feat! So exciting to officially see what you’ve accomplished over an entire decade. I remember when I was a freshman in college in the fall of 2011 and first stumbled across your blog. I was having a tough time with my roommate and also trying to balance class and the handful of activities I wanted to participate in since the structure and schedule of high school was a thing of the past. I can’t remember what I had Googled that led me to your blog, but I must have spent two hours scrolling through your old posts and have been a loyal reader ever since. You are ultra authentic and come across like a long lost friend, I truly hope to meet you one day! Cheers to your anniversary and everything that is still to come!

Madeeha Syed

Congratulations on 10 years Carly!!! I remember when I found your blog when I too was in a low point of my freshman year of college and was looking at schools closer to home to transfer to Georgetown was one and I stumbled on your blog. Ultimately made the decision to transfer to Georgetown and never regretted it! We’ve never met but I do remember seeing you walking around campus one day with Carter shooting but not being certain it was you. Lol
Again my best wishes on the 10 year! Can’t wait to see what’s to come!!!



Oh gosh I totally forgot about the instagram photo strips! I used to be so into those. Actually, thinking back, I think I joined instagram so I could make them. I remember I made them for all my friends back in the day.

Katie Booth

My sophomore year of college, the president of a club I was in shared one of your blog posts about the importance of networking and I’ve followed ever since! Congratulations!

Hayden Barry

I first “met” your blog when I was on a trip to Boston with my aunt. She saw my outfit when I landed at the airport and had the most speechless look on her face. I asked her why, and she pulled up your blog. I was twinning with your outfit from that day’s blog post without knowing who you are or what you do. After that she said that I was going to look just like her when I grow up. Since I have always looked up to her so much, I followed your blog religiously, checking for a post every day. When I need help with an outfit, motivation for school, etc., your blog has been the place I go. I hope you read this and realize how much you have helped me. Thank you!

Jackie V

I’ve loved following the blog for many years! I have really enjoyed your birthday posts where you reflect on the year past and the year coming up!


Congrats on 10 years! I read and re-read your Ireland posts so many times in preparation for a trip I took this past September. They were so helpful! I now read your blog almost daily!


I’m the same age/year as you in school and found your blog soon after you started while I was in college as well. I went to school in Virginia while you were close to my family’s home so it was fun to follow your very relatable posts. I’ve been silently viewing since then and you are one of the few bloggers I’ve continued to follow. In a few of my lonelier years of grad school and the difficult transition to my first few working years, it was awesome to share your struggles and successes around the same time. I have always loved checking your blog for what to wear to a formal, present ideas, and how to calm the heck down for the big life stressors. Congratulations on such a major milestone, and thank you for continuing to share your journey with us!

Carlie Riddle

I started following your blog in 2012 during my first year of college. We share the same name (though mine is spelled differently) and that alone was enough of a sign for me to dig deep into your blog for tips on college and style. Though I was almost done with my freshman year at the time, your “Survival Guide for College Freshman” was still useful as I finished out my first year. It has been fun ‘growing up’ with you and seeing where this journey has taken you. Your openness about your struggles with anxiety and your willingness to share the real parts of your life has been much appreciated. Congrats on 10 years!

Danielle S

Congrats on 10 years! Some of my favorite
Purchases have come from your recommendations 🙂

Mariel Edwards

Congrats on 10 years! I don’t remember how I started following you or when – but I read your blog religiously every morning and love following along on Instagram! Keep up the great work 🙂


Amazing Achievement!! Congratulations! I enjoy your posts and appreciate all the time and energy that you put into delivering authentic content. You are a blogger who stays true to her word. I admire your transparency and resilience. Onward and Upward –

Cynthia L

My favorite recent post of your was about your Paris trip. The pictures were gorgeous, your outfits were chic but still practical for travel and something that a nonblogger could wear on a trip, the activities and locations you shared were all great suggestions. I pinned that post to reference at a later date should I be so lucky to return to Paris!

Erika S

I remember finding you from that intense study tips post. You saved me through so many midtersms and finals in high school and college! I still send it to people who ask me for study tips.


I have been following along since day one and I can not believe ten years have already flown by! It has been a joy to watch your blog grow!


Found your blog my freshman year of college and been reading for 8 years now! You were the first blog I ever read and the first one I check every day, even after all this time. Congrats!!!

Stacy Smith

How very exciting for you! I’m an older fan of your blog but I love your style nonetheless!

Rachel G

Congratulations Carly! This is such an epic giveaway and have all of them items constantly on my dream list! I started following you about 4 years ago when I joined Instagram. I wasn’t huge into social media but completely fell in love with you style and am always looking to your blog for inspiration. Congrats again!

Jennifer Frix

Happy 10 year anniversary! I have been following from the start – I am a few years younger than you so I have used your advice as I have navigated through high school, college, and now my young adult life. Thank you for being such a fun inspiration for all these years!

Colleen Ray

Every single night at midnight since 7th grade, I have checked your website and had a glimpse into your world. Whether your blog served as a study break or a close to my Prom Night, I feel like you have been a piece of so many nights of my life! I feel so blessed to be able to know you through your honest and sweet words. During my freshman year of college, I struggled to adjust to college life and being away from home, just as you mentioned. However, because of your blog, I poured through different ways to make college great and worked to accept challenges and embrace failure. Nine years after finding your blog, I am almost the age you were when I found your blog- time is a crazy amazing thing! Your blog is such a constant part of my life, and starts my days in the best way! Thank you for giving so much and for being y o u! xoxo

Miriam Rosenblatt

I have been following you for years and I can’t imagine starting my day without reading your posts! Congrats on 10 years and cheers to 10 more (only if you want it haha)!

Lisa M

Congrats, Carly! In 2011, I interviewed you for a profile I was working on for a journalism class at AU, and I thought it was so cool you were willing to take some time out of your busy schedule to meet with me over coffee! I used that piece as a part of my portfolio for my first job, and ended up as a magazine editor for three years, focusing on profiles and features. Anyway, that’s a long-winded way of saying thank you! 🙂


Congratulations, Carly! Your content is honest and real and I feel like I’ve grown to know you as a person over the years! As a college student I really appreciate the perspective you provide as someone who is ten years older. Keep up the good work!


Congratulations on hitting your ten year goal! I first found your blog back in 2009 when I was starting my senior year in high school. It became part of my routine to check your site every morning in my first period American History class. I can’t quite recall what the first post was that I clicked on but I remember being drawn to your blog because you were relatable and only a year or so older than I was. You we’re experiencing things that I was quickly approaching having to go through myself. Thank your for continuing to stay true yourself it shows in the content you produce. Personally this is the reason I return a few times a week to catch up on what I’ve missed.

Rachel L.W.

I remember finding your blog in high school through all the preppy tumblrs haha. Thanks for your honesty and all the fun lifestyle stuff! <3


10 years is such an accomplishment- congratulations!! My favorite post of yours is (extremely) honest review of what it’s like to be a new puppy owner. I loved, and continue to love, how you don’t just share the beautiful photos and fun times (in all aspects of life)… owning an animal is such a massive commitment and at times can be difficult. You didn’t just share the worlds most adorable dogs with us, you also shared the truth about their upbringing— thank you!


Congrats on your 10 year anniversary! I started following you back in 2010 after a friend recommended your blog!

Hadley Griffin

I found your blog when I was about to start high school. I thought and still feel that you are a very good role model to have !


I found this blog in the summer of 2014. I had just finished graduate school and was starting my first job as a teacher. I had no idea what to wear to work that was true to my preppy casual personal style while still being work appropriate. This blog gave me so many ideas for how to take casual pieces I had in my closet from J.Crew and dress them up for work. The school I work at now is much more laidback so I no longer need tips for dressing up, but I still come here for tips on what’s new at my favorite stores and how to put together cute outfits for fall, spring, the holidays, etc. Thank you so much for having great style tips for different price points! I hope you keep it up!

Katie K. Mc.

Congratulations Carly! I am unsure how I stumbled across your blog (tying boot laces maybe?) but I can say that I look forward to all of your posts. I use Feedly and I love when I’m notified there’s a new post and I save it for my lunch break so I can fully enjoy it. I even went back through all your Tampa recs earlier this month for a trip there. Thank you so much for sharing with everyone!

Emily Reynolds

Congrats Carly!! I’ve been following your blog since June 2014 and have been reading it daily ever since. I don’t really comment but I’ve loved your postings throughout the years…75% of wardrobe has been influenced by your posts lol and I am forever grateful for your travel guides. Especially the Nantucket one! Keep on blogging, I am incredibly thankful for all that you share with us.

Kendra B

I’ve followed you blog from 2011 when I was looking to move to NYC for college. I loved your clothes and your personality. Plus all the wonderful tips about they city. In 2013 I made a huge jump and moved to Orlando and followed all your trip and adventure in ramps and even all over Florida. Thanks for being a breathe of fresh air and always staying true to yourself.

Annie Jacobs

Congratulations on 10 years! I’ve been following along since 2010 and it has been so fun to “grow up” with you! My high school BFFs and I came to a meetup at Madewell in Georgetown in 2012- crazy to think how much has changed since then! 🙂

Allie T

A friend in my first year of high school recommended the blog to me for style tips. I’m now a college graduate working a real job and still look to the blog for advice almost daily. It’s been a wonderful journey to follow for so many years now.

Sara Cissel

Huge congratulations on 10 years!
I found you several years ago after searching for preppy fashion inspiration! I’m much older than you, but your style is absolutely timeless, and I’m so glad I found your blog! Thank you for writing!

Margaret Cox

I found it in high school looking for a cookie in a mug recipe! I think I must have spent hours that first day reading your blog!

Anne Holden

First off CONGRATULATIONS! What a huge milestone. I first started reading your blog when I was home for break from college. I was waiting to go into work one morning and I was thinking that I really wanted to start reading a blog that was authentic and fun to read. Needless to say I fell in love with your blog. The content, the layout, EVERYTHING! Your style mirrors mine and I love the way you create different looks with classic pieces of clothing! I honestly can’t remember when I started reading your blog because it’s been so long now but if I had to guess I would say the Spring of 2012. You have accomplished so much in your ten years on this blog and I am so happy for you. You deserve all the happiness in the world!! Congrats again!!!

Emily Nicholson

Congrats on 10 years! I’ve been following along since the summer of 2009. I was off to college and wanted to be ready for my new adventure and googled “college prep”. I’ve been hooked ever since. Thanks for being you and sharing a slice of your life with us all.


Amazing accomplishment! This blog has been the highlight of my morning for the past 5 years — I found it when I was in high school, where I felt lonely most of the time, and your blog really got me through some difficult years! Thanks so much for always being genuine and authentic, it truly shows in every unique and well-thought out post. I love reading and am always so inspired and amazed! Keep up the good work and congrats on the 10 years. So amazing!!

Megan M

Congratulations on your milestone! Your blog has been a part of my morning routine for 6 years!! You’re also my style inspiration and the one who “introduced” me to Lilly Pulitzer. Thank you!!


Your Alaska trip heavily influenced my itinerary (and decision to go in the first place!) when I visited a couple of years back, and we had the best time. Congratulations on hitting a decade!

Liz C

I found your blog through the How to Roll Your Sleeves Like J. Crew post. It’s probably the most useful tip I’ve ever found on a blog!


Congrats on ten years, Carly! I stumbled on your blog in the early days of DC social media “scene” then later women’s empowerment and networking. I remember when you decided to do this full time, I couldn’t imagine it! I’ve been impressed (not that I’ve doubted) with how you’ve built this business while also balancing growing up and stretching yourself (and all the ups and downs). You write like you’re chatting with friends (and I can attest you’re just as warm in person). You’re a constant source for new finds, tips and tricks, on how to make it all less overwhelming. As your tastes have evolved, you’ve shared without snobbery or condescension. Congrats, and to the next ten years! The best it yet to come!


I like all your on my radar posts. I sometimes read them right at midnight when I am up late studying. I’ve been reading since I was 14 and struggling with my own mental health at boarding school. I’m 21 now and it’s so crazy how both our lives have changed in the past 7 years. I still check in every day & love following along!


I think you bring a freshness and engaging personality to blogging, so congratulations on your 10-year anniversary! I started reading you because of the Margaux review (and would love to have a pair, hint hint!)

Jennifer M

I’m so happy for you Carly! Congrats on all your successes. I’ve been reading for 6+ years now and I love following your journey. Can’t wait to see what the future brings 🙂


I have loved growing up with you (we’re about the same age) and I adore you on my radar lists each week!


First off, what an accomplishment Carly!! 10 years is so huge!!

Hands down, my favorite post of yours was about why you moved to Hoboken. It was truly life changing for my boyfriend and I as we were looking to get out of NYC (we are not city people) and were debating moving closer to my hometown in Stamford (maybe SoNo or Greenwich?), but were worried about the commute into the city. Your post about Hoboken being short enough that you can pop into NYC without having to make a whole day of it really hit it home for us. We are loving every bit of living just on the other side of the Hudson and popping in and out of the city as we please. Thank you for painting such a crystal clear picture for us because we are now happier than ever! xoxo

Hillary Harshbarger

Love your blog! Have been following for years and love how close you and your parents are! I’m the same with mine!

Amber D

Congratulations Carly! It’s been so much fun following you on this 10 year journey. We’re the same age and following your blog almost from the beginning was special just because it often felt like we were goin through the same things at similar times. I’m so grateful for your content and look forward to reading it each morning! Cheers to 10 more years!

Kelly Marie

Congratulations! I found your blog through Sarah Vicker’s blog when I was a junior in high school. It came at a time when I was discovering my personal style, my college, and career aspirations. I have always been inspired and motivated by your work ethic and hustle. While I’m sure there have been huge business transitions over the years, you’ve made it look effortless. I’ve loved following your journey and wish you the best!


Congratulations on such an amazing achievement! Whenever I’m looking for style or life advice or ideas, your blog is the first place I check. Thank you for creating such an inspiring, relatable site that so many people trust!

Catherine S

10 years, what an accomplishment! I’ve been reading since basically the beginning- I was at GW when you were at Georgetown.

Kathleen Harrington

I love the J. crew roll, and have been using it weekly for years! Thanks, Carly!

Meaghan Kenny

congratulations!! I’ve been reading for years and love your posts! Your breakup post helped me a lot as I went through a breakup at about the same time, you helped me realize everything would be ok!

Liz R

Congratulations on your big milestone! I’ve been ready for many years! Back in the neon green and pink and mirror OOTD days! We are very close in age so I felt like I was living through college ups and downs with you. I always loved the organize, please posts, especially for school and study tips 🙂


I was first aquainted with your blog through Tumblr and haven’t looked back since—congratulation, Carly!


Congrats on 10 years, Carly! I found your blog back when I was a senior in high school looking for college packing advice. 7 years later, and I still look forward to reading your blog everyday. Thank you for all of your advice over the years!

Elizabeth Storey

This is dumb, but one of my favorite posts of yours was a give away of your collaboration with Minnie and Emma, I won a free personalied phone case and used it for years! Got so many compliments and you were so great to work with. I also appreciated your candid post when you were going through a tough time mental health wise at Levo and took a weekend to recharge, are candy, read, went to the movies, etc. That post really rung with the importance of being busy as a cool thing really isn’t a ‘cool thing’ and taking care of yourself mentally is the ‘coolest’


Carly, I was introduced to your blog by my best friend, and have been hooked ever since (at least 3-4 Year’s). We participated in your college aged fan meet up and are in your Facebook group. I have loved following your life and fashion and am thrilled you didn’t let this past year and the haters keep you down!!! Pls keep doing you and owning who you are and know for every troll out there, there’s at least me and my bff to back you up.


Happy Anniversary!!! What a great retrospective of the past ten years. I think I found you via the ‘how to roll your sleeves’ post – funny you mention it!
I love your content and love that you keep such a positive spin on everything. Keep up the great, inspiring work!

Carolyn Mackenzie

Congrats on a decade of blogging! My older sister told me about your blog about 5 years ago, and I’ve been reading daily ever since. It’s been a fun sister-thing to bond over!


I found your blog from following Julia! I love how you both collaborate and have an obvious genuine friendship!

Emily V.

I honestly don’t remember how I found your blog, but I believe it was my freshman year of college, which means I’m now an 8 year reader (eeek! :)) I’ve always appreciated how thoughtful you are in your posts, and how you’ve protected your privacy while still giving us a glimpse into the ups and downs of your life. This really allowed me to feel connected to you in a way that I haven’t with other bloggers.

The one blog post that sticks out in my mind as the most impactful on me was the one where you decided to leave your full-time job for the blog. This post actually gave me the courage to leave a job that was very draining emotionally, and i’m not sure i would’ve if you hadn’t shared your experience.

I wish I could’ve met you in person when you came to Chicago in 2016, but I was going through chemo at the time, and had a treatment on that day. Even though we haven’t met in person, I still feel like I know you (as silly as that may seem), and I hope that one day we will.

No matter what you choose to do with your blog down the road, I will always be a support you.


Congrats Carly! What an amazing accomplishment! I found your blog my freshman year of college when looking for study tips (eek 2009) and graduated from grad school almost a year ago – I feel like I have grown up right alongside you! Can’t wait to see what the next year brings for you!


I’ve been following your blog Carly since at least 2011! Feel like I know you in so many ways!🤔 I remember having to get on my iPad to see your Instagrams since i also didn’t have an iPhone!😂 I’d love to enter to win this amazing giveaway!💗

Stephanie Heaney

I can’t remember how I found your blog, but I love following you day to day life with the puppies! I have two myself and they make my days so wonderful.

Sydney Brodie

Congrats on such a big milestone! I’ve been reading for just over 6 years. Crazy it’s been that long! Thank you for being you and creating such great content.

Ashley Carroll

How amazing! What an honor it’s been to read since 2012 when I started college! I think I started with the “intense study tips” during finals;)

Alexa Katherine

10 years – Wild! I found your blog through GMG a few years ago and have been following since!


Always love the organization and fashion posts – your classic style makes it easy to find good staples! Congrats on 10 years!

Sally Abouchar

Congratulations on 10 years of blogging!!! It has been such a blast following your blog for the past few years – best of luck wherever 2019 takes you!

T. House

I’ve been reading for about 9 years, starting when I was in high school, and I’ve always loved your family & Tampa posts! Also the new fitness content has been fun (and inspiring!) to follow.

Happy 10 years!

Ann W

What a huge achievement! I enjoy reading each of your posts and appreciate the hard work you put into this blog. Congratulations!


Congratulations Carly! You are one of my favorite bloggers to follow! I love your style and how real you are. My favorite post has been you sharing your fitness journey. It motivated me to start my own journey!

Gerrianna Cohen

Carly! I started following you when I was a sophomore in high school (2011) and look up to you for your fashion recommendations and great perspective on life. Your content is so relatable, and I love reading everything you put on the blog. (Also, your instagram stories are the best!)

Rachel D.

Congrats on 10 years of blogging! I found yor blog when I moved to DC as a clueless Midwesterner and was furiously googling for tips on how to dress to impress in my new environment 🙂 I appreciate all of the work that you put in to your blog- THANK YOU 🙂

Megan Zhang

Hi Carly! I’ve been reading since I was a junior in high school so 6 years ago! I found your blog because I was going through a “rebranding” moment and wanted to make myself preppier and you were my role model. I still revere your style and advice and if you’re passionate about something, I’m definitely going to give it a try. My favorite post of yours is “100 days of meditation” because you talked about how you’ve been able to help manage your stress and anxiety. I immediately started using headspace after your post and I can’t believe how much better I feel. I didn’t even know I was that incredibly anxious all the time (I thought it was just me being me) but after using it for months, I’ve felt this sense of calm I’ve never felt before and it actually lasts through my stressful moments like job searching or grad school apps. I really can’t thank you enough for that! P.S. I realllly love and miss your youtube videos. You became a part of my life when I got to see you and hear you speak and I always watched your videos during my morning routine. I would love if you brought that back! Love you and thank you and hope you have another incredible year!

Payton Clark

I L O V E your blog! I started stumbled upon a few years ago, maybe from Instagram first, and I have loved following along ever since. I recently introduced it to my best friend, and we totally freak over you and Julia’s friendship (and of course Gal Meets Glam)! Congrats on 10 years, I can’t wait to see everything you accomplish in year 11!


Congratulations on hitting the ten year mark! I’ll never forget stumbling across your blog and reading your blog as a freshman in college. I used all of your study tips and organization tips and have always loved your style. I’ve followed you consistently now for about 7 years and it’s so cool to see all of the changes you’ve been through. Thank you for always being open and sharing your life with us! ❤️

Kelli Johnson

Beautifully chronicled Carly. I’ve been reading your blog every day since my senior year of college.


I have been reading your pieces since high school and have really been able to connect with them. I also had a bit of a rough adjustment to college, but reading your early content from Georgetown helped me to understand that I wasn’t the only one who struggled! It’s great that even today your content from years ago remains relatable!

Lauren S

Congrats on 10 years of blogging! I think I originally found your blog through the photoshoot you did with Sarah Vickers around late 2012-early 2013. I’ve enjoyed getting to follow your journey over the years, and I’m excited to see where the next 10 years will take you!

Virginia Hugo-Vidal

I got turned on to you when I was applying to Georgetown and my Mother mentioned a blogger she followed had gone there!

Jaclyn V

I found your blog when I was a college freshman in 2011 (with the green damask!). I was instantly hooked and have read daily ever since, but my favorite post might’ve been when you talked about quitting your job to blog full time. It was really inspirational to me and what I needed to hear at that time. Thank you for what you do!


I found you by accident then realized you lived on my parents’ street. I showed up on your parents’ doorstep one day with my daughter who loves you. Today I stopped by and left you a fig cake with my nephew because Sophie is now 14 and embarrassed by my antics. I love so much about your blog, but my favorite recurring series is On My Radar.

Abby Meister

Congrats on a decade, Carly! I’ve read your blog every day since I discovered it in 2011 (when I was a freshman in high school)! Now, as I’m getting ready to transition from college to the “real world,” I find solace in your older blog posts when you were at the same stage of life. After many years of wanting to do it, your YouTube video on blogging tips gave me the courage I needed to launch my own blog this-coming February. To sum it all up, thank you. Your blog has touched my life and I know the lives of so many others.

Page McD

this year we did a DC meet up and another reader and I have continued being friends thanks to this!


Congratulations on your 10 year anniversary! I’ve been following you for about 7 years and am so happy to have found your blog. Keep it up!

Whitney Lundgren

This is so amazing! I have been following you for forever and I remember getting the BEST birthday gift from you! It was my freshman year of high school and you sent me the sweetest happy birthday dm! I still tell people about that today. I just started college this year and honestly looking at all your advice about how doing not so great in a class sin’t the end of the world has helped me so much. Congrats on 10 years!! Keep up the good work :))


Carly – Congrats on 10 years! One of my favorite things about your blog is the consistent and genuine authenticity and realness. You let your quirks shine through, and that’s why I love you. You feel more like a friend than an “influencer”, and that’s why I continue coming back after all these years!

Tara O

Congratulations, Carly! Happy to say I’ve been following your journey for ~6 years- since I was in High School! I remember downloading your app (throwback!) and reading as many posts as I could on a road trip from St. Louis to New Orleans. Going over the data limit was totally worth it that month 🙂

Jen K

Congrats on 10 years! I’ve been following regularly for a little over two years, starting some time after I saw a cute picture of you with Sarah and Kiel on Instagram (I think at an apple orchard?) I liked your classic, preppy style and thought you’d be a good person to follow…I was right!

Melissa K

Congratulations Carly! I found your blog through your “Organize, Please” series and have enjoyed following you over the years. I enjoy waking up to a new post every morning.

Sarah Davis

I found your blog when I was looking for inspiration one day back in 2011. I noticed you’re from Tampa and so am I!


Congratulations on 10 years! I believe I found you back in 2015 when I was looking for preppy outfits on Pinterest. I immediately started following you in Instagram and even subscribed to your youtube channel, which my husband would also occasionally watch with me.

Allie Hagerty

Carly, congratulations! I was a senior in high school when you started this blog, and you’ve been one of the only constants in my life these last ten years!

Keep up the great work, here’s to the next te!!

Kelly W.

Congratulations, Carly!
I found your blog during college in 2011 when I was just discovering what a blog was! Your relatability (not a word 🙂 and realness were something I latched onto, and I was so grateful to have your posts to brighten up my at times boring college assigned reading. Your determination and strong work ethic have always been qualities I work to model for others, just as you have for me. SO MANY well wishes on this momentous day, and I look forward to the many more to come for the prep-queen of girl-bosses!

Ashley Sanders

I found your blog from the how to roll sleeves like j crew years ago! I love reading all of your posts. I’ve even found new products from your post. Thanks!


Congratulations Carly! I have loved your blog for years, and I am quick to recommend it to people! Thank you for your approachable style and commitment to staying true to yourself!

Sujung Shin

Congratulations on your 10th anniversary! My sister got me started on reading your blog. Love your content!

Rachel Gold

10 years – holy cow! We’re the same age and I have been following along for a handful of years. It’s so nice that you have been able to chronicle and let us follow along the craziness of your 20’s!

Holly Norris

I’ve been reading your blog almost since the beginning – I was deep into all things Gossip Girl and prep themed blogs and stumbled across yours almost by accident in late middle school/early high school. Since then I’ve kept up mostly through social and your newsletter, and love seeing what adventures you’ve gone on!

Sarah M

Congratulations on 10 yrs! While I’ve only followed you for the last few yrs, your style and poise have resonated with me and inspired me to embrace my inner prepster.


Wow I can’t believe it’s been this long already! I’ve been following your blog since high school and I’m now in professional school, so at least 6 years now! I’m so proud of how far you’ve come and am so happy to continue to support you!

Melissa Galvin

Hi Carly! I’m one year younger than you and can’t even remember how I found your blog many years ago! You’re so honest and real and I truly enjoy reading every day.

Clare Daly

I’m 18 years old and have been an avid reader of the blog for four or five years now. You and your blog were a source of inspiration and comfort for me through my high school years, and still are now, in my first year of college! I love reading about your life and creating outfits based on yours. I look forward to On My Radar posts constantly, and I’m a night owl, so I’m usually up for the midnight postings! You made me want to start a blog of my own, and while I haven’t yet, I still love reading yours and keeping the idea in the back of my mind. That being said, you have inspired me to write in another form, my college newspaper! Happy 10 years Carly, thank you for all the inspiration!

Jessica Testa

Congrats on the huge accomplishment, Carly! I’ve been a devoted reader since 2011. Your blog helped me through my own tough times in college and battle with anxiety. I appreciate your honesty and genuineness in every post.

Erica Klein

Picking a favorite post is super hard! I can pick a favorite series though! I love the “ On my Radar” posts I look forward to those every Friday! I also really enjoy your travel posts and travel snapshots. I found your blog about 5ish years ago. I googled preppy blogs and yours to me, was the most real and relatable. One memory I have which I feel like has stuck with me and kept me loyal to your blog is that around 3 years ago I was inspired to start my own blog and I emailed you and you responded within 24 hours, you answered questions and you were so nice! I didn’t stick with blogging but it was special to have that response, I truly appreciated it.
Thanks Carly and congratulations on 10 years! Cheers to many more!

Makenzie Brais

Congrats Carly on 10 years!! I have been following for over 8 years and it has been so fun watching both you and your brand grow over the years! I am so excited to continue to follow and see where your journey takes you!

Rana Mehr

Congrats Carly! Love the 30 for 30, it made me take note of things I want to accomplish before I turn 30!

Claire Francis

This is so exciting, Carly! I have followed your blog for YEARS (started reading in high school and I’m now a senior in college) and you are such an inspiration to me!

Kylen Pohl

Congratulations on 10 years Carly! I absolutely adore reading your blog every day and I love your style.

Brittny Rogers

I have loved following along with you over the last ten years! Congrats on this milestone and for showing me I’m not alone with literally every life post you’ve made!


Hi! You helped me through high school when my style did not match the mainstream. I have followed you since 2009 my freshman year of high school. Thank you!

Sarah Tam

I stumbled on this blog when it was still The College Prepster back when I was searching for ways to decorate my dorm. I then read every single post in the archive and have kept reading through college and past graduation! I love escaping into Carly’s blog for a few minutes every day, and I look forward to all of her new posts. This blog is a spot of joy in my world!


You started blogging right around the same time i started a personal blog and I have loved following you ever since! (Though have since discontinued mine 🙂 )

Maddy Bersch

I’ve loved your Headapace recaps – seeing you get into the program has really kept me going!

Paxton Williams

Carly, I can’t believe it’s been 10 years! I found your blog on tumblr when I was in high school (around 2010), and I have been a dedicated follower since! Everything from your Nantucket guides to how tos on organizational skills, I utilize in my life and cannot tell you how much of an inspiration you are. In our crazy world, it’s nice to know people like you still exist 🙂 Thanks for many years of advice like a big sister!

Lisa Chan

Hi Carly! Congrats on 10 years! I believe I found your blog through the explore page on IG in the beginning of my college days, so that was probably around 2012-2013?!! Your blog attracted me not just bc of your style but bc how genuine you were in your blog posts and on IG. My favorite memory was finally getting to meet you in Chicago in 2016 when you had your meet and greet at the VV store! Happy to have found your blog and here’s to the next 10 years!!

Laura K-E

I can’t even remember how I found your blog, but I’ve been reading for about 8 years now! You’re a year younger than me, and it’s been surreal to both watch you go through some major life events and experience them, too! Here’s to many more posts and years to come!

Laura K-E

Mary T.

I remember finding your blog while I was in college, too, and feeling like I was reading something I easily could have written myself. Your voice has stayed so true to that as you’ve continued blogging, and I’m so glad you’ve both stuck with it and been able to make it your full time gig. Keep up the great work, and congrats on 10!!

Michelle Naragon

This blog has definitely been a highlight of mine to read for 2018, as my life has changed dramatically within the span of three months, the daily posts on this blog have most certainly brightened my days and given great advice. Thanks for deciding to create this blog ten years ago and continuing to positively impact the lives of many people.

Kristina Hacker

I started reading your blog in high school and I’m now 24(!) so been around a while. Love seeing how your style has evolved, but never really changed. I’m not an everyday reader anymore, but I always come back for On My Radar! 🖤

Tracy Schwartz

Happy Blogaversary! I found you on Instagram a few years back and your “on my radar” and “Maxie” posts are my favorites. Your authenticity can not be matched and your truly a unique voice that I will continue to follow, as long as you blog!

I also wanted to work for Levo League at one point, only to want to work with you, sorry if that’s creepy.

Here’s to more years!


So very grateful our blogs allowed us to become friends!! I am always in awe of all you do with such smarts and such grace. 10 years is SUCH a massive accomplishment – congrats to you, C!!

Britt K

I found your site first through instagram, probably on my explore page because I went to Florida. I love your gift guides, and all your content on instagram! Admittedly I don’t follow the blog religiously, but when you link through posts they are all so wise and fun to read! 10 Years is a milestone!! Congrats

Emily MW

You are truly so inspirational! You make me believe that I can become a better version of myself, and for that, I thank you. Keep it up, and keep inspiring us all to grow, change, and improve!

Holly W

It’s been so fun reading this blog all these years! I’m not sure if I have a specific favorite post (although I do love the Nantucket ones). Mostly, I just love reading and relating. I discovered your blog in college when a friend recommended it. I love how it’s evolved as I’ve grown and evolved. Thanks for writing!

Tia M

Hi Carly! I feel like I might be the oldest (literally … but will not tell you my age here 🙂 ) fan of yours. I just started reading your blogs about 6 months ago. I am not on any social media myself and I only subscribe to your blog. I most enjoy your taste in clothing and how honest you are with the brands and how they fit. You have never been wrong and I have bought so many pieces of clothing that you feature on your blog. They always fit me just right and I get so many wonderful compliments. Thank you for all of the time you put into your blog. I do appreciate reading them every day!


I found this blog in 2013 while I was in the midst of finals and super stressed! I wanted something to read that wasn’t calculus or chemistry! I then began to read this blog almost everyday and always looked forward to the next post. Thank you Carly for continuing to do what you love! You’ve positively influenced so many people and we’re so grateful for you!

Emily M

Congratulations on 10 years! I don’t remember exactly how I found you first, but as a former rower graduating college at the same time I remember feeling so many similar feelings about moving into “adulthood”. It has been so fun to follow along for all of these years. Cheers!

Kyra Pope

Congrats on 10 years! My best friend and I bonded over your blog in high school and we still love reading each and every post, trying out your tips, and getting inspiration from your posts. We love you!!


It is hard to believe that I’ve been reading for almost 8 of those years! You were finishing college as I was entering and reading some of your first posts (admittedly when I should have been studying for my first finals), was great and helped me as well. I have loved following along from the midwest, and hope to run into you if I ever make it to NYC. :). Keep being great Carly!

Gillian Hess

Loved this…I’ve been following your blog for awhile…I also coxed at Georgetown for a little bit. Keep up the great work with the blog!

Hannah Mitchell

10 years!!! I can’t believe it. I’ve been reading your blog probably since 2012 or 2013. I don’t remember exactly how I found it, but I was in college and in a sorority and I guess I was googling things related to that and stumbled on your blog and was captivated! I literally spent an entire day reading every. single. post. I always love your “On My Radar” posts! Congrats on a huge milestone!

Meaghan Bever

I’ve always loved your blog even though I am older than you. I also went East to school, all the way from CA, and the things you talked about really struck a chord with me.

Martha L

I have been waiting for this post for what feels like forever. Your blog seriously got me through some of the toughest parts of college and has been a constant source of inspiration – to do things alone, to travel, and get out of my comfort zone. Grateful!!!!!


Unreal! Crazy to think how I learned about college from you while I was in high school and here I am as a college grad! 🙂 You’re such an inspiration Carly! Congrats!


Congrats! I’ve really enjoyed reading your blog — your posts are so relatable! Your “on your radar” posts are some of my favorites!

Mikaela E

I’ve been reading since about 2013! I always looks to your blog for outfit ideas and how to put a spin on classic looks!


I started reading your blog while I was in college (about 4-5 years ago). As my life has changed and I’ve gotten busier (hello, med school!), I’ve stopped being able to read your blog everyday. I now reserve Saturday mornings for coffee and catching up on your blog posts from the last week. I find many of your posts to be super relatable and real! I’ve incorporated meditation into my daily routine and have been inspired to work out more because of your blog. Thank you so much for the authentic content and I look forward to growing with you!

Chelsea Gregory

Congrats on 10 years! I’ve been following your blog for just about forever, it feels! We’ve been on similar paths for quite some time – graduated college around the same time, moved to NYC in 2012ish, went through a break up (ugh), etc. I’ve always enjoyed following along on your journey while being on mine. Here’s to another decade!

Paige Minear

Congratulations sweet Carly. We have never met but you are part of my daily read as I start my day. My blog also began 10 ish years ago and I started it to feel creative during a crazy and hard time in my life as a mom to a special needs child. My blog has changed over the years as I have grown and matured but the center feel has and will always remain the same. Kudos to you for being you always and for doing what you do with grace, love and poise. It is lovely to have a chance to read you daily and to enjoy the posts and products you share. I hope you enjoy another 10 amazing years!

Sarah Smith

Congratulations on 10 years! That’s insane. I don’t know if I can pick a specific post to be my favorite, but your posts about Ireland and what you’ve been reading stick out as some of my all-time favorites. I can’t remember how I found your blog, I’ve been reading since 2012 when I was a PR student and have followed ever since. It’s crazy to think that I’ve never met you, yet you’ve been an influence in my life for a little over six years. From style choices, travel inspiration and book suggestions, you are a constant referral source for me – an unofficial friend, if you will. Thanks for all you’ve done in the past 10 years, and cheers to many more!

Megan Zuchowski

Thanks so much for the chance to win! I just discovered your blog and instagram. Can’t wait to start reading more!! 🙂


Carly, I have probably been reading your blog for 8 years now and it’s always been something I can come back to. It’s so nice to hear it makes you happy, because it’s always felt like an authentic space. I dont really read other blogs, and I def have not stayed loyal to any others for as long as I have with the College Prepster. Even now 8 years later, while I am decidedly not super “preppy,” I come back because i love to hear what you have to say. Thanks for letting us all watch you grow into yourself, its been an honor 😉 lots of love

Mary Beth R.

Congrats on 10 years! I’ve only been following for around a year, but I feel like I’ve been following for much longer. Your posts have helped me to identify my own style as I’ve transitioned from a college student to a college graduate. I even bought my first pair of Jack Rogers (which I adore) after seeing yours! Thank you for your style inspiration and your enjoyable posts! 😊


Congratulations Carly! My favorite post is about you wanting to purchase a second home first. Partly because I live in Vermont (it’s the best!) but mostly because I feel the same way. Buying a home is such an undertaking, and starting with a vacation home somehow seems like a lighter feat.


Congrats on 10 years of blogging! I started reading your blog while we were both still in college and have enjoying keeping up with it.


So excited for you! It’s truly crazy how much technology has changed and has created so many opportunities. In a world where social media now consumes us and everyone seems to be “in it for the wrong reasons” it is so refreshing that someone who partially pioneered the concept of social media influencers is still committed 10 years later. Thank you for sharing everything from study tips to sales to mental health and self-care! Your realness is truly so refreshing. Cheers to the next 10 years!

erin dayhaw

Girl, you are the only blogger I have followed this long. I started following you in 2011! So proud of you 🙂

Emily Ellingson

Carly! What a great 10-year celebratory post and recap of a great career thus far. I started following you on Instagram initially as I lived in New York and admired your “classic city chic” style. You have such a radiant yet honest blog and I (among many!) are happy you’ve decided to keep blogging. Thanks for the inspiration and sunshine. Congratulations on ten years!!

Megan Stoltzfus

I don’t remember how I found your blog, but I’ve been reading it since I was in high school (I just graduated college!). I feel like I know you after reading for all these years! One of my favorite things was winning a Valentine from you several years ago… I never win giveaways, and I was so excited! I still have the Valentine stashed away somewhere. 🙂

Nicole Perez

I found the blog in high school when I searched for study tips on Blogger, sure enough it’s still my favorite post to date (along with your post on having to give over he comment section). The best memory I have is sharing what was then The College Prepster with my two best friends in high school, and staying connected with them in college because of it. During one of my toughest moments in college, I got a message from Jess saying “did you see Carly’s latest post? I thought of you!” That’s all it took to lift my spirits, which this blog does a lot of.

Kim Pincombe-Cole

Happy 10 years Blogiversary!
I’m not quite sure when I started following you {at least 4-5 years!}… But I know it was on recommendation of Julia Engel. I adore your friendship and love that you taken it to the next level by modeling for the Girl Meets Glam dress collection. And my I think my favorite blog posts of yours are you Alaska trip posts back in May 2015. Alaska is now on my bucket list because of your trip!
Cheers to another great 10 years!


I have loved following along Carly! I started following you on twitter years ago and then fell in love with your blog. Congrats on 10 years! I love your authentic voice and ability to convey exactly what you are feeling! I can’t wait to see what the future holds for you!


Carly, I found your blog in 2011 when I was a freshmen in college. I knew nothing about being preppy, but it was the culture at my university. With your advice, outfit of the day posts, and awesome clothing/accessory recommendations, I was able to understand it and become a part of it. I am about 4 years younger than you, but I’ve always enjoyed how I could find a post on your blog that I could relate to, whether it was college or work related. My favorites were: the travel posts from the Barbour trip, your graphics for building seasonal wardrobes, and the skincare recommendations. When I first found your blog (during my very rough first semester of college in 2011), I stayed up all night reading all of the posts I had missed for the first few years of your blog! Congratulations on ten years! It has been a pleasure following you for all of these years.

Leslie O

I read your blog posts everyday while riding the bus to work in the mornings. I have been doing this for years!

Janelle Driscoll

Carly – Congratulations!! I am so proud of you & reaching this milestone. It’s been so much fun to watch this journey unfold for you! There are many favorite posts but I have to say when you first announced you got Teddy was one of my favorites because knowing you when we were kids, I just would have never guessed you would one day have a dog of your own and to watch the pups bring you so much joy has been so fun!! Love you & congrats again!!! <3 xoxox

Emma C

Congrats, Carly! I’ve been reading your blog since 2013, and have loved watching your content evolve! Here’s to ten more years!

Kaitlyn Tona

Congratulations on 10 years! Looking forward to many more posts, especially more about Hoboken/Jersey City!

Emily Banas

I’ve been following your blog for over five years and I wish I could remember how I found it… but I think it’s when I had just moved to NYC for graduate school and I was searching the internet for NYC-related content and your blog came up. I’ve loved it ever since!


Congratulations on your ten year anniversary! I’ve been following your blog for about a year, and I love it! I always look forward to your style and lifestyle guides each day. I especially love your Friday edition “on my radar” posts.


Congratulations, Carly! One of my best “Carly the Prepster” memories was meeting you at the MAKE beauty event in New York City. Cheers to the future!

Liz Varner

Reading the milestones… I think I’ve been following for 6/10 years?! Loved meeting you at the Bethesda Kendra Scott a few years ago. My favorite part of your blog is your conversational writing style, and how you are “real” about struggling with your first job, breakups, thoughts on getting older – always feels like thoughtful, meaningful advice. Congratulations and thank you!!

Cindy Zhuang

Congrats on 10 years! I found your blog in high school and your authenticity, poise, style, and growth has inspired me so much. Thank you for all that you do.

Madison Hiatt

While I am not a follower that comments a lot, I am one that has been reading your blog for around 4 years I believe! I always look forward to your quality and beautiful content. Thank you so much for all that you do and all the light you bring! Some of my favorite posts have been about Paris. It has always been a dream of mine to travel there and your posts just capture the city in the most magical way. I also have appreciated your honesty about your tough transition to college. Back when I was a freshman (now a junior) it was reassuring to know that even when I felt alone, you somehow made it through and that it got better. Can’t wait to be a reader for the years to come! xoxo


Hi Carly! Congratulations seems like an understatement. It is amazing to see how much you’ve accomplished and makes me realize how much you inspire myself and others.
I can’t remember when I started following you exactly but I feel like you have always been there on my Instagram feed and before that on Tumblr!
Thank you for so much!!

Sarah Staley

The best moment was when I realized you got Teddy from my state of WV! Congrats on 10 years and best wishes for many more!

Lisa M Stephan

I can’t believe it’s been 10 years. I started following you when I was a college freshman in 2011!

Holly Copeland

Congrats on ten years of blogging! I’ve been following along since before blogs took off and turned into multi-faceted businesses, so it’s amazing to see how far you’ve come and the success you’ve endured. Hope 2019 is another incredible year for you!

Eleanor Lu

Hi Carly,

First of all, congratulations on 10 years of blogging!

Thank you for posting so candidly and honestly about your break-up and health issues. I too went through a break-up and subsequent stress-induced seizure after many weeks of almost no sleep and felt so alone. Reading about your experience made me feel like I wasn’t alone.

Thank you so much for sharing and keep up the awesome content!

Congrats again on the big 10 😃

Elizabeth H

Congrats on 10 years! I started reading your blog when I was in college, and it has been so fun to see your blog grow and evolve over the years. Your authenticity shines through in each post, and you are someone I can always look to for inspiration! I’m excited to continue to follow along, and can’t wait to see what the future holds for you!

Marissa Da Silva

Congrats Carly!! I’ve been following your blogging career since the very early days! I also went to college in DC and we’ve met a few times. Congrats on all your accomplishments! You’ve come so far and there is a long, bright road ahead for you! Congrats again!

Emily Little

Found your blog when I was in high school through Pinterest I believe, and have been an avid reader since. Feels like we’re friends as I’ve watched you share so many of your milestones over the years! 🙂

Karissa Longo

Congrats on 10 years!! I remember finding your instagram a longggg time ago- you were the first blogger I ever followed! When I went to paris, your paris posts were the first thing I looked at to plan!

Kaitlyn F

I remember first finding your blog as a junior in high school looking for college advice, and I think I have read it everyday since! I really appreciate you sharing your life with us and have always been inspired by your authenticity and work ethic. Congratulations on ten years!

Grace Morrison

My favorite thing was when I started following you and I learned you went to my high school and did crew with my sister! I love seeing that success can come from anywhere with hard work!

erin rachel

I honestly can’t pinpoint when I started following! I’ve been reading posts on and off for years, definitely though out all of undergrad, so at least 6 years! But you’re actually the inspiration behind my starting a blog 2.5 years ago, and I’ve been reading your posts almost every day since. I just love your voice in all of your posts; it makes me feel like you’re talking just to me! Happy 10 years, Carly!


I found this blog as I was preparing to leave for college a few years ago. It has helped me tremendously and has helped me become a more confident woman.

Ashley Noel

Congrats on 10 years!! What an accomplishment! 😊 I haven’t followed you for all that time, but I found you on instagram a few years back, and always enjoy your posts!

Alyssa C.

I only started following you for the past couple of years I think after seeing you with KJP and Sarah! But I really love reading your opinions on products because I know you wouldn’t recommend things if you didn’t love them – you’re the reason I bought Supergas and love them!


I can’t believe it’s been ten years! I’ve been reading since high school (about a year after you started blogging) and it has been so fun following you through your posts! Congrats!


Congratulations Carly!! I have been a blog reader for years now and every day, I look forward to your content! I think my favorite posts were when you went to Paris the first time. You had so much joy and excitement and it was definitely contagious! I can’t wait to see what is to come!

Melissa Haas

I remember stumbling onto your blog in 2011 while I was home for winter break my freshman year of college. I was at my internship, pretending to look busy, but secretly reading your posts. You got me through every winter and summer internship after that! Congratulations on ten years of blogging, what an amazing journey you have had.


I’ve been following you for several years but recently went back to read old posts as inspiration for my next move in life. You should be so proud of everything you’ve accomplished! Congratulations on 10 years, you are incredible.


I found your blog when I was a junior in high school (2012) and still follow it now as a professional! It’s timeless!

Sarah Lieberson

Congrats on 10 years!!! Loving all the recent content. Thanks for such an amazing giveaway

Samantha Satnick

I found you a few years ago and love your content. Your commitment to your followers and great style has kept me following!

Christine A. Sherman

Wow!! I can’t believe it’s been 10 years! I think I first found you through Tumblr… but it’s been so long I can’t even remember! Thanks for bringing us along for the ride 🙂

Elizabeth S

Carly – thanks for taking us on this journey with you. I’ve read your blog for 8 years after Ms. Strain introduced me to it!

Thanks for being a friend and role model to us all.


I found your page though gal meets glam and loved your style! Also love your posts in hoboken NJ since I just moved her. Thanks for your inspo these past few months!

Sydney M.

I have loved your blog and style for so long! You are one of the few bloggers I follow that have stayed true to themselves and their style throughout their blogging career!


Always remember your post about (lovingly) being made fun of in Boston for wearing your blazer out to the bars. My entire Boston college career… haha 😉

Macy Moore

I’ve been reading your blog since high school, I’m now graduated from college and live an adult life and I still read your blog. You’re so relatable! Thanks for all your hard work.


Congratulations! I honestly don’t know how I came across your blog, but did so probably about 5 years or so ago…and am glad I did! What a thoughtful and generous giveaway-someone’s going to be a lucky lady!

Rachel Dziedzic

Carly! You are the best and I am so happy that I found your page a couple years back! You are truly an inspiration and I love how open and real you are with your readers. Huge congrats on 10 years of blogging!


Ten years is really something to be proud of! Congratulations! I found your instagram before your blog when I was on maternity leave with my now almost 5 year old. Fun posts and great style helped entertain me during crazy sleepless nights. Thank you!


Congrats on 10 years! Yours was the first blog I followed during college. You’ve inspired several purchases over the years, but my white bedspread has to be my fave.
Keep on keeping on!


Congratulations on your 10 years anniversary, Carly! I am not sure how I found you on Instagram but I have been following you the last couple of years. I think this is my favorite post as it’s a great summary of your 10 years. My favorite memory is the year you picked a reader on Instagram to send your Chirstmas card and I got selected based on my family tradition of Venezuelan food. Wishing you many more years of successful blogging!

Caroline Williams

Carly, I’ve been a fan of yours since the very beginning. You inspired me to figure out my style, which has been preppy ever since. Congratulations! – Caroline Williams

Liza Patton

I started reading your blog when I was 15 and saw your post about Tory Burch riding boots and I promised myself that when I got my first job when I turned 16, I would buy a pair for myself. I kept my promise to myself and a month after I started to work at K-Mart, I bought myself a pair. I wanted to dress like you when I was younger but now your posts really give me a lot to think about and you are constantly a role model to me. Also, I’m a fellow 813’er so I always was a huge fan!!

Katherine Moran

I absolutely love seeing you collaborate with bloggers from all areas. I follow Carly hill as well as Julia Engel and I love seeing content you create with them. It’s great when bloggers can mix and match their styles to engage the Instagram world. I love your account, style and optimism. 🙂

Kaitlin Berrebbi

I’ve been following you for 6+ years and I feel like you are secretly my BFF ❤️ I graduated college two weeks and it’s been so awesome to follow you online throughout my entire college experience, it’s like you’ve been with me through it all 👯‍♀️


Congrats on 10 years Carly! I think I started following you early in high school, but I’ll always remember reading your posts my freshman year at Georgetown. Like you, I had a tough first semester there, and although it’s (thankfully) gotten much better, I will always appreciate having had your posts during that time to reassure me that other people were going through the same thing, and that it does get better!

Addison Goan

Been following since the College Prepster! Love your style and your dogs are super cute too, which is a plus 🙂

Meghan Hawes

Carly! What a milestone you have reached! I love following you along on all your exciting adventures and I also really appreciate how real you are when it comes to anxiety and your hair turning grey! I will never forget the first time I dm’d you about something you were talking about on a insta story and you actually wrote me back! Not everyone does and when I saw that you cared enough to write me a response, I felt like you got it. From asking you about what movie you were watching or where the Margeaux pop up was located in Nantucket, you always respond and I’m greatful. I hope to meet you one day. I’ll be in NYC this Friday for my Birthday. We are going to the Plaza at 3:15pm for High Tea if you’re in the area 😘 Thanks for being you and you make the best model with the GMG collection girl! Congratulations 🎉🎈🍾


this blog has been a huge part of my college and high school life. From passing you in the city while shopping with my mom, meeting you at tuckernuck as a midterm study break, and scrolling through your blog as a break in lau, thank you so much for everything. You are a constant source of (likely too much) online shopping, inspiration, and stress relief.


Wow, congratulations on this incredible milestone! I remember finding your blog just a few years ago. Discovering that you started your blog when you were going through a rough patch really had me relate to you. I started my blog almost 2 years ago, and can say that I started my blog for similar reasons. When life got rough for me, finding this amazing creative outlet really helped lift me out of the darkness. Love how relatable and genuine you are, I can’t wait to follow along and see where this blog takes you!❤️

Sarah Williams

Over the years it’s been very refreshing to see a blogger who is very true to herself and isn’t always posting ads. Your genuineness always shines through when your talking about clothes, friends, and family.


Melanie O.

Congrats!! I’ve been reading your blog for about 9 years and it never disappoints! I always look forward to your Friday “On My Radar” posts!

Savannah Frasier

I think I first came across your blog through Pinterest, but after seeing you on Gal Meets Glam’s Instagram — I’ve followed ever since!

Laura Sulfridge

How exciting!!! I have loved following you for so long; I get inspiration from each and every post!!!


I’ve been reading your blog for about 5 years now. Although, as a 40-something, I’m probably not in your main group of followers, I always enjoy your honest posts and relate-able style.

Rachel Jo

Congratulations on 10 years, Carly! My favorite blog post of yours is definitely last year’s break up post. It came at such a perfect moment for me and helped me through a really tough time. I’ve been following for years and can’t even remember how I found your blog initially! So glad to hear you’re going to continue writing. 🙂 Thank you for all you do!

Brittany Barcio

I’ve been reading your blog for five + years! Thanks for sharing your life and all the ups and downs! Congrats on 10 years!

Sara D

I still reference the J. Crew sleeve tutorial! But I also love your reviews on different products, most recently the Margaux flats and the Elizabeth Arden face cream. Both are winners! Congrats on 10 years, you’ve done an awesome job evolving and keeping it authentic!


Congratulations! I’ve been following since college and since we’re the same age, you’ve been so easy to relate to! I’m thinking a Gal Meets Glam dress would be perfect for my upcoming wedding shower!

Lisa Boney

I am so happy for you! What an amazing accomplishment. I found your blog during freshman year of college (2011). I loved your writing because it was all very relatable and relevant to my life. Fast forward to now, and I’m still an avid reader. Your content is spot-on, and I love your style too. Thanks for pouring your heart into this blog- it shows and I so appreciate you!

Amanda C.

Congratulations Carly! I have been following your blog for more than 5 years and always love your style. You also write honestly about life, anxiety and other topics that really resonate with me and many other readers. I am so glad to follow along with your journey.


Congratulations on this milestone, Carly! I started reading your blog three years ago and it is the only one that I check on a regular basis because I find your posts so relatable. My favorite posts that you’ve written are the chocolate chip cookie recipe and buying a second house first. Thanks for sharing. I hope you keep sharing for 10 more years!


I’ve been a reader for a few years after being led to you by Sarah Vickers. I think your content is infinitely better because you’re so honest and real. I’ve grown up through high school with your blog. So proud of you, beauty! x

Lauren Daniels

Congrats on 10 years. That is such a great milestone. I actually found your blog through your instagram account. The first picture i ever saw was of your two adorable dogs. While searching your instagram i saw the link to your blog and i have been hooked ever since.

Shelby Sullivan

Congratulations! It has been so fun to watch your blog develop over these past TEN YEARS! Merry Christmas!

Hanna Olson

Carly! Words can’t describe how thankful I am to have your blog in my life! My twin sister and I have been following your journey for a very long time. As college students, you inspire both of us in so many ways you will never know. Thank you for always being real and such a role model! Never give up on your dreams!
xoxo, Hanna

Maisy Paxton

I found your blog when I was a freshman in college and I have been a follower since. You truly are one of the best and the realest and I’ve loved following you for the past 6 years!!! Can’t wait to follow along your future adventures 🙂

Christi Severing

My sister followed you and your dog’s account first and that’s how i started following Theodore’s (and now Hamilton) Instagram. Eventually, I realized you were Theodore’s owner and started to read your blog. I’ve followed you ever since!


My favorite posts are always the “On my Radar” posts because I love to see what peaked your interest! I found your blog via Pinterest in 2012/2013 and have been following ever since! One special memory was using your college based blog posts to figure out what I needed to pack/bring. Another memory was when you went to Maine because my family lives there and I always went to the Breakwater when we visited so it was really cool to see you go there!! Congrats on your anniversary!

Emily A

Congrats Carly!! I don’t think I’ve ever commented but I’ve been reading your blog for a few years and I always love catching up on your posts at the end of a long day and hearing your perspective. Thanks for being such a positive influence in the blogging arena and for creating such inspiring content!!

Hollie Dickey

I love love love your on my radar posts. I find new brands and great books through these posts!

Elizabeth Bradford

It’s so crazy that you are celebrating your 10-year anniversary! I started reading your blog in high school, and now I am in law school and still am an avid reader. I really appreciate your transparency and have enjoyed watching your blog evolve over the years. 🙂

Danielle Janay

I remember finding your blog with my best friend in high school in 2011 and we were so inspired by all the preppiness that we tried to convince our private school to have blazers and cute sweaters like you always wore! 😂 We even created our own blog, West Coast Preps, and I have loved growing up with you and your blog!! Thank you for being you 🙂

Kellie Burke

Congrats on 10 years! I’ve been following for close to 8? I don’t remember how I found you but yours was one of the first blogs I read. I’ve definitely been inspired by your journey and can’t wait to see what your future holds.


Have loved following you and how much you keep it real! You’re the one blog I read consistently because so many of your posts resonate with me. Much love!!!


Congrats on 10 years! I have been an avid follower and reader for over half of those years and am thankful I found your blog! Can’t wait for the next 10 years!

Amanda Stevenson

I found this blog when I was in high school while I was searching for preppy clothing tips! That was about 7 years ago and I look back fondly because even though I don’t know you, you’ve always kind of felt like a friend.


Wow- 10 years! Congratulations, Carly. I have been reading for almost 10 years and we are almost the same age. I absolutely feel like we’ve grown up together! It feels silly to say I’m proud of you but I really am. What a wonderful accomplishment. I am looking forward to seeing what comes next for you!


Your blog is an inspiration! I found it when I was in high school looking for a classic school day outfit, I went to a school where there was a dress code but no uniform so I had to get creative. Your blog helped me put together outfits and find something that reflected my personality. Congratulations on 10 years on blogging and cheers to 10 more!

Katie T

With you being a few years older than me I will always remember when I read that you had quit your job. That post has been my favorite because it was a catalyst to where you are now and gave me the ability to see “failing” as a good thing so better can happen. I also loved “Thank a Teacher” being in education is difficult and that was a great reminder of why we do what we do!

Thank you for your ten years!

Mackenzie Beck

You are such an inspiration to me, I first found your page when I was in college and was looking how to style myself with more sophistication! Congratulations to 10 years and many more!

Emma Barnitt

I found your blog in 2012 as a starry-eyed, Georgetown-bound high school senior. Your blog has been a huge constant throughout these past 6 (!?!) years as a destination for honest advice and life-lessons delivered from a place of personal experience, interspersed with style! Congratulations on this incredible milestone!!!! Thank you for always being real and sharing your true story- can’t wait to see what happens next!!

Jessica Rotter

Congrats on 10 years!!!! I found your blog when I was in college going through a tough time myself, it helped me feel connected and a bit more understood somehow. I feel like I’ve grown up along with you in a lot of ways! Can’t wait for all you will do in the future!

Samantha N.

I’ve been following your blog for years, since I was in college. Now that I’m in medical school, I’m still as drawn in by your blog. I’m not sure what drew me to your blog (I think it was probably one of your Organize, Please posts, as a fellow organization freak), but your voice is so authentic. When I read your posts, I feel as if I’m listening to a friend. I’ve loved celebrating your highs and mourning your lows, and I’ve appreciated you taking us along for the ride. Even on my hardest days, reading your daily post is always a highlight of my day. As someone who is pretty private and doesn’t really engage in social media, I’ve never commented on your content, but please know how much you’ve been a part of my life over the past few years. Congratulations of reaching such a tremendous milestones, and even if you quit tomorrow, never underestimate the impact you’ve made on the lives of women and girls around the country and the world.


I discovered your blog during college. I loved all your posts that helped me plan outfits. I have really enjoyed watching how you’ve grown and developed your blog over the years. 💕

Bridget Edmonds

Oh my gosh– So fun to look back on the old posts! I first found your blog when searching for a tutorial for the Dry Bar 3-day bender curling iron on YouTube. I feel like I’ve gotten to know you as a friend since then. Congratulations on 10 years!! Xoxo

Taylor M

Congrats Carly! I hadn’t realized how long I’ve been following along. Thank you for being authentically true to who you are.

xo, Taylor

Amanda M

Carly- this is so amazing. I have been following for a few years now, and it has been so cool to follow you from college to NYC and now all the way to Hoboken! I have always loved how despite current trends, you have maintained that “prep in your step” and stayed so classy. Congratulations!

Hannah Chalfant

I discovered your blog during my preppy middle school phase. Lilly and J.Crew were pretty much all I was interested in and I loved your style– and still do! I am now a sophomore in college and looking back I realize how much I have loved growing and evolving into my style along with you. One time I received a handwritten note from you, and I thought that was the most amazing and personal touch from someone who seemed like they wouldn’t have time for a 14 year old from Kentucky. My best friend and I have bonded so much while both reading your blog through the years. Congrats on 10 years!


I started reading your blog my first year of college. I was away from my home which was much more Southern and preppier than my Northern school, and for the first time I was looking to really harness that part of my style (almost as a way to reconnect with home). I’ve been reading you every day now for the last eight years! I’ve loved watching this grow beyond just a fashion blog and have found constant inspiration over the years. Congrats on 10 years!

Nicole Scouras

Your blog is one of my favorites. I love your personal posts like this one and your travel posts! Congrats on 10 years ❤️

Carolyn Riley

I’ve been following your blog since I transferred from a public school to a prep school and needed inspiration for abiding by a dress code in style. That was back in 2010, it’s been awesome having both your style and life experiences mature right ahead of me! We met in Boston at a meet and greet and then a year or so later you skype-guest lectured for my student org at The University of New Hampshire my senior year. My first job out of college was working for a marketing firm specializing in influencer campaigns and having previously gotten to ask you questions helped inform my pitch strategy at that job. Having worked with many influencers and followed a lot I can genuinely say your approach to partnerships, content, and digital strategy stands out among a lot of very annoying trends in attempts at growth. Congrats on a fabulous 10 years!

Grace Anne

Congratulations, Carly!!! So excited for you and proud of you. 🙂 You are one of the first bloggers I ever followed, and were one of my biggest inspirations when I started my own blogging journey. Thank you for all that you do!!

Cassandra Shive

I don’t remember how I stumbled across your blog, but I know I bookmarked it to my browser so I could have easy access to read it! I’ve followed along for maybe six or seven years? I thought maybe one day I’d start a blog, but I think I’m moving toward a book or collection of essays instead. One of my favorite things about your blog was how it helped me re-define my style and my persona as I moved from being a baker to being a teacher. Grateful to you and this blog. Congrats on 10 years!!!

Kristie Colorado

Congratulations Carly! I also went to college in the DC area the same time as you and found your posts linked to rowing! I’ve really enjoyed reading your blog over the years.


Love your blog!! Thank you for the ten years of wonderful OOTDs, gift guides, and inspiration. Cheers to 10 more!


So cool to see how far you’ve come! I’ve been following you since I was in that EXACT same spot at the end of my first semester of college back in 2011. I stumbled onto a blog post and to this day you’re not only the first blogger I had ever started following… you’re still my favorite! I felt like I’ve made my way through my 20s with you. So happy for you and all your accomplishments! Excited to see how the next 10 years will go!

Peyton Smith

I started to read your blog back in the beginning of middle school and I’m now in my senior year of high school! As cheesy as it sounds, I truly feel as if you’re my bigger sister. You helped me find my style, have shared advice (such as how to deal with breakups) and have given me motivation to strive to be the best person I can be! It’s crazy to think that when I first started to read your blog I was obsessed with glittery shirts from Justice and now I live in J.Crew and am about to put a deposit down for college! Thank you for growing up with me and guiding me throughout the ups and downs of life without even knowing it!

Victoria Mulligan

Carly- I discovered you on Instagram probably quite a few years ago, when your name was still “Carly the College Prepster”! Your photos and blog posts have inspired me to have a greater appreciation for a classic and elegant wardrobe. I have since tailored my wardrobe to look like yours😂, thank you for posting links to your clothing articles! I even more appreciate your honesty with us about your struggle with hateful comments, specifically the persistent woman who has been harassing you for years. I feel that your honesty allows readers to know that they are not alone in a world of disparaging people. I feel through your honesty you become more “human”, more of someone I and thousands of others can relate to. The fact you “turned off commenting” on your blog shows that it’s “okay to not be okay”, and I truly appreciate your authenticity! Congratulations on a stellar 10 years of blogging and inspiring others!

Allison T

I first found your blog when I was a freshman in college. I am a twin and had chosen a school different from my sister and really struggled to make friends and be away from my family. I was eating tacos in one of the main buildings when your Instagram popped up as someone suggested for me to follow. I was intrigued that your insta name was just Carly so I clicked and saw you had a blog and I began reading it. One winter break I actually scrolled through to the very first of your posts and attempted to read them from the beginning. I didn’t make it all the way through but reading from your perspective as a college student really helped me make the decision to leave the school I was at and transfer where I am now about to graduate in the spring. Congrats on 10 years!!

Angie A

Congrats, Carly!! Epic milestone. I can’t remember how I started reading your blog but it’s been a long time now and I look forward every day to your posts. Thank you!!

Paige Q

I found your blog when I was a freshman in high school and I’m a senior in college now; so I’ve been following for along for at least 6 years. I can’t remember how I can across your blog but I remember spending the evening of a beach vacation reading through ALL of the pervious posts on your site. This blog was my introduction to the blogging world and is the one blog I will always consistently check. Carly, thank you for being a real and relatable voice in a blogging world that feels more like a life highlight reel as the social media world expands.

Sarah Veley

Hi Carly! Congrats!! I started following after a Lilly collaboration and have been here since. Cheers to you!

Ali Doyle

I have been following your blog for so long I can’t even remember at this point how I found you! Being the same age and living in the same area it has been really nice “growing up”
with you and knowing I am not alone in feeling similar insecurities and anxieties. Thank you for being a constant source of inspiration over the past 10 years!!

Sarah Hook

Carly, I’ve been a reader since 2011 and it has been such a JOY to watch you grow and evolve over the years. Cheers to another decade of doing what you love, whatever that may be. Always cheering you on!


Congrats!! I feel honored to have grown up with you and to have seen you grow up 🤗🍾👏🏻

Caroline Campbell

My favorite posts are travel posts! I loved your trip to Ireland with friends and Gasparilla inn with your sister- it’s our favorite place!

Mackenzie Teague

Carly! Congratulations!!! I am so happy that you have reached your this magnificent milestone! Eeks!! You are such an influential person to me, as your style has always been so mature and timeless. It’s because of you (and Sarah Vickers) that I discovered what blogging actually was, and as an English major (I’m now an English teacher), I had a new appreciation for people who wrote for a living. Fun fact: I will sometimes show my seniors your blogs because I show them how learning English can be put to good use outside of high school. 😂 It’s because of Sarah, actually, that I found you! She and Kiel had you in a lot of their shoots and Insta pics, so I knew I HAD to check you out. And I’m so glad I did! I love reading your blog posts so much, and from the blogs you’ve written, my favorite have to be Paris. They’re breathtaking! And your Paris guide is definitely going to be used when I go in April. I am looking forward to more posts from you, and have a happy New Year! Also, side note: I freaking love watching your Insta Stories with Meesh. She’s such a cool mom, and I love the bond you two have. Especially her pride in showing off Christmas cards of you and your sister.

Megan Martinko

Carly, I remember SO many of your “milestones” mentioned above (the “How to Roll Your Sleeves Like J.Crew” post changed my life, I swear!). After hearing of your blog from my college BFF freshman year (we still share outfit advice and our love of gingham and plaid despite being 2,000 miles apart now), I have read your posts and followed your content for years, always finding it relatable, helpful, and a positive part of my life on the Internet. Congratulations on 10 years, and thank you for the inspiration always!

Angela Porcaro

I found you in 2013 while you were still working for that digital magazine before you made the leap to full time blog. You were the biggest influence in my own style at a time where I was finding myself and the fashion/things I liked. I met you in 2014 at a henri bendel event and made it on your blog which was a dream come true by the way!! Since then I’ve grown and evolved and started my own blog! You’ve inspired me to use my own voice and share what I love with the world. I’m so proud of everything you’ve accomplished and am so happy to know you. Congratulations on this huge milestone!

Kate Blosser

I started reading when I was in college, and now my younger sister who is in college read to you too. I can remember reading when you left Levo, and thinking it was so brave!

Lauren Buckner

You are one of my favorite bloggers! I love that you post about real life and aren’t afraid to share more than just pretty pictures. Congratulations on 10 years!

Kaitlyn Leonard

Hi Carly!
I started reading in 2012 when I was a freshman in college and completely overwhelmed with studying! I found your blog while I was researching study tips on Pinterest and have followed along ever since. My favorite posts were the organization ones. I still go back to them for tips and tricks sometimes! I also really related to your breakup post. As hard as it is to deal with, break ups happen and your post has helped me a time or two putting all the emotions into perspective. So, thank you! For organizing and sharing!

Natalie Browning

Discovered you through tumblr six years ago and have been obsessed ever since!! My tumblr was always filled with your pictures in high school and now that I’m in college I find myself rereading all of your posts from your time at Georgetown! Love your content❤️ Thank you for staying true to yourself all these years

Kelley J

I started following because of the Instagram photo strip post! Somewhere on my old laptop is a folder of amateur Photoshop shame LOL

Tracey Boots

Congrats on 10 years!! I found your blog about a year ago and always look forward to your posts!!


I love your blog. I’ve gotten so many tips from you throughout the years and I’m so excited for what’s to come next!

Austin Jasienski

I loved reading this post! You’re one of the few bloggers that show the highs and lows. Congrats Carly!

Taylor K17

I’m so glad you mentioned the DIY photo strips! I had so much fun making SO MANY OF THOSE bc of your post! Congrats on 10 years!!!


Lucky comment number 1000 on 10 years!? Congrats Carly! I started a blog at the same time as you. Unfortunately I never kept up with it!


This is amazing! I love how down to earth and realistic you keep your blog and all your posts, especially about dealing with anxiety! Thank you.

Saleha Sherwani

Many congrats, Carly! I’ve loved following your journey over the years, reading your blog for advice and tutorials as well as following your fun life via Instagram. Thank you for always sharing such real and positive messages- it always means so much!

Natalie M. Stone

I have been a reader for 10 years!! I remember reading your blog in my college dorm room-time has flown by! I have always appreciated your honestly throughout the years. My favorite post have been your travels and new partnerships. Can’t wait to see what the next ten years bring!

Melanie Kaltakjian

I found your blog in college and have read it for 5 years since! I love how transparent you are. Thanks for all your hard work!

Adrienne Novak

My favorite post of yours was your 365 days of meditating. At the time, I was full of anxiety and having a lot of trouble sleeping because my mind would never stop racing despite being exhausted. This post encouraged me to sign up and it’s improved my mental health, sleep, and reflection so much. Thank you Carly for 10 years of great posts!

Allison Nielsen

My favorite posts of yours have to be all your fall looks. I just moved to the northeast and you really helped me prepare for fall and winter with quality staples!

Lauren King

Congrats on 10 years! We are the same age, and I think I started following when you were in year 2-ish of blogging- still remember the pink and green! It’s been fun watching you grow!

Alexan Bailey

My first semester of college, I bonded with a girl in my statistics class (which terrified me) over my “TCP” sticker on my laptop. She immediately recognized those iconic initials! We figured out we lived in the same hall, mere feet from each other. She was one of my first college best friends and we are still close to this day as we look towards graduation. Your blog has helped me through my college years, in more ways than one. Thank you for your musings, your insight, and the community you have created for your followers. All the best for the future!


My favorite is always your travel blogs!! I get sooo excited when I’m going somewhere and it’s a place you’ve been so I can read up on cute places to go 🙂

Meghan Merritt

I love your blog and your dogs! Your dogs are very cute and this blog post is very inspiring! My favorite posts of yours are ones from when you are in Nantucket!


Congratulations on 10 years!! I have loved reading your blog. It has helped me a lot as I went through college and now post grad life.


Congratulations, Carly! I remember when I first discovered your blog last year, and I became inspired to create my own through reading about your love of blogging. The first post I read of yours was your “Blogging Tips” post, and I just cannot name a favorite–every word you write is simply beautiful. I absolutely can’t wait to read more of your posts in the future! x


Happy 10 years Carly! The always constant on my radar posts have always been a highlight of the blog for me. It’s introduced me to new music, new books, new videos and new accounts to follow.

Abby Liebenthal

Congratulations on an amazing journey! It’s just the beginning of the next chapter!

Anna Collier

I only found your blog a few months ago via Instagram, but I was immediately drawn to your classic style. What’s kept me coming back though is how genuine you are. Some bloggers seem overly posed or inauthentic, but I believe your content truly reflects who you are and the brand you’ve created for yourself. Thank you for sharing!

Lydia Borovina

I’m pretty sure I found your blog through a Kiel James Patrick post and have been reading ever since! Congratulations on ten years!!

Meghan F.

I found your blog years ago on Pinterest! I saw your “how to cuff your sleeves the J. Crew way” post and was instantly hooked!

Kate Mulcahy

Congratulations on your 10 year anniversary!! I’ve followed this blog for so long and have turned to it for advice, tips, fashion leads, and just general entertainment. You consistently have good content and are so relatable. I can identify with so much that you write about and am so glad my friend sent me your link back in the day. I look forward to your “on my radar” every week! Thanks for all you do.

Sarah Roberts

I found your blog through Pinterest; an adorable outfit post (of course), and I’ve been an avid reader ever since!

Destiny Wilson

Congrats on 10 years!! That is such an awesome accomplishment. I have always loved your sense of style and reading your posts you always seem to down to earth and relatable. I look forward to keeping up on your journey for many more years.


Wow! This is such an accomplishment- it’s hard to be consistent with anything for 10 years, let alone something so major. Congrats and enjoy celebrating!

Alexis M.

Carly, I have been following your blog since my freshman year in college, so for six years now!! My absolute favorite posts that I still enjoy to this day (even though they’re not quite as frequent) are your OOTD photos. Those preppy selfie pictures in your New York apartment full-length mirror are what got me hooked in the first place. I loved your stacked bracelets and button-downs layered under your sweaters, plus your tortoiseshell eyeglasses. And let’s not forget your iconic pink couch – it lives on in our memories! Keep on doing what you’re doing; I love following you along in your life!


Hi Carly! I’ve been following you since what feels like the beginning. I used to always look at your OOTD posts to pick out outfits for class and sorority events! Eventually (around 2012) I started reading every night at midnight. My ritual of reading right before bed or first thing when I woke up got me through some dark days too… your playlists have saved me and kept me sane during crazy times and your Friday Favorites feel like they are speaking to me personally when I need it most. When you would hit a crazy life milestone I usually would be going through something similar. Thank you for putting yourself out there and for blogging every day. I feel like you have made your followers your friends too. I’ve loved reading and following along as we’ve grown up together. Congratulations on ten years!!!

Madolyn Desch

Congratulations on 10 years! I’ve been following your blog ever since my first two friends I made my freshman year of high school introduced me to it shortly after we met. Now as a college junior, we’re still friends and all follow along. I have loved seeing how your blog and Instagram has grown and can’t wait to see it continue to grow!

Taylor Harper

Massive congratulations on 10 years of blogging, Carly! I found your blog when I was a freshman in high school and I’m now a senior in college. I’ve always appreciated how authentic you are, and I’ve also loved watching your content on YouTube and Instagram. Thank you for being so open in sharing your journey with us over the years, you inspire me to keep working hard toward achieving my goals!

Sierra Painter

First of all, congrats Carly on 10 years!! So exciting! I’ve been following you for awhile now and I have really enjoyed reading your posts! I randomly found you after I had just purchased a yellow raincoat and I was looking for some outfit inspiration. I searched on Pinterest “yellow raincoat outfit” and I found you! It took me to your site and I found my self reading through your blog for over an hour, totally forgetting what I had originally searched for haha! I’ve been following ever since!! Thank you Carly for all your hard work and time you put into making this a wonderful platform for us to be a part of!


Congratulations Carly! I started following after my college roommate recommended your website. I’ve been following your blog and Instagram ever since and have learned so much along the way

Anne M

I like how you found a consistent personal style, and how you’ve maintained it while also adapting to the times. You don’t dress the same as you did 10 years ago, but you dress like the same person.

Grace Stevens

I love reading your blog, and I love your sense of style!! You are one of my fashion icons. I have just started following you recently but look forward to new posts and going through older posts. I found you because I was following Daphne and loved her sense of style as well! I just wanted to thank you for everything you have shared, I have learned so much, I also wanted to congratulate you on ten years!!


Carly Congratulations! I have been reading your blog since I was in high school! Thank you for taking your readers along on your many adventures, I loved your posts from Paris!


When I was a freshman in college, I decided I wanted to up my style game so I followed a bunch of bloggers for inspiration. One by one, the accounts annoyed me and I unfollowed them or stopped reading their blog posts. They were too perfect- it was unrealistic and I just couldn’t relate. Instead of inspired, I felt defeated by this fashionable world where I didn’t fit in. Your blog has always been relatable and I continue to follow for that reason. I appreciate that you make fashion and trends feel attainable.

Megan Potter

So fun!! I started following you in college and here I am about 7 years later. Congratulations!

Amanda S.

Congrats on 10 years! I found you, I believe, through Instagram. I don’t remember how but I remember I enjoyed your preppy style. Makes sense given your blog name. Wishing you much luck in the next 10 and thank you for the giveaway!

Ashton S

I’ve been following your blog since your days at Georgetown. I can’t remember how I found it, although I’m guessing it was probably via Google. We’re about the same age (I’m about a year older), and your blog has served as a guide for how to look and feel like a professional (bought my Dagne Dover bag because of your reviews!) and as a safe place to come when life just gets overwhelming (I read your breakup post as I was going through my own heartbreak and I love Headspace because of your recs as well). Thank you for your honesty and openness over the last decade. I can’t wait to see how this space continues to evolve.


Congratulations Carly! Searching for Lilly Pulitzer led me to your blog. I stayed for your classic sense of style and authentic voice. My favorite posts are the ones where you reflect on your personal struggles. I think these posts are very relatable. It’s nice to see the humanity of a blog and it not be all perfect and glossed over. I also like posts about clothing pieces that stand the test of time. Thank you for giving a source of inspiration and sometimes just a fun guilty pleasure.


Carly congrats on 10 years of blogging! I found your blog in high school when I was researching organization and college tips. I am so excited to watch your blogging journey to continue! Thank you for all that you do!

Lindsey Goodwin

I started following you after you did a collab with Gal Meets Glam and I have loved following you ever since! You are one of my favorite bloggers and instagrammer. Congrats on 10 years!

Erin Gottlieb

Happy Ten Years! I have been following since about 2009 and your blog got ME through college and my first job (I’m a year behind you in school so it was always good to read what you went through right before I had to do it!) Congrats on this major milestone!


Found your blog when I lived in CT and was so excited to see someone as preppy as I wanted to be living in the NE! Have loved your page and your style ever since

Lauren Stotler

I found your blog through Pinterest before starting my freshman year of college. I was nervous and looking for all kinds of tips to get me through, your blog helped! That was 5 years ago and I’ve been following ever since

Megan Den Bleyker

Congratulations! I only found your blog via Instagram about a year ago, but I love it and your other social media accounts so much. Your style is so classic which is what drew me to your account in the first place. Thank you for all your hard work!

Taylor white

Your content is so fun to review. I love how authentic your blog is and how we get a peek into your every day life.

Grace C

This post even made ME nostalgic. I just found your blog this past spring. I saw one of your posts by scrolling through my Instagram explore page, and I’ve been an avid follower since! When I found your blog, I went to youtube and spent approximately 3 years watching all of your videos.. the vlogs are my favorite! I’m so happy that I discovered you, because you’ve quickly become one of my favorite people to follow. Congratulations on 10 years.. here’s to 10 more! Wishing you happiness and health for the new year!


I can’t remember how I first found your blog (probably through another blog) but you’ve stood the rest of time. As I’ve deleted other blogs from my reader, I keep following you for your asthetic. Happy anniversary!


Your blog helped me find my style, and a little bit more about myself. I’ve been following for 8 years. 🙂

Mary Jacobson

Congratulations on ten years!! My favorite posts are always your seasonal essentials style posts. I feel like we have similar style so it’s fun to compare what we consider staples and to get outfit ideas!

Jordan D'Amato

Congrats on the milestone!! How exciting this must be for you. My favorite posts are the gift-giving ideas because it always helps me think of presents to get family and friends for the holidays.


I have been reading your blog since my sophomore year of college (8.5 years). I loved your organization posts (how to use a binder clips to organize cords) and your OOTD posts! I also loved all of your code names for your friends and family (sporty sister!) I don’t even remember how I found it, it’s been so long, but have been following along ever since!

Megan Fussell

I’ve been here a long time, Carly! I remember the original pink and green site, and still remember your Kate Spade graduation collaboration because I wanted the same dress after seeing your post. Cheers to you and 10 years!!! – Megan

Frances Anne McDonald

So exciting. Congrats, Carly! I’ve been following you (almost) the whole way! Love your content, love your heart, love your passion!

Becca Violette

I found you on Twitter 5 or 6 years ago and have been reading along since then! I look forward to your new blog post each morning with my coffee! Why Connecticut was one of my favorite posts and I also liked the recent how you stay organized one with excel files and such. So glad I found you on Twitter all those years ago!

Christina P

Congratulations Carly! I’ve been reading your blog every day for at least the last 5 years! I’ve really love your travel posts. That being said, Paris is my favorite city so I particularly loved your Paris content.

Rachel B

I found you through the post on how to roll sleeves like J Crew and enjoy reading along with all your posts. Enjoy how honest and real you are vs many other bloggers. Congrats on 10 years!!!

Dannie N

I read your blog all throughout college. I remember reading about your fears of graduating and entering into the real world. Your challenges you overcame and risks that you took helped to give me the motivation to do the same.

Erika E. H.

Congratulations on 10 years! My best tennis friend and I found your blog back in 2010 together and have been fans ever since. We couldn’t wait to get to practice after school to talk about what we’d seen on your blog, if we could relate to it and of course for the outfit inspiration. (Tbh we still text each other about these things) I manage social media accounts and blogs for a bunch of clients now and have referred to your posts with blogging tips and tricks more than once. Thank you for continuing to be a source of positive inspiration for people of all ages!!

Kayla Rivoli

Congratulations Carly! You have truly been an inspiration to me as I started my own blog 4 years ago. I was around for the switch to WordPress, the rebrand, and many posts along the way! Whenever I feel stuck on what to write about or just need a reminder of why I blog, I always come on your site. You’ve paved the way for all of us and I am so thankful!

Kayla |


Congratulations on this amazing feat! I cannot wait to see what the new year has in store!

Stephanie Willis

I love following you! You’re so cute! I started following you when you had an Oxford shirt colab. I see the shirt and lives it and was like I have to follow her. Congratulations on your 10 years!


I found your blog via Instagram on the explorer page, I really love your sense of style and I’ve been following you ever since!

Emily Hope

Congratulations on 10 years!! It is quite the achievement.

I first learned about your blog through one of my college best friends my freshman year. We still love to chat about your recent posts and have being following for over 6 years!

Sandra Allison A.

Found your blog in 2012-13 when I was studying for my AP finals and starting college applications. Loved all of your organize it posts for dorm room desks and the finals week index cards!

Emma Hackman

I found your blog through Julia’s page and absolutely love all of your content. This post has inspired me to finally take the step and start my own!

Mana Sadeghi

Happy anniversary Carly! You are ond of my favorite blogger because you are always You and that makes ot easy yo relate. Thanks for doing this and I hope you continue, lots of love!

Molly Hunter

I stumbled across your blog years ago, and used to read it every day on my lunch break! We didn’t have enough time to go out to lunch, and I ate in my cubicle every day.

Stephanie Robbins

Congratulations on 10 years!! You are the first and only blogger I’ve read and truly stuck with over time. You’re honest and real, yet inspiring and fun. I remember following all of your OOTDs from your college dormroom and trying to mimic them as best as possible.

Kelly Berlet

Congrats Carly! I love this blog and I’ve been following you for a while. You were a year or two ahead of me in HS (I was at AHN) but I knew you even then!

Jamie S

Hi Carly! I’ve been following along with your blog for about 7 years now, and I’m thrilled to see how well you have done, and grateful for your supportive words and honest writing. Congratulations on ten years! Amazing!

Jill Bean

Hmm my favorite blog is really more of a time period. I loved when you first moved to NYC & subsequently ended up quitting your full time job. It was all so exciting and am still obsssed with that apartment. Who needs a full sized kitchen anyways??

I have no idea how I found your blog… it was long before Instagram was around. My only guess would be when Pinterest first came out I was (maybe still am) obsessed with Jcrew and probably came across one of your pictures.

Special memory? Discovering Tuckernuck AND being very inspired by your Parent Trap costume so much so that I recreated it :).


Congrats on 10 years Carly! I’ve been reading every single day for about 5 of those 🙂 so excited to see what amazing places your blog continues to take you in the future!


I stumbled across your instagram about this time last year and quickly started reading your old and new blog posts. Finding your blog is what I would consider to be a god-send. I was going through a tough time last year and finding your blog and hearing you talk about your experience with anxiety and meditation got me to look in and start it, which has helped me so much.
I’m so proud, that sounds weird, that you’ve reached 10 years and I can’t wait to see what’s in-store for your blog and you in the future. Sending all my love to you and your family during the holidays!!


A few years ago, one of my best friends told me that she reads your blog all the time and that I had to check it out. I’ve been hooked ever since! I love how honest you are, and I’ve found some of my favorite outfits from your recommendations. I also love seeing how close you are with your mom – so refreshing! Thank you for all your hard work!

Allie g

Congrats on 10 years!! I’ve loved your blog since I was in college myself, always offering great advice on both fashion and life. So happy for all of your success!

Sydney Green

Carly – congratulations on 10 years of blogging! I actually started following you because I also went to Georgetown and was a coxswain. Through college and now post-grad, I read your blog mostly of your writing voice. Whether your content is silly or serious, I listen and learn from your posts.

Morgan Burke

Congratulations Carly!! Honestly, I couldn’t even tell you how I found your blog — I’ve been following you for at least six and a half years! Sitting down to read your blog every morning is still one of my daily rituals, and I’ve found almost every blog I love to read through you. Thanks for 10 great years, and cheers to 10 more!

Lindsey Grice

I have loved following you for so many years. A couple years ago, I was taking college classes and one of my professors brought up your blog for study tips! I was like woah! I follow her, haha!

Lisa Anania

I googled “how to roll up shirt sleeves” when I was trying to make my kid look stylish. Found your J. Crew sleeve roll post and fell in love with your style. It’s been so fun to follow along! Congratulations on the ten years!

Sarah B

Congratulations Carly!! I’ve been a reader for about 8 years and have grown so much alongside your blog. Your little corner of the internet is a second home for me and so many of your readers. Wishing you all the best!!!

Katherine Hancock

I remember reading your posts well before I went to college myself back when your blog was still CP. I loved it! Your post that has meant the most to me is “When You’re Going Through a Breakup.” You posted it literally 11 days before I FINALLY broke up with my first long term bf and it was something that finally motivated me to make such a hard decision. I’m so thankful that blogging can help strangers connect over tough experiences and I think we are both stronger for it. Thanks for doing what you do Carly!


I stubboned upon your instagram page one day a few years ago and was immediately hooked. Your blog was very relatable and you just seem so down to earth that I kept coming back to read your blog!

Annie P

Hi Carly –

I’ve been reading your blog for the past five years (we’re the exact same age, so we hit a lot of those milestones at the same time), and it has been a source of escapism for me when in the low points from my own life. My father passed away this past weekend, and I spent 10 minutes reading this post, and for those 10 minutes, I did not feel the grief. Thank you for writing!

Carly Smith

I have been following your blog for several years now & find so much inspiration in your posts! I absolutely love your style and book recommendations. Congratulations on 10 years of blogging – keep up the great work!

Samantha B.

Congrats on 10 years! It’s amazing! I actually only found you a few years ago through Sarah Vickers and Kiel James Patrick on Instagram and I’m so happy I did. I especially love your posts about Hamilton and Teddy, like how good they were traveling on a ferry. Here’s to more years of fun and success!

Mia MacEachen

Carly, I so enjoyed this look back at your blogging journey! I am glad you didnt walk away from blogging this year and do recall a post a few months ago, perhaps talking about one of the reasons why. Your first post that made me a devoted reader/IG follower was “Festive Finds” from a year ago! Not sure how I stumbled upon it but I loved everything about your photos for that post and was so happy to find someone with a mutual love for plaid! Cheers to many more years, Carly!

Sydney Neugebauer

Happy Blog-a-versary, Carly! I started following your blog 6 years ago, when I was in high school and anxious for a change. Now I am a senior in college and finding my way, and have loved reading your blog daily throughout my own journey. 10 years is a huge milestone, I can’t wait to see what is next for you!

Leslie Gonzalez

Congratulations on ten years! I found your blog on Instagram and I adore it! Thank you so much for everything you do!

Rajee Pandi

Congrats on 10 years Happy Blogging. Love your style. Thank you so much for inspiring us

Rachel Manning

I think I actually discovered your blog through the post about how to roll your sleeves like jcrew! Following your on the blog and social media has been amazing. It has led me to find so many other incredible people like Maxie McCoy & Julia Engel as well bond with other followers.


Hi Carly! Congratulations on 10 years! I’ve been following along for many of those years! I can’t wait to keep following along!

Leslie Gonzalez

Congratulations on ten years! I found your blog through Instagram and I adore it! Especially your impeccable sense of fashion!

Alex B

Congratulations!! I’ve been growing up with you through high school and university, and now grad school! Your blog has still been my favorite to read and I’m so glad you’ve been able to grow and be true to yourself.

Danielle P.

Thank you for continuing to blog. I’ve followed you for many years and have related to you in so many ways. (I’m also nearing 30! yikes! Also, I love, love, LOVE the color navy, all things striped, Kate Spade, and Lilly Pulitzer). I hope to follow you for at least 10 more years! Congratulations on the 10 year milestone!!

Sarah Logan

Carly – it’s so hard to believe it’s been ten years! I don’t remember exactly when I started following you, but it was back in the College Prepster days and I was completely obsessed with your style from the beginning! This is such an incredible accomplishment and I’m so excited to see where the future takes you!

Kelli P

I found your blog when I was in high school (probably sophomore or junior year) and searching for colleges. Since then, I’ve graduated high school, graduated college, and have been trying to navigate the whole “adulting” thing. Your blog is the only blog I consistently follow, because you’ve remained true to yourself over the past decade, which is such a rare accomplishment in this space. Can’t wait to keep reading!

Cory Rhodes

Wow – 10 years!! Congrats, Carly! I don’t even remember when I began following you (it’s been at least 2 years!), but I just love your style (both in dress and in writing!). Keep doing what you love!

Brittany W

Congrats! It has been so fun to follow along with your success and growth over the years. I think I found you through my research into Lilly Pulitzer planners and have been here since!


Congrats on the huge milestone!! I remember first grinding your blog when I was a freshman in college desperately searching for advice online. I came across your post on college outfit ideas for class, the library, etc. and after looking around the blog a bit, I was hooked and now read every post. 🙂

Starr @

Congratulations on 10 years, Carly!!! I can’t believe I’ve been following along for so long now, I think I found you when I was hungrily looking for reviews for a Dagne Dover bag? I was also REALLY jaded about bloggers then but I could never bring myself to remove yours from my Google Reader (and later from Feedly) because I just genuinely have loved your content and the effort you put into it and building your readership. Wishing you all of the best in the years to come and congrats again!

Jessica Harrower

Congratulations, what an incredible milestone! I love reading about your adventures, whether they’re to the gym or Paris. Here’s to many more!

Emma Guidarelli

Hi Carly! I found your blog when I moved to Fairfield county and was searching for bloggers to follow in the area. Coincidentally, it was the same time you moved to CT so your blog popped up. Since then, we have moved away (as did you!) but I still love reading your blog. We’re about the same age and I love reading your posts because I find them relateable. I’ve listened to the podcasts you spoke on and have a very similar experience with my freshman year of college. I had never really failed before that either, and it was such a huge life lesson for me. I love that you turned that into this blog! Congrats on 10 years and to whatever the future holds for you! Xo


Congratulations on 10 years, Carly! I first started reading about 6 years ago when I was a freshman in college. I always enjoyed the look into post-grad life you shared in NYC and your blog has always been one of my favorites!

Lucy W

Carly – your blog has inspired me through the years. Your style, positivity, grace, and honesty are qualities I aspire to, and I love the community you’ve created! Congratulations on 10 years, and here’s to 10 more!


I stumbled on your blog when I graduated college in 2012. I had just moved to Boston at the same time that you moved to NYC, and it is fun to follow along with someone at a similar life stage. Your blog is my favorite to read. Keep up the great work!

Elizabeth E

I started following you around 2014, starting my sophomore year in college. You were the blog I turned to when needing outfit advice for an internship or a gift guide for nearly anyone in my life. Many of your personal posts have been timely, namely your “Going through a Breakup” post came along just as my college bf and I called it quits. I’ve loved seeing the blog grow and change, and the reflection in my own style and choices as the years go by. Congratulations!

Betsy C

Congratulations! I found your blog while I was in high school and was inspired by your class and grace. I’ve followed you ever since! I applaud you for the risks you’ve taken. You truly show how passion and persistence can blossom into success. Best of luck in the future!

maria s

I love all personal posts – especially Meesh ones! – and on the radars! And organization ones!

Margaret Wood

I don’t have one favorite post, but I like any book recommendations that you post. Always looking for something new to read!


My favorite blog post is your 30 before 30 list! It inspired me to write my own & I can’t wait to cross some of these things off. Love your style—keep up the awesome work for another 10!

Katie Lerch

It is truly amazing that this blog has been around for 10 years, congratulations!! I’m glad to hear that this blog helped you during a hard time. I think I’ve been following for 8 (ish?) of those 10 years. I’ve loved seeing all your posts and I constantly use your gift guides. I also turn to you for style inspiration because let’s be honest you always look great and can spice up classic pieces. Congrats again and I will continue following the blog as long as you continue to post!

Jill Parker

Love following your fashion and all of your book recommendations (I wait for your lastest book list and read them all). You are so relatable and have great style that translates to my everyday life. Thank you for all of your posts and being so faithful with your blog!

Allison Brock

I’m so proud of you! I discovered your blog via pinterest with a link to your intense study tips. Fun fact: we have the exact same birthday.

I love your blog and I feel like I’ve kind of grown up with you. That may sound weird, but since we’re the same age we’ve hit a lot milestones at the same time (graduating college, moving to a new city, etc.). Here’s to many more blog posts and milestones. <3

Camille Olson

Your blog was one of the first ones I began to read as a teen! I absolutely adored and still adore you! Thank you for writing some of the best blog posts I have ever written!

Allie C

I’ve been following you since my sorority days in college! My roommates and I would eagerly anticipate your advice ever since about 2010. We thought you were an *~icon~* and tbh I still think you are! I felt like I’ve grown up with you! Thanks for everything.

Kristen Frost

So I can’t remember exactly how I started following you but I’ve been following along faithfully for a few years now. I just love your classic style and I remember thinking throughout this whole year “Man I feel like Carly has really hit her style stride recently!” I feel like you’re a friend and I just wanna tell you all the time how much I love your outfit! Everything you wear feels like it will never go out of style, I love your taste in great basics and I want Meesh to be my mom too! Keep on killing it for another 10 Carly!


Happy 10 year anniversary! I really enjoy reading your “On My Radar” posts and discovering new brands, articles and media.

Claire Ryan

Congrats, Carly! It’s been so fun following your blog and watching it grow over the last 10 years! 🙂

Amanda Robbins

It has been truly awesome getting to follow along with your journey! I had a blog that I kept up with for a few years before dropping off, but yours has always been a favorite to follow. Always unique content, beautifully written and designed. Hope you continue! XO

Meg Zuehl

The quality of your posts is what keeps me returning again and again. You manage to put original ideas and helpful details into a single post that others might stretch out into a series. For example, your post on how you schedule and keep yourself organized, had so many helpful ideas that I found myself wanting to take notes. I am so impressed by your voice, your ideas, and your proofread writing (thank you for taking the time to do that!). You have accomplished so much in the past ten years. Brava!


Carly, you’ve been such an inspiration to me. Like a big sister I never had and a benchmark for all that is fashionable, classic and trending. After 8 years of following you, mulling it over, quitting and starting over, I’m finally starting my own blog in 2019. In a world where so many people are starting out with money in mind, my goal is simply to have a creative outlet. One that I can hopefully one day navigate and curate as wonderfully as you have. Congratulations!

Samantha M.

Congratulations on your ten year blogiversary, Carly! I’ve been following you since the TCP days in college and looked/still look to you for inspiration in building my online presence as a health and wellness coach. I’ve always been
little social media-shy and I appreciate your candor about the pros and cons of working online.

Wishing you the best, always!

Sarah Voisine

Congratulations on 10 years! I discovered your blog on an Amtrak train during my junior year of college. I’m always amazed at how similar we are which I think is why I was so drawn to this blog. I love how close you are with your family, how sweet your two pups are (it inspired me to go for it and get my own dog!) and how thoughtful you are about many aspects of your life. I’m sorry you’ve been frustrated lately but I hope the comments on this post help you realize how important you are to so many people!!

Chapin Duffy

Hi Carly!! Congratulations on 10 years! I really just want to say thank you. You’ve gotten me through some pretty hard times… Your break up post especially hit home. Even when things can seem incredibly overwhelming, I know that I can always check in with you for a little dose of life, a little dose of style, and everything in between. I’ve been reading your posts for just over 5 years, and look forward for the many more to come!

Carli W

Happy 10 years! I’ve been reading since 2009. I was a senior in college then. Now I’m married and a mama but I still drop in for the fashion and the organization posts and for the girl power! Cheers to the next 10 years!

Raquel Brown

I found your blog through a friend, we were in the high school library working on a project, and decided to show each-other our favorite blogs. Through the years we’ve both looked up to you so much and we both applied to Georgetown because of you. My favorite post would have to be your one about Casey Neistat or the most recent fall essentials. Thank you so much for the style and life inspiration. Congrats on 10 years!


Wow, can’t believe it’s been so long! I’ve been reading for probably five years. Congratulations on the milestone!

Isabelle Trimble

I started following you my senior year of high school when I knew I was going to Georgetown! Now I can’t believe I graduate from Georgetown in May! You’re blog is so much more than style inspiration, your advice and reflections are eye opening. Can’t wait for the next 10 years:)


Congratulations on 10 years!! I’ve been following along since my freshman year of college (2012). You have been such an inspiration to me through the years!


I love waking up on Friday mornings, and before I even get out of bed, I read your On My Radar post. You’re just always so on-point with the links you choose, and I honestly think it’s when your personality shines through the most.

Leyla T

Carly – I’ve been reading since fall of 2012, and sometimes I can’t believe that 6 years have gone by. I’ve never commented on the blog, even though I read everyday. I’ve taken many of your suggestions for various products because I really value your opinions and trust that your recommendations are genuine. I actually started meditating with the headspace app because of your recommendation, and that has had a hugely positive impact on my life after living with a lot of anxiety. I’ve also felt hugely motivated to work out regularly after watching you develop a new relationship to fitness. Overall my favorite posts are always the personal ones from you, hearing about your life – the ups and downs, trips, experiences, family, etc. I don’t exactly know why I haven’t commented before, but I hope this note gives you some encouragement that what you do impacts a lot of people, even if they don’t regularly engage with you on social media or on the blog. Happy ten years!

Meg M

I haven’t been following for 10 years but probably 5! Love seeing what cute outfits you come up with. Some bloggers look good but I couldn’t ever imagine myself wearing what they’re wearing but I have no problem with that here!

Eleanor Landsbaum

I remember being 15 and discovering TCP my sophomore year of high school (I’m 22 now and in law school). I flipped back and read almost every TCP post (remember the fiction posts?) and I’ve loved and read TCP ever sense! CONGRATS CARLY! Thanks for being such a force in my life and the lives of so many others!

Gina Leeper

Carly, so many congratulations on 10 years of blogging! I’ve been following you for years and just really appreciate your classic prep style and how you seem real. Here’s to 10+ years! Sincerely, a fellow CT prepster

Katie Doten

Hi! This was so fun to read, and so interesting. One of my favorite things to see from you are your videos with Meesh! So fun! Congrats on 10 years!


I started following College Prepster on Instagram 5+ years ago. My best friend and I followed you around the same time, and have enjoyed watching you grow as a blogger and influencer. As a follower of other bloggers on Instagram, you still stand out the most with your photos and authenticity. Teddy and Hamilton help with their cuteness 😍


I have loved reading your blog since 2011!! I was SO appreciative that one time we met for coffee on the UES before I moved to NYC in 2015. You gave me the best tips and I ended up living there for three years. Wish you all the best on your journey!! -Emily

Erika Bone

I remember finding your blog before I went to college when I was reading anything and everything I could about what to bring to college when I found your post about it! I’ve been reading and following ever since!

Erika Bone

I remember finding your blog before I went to college when I was reading anything and everything I could about what to bring to college when I found your post about it! I’ve been reading and following ever since! It feels like your the older sister I never had (but always wanted!)

Emily G

Congratulations on 10 years!! What a huge accomplishment! I’ve been a daily reader/follower for several years and your blog has always been a source of inspiration and ideas! Here’s to 10 more years!

Emma Van Zandt

Congratulations! I found your blog through a recommendation from a friend (we’re still besties to this day). I loved your writing style and the fact that you were living in DC, which is my hometown as well! Cheers to 10 more years.

Mikaela C

Congratulations! What a special accomplishment. I found your blog while I myself was in college, and enjoy catching up on my study breaks while I finish up grad school now. Your book recommendations are always my favorite posts! I love finding new books and reading your honest opinions on them.

Morgan Smith

Congratulations on 10 years! Your blog is one of my constant “go-to’s”. If I’m awake at midnight, I automatically go to your blog. You’re smart, funny, and seem to always know what to say. I love your sense of style and insights. Keep it up!


Congratulations on your tenth anniversary! I’ve followed you for years and am thrilled with your success.

Malorie Rhew

Congratulations Carly on being so committed to blogging for such a long time. I have been following you for about 4 years now, I found you through one of Julia’s posts at the Apple orchard and decided to click on the post to go to your page and have been following you ever since. My favorite post is typically the most recent gift guide!! They are so very helpful and inspiring. I hope to one day make my own gift guides as well as you, but until then, I will continue to appreciate yours.

Michaela B

I have loved your blog for so long and have too many favorite posts to begin to say just one! Congratulations on an amazing milestone and thanks for being such a positive role model for so many young girls.


Hi, Carly! I am definitely older than your average reader (37) but your name has become a household one over the past 5 years. I first found your blog when I was shopping my first Lilly Pulitzer After Party sale and looking for some guidance ;). Over the years I have started following you on Instagram and your blog is the first thing I read each morning. Other blogs have come and gone but I have stuck with yours for pretty much all of the reasons you listed above. You are just so relatable and I know this sounds crazy for a total stranger but I trust you. Even though the blog is your job it never feels like that is all it is. It truly comes across as something you love and cultivate with great care.
I love everything you write but two posts stick out in my mind the most and I will probably butcher my description of them. The first one is one you wrote about anxiety and social anxiety in particular. I had never heard (or read) anyone’s candid raw account and I found myself totally relating and wishing I had been able to put a name on those feelings years earlier. Also the way you discussed it was not in a way that made me feel helpless or frustrated but more like, “Oh, well that explains why I feel that way.” Before I just felt crazy but now I have a better understanding of what my personality needs and craves and what allows me to function at my best. And I know clearly (most of the time) when I need to just walk away from a situation… and that it is OKAY to do that.
The next post that really sticks out to me was one that I always meant to comment on and never could find the right words. But it was about friendships and you were feeling a little down, I think. I just wanted to say yes, I get it. Yes. And that you have inspired in countless ways over the years. When I mention “Carly” to my husband actually knows who I am talking about.
We are not the same at all. And we would probably not see eye to eye on a lot of things. But I don’t care. I respect you. And I trust what you write. And I will genuinely miss you and grieve the loss when you give this up one day, even though I will know it is the right thing at that time. I’m on your team each day as you continue to write and I’ll be on your team the day you hang it up. Thank you for sharing with all of us and for inspiring me personally.


Carly, I am so thankful for you. I cannot remember how I ‘discovered’ you while in high school (7+ years ago). I think I was a junior looking for ‘cool’ college girls to emulate. I immediately connected with you through your style, authenticity, and passion (it didn’t hurt that we both have dark hair and pale skin that was rare in bloggers at the time). I began reading and following as different platforms became available. That being said, my favorite post is ‘Overcoming Fear’ because like you, I have anxiety. When I was diagnosed my freshman year of college, I was not shocked but felt terribly alone. That is, until I remembered you previously posting about nervousness. This post came years later but it reminds me of how faithful and kind you are to your followers.

Ashlea |

I have been captivated by your gentle vulnerability since I first began to read your blog (I believe I discovered you through Julia and Gal Meets Glam). I was in love with how you spoke the truth, even if it was difficult or left you exposed. Such a quality is difficult to find, and although it’s cliche to call it refreshing, I am unable to think of a more accurate descriptor. Thank you for all your beautiful writing!

Emily Spence

I’ve been a relatively new follower, but I have to admit I have a slight obsession with this blog 😂 I absolutely love your aesthetic and it makes me feel comfortable to continue being my preppy self without judgement! Congrats on ten years, Carly!


Congrats on 10 years! That’s such an awesome awesome accomplishment. I’ve been following you for so long that I can’t remember when I started! It’s been fun to watch you and your blog grow!

Sarah Curry

Congratulations on the huge milestone! I’ve enjoyed following along these last several years!

Ava K

I can’t remember exactly when or what, but Carly the Prepster gave me a quintessential image of a gal thriving on the east coast — wears lots of J. Crew tartan and cashmere, went to college somewhere picturesque like Georgetown, and trots along the streets of the Upper West Side on weekdays and the boardwalks of Nantucket on the weekend. As a Midwest gal, I love the classy blog that this is! It reminds me of the east coast girl I want to be!!

Jennifer B

Congrats on 10 years! I don’t remember how I found you but I stuck around because Tampa! Of course I love your blog but it’s so fun seeing your IG Stories when you’re in town. I was born and raised here!

Erin Bean

I have been following for 5 years now! My cousin showed me your blog and I have loved it ever since! Congratulations on 10 years of blogging! Can’t wait to see what the future holds for you!


Congrats, Carly! I love reading your blog every morning. Your posts on Nantucket, especially the guide, inspired me and my husband to go to Nantucket for our honeymoon! Your guide made our trip so fun and special!


Congratulations on 10 fabulous years and all the accomplishments along the way! As a follower from nearly the beginning, I admire how you have stayed true to yourself and really come into your own style. Wishing you continued success in all that lies ahead!
PS we met in Beacon Hill through Brittney Ann Cardillo years ago when I was blogging (a former life!)! XO

Abbie Walsh

Wow, I cannot believe it’s been 10 years for you and nearly 5 years since I found your blog. I found your blogs when I obsessively combed through the internet trying to figure out the whole college thing. Through the years I was able to relate to your content more and more. I feel myself relating to you in so many ways and look forward to every blog post, Instagram, or story you post. Thank you for these 10 years, here’s to many more!

Rachel Vierra

Congratulations on such a milestone Carly! I started following you in college and have enjoyed all you’ve shared for many years. Thank you for your honesty and authenticity, so excited for the next 10 years of your journey 🙂

Sarah Montgomery

I started following blogs when I was in college, probably around 2009/2010, when it was definitely a different world! A friend introduced me to your blog and I’ve been following for over 6 years now and you’re still one of my favorite bloggers!

Jenn G

Congrats Carly! I’ve been reading for many years and originally “found” you through Mackenzie! Cheers to you!


Congratulations on this momentous occasion! I’ve been reading your blog for a few years now and I’ve always appreciated your honesty and real voice in your writing. My favorite posts have been about your travels/travel style, specifically for your Ireland trip. I also love everything you do about organization. Keep up the excellent work!


I found your blog through Tumblr where I was building outfit inspiration posts, probably in 2010 or so. I’ve loved following you ever since (we’re about the same age) and checking in on your journey! Congrats on 10 years!

Holly Stephens

Hi Carly! Congrats on 10 years – that’s amazing!! I found your blog from Kelly Larkin, and I’m so glad I did. It has been so fun to read your posts and see insta stories of your pups! Congratulations!

Holly Moon

I love any post that involves some sort of travel recap. I travel quite a bit and always like reading about your tips and experiences! Congrats on 10 years!

Kimberly Couzens

I got to meet you at the Teen Vogue event at Sephora in Times Square a few years ago and discovered a fabulous Lancome mascara that I still love to this day!

Ann S.

I started off reading your lifestyle posts and they contained so much good advice with life and career advice! You always are so real in your posts and has kept me hooked! Now I love recipe and book posts! You truly inspire people to get out and go for what they are truly passionate about.


Congratulations on 10 years!! This is the first blog I ever read, I found it when I was in college!


Loved reading this post and seeing how you got here! You have been an inspiration since I found you 6 years ago in my college days! I believe I stumbled upon you through Pinterest… but I have followed you on every platform ever since! You are so genuine and make us all feel like you are our friend!! So happy for you making this milestone, can’t wait to continue to follow you through the next 10 years!


Congratulations Carly! I have enjoyed reading your blog everyday since the start. Wishing you all the best in the next 10 years.

Lauren S

Carly! I have been following your blog for 3 years now and I first got drawn in through your style. I would see your pictures on Pinterest and absolutely loved your preppy look. As I read more of your content, I always found you extremely relatable. I have always appreciated your honesty and have found that to be a quality that has brought me back to your blog again and again. Congrats on 10 years!


So glad you started this blog 10 years ago! Congrats on the milestone!! It’s amazing and I am thankful for all the content you provide!

Allison Kane

Congrats! I have been reading since my sophomore year in college 2009 and cannot believe it has been so long!

Chloe Dosier

Carly! Your post almost brought me to tears. Finding you in 2013 inspired me. As a freshman in high school then, I feel like I’ve grown up with you. You wrote that in your post and it hit home. I saw so many stages of your life through your writing and social media, as I too, was going through so many milestones and huge times in my life. You and Sarah Vickers inspired me. For years I’ve dreamed of starting a blog- you were my inspiration and still are. You’ve introduced me to so many more of my inspirations including Julia! As I am in college now, and majoring in PR, it seems only fitting that I start a blog. 2019 is my year! Thank you for everything! Congrats on 10 years, wow!

Morgan Mullen

I have been reading your blog daily for the past six years. I found you on Pinterest through the DIY for a pocket tee. Reading your blog every day has become such a staple in my life that I just refer to you as “Carly” to my friends and family. Reading about your struggles with anxiety and your transition from college student to professional woman has been such a beacon for me. Thank you for sharing your life with us!! Happy Ten Years!!

Katie Myers

About a year ago, my roommate showed me your Instagram because she wanted to show me a dress you were wearing. I instantly followed you on my own because of your much I loved your style. Over the past year I have enjoyed learning about your womderful personality. My roommate and I still will come home and ask if the other has seen your latest post and it’s a great way for us to connect.

Salina H

I have been following your blog for the past few years and wish I had heard about it from the very beginning! Thanks for sharing so much about your life, especially the hard parts

Olivia Gould

Wow, Carly. Definitely teared up while reading this! I’m sure I can speak for many readers when I say that even though we have only met once (in Georgetown at a meet and greet), you feel like an old friend in a sense. I have truly loved following your journey. I discovered your blog in 2011 when I was in college, and your fun posts helped me through my college days and now, way beyond that. Thank you for sharing your passion with all of us!

Harper Johnson

Congratulations on 10 years! I loved finding your blog in high school before moving cross country to the preppy east coast and since then always looked to it for outfit/book/product inspiration, gift guides, and more!

Meghan Tanner

Congratulations on finding what you love to do and being able to do it for 10 years! I came across your Instagram from a contest you did with Lilly and reading your blog quickly became part of my morning routine while I have my coffee. Best wishes as you continue in the future! (Hopefully without negativity trying to rear its way in)


My friend showed me your blog about three months ago and I think I have spent more time looking through your old blog posts than studying this semester! Oh well! I love reading your blogs and looking at your posts! Happy Holidays!!

Kimberly Stevens

Congrats on 10 years of blogging! I’ve been reading for the past 8 years or so, which is crazy! I found your page through Pinterest and your organizing posts back in the day. I stayed because you always seemed organized, motivated, and hardworking, while seeming relatable. As a daily reader I’ve always appreciated when you’ve been brave and shown the non-picture perfect moments despite all the haters out there (they can take a hike!).

Kayla H

Hi Carly,

Thanks for the wonderful giveaway—lucky reader for sure! I honestly have no idea how I found your blog, but I’m a regular reader (an invisible one as I never comment!). I think I found your blog through other blogger recommendations back in 2010 as that’s how I have found all of my favorites. I love that you share your vulnerability. You are very real. My favorite posts are from your travels (always so detailed), your inspiring workout journey and real talk about he ups and downs of life. I wish you the best in the next ten years of your career—whichever direction that may be! 💗

Taylor B

Congratulations…what an accomplishment! I have been following along for years and always enjoy your corner of the internet. Thank you so very much for always sharing your tips, tricks, ups, downs, and everything in between! I always feel like I’m chatting with a friend each time I read one of your posts. Congrats again!!!

Sarah Shapleigh

Congratulations on 10 years!!! What an accomplishment! I honestly can’t even remember how I discovered you in the first place, it was probably close to 10 years ago! Thank you for continuing to keep it real and authentic, while so many blogs today look the same and don’t even bother to write anything to accompany the outfit post. I look forward to reading your posts! And not to mention, I am obsessed with Hamilton and Teddy 🙂

Rebecca Hyatt

Carly! I can’t believe it’s 10 years! I’ve been reading your blog since I was in 8th grade (currently a freshman in college) and your posts have been so so helpful along the way. I look up to you for tips in school and life in general and it has been amazing to see your blog grow so much!

Lynn S.

I’ve only recently found your blog, but congrats! You’ve really helped me hone in on my preppy aesthetic and been great style inspiration. Keep doing it girl!


Congrats, Carly! We went to high school together and it has been incredible to follow along and see how much your blog has grown! Congrats on 10 years and following your dream and passion!

Carlyn M

I love reading your blog every day and always look forward to a new post. I admire your consistency in posting and willpower to keep following your passion even when times get difficult. Thank you and congrats on 10 years!

Brigid Sweeney

Thanks, Carly! I’ve always appreciated your product recs, from LL Bean slippers to Margaux ballet flats.


I don’t remember how exactly I found your blog, but I’m glad I did! I’m a few years behind you in “life stages” (graduating college, etc), so it was fun to read about you going through all of these changes a few years before I did. Congrats on 10 years!


I actually found your blog through the Gal Meets Glam/ Kate Spade College Graduation collaboration and have been an avid reader ever since! I am now about to graduate college myself and checking your blog is something that I’ve looked forward to everyday over the past several years. Thank you so much for your candor and hard work through the good and the bad. Congratulations!

Bailey Griffith

Yay happy 10-year blog-iversary, Carly!! I feel like I’ve grown up with you at this point! I believe I first found you via Pinterest with the intense study tips blog post. Hope you enjoy this milestone — you’ve worked so hard to get here!


I’ve been following your blog for almost 9 years. We are about the same age so I feel like I’ve gone through all the major milestones (early college, graduation, first jobs, moving to NYC etc) a long with you. Congrats on 10 years!

Anna R.

Happy anniversary! If I remember right, I think I started following you through Julia. I have loved following you since then and seeing your sweet friendship 🙂

Amy L

My favorite posts of yours are always your gift guides! I especially loved your gift idea a day you did on Instagram this year. You have such great taste and a classic style that I’ve found myself going through your old guides year after year to find inspiration! Congrats on 10 years of blogging, that’s such an incredible milestone!

Lauren Grace H.

Carly I am so impressed. I have been following your blog since I was in college and now I am a year out from grad school. I hope you never stop writing. Your blog is the ONLY one I subscribe to and I read almost all of your posts word for word. Congrats on 10 years.


Congratulations on your 10th anniversary! Funny enough, I started following your blog when I was going through a dark period. I was just out of college and was watching all of my schoolmates begin amazing careers and I had no idea what I wanted out of life. Reading your blog (early days of NYC) was the perfect escape. Thank you.

Lauren Hanhauser

Carly, I have followed you for such a long time! Thanks for the amazing and timeless content!


Congratulations on your 10 year blog anniversary! I can’t remember when in college (2010ish?) I started following you but it has been so fun seeing your style evolve from preppy college student to cool New Yorker to contemporary suburban prep. I love that your style fundamentally revolves around timeless classics. Whenever I face a difficult shopping decision, I think, What Would Carly Wear? And it helps me discern what’s just a fad and what would be a long-term investment. Thanks, Carly! I look forward to reading your blog for many more years!


Congrats! This is such a big milestone and it’s great to see someone who works so hard succeed!

Sara H

Hi! I have been reading your blog since the beginning. I don’t even remember how I came across it. It has been fun following along on your journey and I am so excited for you!


Hi Carly. I saw you in person this past summer at the Tysons Corner Hair Cuttery pop-up store. That night, I showed your Instagram page to my bf and his jaw dropped and I was like “what?? What is it?!?!” and he said that you and I had the exact same wardrobe lol. He was of course exaggerating a but but I love your style and enjoy seeing your contents. Congrats on the big milestone!

Abby Kinnard

Carly! I am so so thrilled for you. I found your blog through your collaboration with Kate Spade in 2012. You and I met for coffee in NYC during the summer of 2014. We chatted about my first heartbreak I had just had after my freshman year of college. It is to this day one of the things that I look back on and smile about. Sending you lots of love and light for the new year!

Amanda Ray

I have been reading your blog since you were a junior in college. I’m a few years older but have always found your posts to be timely and relevant to my life. Thank you for your impact!


I found your blog during Christmas time when I was in college and have loved following along ever since! Congratulations on such a big milestone! Here’s to another 10 years!

Nicole Ehrlich

I remember starting to follow you when I was in college too! I think I found you while trying to search for what kind of outfit to wear to a football game and I loved reading the back to school posts!

Allie GM

My favorite posts of yours have gotten real with your readers about how blogging is all glam and the mental and well-being struggles you have faced. It helps remind me that all we see isn’t perfection and that social media is just a glimpse into the best parts of someone’s life. You also got me into meditation which has been life changing!

Lexi Frazier

Congrats on 10 years Carly! I have been reading and following on Instagram since 2013 (I think!). It’s crazy to think about how much I have grown and changed since then, and I know you have too! Reading your blog in the morning as soon as I get the email is always a bright spot in my day and I love seeing each and every Instagram post! Thanks for always sharing your life with us ❤️

Irene Koo

Carly—I started following The College Prepster toward the end of high school, enjoyed your posts through my time at Georgetown (Hoya Saxa!), and continue to read your blog now as a young professional. Your work, creativity, and growth have been so inspiring. I’m so grateful for all your wonderful life and style tips over the last few years. Congratulations on the ten-year milestone!! Can’t wait to see what comes next (:

June Pope

In reading this I realized I remember your collaboration with Kate Spade and doing it with Julia. I can’t believe I’ve followed you that long. I like your look, your style, your freshness and, wait for it, I have children older than you. Feels like I know you. Thanks always for your candor and transparency. Here’s to 10 more years.?

Callie Johnson

Congrats on 10 years, Carly! I’ve been following you for years – every time I make a big purchase, my boyfriend always asks “does that blogger girl have that, too?!” And often, the answer is yes. 🙂 Hope you are enjoying your celebration in Florida!

Kelly Hince

I remember finding your blog via tumblr and felt giddy when you answered a question I submitted. Can’t believe it’s been a decade!

Katie Gosser

I have been reading your blog for about 8 years now. Your blog has been a source of inspiration, encouragment, and joy for since I was in gradeschool, through high school and now almost through college. I’ve loved watching your style evolve as well as how you have developed your blog. Happy 10 years!!


I’ve been following along for what feels like forever – I feel like this is a celebration for all of us! Congrats Carly. Keep it up ♥️


Hi Carly! 🙂 I’ve really only been a reader for the last year or so, but I’ve read every post since then haha. Strangely enough, I found this blog because I was interested in your style, but I’m here now because I love your earnestness. My favorite post is probably your post, “Why I Shut Down the Comment Section,” which may seem really weird, but it just reminded me of how open and sincere you are as a person, and that truly resonates with me:) Congrats on the ten year anniversary!

Kayla F.

Love all your posts! Your classy style is a real lost art nowadays and is such an inspiration!

Katy T.

Congratulations on such an amazing accomplishment! You write from such an honest place and it is a joy to read!


Oh my goodness this is so exciting! I’ve been reading the blog since my freshman year of highschool (5 years ago, eek!) and every year you continue to be such an inspiration to me. Congrats on this amazing accomplishment! I can’t wait to see what the next ten years have in store!

Brittney Hebden

Congrats, Carly! I’ve loved following you over the years. Thanks for showing me (and I’m sure all of your other female followers) how strong, independent, and just badass females can be! To have your own business with such a large platform of people looking up to you is awesome! Cheers to many more years. ❤️


Wow! I’ve loved following you since college. We’re the same age so you’ve been so relatable throughout my life. Congrats on ten years 💕

Emily Lemke

Congrats on 10 years! My favorite posts are always your “blogger behind the scenes” as I very much appreciate your transparency!


Wow! Congrats! You had me thinking back to when I found you when I was in college in 2011 and how much *my* life has changed as well. Thank you for always being genuine. And thank you for introducing me to honestly almost all the bloggers I follow regularly!


Honestly, I’m pretty sure I found your blog through a ridiculous mean drama site. Despite their crazy, I found your content well written, your fashion choices cute, and your struggles with anxiety honest. I don’t go near the drama site these days, but I do still check in on your blog!

Jane Reggievia

Hi Carly! I’m your international reader and so proud of your 10 years blogging achievement! That’s a huge milestone!

I remember back then when I found your blog in my college time. I was enjoying reading your blog (till today tho!) and you’re also motivating me to blog more often on my personal blog too in that era. Congrats once again on your milestone. Looking forward to more fun contents in this blog! Cheers!

Rachel Clemons

You are the first blogger I followed (and one of two I am still following). Thanks for keeping it real!!

Hannah Mason

Happy 10 Years! 🎈 I found your blog when I was getting into blogs many many years ago, circa 2012 I believe! I saw that a lot of local blogs were following your blog! I fell in love following your “ootd” posts and then the Kate spade graduation post! So excited for you!

Kristina S.

Congrats on such a huge milestone! I look forward to reading your blog posts every night before going to bed (one of the benefits of living in Alaska with pst!) My favorite posts that you have done are your travel recaps, I loved your Ireland posts the most! I hope you keep being a positive space on the internet for as long as it makes you happy! 😊

Alyse R.

Carly, congratulations on 10 years! I’ve recently followed you and found you through another IG account (Julia from gal meets glam). I thinks it’s awesome that you’re another Tampa native. I loved you giants causeway post since it’s one of the few places I’ve actually been to, it was super busy when I went though! Can’t wait to see what else you continue to do!

Maggie R

My favorite posts of yours were those about your trip to Ireland. The pictures were just so striking and stunning. I used it as inspiration for my own trip to Ireland, and even though I wasn’t there long enough to see as much as you did, your post gives me lots of reasons to go back again one day!

Erin S

I stumbled upon this blog in high school and I can still sit for hours and read all the posts many years later. I feel like I’ve really gotten to know Carly and so glad you’re celebrating your 10 year anniversary!


Congratulations Carly!! Crazy how time passes! I think I found you by following Kiel and Sarah!


I first found your blog when I was a freshman in college almost 6 years ago! Your whole blog really helped me as I was also having a hard time adjusting to college. Keep up the AMAZING work, Carly and CONGRATULATIONS!
❤️, Brenna


Congrats on 10 years! I have been reading your blog since I was in middle school, and it has been amazing to watch your style mature over the years! I always love when your pups are included in your posts <3!


I found your Instagram and blog starting out as a fresh college grad starting a new job. I needed work appropriate outfit inspo that still felt stylish and me! Your posts have been something I look forward to every since!

Sarah Grace

Congratulations, Carly!!! I’ve loved your blog since I was a sophomore in high school (2011!!!) & can’t believe how much your space has impacted my life. So happy for you!


Congratulations on 10 years! I’ve loved reading your blog over the years and your guide to Nantucket post remains a favorite. Thank you for all that you do!

Maggie Keel

I started reading in college! I’m just a year younger than you and I’ll never forget when you quit your job!!! I couldn’t believe it! But you’ve totally proven that with a lot of love, hard work and dedication that you can do anything!

Courtney Williams

Congratulations Carly on such an amazing accomplishment! I’m certain you don’t remember this, but we’ve been in contact twice over the last ten years. AGES ago when I was in college you’re blog inspired me to start my own blog, (which I still keep up, more so for me than for anyone) and I emailed you very hesitantly to ask for your some mentorship. I couldn’t believe it when you wrote me back! I’ll never forget how thoughtful that was, and your advice was kind and thorough. Second, I was absolutely honored when you had my illustration of your mom’s cookies framed and sent to her! Again, the feeling of someone you admire encouraging you and acknowledging you is one of the warmest feelings, and I know you treat all your readers like this. Thank you for being such s positive force for so many! I cannot choose a favorite post, I’ve read your blog daily since 2009, but I always love your summer trips to Nantucket, and lived vicariously through you getting and styling your first apartment in NYC. Best wishes to you!

Jemma Fasanella

Congrats on the 10 year anniversary!! Such an amazing accomplishment. I look forward to your On My Radar every Friday and have been following your pinterest from way back when 🙂


congrats carly! when i first moved to dc from the west coast your blog was really helpful to know what girls in dc were wearing and to help me blend some east coast prep workwear into my closet of flannels and jeans. thanks for helping me start to fit in in a new city 🙂

Paulina Angeles

10 years!! Congratulations!! I’ve been reading your blog since 2016, I rember a blog where you were wearing a black dress and a Banana Republic faux fur vest!!! I loved it!! I “recreated” it and wore it for a New Years Party, I use to follow a lot of bloggers/vloggers, not anymore, but you are one of the few that I can’t stay away from. Thank you for all your effort!!

Erica H

Congratulations on ten years! It has been so interesting watching your blog/other media platforms develop as social media changes too. You are proof that taking risks in a career and pursuing non traditional paths can be so rewarding if you work hard. Thank you for sharing that with us!

Paulina Angeles

10 years!! Congratulations!! I’ve been reading your blog since 2016, I rember a blog where you were wearing a black dress and a Banana Republic faux fur vest!!! I loved it!! I “recreated” it and wore it for a New Years Party, I use to follow a lot of bloggers/vloggers, not anymore, but you are one of the few that I can’t stay away from. Thank you for all your effort!!


I discovered your blog from Julia’s blog about your guys’ trip to Ireland. One of my favorite posts has to be the one with Meesh’s chocolate chip cookies. Crisco makes all the difference!
Congrats on 10 years!


I don’t remember how I stumbled upon “Carly the Prepster,” but it was sometime in 2012 or 2013 when I was a high school sophomore or junior. I’m assuming it was when I patched onto Pinterest and was looking for study tips. I feel like I’ve traveled with Carly through both of our relationships, breakups, work, events and life. I’ve found some of my favorite brands and other fantastic bloggers through her. It’s been a pleasure reading for so long!

Megan T

Congrats on this accomplishment! I forget how I can across you and your blog a couple years ago but I’m so glad I did. Your content is so fun and helpful, and I will be a loyal reader for years to come!


Congrats on 10 years! I’ve been reading your blog for about five years now, & I’ve always been such a fan of how honest & real you are on the blog. All the best wishes for another great ten years!

Emily J L

My favorite memories are when we were both in college. I found your blog on tumblr and loved your daily outfits! I also asked you a question once and your thoughtful response made me so psyched, haha. Congratulations!!!

Anna Galvez

I rembw finding you on Tumblr, at the beginning of my own freshman year at TCU. I loved your candor, humility and obviously fashion! 🙂 I knew your blog would help me even on the hardest days- whether it was finding study methods, the perfect ballet flats, or breakups…so grateful to have followed you since 2011! ♥️

Marika Anthony

Hi Carly,
Congrats on your 10th anniversary, that’s amazing! I found you through Instagram and have been a follower for about 2 years. I love your blog and I look forward to ten more years of posts!
Marika Anthony

Eva M

Congrats on 10 years! Had been a reader for a few years, but loved to see your posts about your struggles with your eyes: I sent an email and recieving a response within a day was amazing!


Hi Carly! I’ve been casually reading your blog for about a year and a half now. I’m pretty sure the first I discovered your blog was from a shared Instagram post with @kjp or @sarahkjp. I found you all (and Julia Engel’s blog!) around the same time though, so I can’t be sure 😅 I’ve just been reading through some of my saved posts of yours, and I really enjoyed “4 Simple Tricks for being a More Supportive Friend” and “How to Recharge your Battery.” I also really like your style and fashion! Thanks for your cute outfits and positive, genuine personality! They’re what keeps me coming back. And finally, congrats on 10 years blogging! It’s awesome for you that you’ve found a job you love!

Heather L.

I stumbled across your blog about 7 1/2 years ago and never looked back. Your honesty with your college struggles and starting your professional life were a reprise from the glossy, picture perfect blogs/images everywhere else. Congrats on 10 years!


Congratulations on 10 years!! What an accomplishment! Some of my favorite posts you have done are your yearly favorites and “on my radar”. Hope to see you continuing on this path 10 years more 🙂

Mindy Mayden

Carly, I am so happy and proud to see how far you’ve come! You’ve been a style inspiration for awhile now and inspired me to start my own blog as well a few months back! Thank you for everything 🥳


Wow! If it has been 10 years for you, that means I’ve been following you for nine. You basically helped me graduate from college! I would have been so lost without your organization/study tips, your wallpapers, and your willingness to share yourselves with us. Happy anniversary, Carly! Here’s to the next 10 years!

Mindy Mayden

Carly, I am so amazed with you and everything you’ve accomplished in the last ten years! You have been my ultimate style inspiration for awhile now, and you also inspired me to recently start a blog of my own. Thank you for everything you do!


Wow so exciting! I’ve been following since almost the beginning. I’m not sure how I found your blog but I was probably in 9th grade and went back and read every. Single. Post. Haha there weren’t all that many since it was early but I felt like we were so similar and you were just a few years older than me. I have continued to read each day through high school, college, and post grad. I started by actually visiting the site every day, then discovered google reader (rip), and have now cycled through a couple of other reader sites. Yours is the one blog that has stayed the entire time as others come and go. I think my style has drifted more away from yours but I can’t stay away! Keep it up Carly.


So sad not to be able to enter from Canada! My husband is a US citizen, can I enter with his information? 😂
Thanks for the great 10 years! I’ve been following for 6. You are the only blogger I actively check in on! I still remember a post you did about a picture wall with Ikea frames and whenever I see them I think of what you said about how it’s hard to trust a frame you have to assemble 😂 truth.

Chandler McLean

Your blog is one of the only that I still check regularly in the crazy days of my senior year of college, and I’m always so grateful for the light and laughter and beautiful content, with the perfect amount of realness. I’ve been reading for I think 6 or 7 years now, way before I was on instagram and would always check for your new post after school on the family desktop computer. I’ve so appreciated that your work is genuine and appropriate for all ages, and can’t wait to see what you do next<3 Love from NY & ME

Ricci DiGirolamo

Carly, congratulations on your 10 years of blogging! I remember when I first found your blog in 2009, my freshman year of college, when I was trying to find stylish college inspiration. You inspired my attire since then, & still to this day! Congratulations, & can’t wait to see what the future brings you!

Maire Daly

I’ve been following you for years. It started on Tumblr and then evolved to other social media sites, as well. I loved (and still love) your style, and I often find myself looking to you for outfit inspiration. When I first followed you though, I was a nervous high schooler inching closer and closer to college. Your advice helped me get through the last of high school, four years at a college out of state (I didn’t know anyone), and I still find myself on your blog looking for advice on how to navigate life after graduation. Thanks for being you, and being you publicly! You absolutely have a gift, and I’m so glad you’ve shared it!


So amazing! Congrats on ten years well spent! I think I started reading when I was in college and I’m well out now!

Joanna Ames

I don’t remember how I found you, but started following you about 6 months before you quit your job!! I love your more personal posts and loved the ones where you announced your moves as well as the BTS of the blog posts (like how a campaign works!!). Congrats on 10 years! Can’t wait to see what you do next!!

Claire H

Congratulations on ten years! That is amazing! I am so glad I found your blog. From your post on When a Big Decision Rolls Around to How To Eat an Elephant (I find myself saying a lot) to your fashion inspiration posts, I enjoy coming back every day to what your corner of the internet has in store. I discovered your blog from your Intense Study Tips post. I was a junior in high school and found it incredibly helpful. I even revisited it while in college. At one point my senior year of high school, I emailed you asking what Longchamp I should get. When you responded a day later (I was convinced I would never hear from you because I figured you were too busy) I was so excited! I felt so special! Even now at the age of 23, if I see you’ve responded to something I’ve posted on a blog post, I still feel special. I will always appreciate your blog and continue to be a daily visitor. Keep up the great work!

Anna Thompson

Congratulations, Carly! It was fun walking down an internet memory lane with this post. Now that you mention it – the first post I read of yours was definitely ”How to roll your sleeves like Jcrew.”

Shelly Smith

I found your site a few years ago while searching for information on Lily’s After Party Sale. After that I was hooked to checking your site everyday to read a new post!

Michelle Theodorou

My FAVORITE *series* of bog posts you did were your travels to both Alaska and Ireland. Beautiful scenery, great writing and dang, the stylish outfits between you AND Julia?! My favorites!


Wow congrats! I found your blog during high school through the “how to roll your sleeves like J Crew” diagram and followed it for a while and I recently rediscovered it last year and made the connection that this was the same blog!


Congrats on 10 years! Great look back. I started reading in college when a friend “introduced” me and love feeling like we’ve sort of grown up together 🙂

Anna Mae

I found your blog three years ago when I was lost and searching for more. I was in a wretched spot and searching for bloggers/anyone really that I could connect to. I connected with your blog and to this day still read it religiously and always look forward to your posts.

Jessica John

Carly! I started reading your blog in 2009 as a high school senior preparing for the great unknown of starting college. You have seen me through undergrad, medical school, and now my second year of medical residency! One of my favorite posts was about why you left crew at Georgetown. It very much resonated with me and helped me make some tough decisions of my own at the time. Congratulations on ten years!

Cara F.

Congrats, Carly!!! Love reading your blog and cannot wait to see what is in store for you in 2019!

Mary Olson

Wow – ten years is a major milestone for any career, let alone such a new industry as blogging. Congratulations! I found your blog during a very difficult time in my life and it became a great way for me to “check out” for a few minutes each day and forget about the hardships I was facing. It was such a great source of inspiration during some dark days. Thank you for sharing so much with the world. I wish you the best as you continue to move forward with your career! Cheers to ten years!

Elizabeth Wheatley

Congratulations! A decade is no small feat – and you’ve accomplished it so gracefully! I’ve been following and recommending your blog for 10 years, and it’s been so fun as a reader to see you and this blog grow into something amazing! You have really hit your stride and become such a remarkable woman – thank you for being not only a reliable source of fashion advice, but for being a genuine friend all of us followers and a role model of integrity. Keep up the amazing work, Carly! We’re all cheering for you!


I found your blog when I was in middle school and obsessed with everything college. As a college freshman now (crazy writing that!), it’s safe to say a part of your style has helped shape my own. Your effortless class has defined how I want to live my own life, and I’m so grateful you started this blog 10 years ago!


Congrats on ten years- so epic! I love your blog for style inspiration, please never stop!

Britt Mac

Congrats on your 10 year anniversary! I’ve been following you since the very beginning of your blogging career. A good friend introduced me to your site while I was still in college. You are my original inspiration for buying Bean boots!! I love your style and appreciate you keeping things real for your fans at the same time. Such a huge milestone for you and love following your adventures!


Congratulations, Carly!! I’m looking forward to seeing what the future brings for you! I discovered you and your blog a few years ago on Instagram and have enjoyed following ever since! Also enjoyed meeting you briefly in Georgetown last year. 🙂


I love this, can’t believe you’re hitting 10 years. I discovered your blog in 2012, when I was struggling in high school to figure out so many different things. Your blog taught me a lot about style, but it also taught me some of my best study habits and skills I took with me to college, like your blog posts breaking down Onenote for organization (still use it!) and I look forward to your agenda round ups every year as well! Excited to see where this next ten years takes you Carly, and thankful to have been part of the journey!


Congrats on 10 years! I found your blog years ago and love following along. I recently traveled to Ireland and your tips made the trip truly unforgettable. Thank you for sharing your life with us all!


Congratulations on the milestone, Carly! 10 years seems like such a long time to be doing ANYTHING – especially in something where the landscape is constantly changing. I’ve always really appreciated how honest you were about why you started blogging. My freshman year was a huge academic adjustment for me, and my first semester did not go well at all – sometimes, it means a lot to hear the non-success stories! Best of luck now that you’ve hit the 10 year mark – I hope that blogging keeps making you happy, and know that we’re happy to keep reading!

Julia L

Congratulations Carly!! I remember first reading your blog when I was just starting high school. Now I’m finishing up my senior year of college and I’ve visited your blog for everything from study tips to style inspo to gift guides and everything in between. I feel like we’ve experienced many milestones together and I’m excited to follow along & see what adventures you embark on next! Cheers to 10 years!

Mollie Rae

I actually found your blog through Julia! My style mixes with feminine, classic, and a little bit of prep. I became drawn to your style and personality ❤️

Zoë B

I’ve been reading your blog since high school — and it helped me get into Harvard! I suffered from really bad ADD in high school, but didn’t get diagnosed until college. I felt overwhelmed and anxious all the time, and could never keep track of my assignments. I failed tests and felt really out of control and insecure in the classroom. But then I read your Intense Study Tips and started following them religiously … they weren’t just super helpful, you also made them seem so doable in a way that never felt possible to me before. Following your tips and other school related posts gave me the confidence and tools I needed to not only get through high school, but apply and get into my dream college! Ive loved your blog for so many years for so many reasons, but this is the one that’s the most special to me (I met you at a meet up in Boston in 2014 and told you this story then too actually, which was one of the most surreal and most exciting moments ever haha). Congratulations on 10 years!!!


Carly — thank you for your guidance and light over the last decade. What a joy to watch your taste and reach grow!

Toni Sharp

My favorite memories from your blog have definitely been your trip to Paris recently as well as your work with Gal Meets Glam! I also vividly remember clicking onto your website the day your new name went live and loving how new and fresh everything looked! I have checked your blog consistently everyday since I was in high school (I’m now a junior in college). I feel like I’ve grown up with you and have so enjoyed following along on your journey! Congrats on 10 years!!!

Alison Martin

I don’t remember how I came across your post but I’ve loved it for years!! My favorites are the “On my radar.”

Mackenzie Guthrie

I found you via your study tips blog! I just started back at school as a non-traditional student (I’m 24 y/o) after failing out when I was 18. I wanted to prepare myself for success! I got straight A’s my first term back- thanks for the help 🙂


Congratulations, Carly! 10 years is truly a career and personal milestone to celebrate.

I appreciate SO much that you interact with your readers. A couple of months ago, going through a tough breakup, you had the kindest advice. I know you’ve made a difference in the lives of countless others.

Thank you for keeping it classy and being a (needed!) role model for young women like myself.

Keep it up! Loved following you through the years. xo

Liz ottavelli

I love that you post daily. It’s part of my morning routine to check out your new post as I drink my coffee! Also, live your preppy style! 😍


As I read your blog post today, you mentioned how it chronicles your life moments and oddly enough — it actually reminded me that YOUR posts also kinda chronicled my life too. I remember just being a few years younger than you as you wrote about your steps in college and post grad. Later, when I went through some similar steps (like moving to NYC, first job) — I reflected back on your posts often as a starting guide in my research! Your posts were personal and it often felt like I was talking to a friend while reading them. I found great comfort in them over the years. Crazy how it’s been 10 years especially now that there is a dedicated influencer market — but this was the only blog I ever really followed! I don’t even know if I technically “followed” you on blogger but your blog name always autocompleted on my web browser 🙂

Peyton Pender

I started reading this blog my junior year of high school in 2011 and I’ve loved following along ever since!!💕


I found your blog when I was looking for preppy style bloggers. I have always valued your recommendations and also love jcrew since college. Now I live near Tampa and love your things to do recommendations here as well.

Chelsey Hancock

I always have loved all of your gift guides! You have such great taste and I use them every year!


Congratulations! 10 years is quite the milestone. I look forward to seeing what’s in store for the next 10 years, and beyond!

Sarah B

Congratulations! I remember finding this blog because I typed in preppy and something about college online, and was somehow lucky enough to find this blog. It’s a bit weird feeling like I know you without you knowing me, but this blog has meant a lot to me and I think we’d be friends in real life. Thanks for being a voice that’s shaped my style, but more importantly for being a sort of mentor

Allison Matulich

I began reading your blog with my sorority sisters at the University of Maryland in 2009! We loved reading about life at Georgetown from a fellow preppy lover! I love reading your blog still after all this time, despite mostly silently following! Congrats on ten years. Yours is actually the only blog I get emailed to me on a daily basis 🙂

Jasmine McLaughlin

I remember stumbling upon your blog when I was staring college back in 2012, I saw a picture of you making a Lilly Pulitzer dress work for a business casual setting by wearing a collared shirt underneath and heels in some street in NY, I remember thinking that I couldn’t wait to move to a big city and wear my Lilly dresses to the office lol. I’m also very greatful that I was able to find Louisa from livinglou through you because I’ve tried so many of her recipes and they’re always a hit.

Kaylee S

Congratulations Carly on 10 years of blogging!! I’ve loved following your blog and adventures over the past couple of years!! I’ve always adored your preppy style! One of my favorite recent blog posts of yours is your trip to Paris overview from November. I love Paris and any excuse to read fun things to do/places to go while there! Your Paris pictures have also made me so jealous! Can’t wait to continue following your future endeavors!!

Sophie Leopold

Hello, I love your style and following your blog! We actually both attended Inslee’s clutch painting class at Neely and Chloe last summer. Sadly I was being shy and didn’t want to seem like such a fan girl. This is the giveaway of my wildest classic style dreams, fingers (and toes) crossed!

Shelby H

Carly! I am so so excited for you! I have been following since I discovered your blog from my freshman year dorm at Baylor. You were the first blogger I consistently kept up with and your posts definitely played a large role when I set out to define my own style. Thank you so much for all your hard work and for sharing your journey with us!

Jordan Raff

Ten years. Wow! I honestly can’t remember how or when I found you but I know you were still in college. I remember reading about Little V 🙂 congrats on your accomplishment!

Natalie Murphy

Unreal that time has flown that fast, I’ve been reading for 5 years which seems like yesterday. Congratulations Carly!!

You are the only influencer I have ever known to agree to coffee with your readers, our cup meant the world to me 🙂

Kat Campagna

I actually came to find your from your book “Freshman 50”. In high school, I was so nervous and simultaneously thrilled to go to college on the east coast (at a similarly preppy, rival institution). My type a personality was googling left and right to find any sort of “guide” as to how to achieve success in that new and foreign environment. What I love most about following your blog over the last 6 or so years is that your never pretended the have the exact answer or blueprint of what to do, but instead just allowed us readers the chance to figure it all out alongside you. Thank you and congrats!!!

Karissa Nickish

Before I look at my text messages, drink a cup of coffee or anything else, I read your blog each morning! You are consistent, dedicated and passionate and it shows in every piece you publish. Thank you for being the best part of my morning and for being an example of what it looks like to relentlessly follow your dreams. You inspire me (and so many others!) every single day.

Katy S.

Carly! I have loved reading your blog! I remember finding your blog in college when I was looking for study tips on Pinterest! I now read every single blog and have your website bookmarked on my iPhone like an app ever since you got rid of your app. I also downloaded the Headspace app based on your recomendation and it has changed my life! I have so much anxiety but headspace has helped keep me calmer. Thank you so much for what you do!

Sarah Krajewski

Congrats Carly! I’ve been following for quite awhile, and your posts about anxiety always resound deeply with me. I also still think about your jcrew sleeve rolling post anytime I roll the sleeves on my button downs!

Bekah Longabaugh

Carly, What an achievement!! Your website is so much more than clothes and a blog! I love your heart and authenticity. My very favorite moments are when you post about American Girl Doll and Parent Trap. My favorite posts are your Fall/Winter/Spring/Summer Essentials.

Helena Gould

I found you through college tips and style 6 years ago! I’ve been following you ever since. congratulations on 10 years!!!!

Kayla Fox

I started reading your blog when you were a junior in college. I loved your study and organization posts back then. Most recently I liked your post about going through break ups


I enjoy your workout posts and love that you are so genuine. You also take the responsibility of blogging seriously in that you are a good role model.

Marinda Z.

I found your blog through Julia’s blog. I had been following her since almost the beginning of her blog and had seen you pop up throughout the years. But I didn’t start following you until this year and I’m kicking myself for it! I love your honesty, your commitment to your readers and your classic style! Hoping to have more years to follow you! But either way, congrats on 10 years!!

Sofia C

Congratulations on this huge milestone! You’ve been a major source of inspiration for me, as I’m a grad student blogger! My favorite thing about your blog is the conversational voice you use when writing!

Allison Hoffman

Congrats on 10 years!! I’ve followed your blog for many of them. I used to love your OOTD posts made with those photo collage apps hehe. You go girl… keep it up!


I’ve been following your blog since you started (we actually went to the same high school and I had heard about it through a classmate!) and think this is such a well deserved and exciting achievement for you! Congrats!

Meagan McGill

Wow! Ten years is an incredible achievement. I first found your blog in 2016, I was about to take a trip to Alaska and was completely lost on what I should wear. I simply tried googling “cute outfits for summer in Alaska”, and I came across your blog (and Julia’s! I’ve been following along with both of you ever since). I think I spent the rest of the afternoon scrolling through your adventures and advice, and I was so excited to find someone to read about who seemed so real and kind! Congratulations again on the ten year mark! Although I’m sure it’s an industry that faces many challenges, you have many people routing for you in the coming years! 🙂

Ashley Austin

I’ve been following your blog for so long I can’t even remember when I first found it! You have influenced my life so much over the years- from fashion, to organization, to keeping up with new products and overall have helped me to put my best self forward! Thanks for all your hard work, happy 10 years!

Daniela D

Hi Carly! I cannot believe you have been blogging for 10 years. I have been a reader since 2011, when I started college at GW! I found you while browsing lists of DC-related things, and never stopped reading! My favorite post of yours is actually a sad one – your breakup post – as it was so relatable and blunt, which I needed while also undergoing a breakup. It was comforting that, even though I had gone through serious breakups before, that you too had felt what I did, and fostered so much positivity from it. I love honest posts from you and how you are able to connect to your readers on such a real level. Congrats on this amazing milestone!

Anna Claire

Congratulations!! I started reading your blog when I was heading to college on the East Coast (8 years ago)! You were always this cool, fun, and slightly older role model and I’ve always appreciated your advice and commentary. Hoping for a wonderful 2019 for you!

Dani Kennedy

Best wishes, Carly. You do a wonderful job of being uplifting as well as letting me know how I should be wearing things! Carry on!

Dani Kennedy

Best wishes to you, Carly. If I had to choose only one blog to read each day, it would be yours. Carry on!

Megan C Munroe

Congrats!!! 10 years is a BIG deal! I haven’t been following for more than a year or two but I’ve enjoyed it so far! I can’t wait to see where your CTP takes you next!

Meredith Rooth

My sister told me about your blog within the first year! She was a year behind you at Plant HS and I was two years ahead. I constantly read your blog and certainly valued your styling tips (and still do!). Happy 10-year Anniversary!


Congrats on ten years, Carly! I’ve loved following along with your life and well-deserved success.

Alexis K

I started following you when I found your blog through Pinterest—This was in 2009/2010 when Pinterest was invite only! I constantly went back to your note taking/college organization post. I still love your content. Congrats on 10 years!

Lauren C.

I’ve been reading your blog since my freshman year of college (9 years!). It’s been so great to actually be able to grow up alongside you and the blog – it’s the first thing I log into when I get to work ☺️ Thank you so much for sharing! Xo


I’ve been a huge fan of your blog for awhile now! I remember finding it when I was looking to revamp my style. I still use your blog to help curate my wardrobe. Congrats on 10 years <3


Congratulations, Carly! Thank you for blogging and being my go-to for outfit inspiration! Your kindness and responsiveness is impressive!


Found your blog maybe 7 years ago my senior year of high school! My friend showed me bc I was looking for new laptop backgrounds and you had a ton of cute ones 😂 then I started reading and loved your posts! congrats on 10 years!


Congratulations on ten years! I found your blog through instagram a few years ago and it’s been so cool to see how things have changed even in that short amount of time!

Elizabeth R

Congratulations on your milestone! And thank you for being real with us from the start, it means a lot to see the truth behind the curated perfection 💙

Katherine Hyde

I’ve been reading your blog and following you on social media for about 6 years now. I love that you’ve always remained real. Your style and favorite things are so similar to mine; I love coming to your blog to see how you pair things or styling tips. Thank you for staying true to who you are and offering young women like me a refreshingly real and honest take on life as a 20-something.

Rebecca Brown

Although I’m 10+ years older than you, your content is still relevant and I look forwqrd to 10 more!


Congrats on 10 years! As a DC resident, I’ve always loved your posts when you visit Georgetown. Your style over the past 10 years has evolved in such a natural but lovely manner, but continues to be absolutely stuff I would wear as I get older as well!


You are the only blog I read daily when your emails come out. Your On My Radar posts are my favorite but I also love how original your other content is as well. Congrats to 10 years in a world where it’s hard to be consistent and stay true to yourself!


Hi Carly, I first started reading around 2009 – 2010 when I was overwhelmed in medical school. Your blog was a lovely escape with beautiful photos, great fashion and inspiration. Thanks!

Molly Glenn

I feel like I’ve followed you forever! I really enjoy your fall fashion posts and your travel tips! Congrats on the milestone!

Katie Faucher

SO incredible !!! I have loved reading your blog for years now , so cool to read how it all started

Allison Gnaegy

Congratulations Carly! I have been reading since 2013 and have loved following you and your journey for so many years.

Marissa Yezzi-Fortunato

Congrats on 10 years! I’ve loved reading your blog for over 4 years now and it’s crazy to think of how I found you/when I started. In 2014 I was working at the Tampa Lilly Pulitzer store at International, and a girl I worked with raved about your blog. I started following you, and a few weeks later you walked in with Meesh! The store was new so we chatted for a little while, and then when you walked out my friend told me it was you. I didn’t even realize! Anyways, a few years later, I went to work for Kendra Scott and Meesh still made her cake pops for events from time to time. You have a wonderful family and a great business, and you should be very proud of this incredible milestone! Cheers!🥂

Linda Staffon

Congrats on 10 years of blogging! I found your page thru IG when you posted a selfies titled “My Real Self”. You post was in response to some not-nice comments you received from followers and another blogger. At that point I had no idea who you were, but I was intrigued by your honesty. Your post was my first time seeing anyone start the conversation about cyber-billing or the idea of people being mean thru the internet. It was a very good post and from that point on I’ve been a follower! I’ve used your blog to find places to go (endless thanks for recommending Oxford Exchange) and outfit suggestions (vineyard vines black and white gingham one-shoulder bow top) is my favorite!
I love your recipe posts and spicy ginger scallion soup is made in my house at least once a week (thanks for that)!


Have loved reading your posts for years, especially when they hit close to home and resonate with the ups and downs of being a twenty-something.

Stevie Lea

I started following you when I was in college! I remember the pink and green, and I have loved watching the changes overtime!! Congrats on 10 years. 💕

Christy Brown

Carly, congrats on the 10 years! Ive been following your blog since I was in college (which was 6 years ago now, my how time flies), and honestly cant remember which post it was but I continue to read almost every post! Your writing is so relatable, and I love reading your travel posts. I recently was in Tampa with my husband on our babymoon and went to a bunch of places based on your blog posts. Wishing you the best with this and everything you do!

Tori Moore

I’ve been following for several years now! I found your blog through a pinterest post for study tips – I was getting ready to go to college and it was so helpful! Now, years later, I’m getting ready to start working from home and once again your blog has great tips. Congrats on the achievement!

Alex Pappas

Congrats on 10 years! I have been reading for close to that and I always enjoy reading your
Latest posts every morning with my coffee! You always post the best outfits!

Alex Pappas

Congratulations!! I have been reading for close to ten years now, I always enjoy reading your post first thing in the am with my coffee! You always post the best outfits!


Yay!! Huge congrats! What milestone & achievement 🙂 My sophomore roommate showed me your blog and then I showed it to my sister and we became huge fans! Your blog & The NY Times daily brief are my first reads every morning. Favorite post is most definitely all your travel guides, especially Paris which I’m using to plan our honeymoon! I’ll never forgot how gracious and kind you were to meet my sister and me at the Waldorf for tea over Christmas one year! Congrats Carly- I can’t wait to see what you conquer and accomplish in the next 10 years!

Kayla Finch

I found your blog as I was switching between teaching jobs and I you totally inspired me to find the joy in all the things – fashion, style, reading, etc. That was about 5 years ago and at that time I went back and read from the beginning! Now I catch up on your posts on Sunday mornings with my coffee and it is something I look forward to weekly. Thanks for creating a little space for your readers to enjoy for themselves – especially as I am pulled in a million directions as teacher, new mom, wife, and all the other titles. Love all your posts!


Congratulations Carly! I found your blog when I was still in high school (about 6 years ago) and I have since graduated college! 🙂 Thanks for your wonderful posts I look forward to them every day!


Congratulations, Carly! What a huge milestone. I love stopping by your blog every morning and so appreciate your dedication to it.

Moira Krier

It’s crazy how long you’ve been blogging AND how long I’ve been reading! Your blog, among some others, was a huge influencing force in my career. I started reading before HS graduation in 2014, and I’ll graduate college next December and will be (hopefully!) Working in influencer marketing!

Anna B

Now I’m more than halfway through college, but I started reading your blog when I was a freshman in high school. I was an aspiring prepster so to speak, haha. Over time, my sense of style evolved and I would no longer say I’m interested in being a prepster at all, but I’ve kept reading your blog posts. Why? The style posts don’t matter as much to me as your personal posts. I’ve become invested in your story and feel a connection to you. Sharing your struggles with anxiety has been particularly valuable for me as someone who struggles with he same thing. Thank you for that, Carly.

Amy D

Cheers to ten years, Carly!! What an incredible journey you’ve had. Thanks for sharing it with all of us! My favorite posts to read on your blog are always the ones on books, theater, good times with family, and travel with friends. Congrats!

Catherine Conti

WOW! I can’t believe it’s been 10 years! What an accomplishment! I love your “Getting Over Gym Anxiety” – it helped me so much with my weight loss journey!

Katie G

I don’t remember how i found the blog but I do remember it was right as you were graduating and moving to NYC. I’m just a couple of years older than you and at the time, it was fun to live vicariously through you. Here’s to 10 more years—cheers!

Annie ACK

Congrats! I started reading in 2009 not too long after you started! I read preppy bloggers for a few years before, but it was refreshing to follow someone my own age!

Betsy Purves

I think it’s finally becoming more normal to have made real friends via social media – meeting significant others on apps has been totally accepted for a while now, but until recently I still got some raised eyebrows when explaining how this friend and I met on Twitter or that friend and I met over Instagram!

Emily Weir

Congrats on 10 years! That is quite an accomplishment, given what the internet world looked like 10 years ago and how different it is today. I first found your blog through Julia’s blog, but am so glad you did. Over time I realized that we both grew up in Tampa and graduated high school the same year, just in different corners of the county. Thank you for your hard work over the years and for sticking with it even when people tried at times to bring you down.

Ashley J DiMella

I’ve been following your blog since I was a freshman in HS! I remember when I first met my bff we heard each other talking about TCP and it was an instant friendship!

Lauren Creek

Congratulations Carly! I can’t believe it’s already been 10 years! I don’t remember how or why but I remember stumbling on to your blog right around the time you started it, and after that I was telling all my friends and sorority sisters about you. It’s been so great to feel like. I’ve been growing up right along with you (we’re the same age). I hope the next 10 years bring you just as much excitement!

Kayla Byers

Cheers to you Carly! I found your blog several years ago through another friend and still read every morning when I wake up.


I think I found your blog on stumble upon in, like, 2011?! Stumble upon may be the ultimate #TBT! Congratulations, Carly!

Katie T

Congrats on 10 years, Carly! I remember meeting you at a Tuckernuck event a few years ago and you were so sweet!

Regina Cabrera

I have been religiously following you since I began college in 2011. I am from an area where preppy styles are not common and you changed that for me. I found my style through you and I am forever grateful. It’s hard to choose one post since you do everything! I enjoy your DIY crafts, your recipe posts, and your wise words. Thanks for keeping me going, Carly. XO

Lindsey Meadors

Congratulations, Carly! What an incredible milestone you’ve hit. Your site became a must-read each morning when I began my career in corporate America in 2015. It became a way for me to feel as though I’m chatting with a friend before I start my work day. Your style has also really had an impression on my personal style! I am blessed daily by this site, and am so excited to hear it will not be disappearing any time soon!


Congrats on reaching 10 years! That’s such an amazing achievement. I can’t remember how I found you or what I was searching for, but I’m glad I did. You inspired me to start my own blog (I started as Preppy Little Lesbian to help other LGBT teens accept themselves). Now that I’m out of college and working full time in Interior Design, I’m trying to incorporate it more into my blog. You’ve always been a great inspiration and I’m so glad you’ve come as far as you have. Congrats again and here’s to 10 more!

Meredith Grace

Congrats Carly!!!! I found your blog through your Instagram back when I was looking for study motivation in college!

Annabelle Mathis

Carly! I’ve been reading your blog since high school, and I just graduated from college. I remember I used to refresh the blog at 12:01 to get the newest post and then be sad the next day that there wasn’t a “new” one. Your honesty and positivity has always been an inspiration to me! Congrats on the big milestone, and thank you for always being there for us.

Gabby Abigaill

Congratulations! I actually created my blog after watching your “BLOGGING TIPS from a Full Time Blogger | What you need to know before you start a blog” video! I have been following along with you since. You’re such an inspiration to me!

Diana C

My little sister showed me your blog around 5 years ago and we both have followed you ever since! We love to chat about your posts and we love your relationship with your younger sister–it reminds us of ours!

Mary Jo Mikhail

Your blog post on dealing with break ups has really gotten me out of a tough time. I can always count on you for great content, a laugh when you’re at home with your mom, and fashion pieces that I love discovering. Thank you for doing what you’ve been doing and for creating a positive and inspiring space in the social media world.

Tori Priest

To this day, one of my favorite posts you’ve ever done is the one on rolling sleeves from JCrew. I have referred so many people to your blog because of it—truly a game changer! On Christmas this year, we all wore button ups and I lined everyone up so that I could roll the sleeves properly. 🙂
As a current grad student at Georgetown, it’s been so fun to follow along and know that you’re in my alumni network.
Cheers to 10 years!

Aditi M

Carly –
Congratulations on 10 years! I’ve been reading your blog for a few years now and everyday I look forward to a new post. Your blog has been a constant for me and I’m thankful for that! Your gift guides and on my radar posts are some of my favorites. Here’s to 10 more!

Zoe Levin

You have really inspired me throughout high school and college. I think being okay with being myself and confidently standing by my choices have been challenged you have helped be overcome, and I also just adore your content and always have. Thanks!

Tiffany Smith

Congratulations on this momentous milestone, Carly! I happened upon your blog about 5-6 years ago when planning my first trip to NYC while researching recommendations and helpful tips. Your “Favorite Things in NYC” helped make the trip unforgettable for me and my husband, and I have been a regular reader ever since. I love your candor, integrity and resolve to keep your blog as real as possible. No matter what you decide I know you will do great things with your life. Thank you for all of your recommendations, anecdotes and friendship (because although we’ve never met, I feel like we are). Here’s to 10 years, and a lifetime to go!

Alexa S

Congrats Carly! I’ve been following on and off since I was in middle school but it wasn’t until I also went off to college and had an awful first semester that I became a daily reader. I remember that fall (2016) you posted a post on homesickness. I thought wow if this successful blogger also had a rocky start to college, I’ll be able to survive too. Now I read daily and know I can trust your opinion on brands, continue to be inspired with your style and I’m inspired by how handle everything with grace. Congrats again on 10 years!

Kate D

Congratulations, Carly!! It’s been so much fun to follow your journey over the years. 🙂 Yours is literally the one blog that I read, and that’s been true for years.

Margaret Fletcher

Congratulations Carly!! That’s an amazing milestone and you’ve built a great community!


I’ve been following your blog for the past three years, I actually found your blog my first semester of college freshman year when I was also unhappy with where I was. Glad to see that we are both much happier now!

Kelly Alexander

Could not be more happy you stuck it through 10 years of blogging! I found your blog when a friend of mine re-tweeted one of your tweets, and have since gone back through the archives and read so much of your content. Thank you for being so open and honest about your life!


Congratulations on 10 years! I remember seeing your Intense Study Tips and Organize, Please graphics years ago, and discovered your blog through those. Back in the day I didn’t put too much effort into the way I dressed (when it was more socially acceptable to look like you just rolled out of bed), but once I went to college I decided to follow my personal style, in part from the inspiration that yours is quite similar. It’s always nice seeing how you piece together outfits, and to incorporate some of those ideas in my wardrobe.
While I don’t always find the time to read your posts as a PhD student now, I still follow you on Instagram. Best of luck to you, and I hope to see how your career continues!

Monica Nguyen

I loved your “Why I Shut down the comments section” post. I know it’s a little odd that this is my favorites. But I loved how personal and vulnerable you were. I know you were using your blog as a way to express how you feel and parts of that post resonated with me so well. I don’t personally have a blog but the anxiety and the feelings you had in that post felt so close to home for me. I think another reason it was my favorite is because I’ve noticed how open and personal you have evolved your blog over the years. Your blog has been so much more than fashion and I’ve loved reading every post. Simple posts too are written so well, I can tell how much thought you put into each post.

Congrats again on having this baby of yours for 10 years!! It is a timeless blog and I can’t wait to read more of what you have in store.

Danielle Manning

Happy 10 year anniversary Carly!! This was such an inspiring post to read. I started my own blog in July of this year and when I was brainstorming how I wanted my blog/Instagram to look, I immediately thought of you. I love everything about your blog and have been following it since I was in high school (married with one year of college left!). My favorite aspect of your blog is how perfectly you mix serious posts with light hearted posts. That’s exactly how I want my blog to feel. Congratulations again on your amazing achievement.


Congratulations!! I love seeing your posts on instagram and reading your blog posts. I know it hasn’t been always fun, but look where you are now!! Congrats on your achievements.


I’ve beem reading since 2010 (my senior year of high school). I felt better about leaving for school because of reading!!


Carly!!! Congrats on 10 years! I’ve been reading for what feels like a large portion of that and i can continue to relate and love watching your journey!


I’ve read your entire blog since my college days and am glad to see how it’s grown, transformed, and stayed relevant! Congrats on 10 years!

Elizabeth Q

Congratulations on 10 years of Blogging! You have much to be proud of, I found your blog when I moved to New York just two years ago and have loved following you ever since!

Annie D

I started following your blog about 3 years ago when I first entered the working world. I could not find any classic fashion ideas that were suitable for work until I found this blog! Thank you for showing me what a classy, timeless wardrobe looks like that still keeps up with trends!


Congratulations, Carly!! I’ve LOVED following along with you through my high school and college years and now into my mid-20s. You’re just a breath of fresh air, and I love, love, love reading your blog every morning. Now go celebrate!

Caroline A

I have been a devoted reader since I graduated high school in 2012! I have loved following you into post college life, as I have done the same!


Congrats! I found your blog when I was a senior in college and when “blog login” was still a thing. 😉 Have loved watching your growth!


Congrats on 10 years!!! What an amazing accomplishment and THANK YOU for sharing your passion with us and giving us something to look forward to with all your blogs, Instagram posts, etc! I started following you a few years after seeing you on Julia’s Instagram and am so glad I came across your blog!

Maureen Trayford

Happy Ten years Carly!! I found your blog while reading another blog (My3peanuts). My favorite post was about your trip to Ireland. I sent your Ireland itinerary and packing list to family members just this summer who where planning out their trip to Ireland. The special memory of your blog that jumps out for me is when you discussed the must haves for college. I had to send my first born off to college this summer and I ran to your blog because I remember reading your must haves a few years ago and all I could remember was that you said “bring a steamer”. So that was the first item I purchased for my son. Thank you so much for all the great tips. Hopefully you’ll stick around the blog world for another 10 years.

Christina M

Congratulations, Carly! I’ve been following along since you’ve been at Georgetown. We’re the same age and I went to GW, so I’ve really related to a lot of your posts as we navigate this crazy journey of life. Best of luck with everything the future has in store for you!

Katie Lentz

Congratulations, Carly! I found your blog through Instagram as I’m a more recent follower. I love the Facebook group, too. You’ve brought so many girls and women together and I am grateful for that. Happy 10th anniversary!

Annie Minogue

It’s actually crazy to think about how long I’ve been following you now! I think I found your blog via Twitter in 2011 or so and immediately connected with your content because we are the same age. I still visit usually every morning before I get my work day going! Thank you for creating inspiring, real content!

Brigid Myler

You probably don’t remember this, but back when you were in college you judged a “best dressed” competition for a Kentucky Derby fundraiser at Iron Horse in DC. I was on the planning committee for that event and it was the first time I had ever heard of your blog. I didn’t start following immediately, but I’ve followed for a few years now and I love what you put out there. Such a great mix of more serious and fun topics, but always genuine. Congratulations on this milestone!


Congratulations! You are the first blog I started following and through you have found a few others that are now part of my morning routine. Thank you for being so open and vulnerable and creating your own little corner of the internet. Continue to allow the 99 voices cheering you on outweigh the one negative voice.

Megan M.

Congratulations Carly! I started following your blog my first semester of college (fall 2012) after finding your intense study tips post through Pinterest. Since then I’ve read your posts every day! They really helped me when I was struggling in college, so thank you for putting yourself out there! You are such an inspiration and you deserve the world! Cheers to 10 years!!!

Kathleen L

Carly! I am such a fan! Congrats on reaching such a huge milestone!
I was introduced to your blog by my best friend. (We feel like we are you and Julia- I’m the Carly, she’s the Julia of our friendship haha!) I love your classic style, and constantly use it as a guide. I look forward to getting to escape for a few minutes each day to read your blog. You have inspired me to embrace my true style, and not just hop on the “it style” of the moment. Some of my family and friends think I’m a little crazy, because I refer to you by name so often 😂 but you make it so we truly feel like we know you. I seriously tell everyone I know that they should read your blog every chance I get (side note: my mom secretly took my advice and used your gift guides this year to buy for almost everyone in our family! Lol) Keep doing what you’re doing, and congrats again!


I think I found your blog from Pinterest at least 6 years ago! It has been a joy reading along with you!!


I started reading your blog when I was in high school, and I have just graduated college! You have been such an inspiration to me, from your style to the way that you carry yourself! But your honesty is what has always kept me coming back to your blog! Congratulation on 10 years!!

Emily W.

Congratulations! I’ve always loved your Friday posts, I look forward to them every week! Also, thank you for your honesty and willingness to share you experiences in anxiety, it’s something that we don’t talk about as much as we should and many of us deal with it so it’s nice to know we’re not alone!

Tamara Prevatt

Cogratulations!! I started following your blog in 2012 when I first moved to New York from Tampa. I read your posts daily and love that you have expanded to other social media platforms. Thank you for always being your authentic self. Good luck in the next 10 years of Carly the Prepster!

Ashley Cameron

Carly, I cannot believe it’s been 10 years!! A friend in college told me about your blog back in 2010. And yours was the first I consistently followed and one of the ones I still read every day! Your hard work, determination, and classiness inspire me every day! I honestly have to say that I will probably cry if the day comes you decide to leave this space. Congrats on 10 years!!

Heather C

Congrats! Your blog is always my first check in the morning when I get to work, and love when I come in on Monday and there’s more than one to read! Don’t think I could pick a favorite but love how real you are with your feelings and all the negative remarks you have to deal with being in the public eye. Thanks for sticking it out for all of us who enjoy reading it so much!

Amy Nagoda

I have to say, this is my first comment on your blog…or anyone’s blog for that matter. You’re only a year or two older than I am, but yours is the blog I check every single day. You’re relatable, down to earth, and you have this classic style that never feels trendy or out of touch. Thank you for being my favorite blogger for all of these years! I’ve been following since the beginning…and I’m not sure how it’s been ten years! Congratulations, Carly!

Carly Young

Oh my goodness, this is all so stinkin’ exciting! My favorite post was “When You’re Going Through a Break Up,” posted on November 2, 2017. It was perfect for me at the time, and you helped my mind and my heart more than you will ever know! I found your blog via social media – in fact, I believe I found you through following Julia with Gal Meets Glam! Thank you so much for all that you do, Carly, and always being generous, classy, and transparent with your followers.

Carly Young
[email protected]


All the congratulations! A decade of creating content is a huge accomplishment. I’ve been a reader since 2010 or so and your posts are always a bright spot in my day. Your Friday posts are always a favorite – I’ve found so many great products through your recommendations! I especially love your travel recaps and have your recent Paris post saved for a trip next fall. I look forward to seeing how you continue to evolve and grow in the years to come!

Eden Fox

Congratulations, Carly! 10 years of blogging is a huge accomplishment! Thank you for sharing so much with us over the years. Seeing your posts come up in my inbox is a great way to start everyday- I appreciate your positive outlook and timeless style! Congratulations on 10 years, and thank you for allowing us to be a part of it!


Congratulations on 10 years Carly!! What an incredible milestone! There are a few things about you and your blog that have always stuck out to me. 1.) You were the first blog I ever started reading and any other blogs I read, somehow stem from you. It’s like 6 degrees of separation. They can all be linked back to you somehow…Julia, McKenzie, Rosie, Kelly, etc. 2.) I have become a self-proclaimed “blog junkie” over the years and have added blogs and stopped reading blogs but yours still remains the very first one I go to in the mornings. I have appreciated how your fashion style, attitude, and relateable-ness has never wavered. You’re the same person no matter how big you get and I think its incredible. It’s one of the big reasons I keep coming back. and 3.) one of my favorite memories that kind of goes along with number 2 is the first time you responded to a comment I left on one of your first posts about audio books. I recommended a Library App to check out and listen to books and you responded to it and I was STUPID excited about it! And the first time you liked an Instagram post I had tagged you in. It was like I’d won the lottery–it was so exciting! I think it’s a testament to what you said above that all of your responses and posts are all you.
Lastly, thank YOU for pulling ME out of a dark time in my life and for reinvigorating my spirit and passion to follow my dreams. If you ever question what your blog means to the world, just know that it not only changed your life, but it also helped changed mine 6 years ago! Congratulations again, Carly!!


I’ll never forget the first time I clicked on the pin for your study tips. I was in my second semester of freshman year, undergrad (I actually think I was in class at the time, avoiding lecture)! After 8 years, I feel like I’ve grown up with you! I’m so happy you’re still here and still happy to be blogging because we all love you!

Alex Breslin

Such an amazing milestone Carly! I always love your Friday posts – there’s always a fun video or product that I haven’t seen before. I’ve been following along for years and can’t wait to see what’s in store for you!

Alyssa Gianino

Congratulations Carly! I found your blog through Mackenzie Horan- I also went to Bucknell and followed her from the beginning. I have been reading your blog daily since Junior year of college so 2010 (aging myself)! It has been fun to see it evolve, but also stay true to the original blog ! Great job 🙂


I’ll never forget when I first found the pin to your study tips post! I was struggling through my first year of undergrad (I think I was in class avoiding lecture on my laptop at the exact time I found your blog!). After almost 8 years, I feel like I’ve grown up with you. I’m so glad you’re still here and still happy to be blogging because we all love you!

Emily Thibault

I found you as inspiration for my daughter. She struggles with some of the same things (school, anxiety) and you’re a great example of using a creative outlet to bring incredible things to your life!

Ayelet Lehmann

I normally don’t do this (this being commenting!) but this was such a fun post of yours to read. It happens often that I search for something in my inbox, and my email to you from years ago comes popping up somehow because the search I’m doing picked something up from the correspondence. I emailed while I was in college back in 2014, and sent over my resume in response to a post of yours about putting together a team to help manage the blog. So much has changed for me since then, and reading the email makes me smile to think about who I was, my goals and dreams, and how I feel about them now. I was single, in college, living at home, not sure what I was doing with my life. I’m now married, expecting, working, still living in New York and definitely still not knowing what I’m doing! I’ve been reading your blog through it all. It really is a fun place for me to check in to, and I love your content. I’m not in a position to send my resume over for an internship on your team anymore, but if I was, I would. Thanks for a great read, and congratulations on the 10 years!

Nora Beirne

This is so fun – congrats! I was introduced to TCP by a character by the name of Fordham Prepster ;). I remember your senior year we were out to dinner with my family and talking about TCP – how amazing it has been to see it grow in the way it has. The redesign was so lovely to see as it took TCP into a new direction. I also just realized I also instinctively still call it TCP. Thanks for it, all. Cheers to the next decade!


Congratulations on turning your passion project into a successful 10 year career and adventure! Truly amazing and inspiring! You really should be so proud of all of your accomplishments. I am new reader here, but looking forward to many years of following you and reading your posts. Cheers! 🙂

Megan O’Connell

Wow! 10 years!! That’s amazing. I’m so proud of you and all of your hard work.

I found you when I needed a friend on the other side of the country. I didn’t fit in and was looking for myself and you were my saving grace. Please continue to help more young ladies find themselves!

Katie Rose

I cannot believe it’s been TEN years!! I randomly found your blog while I was a freshman in college, and I can’t explain how much it helped to see someone else going through some of the issues I was. Thank you for always being true to you and for being a role model for so many young women.


Congratulations Carly! Thank you for sharing your wisdom and tips with us for all these years.

Ariadne Wright

Congratulations Carly! I’ve been a long time reader, and your blog is one of the first things I check every morning. My favorite posts are always your gifts guides, you have the best, most original ideas. I even got my husband a pair of Allbirds this year because of your recommendation last year!

Laura P

Congratulations, Carly! I’ve been following your blog for about five years now but have also looked through a great deal of the archive from before I discovered you. I love reading your posts, from the lighthearted and fun to the serious and vulnerable; I really appreciate how authentic your writing is. I can’t wait to see what the next ten years bring!

Hannah Lavine

Congrats!!! I’ve been following since Fall 2013 and loved to see you grow personally and professionally. Can’t wait for the next 10 years

Cara Taylor

Carly! Congratulations. I have been following your blog for years and hope to continue for many more. Your blog means so much more to me than the “bloggers” who just post perfect sponsored posts on instagram. The authenticity behind your work is much appreciated by me and so many others.

Lauren Hodges

Carly, thank you so much for all you do. I have followed you now for about 8 years, maybe longer. We are the same age and I have loved following your life as a lot of what you go through is similar to my life and resonates with me. One of the most special and important things you have done for me is telling your fitness story. I have struggled with working out and my weight since before I can remember. I remember following along on your fitness journey and seeing your “One Year of Fitness” and realizing that I could learn to love fitness, too. In the last year, I have lost 30 pounds and learned to absolutely love working out. It has taken a long time to feel this way, however, my day is not complete without a workout. It is no longer an unwanted task that I dread every day. Thank you for being an inspiration!

Catherine Hinken

I can’t remember how I found your blog so many years ago… I think I was in college and googled “college” and “preppy” and up popped your blog. But since then, I’ve loved following along with and your journey, and love that I feel as though I *know* you. I think that’s just a testament to you being the one who writes everything, because you really open yourself up to share with us! As someone who has anxiety, I so admire you for being so open and honest through your blog- it’s so refreshing and it’s something I love most about your blog! And I so appreciate your connection to your readers- THANK YOU for answering all the DMs! Some favorite posts along the way it’s hard to pick!)… I love your organization post and discussion of synesthesia, all your travel posts, and too many others to pick 😊 thanks for ten years of sharing your creative talent and life with us all, I’m hoping for another ten too!


This was such a moving post. It’s easy to think that people you idolize live perfect lives, but everyone experiences suffering at some point. I am a fellow Georgetown grad a couple years below you, and I had a similar experience as yours my freshman year. Lowest point of my life to date – experiencing true failure and not knowing how I would let it define me. Your post was so relatable and articulate about how I look back at that year. So good for me to experience at a young age so that I could build confidence with taking risks as an adult. I discovered the College Prepster the year after (my sophomore year), because I had been looking to style as a form of expression: something I could control that was just for me and an expression of my character. Thank you for being an inspiration over the years on both a style and a personal level.


I found you through Pinterest from your study tips post!! I was hooked when I saw you were not much older than me and were so real and honest in your posts. I love so much that you try to remain as personally connected to your readers as possible, it really makes a difference!

Carolyn Vaughan

Hi Carly! I’ve been reading your blog for I think for about 2 1/2 years now (which I can’t believe). I was about to start my junior year of high school when I found you because I watched a Lilly Pulitzer Facebook live you were in. I then began reading your blog and I’ve been following ever sense! I am now halfway through my first semester of college. I look forward to reading your posts each day and use your blog as an outlet to decompress when I need a break from school work. In a way, I feel like you’re my friend who makes me smile and feel good but who is also authentic. If we ever met I think we would have a lot in common! My favorite posts are anything having to do with Nantucket (a dream of mine to go there) and your outfit posts! Thank you for blogging and I’m excited to see what comes your way in the future!

Anna Wlodarczyk

I first came across your blog when looking for information on a blue shift dress from Kate Spade, the one with white piping and a Peter Pan collar. I wanted to know how it fit and what size you were before I bought it. I still have the dress 🙂

Congrats on 10 years! I hope the blog continues to be a source of joy for you!

Thea Anne

“Success is like reaching an important birthday and finding you’re exactly the same.”~Audrey Hepburn

Thank you Carly for inspiring us all for ten years and still remaining true to who you are when you first started! One of my favorite posts is from 2014 entitled: “Ch-ch-ch-ch-changes”. You reflected on how your favorite bodega just closed out of nowhere and while nothing lasts forever we should embrace change and all the emotions attached with that change. Your simple metaphorical post came at a time when I needed to hear it and for that I am forever grateful. Thank for you for being a virtual friend to all of us who face different changes in our lives and have someone like you as a constant reminder to be true to ourselves.

Anna Johnson

Congratulations on 10 years! While I’ve only been a reader for the past few years, I really enjoy your unique voice. Whenever I have a few free minutes at work I always make sure to visit! Keep up the great work!

Lauren B-H

My sister told me I had to follow you, and I think the first post I read was your apartment tour in NYC!

Christina Campbell

I found your blog either my freshman or sophomore year of college (since we’re the same age, that’s right about when you started it!) and have followed you ever since. I must have found it through StumbleUpon (does anyone use that anymore?) or by googling “preppy college dorm decorations” or something. Anyway! It has been fun growing up alongside you and getting to see where life can take you. Also, RIP Rugby Café 🙂


Believe it or not, I started following from your coxing information! I was also a girl coxing for a bunch of big guys haha – 9ish years later and I still check in daily, and I’m now a coach for a men’s team!
Amazing to see the journey!


Hi Carly! I have always appreciated the honesty in your approach and your knowledge of your audience. It’s been a pleasure following you through some of the places I also love.

Beth Ann

I have read your blog everyday since I was in 9th grade, and, although we have an age difference, I really see myself growing alongside of you. Your blog helped me find my own sense of style, even though it departs a lot from your own, and I always look forward to your On My Radar posts to end the week!

Megan H.

What an accomplishment! I have been following you for many years now and have truly enjoyed watching you grow! Thank you for all that you give to this community and for being such an inspiration!


Congratulations Carly! 10 years a huge deal- what an achievement! I’ve been reading/following since you lived on the UES (I lived there too at the time!) While you’ve grown so much, you’ve stayed the same and that is a testament to your dedication to yourself and your values. That’s an achievement in itself. Cheers!

Peyton Bartley

It’s crazy to think it’s been 10 years already. I’ve been following you since high school, and as a now junior in college I feel as if I have grown up with you. Oftentimes when my friends are talking, I’ll refer to something you recommend as “my friend Carly likes this,” or “this is how my friend Carly does it.” Thank you for putting your personal life on the line for 10 years so that we can all feel like your friend. I look forward to many more years.

Martha C

Congrats on 10 years!!! I first started reading when I was a freshman in highschool and now I am a sophomore in college. Through a period of lots of change this has been one thing that has remained a part of my daily routine and reading your blog for six years has made you feel like an older sister. I’m so glad you’ve stuck with blogging and I can’t wait to keep following along!

Katie Madden

Major congratulations, Carly!! I found your blog in October 2013 while on fall break my first year in college. I went to school in Michigan and had settled on buying a pair of LL Bean Boots for the crazy fall/winter/spring. A google search on buying Bean Boots led me to your 2013 post! Pretty sure I spent my entire break reading your old posts and I’ve been following ever since! I usually read three blogs every morning over a cup of coffee to begin my day & it’s been great to see your growth! Thanks for everything!

Jessie J

So excited for you to have reached this milestone! I started reading your blog in High School and now I’ve graduated college! It was reading notes from a much cooler older friend. Can’t wait to see what else you’ll accomplish!

Liv Burns

Carly – congratulations on 10 (!!) years! I’ve loved following along all of these years, and even getting to be a part of the magic myself. You were my first big influencer shoot, and I’ve gone on to photograph weddings, fashion bloggers, and dozens of graduates. Best of luck for a magical 10 years to come. I know the blogging landscape will look completely different, but I’m confident you’ll be at the forefront of this new and exciting landscape!

Shea Lodriguss

Found you in 2013 while I was working a super early morning job as a front desk clerk at a gym! I was looking for college organization tips and you were one of the first people that popped up! I’ve been following ever since! Congrats on 10 years 🎉

Emily Barney

Congrats!! I have loved your blog since I started reading it in high school and have followed along since the beginning. Thanks for always having such authentic, helpful, and relatable posts. You’re my favorite blogger and I have used so many of your suggestions – from clothing, skincare, food, and just general life advice. Thanks for being you! Your blog is one of the best parts of my day to read!

Ashley Nescio

Congratulations on 10 years, what an accomplishment! I forgot how I came about your blog, but I’ve been reading for about 3 years or so and my favorite posts are the “On My Radar” posts!

Savannah Baron

I’ve been following along with you since I was in high school, which I think was your senior year at Georgetown! I loved seeing you move to New York, decorate your apartment, start working for LevoLeague and eventually turn to blogging full time. I’ve kept up with all of the moves and have really enjoyed seeing your style evolve over the years!

Leah M

I’ve followed you on and off for many years, and just LOVE your style and voice! Thank you for sharing with the world for so many years!

Jenna C.

I found your blog a couple years ago but I wish I would’ve found it earlier… I can’t remember how exactly (possibly pinterest or tumblr?)! I love your style and the fact that you share personal things like how you deal with anxiety (which I also suffer from). Thank you for everything!

Kat Cicala

Congrats on 10 years. I’ve been following since sophomore year of high school and I’m now a senior in college! My favorite posts are always your organizing ones. I loved your email organization post the most!


Congratulations on 10 years of blogging, Carly! I found your blog in summer of 2012 through a roundup of some of the best planners to buy (right before I was starting junior year of college), and I’ve been reading daily ever since!


Carly, I’ve been following along since the beginning. I’m a bit older than you but found your blog when I had just graduated college and reading it made me feel like I was back in school (which I was missing terribly and having a hard time adjusting to being an “adult”). Have really enjoyed your openness and watching you grow and expand your business. Kuddos to all that you’ve achieved these past 10 years!


ah I can’t remember how I found your blog, but I’ve read it every day for a few years now! Some of my favorite posts were when you went to Paris!

Courtney Murray

Carly, Congratulations on celebrating the ten year milestone; that is truly a wonderful achievement that shows your dedication to your dreams and goals. I found your blog last year when I started considering branching out my wedding photography business to include blogging as well, especially about New England. I googled Connecticut bloggers and your page was one of the first I found and I have been coming back weekly (daily if I’m being honest!) because your content is positive and uplifting. Reading your blog has become a part of my morning tea routine (or my lunch break reading material). This year I have faced a lot of backlash for following my own passions and I recall how much you sharing your journey with anxiety because of negative comments also impacted you. I found strength in your openness to share your struggle and your courage moving forward and staying true to yourself in the process. It is something that I deeply admire about you. Continue to shine bright. Wishing you all the best in the New Year!

Megan Frost

your favorite post, how you found my blog, a special memory, etc.

Congrats on 10 years! This post also helped me realize I’ve been reading the blog for over SIX YEARS! Crazy. My favorite blogs are about career advice (school, work, resumes, etc.). My favorite is “One Year in the Workforce.” I referred back to it once I completed my first year in the workforce and related so deeply. I found your blog in Seventeen Magazine (lol). My special memory is using your blog to figure out my personal style! I always loved your sense of style and it was through your blog I figured out my own.


Congrats on such a big milestone! I hope you have many more blogging years ahead of you! 🙂

Emily A

Congrats! I’ve been following your blog since high school (I’m about to graduate college) and it’s been fun to see where life has taken you.


I found your blog when I was in college during a rough freshman year as well. Getting to know you, and your style over the past 10 years has been such a joy. Cheers to 10 more!

Kalli B.

Congratulations, Carly! I’ve been following since around the time you started blogging full-time and it’s been so fun to read and keep up with you almost every day for years. I hope you celebrate big time!! ❤️❤️


I first found your blog when looking up information about Longchamp bags, and from then on I was hooked! I read your blog each morning and look forward to each post! Especially, the On My Radar posts! Somehow Fridays don’t feel complete until I have read it! 🙂


We’re the same age and I started following you in college—probably a year or two after you began blogging. I’ve really enjoyed seeing your growth as a blogger and as a person, and your willingness to share the tough times and not paint your life as “perfect” like so many do on the internet! It has been particularly inspiring to see you turn a hobby into a true business. Congratulations on 10 years!


I’ve loved following you and reading your blogs for years now! I think one post that sticks out in my mind is from a few years ago about baking with your grandma. It highlighted the importance of family and those traditions which are so important to me too and I love how universal it is. I’m very excited to see what the next ten years hold for you! Congratulations!!

Zoe A

I found your blog just before I started college in 2009 and it has been so great to see how much you’re life has changed. I loved your organization post about your planner and system for tracking homework assignments.


I started reading your blog almost 10 years ago; it’s crazy it’s been that long! I always like your book recommendations and follow you on goodreads for new recommendations!


Happy 10-year blogiversary, Carly! I’ve been following you for almost 7 years now, and you’ve been such an inspiration both stylistically and with regards to mental health. Here’s to 10 more years!

Molly Buckley

I started reading The College Prepster in 2014 just after graduation and getting my first real job. My New Year’s resolution for 2015 was to read one book per month and I often used your blog to pick out books to read. That was the one and only New Year’s resolution I ever completed, so thank you for the recommendations! Since then, my reading goals have only increased and I keep up with your reading lists on goodreads.

Happy 10 year blogiversary!

Amanda C

I found this blog through a Levo League article years ago. Thanks for always providing relatable content and accessible outfit inspiration! So refreshing to see authentic content that isn’t exclusively advertising the latest trend.


Congratulations!!! I don’t remember when I started following you, but I feel like it’s been forever. I love how you really shine a light on the work it takes to be a blogger, and I appreciate all of your honesty and candidness in many of your posts, not to mention your killer fashion sense. You are one of a handful of fashion bloggers that I follow, and it’s never felt too contrived. I really admire what you have created. Thanks so much for sharing!

Christa Sagmoe

I started following around 4 years ago right around the time I started focusing more on blogging myself. I always enjoy reading your posts, especially the one where you went apple picking with Julia, and your Nantucket posts.


I found your Instagram, which led to your blog. I’ve had two different emails since and have subscribed both times.

Kaitlin Czurylo

CONGRATULATIONS! How amazing, an inspiring milestone to say the least. I’ve been a faithful reader for more than half of your blogging history and some of the milestones you mentioned, I was reading along for and they felt like just yesterday haha. One of your posts that sticks out to me is the first Meditation post… I read the book you recommended and downloaded Headspace (still trying to make it a permanent part of my routine!!) But honestly, I have drawn SO MUCH inspiration from your lifestyle and fashion posts, my taste has most definitely been formed in part by you 🙂 And I’ll never forget when you personally congratulated me on my engagement, it was so dang sweet! Congrats again, Carly!


I found your blog through Instagram and fell in love with your classic style, but stayed because I love how your blog is more than style- it’s your take on life, growth, books, goals, and so much more. Congrats on 10 years!


This is so exciting! Congratulations on hitting the ten year mark! I know I started reading your blog back when I was a freshman in high school (2009), which means I’ve unknowingly been here since the beginning! When I found your blog online, I didn’t even realize how new it was and now I can’t believe how far it’s come. I remember when you graduated from college, started a job, quit the job, and made a series of moves (as I’ve been making changes in my own life, whether it’s school or moving or in my personal life). It’s so strange to say this to a stranger, but I’m really proud of you. And you should be proud of yourself! I can’t pick a favorite blog post, but I always love the “On My Radar” posts–they’re my favorites of the week.

And embarrassing fact, but when I was a freshman in high school, your blog inspired me to create a (now defunct and deleted) Facebook page where I shared deals on “preppy” clothing and tips on finding it less expensive. I think if I hadn’t been too scared re privacy, I probably would have started my own blog, too. Alas!


Happy birthday!! How fun to read your post especially after following you for years. Can’t wait to see what is in store for 2019

Amy McLaughlin

I have been a reader of your blog for years! I love seeing how you have evolved because I feel like I have evolved throughout the years with you!


Happy Birthday! How exciting to read your post especially after following you for so many years. I can’t wait to see what you have in store for us for 2019.

Leah Miller

Carly thank you for your posts and congratulations on 10 years! I read your blog every day during my lunch break. Thanks for always just being real. It’s nice knowing that other people go through the same issues you have. Plus your style is fabulous!

Julie H

Happy 10 year anniversary!
Been following you for a while and especially love the dog pictures. Teddy and Ham are so adorable !


Carly- I found your website ages ago after seeing you pop up on Classy Girls Wear Pearls (around holidays 2011?) and loving the sweater you wore. I started reading regularly then throughout my freshman year of high school and on. In the spring of my sophomore year, I had ankle surgery and spent time at home on the couch and went backwards reading every single post you had published just so I was fully caught up haha. Ever since, I have loved reading your blog for even just the simplest motivation in the morning. My favorite post you ever wrote was “to be human” after the Boston Marathon bombing and I find myself going back to read it often. Thank you for so many years of inspiration, strength, and courage and for sharing parts of your life with us so that we can go on with our lives and feel a little less alone.

Molly Squires

Thank you for 10 years of blogging! Your blog is my favorite out of all that I follow because you are so genuine and don’t only share the highlights. Thank you for being transparent about everything that goes into blogging and Instagram; the good and bad. You are amazing and I look forward to more in the future!

Michelle LaMaire

Congratulations Carly!! I have been following your blog since I was in college and I have to say that you are truly one of my favorite bloggers to follow! You are so genuine and kind! Cheers to many more years!!


I’ve been following your blog for at least 8 years now and always look forward to your posts! A couple of years back I emailed you for planner recommendations and was shocked when you actually responded. I admire how well you balance sharing your life with us, but also keeping somethings private. Have you ever considered doing podcasts?
Cheers to 10 more years,


I started following you back in 2013 when I was a huge Proper Kid Problems fan and a freshman in college. I was super envious of you getting to hang with PKP all the time and started following you after he posted with you a few times. I ended up loving your blog so much that I wrote about you in my application to my school’s marketing program, and got in! I honestly don’t know what I would’ve majored in without getting so interested in the various ways you advertised products. Needless to say, you’ve been quite the influence for me!

Veronica U

Congratulations! I found the blog while looking for study tips my freshman year of college in 2010. Thanks for the daily “fun reading” and inspiration!


Hey Carly! I remember I found your site when I was in college, and you were about to graduate. It’s been a lot of fun following you throughout the years, and I’m glad you haven’t walked away!

One memory I have of your blog is a post you did with Tide detergent. It had a giveaway included, so I entered that, and won (maaaaaybe I’ll win this one too, eh? hehe)! You sent me a year’s supply of laundry detergent. So awesome. I ended up sharing it with my sister, who was so grateful. Thank you so much for sending me that detergent, and for making great content!

Caitlin K.

I have been following since your Georgetown Days! I was planning a wedding in Georgetown and was looking for food recommendations and somehow stumbled across your blog!

Laura H

I just started following you beginning of this year but I absolutely love your style and content and how genuine your writing is!! Definitely one of my now all time favorite blogs to read. I found you from Makenzie’s blog when you guys did the Bahamas trip in March and thought that looked so fun! Cheers to 10 years and hopefully another 10 more!!

Mallory M

Congratulations on 10 years! I can’t remember how I found your blog, but I’ve been a fan of your style for so long!

Brin Riley

I found your blog via Tumblr when I was in college, and one of the first things I remember was your pink couch! I’m so happy that you reached this milestone, and I hope you keep creating for many years to come!

Lauren Yankanich

I’ve been reading your blog for a few years now, since I was a freshman in high school! I’m now a freshman in college, and I still love your blog just as much. I love using your outfits as inspiration and reading about everything you’ve been up to. Congratulations on 10 years!


Found you through pinterest in 2012! It’s become a part of my daily (sometimes a weekly catch-up) routine. Congratulations!

Marguerite Happe

Carly- happy ten years! I think I’ve been with you for eight or nine of those years, and you truly feel like a close friend rather than a blogger. We met once at NYFW several years ago and I practically passed out- it felt like meeting a celebrity. You were so kind, genuine, and willing to stop and take a photo with me. Grateful for your voice and for your hard, hard work on this – I, for one, am crossing my fingers for another 10.


Congrats Carly! I’ve been following you since the tumblr days and have loved watching your blog (and style!) grow. Your content was a huge help in college and now helps me traverse that post-grad life. Looking forward to many more years to come, however social media chooses to evolve 🙂

Natalie Fahlberg

I found TCP when I was a senior in high school and googled top prepster outfits! I’ve been following for about 6 years now pretty religiously! My favorite post by far was the breakup post. I went through a tough break up at the same time as Carly, and started dating someone new around the same time as her! It was so good to hear about someone else’sthoughts on tough breakups. I appreciate your vulnerability, Carly!!!

Taylor Hoffman

So, I found your blog back in my Senior Year of College. It was one of those blogs that pushed me to start my own. I continue to awe at the posts you wrote but some of my favorites are from your one bedroom, tiny New York apartment. (That pink couch was everything!) You we’re living the dream that I looked up to so much: living in New York, finding your path, and being incredibly stylish throughout it all. Just as this day is important to you, you should know how much your readers truly admire you. Thank you for inspiration, motivation, and the BEST chocolate chip cookie recipe ever. They are the only ones I’ll ever bake❤️

Sabrina Mashburn

Congratulations on 10 years! I found your blog my junior year of high school while feeling so anxious about college and looking for any source of guidance/comfort. I’ve read every post since! As I approach my college graduation in May (!!) I’ve bookmarked so many of your posts about adulthood and change. I love this space you’ve created and look forward to coming back for more inspiration, advice, and positivity.


I’m so glad I found your blog! I’ve been reading for a few years (wish I’d found it sooner!)
I really liked your post earlier this year about gray hair and not wanting to dye it – that really resonated with me.

Gabrielle Lees

Congratulations on 10 years! I’ve been following you since my senior year of college in 2011, and your journey with anxiety has always resonated with me and helped me through ups and downs. So excited to see what is next for you. Best wishes for a very happy new year! Xo


Congrats on 10, Carly! From reading your blog as a senior in college to following along as I moved to NYC, you’ve posts have always been genuine and relatable. Excited to see where the your blog is headed in the next 10!


I found your blog through tumblr in 2011 when I had just graduated college. I found myself copying all your ootd’s you posted back then.

Taylor Todd

I think I found your blog on tumblr, forever ago. Probably close to 8 years ago! Haven’t stopped reading since!


I’ve been reading since 2012ish. I remember all of the milestones you mentioned starting in 2012 but a great memory was meeting you when you came and spoke at my university with another woman from Levo. My favorite post is your NYC apartment tour- I loved the wallpaper in your room, pink couch, and little desk nook! Congratulations on 10!


I first discovered your blog when I was a freshman at Georgetown in 2010 and I’ve been following ever since! Congrats on 10 years!

Elizabeth Saucier

I’m actually so glad you changed to Carly the Prepster – the college part was somewhat dated. I’m so glad you are doing so well! <3

Maura McKnight

Congratulations! I am always so impressed by your ability to publish such a variety of content. I love reading your posts.. they are always relatable and I enjoy you sharing the good, the bad, and the ugly, because that’s how everyone’s life is! Happy to hear you will continue on this incredible journey!


Carly, congratulations on 10 years of writing and creating a beautiful blog. I feel like I have “watched” you grow up. There have been too many amazing posts to pick one favorite. I appreciate your taste, style and authenticity and wish you the same success going forward!


Congratulations! What an accomplishment. I found your blog about 5 years ago, when I was a sophomore in college. I love having something to wake up and read each morning! Your calm, measured words always leave me inspired.

Kelsey Ward

Carly…as long as I can remember I’ve loved your blog! I don’t even remember how or when I first found it, but I know it was one of the first blogs I ever started regularly reading so many years ago. My favorite posts of yours are those that have to do with anxiety–I really relate! Thanks for everything the past 10 years!


I remember finding your blog many years ago, when I was stuck working in Boston over the Christmas holiday (with nothing to do and no one around), and I went allllllll the way back to the beginning and read forward. Since then it has been a must read for me, and I hope it will continue to be for many years to come!

Bronwyn C

I have been following your blog for awhile after finding your instagram and have enjoyed reading a lot of your content from travel (Paris!!) and your dogs and I really enjoy the facebook community you brought together with your group! It has answered so many questions and given a ton of recommendations and really is a great resource like your blog!


Congratulations Carly!!!!!!! We’re all so glad to be apart of this journey with you. Thank you for sharing your life and your insights with us 🙂

Maddie Brodeur

Congrats Carly! You’ve been an inspiration for so many and can’t wait for the next ten years of your blog!

Nicole Howe

Big Congratulations on 10 years! So many favorite posts to choose from. I think my by far favorite post is The Gasparilla Inn. I went to Boca Grande for the first time this past year and fell in love with the charming island. When I saw the post that that you went to Boca Grande, I was so excited that I could relate and share in your love for the island as well. I also enjoyed the BBG 1.0 Review as it inspired me to start BBG, I am on week 3 and boy it is kicking my butt. I am having a hard time remembering how I found your blog, I think I first began following you on Instagram and then found the blog. I honestly enjoy how honest and truthful you are in the blog and I enjoy your Instagram stories. Thanks for all you hard work and dedication!

Kelly N

Congratulations on your 10 year anniversary! I first started following your blog years ago when I still lived in California, and now I’m in law school in New York and finally can relate to all your winter-related posts! And it finally feels right to wear Lilly and Jacks in public 😉 Congrats again, I can’t wait to see what comes next!

Kate Mc

My friend Chandler talked about you for years in high school – I wish I’d checked out your blog earlier. Always the highlight of my day!


Long time reader (close to 7 years now!) but first time responding. Congratulations on such an unbelievable milestone.


Congratulations on ten years, Carly!! I started reading your blog in 2013, when I was a junior in college, and have been reading daily ever since! Thank you for the honest opinions you share here. Love your voice and style and appreciate all of the advice you have shared here over the years.


Congratulations Carly! I started reading your blog after finding your study and organization tips through Pinterest my freshman year of college. 6 years later, and all through undergrad and graduate school I still look to your blog for advice and inspiration. Reading your daily post is my favorite part of my morning routine. Cheers to 10 years! I wish you nothing but continued success and happiness in the next 10 (and hopefully many more 😊)!

Haley Gonzalez

I’ve been following your blog for about 8 years. I started reading as a freshman in high school just looking forward to college. I always thought it was so cool to read about someone who grew up in Tampa as well. Congrats on 10 years of awesome-ness

Hannah H

I can’t remember how I came across your blog … for a while, I followed a few blogs but yours is the only one I’ve really kept up with through college!

Kristin Kline

Congratulations, Carly! I truly look forward to reading your blog every day. Thank you for enlightening us to Headspace – it has been a legitimate game changer in my life.

Abby Norville

Congratulations on 10 years! What an accomplishment!! You were the very first blogger I ever started following.


I love your organization posts. They have always been my favorite. Please continue to post more!! Congratulations on your anniversary. Many more years of success!

Jan M. Wollet

Congratulations on your 10 years achievement of blogging! whoot whoot!! My favorite post our your vacations and trip post, I have used many suggestions and never been disappointed. I also love your book reviews and recommendations. I also want to thank you for also replying back when I have sent an email. I know you are super busy and for you always to take the time speaks volumes. Thank you! and Congrats!!!!!

Melissa Hughey

I’ve been following since at least 2009! My friend Casey and I have bonded through your posts. “Did you see what Carly posted today?” has become a way for us to keep in touch. Happy 10th Anniversary, Carly!

Autumn E.

I love how genuine you are and as a fellow former Floridian love seeing where the world takes you (but also know FL will always be home).


Carly, I have been reading your blog for years and it has been so amazing to see you grow as a blogger over those years! I don’t know if I have a favorite post but I loved reading all about your trip to Paris in 2017 and shared it with my best friend and now she is a reader! She is traveling to Paris this upcoming summer and you are the inspiration for all of her Paris destinations. We always talk about how we want to go to The Apollo Gallery and take a picture like you did in front of the dance sculpture! You were such an inspiration to me as I was starting my blog a few years back and you are a true fashion icon! Congrats on ten years and I can’t wait to see what the future holds for you and your blog!


I found your blog through Instagram. I’m pretty sure it was a feature of “if you like this profile then you’ll like that one” type of thing. I follow on Insta and love seeing your book review posts. Congrats on 10 years!

Katie Sullivan

I am not even sure what post it was that brought me to your blog, but I know I was in about 7th or 8th grade, I am currently a sophomore in college. You have always been someone I have looked up to and admired. From the way you carry yourself through difficult situations, your honesty, and of course your style, Carly-you are truly a role model. I cannot imagine what middle school, high school, and college would have been like without all of your tips and tricks. Thank you so much for dedicating yourself to this incredible group of readers! 🙂


Thank you, Carly, for keeping it real and providing inspiration for the last decade! I love your more open / personal posts, because they make you more relatable and help me realize that I’m not alone. I really enjoy your book recommendations and the On My Radar posts as well! Many congratulations on this huge milestone!


Carly! Congrats on 10 years of blogging, you were the first blogger I started following and you’re still my favorite! Love your variety of content and how down to earth you are!


Carly, you were one of the first bloggers I followed when I started my journey to blogging! Your style, confidence and writing ability has always inspired me and reminds me exactly why I want to do this. You present everything in such a classy way and I love how true to yourself you always stay! I honestly could not pick a favorite blog post if I had to, they are all so fantastic. But, your first one would have to hold a special place in my heart because although I just started following you about a year ago, I wouldn’t have a blogger like you to look up to if you had never started. Thank you for all you do. Xoxo

Anna Bebs

No matter how much the industry grows or evolves, you’ll always be my favorite, Carly. Thanks for sharing your life with us for ten years!

Sarah Spiller

I look forward to Friday Faves every week and also love your travel posts! Congrats on 10 years!

Bethany E

Hi! I just started reading your blog this year. It has encouraged me to be creative, style-wise, and adventuresome in all my pursuits. As a pre-medical student, it is a guilty pleasure of mine to read your blog and still revel in the colors, textures, and beauty of classic fashion (which your blog provides). Thank you for your brave spirit. You’re making the world a better place.


congrats on 10 years carly! i started reading your blog back in high school and have loved growing up with you. i think i found your blog from hopsy’s blog back in the day

Laura Nemser

I found your blog over 5 years ago and have been a loyal fan since! I love your classic style and I check your blog along with my emails first thing every morning. Keep up the great work!


Your break up post got me through a tough break up myself. Having someone say that it’s okay to not find the one is so important.

Samantha S.

So proud of you. You are such a graceful, wise and successful young woman! Congratulations on this milestone!

Steph Cianci

CONGRATULATIONS CARLY! As a 5 year + reader, your blog is truly a joy in my day. I am in CA so I try to check every night at 9 PM before bed. Through law school and 2 bar exams, your blog has been a little slice of happiness and something to look forward to daily. Keep up the incredible work, I hope that I can meet you and thank you in person someday!


I found your blog on Pinterest, looking for ways to prepare myself for college. Your posts helped me to organize myself and become a better student, so thank you! I have loved watching this blog grow over the years and follow along with your life. Thanks for all that you do and congrats on 10 years!


Carly, Congratulations on 10 years! Like so many others, I feel like I’ve grown up with you. I found your blog in 2009 when I was in a senior in high school. I would be going off to college the next year and had been searching around for something that would give me a peak into college life. I read all of your backlogged posts and have continued to read your blog easily 5-7 days a week for 9 years, never missing a post. Reading your posts is a daily ritual in which I can take 5 minutes to take in something that often inspires me and brings me happiness. Thank you for creating such a wonderful corner of the internet.

Leah Oliver

Congratulations, Carly! I have followed your pages for a couple of years now, and it has been so much fun watching your journey. I truly enjoy your content and am so excited for your future!

Emily House

This is awesome! Congrats on 10 years, Carly! Love all of the content featuring Meesh! I’m super close with my mom too, so it makes me so happy!


I love the space you have created and the content you produce, from travel guides to recipes there is always something I can find to enjoy! I found you a few years ago after following Julia for a while and had seen a post of hers from when you traveled together. So thankful I found you and now I can never not read your posts!


Congratulations on 10 years! I love visiting your blog for style inspiration and travel tips/inspo! . You have such a classy, sophisticated yet trendy way of putting together outfits! Thank you for continuing your blog – it’s soemthing I enjoy visiting on the regular!

angie perrone

I’ve been reading for a few years now! For me, it was so nice to see that life continues on after you stop doing something you love. For both of us, this was rowing. Thank you so much.
Congratulations Carly!


I found your blog in 2010 and reading your posts has become a part of my daily routine! Your personality and authenticity comes through in your posts, and I’m constantly inspired by your spirit and your style! Cheers to 10 years!!

Clinique Brooks

College Prepster was the first blog I started following in 2012. I was in college and having a difficult time and discovered blogs and Youtube. I love that you always seem yourself.

Kristen R

I can’t remember when I started following you but I bookmarked your blog on my computer and read your posts every morning over coffee. It was the highlight of my day! Now I love following you on Instagram too! Your style is always classic, classy and beautiful.

Amanda Burnham

I’m so proud of you Carly!! Congrats on the 10 years! Your blog has become one of the main sources I turn to whenever I need help. I found your blog so long ago on Pinterest and haven’t stopped reading it. I am so grateful for it and for all the advice you’ve shared. It has helped me with high school and college and just life in general. My favorite memory was when you met me and my friend Marissa for brunch while we were on our senior trip. I also love the notes you’ve written me. Thank you for being an inspiration to me!! Love you!!


Congratulations Carly! Thanks for keeping it real for the past ten years. You and your blog have grown so much. Wish ya the best in everything going forward!


I was looking to completely overhaul my “look” and found your website! I immediately loved your preppy 😉 style and knew it would serve as amazing inspiration as I underwent my own style transformation!

Sofia Amoroso

Hi Carly! So I’ve only really been reading your blog daily for 6 months now, but I love the variety is your posts and you’re one of the bloggers that inspired me to start my own! I have a love for fashion and design and really wanted to share my own ideas just for fun and I love it! I love so many of your posts but I particularly got hooked on reading your blog this past summer when reading your fashion posts for outfit inspiration since my style is very classy and similar to yours! Thank you for all of the inspiration you have given me through your blog and I can’t wait to follow along as time goes on. – Sofia 🙂


I’m so proud of and excited for you! We’re the same age so I’ve loved following your journey through different seasons of our twenties. Congratulations!


I don’t remember how I found the blog but I’ve been reading everyday since I started a full-time job!

Noelle Langmack

I have absolutely loved reading your posts over the years – I particularly love your vulnerability, in addition to your style! I can’t quite remember when I first found your blog, but when I did, I was hooked. It’s the first blog tab on my bookmarks bar. Recently, I loved your post on what you wore in Paris!

Ellen Dubiel

Congrats on this big milestone! Your hard work and persistence in creating valuable (and pretty!) content is truly evident on every on of your posts My most-loved post that brought me to your blog is the J.Crew roll sleeve tutorial which has been an invaluable style tip throughout the years! Thanks, Carly!

Kimberly Oliver

Found: googled preppy style, I was a student nurse, looking for inspiration as an adult women classic style this was 9 yrs ago. Favorite post was your work uniforms taken in your old NY apt. with a door mirror and iphone. Second, I am an orphan , so I adore getting to see you with your family.

Brooke Estep

It’s been such a joy to follow your blog, Carly! I’m a few years younger than you, but it’s been so helpful to watch someone trailblaze into adulthood and through college life before me (and thousands of others!). You always have such a good perspective on things (whether trivial things like a cute outfit or a big thing like a move or a breakup). I’m looking forward to 10 more years!

Skye von Achen

I’ve been following along for almost ten years! Congrats on a whole decade of blogging! You’ve always been such an inspiration and I feel like I’ve grown up alongside you. Wishing you luck for the future! <3


Congrats on the 10 years! I’ve been a longtime reader and I’m only a week older than you so reading a lot of your posts feels like talking to a friend. I love the on my radar posts but also some where you’ve gotten “realy real” (dumb to say but ex: the breakup post which i referred back to months later when I went though my own breakup). Congrats again!


Amazing! Hard to believe I’ve been reading for almost as long. Congratulations and thanks for giving us the opportunity to grow along side you!

Diana K.

I found this through other blogs, but I’ve loved the evolution of your style and following your fitness journey. I have aspirational fitness goals for now!


Congrats on 10 years! I started following you before college and am graduated now–it’s always fun to have someone a few years older than me to read about and look up to 🙂


Congrats on 10yrs! I love how you always stay polished yet relatable. Your recommendations are always top notch at attainable price points and your pups are just the sweetest. All the best Carly!


Congrats Carly!! I’ve been reading so long I don’t really remember how I found you, but I have a feeling that it was your sleeve rolling post! My husband actually makes me roll his sleeves like that all the time because he likes it so much 🙂

Sarah P

My favorite posts of yours and the reason I have followed you for years are the posts in which you are real and honest about life. Everything on social media is so edited, and I always appreciate your candor. Congratulations and I hope you’re still doing this in another ten years!

Rebecca Ebersole

Congratulations on your 10thyear of blogging! I’ve been following you for about 5 years now, around the time you started blogging full time! I so look forward to reading your posts every day and love getting outfit inspiration from you!


Love seeing your adventures and style choices, especially on Instagram. Thanks for all the inspiration!


I found your blog from a link on another blog – I think it was 3 Peanuts? I’ve been reading for years!

Christine C.

Congratulations, Carly! Wow, hard to believe many of those milestones were so long ago! I remember reading about your move to New York and later becoming a full time blogger. I so admire the way you run your brand with poise and grace despite the setbacks and negativity. You are truly an inspiration!

Katelyn Engen

Congratulations on 10 years!! I’ve been reading for probably close to 6-7 years after finding your blog through your post about note taking/notebook organization. I graduated college in 2015 and have really enjoyed reading about your perspective being a few ahead of my own age.
Your blog is a daily read and will continue to be, so thank you!

Christina R.

Carly, congrats on ten years of blogging! What an amazing accomplishment. I found your blog through a random photo/link on Pinterest back in 2013 or 2014. I was stuck at a ho-hum office job and I could always rely on your daily posts to brighten my day! I’d start with a cup of coffee from our machine at work and read your post before I literally did anything else (and thank goodness I don’t work there anymore because I was clearly a terrible employee, lol). From fashion to makeup to recipes & home decor, I love your realistic writing style. It’s like having a conversation with a best friend. Thank you for taking time to share a bit of your life with all of us, and congratulations again!


Congrats on 10 years!! I remember I started reading your blog when I was a sophomore in high school and now I am a junior in high school! As I have continued to grow and mature and my own style and life has changed, it has been so great reading along and seeing how yours as well! Your success is so well deserved and thank you for continuing to work hard! Your hard work and dedication does not go unnoticed and I have loved being a loyal reader!! Happy New Year!


Congrats on 10 years!! I have been reading your blog daily for a little over a year but for the entirely of my time in college I have been intermittently reading. I found your blog my senior year of high school when I was trying to figure out how I would fit in at college and I think over the years you have helped me develop my own voice. Thank you and I hope you can continue blogging for years to come!!

Taylor Templeton

Congratulations! I enjoy your blog immensely and find your voice to be so real and genuine. I found your blog when I was in high school and looking for preppy fashion inspiration, but have found your more personal posts to be the most relevant to my life. Thank you for being you!

Allison Mills

I found you through tumblr my sophomore year of high school (now a senior in college). I was really trying to find my own personal sense of style, among everyone else in my high school that all seemed to dress exactly the same. Finding your blog helped me realize that being myself, and dressing the way I wanted to, was more important than trying to fit in with what everyone else was wearing/doing. You’ve changed the way I see fashion, and how I can really use fashion to express myself. Thank you so much.

Erin Sullivan

I’ve been following for years! I never commented, but you helped shape my work wardrobe in 2009 when I started my first job. Your style is so classic, I remember you wore a lot of navy and I LOVE navy. Your staple pieces became my staple pieces.

Gabby C.

Carly, I have been reading your blog for about seven years now! I found your blog when I was a sophomore in high school and I am now a senior in college! I was really into reading blogs at the time and have grown out of that phase but I have never stopped reading yours. Your posts helped me when I was preparing to start college and now are preparing me for when I enter the ‘real world’ after I graduate in the spring. Currently my favorite post is “Advice to College Seniors,” this post has been an inspiration to me to help me get through my senior year. I love how relatable your posts are and how inspirational they are to women and girls of all ages. Congrats on 10 years and I can’t wait to read your posts for many more to come!

Lindsey K

I’m the rare reader who is actually a couple years older than you, but I found your blog nearly a decade ago because I grew up in Connecticut and Washington, DC and love classic, preppy style. A highlight for me is seeing your excitement about your trips to France. I work at the American Embassy in Paris, and am proud to call the city home! On your next trip, you should try dinner at one of the Big Mamma restaurants for a fun, more casual but very tasty dinner. Cheers!

Kasi Hansen

Happy 10th Anniversary! Your posts have the feel of simply catching up with a friend and are a welcome break during the day. My friends tried sparkler writing a few years ago after your post (we utterly failed..) My favorite post however is It’s Ok! which I’ve bookmarked as a reminder that good enough is just fine. Thank you for that!

T Jaffe

Congrats!! I’ve been following you for about 5 years now and still remember the personal email you sent when I reached out. Thanks for all your hard work on the blog – we really enjoy it!

Betsy Spring

Love your blog – and especially your penchant for anything with scallops. Congrats on 10 years!

Brenna Curtin

Congratulations on 10 years!!! What an amazing accomplishment!
My absolute FAVORITE memories of reading your blog was last summer. I joined the Marine Corps and went to basic training for 13 weeks and was able to contact no one over the phone, the internet or ANYTHING. The only form of communication I was allowed was writing letters. My gradnma would copy and paste your blog posts onto a word document and send them to me. Amongst ALL the really challenging things I faced during those long 3 months…reading your blog still really made me feel at home. So thank you SO much for writing and being you!

Chelsea White

Congratulations on 10 years! I remember finding you in the summer of 2013, right before you went full time. There are too many posts from you that I love from all your organization posts and recipes, to your tech reviews (I made the jump to an iPhone in part because of you!) your voice is so unique. I have come to trust you, cheer for you and celebrate your success.

Ashlyn D

I found you about 8 years ago from the “Organize, Please” series that I found on Pinterest! I’ve been following you regularly since. We are close to the same age, so it’s been so nice to feel like I have an older sister that I’m watching grow up! Happy 10 years!

Regan Smith

I found your blog my junior year of high school. I can’t remember how I stumbled upon it, but I’ve been religiously reading it ever since! Your blog has provided so much inspiration for each major milestone in my life. For example, my best friend and I were random roommates freshman year and your blog was one of the first things we bonded over! Even as things change and everyone gets older, it’s nice to have a place to come back to, a virtual home if you will!

Danielle Marino

I started reading your blog when I graduated college. You’re a year ahead of me and it really helped me to read about your working experience and how you were dealing it with it. It made me feel like I wasn’t alone.

caroline z

congratulations carly! I found your blog in early high school and vividly remember spending the next two days reading nearly every post in your archives. your blog was the first I ever discovered, and since then i have bonded over it with friends, and religiously check it every day! happy holidays!

Christine O'Halloran

Love your posts living in the CT area as I grew up there also and loved hearing about new (to me) spots to try!


Yay Carly!!! I am pretty sure I have followed you (almost) from the beginning! I remember finding your website through College USA Today I am almost positive or some college website I frequently visited. Probably looking for resume help or college tips! It’s been sooooo fun following you along on this journey and WHOA 10 years in insane! So much has happened. As a FL girl, I love seeing your Tampa posts and it’s been fun experiencing many of lifes ups and downs together! I really LOVE how you’ve stayed so true to your personal style and overall self!!!

Katie |

Gretchen Knigh

Hi Carly,
I’ve loved following you through the years. I first found you with the JCrew sleeves post, but I’ve stuck around because of your positive attitude and interesting content. My life doesn’t look very much like yours, but I can still find stuff that relates to me and that helps me broaden my perspective. Cheers to 10 years!


My favorite post are always the on my radars on Fridays. I look forward to reading them every Friday morning while I drink my coffee. Love the blog! Congratulations! 🍾

Meghan C

Congratulations Carly! This is such an incredible milestone. I’ve been reading since 2009 since we were both in the same year in college. It has been really amazing to see how life has changed since then and it’s been nice to sort of grow up alongside you over the past 10 years. I am sure that whatever comes next for you will be very exciting. All the best!!!


Congrats on your anniversary! I first started following you on insta a few years ago–now your blog is one of the first things I check when I get to my desk every morning (after my work email and calendar, of course)! Your Ireland travel guides and videos helped me add a few fun stops to my trip this past summer. Can’t wait to keep following and to see what’s next for you! 🙂


I found you as a freshman in college in 2012 who was struggling in her own way. Your blog became “goals” for what I could accomplish!

Whitney G

Amazing milestone! It’s funny to have kind of wandered away and then come back and rediscovered you as Carly the Prepster. I definitely remember reading the College Prepster at school (small private college in CT, very very preppy) and then recently have become a loyal follower again. I love your posts with GMG, you two are two of my favorites! Cheers to 10 years!!

Victoria Starr

Loved reading this post. I’ve been following your blog since I was in high school and I’m now finishing up grad school! It’s been so nice to follow along watching someone who is older then me go through life’s milestones for advice and inspiration!

Heather W

Congratulations on your 10 year anniversary! I’ve been a following for a few years and always love your pretty, preppy style. I’m excited to see where the next 10 years take you!


Congratulations! I started reading your blog right after college and now I’m in my 30s– love being able to “grow up” with your blog. I appreciate that you have kept your posts true to yourself, honest, and approachable even after gaining so much success– it’s why I’ve kept reading!


Congratulations on 10 years of blogging! I’ve been reading your blog since I was in college. I’m currently finishing up veterinary school and I enjoy reading all of your posts (especially about your dogs!).

Audrey W

I heard about you and your blog from Ashley Brooke Designs and clicked on your blog in September just in time for your “The Tipping Point” post. That post is still my favorite – love your honesty and willingness to share your thoughts on the whole influencer industry. I’ve been reading every day since! I’m pretty sure that I read a few posts back in 2012/2013 when I started college but didn’t realize it was the same blog until I read about you changing the name!
Thank you for being a little bright spot on the Internet- i look forward to the next 10 years of reading daily!


Congratulations on such an accomplishment! I love your blog and relate to you on so many different levels.


Carly, you helped me get through my first year of college. I was an avid reader throughout high school, but when I was filled with stress, anxiety, and homesickness my first year of college, you were what I turned to and you were what saved me. Thank you.

Sarah Cover

I discovered your blog my first semester of college– 2011! Since then, I look forward to reading your blog every day. It doesn’t seem like it has been that long, but reading over the little recap reminded me that I’ve seen you go through so much in the years. I was rooting for you then and I’m rooting for you now– I’m so proud of your 10 year accomplishment!


I cannot believe it’s been 10 years. I’ve been following for about 7 of those years, which is bananas, and you’ve really been a role model for me. You are just a few years older than I am, and not to be too cheesy or overdone, but your journey has been kind of like a compass for me. WWCD, in a sense! Thank you for sharing so much of yourself here, and I wouldn’t blame you at all if you stopped, or even just took a break. Happy 10 years! Thank you Carly!


Congratulations on your 10-year milestone! I have been reading your blog for the last 3 years and can not wait to see what’s next for you!

Kayla Ott

Carly! I have been following you for about 8 years, since I started college, and you are still my favorite blogger. From all the studying tips in college to style and career advice now, thank you!

Megan G :)

Congratulations on 10 years! I found your blog my freshman year of college, when looking for an influencer who shared my classic and preppy fashion sense (everyone seemed to be trendy or bohemian), and I stumbled upon you and Sarah Vickers on Instagram. I don’t think you’ve ever posted an outfit I wouldn’t wear myself! haha 🙂

Victoria Norris

Your anxiety posts got me through so many tough times – I took to heart so many pieces of your advice and it has really helped me. Thank you for being so transparent over the years, even with the good, the bad, and the stressful. It means a lot. Congratulations on 10 years!


Wow – 10 years, what an accomplishment! I found you in college as I was struggling with the new changes in my life. Your space has always been an outlet for my mind to relax and become inspired again. Your journey to become both mentally and physically strong has truly been one of my favorite aspects of this space. You’ve demonstrated and encouraged me to incorporate these two practice into my daily life, and in the long term has saved me. Thank you for being you! Cheers to the future! XO

Alaina C

Carly, congratulations on this amazing achievement! I have enjoyed reading your blog for the past 4 years as I made my journey through highschool. Your blog had such a positive impact on me and inspired my style. Thanks for being you!

Claire Hardy

Carly, I have read your blog daily for the last couple of years, and it is something that always makes my day better. Congratulations on 10 years!


I’ve been following your blog since 2008! ( I also followed Meghan McCain’s blog ) Congratulations on ten years!!!!!

Emily Vogelgesang

I’ve followed along since the beginning! Not even sure how I found you though. I can’t pick a favorite blog post because I love how different they all are. From the solid life advice and introduction to Maxie’s writing to your fashion and product reviews which have definitely informed several of my purchases.

Jamie S

Congrats on such an incredible milestone! I found your blog when I was in the middle of my “dark spot” in college. I was burnt out on the courses I was taking and was transitioning from being a pre-med student to a marketing student! Your blog has inspired me to for years and years. I love your outlook on life and how you always keep it real. Here’s to many more years!

Tori Reilly

Carly, Congratulations on reaching 10 years of blogging! I have been reading your blog for more years than I know. I found your blog through one of my best friends, Rachel, and have been an avid, daily reader ever since! I particularly love your raw, honest posts, such as the recent one titled “The Tipping Point.” Its so relatable, and I respect your courage for putting such a post out there! Happy New Year! <3

Elizabeth Mooneyham

Congratulations on ten years! You made it, girlie! I’ve been an avid reader since that “offensively fluorescent pink and green” website. It’s been amazing to watch your platform grow and change over the years. Thank you for being honest and relatable about your life!

Anna L.

I love reading your blog! My favorite posts are On My Radar every Friday. Thank you for creating such a great blog!


I found your blog in about 2012 and have been following ever since. Honestly, my favorite posts are your daily outfits and puppies, but I love how open you’ve been about anxiety. Love your blog!!

Ally Kmiecik

I have loved all college related posts ever since I started reading when i was in high school and am a junior in college now! They have helped me realize I am not alone in so many aspects of anxiety, friends, stress, style, and many more. Your posts even inspired me to start my own blog as a creative outlet as well! I’ve always viewed reading your posts as reading from the big sister I never had and look forward to your posts EVERY day! xoxo, Ally

Kelly Lovell

Congratulations! I remember finding your blog with the Kate spade graduation dress when I was looking for my own college graduation dress. Have followed you since and love your style. I think we would be great friends if we ever met in real life 😉

Becca Dugdale

I have followed your blog since I was in college and it is so interesting to hear about someone close to my age who lives on the coast (I’m a midwest girl through and through)! I’m pretty sure I’ve read every post you’ve ever written and you’re one of the few blogs I read that I actually feel like I know you – so kudos to writing your truth in an age where that’s so hard to do!


Congrats on ten years!! I love reading your blogs and I hope to follow your journey for years to come.


Congratulations. It’s been wonderful to see how the blog and you have grown and evolved over the years.

Dana G

My daughter introduced me to your blog a few years ago and we always love discussing your On My Radar posts or reading the books you suggest together!

Kelsey Groomer Derousseau

I’m so happy for you and your 10 year anniversary! I’ve been following along since 2011 right after I graduated from college. I have always loved your style and honest! Congratulations again!

Gillian Redstone

My life is so, so hectic and constantly in flux. But for 4 years now, especially through the crazy end of high school and beginning of college, knowing I could check your blog for a little style or inspiration provided stability. It may have been a little thing , but it meant so much. Thanks for all you do Carly. It means the world, you have no idea!

Julia Zautcke

I know I won’t be the only one to say this, but I found your blog at my own low point in undergrad. I was struggling, aimless, and reading your blog each morning brought sunshine to my dreary days. I identify with a lot of what you post and even though my life has a lot more brightness these days, I still love reading your words and thoughts. I will always cheer you on and be appreciative for how you helped me!!

Elizabeth L

Carly, I’ve been following you since spring of 2009. We are the same age so it is so fun to follow along with your adventures (And use you as an inspiration and motivation for various life events). Thank you for sharing your life with us!!! Congrats on 10 years! What a great milestone!!

Kenzie Peace

Congrats on 10 years! I’ve been following since about 2011, I grew up in the DMV so I loved following your adventures in Georgetown. One of my favorite posts was about the Samoset Resort as I spent all my summers in Rockport and have spent a great deal of time at the Samoset

Hillary Hunt

Congratulations on your 10 year anniversary! Such a milestone! I’ve been a reader for at least 5 years and love following along on the blog and through social media. I think a pinned post of the “Intense Study Tips” was what originally brought me to the pink and green blog all those years ago. I look forward to the daily emails alerting me to your new posts and I enjoy keeping up with your fun travels, tips, and cute outfits! Best wishes for years to come as Carly the Prepster!

Robyn S.

Reading this today – I’m almost stunned by how many years it’s been that I’ve been following you! I remember starting as a freshman in college myself, looking to someone who was starting to navigate through it and finding a blog I could continue to read even as I moved along. So glad to see this continue!


I have been following you since 2010 and you have been inspiring me ever since! Not a day has gone by that I have not read your blog. You’ve helped me get organized, develop my fashion sense, and become a great gift giver (haha). Congrats!

Rachel E

Congratulations on 10 years, and thank you for the space you have carved out for yourself and your readers! Yours is one of the few blogs I still find myself checking regularly (even though I don’t think I’ve ever commented before). I continue to read your blog because I appreciate your authenticity on a platform that, as it has developed, seems to have veered towards a tone and presentation which is often not at all true to reality. Though of course I also enjoy your beautiful, more “styled” moments (how could you not?!), I always enjoy the posts where you share a personal moment or insight the most. I wholeheartedly support not being a complete open book to strangers on the internet, but I also truly appreciate your willingness to be real and honest about the (not always pretty) life we are all navigating – and I’m sure your continued success means others do, as well. Cheers to a decade of growth and blogging, and best wishes for the journey ahead, wherever it may take you!

Heidi K

Congratulations on ten years! I’ve always loved your On My Radar posts each week- such a great roundup of fun things from around the internet.


Congrats on 10 years! I found your blog on Instagram and have been following along since!

Emily S.

I’ve been reading your blog for over a year now – I only wish I found it sooner. Happy Anniversary!

Jodie Parrish

I have enjoyed your blog for several years. I found you through a link on another person’s blog. I enjoy when you include your mom, and bake with her.

Victoria Minton

Congratulations Carly! I found your blog in 2012 and have been a daily reader ever since! While its hard to chose a favorite post, I think your more personal posts are my favorite. You are the only blogger that I follow who seems genuine, relatable and honest. We have faced many of the same struggles over the years and it has been so helpful to read how you overcome them. You are truly an inspiration in so many ways!

Abarna Thurairatnam

I can’t believe I found your blog when I first started college and was trying to figure out how to navigate undergrad! That was seven years ago and this year I will finally be graduating my doctorate. Even today I always start off a study sesh by catching up on your blog 🙂

Sandra Andrianasolo_Sturm

Bonjour Carly,
I’m really happy for you. I’ve been reading your blog since a couple of years when I arrived in the U.S. I wanted to know all about this preppy lifestyle.
Impertinent French

Michelle B

Carly, congrats on this big milestone! I’ve been following your blog for about five or six years, it helped me out back when I was in school. It’s nice to hear that starting this helped you through a rough time, because it certainly helped me through my rough times. I still read through and love following along on Instagram as well! Glad you still enjoy it because I think a lot of other people enjoy following along! Best wishes for 2019!



We’re the exact same age and I’ve loved “growing up” with you from learning how to organize for studying, to gettting first jobs, to thinking about buying a house. Thank you for your honest and lovely blog!


Congrats on 10 years! Thanks for creating such a happy and inspirational corner of the social media world!

Caroline Nelson

As a reader of the same age, and a similar debilitating first semester at college, you’ve always been a source for me to turn to. Thank you for all the anxiety advice throughout the years- and also the gift guides 😉

Sarah Willett

Congratulations on hitting 10 years. That’s huge! I started following you in college sometime in 2010/2011. Pretty sure I found you through pinterest?? It’s been so long I don’t even remember! It’s been so great following you and growing up with you since we’re almost the same age. Can’t wait to see where you go from here!

Julia D.

Carly, first of all congratulations on 10 years of blogging! That is truly such a great accomplishment. I found your blog about 3 years ago and have loved waking up and reading your posts every single day. I found it at the perfect time in my life, when I was transitioning from high school to college. Your posts have helped me develop my personal style, given me advice, and opened my eyes to amazing places I hope to travel to someday. I can’t wait to continue following you and see where these next 10 years take your career!


Congratulations on this milestone! I found your blog when I was a freshman in college, and it has been such a joy to follow along ever since! Your email organization post was truly life-changing. Thanks for all the tips!

Sarah Strickland

I’ve been reading your blog for 8 years (whoa!)! My friends and I started reading in college and still start our days (at “real jobs”) on your site.


Found your blog during the Summer of 2013 when I was spending so much time nursing my new baby girl! I loved all your stories about New York and moving to Connecticut, because we had made the decision to leave the city. It was very relatable.


I don’t remember how I first found your blog but how exciting you’re celebrating 10 years, congratulations! I’ve loved following along as you’ve transitioned throughout your 20’s and navigated life.

Alex C.

What a fun post! I don’t remember when exactly I started following you, but it was sometime junior year or senior year of high school. During my senior year of high school, I remember proudly thinking I was JUST like you because I was about to head off to Georgetown in the fall and my boyfriend at the time was also named Garrett, haha. Didn’t actually end up going to Georgeotwn due to tuition increases, but my college ex lived in Stamford and also went to Chelsea Piers and I remember eagerly trying to describe you to him so I could figure out if he might’ve spotted you at some point (a little weird, I know, and he was definitely confused by why I was asking). Now I’m sitting here typing this, very single but about to enter my last semester of college before graduating and taking on a job in DC. Going through college reading your blog was like having an older, wiser sister letting me know I’m gonna make it through all of this, and I’m so glad I’ve gotten to follow along with you! Here’s to another 10 years of great content from you 🙂


Been following since the beginning – my how time flies. Proud of all that you’ve accomplished – here’s to the next 10… and the next!

Kasey C.

Congratulations on such a huge milestone! I started following you probably…6ish years ago when I was trying to find good school supplies for college! Seeing how much this blog has grown up is amazing and definitely an inspiration for all of us to follow our passions. Thank you for sharing your life with us over the years!

L L Dodd

Congrats Carly! I started following your blog when I came across your j crew sleeve folding post through Pinterest! Thanks for your honesty and transparency.

Madeline G. Pate

Congratulations! I have read your blog for several years. You have inspired me to even create my own blog. You have the best classic style and handle everything with such grace. You are truly an inspiration! Can’t wait to read your posts in 2019 🙂

Lizzie J

Congratulations on 10 years! That’s an amazing accomplishment. I’ve been reading for almost that long. We were both in college at the same time, and it has been fun and affirming to read about your experiences after graduation as I grapple with many of the same things. Thank you for your honesty, positivity, vulnerability, and commitment to your work!


Hi Carly,
I’m a long time reader, and continue to love and follow your blog every day. This was very inspiring and heartfelt! I’m sure I will continue to enjoy your content in 2019 and beyond. I love how you mix it up with fashion, beauty, and lifestyle, and feature your own real stories of personal hardships and achievements. That’s what makes blogs like yours a pleasure to read. You really stand out in the crowd, and checking your blog is literally a part of my routine. Happy new year x

Cat D

I have read your blog for yeaaaars now. While I’ve fallen off reading other blogs because they became too sponsor-heavy or seemed too Instagram-perfect, your writing has always resonated as true and authentic (and I really appreciate that you post every single day!) Plus I just love your style. Congratulations on the HUGE milestone and please never quit blogging. <3

Amanda Savage

Congrats on 10 years! I’ve been reading your blog since my senior year of high school (7 years ago now). It’s been so fun to follow along your journey!

Carrie Anderson

1804 comments? My goodness!
Well first off, congratulations on 10 years Carly! This is so exciting. Secondly, I remember when I was about to give up on social media and blogs. I felt like there was nothing new to keep me coming back. Then I found you blog. I am 28 (My birthday is the day before yours!) and find your take on life, style, and friendships so refreshing and relatable. Thank-you for providing such personal and original content. Sometimes I feel like blogs are just filters are various ads. However, you always stay true to yourself and your ‘brand’ is authentically you. Cheers to you and whatever the next ten years bring to your successful career!


I found you when looking for a way to stay organized in college! Being the same age, your candid discussion of your life happenings was reassuring (especially when faced with difficult decisions like job dissatisfaction or breakups). Keep up the great work!


I found your blog back in early 2013 as I was preparing to head off to college and was looking for “preppy college inspiration”. I continued to read throughout my college career, finding fashion inspiration and daily advice in the posts. I can’t believe I’ve been reading for five years now and that you’re celebrating your 10 year blogging anniversary. Congratulations and I can’t wait to keep following you as you continue on your journey!

Megan Thompson

Congratulations on 10 years! I hope you keep it up for 100 more. Each day I look forward to reading your posts, whether it’s a book recommendation or inspiration for what to wear with my striped JCrew t-shirt, a visit to your blog always leaves me happy. Best wishes.

Kylie G.

I found you based on your organization tips when you were in college (they were SO HELPFUL) and have been an avid reader ever since. Congratulations!

Lauren Kirkpatrick

Congrats! Thank you for introducing me to some wonderful brands and great books 🙂

Pamela N

Congrats on 10 years! Having grown up in the NY tri-state area and then being a college student in DC, I’ve loved seeing some of my favorite places over the past 5 years I’ve followed – along with your great styling and relatability!

Erika W.

I found your blog in 2010 and have been following your journey ever since. Congrats on 10 years!


Congrats Carly! I’ve been following you for forever. I used to love seeing your college OOTD posts on your Tumblr! I always drew inspiration from it as I was developing my own style as I finished high school!


What an amazing 10 years! I remember finding your blog during my freshman year of college in 2010. What perfect timing, because we were at similar points in our life. I found so much of myself in your posts and that helped me get through a very difficult freshman year. I’ve continued to follow you ever since!

Meagan R.

Carly, ten years is INCREDIBLE! Congratulations on all you’ve done and created. I found your blog my freshman year of college (2012) and have been reading every day since. I was one of the lucky readers to get a Christmas card from you last year and loved it! I feel like you’re my friend. Thanks for all you do. You inspire me and I just want the very best for you. <3


Holy cow, 10 years?! Such an achievement. Random, but I learned about Bean Boots from your blog, and my warm and dry feet sincerely thank you for that 🙂

Connie D

Your ASOS scallop handbag post was a great recommendation! I still have this bag, and I remember it being the first time I bought something based on a blog recommendation!


Congrats Carly!! I have loved following along on your journey and can’t wait to see what is in store over the next 10 years!


Congrats on ten years! I found your blog a few months before you switched over to a WordPress site. Even in your old format, your content was consistently fresh and appealing. Thanks for doing this giveaway…I hope I win 🙂


Congratulations to you on 10 years! Like so many others, I have grown up with you and your blog, experiencing highs and lows – which I so appreciate you sharing – and trying to find happiness and balance along the way. Thank you for your candor. TCP (can’t refer to your blog mentally any other way) has always been a source of joy for me. I look forward to continuing to grow together!

Kathy Hong

So incredibly amazing to see how much this blog and your presence and personality has developed these past 10 years! Congrats so much, I still remember accidentally coming across your blog through a post on Tumblr back in high school. It’s still something I come back to week after week. I feel like I’ve been there with you as you’ve grown and developed yourself and your blog these years. And that you’ve been there with me through my same journey.
Thank you so much for being you and for doing what you do. I can’t wait to continue to stay connected to you throughout our lives. 🙂

Catherine L

Congratulations on 10 years! I’ve been a daily reader for nearly 7 years and even now as a soon to be college graduate, I don’t feel like I’ve properly started my day until I’ve read your newest post. I’m so thankful I found your blog – you’ve been such an inspiration to me. Thank you for everything and I can’t wait to see what’s next!

Nadia Guerrero

Wow, 10 years! I first red your blog when I was a junior in highschool. Back then, your blog was pink and green, you never wore heels, and Meesh was better known as Soccer Mom! You we’re figuring yourself out and taking us along for the journey. I am so happy to have witnessed your growth over the last 9 years. It wasn’t since the very beginning, but it was pretty darn close! It’s so fun to think that I found your site through a friend via email, instead of a hashtag on Instagram! How things have changed. Cheers to 10 years, Carly!

Sarah B

I first heard about the blog my sophomore year of college when my grand big told me you had a mutual friend. Then you came and visited Miami OH and I was hooked!

Janet griffin

I’ve been following along for about 5 years and can’t wait to follow along for however long you choose to continue! I bumped into you on a backroad in Nantucket and was so excited about it! Congrats on 10 years.


Carly! Reading this blog with my coffee each morning has meant so much to me throughout high school and now college. It’s a lovely way to start my day and it has been so inspiring watching you grow! Congratulations on 10 years!!!

Caroline Binder

Congratulations on 10 years of blogging! You and I have a ton of similarities, and I would love to meet you for coffee sometime–I live in NYC. My favorite content has been how you have described how you were a late bloomer. Among the many things we have in common (being preppy, similar names, and, from what I gather, similar personalities), I can really identify with that. XO

Erin Lucy

Wow congratulations Carly! This is such an incredible milestone. I so enjoy reading about your story and just reading your daily posts. Thanks for being such an amazing blogger. I love how true you are to yourself and your brand, it is very inspiring.


Melissa Andrews

Found you through Pinterest. One of my favorite posts was how you do your hair! Your blow out post changed my routine.


Carly! I’ve been reading your blog for years now and am so inspired by your journey through blogging. Keep up the amazing content!

Megan V.

Congratulations! The post that resonated with me the most for some reason was the organization one where you kept batteries in a macaron box. Genius!

Claire Rose

I’m so glad you decided to start blogging- you’ve become one of my fave blogs! I’m currently in my senior year of college (one more semester!) and even though statistically I won’t win the giveaway, that white Gal Meets Glam dress is so so perfect for a graduation dress! You’re so generous to do this during your own celebration!

Madeline Ringer

I started reading as I was about to leave for college and it really helped with the transition and all of the struggles I was having. I’m also from Alaska and I loved reading everything you had to say about your trip there!

Carol Ezovski

I just found your blog, but have found so many interesting and fun things here! My daughter will be starting college soon and I have told her about your blog. I think it would really be a lot of help to her as she is quite apprehensive about it! Congratulations on 10 years. That’s great!


Hi Carly, I have a HS daughter and originally started reading your blog to understand what more recent college life was like and hopefully to get some nuggets of info to help her with stress/anxiety. I stayed around b/c I like your classic, unpretentious style. Congrats on your 10 yr blogging anniversary!

Rachel Geisel

Hi Carly,
I’ve been reading your blog almost from the very beginning. I am now in college and I’ve loved reading your words daily and watching you grow and change as an individual. Ten years has really flown by and while this blog has expanded and re-branded, the message and content has stayed to true to the original College Prepster. I have found so many similarities between our likes, dislikes, interests and difficulties. Your posts about anxiety are always helpful and provide such clarity for me. Congratulations on ten years, may the next ten be just as rewarding!


Hi Carly!

CONGRATULATIONS on the huge milestone!!! I’m not sure how I found your blog but once I found it I was hooked! My favorite post was when you talked about failing you final exam because I have a chronic illness and grades were/are so important to me but your motto of The grade doesn’t define me has stuck with me ever since getting a D in Anatomy in college! I’m so thankful I found your blog because 1- I feel we could be best friends lol! 2- we have the same style and I LOVE how you stick with it and don’t jump into crazy trends, 3- I love that you are you! You never change you have remained (it seems) since starting the blog the same.

I remember I met you during a meet and greet st Tuckernuck in Boston, MA and we laughed about our dogs and my brother Teddy was there so we had a good laugh. You were just so sweet and down to earth and to me you are this major blogger who I love to see! It was so cool to see that you are obviously just like us all and so very “normal!”

I always wish you the best because I love in your one post where you talk about dream jobs and your dream job is to be a mom…that’s my ultimate goal/dream in life too. Oh and I love how much you loved your American Girl Doll because I loved mine and they still sit on my bed because I don’t want to put them in our attic! I can’t wait one day to give them to my daughters to play with:)

Sophie Grace Nash

Congratulations Carly!!! I have most definitely grown with you. I found your blog through Pinterest (I think through the outfit you recreated recently; brown boots, skinny jeans, red longchamp, barber jacket) and have been following from before you quit your job! I have loved continuing to be engaged with all of your outputs! Congrats again Carly!!


I discovered you in high school, now I’m almost graduating college, when I was trying to find my own sense of style. I remember watching a lot of YouTubers at the time, one day googling reviews for Jacks and stumbling to your blog. Your blog was written by a “young voice” so it felt refreshingly different and I was hooked. To this day, this blog is the only one that I read and I read it daily. I especially LOVE your “On My Radar”, Carly playlists, and the YouTube videos you started doing. Your voice always seems like an older sister I’ve never had. Can’t wait to see the things you do in the years to come!

Maggie Lyons

I’ve always loved your posts about what books you’re reading! Such great recommendations.

Alex George

Carly, I feel as if I have grown up with you! I found your blog when I was a freshman in college. You were the VERY FIRST blogger I followed.. I believe the Kate Spade Instagram posted something with you in it, and that’s how I came across you. At the time, I didn’t really understand blogging as a business. As I started following more bloggers, I realized that some bloggers just post to make money. I have never ever felt that about your content. I know that if you are posting about something, you believe in it. You are the only blogger that I follow on social media, that I constantly check the blog. It’s been so fun getting to know you through your blog, and I look forward to many more years of blogging. You should be proud of the content and community that you have created. THANK YOU!

Lily Wang

Been following the blog for years–I live in New York and love seeing the NYC themed posts. Went to see the Rockettes this year and loved it 🙂


Congrats on 10 years! I have been an avid reader since you were a student at Georgetown. I used to love your watercolored outfit of the days. What I like the most about your blog is how it has evolved and changed over the years. My favorite posts that you have done would have to be about your trip to Ireland. I used them to help plan my trip and they were so helpful!!

Gina S

I found your blog through a friend who recommended I read your posts, my favorite post was your post about breakups and how to handle them, and a special memory was going to DC and visiting some of the places you have talked about in previous blog posts

Amanda U.

I don’t remember how I discovered your blog but I’ve loved following along for the last several years!

Leslie U

Congratulations Carly!! I’ve loved following your blog for years. I’m so happy that you still love it too and I can’t wait to see what the future brings you 🙂


Carly! This is so exciting! My big from my sorority got me hooked on your blog and it’s been something we’ve chatted about for years now. Congrats!

Amanda G

Congratulations on 10 years! I found your blog while I was in college 7 years ago and have enjoyed following along ever since!

Chelsea Eversmann

Congratulations on a decade of success! Thank you for sharing parts of your life to strengthen and support other females out there — leading your life with passion, humility, and a wonderful sense of self and style. I found your blog through Gabbi 🙂 and have been following ever since! I hate that you’ve dealt with some extreme points of stress and negativity, but love hearing how you rise above it and continue to inspire. Mazels on ten years, and here’s to another ten!

Chelsea B.

Congratulations! A long-distance friend and I often chat about your blog and it’s such an easy way to check in with her and stay connected. Thanks!

Laura G

Congratulations on 10 years! I found your blog when I was a junior in high school and now I’m a junior in college. I was searching for some preppy outfit inspiration but realized your blog is so much more. Thank you for sharing your voice!


Omg I can’t believe it’s been 10yrs already. I’ve been following you for 7yrs (since my senior year of college). Congratulations on this wonderful achievement!! Wishing you a very happy new year <3



I think I found this blog through posts of your’s being reblogged on tumblr and I’m really glad I did. You’re such a genuinely warm person and through years of following your blog I feel like I know you. Congratulations!

Michele Wang

Happy 10-year blog-iversary Carly!! Started reading your blog freshman year of high school and have been following ever since. Thanks so much for the style inspiration, but more importantly for being so down-to-earth and honest when it comes to personal things – it really shows how real you are 🙂 Cheers and keep it up – I can’t wait to keep following you on this amazing journey!

Alexa H

Carly! Happy 10 year anniversary! I have been following you since 2009 the year before I was going to be a senior in high school and I remember how nervous I was going into senior year. I loved your style and I looked forward to all your “On My Radar” posts even now! Your Headspace post inspired me to try headspace and your an inspiration to all. Congratulations again and I hope for a NYC meet and greet soon!

Caroline Wensinger

I first began reading your blog when I was a new transfer student at a Virginia college. Now I’m 30, married, two kids under 2, and I’ve since relocated to Florida. Through the years, your blog has always been the one that I would make part of my daily read. Thank you for sharing your life. You’ve connected with so many in such a unique way!


Carly! Congratulations on such an amazing achievement and milestone! I have been reading your blog for many years and it has been so fun to read your content and follow you along on your journey. I know we have never met, but your posts feel like an older big sister is talking to me and giving me tips, style advice and everything in between! You certainly helped me through college(I started reading your blog my freshman year of college!) and into my young adult life. I hope your blog continues to bring you joy, a creative outlet and wonderful opportunities for many years to come! Cheers to you and celebrating 10 wonderful years!

Oona Moorhead

Hi Carly,

Similar to when you started this blog, I found you at the lowest point in my mental health and academic life, I started reading your blog posts, and your book suggestion quickly became some of my favorite. The Boys on the Boat is still one of my favorite books to this day! Your blog has helped me more than you will ever know and your ability to let multiple sides of your life and personality show online is unique and unusual in today’s perfectionistic culture. I have so much I wish I could say and hope you do a meet up soon in the tri-state! Thanks for all your hard work and dedication these past ten years and I can’t wait for what’s to come!!!


Congratulations! Ten years is an amazing milestone. It’s been wonderful to read along this last decade. Here’s to another decade!

Molly Zilch

As a college student, your blog has impacted me so much. From style to my every day life, I have always looked to you for inspiration. I am a college athlete just like you were, and for me I am in the pool two times a day. So, I don’t always have time to dress up for class or go out to a nice dinner. But when I do get those chances, I look to your blog and Instagram for inspiration. Your looks are timeless and I have never regretted a purchase you have recommended. Thank you for being you and sharing your class with all of us the past 10 years <3


Congrats on 10 years Carly! I’ve been following you for over 7 years now through college and now as a young professional.

Melody Miller

I’ve been a follower of your blog since circa 2010! It’s been so much fun being part of your journey! Thank you for setting the bar high for all of us!


10 years is so amazing!!! I found you right as you were graduating from college and have been an avid reader ever since – thanks for sharing so much with us over the years!


Wow! I feel like I’ve been reading this blog forever–and I guess that’s right. I’m around the same age as you, so it’s been great following the change from college->city/adult living>moving in with a partner.

Angela Morabito

I found your blog as a fellow Georgetown student! Though your life is much different from mine now, we have a ton in common – I’m also from the South, also a proud graduate of a competitive public high school, also love to travel. It’s been great to see how your path has unfolded – congratulations on a DECADE of blogging!

Shamel Guzman

Carly! I’ve been reading the blog since I was a freshman in college – almost 7 years ago. It feels like I’ve grown up with you. I started reading when I was 18 and sit here writing this at almost 25. Always so relatable – I cant wait to see what another 10 years looks like!

Caroline B

This is INCREDIBLE Carly!!!! Such an exciting milestone! I started reading just after your big move to New York City and have been following along ever since! I was actually inspired to start my own blog, Virginia is for Lilly Lovers, which sadly no longer exists. But it’s been great to watch you grow and live vicariously through you on so many adventures! Cheers to many more years of success!!

Mary Marsh

I found you through a random google search for DC blogs while living there. I found your site, immediately resonated with it, and have been a subscriber since!


Congrats Carly! I have loved your blog for many years, I appreciate how candid you are and I love your sense of style. I love your travel posts (and seeing what you pack!). And I always roll my sleeves based on your guide ☺️ Congrats again and I can’t wait to see where your blog goes in the future. ❤️

Christine W

You were the first blog I followed back in 2009 when I was a Junior in high school, and I have been an avid follower since then! I love your style and continuous authenticity, even as the “blog world” has industrialized and become more “perfect.” Thank you for all of your wonderful posts! I look forward to continuing to follow along!


You answered one of my questions on tumblr about 6 years ago and were SO encouraging. I’ve followed your blog/YouTube videos/instagram since then for inspiration. Your blog is also something that my mom and I bond over quite a bit as we both love reading your posts and seeing your photos and style 🙂 Congratulations on 10 years!


I’ve been reading for maybe 4-5 years now, I think I first found your blog via a post about boots? Haha, sounds about right. Congrats on 10 years!

Caitlyn S.

this is def by far one of my fave posts! I found you about 5 years ago when I wanted to start a beauty and/or fashion blog but just didn’t know where to start or what to do or if people would even like me lol. I actually ended up finding you after I got bored of my own blog research one night, and searched ‘fashion blog giveaways’ and there you were ! Met a lot of nice and cool bloggers thru there. I never succeeded but I am about to try again. I like people that keep it real and don’t seem fake…

Bella Ech

Hi Carly – Congrats on 10 years!! I think I first found your blog through either your post on the J. Crew sleeve trick or how to tie bean boots. Thank you so much for sharing your life, style, wisdom, and so much more on this blog.

E.M. Welsh

Congrats!! I love all your lifestyle posts and how you keep things honest/real. Also so inspired by you and Julia’s friendship. Talk about two of the kindest people!

Megan A

Carly, congratulations on reaching 10 years! That’s absolutely amazing! I found your blog 4 years ago now sitting in my own door room trying to navigate college. Since then, you are the only blog I follow religiously. I love how relatable you are! Can’t wait to continue to follow you for years to come !

Mary W

I am impressed with everyone’s comments and how much they love your blog. I just found you today through the Fashion Bloggers site. I have a lot to catch up on and much to look forward to as I follow you in the next 10 years!

Haley G

Hi Carly,

First off, a huge Congratulations on 10 years! That is such an achievement, and you have truly come so far. I’m so glad that you found your creative outlet and were able to turn it into a fruitful and fulfilling career. That is something I still struggle with but your creativity and willingness to try new things have pushed me out of my comfort zone and I’m hoping to find a new hobby for myself in 2019.

I graduated college in June 2018, and I’m definitely still adjusting to the new schedule of 8-5 work, with evenings all to myself (so weird not having homework or sports practice- I was a D1 athlete with a very heavy courseload) Add in the fact that my boyfriend is still in school and all of my friends and I completely scattered ourselves at jobs across the country. Safe to say that on some days I just go the littlest bit stir crazy 🙂

Your blog has been such a place of relief and comfort for me over the years, and I’m not lying when I say I read it everyday. I actually think I found your blog when I was in the oh-so-fun world of unpaid internships and literally (not exaggerating) was left with a computer and nothing to do. That being said, now you are my number one spot to come to and read about all things fashion, lifestyle, beauty, and wellbeing. I especially love your “On My Radar” posts, and it’s inspired me to do a weekly round-up of my favorites for myself 🙂
Anyways, keep up all your hard work- you inspire more people than you know! (and screw the haters! lol) So excited to keep reading your blog for the next 10 years! 🙂

Elizabeth Malone

What a journey it’s been to watch you over the last 10 years. Thanks for being an inspiration.

Susan P.

I’ve been following you on Instagram and recently started reading your blog. Congrats on 10 years!


Amazing! I’ve been following since 2011 and actually found you through ProperKidProblems! Since then you’ve been an old friend, following me now through high school and college. Thank you!

Jillian Kasman

Wow! This is amazing! I am heading into my freshman year of college and I can only hope to encounter such a passion. I stumbled across your blog/Instagram about two years ago during a time when I was seriously struggling with self-confidence. Whenever I have needed help with outfit inspiration, or, more recently, help with calming my nerves around college, you have been there for me. You have been something of a big sister and that is something I am so grateful for. I truly do not know where my life would be if I had not had your blog to help guide me. Thank you so much Carly and congratulations!

Caroline Dodd

Carly!! I am delighted by your achievement of 10 years of blogging! Your blog has been the principle guiding force in the definition of my personal style, from early middle school through senior year of college. I look to you and your blog whenever I need inspiration, recommendation, or reassurance about a style choice. Additionally, I cannot thank you enough for your honesty and transparency about your health. I bought into the Ivy League – fueled obsession with constant fatigue as a measure of success, and I am the first to admit that constant illness is NOT the definition of success. Your experiences inspired me to prioritize my health, and I am so grateful. Keep doing you, Carly! I’ll be reading. <3

Jessica | The Magical Wife

I have definitely mentioned this on here before, but I first found your blog many years ago when I was searching Google for good bags for college students. I found one of your posts about longchamp bags and have been using longchamp products (and reading your blog!) ever since. My favorite current post series of yours are the weekly ‘On My Radar’ posts because you hit multiple topics in one post; viral videos from the week, great new products you have found, personal stories, etc. “Historically” some of my favorite posts/videos are your apartment tours, whats in your bag posts, and your makeup routines. Some of my best memories as a reader were when you retweet/tweeted me. It sounds so silly, but I really do cherish that you took the time to interact with a reader like me! Congratulations on ten years! You should be extremely proud of your work. As you mentioned, there are many negatives of the blogging industry, yet here you are ringing in another successful year. I am so happy for you! Thank you so much for sharing your life with us readers Carly. Good luck in 2019, I can’t wait to read all about it!

Julianne H

Carly I’ve been reading your blog since the beginning of my freshman year of college! I was also going through a rough patch while adjusting to college but your blog brought me so much joy and got me more into preppy fashion. Thank you for being such a bright light in my life!

Maddison Whitmore

I discovered your blog when searching for study tips nearly 4 years ago, and have been reading your blog since then. It has been so fun to follow along as you navigate life- thank you for sharing!


I’ve been following since I was a sophomore in high school! Your intense studying tips post helped me become a better student and manage my time. As a college student, I’m still inspired by your style and your ability “to keep it real”, I really appreciate you showing the glamour AND the hard work that comes with your job.

Ashley Marth

I found your blog going into college in 2010 and have followed ever since! It’s been such a pleasure to “grow” with you. Fun fact- I once won a custom needlepoint belt from you and had it made for my then boyfriend, now husband!

Anna K

Congrats Carly! What a milestone. And thank you for being open and sharing struggles- it’s something we all need to do more.


Congrats! I found your blog through Georgetown but kept reading because your content has stayed so fresh and relevant over the past decade!


Wow!! This whole post blows my mind. I remember almost all of those milestones! I’ve been reading for about 8 years I think? I found your blog because I was absolutely desperate to figure out how to get myself organized before my new semester in college. I stumbled upon the “Organize Please” posts and I was obsessed! I kept thinking “this girl gets me”.
Thank you for all that you’ve done for us and for not being afraid to share the tough stuff too. You’re impacting so many more lives than you realize!
I’m excited to see what the future brings.

Bridget Bohman

Carly! Congrats on the anniversary! I’ve been a reader for 6+ years (having staying up until midnight many times to read your posts as they come out ☺️)… you definitely have a lot of class and integrity, something that I feel is often missing from newer “influencers” and something that makes you stand above the rest! Keep up the good work! 😘

Elisse Park

I think I started reading your blog because I also went to Georgetown (graduated a few years after you) and loved following along your post-college adventures in NYC as well. It’s so crazy because I remember your early days of blogging your outfits standing in front of your mirror and you were still working your 9-5 job as well. Congrats!


Congratulations Carly! I remember finding your blog in 2012 through a google search for “J crew review.” I can’t remember now but I must have been looking for a specific item and a review for how it fit. I loved what I read and have been following ever since. As a side note I’ve always related to your thick wavy/curly dark hair and fair skin dilemmas! 🙂 The blog post I remember most is the one with Kate Spade for your college graduation. It stands out to me because I graduated a year later and remember thinking in 1 year that will be me. Wishing you all the best in your blogging future!

Jennifer Ding

A million congratulations Carly! What a milestone. Thank you for your honesty, thoughtfulness, and optimism which have left a sparkle on many a day…

Ashley Pugh

Congratulations on 10 years! I’ve been reading your blog for the last several years, and it’s easily one of my favorites. Thank you for sharing on so many topics over the years!


Congratulations Carly! I have enjoyed reading your blog and looking forward to the next 10 years!


Hi! I found your blog my freshman year of college when I was trying to find a good tote bag. I stumbled on your blog via google and ended up reading a bunch of your posts. That was 6 years ago and I still look forward to reading your posts every day. I love the variety of your posts and how much thought and personality goes into every single one!

Megan Kilzy

Congratulations on 10 years! I admittedly fell into your blog when looking for preppy fashion inspiration and been an avid follower since. I love how you make any of your struggles and thoughts so relatable in addition to great styling tips. You inspire me to continue to challenge myself!

Paige Conrad

I found your blog a few years ago, and have been reading everyday since! You are such a source of inspiration to me, and I’m so grateful to you for doing what you do 🙂 One of my favorite parts of your blog is being a part of the Facebook group! I’ve gotten SUCH good recommendations, and I love the sense of community.

Erin H.

Congratulations! I have followed your blog for at least 5 years and still look forward to reading new posts, thank you for always being “real” with your readers!


Congratulations! I have been reading for years now and I especially love reading all of your travel recaps and your skincare tips!

Jan M.

I am so proud of your accomplishments! Even though I am your mother’s age, I find your post inspirational and informative. You are a blessing to me! Best wishes in the New Year!!

Erin Inhof

Congrats on such a major milestone! I don’t know if I have a favorite blog post, but I keep coming back because I appreciate how you are still true to yourself and haven’t succumbed to the insta-filtered life!


I found your blog through the intense study tips post as a high schooler who had decided to take courses at a local college instead of doing APs. It helped a lot, but was also a nice way to see what was going on in someone else’s life. In college, if I was up at midnight I usually checked for the new post. My favorite part about your blog was that it was real, you would talk about hardships or accomplishments and it helped take the pressure off. I’m really glad you kept blogging and I hope when you’re ready to stop you live well 🙂



I stumbled upon College Prepster about six years ago when I was going through my own rough patch and have been following along ever since. We are the same age and I enjoy watching how you approach similar milestones to my own. You even inspired me to join a crew team after college! Congrats on 10 years!

P.S. I played Catan for the first time on Christmas – OBSESSED!


I remember meeting you in line at the True Prep book signing in Georgetown years ago. My friend and I wondered where you had gotten that very cute and very preppy camera strap 🙂

Avenlea Bixby

Carly! Happy 10 years!! I like your personal life posts – like how you got over your breakup, when you visit family in Florida, etc.

All the best,

Michelle Mullins

Wow! It’s so inspiring to read how far you’ve come in ten years!!

I started following you sometime in 2015 when one of my friends introduced me to the blogging world. You are one of my all time favorite bloggers and it’s hard to chose just one post I like the best! I love your style, your more personal/”on my radar” posts, and your travel posts (especially when you visited Paris! My dream!). If I had to chose though, I love your “How I Organize Everything” post — it’s incredible! I can definitely implement some of your systems just for my personal life. It also show just a glimpse at how much work goes into this blog that I’m sure many people don’t realize.

Again, congrats on 10 years! Keep up the amazing work, I can’t wait to see what else you have in store 🙂


I remember starting to read TCP back in 2012-2013ish, my early college years, when I was trying to figure out my style and what to do with my not-so-small chest. I’ve discovered some great gifts and goodies, loved following along with what you’re up to, and created some great outfits along the way, much thanks to you! Congrats on 10 years!!


Congratulations on 10 years! It’s been wonderful to follow along on your journey and see how your style has evolved throughout the years. I love reading your thoughtfully-written posts and being inspired by your style! Can’t wait to see what you’ve got coming for us in the future! 🙂

Laura A

I remember finding your blog when I was in college (you and I are the same age) and about to transfer colleges.

Caroline White

It’s funny because in a way I’ve grown with this blog. I actually started reading in middle school when I came across your blog one day, and here I am today, a freshman in college home for winter break. I have seasons of doubt, which are matched with seasons of excitement that ebb and flow to get me to where I am today, yet the things you share through your blog equip me with tools of fact and inspiration to keep me going and look with hope to the future. Here’s to 10 years of The College Prepster turned Carly the Prepster, and 10 more for the young girls who have stumbled upon your insight so that they may be filled with dreams covered in bows tied tightly enough to conquer the world!


Long time follower, since college- I’m the exact same age as you (like 2 months apart) so I always have enjoyed your style and how it has evolved!

Cat B

I’ve read your blog for a long time! You were one of the first bloggers that I read every day. On My Radars are still something I look forward to each week!

Jennifer Record

I found you through Classy Girls Wear Pearls and esp. enjoy your weekly “On My Radar” recaps- you share a wide variety of content that I enjoy. Cheers on 10 years!

Melissa Miller

Congratulations on 10 years of doing something you love! I adore your Instagram feed and just started teading your blog and I love it. I also have the visual time thing, and had never had anyone explain what it was until I read your post on it! I also assumed everyone thought of time this way, but definitely not! Xo


Carly, I love starting my day reading your blog! It has been an honour to follow you the last 6 years 🙂

Bethany R.

I have loved reading this blog over the years and have really enjoyed following all the ups and downs in your life. From NY to CT to NJ, from one dog to two, and everything inbetween, it’s always interesting. Here’s to 10 more!


Congratulations on 10 years!! I have been following since your Georgetown days and am so happy that you decided to continue your blog. Thank you for being so authentic and honest!

Emily Browning

Congratulations on 10 years!! I honestly can’t remember where or how I found your blog (oops) but I have been following it for years now and check it nearly daily!! My boyfriend and I are considering moving to the NYC/NJ area in the next year or so and I’ve been using some of your posts as a guide! Thank you for always being so open with your readers 🙂

Lauren Amiano

I remember finding you when I was just starting college! Now as a grad student and registered nurse, I still read every post. I truly love what you share with us, your time is valuable and we so appreciate it 🙂 So excited to continue following your journey!

Caitlin Manson

Been following along since the very early years! (It hasn’t felt like 10 years!) All the best in 2019. 🎉

Ellen Villafuerte

Hi Carly! Congrats on TEN YEARS! I still have a pink TCP sticker on my nalgene bottle! You have helped me so many times find outfits and given me inspiration to find my own style! You rock!

Tara Williams

I have been following for around 7 years now. I have loved following along as you hit life milestones and have updated and changed your brand. I am excited to see what the next 10 years bring!

Irina S

What an amazing giveaway! I started reading your blog back in 2013, so incredible to see how far you’ve come.

Jeanne Vand

I started following you on instagram and on your blog when I started university four years ago! Your style really inspired me, and to this day, you are still my favorite fashion/lifestyle blogger. Your content only gets better every year, and it’s always exciting to see your posts! Congrats Carly for the 10 years, what an accomplishment!!

Ashley U

Carly, Congrats on 10 years!!! I’ve been following for around 5 years and love the depth of your posts! I love learning new things and love how you share so much with your readers rather than just posting fluff and only outfits. I especially love your organization posts, dealing with anxiety, favorite gifts, books you’ve read, and of course your day to day life through insta stories!

Sophia Nordt

Congrats on 10 years! I found this blog right before I went to college 5 years ago and I think I obsessively read every post you had written. Your experience as a coxswain actually encouraged me to try out for my school’s crew team which was a blast! I always look forward to seeing your posts!


Congratulations on ten years! I’ve been following since my freshman year of college four years ago and you definitely helped this California girl figure out East Coast style – I wasn’t used to sweaters and coats! Thanks for everything!

Meg Suzanne Greer

Congrats Carly! I’ve been following your journey for the past 8 years and I’m so thankful I found your blog. I can always relate to what you are going through and it has been most encouraging. As a writer, I have been challenged to continue to write and explore the world. I feel as though we are the oldest and dearest of friends who doesn’t even know my name. Enjoy your 10th anniversary and may 2019 be the best year ever. – Meg Suzanne Greer


Hi Carly!
This is the first time I am commenting on your blog, but I am a long-time reader (since the early beginnings), and I am so impressed with how you have become one of the most “senior” bloggers out here in the digital sphere of the internet.
I came across your blog while I was an undergraduate student (2011-2015) living in NYC, and really looked up to how you valued placing your passions first, and always taking the opportunity to challenge yourself and grow.
I was really excited when you were beginning to find your pathway to a yoga practice (I think it was in 2015). You were so open with sharing your feelings about practicing, and how were making sure to practice self-care by getting on your mat and practicing. As a long-time yoga practitioner and now a yoga teacher myself, I was so glad that you were able to create a practice that works for you (and have continued to demonstrate the need for the balance between work and your personal life for healthful living). Thank you for being so open over the years with your self-care development that has since included meditation, pursuit of fitness, and spending time with the people who matter most to you!

(**Fun fact: I went to your meet-and-greet at Pure Yoga East way back when, and it was so wonderful to meet with you!**)

Wishing you well,


Congrats on your amazing achievement, Carly! I have been reading for about five years now, and found your blog through that popular intense study tips post 🙂 I have so loved your candour, consistency and great content these past few years! xx

Christina Rzepka

Congratulations Carly!! I appreciate your work and am so proud of you. You continue to inspire us by proving your work ethic while always staying true to yourself. Cheers!

Amanda A

Congrats on your accomplishment! I appreciate the positivity – and great style – you add to the world every day. Hoping for another 10 years of doing what you love for you!


Congratulations! You have the best style and sweetest personality. I love all of your posts with casual, wearable styles and found my favorite Patagonia fleece jacket because of you! 🙂

Hannah S.

Thank you for all that you do, Carly! I’ve been reading your blog since my freshman year of high school and I’ve loved following along with you over the years. My friends and I are all readers and we talk about you like you’ve been part of the gang for years.


What an amazing giveaway! I found you through your post on how to roll your sleeves like J.Crew and have followed ever since. Congratulations on 10 years and here’s to many more! I don’t comment frequently, but I love reading your blog daily. 🙂


Congratulations, Carly!! Yours was one of the first blogs I began following as the whole blogger/social media influencer thing took off years ago. Ever since, I have been an avid daily reader. As a fellow Floridian (Clearwater!), you feel so genuine and relatable in your posts and it’s been so exciting to follow along with how you’ve grown as an individual and with your brand over the years! I adore your style and thoroughly trust your opinion about products/brands. Thank you for sharing your gift of writing with the world. Cheers to ten years, and hopefully many more!!

Emily Serio

Carly, ten years of blogging is truly an incredible accomplishment! I remember finding your blog through a google search about “J.Crew style” back in 2011. I then became hooked and through following you, I found several others to follow. You paved the way for my interest in following blogs and I’m so grateful you did. Thank you for all the years of outfit inspo and overall lifestyle advice and insight. Keep doing what you do, your readers truly love it!

Havens Clark

I first found the College Prep when I was starting high school in 2012 and wanted to find a style of my own (other than the Aeropostale or Abercrombie popular at the time). I fell in love with Carly’s style and quickly became an avid reader. Since then, I’ve become a daily reader!! And I even got to meet Carly when she had a meet-up in Georgetown (where I go to school) my freshman year of college! Thank you, Carly, for being such an inspiration and role model these past years 🙂

Katelyn C

Congrats on 10 years!! I have been reading for years now and always appreciate your ability to stay relevant across a wide range of age groups, I started reading in college but now as a young working professional I find so many of your tips and tricks extremely beneficial!! Keep up the great work!!

Alexandra Kaval

I can’t remember how I found you haha but probably because it was almost TEN years ago now! So loved growing up together & appreciate your voice & realness. Cheers to your next ten years from a fellow Florida-raised (I’m from Naples!) gal!

Elle Schlicker

Your blog has become a daily go-to for me, a place I can go to for outfit ideas (I dm’d you a pic of an outfit based on your post and you responded!), fitness inspiration (you got me to try BBG which lead to me trying OrangeTheory), trip suggestions (I check your Alaska post constantly as I am planning that trip next), and honest posts. You are one of the few bloggers that seems to show the world the good and bad and that honesty and raw emotion helped me through the toughest times because everyone has those lows, but we can overcome them and we are not alone! Cheers to accomplishing 10 years and the new year ahead!

Victoria Gilsdorf

Carly – Congrats on your 10 year anniversary! I stumbled across your blog (back when it was the College Prepster) one day on Pinterest while trying to find a way to organize my hectic college schedule. I have been an avid reader ever since! Your collaborations with Maxie have been a HUGE help as I have transitioned into adulthood (getting my first big job, getting married, and finding myself along the way). Thank you for making me feel not so alone in this mid-twenty something phase of life. Best wishes as you continue on with your blogging journey!


Katie Dove

Reading this it is still shocking to see that you’ve made it 10 years! I remember when I first started reading in 2011, while struggling myself with college and finding myself through the transfer process. Here’s to many more milestones in your blogging career!

Micki Fahner

I have been a daily reader for years! I so appreciate your openness and candor. You are a great writer, and your posts are always thoughtful and engaging. Thanks for bringing us on this journey with you!

Angela Zhou

Been a follower for years – looking forward to attending an in-person meet up in 2019!

Lauren A

Congratulations on your success Carly! My favorite post wasn’t really a blog post but was actually your daily vlogs!

Rebecca S

So happy for your 10 year accomplishment! Been following for a while and look forward to On My Radar every week 🙂

Yoyo Jiang

Congrats on 10 years! I’ve been following you since my sister went to Georgetown over 6 years ago since she mentioned you went to Georgetown and she even met you at a Georgetown event! Thank you for keeping things real and providing a genuine voice in the blogosphere. Like many others have said, I read your blog above others for your relatable content and thoughtful posts. The cute clothes don’t hurt either! All the best in the new year. PS I watch your YouTube channel too!


Congrats, Carly. I always like your makeup posts because I’m also quite fair and it’s hard to find makeup that suits me and doesn’t make me look overly made-up.

Nicole B

Wow – checking your blog has become such a part of my daily routine I almost didn’t realize how long it’s been since I started reading (6+ years)!

Caroline C

I found your blog in 2011, when I was a junior in college and struggling through the Spring semester. It really helped bring me joy that year, and I’ve been following ever since. I can also relate to your blog (and your life) as we’re the same age and have faced some of life’s same ups and downs. I look forward to checking your posts and truly celebrate that you have found success and happiness. Thanks for being an inspiration to young women and congratulations on this milestone, looking forward to another 10!


What an incredible accomplishment, Carly! I’ve been following your blog since my freshman year of high school, and I’ve since graduated college and recently moved to Florida for my first “big girl” job! There aren’t very many bloggers that I follow, but I always come back to yours. I live for your weekly “On My Radar” posts – they are the best! Cheers to 10 years and many more to come!

Christy Peeples DuBois

You have so many posts that I’ve loved over the years but I always look forward to books that you have read and what you think about them. And I also enjoy special techniques that you have mastered so to speak, like rolling your sleeves. I honestly do not remember how I found your blog, I wish I did. I’ve been following for a number of years, at least 4 or 5 and entered every giveaway you use to have weekly I believe it was and never won one. So this is my time to win!!!!!!!!!!! Ha ha

Christina Greer

Congrats on your 10 years! I am new to your site (within the past 2 months) but still follow and love all your instagram pics! I loved the Christmas gift ideas you posted about. Helped me with a few purchases for friends this season. I am also JCrew obsessed so keep the post coming!


Congrats Carly!!!!! I’m so happy for you! Your blog as been such an inspiration! I can’t wait to see what you do in the next ten years!

Jenny Burrell

Congrats on 10 successful years! I always love your On My Radar posts because there is nice variety and I find articles/videos that I might not otherwise see. All the best for your future blogging!


Congratulations on 10 years, Carly!! That is such a milestone and I’m so happy for you! I’ve been reading your blog for YEARS and still love reading it! You are genuine and authentic and it really shows. I love reading your life advice, your fashion tips, and your tips for anxiety. I found your blog probably 6ish years ago because a friend recommended it and haven’t looked back! Here’s to 10 more years of success 🙂

Lily H.

Carly, congratulations on this incredible milestone! I remember discovering your blog in high school when I was searching for organization tips. Now I’m so glad to be a full-time reader of your blog. Thank you for all that you do, and best wishes on whatever is to come! 💕


I am a new reader – just this year! So thank you for making it to ten years. I really enjoy the variety of content and getting a reminder of what life was like before I had a kid….


I’ve been following your blog for nearly six years now and have loved watching you grow! I love tuning in for your book recommendations—I found Celeste Ng thanks to you. Congrats on 10 years!

Mallory N.

You were one of the first bloggers I ever “discovered” – I’ve absolutely loved following your journey over the years! I always look forward to reading anything of yours – from the “on my radar” posts, to book updates, and all the life updates in between. Congratulations on your 10 year anniversary!

McKenzie Robey

Congrats on such a big milestone, Carly! I honestly don’t remember how I first found your blog, but I’ve been following you for quite some time now and really love what you post and look forward to reading your content. This is rather random, but my favorite posts of yours are about sun protection! I have a similar complexion to yours with dark hair and the palest skin, so I appreciate that other girls are out there rocking the UPF shirts and allll the sunscreen haha. Congrats again!

Amy C.

Congratulations on 10 wonderful years! I remember coming across your Instagram as the college prepster and it has been awesome to see you grow and come into your own as your style and expertise at what you do has evolved. Cheers and best wishes in 2019! ❤️🎉🥂

Cindy A.

Wow! Congratulations on 10 years! I am always in awe of people who can stick with blogging. I tried several years ago but was terrible at it. Ha! Thank you so much for sharing your world and for offering such an amazing giveaway.

Taylor O

Congratulations on 10 years! I’ve never commented before, but I’ve been reading your blog since we were both still in college. It’s been fun following your blog post-graduation and navigating my 20s right alongside you.


10 years is such a HUGE accomplishment, so first of all-congratulations! I distinctly remember the days of blackberry messenger, before everyone had an iPhone. I’m a teacher and my students are always amazed when I tell them that Instagram didn’t exist when I was in high school! I remember finding your blog through our mutual love of Lilly Pulitzer and never, ever looking back because I love your cheeky-ness, your brilliance, and your truth worthiness. You’re an incredible blogger & I absolutely adore your content…here’s to 10 more years and beyond!

Amanda R

Carly, thank you for letting us follow along with you these past 10 years. Your writing is genuine, authentic and a differentiated voice amongst the blogosphere. I have been following along since 2011, and every time I read a post I feel like I am checking in with one of my best friends. Congrats on such an accomplishment, and cheers to many more adventures!

Biby Chacon

Wow! I’m so proud of your 10-year achievement! I’ve been following your blog for 7 years now. I found your blog through Pinterest I’m pretty sure I was looking for sorority rain boots and saw one of your Zoubaby posts.
I have a couple of favorite posts because there are so many posts that have helped me through out these years. I really appreciated your How to Make Friends as an Adult – Real Life “Success” Stories post. I moved back home from FL and so many of my friends were no longer in the area so your post helped me make new ones and encouraged me to reconnect with a very specials friend, my childhood best friend whom I had not talked to in over 6 years. Another great one has been your travel posts. Not going to lie everything I travel somewhere new I check to see if you’ve gone and write down your recommendations. I’ve done this for New York and did it last year for Alaska. Again, congratulations on your 10-year achievement and keep up the AMAZING work! I can’t wait to see what 2019 brings you. Happy New Year!!



Congratulations on reaching the ten year mark. I’ve stumbled across your blog various times throughout the past seven years probably, but three years ago I became a pretty religious reader and follower. After entering college your work ethic and reflections have provided me with a source of inspiration that I continuously draw upon. One of the main posts I remember reading and finding so helpful was how to roll up shirt sleeves. It’s a skill I learned from you and have impressed many people with.


Congratulations! I found you while searching through the JCrew sleeve trick! However, I have yet to master it. To many more!

Gabby B.

Congrats Carly on 10 years of blogging! Discovering your blog many years ago was one of the greeatest things I could have done! You have inspired me in so many ways from fashion to blogging. Happy New Year!


Carly, I have been following your blog for years now, and it is incredible to read about your growth and see what changes you have made. Your blog is inspiring and your posts are so thoughtful and well-written. When I read your blog posts it feels like you are writing directly to me and it must be hard to express all your thoughts to the world, but you do it so well. I’m so happy for all your successes and I hope to find this happiness in my future career!

Lindsey Kowalczyk

I found your blog in the eighth grade, while trying to figure out my style and who I wanted the develop myself to become; I turned to a variety of bloggers. Now as a second semester senior in high school, I still avidly read your posts and look forward to continuing to grow based off of them. Your class and style is admirable. Congrats on 10 years!


Congrats on the 10 year! Your blog is my favorite part of my morning coffee ritual. 🙂


Congrats on 10 years, Carly! Your blog is my favorite part of my morning coffee ritual 🙂

Ashley N

Congratulations! Having read your blog since college (we graduated the same year), I am very proud of what you have accomplished and the positivity (but also realness) that you bring to your blog. Cheers to 10 more years!


Began reading a year ago— love the blog your fashion inspo. Congrats on ten years!


i’ve been a pretty silent reader for the past year or so, but you’ve inspired me to put my full effort into achieving my goals. as a high school sophomore, life feels incredibly confusing and messy most days, so it’s really nice to see a successful adult who’s honest about the struggles. congrats on 10 years!!

Allison Smith

Congratulations, Carly. This is so amazing. You are the person who inspired me to create my blog and even though it isn’t my full time job yet, I hope to one day make it that way. You are so inspiring to me and I’ve looked up to you forever. Thank you for being my fashion icon for so long. I believe I first found you while searching for outfit inspiration on Pinterest. You are such a wonderful, sweet person and I can’t wait to see what 2019 has in store for you.

Alexandra B.

I’m so happy that you reached this milestone! As a long-time reader, I feel like I’ve grown with you through huge life moments. Always keep being you, no matter what others say. You have a great voice with important things to say and we’re all glad you share it with us everyday. Cheers!

Anna H

Congrats, Carly! It’s been so great following your lead the past 10 years. You have set a wonderful example of a graceful, intelligent, hard-working woman. You have certainly shaped me and I am so glad to share in this milestone with you.

P.S.- Hoya Saxa!

Katie D.

Hi Carly! Happy 10 year blog-iversary!! My sister told me about your blog a few years ago and I instantly became obsessed with you and your content. I LOVE your “On My Radar” posts especially! Thank you for being so amazing and for bringing joy into so many peoples lives. You are fabulous! XO -Katie-

Katie D.

Hi Carly! Congratulations on your 10 year blog-iversary! I found out about your awesome blog thanks to my sister about four years ago, and ever since, we have been obsessed! Thank you for creating great content. I especially love your “On My Radar” posts! Love you and your fabulous blog (and YouTube channel too!) XO -Katie-


I’ve love seeing how you have supported Julia and worked to promote her new line!!

Hannah Anderson

I found your blog back in high school. It gave me a sense of comfort and someone to look up to as I was making my way through high school. When I visited NYC at 17 I had hopes of running into you but went to a ton of your recommendations. Now at 21 I still read your blog every day, watch your YT videos and follow you on all social media. Keep doing what you’re doing! Love you Carly!

Katie Hurley

I cannot tell you how much your blog has meant to me over the last few years. I come to you for advice about dogs, travels, clothes, mental health and goal setting! Thank you for it all!

Sarah Forrer

Love that you and Kelly Larkin are friends — my two favorite bloggers 😍

Courtney Toller

Congrats on 10 years! I discovered you when I saw a GMG post with you. Love you both!

Kaylyn Betancourt

CONGRATULATIONS! Your story goes to show that anything is possible. There is so much to be said that you felt like you were “called” to write your blog! Those instincts often lead us to our greatest successes! Love reading and happy 2019!

Louise Brownell

Congratulations on 10 years of blogging!! What an accomplishment! I particularly loved one of your most recent posts with Daphné Moreau featuring Gal Meets Glam dresses. I hadn’t heard of Julia Engel before, and am so pleasantly surprised. I also wanted to say thank you for all of your book recommendations – so greatly appreciated! Congrats again, and I can’t wait to see where you go in the future!


Congratulations on 10 years! You are always a go to for the real life posts, style and gift giving. I love following along on your journey!


Reading since 2012, the year I graduated college and starting working. I’m one of the readers hitting milestones around the same time with similar struggles and joys. Thank you!

Lauren B

It’s always a pleasure reading your blog every day, Carly! It’s a part of my morning ritual! Can’t wait for what’s in store

Crystal Konz

Congrats on 10 years!!! I found your blog in 2010 when I was in college and desperately trying to become who I had always wanted to be. Back then, I didn’t know anyone that was necessarily “preppy” but I knew I loved the style. So I looked to the internet, trying to find anything I could to help me cultivate who I was. Your blog was one of the very first I found and it quickly became my ritual to read it every day. It is the ONLY blog/website/anything that I have continued to read religiously for these last 8 years and I think that speaks volumes to your success. Thank you for being you and thank you for connecting with us. Thank you for helping me to cultivate who I always knew I was.

Caitlin B.

Congrats! You’re honestly one of my top 3 favorite blogs to follow! …and I’d have to say this is my favorite blog post – that giveaway is bonkers! 🙂

Megan L.

Thanks for sharing, Carly! Love following you – your blogging is smart, interesting, and intentional. Happy for you on your 10th anniversary!

Keri Chaves

While I don’t know you personally, I feel like I’ve known you for awhile by following along with your blog. Through the years, I have so appreciated your honestly and realness…thank you for that! I can’t wait to see what the future holds for you!

Claire Caudill

I found your blog during my freshman year of college in 2012 and it has been so fun to “grow up” with you and your blog, always being able to look to you a few years ahead and not feel alone through life’s scary changes. Coincidentally, the first post that brought me here was the sleeve rolling post and when I used the technique and posted a photo on instagram, it was the most comments I’ve ever gotten!

Avalee DeLay

I’ve always loved the “What’s on my Radar” posts and seeing how you keep everything organized! Congratulations on the 10th year of blogging, so exciting!

Jennifer D

I realized as I read this post, I’ve been reading your blog for 7 years! I can’t believe it’s been that long, but I have loved reading it every day!

Nicole P

Congrats on your 10 year blogiversary! That is amazing! I’m not sure exactly how many of those years I’ve been reading but it has been quite a few. Thanks so much for all of the great content over the years. Can’t wait to see what comes next!


Congratulations on 10 years of blogging! I have been following along for years and always look forward to seeing your posts filled with amazing style and real life goings on, often accompanied with good lessons and help for others going through the same things. I can’t wait to see what’s to come!

Alison Matusofsky

I’ve been reading your blog for years! Even though I wouldn’t consider myself “preppy,” I’ve definitely looked to your blog for inspiration when shopping for work clothes or special occasion dresses. Here’s to 10 more years!

Nicole Karl

I’ve loved following along for 6 years – your posts about self-improvement and reflections on trends always draw me in. The cute outfits & fun travel pics are also quite enjoyable!

Joanna B

Congrats, Carly! Love your insightful, no-nonsense thoughts on life. Also, thanks to you, Oxford Exchange has become one of my favorite spots in Tampa. I visit at Christmas with my husband and in-laws for afternoon tea!

Joanna B

Congrats, Carly! I love your insightful, no-nonsense thoughts on life. I’ve been a faithful reader for years, and I love your style!

Elizabeth C

Wow Carly! What an accomplishment!! I have been reading your blog for a little over 2 years now – but gosh I wish I had found it when I was in college. Grateful for your honesty, your content, your voice and how you approach the influencer industry. Wishing you all the best in this upcoming year 🙂

Kate B

Way to go, Carly! Thanks for being open about your anxiety . I appreciate knowing I’m not alone!


Your breakup post was what started my reading (as I’m sure it was for a few other people!) and have continued reading every post since! I of course also went back and searched around your old posts too. Thanks for sharing!

Doris Baxley

I started reading your blog when I was in undergrad and now I’m finishing law school – you are so inspirational! You are reliable and a fashion and life icon!

Anna Kay Cope

Congratulations, Carly!! This is a monumental achievement and I hope you were able to do something remarkably fun to celebrate! I’m not sure how I first came across your blog (Pinterest, probably) a couple of years ago, but I immediately went back to post 1 and read all the way through. I wish I’d been following back in 2008 – we went through similar life experiences at the same time and it would have been such a comfort! Not that I don’t benefit enormously now. You’ve had a huge impact on my style AND have been the catalyst to critical thinking about my life. Thank you!!

Shannon H

so exciting you’ve been doing this for 10 years, i think i have been following you for the past 5 or 6! thank you pinterest!

Katie England

Carly, what a milestone! I have been following along since 2014, and it has been an absolute pleasure to check in with you every morning as I start my day. Cheers!

Amy Yarrington

Congratulations on all your accomplishments over the years and for sharing them with us. You are truly inspirational!


Congratulations on 10 years, girl! I found your blog while interning at an international beauty company. Working in market research as a newly minted college grad, I was told to find bloggers who captured the essence of our company (This really helped those much older than us understand what we like and what we’re up to 🙂 ) The minute I found your blog I was like, “Yep. This is it. Driven, inspirational, and beautiful inside and out. This is who we market to.” I then went down the rabbit hole and read through all your posts, and felt so so connected since we are the same age. The post you put up about your trip to Alaska definitely was a highlight for me (so much so that I convinced my husband to have our Honeymoon there this past May …and got a Patagonia nano puff out of it!) I can’t wait to see what you do in the next 10 years!


What an amazing giveaway!! I am so grateful for the fun, kind, and inspirational posts you make each week. I wish I could remember how I found College Prepster/when I started reading, but I believe it had something to do with how many mutual friends we have! Too many good posts to pick from, but your posts about who you are and what seems to be on your mind at the moment are typically my favorite as they are most relatable! Allison


Congratulations on 10 years of blogging! I don’t remember exactly when I started to read but it was years ago! One special memory I have is that I actually won your BaubleBar giftcard giveaway way back in 2015/2016, I used the giftcard to buy each my bridesmaids a gold initial necklace that I wouldn’t have been able to afford if it hadn’t been for the gift card! It brings me so much joy to see them wear the necklace to this day and I always think of you/your blog and how thankful I was/am!

Sarah Murray

I started reading your blog sometime around 2009/2010. I love how you have grown over time but I also really love that you are one of the few bloggers that has really stayed true to yourself even through tremendous growth. Congrats on 10 years!!

Stephanie Dunn

Carly, I have been following you for almost 8 years now and I love your blog! I look forward to reading everyday! I can’t wait to see where the next ten years take you!


I love this post! I’ve been following along for years – I think the How to Roll Your Sleeves like J Crew led me here and I’ve been reading ever since. 🙂


Congratulations Carly!! It’s been so fun to follow along your life journey over the years!! Ten years is an amazing accomplishment!!

Alli Treman

Congrats on ten years of blogging! I think I found your blog on a list of style blogs. I followed right away because I have a rather preppy style myself and want just about everything you feature. Here’s to 10 more years!

Bridget Sciscento

Congratulations on 10 years! I’ve been reading since my freshman year of high school and am now in my first year of law school (so about 8 years). I remember the first day I found your blog I went back and read every post, and I haven’t missed one since!

Elsa Block

I’ve been following this blog since 2012 and love following the journey! Thanks for all the great ideas, recipes, thoughts and style 🙂

Natalie Sajovec

I started reading during my first internship in 2013 – I’ve been a daily reader ever since! I remember the first post I ever read was when you quit your job – so crazy! So glad to grow with you and this community in this space. Your blog is my all-time favorite, and I so appreciate that you continue to share with us, even after 10 whole years. You are so genuine and all of your content resonates with me, from shopping the sales to opening up on personal issues. Thank you for everything!

Kassie Harris

10 years is such an incredible accomplishment. You’ve done so much and achieved so many wonderful things during that time. Congratulations!


I have followed along since year 1, and I have always counted on being able to read your blog, as though you are an old friend at this point. I’m in awe of your accomplishments, and congratulations on your milestone!

Christina Castiglione

I can’t even remember how I came across your blog, but I’ve been reading every day since my freshmen year of college (8 years)! My favorite post was your itinerary when you went to Bermuda bc I took some of your recommendations when I visited this part August!


While I only started following a year or so ago, you have quickly become a favorite of mine! As a current college student, I find myself looking back at your archived posts for inspiration as often as I read your newer posts. I love how honest and authentic you and your blog are – it really sets you apart from the other bloggers and influencers out there. Congratulations on 10 years! I look forward to seeing even more from you in coming years!


Happy 10-year anniversary! What a crazy accomplishment. Glad you decided to stick around 🙂


I love your blog and your style soooo much!! You are such an inspiration for people to follow their dreams! I love what you do. Thank you!

Angie McGovern

I found you when I started reading blogs to pass the time while my husband was in law school (2009-ish). I have enjoyed reading everything over the past decade(!!), but your recent trip to Paris inspired me to plan my own. Thank you for writing and here’s to the next ten years! Cheers!

Ashley Seng

I found your blog through your instagram but have loved reading the actual site ever since!


Carly, I discovered your blog when I started graduate school to pursue a PhD in Chemical Engineering back in 2011. I wasn’t even reading any blogs then but one of my best friends in grad school introduced me to the world of blogs and soon I discovered The College Prepster… I has been fun to watch you grow into a professional and a grown woman while I was becoming one myself. I like your blog’s content and how there is much more substance than shiny Instagram posts. Keep up the great work! Looking forward to 10 more years!


Congratulations on 10 years Carly! I have been reading since the middle of my high school senior year (2011). I believe I read your intense study tips first! So excited to see what the next 10 years have in store for you!


Congratulations on 10 years! I started reading in 2011 during the end of my senior year of high school. One of the first posts I read was the Intense Study Tips! They saved me in college! Excited for what the next 10 years hold for you!

Alex H

Your accomplishment is amazing! I’ve lost track of how long I’ve been reading your block, but I love it…and I also love the black bow J. Crew bow coat you recently featured and now wear regularly!

Luci W

I have loved following you over the past few years! I am a senior in college and I started following your blog around the time I was a freshman in college. The thing I have taken away from your content is how to dress classic. I have found so much inspiration from how you dress! Thank you!!


I have been so lucky and comforted to follow your blogging journey since I was a freshman in high school, probably craving lime green shorts from J. Crew and big baubly watches. From my home in South Carolina to college in Virginia and now living in New England, you’ve been an anchor and a big sister figure who showed me how to remain honest and happy in whatever place I lived. As an oldest sister myself, I was so relieved to see a Type-A role model not only showing how style and hard work could be a way of life, but breaking down the barriers of the kind of anxiety and fear of the gym that have always scared me. Thank you for being a presence in my life and inspiring me to enjoy more and set more goals to be myself in the future. Happy New Years, and happy 10 years, to you!

Sarah Brau

I’m so happy for you and for how successful you have been with blogging for ten years! you were one of the first bloggers I read when I first started reading blogs around 3 years ago. I love your “on my radar” posts because it has so many light hearted videos and interesting reads! I wish you so much luck in 2019!


Congrats on 10 years! I don’t think I have been with you the full 10, but pretty close! I value your opinions on products, gifts and travel, so thank you for being honest and genuine through the years. Cheers to another 10 more!

Night Cheese

I started following you when I was in high school for outfit inspiration! I bought many of my J Crew skirts after seeing you post about them. My sister will look at my outfit and say “that’s a Carly outfit” 🙂


Congrats on ten years! I started reading your blog in 2013 and I loved learning that one of your dream jobs would be to work for American Girl, as I understand the feeling!


Congrats on 10 years! I’ve been reading your blog since about 2013 and have really enjoyed watching how it’s grown over the years. I especially liked learning that one of your dream jobs is working for American Girl, as I understand the feeling exactly!

Elizabeth Trombetta

I love any post with Teddy and Hamilton! Congratulations on 10 years!


Hi Carly! I discovered your blog back in 2014, when I was interning in New York City during college. You actually inspired me to start a short-lived blog of my own ( to document my adventures! Four and a half years later, I live in NYC full time, but I still visit your blog every day for style inspiration, gift ideas, advice, etc. Thank you for the consistently great content, honesty, and openness!


Congratulations on 10 years! Your blog was one of the first I ever read back around 2009-10 and I’ve enjoyed following along ever since. I really appreciate how authentic and “real” you’ve always been. Thanks for all the great content!

Amy Grilliot

Carly I am way past the prepster age but I look forward to your thoughtful, well written posts! Congrats on 10 years!


Congrats, Carly on hitting 10 years! I’ve followed you for about seven years now and have loved watching you grow and flourish in different life stages. You have consistently maintained an extremely high work ethic, compassion and engagement with your readers, and commitment to your core values. Your blog feels different than some other ones I read because you are always true to yourself–I always know that you’ve put a tremendous amount of thought into every post and every sponsored partnership. Thank you for always being there for us!


Hi Carly! Thank you so much for the opportunity to enter into your giveaway. Your blog has been such an inspiration as I have been reading for about 4 years now. I am now a senior in college and nervous/very excited for post-grad life.


What an amazing give away! I started following your blog in early 2011 during my senior year of college after falling on the ice, breaking my ankle, and being laid up in bed for a few months. I remember going back and reading your blog from the beginning, even though you had already been posting for a few years! I feel like we have grown up together as I believe I’m just one year older than you. I love this blog and read it daily. Keep up the great work!


Congrats! I just celebrated 10 years at my company, too. It’s gone by quickly. Congrats, again!

Madison Glashower

I love following your blog! Your posts are so real and relatable. You actually inspired me to start a blog of my own because I too was looking for a creative outlet. Thank you for consistently producing wonderful content that makes me smile every time I read it! Happy 10 years! Here’s to 10 more!

Ashley Worthington

I’m so glad you asked this question because it’s made me think about where/who I was when I first started reading TCP! I was struggling a lot with my first semester at college in 2010 (I, too, moved away from home for the first time, and was overwhelmed by trying to find a balance between difficult classes and my rowing schedule). I found you through tumblr (LOL, #rip) and have been an avid reader ever since. There was a period where I did fall off the wagon a bit, but came back when I went through a similar breakup around the same time. It’s been so nice to have this as a place to return when I need a distraction from my hectic life. Congratulations and thank you!

Angie Clark

Wow! Such an awesome ride you have been on with the start of your blog, which I love by the way!!!! I stumbled across your blog through Gal meets Glam and I’m so happy I did, because you quickly became one of my favorites! I love, love, love your travel series and still go back to your Alaska one today. I love to go back and look at the beautiful scenery.

Natalie W.

I’ve been reading your blog for at least 8 or 9 years. It has been so cool getting to watch you flourish into the woman you are today. Congratulations on 10 years!

Samantha Mitchell

I found your blog after pinning your study tips from Pinterest. That was about 8 years ago (?)…I have been following along ever since 🙂

Sara RK.

Congratulations Carly on your blogging milestone. That is quite a feat in today’s culture! I found your web-site when I started researching preppy fashion & lifestyles. Your blog continues to resonate with me on many levels. For starters, your fashion choices are an inspiration – classic yet trendy, modest but not stuffy. Your openness with your struggles with anxiety are refreshing to read. Finally, I appreciate that you like what YOU like and don’t let people tell you otherwise or try to change you. Society pressures women to have certain interests or behave a certain way depending on their age, etc., and the fact that you hold true to yourself and what you enjoy makes me feel even more confident to pursue the things that I enjoy. Thanks for keeping it real with us, and here’s to a great 2019 and beyond!

Marissa K.

I found your blog when I was working at my first legal job before law school. It was in the dead of winter and the end of the work day. So, it was already dark outside! I remember finding your blog and actually leaving late because I got sucked right in.


Congratulations! It’s amazing how you’ve evolved over the past 10 years and how you’ve adapted your brand. With the internet and social media changing so much, longevity really is something to be proud of!

Lauren Thompson

Carly! I love love love your blog. I first found your blog a couple years ago when I was really struggling. It was encouraging that a person like you would openly talk about their anxiety. I have anxiety also and that is the main reason how I came across your blog. I don’t think I have an all-time favorite post but I love when you give suggestions about clothes, and just give updates on your life. Congrats on the big 10 years!!!


So proud to have been a reader since I was in high school back in 2010! You have long been an amazing inspiration to many and I cannot wait to see where life takes you.

Kendall L

Carly, I have dearly loved reading your blog and have looked up to you for a number of years. You are such a genuine and kind role model. You have so much to be proud of as you celebrate this anniversary.

Marissa Tech

Congratulations, Carly!! What a milestone. I can’t even remember how I found your site, but I also can’t remember a time when I wasn’t reading it. It’s so fun to follow along and I look forward to many more years!!

Mary Beth D

Congratulations on ten years! I have been a loyal reader for nearly five years now and I always love your travel posts.


A few days late (took a social media break over the holidays) but congratulations! Such fun to follow along with your journey over the past 7 years. I first found your blog through the “Organize, Please” series, and you were the first blogger I started to follow on any social media. Looking forward to seeing what you do next!

Elisabeth Good

Congrats on 10 years! I’ve been following for about a year and it’s really inspiring to hear backstory on when you first started blogging. I love that sometimes the best things come from the hardest times in our life.


I don’t even know how I discovered your blog–I feel as though it’s always been on my radar! But I didn’t realize how long it’s been. You’ve been blogging for your job for that long??? The time has passed quickly! After all these years I still love reading your posts and find myself here frequently. Congrats on 10 years!!


I can’t even remember how I found your blog but I’ve been a consistent reader for about two years now! To be completely honest, your blog is the only blog I read everyday. I can’t even tell you what it is that I like so much, so just keep doing you! 🙂

Gabby Azcarate

Congrats on 10 years! I have been following you for the last two years and I have loved seeing the progression of your content. Keep it up!

Lauren L.

I have no idea how I first heard about your blog but I keep coming back for the refreshingly honest post and lovely content. Congrats!

Rose Jackson-Speiser

Carly, this is such a wonderful post! I was thinking back to where I was when I found your blog. I found it the first time in college. I was looking for style tips and stumbled across you! It was like I was reading about a friend. I felt understood when reading about your first job post college and all of the questions that come with being on your own, truly, for the first time. And years later, I still feel the same sense of comraderie. Thanks for continuing to share, Carly! I look forward to seeing what the next 10 years bring!

Sara M

Congratulations, Carly! I’ve been a follower for 8+ years (since my high school days where my family’s one computer was a laptop in the basement…how times have changed!) Your candidness really sets you apart!


Hi Carly!

I was really late to the blogging trend and never really found one I liked. In ~2013 I searched “college, blog” and found yours and thought your posts were easy to read, relevant, and you had the BEST recommendations. My favorite aspects of your blog: Meesh, cute dogs, and random yet great recommendations (snacks, organizing tips, movies, etc). The only other blogger I’ve ever followed was Julia, which I started following completely separately from yours on Instagram. When I realized you two were actually friends I knew I had great taste in blogs 🙂

Happy 10 year anniversary!


Congratulations, it’s been ten years! I started following your blog since high school and can’t believe time has flied past this fast… Thank you for sharing moments of your life with us – it’s been a pleasure learning about your style, travel, and journey through different stages. My favorite post definitely goes to “Recreating an Oldie”, where you styled a fair-isle sweater with Barbour jacket (and later recreated the outfit). I was drawn to the very classic look and began to follow your blog years ago haha.

Lauren B.

My friend suggested your blog and I thought I would like it and ever since I first checked it out a few years ago, I have been checking it daily and it has become such a part of my morning routine! Congratulations on 10 years!


SO happy for your ten year anniversary!! You’ve always been one of my favorite bloggers in every way!

Caroline Culver

What an exciting time! I am only a recent follower, within the last 6 months. You have quickly become one of my favorite “daily reads”. I love your style and your approachability. I can’t tell you how many of your outfits I have pinned so that I can try to recreate them from things in my own closet. I am so glad I found your blog through a post on Design Darling. It has done me good. Happy Anniversary!

Ryan Patecell

Oh gosh, I can’t even tell you how many years I’ve been following your journey! I live in the DC area and it’s been so fun to watch your style evolve, your life changes (Teddy and Ham, quitting your job, moving from NYC, etc. etc.) You’re so relatable and real. I’ll continue to be a fan and a follower. Happy 10 years!

Deanna Martino

I found your blog when I was still in college right around the time when you were graduating. I loved learning about what post-grad life was like living and working in the city, and I still love seeing your posts now!

Michaela Chipman

Congratulations Carly! I started reading in high school at the recommendation of my brother’s girlfriend and we still keep up with you nearly a decade later, with her now as my sister in law!

Michelle D

Congratulations on 10 years of blogging! A friend recommended your blog to me during my freshman year of college. Since, then your posts have gotten me through my undergrad, my first “adult job,” nursing school, and the end of a log-term relationship. I really can’t thank you enough for being a source of inspiration and positivity. I can’t wait to see what you do next!

Brooke Atkinson

I found The College Prepster nearly 7 years ago and all throughout high school I would reference the blog daily for outfit inspiration! Years later and I’m still hooked! A great memory from a couple months ago: I was debating whether or not I wanted fake eyelashes, and Carly posted all about lashes. Things like this kept happening for a week straight, it was like Carly was reading my mind and posting about it! I loved hearing her insights and I felt like I got a lot of answers I was looking for! I love this blog!!

Paula Atkeson

Congratulations on your 10 year anniversary! I originally found your blog a few years ago after searching for “preppy bloggers”. Yours is one of the only ones I have kept up with. I love your style and how genuine you are. You have built a really impressive brand! Looking forward to seeing what you do next.

Phoebe L

I’ve been following since my freshmen year of high school! Six years later, Carly is still an incredible inspiration as I navigate college life (although you might not be called The College Prepster anymore!) and dream about my post grad life! Thanks for everything, Carly.

Steph G

Congratulations! A decade of blogging that is seriously impressive! I tried blogging a few times and always failed to keep at it.

I can’t even remember how I found you, I have been following you for so long. I feel like we have grown up together in a funny way. I have always loved your style – the more preppy bows the better! I am also a Navy/Gingham girl.

I think my favourite posts are the ones with you and Julia, you guys are my two favourite bloggers, so it is fun to see you guys together!

Keep doing what you are doing! Happy New year! xo

Abby J.

Congrats Carly on 10 years! That is such a huge accomplishment and I am so proud of you! I have been following you since middle school (8 years!!) and my favorite posts have been the “Organize Please” series and “5 Ways to….” series. I also love your Youtube channel!

Gillian O'C

Carly, I have been following your blog since 2014 or so. I really appreciate how you gracefully combine your Florida roots with a Northern style. I moved from Connecticut to Florida a few years ago and have been attempting to do the same- especially with my style choices. Thank you for being a consistent lifestyle and style inspiration!! Congratulations on ten years!

Sarah K

Congrats on 10 years! I found your blog back when I was in college (when Tumblr was big) , and have not stopped reading since. Thank you for always being honest, relevant and a friend! It’s been delightful, cheers to many more years to come.

Rebecca Daves

Hi Carly!! I have followed your blog since maybe 2010? I remember in high school you were my favorite blog to read and my sister and I would always talk about what you were blogging about that day! I’m so proud of you and all of your accomplishments! 10 years is so incredible in the blogging world and you have stayed true to you the whole time! Congrats!


I have followed your blog for years! It’s my favorite and your so inspiring! Congratulations on 10 years it’s no small feat! Here’s to many more!!

Natalie Horvath

I can’t believe its been ten years of blogging! What an incredible achievement! I remember reading your posts in high school and now I’m a year into my first job out of college! Congrats to you Carly! (P.S. I love your book posts, I can’t wait to see what you read this year!)


I think I got hooked on this blog after I realized you had done crew when you were younger too. The On My Radar posts are my favorites. Congrats on the 10-year anniversary!

Bob Sosa

Wow Carly, I just started reading your website today because my girlfriend wanted me to enter this contest for her, and it seems that many girls are as obsessed with you as she is. I’m kinda in the doghouse right now so it’d be really awesome if you chose me to win so if she ever gets mad at me again, I can pull the “I won the Carly the Prepster contest” card. Congrats on ten years and help a brotha out!

Dr. K

Congrats on 10 years, and thank you for sharing your reflection with us! I love reading your blog (and being able to search the archives for old entries!)


Congratulations on 10 years! I have been following for the past 3 and I have loved watching your blog grow. You are so inspiring and I always look forward to reading your posts.


Carly, I am so proud of this accomplishment! I have been reading your blog since I was in high school (now I’ve graduated from college, working in the real world) and your blog is such a happy space. I turn to you for classic style advice, your On My Radar posts, and have come here searching for relationship and studying posts. I love following along ever day and you were the first blog I ever followed. It’s been such a pleasure to follow along with the vacations (especially Paris *heart eyes emoji*) and big milestones you’ve hit thus far! I know that your recommendations are trustworthy, tried, and true and I appreciate you sharing bits of your life.

Helen H

Congrats Carly! Been reading through undergrad and grad school. Always finding your blog very relatable!


Congrats on 10 years! Looking forward to following many more stylish finds and suggestions 🙂

Monica Radtke

Oh goodness. I loved going back and reading your first posts and seeing how your blog had grown over the years. (Though, that was much easier when you were only 3 years in.) I love how open you are with your anxiety and your spotify playlists are on point. And, your Friday faves always have the best links. Recipes, sweet videos, and recommendations galore!

Happy 10 years!!


I’ve been reading your blog for the past few years and absolutely love it. So glad you decided to stick with blogging and social media, even though I’m sure it can be frustrating at times.

Bonny McDevitt

Oh my word what an amazing giveaway! I would be insanely excited to win this! Thanks so much for the chance & I love keeping up with your blog! Congrats on 10 years keep going gorgeous!


I loved your travel posts most, and remember early on reading your blog a post about a very rainy trip (to Maine?).

Colleen Boudreau

Congrats on ten years!!
I have no idea how I found your blog, but I’m glad I did! 🙂

Thank you!

Meredith Forcier

Congrats on 10 years! I have been reading your blog since my freshman year of high school and it is somewhere I look for inspiration on many things, from fashion to life advice. Perhaps my favorite thing about your blog is being able to share it with my mom and sister, it is something we bond over and send each other even while my sister and I are now away at college.

Meredith Forcier

I have been reading your blog since my freshman year of high school and have been an avid fan since! What I love most is sharing pieces of your blog with my mom and sister, especially now that my sister and I are both away at college, it’s something we all bond over together.

Nicole Ackerman

Conrgats on 10 years of blogging – truly an incredible achievement! Love your posts, thanks for everything 🙂 I’m not sure when I found your blog but SO glad I did!


Congrats on 10 years! I remember re-discovering your blog after I had moved to the Upper East Side just over 5 years ago! I came across one of your home tour posts and found inspiration for my own new home – my bff and I still love reading the blog, keep it up! xoxo

Anita Duvall

Congratulations to you for 10 great years. I have not followed that long, but quite a while. Good luck on your future!

Hannah Poindexter

Congrats on 10 years, Carly! I couldn’t start my morning without your posts 🙂

My best friend and I have been following since we were in college and 7 years later others have asked us about “our friend Carly” because we talk about you so regularly! I love your polished authenticity and how you truly feel like a friend after all these years. You introduced me to so many of my favorite things (shoutout to the Natori Feathers bra) and I check your Goodreads account regularly for my next good book. Can’t wait to see what comes next!


Congrats on 10 years!! Though I don’t usually comment, I’ve followed your blog since my sophomore year of high school in 2010 (shoutout to my fellow midnight readers!). I don’t have an older sister so watching you go through your life a few years ahead of me has been so helpful! Though I moved on from tumblr a while ago, I really appreciated how accessible you were and wanted to thank you for responding to my requests for various recommendations over the years! Here’s to 10 more years!!

Lisa Stover

I love all of your style content so much! I think my favorite was the 20 Fall Outfits post. First, it’s my favorite season, I know I’m evidently “Sooo basic” but since when is it a bad thing to like what you like. Sorry, got a little off track there 🙂 Second, I loved EVERY SINGLE OUTFIT! I’m so glad you started this blog as your outlet during a dark time in your life. Thank you!

Andrea Randolph

I love your blog and check it almost everyday! My favorite are the “on my radar.” Thank you for continuing it as you grown and for all the great style tips!

Jessica Levine

Congratulations on 10 years Carly! I could not have gone through college and grad school .without your blog! You have helped both with life and fashion choices. There have been a number of times over the years where I have gone to a store with the thought, I need to get this because Carly has it! One of the things I have loved reading over the years is your book recommendations. A lot of my friends don’t read as much as I do so it is nice to have somewhere to go when I need a good suggestion. Thank you so much for putting the time and effort that you do into this blog! I always look forward to reading! Can’t wait to see what you write about this year!

Jessica Levine

Congratulations on 10 years Carly! I have been reading since the beginning when I was in middle school and I am now finishing grad school in May! You have honestly helped me get through so much from your study tips, applying to college, and fashion advice. There have been many times over the years when I have ran to a store to get something because you did a post about it. One of my favorite things about your blog is your book recommendations. A lot of my friends don’t read as much as I do so it is nice to have somewhere to go for good books. Thank you for the time and effort you put into the blog. It really has been such a big part of my life. Can’t wait to see what you have in store for this year!

Kayla Soos

Hi Carly!! I can’t even remember when I first started following you, but I’m so happy I did! You are one of the few refreshing, relatable, and authentic bloggers/personalities I am aware of, and I love how open you are with your readers/followers. I was home at my parents’ house a couple weeks ago, and I stumbled upon the Christmas Card you sent out a year or two ago. I remember getting it in the mail and my mom was like “oh, is that from a friend?”I wasn’t completely lying when I said “yes” because I feel that I’ve really gotten to know you through reading and following you! Congrats on a decade!!

Allie Griesedieck

Wow Carly congrats!! That’s amazing, I can’t believe it’s been 10 years for you!! I’ve been following you for a while and even though my style has changed to a less preppy version, I still love your outfits. Also, I love watching your instastories because you have a fun personality and are so relatable! 🙂

Cynthia Richardson

Congratulations! So few bloggers hang in there for 10 years. I really admire your dedication and perseverance. Here’s to 10 more years!


I found your tumblr when I started my first year of college and I’ve been reading ever since. It’s great to see how you’ve grown and you always keep me updated on when the good sales are happening!

Lisette Rossman

Carly, this is so cool to see. I started following you back in my freshman year of college. I was so lost during that time and I remember this blog as being such a bright spot in my life. I felt like you were so much older and wiser, and after a while, I felt ready to tackle all of the exciting new things coming my way during that first year. I am so lucky to have grown up alongside you from college to now. Thank you for being a huge part of my transition into adulthood 🙂


I loved being able to meet you at your Chicago meetup with Vineyard Vines a couple of years ago. It was so cool to be able to talk in person after reading your blog for years!

Sam Yoon

It’s been amazing to see how far you’ve come. Thank you for your transparency and your realness – always so refreshing in today’s blogging society.

Julie Hwa

My daughter has been reading your blog for almost five years now and now I use your blog as an inspiration for what gifts to get her. Thank you for all your amazing work and happy 10th anniversary!

donna porter

Congratulations on 10 years. I wish you much continued success. Thanks for such an amazing giveaway!

donna porter

Congratulations on to years and I wish you much continued success. Thanks for such an amazing giveaway!

Jillian Too

I discovered your blog somewhere on social media when I was look for preppy outfit ideas. I love your travel outfit posts. My favorite is your Ireland trip post that recapped your outfits and travels.


I have followed Carly since the beginning of high school and I love how her classic style can last through so many years.

Ashton Daley

Congratulations! You were one of the first bloggers I started following. As much of a journey for you from college student to young professional, it has been a journey for us readers as well. You have been a constant source of style inspiration for me from law school to corporate life (for almost six years).

Ashton Daley

Congratulations! Thank you for all of the amazing content over the past ten years.

Casey Z

I found your blog (the first blog I had every found) about two years after you started it when I was going through a very difficult time in college. Going through the archives and following along with your posts gave me something to focus on that was outside of my college bubble. I turned to you for advice and recommendations starting when I was 19 and still do to this day (now 27). Years later when I read that you started your blog to get through a difficult time it made me feel like I was supposed to find your blog when I did. It really helped, in a way I still can’t totally explain. Now almost ten years later, I’m in a much better place, I don’t keep up with blogs much, my style has change immensely (I’m pretty covered in tattoos and don’t really wear button ups anymore), but I still check your blog regularly because I appreciate everything you do and how you’ve grown as a blogger. Congratulations on 10 years and I can’t wait to see what you accomplish in the future!


Congrats on 10 years! our blog is so nicely organized I love it. I have been a reader for about a year now.


Congratulations on the 10 year anniversary of the blog!! Much like how you started your blog because you needed an outlet, I came across your blog seven years ago during the winter break of my freshman year of college. My first semester was really tough and overwhelming and I turned to Pinterest as a way to escape, which is how I found your blog. I make sure to catch up on the blog every day and have recommended it to so many people. I was in awe of your move to NYC after college and it was also so inspiring to see you leave your job and follow your passion with the blog. I’ve wanted to live in NYC my whole life (like you, I’m also from a Southern state!) and it was such a great motivator while in college to see you kill it in the city, while also speaking candidly about the difficulties. I credit you and your blog with giving me the confidence to move to NYC when I graduated from college!

A particular post that stands out to me is the very first video tour of your NYC apartment (and the subsequent #projectapartment wallpaper endeavor!). I’ve always liked how your style is classic and preppy, but also affordable and realistic to the “every day” female. Seeing how you utilized every part of your NYC apartment and made it look so homey gave me the reassurance that I could also one day make a home in NYC. Also, I’ll be honest and say that it’s sometimes hard to relate to other bloggers because they post items that are way out of budget. I really appreciate how conscious you are of that and how you showcase things in all price points. You are the most relatable blogger I follow and I so appreciate of how I can incorporate your preppy and classic style into my budget.

PS- I remember seeing you post about Maison Kayser a bunch a few years ago and made sure to go every time I visited the city before officially moving here. I’ll never forget – I was on a date about a year ago and after dinner, we were looking for a place for dessert and we stumbled upon a Maison Kayser location! I told my date that my favorite blogger loves this place and that we had to go inside. It was one of the sweetest memories (pun intended :P) that I’ve made in the city, thanks to you!

Peggy Rydzewski

I also find it amazing how the interenet and blogging have changed in the 10 years.

Kimberly B.

I came across your blog from a link on another blogging site. just recently, I’m so glad I did and one of my favorite posts of yours is the “Holiday Weekend in NYC.

Elizabeth Ferre

I started reading your blog in high school when I was a coxswain too! I always loved your style and seriously checked the college preparer everyday!


Thank you so much for always being relatable and honest! Can’t wait to see where 2019 takes you!

Chelsea Souza

I’ve been following the blog since I was in high school I’m not even sure how I found it anymore, I’m 27 now! I’ve loved following along, since were roughly the same age, and going through similar milestones and heartbreaks knowing I’m not alone!

Katie Gregory

Such an incredible milestone!! I was in high school in DC as you were starting the CollegePrespter and it was something my friends and I followed religiously! It’s been such a pleasure to watch this space grow and expand over the last decade. Sincere congratulations for this milestone.


I’m so proud of you! Your work ethic continues to be an inspiration for me. Congrats!


My absolute favorite blog post is your winter essentials. I love all of the classic preppy staples!

Dani Elizabeth

Can’t believe it’s been (almost) 10 years that I’ve been following you! Congratulations!

Rachel M.

Congratulations on 10 years! I’ve followed you for almost all of it, and havrown with your blog! Can’t wait to see what the next decade brings!

Saga Lisslo

I found this blog with the original post of Teddy! I love mini poodles and thought he was so cute! I then started following on Instagram and religiously reading the blog!
Carly, you are my style inspiration and a terrific dog mom!

Katie McCabe

When I was first moving to Hoboken my friend told me I had to start following your blog. I’ve loved following you and can’t wait to continue doing so. Congratulations on 10 years! Thanks for being so relatable ❤️


You were the first blogger I followed and one of the only ones I haven’t unfollowed 🙂 Congrats on 10 years! We all love you!

Shelby Stanton

Congrats on 10 years Carly!!!!! When I found your blog I felt like I had found my style soul sister and was obsessed with your instagram. When I started getting more into reading your posts, I realized that you’re also my actual soul sister! I love everything you do and you’re such a great inspiration. You give off the most positive messages and you have taught me a lot about myself. Also, you’re so beyond incredibly nice that we are all so lucky to have you as a blogger. Here’s to you!! Xoxo shelby

Nicole G

I love keeping up with your style! Loved this blog throughout undergrad and even more know. The fondest memory I had was the reveal of your new rebranding! I remember being so excited to see which way you were going to be taking your blog!


Hi Carly! I found you via Julia Engels Instagram. I love your style and am also a J.Crew lover (for life!!). I also really enjoy your lifestyle posts- also a big fan of Ina Garten and do BBG. Keep doing you, lady!

Natalie Phillips

Have loved following along your journey these past couple of years! Love your blog!

Haley M.

Congratulations on ten years! It’s amazing to see your timeline, and know how many years you’ve worked to create this. Thank you!!!

Emily Anderson

I love everything about your blog! You’re so down to earth and real about things you’re going through and it’s so inspiring to see what you learn from your experiences.


I found your blog when I first started college, the titular “College Prepster” was exactly the motto I wanted to be. Ever since, I’ve loved your everything you’ve posted from style to travel and lifestyle and everything else! Now I’m entering my last semester of college and it feels crazy! Now you’re Carly the Prepster and I soon won’t be a college Prepster anymore either, but it will always be a part of us! Is that too cheesy? Haha anyways, love your blog and everything you do!

Michaela Reynolds


I started following your blog those 10 years ago. I was in high school then but it was so nice to look up to someone who was experiencing what I will in the following years. Now I have graduated and in my 3rd year in the corporate world and I still fall back to your website for tips! Thank you for being you!

Samantha Hynd

Carly, congrats on your 10 year anniversary! I found you through Tumblr and have loved seeing you evolve through your blog and Instagram. You’re so relatable which isn’t always the case with bloggers. Cheers!

Natalia Pelaez

I can not believe it’s been ten years. I started reading when we both freshman in DC (I was at GW) and it’s amazing how the blog has grown and turned into the amazing thing it is today. It’s been fantastic to follow your journey, style, and lifestyle over the years. Here’s to the next 10!

Tara Furman

Happy Anniversary!! 10 years is such a huge milestone. Love following you on Instagram.

Amelia Scott

I have been following you for what feels like forever and I love what you post! I met you a few years ago and you were so genuiliny interest in talking with me

Anna Grace

You’re blog is so genuine. I went through a phase where I cut back on social media but I always continued to keep up with your’s.


While I didn’t have difficulty adjusting to college, I did encounter problems as I transitioned to a strenuous graduate program. It was nice to read the thoughts of someone very much like myself and realize that I was not so “alone.” In the years since, I’ve loved seeing how your style has evolved from college to adulthood. Congrats!

Elizabeth Rice

I love your blog and your classic style! My stand out favorite blog posts is the boot guide you posted last year and this falls Paris outfits !

Hope Cuxeva

Carly, I found your blog through instagram about 4 years ago when I went through a preppy phase. You have been my favorite blogger (+ YouTuber) since. I used to read your posts everyday in English class instead of paying attention (oops) I honestly feel like we’re kind of friends since we have DM’d on instagram on a couple of occasions. Congrats on 10 years!

Rachel Henry

I’ve been following for quite a few years now and am so excited for all of the of the milestones you’ve achieved!

Sara Kopenec

Congratulations, Carly! I’ve been following you for quite some time and I appreciate how you’ve stayed consistent and true to yourself as the bogging industry has been completed redefined. Here’s to 10 more!

Cheers! xx

Ashley Rose McLaury

Been with you since 2012! You’re my all time favorite and a true icon!

Katie Bongiovanni

I think I found you through KJP! It’s been a while since then (not anywhere close to 10 years, but definitely a few!), so I’m not 100% sure, but I just love everything about Carly the Prepster! From fashion inspiration to fitness inspiration, and of course your adorable dogs, you really have it all on your blog and Instagram! You are a big role model for me, and I truly love watching your insta stories and reading your blog posts! Thanks for the past few years, and for this incredible giveaway!


I first found your blog in Spring 2014 when I interned in DC. One of the best friends I made while interning this summer was OBSESSED with the blog and trekked out to Georgetown to see you speak before we were all planning to head to Reebok for a workout. She attended your event and loved it. Another intern and I made the poor decision of taking the bus from NoMA to Georgetown and essentially missed the whole workout. But we all ended the afternoon with some good food from Good Stuff!


Congrats, Carly! I’ve loved seeing your blog evolve throughout the years. You have been such a positive role model in my life!

Kaitlyn Seay

I began reading your blog my freshman year of college, and now I am still a religious reader as I am finishing up my last year of graduate school! I love your posts about organization, general lifestyle topics, and anything related to your routines. Thank you for being an inspiration for so many years! xoxo


Congrats on 10 years! I originally heard of your blog in high school through searching the web for dorm room tips but didn’t actually start following until college! My best friend/roommate found your insta and said your pics & content was totally my style…and she was right!


It’s so funny you talked about teaching us to fold our shirts like they do at jcrew!!! I followed that tutorial and folded all of my shirts that way from that point forward!! You also helped me with figuring out what jack rogers shoes and sandals to buy. Congrats on ten years!!

Lauren Gomez

I didn’t discover your blog until this past summer and it’s been so nice having it to read in the morning, as I’m a third year college student myself! I’ve read and compared how your experience and feelings at my age resonates so much with how I’ve been feeling during my time at university. Checking your blog posts during my morning routine is one of the small highlights of my day! I’ve been turned on to so many interesting and beautiful companies, books, places, and people. So thank you for what you do!


I’ve been following along since I was in college. Now, nearly 6 years later, I still enjoy your posts and pictures. My favorite part is how your style is so accessible and classic! Congrats on 10 years!

Joelle Pahl

Carly! I found you through Julia Engel and have loved, loved, loved all of your content! Most people stop blogging soon after starting, 10 years is H U G E. Congratulations!! I know the best is yet to come for you!

Natalie Panettiere

Absolutely love your style! Your blog inspires me and so many— your look is so classic! Thank you for sharing all your outfits, couldn’t love them more!!

Emma Finlay

Congratulations on 10 years! Been following you for as long as I can remember!

Eliza Gonzalez

Congratulations on ten years of blogging! I found your blog through YouTube actually, and I absolutely love your style. I have a very similar, preppy, classic, style and I enjoy getting outfit ideas from your posts. ❤️

Amelia Scott

Love seeing everything on your blog. We met in person once and it was so amazing getting to meet you in person!

Annie franklin

Found this randomly via a pal tweeting about the college prepster back when it was college prepster! Loved it ever since!

Mara Pantano

I was in college when I found your blog (maybe 2012?) and I remember sitting for hours/days reading your blog page by page. I started with the very first post and went from there. I can’t remember the nicknames exactly but I loved the nicknames you had for your teamates. So clever. Thanks for being consistent all these years.

Molly Kathleen

I started following you my freshman year of college when you were a senior and I was obsessed. I think I still have some old college prepster logo stickers from when you sold them haha. I’ve loved watching you grow and evolve, and congrats on the 10 years!

Bridget Dougan

Your content is so classy and I love that you are budget friendly and keep that in mind! It’s so realistic and refreshing

Maren Westby

I love your style and and your insightful writing! I also really appreciate your openness about mental health!
Cheers to the next 10 years of blogging! 🥂


Congratulations!! What an accomplishment. I don’t have a favorite post but I do love how real you are and how you stay true to who you are. Here is to another 10 years (and many more)!

Breanne evans

Congratulations, what an amazing achievement! I’m so glad I found your Instagram and blog – I find your content so refreshing and I’m glad you chose to share you life with all of us. Thank you for all your work!!


Congratulations, Carly! I only found your blog a couple of years ago – through Julia’s! – but it quickly became my absolute favorite! Can’t wait to see what the next ten years bring =)

Carrye Wilson

Yay! Congratulations on 10 years!! I’ve loved following along over the years, and excited to see where this journey continues to take you <3


My favorite posts have been where you’ve been honest about your struggles through college and early adulthood. Very relatable.

Emily Harvey

I’ve been reading your posts for quite some time now and have loved seeing you grow. Entering into college myself this year I have taken some of the many advice you give and it has helped me so much!

Marie Gilbert

Congrats girl! Youve quickly become one of my favorite bloggers. Keep churning out great content.

Marie Gilbert


Happy 10th year! I can’t belive how long I’ve been following you. Cheers to many more and thank you for the giveaway!


Congrats on 10 years of blogging! I have loved following you for 9/10 years and seeing how you’ve grown and developed the blog into your business!



Congratulations! So, so happy for you! I’ve enjoyed following along on the blog and seeing it grow. Your posts have always been a source of inspiration and given the best tips, and not just fashion wise. I’d have to say my all-time favorite articles are from the “On My Radar” Series. I look forward to them and always get the best recs. Thanks for the constant amazing content. Can’t wait to see what comes next!

Anna S.

You are so inspiring and I love everything that you do! This is such an amazing milestone! Congrats Carly!

Danielle Moran

Congratulations on ten years of inspiration! I found your blog a few years ago and have been constantly impressed with your class, style and grace — not to mention the impeccable writing. So very excited to see what comes next!

Allison Couri

I’ve been following for about 5 years and you’re still my fave blogger!

Caitlin Joseph

I found your blog when I was a junior in high school (I’m now a senior in college)! I’ve loved seeing the blog and your brand grow over the years!

Sarah Simmons

Congratulations Carly!!! I started following when I was in high school, frantically searching for “college prep” to get me ready for leaving my hometown and all my high school friends behind and starting new, all on my own. Now I’m half way through law school and your blog is still my homepage, so I read it the first few minutes of class everyday 🙈 My favorite memory is driving to meet you in NOLA; it was such a fun “adventure” and such a joy to meet you in “real life”, like meeting a close friend after a while away! Can’t wait for 10 more years!

Elizabeth B

It’s been such a pleasure following your blog for so long! It’s always my go to for style staples, gift ideas, and seeing what’s on your radar. Can’t wait to see what the future holds!

Caroline Olson

I have too many favorite posts but my all time favorite is your going through a breakup post. Read it when you first published it and always come back to it, even today!

Anne Bongiovanni

I found your blog through my daughter Katie! She’s a big fan of your’s, and we share our favorite bloggers with each other, so she told me about you! As the mom of two dogs, I love seeing Teddy and Ham’s adventures, and your fashion sense is so classic and preppy, which I love! This giveaway is so generous, and congratulations on 10 years of blogging, time sure does fly by!

Abby Shreero

I’ve been following your blog for probably 6 years now can’t believe its been so long!! Congrats on 10 years!


I just started following you inn instagram about a week ago! I found you through Taza who I follow for clothing inspiration. Once I clicked on your profile and noticed a majority of your stuff was in-season J Crew, I was sold. I’ll be following for clothes, clothes, and more clothes.

Madeline D

Congratulations on 10 years! Been following since you first moved to New York and have watched you and your platform grow ever since. Excited for what’s to come and to many more years of blogging!! xx

Grace E.

I found your blog through one of your sponsored posts and I love your blog! Your tips, advice, and personality have kept me coming back! I’ve loved watching your moving process and seeing updates on Instagram. Can’t wait to read about the Konmari decluttering too!!

Skylar D

You were the first ever blogger/influencers I follow or even know about. You were so ahead of the curve and savvy! I’ve loved following your journey blogging 🙂

Caroline Cator

I’m a more recent follower and love your blog/instagram! Thanks for everything that you do!

Jessica Dugan

Hi Carly!

Congratulations on 10 years!! Your blog is one that I’ve admired and continue to look toward for style, travel, and personally inspiration from high school to post grad life…and everything in between! Thank you for being so down to earth, relatable, and true to yourself! Here’s to many more years!!


Caroline Olson

Congratulations on 10 years!! I have too many favorite posts of yours. Your gift guides, on my radar, books you’ve read. An all time favorite is the getting through a breakup, so glad I was able to read that again in this post 🙂

Olivia Dale

Congrats! You were one of the first Instagram pages I ever followed 🙂 I’ve loved reading your relationship and college advice and I have always loved your style.

Sophie N

My favorite post on your blog would probably have to be the one where you gave tips for breaking in your Jack Rogers! I found your blog in a somewhat surprising way, I actually found your YouTube channel first!


Started following you so long ago I can’t remember when it was! Your classic style is always inspiring!

Anne Krueger

I remember finding your blog when I was feeling so overwhelmed about being myself in college. I’m sure I was on Pinterest and I somehow made my way here. Being an education major I found that I want to buy staples for my wardrobe that will last. Your style is so similar to mine and through this blog, I have found so many pieces that I have added to my wardrobe. Well, I am in my LAST semester of college, I have added many things to my life based on your suggestions, and you were probably the most consistent thing in the past 4 years (besides the boyfriend). I have discovered so many things I love through you and I cannot wait to see what 2019 has in store for you. Congrats on 10 years! Celebrate (in style), you’ve earned it.

Sophie N.

My favorite post on your blog would probably have to be the one where you gave tips for breaking in your Jack Rogers! I found your blog in a somewhat surprising way, I actually found your YouTube channel first!

Sarah Wiley

Congrats on 10 years! I’ve been reading for many years – cheers to many more!

Tracy Stevens

Oh my goodness. Ten years! I don’t know when I first started following along to be honest. Definitely well before Instagram. I remember back in maybe 2009 I thought maybe I’d run into you in Georgetown at the Rugby store cafe or strolling M Street. Congrats on all the success and thank you endlessly for sharing your story with all of us. From your career advice while surviving as a working girl in NYC to navigating the waters being new in town as an adult, you’ve been there for me. And your moments with Meesh, love them. It’s been a blast, love that you and Julia are friends too. Some of my favorite gals. Wishing you nothing but much, much more success. Hope you enjoy this milestone and pat yourself on the back for a job VERY well done. Lots of love coming your way from Texas!

Jill Vannini

What a great accomplishment! I remember stumbling across your blog one day and instantly was drawn to it. I am
constantly inspired by the outfits you put together and always look forward to reading your newest posts. I can’t wait to keep following for years to come!

Gretchen Kelly

Congratulations Carly! I have been a reader since around 2012. It has been such a pleasure to go through each day knowing I had the joy of reading your blog posts. All the best!

Ashley Mauer

Hey Carly!

Congratulations on the ten years of blogging! I haven’t been following you for super long and originally found you on Instagram, but absolutely love your style and content!

Lucy Cockrum

Congrats, Carly! I discovered you in 2011 and your blog helped me & my mentee bond in 2012 as we were both/are still avid readers. I’ve loved seeing your growth and contribution over the years!

Emily McGillicuddy

While still only on my second year reading your blog, it continues to impress and inspire me how genuine you are. I love following along with your Instagram stories without makeup, or playing Catan all weekend. It’s refreshing to see a blogger who isn’t out drinking or living an unrealistic, lavish lifestyle. Thank you for bringing the prepster into my life and, more importantly, being your true self along the way.

Lindsey Shak

Congratulations on a decade of doing what you love! I found your blog while I was in college and had started to explore having my own blog! (After 3 years I ultimately stopped, but you were major inspiration along the way!) I’ve always loved your gift guides around the holidays, they make shopping infinitely easier around a busy and stressful time! Thanks for everything, looking forward to continuing to read!


Congratulations, Carly! Thank you for sharing your life, thoughts, adventures, and all of the ups and downs with us. I think what makes ten years so special is you’ve gone through so many life events that a new generation can utilize older content you shared and grow with you just as many of us have. From your support of your friends to sharing snippets of time with family, you’ve made us all feel like friends (and cute puppy pictures only add to it all!)
Thank you for being an advisor for packing and essentials, a motivator to organize, a supporter, and a constant for us all. Wishing you much success in any and all future adventures!
❤️ Kattarina

Myranda Smith

What an exciting time, Carly! I discovered your blog in 2013, my sophomore year of college. I’m the first one in my family to go to a university and I felt way in over my head when I first got there. I started searching the internet for tips and tricks dealing with organization, book recommendations, and study tips and discovered your blog! I’ve been following you ever since. 💗 You’re so honest with your writing and not to mention your style is so admirable! Congrats on 10 years and thank you!!

Rachel McC.

Congrats on 10 years! I don’t remember how I came across your blog but I have loved following you since 2013. I have started following on Instagram a few years later and have really enjoyed the peak into who you are outside the blog. Looking forward to what the future has in store for you!


I remember when I first found a link to one of your blog posts on Pinterest my junior year of high school as I was “researching” about the college lifestyle, before following along with you on Instagram!! Now I’m a junior in college and still love your style and advice! Congrats on 10 years!

Erin Sanders

I loved your post about going green! My coworker and I are always trying to be more environmentally friendly. She got me bamboo pens for Christmas that are 95% biodegradable and use soy ink! They’re great!

Thanks for always posting such great and relatable content!

Victoria Smerdon

Congratulations, Carly! I have been following your blog for the last couple of years; it’s so bittersweet to see that 10 years ago you were in the exacts same position I am now — on Christmas break following first semester freshman year. I can’t wait to see what you continue to share with us in the future!

Madilynne Tanner

I have loved your blog for as long as I can remember. I honestly can’t remember what first attracted me, but what has kept me as a loyal reader is your authenticity. I love how you discuss a wide variety of topics from lifestyle to beauty to fashion. Your IG stories are a favorite of mine because you always share your real, everyday life, which I love. Yes, the pretty images are great, but I love the authenticity of seeing bloggers like yourself behind the scenes in their day to day hustle.

Addie Moody

I’ve loved following along since finding you on Instagram! You seem so motivated and your goals (meditation app, workouts, etc) are really inspiring!

Megan Jenish

Congrats on such a big accomplishment! I truly enjoy each post and always look forward to the next.

Khloe Greenwood

Carly, I only found you quite recently about three months ago, and I’m still surprised by the impact you’ve had on my life. I continually find myself searching your blog for work outfit ideas, beauty tips and reviews, general life advice… the guidance you’ve provided in your blog to young women all over is endless. You don’t shy away from the difficulties in life, and don’t attempt to gloss over the bad; yet you make the small (and big) moments happy, and are gracious enough to share that happiness with others. Thank you for all you do, and congratulations!


Congrats on 10 years of blogging! Thank you for your honesty over the years and the endless style inspiration!

Erin Melody

Thank you for 10 years of blogging—so exciting! Your blog is such a great guidance in my life. I’m excited to see where the next steps take you!

Molly Bryant

Congrats on 10 years! I find your blog and Instagram always something I can relate to. You’re close to my age, have the same style and go through break ups, graduating and everything in between. I find myself always searching your content to give inspiration for my photography, outfits, and products you use! Cheers to another 10!

Doris Baxley

I started reading in college and never stopped! Your blog has evolved and grown with me! My favorite post is still your “what to wear to the library” post because it makes me nostalgic.

Christina R

Congrats on 10 years of blogging! That’s a huge accomplishment. I’ve been following for years and your blog is still one of my favorites to read!


Congratulations on your hard work and perseverance! You have influenced me since 2011. I stumbled across your initial blog as ‘The College Prepster’ when I needed to get motivated about going back to school, stumbling through a post you published on “Intense study tips”. After that I was hooked with your blog. I don’t know how you manage with time, every time I check my good reads app there’s a new rating on a book, a new story on Instagram, or being a special guest on a podcast. I have to give you credit for everything you do and showing us that it is not easy. Gives me a push to keep moving forward when I want to quiet. So thank you for sharing and once more, congratulations on 10 years!!! Here’s to many more!

Shawna Dyer

Wow! Congrats on the 10 years! I have been reading for so many of them! I feel like I’ve grown up knowing you. Thank you for being such an inspiring role model for so long. Thank you for keeping it so real.

Melissa B.

I can’t believe it has been A WHOLE DECADE! I have been following you since you first interned at Kate Spade. You have been a source of great inspiration and I’m so excited to see what the next decade has in store for you. Congrats!

Kathleen Ponzio

Can’t believe I’ve been reading your blog for about 10 years now!!! I started my freshmen year of college when I was still trying to find a balance between dressing the way I wanted to and trying to keep up with new trends. I’ve learned so much from you!! You’ve taught me that it was okay NOT to show up to bars in crop tops and wearing a simple scalloped shirt from jcrew is always acceptable!! I am obssessed with your gallery wall post, I am currently trying to gather up meaningful pieces of artwork to make my own one day. You have no idea how much you’ve inspired me throughout the years; meditation, BBG, food, interior design and my wardrobe. I look forward to 10 more years of reading your posts!!


Congratulations on this major milestone! As a newer follower, it’s great to learn more about you how you started this blog. Thank you for all the time and effort you put into this!

Laura M Sterzinger

I started following this blog when I found out you rowed! I was a coxswain in high school and college. So to me that was a quick connection with your blog.
But aside from that I truly do you like your sense of style. Inboth fashion and just general home decor. So congratulations on 10 successful years and cheers to many more!

Jessica Brotman

This is incredible! Congratulations on 10 years of classic style and amazing adventures. Thanks so much for everything x

Joslynn Buchanan

10 years!! Congrats! Love reading your blog and watching your insta stories

Samantha Clay

Hey Carly!!!! I started following you a few years ago when I was in high school and trying to find out who I was and what kind of personal style I wanted to have. I love watching your instragram stories and you will forever be my style icon!!!

Monique Hanks

Carly! Congratulations on 10 years of blogging. For me, I found you blog when I finally decided to use Instagram, my freshman year of college. One thing about you that really piqued my interest in your blog is that you were a coxswain! I just finished reading Boys in the Boat so I was so obsessed. Then I just fell in love with your style and blog, you’ve created such a lovely space.

Hannah Ueland

Congratulations Carly! It’s been a joy reading your blog now for 8 out of those 10 years. Thanks for sharing with us! Fingers crossed for the giveaway! 😊


I ‘ve been reading your blog since i started my first “real job” out of college nearly 9 years ago! It was a way for me to take a quick break during the day no matter what kind of craziness was going on. Thanks for keeping me sane!

Caroline G

Congrats Carly! I’ve been reading your blog for almost 6 years now and I’m so happy for you! Your posts helped me through college and now into the “real world” In some ways I feel like I’ve really grown up with you by my side. Cheers and here’s to even more success in the years to come! Xoxo Caroline

Amy Collins

The first post I read was about the best shoes for traveling. I really enjoy the frequency of your posts! Congrats on 10 years.


I started following the College Prepster before Instagram, and now love both the blog and insta. Some of my favorite blogs are the “on my radar” ones, and I really enjoy watching your insta stories. Congratulations on 10 years of blogging, and I hope you continue for years to come!!

Amanda Gregus

Carly, I can’t believe it is your ten year anniversary. I have been following you since I was back in high school, and I am now in my second to last semester of college. I was dying to be preppy and to perfect that style, and your blog totally inspired me and helped me on my way. I also had a super hard time at the beginning of my college career, and reading your blog has been something of an escape for me, aside from showing me how important honesty, confidence, and self-care are. I read all of your blog posts and I await your Instagram posts every day. Your blog has become such a beacon and an inspiration for me, especially as I start my own blog, and I can’t thank you enough! Of course, with school and finding work and all, posting is difficult, but all of your success makes me constantly return to the idea and love it even more 🙂 Congrats on 10 years! To many more!!!

Ashley Ballenger

Thank you for your positivity and inspiration, Carly! I’m about to make a huge move to South America and I’m having a bit of a career crisis…I’m not a huge social media person but I’ve always enjoyed reading blogs and I love writing. While I am scared to even begin, you’ve been making things happen for 10 years! That’s incredible! You’re incredible! Thanks for this wonderful, truthful reflection!

Ellie Marmo

I found you through a comment you once made on a Taza IG and fell in love with your blog! So real, honest and relatable!


happy 10 years, Carly! thanks for giving me confidence in embracing my personal “point of view” on style – and for persuading me to give BBG a try! keep on rockin’ it!

Mackenzie Kukavica

Congratulations on 10 years! You have been a big inspiration for me because you show classic style in what’s you wear and what I appreciate the most is how you act and hold yourself. You show kindness in what you say and how you say things and I can’t say how much it warms my heart that in such a cruel world, there is a kind and encouraging person that gives such inspiration to all of us and I greatly appreciate that 💗

Larissa DuBois

This is such a lovely way to commemorate your creative achievements! I feel a bit like a kindred spirit — I graduated college a little bit before you and now live on Cape Cod (with a similar love of Nantucket!) with my husband. We’re building a business around his art and poetry in the same social media-driven work. I always look forward to your insights on personal growth — especially when it lines up with the struggles of entrepreneurship! Congratulations again!

Madison Ingram

Your honesty about your struggles (the highs with the lows!) truly makes you one of my favorite blogger to follow! I am excited to follow you for another ten!

Elizabeth Nietupski

Carly – I love your style!! I’m so happy I found your blog two years ago and I’m sad I didn’t find it sooner! Keep up the good work lady!

Michelle Stanley

I have been following your blog since 2010 and have loved reading your posts, we are the same age so it has been great to have content that has pertained to my right now and still does. Congratulations on 10 years!

Megan Bookser

Carly- congrats on TEN years blogging! I’ve been following you peripherally for the last eight or so years, and love finding myself in the depths of your posts. It has been such a joy to see your writing and, really, your perspective evolve in that time. Your classic style and thoughtful collaborations remind me that in a world of trends, timeless pieces seemingly always prevail. I look forward to the next ten years with you and your writing, wherever it may take you!

Kelsey Redwantz

Congrats, Carly! I’ve loved following you and can’t wait to see what else you have in store for us!


I found your blog through Pinterest as a sophomore in high school and distinctly remember telling all of my friends about your blog during our free period that day. Seven years later and I feel like I’ve followed along through the majority of your journey. Congratulations on ten years!! So excited to see what the next ten hold!

Marissa Guzdek

I found your blog through people I followed on Instagram who mentioned you in their stories. I clicked on your handle and saw you had a blog and I have been reading since then. I’m obsessed with your style and I often times find myself looking through old blog posts for outfit ideas. I love everything you do and how open you are with your readers.


I’ve been following your blog for a few years, I found it while also in college in DC. It was fun to see how our experiences were different and to see someone else similar in age experinecing the same city in different ways. Congrats on 10 years, that’s an achievement!!


My nickname growing up was Carly, so I’ve always been drawn to your blog! My family still calls me Carly, and I’m now Aunt Carly to three little girls. Thank you for sharing all that you do with us! I love checking out your posts for outfit inspiration.

Kristina Crapo

Carly!! I am SO happy for you and all that you have achieved!! Happy 10 years! I think your blog is so wonderful and I truly believe you are one of the most do honest, trustworthy, and influential bloggers out there. Your blog has been my go to and literally has everything! (also, you got me on to the konmari and now my house has been turned upside down!) You are truly an inspiration and have such a positive outlook! I look forward to seeing what’s next!

Paige Parr

Congratulations on 10 years! I started following your blog right before I moved away to college, extremely nervous for such a big change. Having been out of college for a few years now, it has been such a pleasure to follow along for all these years! Thank you for sharing your adventures with us all.


I found the CP blog in high school (2009). Growing up on a beach town, I loved reading about someone else who would also rather wear Lilly than whatever surf shop brand was popular in my school. A year later, I was totally shocked to find out a new sorority friend was the “sporty sis” I’d been reading about. (What?!)
So glad my absolute favorite CP outfits/partnership (Kate Spade Graduation) made the top moments list. Immediately after seeing that post, I purchased this belt to wear with my own white graduation dress one year later.

Liz M

Congratulations on 10 years! Started reading within the past two to three years. I’ve especially appreciated your posts on travel.

Ashley Evans

Congrats on 10 years! Love following your blog and so proud how you have stayed true to yourself. Your content is so authentic and cheers to another 10 years!

Megan Bookser

Carly – congrats on TEN years of blogging! I have been following you peripherally for the last eight years or so, and I love finding myself in the depths of your posts. Thank you for always staying true to yourself and sense of style. In a world of trends, you are proof that timeless pieces always prevail. It has been such a joy seeing your writing and, really, your perspective evolve in this time. I look forward to the next ten years of writing and following along with you, wherever it may take you!


I found you over the summer via one of Julia’s posts, but really enjoyed the content from the beginning. I especially love seeing how much you involved your family over the holidays!

Christina Bauser

Congratulations Carly! You are the first blogger I have ever followed, I think I’ve been following you for 7 or 8 years! I loved living my 20s with you and I can’t wait to see what’s in store for the future! Keep doing what you’re doing!

Sarah B

Congratulations on Ten Years! What an incredible accomplishment! Started reading this year (when I moved up to NYC!) and am excited to read for many more!

Melissa R

Congrats on 10 years Carly! I’ve been following for a few years now and love your style, advice, and blog posts. Cheers to 10 more!


Hi, Carly! Wow, this give-away is amazing: thank you so much for the opportunity. I discovered you on Instagram not too long ago, and love how your posts brighten up my day (and my feed!). All of your pictures are so aesthetically pleasing, and never cease to give me outfit inspiration. Way to go on 10 years of blogging – keep up the great work 🙂 Best of luck to you in the future!

Kait W

I have been reading your blog since college! I’m now a late 20s working mom but I still love your style tips, makeup tips, and life/organization/inspiration stuff too!! I follow you on Instagram and I’m inspired by your style and photography. Your page is a ray of sunshine on social media which too often gets negative. Thanks for doing what you do!


I honestly find your blog truly inspirational. I happened to stumble upon it years ago, and then revisited it a couple of years later. I now find myself avidly reading your blogs as someone who just graduated college and is heading to graduate school! I love seeing how much you’ve transformed over the years, while still maintaining that dedication you had when you were a freshman at Georgetown. Thank you, Carly, for being so warm and welcoming these past 10 years! Congratulations!

Alyssa D.

Congratulations on 10 years! I’ve loved following you and I’ve learned so much and gained so happiness from reading your blog. Thank you for sharing your lives with us!

Colleen McDonough

Happy 10 year anniversary, Carly! I’ve been following you for YEARS and have always enjoyed your blog posts, pictures, tips, and advice! Never stop what you do because I know that, not only myself, but everyone else would miss out on the class-act that you are. Congrats, again!

Brooke Reynolds

I love your blog and I’m so glad that I discovered it on Instagram about a year ago. I love looking at your early posts as well as follow along with your daily journey. Your tips are always inspiring but most of all, it’s clear that your success comes from your genuine personality. Keep doing you! It’s obviously working 🙂

Lauren Cawley

Congratulations on 10 years! I currently am a grad student at GW and work in Georgetown, and passing by Tuckernuck everyday and having the willpower not to go in is probably one of my greatest achievements! Keep up the amazing blogging and content!

Kristina Crapo

Hi Carly!
(this is my second post because my first one didnt show up soooo if there is two that is why! 🙂 lol!
You are so wonderful and congrats on 10 years! Cant wait to see what you have planned next!

Miranda P

Congrats on 10 years of blogging! I’ve been following along since about 2013 ish and you have always been one of my favorite bloggers to follow. Cheers to many more years!


Congratulations!! Such a major milestone. Also November 2011 is when I joined Instagram too! Wild.

Lizzie Jones

Wow, your story is so inspiring! I stumbled across your blog a few years ago, and it is my absolute favorite to this day. Congratulations on such a huge accomplishment, keep up the hard work!

Meghan Greene

One of the first blogs I found and loved! What an accomplishment, 10 years! To many more Carly!


I think it’s so great that you’re open about struggling with college at first. I also go to school in DC and found myself so miserable my first semester and I don’t think that we as a society talk enough about that initial struggle and that it can sometimes last longer than just those first few weeks. Congratulations on 10 years of amazing content!

Alyssa Whit

Girl, I remember following you on tumblr as The College Prepster and drooling over every post. Congrats on 10 years!!

Molly Klotsche

Congrats Carly! I have been following you from the begining when I was also in college. I always enjoy your style and positivity and look forward to many more years of following!

Bryelle Dafeldecker

You’re the very first blogger I’ve followed, and having found the blog through tumblr during my freshman year of college (I’m one year younger) I felt so comforted by your posts because I could relate to what stage in your life you were in. It’s been such a lovely journey seeing how successful you’ve become, and you’ve been an inspiration to me for quite awhile now. Wishing you happiness for the next ten years and beyond!


Hi Carly!! So impressed with this accomplishment and so grateful that you’ve stuck it out and done so well because I loveeee reading your posts!!! Some of my favorite are your “on my radar” posts. Especially the one in September of 2018 when you talked about meeting Sydney and your Carly American girl doll! I grew up playing with these dolls and loved designing the dolls online to look just like me but you actually have one that looks and dresses just like you. I thought that was so sweet!!!

Yuki KC

Hey Carly,
Congratulations on your 10 years blogging anniversary! I’ve been following you for the past 4 years and I found out about you and your blog through Pinterest when I was searching for preppy style outfits. Your outfit ideas were so classy, chic and simple that I started following you on Instagram too and love all your pictures. I also follow you on yoututbe and watch your videos/vlogs frequently and on repeat 😉😉, especially the apple picking episode with Julie, I have probably watched that video more than a 10 times. Thats probably my favorite blog post as well. Your creativity, style and lifestyle has definately impressed this girl from Nepal. You are such a big inspiration ❤️❤️❤️ from Nepal.

Sarah Heller

I stumbled across your Instagram page in college! I originally followed because I was a preppy college student looking for outfit ideas but have stuck with you for years because you’re a true example of class, positivity and inspiration!

Congrats on ten years!

Rebecca Rawling

Hi Carly, I started reading your blog in the last year, but attended college at the same time as you, so I can definitely relate to your posts now and back then. I actually discovered you when I googled “which llbean boat and tote should I buy?” Congrats on ten years!

Hallie Holden

10 years! So exciting! I am a new Prepster follower. But I have yet to see a blog or instagram post I didn’t love. Last year I realized my style/taste in clothes was evolving, and I was looking for inspiration I came across you on Pinterest (then your site, insta, etc…) and your style is everything I love to a T!! So excited for the next 10 years for you!


Congratulations on the 10 years! I found your blog while I was still in college and grown with me through medical school. It makes me so happy to see the joy you find in your career and I hope to keep that with mine in 10 years as well!

Angela Snyder

Congratulations on 10 years!

I wish I could remember how I first learned about you and when I started following. I’m pretty confident it was through Instagram and you were featured on another bloggers account, that must have been 3 yrs ago.
My favorite posts are with your sweet momma, you always have fun with her and it makes me happy to see that!
The first memory that comes to mind is learning about the Tartan pattern from your posts!! As a small town southerner I had never heard of it or even recall seeing it. And your excitement for it just sticks out!

Jessica Mower

I love your preppy style and am inspired by your classic looks! Congrats on 10 years!


Your blog has been an inspiration for me for years and is the reason I made one of my closest friends. I will never forget the moment our common connection was your blog. Thank you for being you!


I found the CP blog in high school (2009). Growing up on a beach town, I loved reading about someone else who would also rather wear Lilly than whatever surf shop brand was popular in my school. A year later, I was totally shocked to find out a new sorority friend was the “sporty sis” I’d been reading about. (What?!)
So happy my favorite CP outfits/partnership made the milestone list (Kate Spade + Graduation). Immediately after seeing it, I purchased this belt to wear with my own white graduation dress one year later.
Congratulations on 10 years, Carly!!

Megan C.

Congratulations on 10 years of blogging Carly! As someome who just graduated from college, I can’t wait to continue reading throughout graduate school. Thank you for being so warm and welcoming these past 10 years. You are truly inspiring and have such a big heart!

Rebekah Elbel

I started reading your blog my sophomore year of College. It was a huge transition time for me and I can’t remember how I came across your blog but I will always be grateful for your College posts especially the “Your More Capable Than You Think” post. Your influence on my life means more than you know!!

Erin Droese

I can’t remember exactly when or how I found your blog, but it was definitely when I was in college (2009-2013 timeframe) and I STILL read your blog daily. You are just so good at connecting, sharing your struggles, while still sharing fun fashion finds, recipes, etc!! Which I so appreciate.

Sarah JJ

Followed you since I was a teenager, now in my 20s and still find you just as relatable and fun to follow. Huge inspiration for women everywhere! Congrats on the 10 year anniversary, amazing achievement! xo


Found you on Instagram! I’ve only been following for a year but now you’re one of my favorite bloggers!

Kelly Nicole

Congrats Carly! What a huge accomplishment! I remember reading your “how to roll your sleeves like J crew” post when I was getting dressed for my first internship and I feeing like I was getting advice from a trusted friend. Cheers to 10 years!


I’ve been following you for YEARS but have really appreciated your content even more recently, especially the way you don’t go nuts over the very instagrammed mega sales and buy things you don’t need for the sake of Instagram try-ons. It’s truly so refreshing!

Laura B

Congratulations on 10 years of your blog! I started reading back in 2012 when I was a freshman in college and have loved following along ever since! I think I initially found your blog for study tips and organization but stayed for your style and honesty. I appreciate that you keep things real and your style is timeless! My favorite posts of yours are from your trips to Paris. Thanks for inspiring so many of us and I can’t wait to see what comes next for you!
Laura xx

Emma Reilly

Hi Carly! I have loved following your blog over the last few years, I wish I had found it sooner! You’ve really helped me navigate my transition from college life to life after college. You are such a good role model in so many areas of your life. I think that your posts on anxiety have been so helpful especially in my transition. As someone who struggles with anxiety, it is great to see someone I look up to be open with their own struggles as well. I also use headspace almost everyday and LOVE it- thanks for the rec 🙂 I can’t wait for another 10 years of posts!

Caroline Agan

Congrats on 10 years!! I don’t even remember how long I have been following you, but it feels like a lifetime! I love how real you are and am always so excited to read/see your posts and new outfits. One of my favorite things about your blog is the community you have built through social media. Often times it feels like (particularly for women) social media only generates bad energy, but your Facebook group, Instagram stories, and blog posts showcase all of the amazing wonderful things about social media and how we can find common ground with others!

Eileen Cooney

My favorite posts of your’s are your holiday gift guides! They are so helpful in deciding want to buy for my family and friends!

Jessica Alvarez

Carly!!! So this is going to be a long comment, BUT. I’m sharing it anyways, because your blog has been a staple in my life for over 5 years.

I actually went to UF, and I was in Zeta with Stacy! I didn’t know her super well, because I’m a few pledge classes below her. But she is (obviously) extremely cool, and I heard some girls commenting on how she had an older sister who was an NYC ~blogger~ and how that made her even cooler. Being the social media junkie that I am, I checked out your blog and started reading it literally….every….single… The funny thing is that my “style” would probably be more along the lines of Stacy (I’m not very preppy), but I simply LOVED reading your words. You have always been THE most relatable blogger I follow. You are so genuine with your advice, recommendations and values. Your hard work SHOWS. I’m 25, so not that much younger, but it does feel like you’re an older sister passing on Life Tips and Tricks. Also, I don’t know how you manage to be vulnerable, genuine and professional all at the same time, but YOU DO!

Thank you for pouring 10 years into this site. Your blog really is such an empowering corner of the internet. <3

Brooke Neal

I have loved following along for close to 5 years! I have a puppy of my own who looks just like your little guys, and I love watching for the pups in your stories! ❤️

Elizabeth D

Congrats on 10 years! I’ve been following your blog since I was probably around a freshmen in high school and JV lightweight rower (maybe 2010?) and it was the first blog I ever encountered in my young life. (I always loved the references to rowing because not many people experience anything like it, especially all the way from high school through college.) As far as my favorite post, I always look to your blog for advice on classic timeless staples before making a big purchase because I know anything you recommended will last! With the whole throw away culture these days, its nice to have honest reviews on pieces I’ll use for years to come. (I feel like I sound 300 years old saying that, but it’s true!) So I guess there’s really not one post I love more than the rest, but your entire narrative that I look forward to reading. Again, congratulations on 10 years of doing what you love!

Kristina Robinson

Carly! Congratulations on 10 years!! I remember finding your blog before I started college in DC. Thanks for being such an inspiration <3

Skylar Smith

As a fellow type A personality, the post “Connecting the Dots” was such a perfect wake up call for me! Love your content and realness!

Christina Metz

Wooo congrats on 10 years! I’m so happy that I found your blog years ago when I kept seeing your photos pop up on Pinterest. I loved you parent trap costume this year! Also, you gave me inspiration to wear my beret with confidence before they became “trendy” 😁👏🏻 Keep up the good work!

Amanda R

Congratulations on 10 years! Seriously impressive that you were able to start this business at such a young age. I love your style and when I was a college student, your study tips post gave me some great ideas.


Found you on Instagram! I’ve only been following you for a year but now you’re one of my favorite bloggers!


So proud! Loved seeing you evolve throughout the years. You are one of my favorite bloggers!!

Hannah Hall

I’ve been following your blog since I was a sophomore in high school, and I graduated from college earlier this year. You were one of the first blogs I ever found, and you’ve been a favorite to follow ever since! Congrats on this huge milestone!

Melissa Loria

Congratulations on 10 years! I remember when I first came across your blog about seven years ago and am so happy I did. Not only are you a reliable resource for all things clothing, style, and lifestyle, but you are so relatable. Your interactions with your followers is awesome and I am so happy to be following along!


You tell a story of how a little part of your life lead to your passion of touching other people. Love your blog Carly and love your story!


Congrats on ten years!

Every time I see one of your posts, I become so inspired! I love how you’ve opened up about mental health and created an honest conversation. It’s been so refreshing and a good reminder that I’m not alone! All the best!


Congrats, Carly! 10 years of blogging is a crazy accomplishment. It takes a ton of dedication to run a blog, and you do such an amazing job. <3

Shannon C

I found your site off of 3 Peanuts blog and I love your travel posts. Also your mom crying about the Christmas cards was so sweet!

Caitlin L

I found you through Pinterest and loved your voice as we were both in college at the time. Although we’ve never met it feels like we have grown up together. Congrats on this milestone!

Jordan McMinn

You are such an inspiration. It was only recently that I began reading your blog but I’ve fallen in love with it. In today’s world it can be difficult to find young women I can relate to and look up to, but I think that you personify everything I hope to be.


Congrats Carly! I have loved following your journey through the blog and your Instagram. Your openness with your readers is so inspiring! I can’t wait to see where the next ten years takes you.

Camille Rose

Congratulations on 10 years, Carly💛 I’ve only been following you for a couple months now, but I absolutely love you and your content!

Julie Stampfle

Been following along since the beginning, inspiring to watch you grow as a human and as your own brand/business, congrats on 10 years!

Melanie Reagan

Congrats on 10 years! I always love reading your blog because everything it’s relatable. The last thing I want to see is picture perfect photoshopped content with a million dollar price tag on everything linked, so thank you for always keeping it real 🙂


I’m so happy for Carly! I read her blog a lot and I see Carly as a big sister who documents her life to better others. When I was struggling with staying organized in college, I read her post about organizing! When I’m anxious, I use the headspace app because Carly reccomebded it. I have learned so many valuable life lessons and I just want to say thank you!


Congrats on your ten years! You are honestly, hands-down my favorite blogger! I’ve really appreciated how you’ve opened up about mental health and created an honest conversation. It’s been so refreshing and a good reminder that I’m not alone. All the best!

Katie v.

I remember finding your blog through your J.Crew sleeve-roll how-to post, and now I’m a manager at one of the biggest stores on the East coast! Love your love for the brand and congrats on 10 years!!!

Eden Greene

Congrats on 10 years, that is so exciting!! I was introduced to your blog 4 years ago by my best friend. She told me I would love your style and content and she was so right!! Your blog is one I have consistently kept up with through college and graduate school and I always love watching your Instagram stories. I love your organization posts and honestly any/all posts including book recommendations as I’m an avid reader!!

Alex Grayson

Your blog has been so helpful with trying to fine tune my wardrobe/entire life while starting college this year. So happy it’s around, and can’t wait to see what else you write about!!

Michelle Elizabeth

Congratulations Carly! I started reading your blog during college after Instagram blew up and I kept seeing your gorgeous photos. I may not read every blog post but I look forward to your “On My Radar” and gift guides! Can’t wait to see what else is in store for you, best of luck!

Bridget Murray

Amazing! Congratulations Carly. Such a Huge accomplishment. I love following along:)

Kathryn Mandalakis

Carly, than you for being a beacon of transparency and light in this often-times cluttered blog-sphere! I’ve been a reader for so long and you’ve so deeply influenced my life in terms of style, fitness, and even how to deal with the little difficulties of life, be they relationships or loss. Thank you for all you do and here’s to the future!


Congratulations on reaching the 10 year milestone, what an amazing accomplishment!! I have been following you for about two years now and am obsessed with your style and your uniqueness in your content. I feel like most bloggers are very similar in what they post, but you are so much more genuine. Your posts on meditating have seriously made me think about doing it as well, but the price for Headspace is making me a little hesitant. I also love your posts with Gal Meets Glam and Kiel James Patrick, it is so much fun to see posts where you seem genuinely happy working with people you really enjoy!

Ali H.

Hi Carly! Congrats on 10 years! What a milestone. I started reading your blog in 2012 and it was actually the first blog I followed consistently and have ever since! Love reading your posts daily, they’ve become part of my routine 🙂 looking forward to what’s in store on the blog this year! Cheers!


Previous comment I forgot to answer one of the questions. I loved going through your posts on perfectionism to remind myself it is okay to not control everything and I always look forward to your book Recs!

Emily M

Hi Carly!
I have been reading your blog since I was a freshman in college in 2013. You have always been such a source of inspiration for me, especially in organization. My favorite posts of yours are always about your travels. The Paris Travel Guide always helps me visualize my dream vacation! One of my goals for the end of 2018,and a resolution for 2019, is to read more. I loved it in my high school days, but lost the desire as I went through college. Your post on how to read more has been helpful for me, as well as your link to your good reads website. I’m always finding inspiration here on your blog. Thank you for your hard work and congratulations on ten years!

Mackenzie Kinnikin

I have always enjoyed fashion and lifestyle content on the internet. Back in the day when tumblr was pretty popular that is when I first encountered your content. I loved your classic and preppy style, been following ever since!

Ava C

Carly ~
I am so thankful for your blog! Cheers to 10 years! Your blog + daily instagram posts have inspired me to seek the little gems in our everyday lives and to capture them.

Jessica VM

I remember looking up preppy instagrammers when I became interested in the New England style ! And I found you ! My favorite post of yours will always be the diy boy tutorial because they turned out so nice when I did it ! Plus I love binge watching your apple picking vlogs on YouTube, especially during the late summer, to get myself into the mood for autumn !!

Hannah G

Carly, my favorite and most emotional moment was your blog name change; I cried watching you describe how momentous the occasion was. It was emotional, raw, real, and so exciting. We were witnessing something so public-facing but also so intimate. It’s been the best to get to know you and follow along. On a less serious note, for some reason, it was the best shock and surprise when you revealed you got Ham 🙂

Paige Claire

I always love seeing your posts and pictures! My favorites are your collaborations with Julia – the two of you are always so fun together! I hope you have a wonderful New Year.

Erin Bondy

I’ve enjoyed following your blog over the years (especially while navigating my own undergraduate career)!

Emily Rule

Congratulations on 10 years, Carly!! I found you when I was looking for advice on how to manage my anxiety when I stumbled across your blog. Your post about “what to do when you don’t know where to start” was honestly the push that I needed to reevaluate my own life and helped me immensely in terms of dealing with my hectic college schedule. I felt like I really resonated with you (and I dressed just like you)! I came for tips on anxiety, but I stayed (and continue to come back) because I truly love every post on the blog. You have such a positive attitude and a really amazing style. Cheers to 10 years!!


Carly – Congrats on 10 years of running your blog! Glad I’ve gotten to watch it grow from the beginning!

Laura Aguilar

Hi Carly! Congrats for 10 years of living tour dream! I just moved to the USA and as I started looking for tips and inspiration to feel more in tune with the culture here, I ended up finding your blog! I love your posts and your style! I’ve been so inspired by your content that I’m actually thinking of starting my own blog. So…here’s to 10 more years!

Cinderella Tollefsen

As a 44 yr old professional – I might not be your typical reader – but I just adore your blog.

I stumbled across your blog probably 4 years ago and have read everything you’ve written since – I love the ‘realness’ of your posts. YOU are YOU and I love that.

My favorite posts are on how you organize the business side of your ‘job’. It’s so fun seeing how other industries function and applying different skills/habits to my industry.

Congrats on 10 years!! You remaining YOU insures you’ll be here for another 10 (and we’ll all be here reading I’m sure!).

Best of luck!!

Cinderella Tollefsen


Congratulations on your 10 years! I found your blog through Instagram and have been a huge fan since. Love your style and how authentic you are! Can’t wait to see what’s to come.

Clare U

Congratulations on your 10 year anniversary!! I found out about you and your blog from my best friend a year or two back and I have been following it ever since. I love all your posts, but my favorite would have to be your “Nantucket in Late September” post. Nantucket is one of my favorite places and your pictures are gorgeous, it reminds me of all the fun I’ve had there! I wish you the best of luck in the new year and I am looking forward to your new posts! (Also Teddy and Hamilton are the CUTEST I love them haha)


I started reading your blog when I started my freshman year at Penn. Although you had graduated before I started college, the College Prepster was the first place I looked when I needed inspiration for fashion, school, and life. As I prepare to graduate this May, I am so very glad I could count on you, Carly, to give me the boost to get through. Thank you, and congratulations!

Allison R

Carly, I’ve been reading your blog and loving your Instagram since high school. While you were no longer in college at the time, your old college posts helped me be prepared for my college career and I’ve loved seeing you grow and change over the years. Keep up the great work you do!

Madison Morales

I have been so inspired by your blog- it’s become so much more to me than just great style tips! I’m so lucky to have stumbled across your page one day. Congratulations on 10 wonderful years, and here’s to many more!

Sophia Sommerkamp

Love your organizational and style tips and especially love all of your recommendations (books, podcasts, movies, products, etc)!

Rachel stover

I have been reading your blog for about 6 years and you’ve truly been an inspiration. I went to school in the DC area and then lived in NY for a little so I could relate on so many levels. I even tried my hand at blogging for a little- I want to get back into it. I appreciate your honest and wholesome content and I look forward to the many things to come!

Emily Champion

I found you in college! I was just learning to appreciate my style and I’m fairly positive I found you through Pinterest. I’m a few years younger so I would always look at some of your posts for inspiration when I entered the workforce

Emily Becker

WOOOHOO 10 years flew by!! I guess I found your blog about 2 years into you writing. I was a freshman in high school already thinking about college. I was on Pinterest and saw a link to a post and then found your blog. I truly feel like you are my online big sis! You were starting college when I was starting hs & you graduated college right when I started!!! I’ve enjoyed your blog for years & cant wait to keep following 💕


Congrats on 10 years, Carly! 10 years is a long time to do anything. 😉 love following along and you are one of the few blogs I actually read!

Clare U

Congrats on your 10 year anniversary!! My best friend told me about your blog a few years ago and I have been a fan and a follower ever since! I love reading all of your posts, but My favorite would have to be “Nantucket in Late September.” Nantucket is one of my favorite places and all of your pictures are so gorgeous, they remind me of all the memories I’ve made there! I wish you the best of luck in the new year and I can’t wait to read the new posts you have in store!! (Also Teddy and Hamilton are the CUTEST. I love them haha)

Cassandra Colland

I’ve been following you since I was around sophomore/junior in HS and now I’m a junior in college and loved seeing your posts and imagining what life would be like as I got older. Looking back I think it kind of helped let me know that things would get better because HS was rough.


I started reading your blog in 2015, before starting my freshman year at Penn. I never thought of myself as a “blog” person, but there was something about yours that felt different. As I prepare to graduate in May, I still return to your blog, or scroll through your Instagram, whenever I need inspiration. Thank you for all of your hard work, and congratulations!

Grace J

I found your blog through Lilly Pulitzer and have been following your instagram ever since then! I row in college and love that you were a coxswain


I’ve been following you for a couple years now and love all of your content- especially your Instagram stories, because it just allows so much of your personality to come through and they’re so relatable! On your blog, I especially enjoy your travel posts- you always stay at the coolest places and I have a running list of places I want to go, inspired by your travels!

Claudia Kiley

Congrats on reaching this amazing milestone. Wishing you many years of continued success.

Amy Lane

I discovered you through Gal Meets Glam a while back and have found that I related more to your fashion sense and have been a faithful follower ever since then. I love watching your Instagram stories with Meesh! Congratulations on 10 Years!


Hi Carly! Reading your posts is one of my favorite things to do in the morning — you have such great tips and it has been really fun to follow your story. Congratulations on 10 years!!!

Jamie Leigh

Congratulations on a huge milestone!

I stumbled across your blog years ago and have been following you since then. I am so impressed by your growth – both from a business and personal standpoint. Your approach to business is commendable and always appreciate your honestly – delivered with class. You’re a role model for all ages!

Chelsea Dupuy

My freshman year of college I struggled with anxiety and depression and was looking for anything and everything I could find to help me feel more organized and put together. Your blog helped me find exactly what I was looking for and helped to ease my anxieties because I was able to see how you were successful in your planning and try to follow your lead. I’ve enjoyed seeing you grow beyond college as I find myself in new roles of adulthood.


Congratulations Carly! It’s been such a pleasure to read your posts over the years. And to follow you on social media! I get the best ideas from you, from outfits to life hacks, to being such a girl boss and loving what you do. Can’t wait to see what the next years bring!!

Lizzie Kelley

I found your blog in about 7th grade (2013 for me) and just remember thinking how great of a role model you seemed to be, and how much I looooved your style. My best friend and I even started a “blog”—it was a shared google slides that only our moms were on—of our own because we loved what you did so much!! Six years and many blog posts later, I still look forward to reading the newest prepster posts and following along :))

Lauren Turecki

Congratulations on 10 years of blogging! I found your insta while scrolling deep on my explore page and you seemed much more real than the other pages I scrolled past. Since then I’ve been reading your blog and following your instagram!

Crista E

Congrats on 10 years! That’s like a lifetime in the age of the internet! I started following you when I was a freshman in college, so like 9 years ago. It was nice to read a blog from a gal who was my age and dealing the stress of college.


Carly, I first found you on Instagram six years ago, and have been following you ever since! I admire your authenticity, your relationship with your family, your work ethic, and your impeccable style! Keep blogging, your posts always brighten my day!


Hi Carly! Congrats on 10 years. I’ve been following for quite a while but my favorite post of yours is your travel packing essentials post. So helpful! I found your blog through Pinterest and the fact that you are from Tampa like me :). A special memory is when I met you and Julia at the Oxford Exchange last year!

Kelsey Humphrey

I love your Christmas Gift blogs! I found so many great ideas for friends and family on your blog!

Taylor Anderson

I first found your blog when looking for graduation dresses in high school. I found such inspiration through your blog and now as a working adult I find a lovely break in my day. Your grace and relatability are amazing.


Congrats Carly on your 10 year milestone! Thanks for all that you have contributed to the IG world and making us privy of your insight though your blog. You’ve introduced me to brands I would have never come across and helped me step out of my comfort zone to try new things. I can’t wait to see what you have store in the future. Keep up the fabulous job!

Kathleen N


I found your Instagram about 3 years ago when you were still Carly the College Prepster! I found your blog through other bloggers and, your traditional, refined style is what stood out to me. One of my favorite posts was your Nantucket guide and anything Nantucket related! We went to Nantucket this past summer in 2018, and I have to say we used SO much of your guide. We ate at a majority of the restaurants and visited many shops.

I enjoy how you are real with your blog. It is refreshing to read and also to know you truly mean what you write. It’s completely relatable and a breath of fresh air!

Can’t wait to keep reading for the years to come! xx

Jessie M.

Congraulations Carly!! Your BBG post inspired me to finish my 12 weeks! It was super hard but definitrly worth it! Thanks for alm that you do!

Caroline S

10 years is a huge accomplishment, it is rare to find a person staying at their job so long. Congratulations! You are truly an inspiration.

Daniela Reina

Washington, DC salutes you. Thank you for always sharing Your story with us and filling our screens with a lovely tips tricks and things to make our day a little brighter. I have been a big supporter for a while and we also have that Florida to DC connection which is really great.

Emily Ballard

I found your blog when looking for ideas of how to dress for college on the easy coast…which I started in 2011! Have loved following you and seeing you and your brand grow!

Angela Chen

Congrats Carly on the big milestone!! Reading about your progression and all of the big moments in your blogging career is incredible. You should be so proud and I hope you take this time to celebrate! 🙂

Kailyn Nilson

Hey Carly! I’m so proud of this incredible accomplishment! I’ve been reading since I was in 8th or 9th grade (about 5 years ago!) & I’m so excited to see you grow even more. Here’s to another 10 spectacular years!!

Stephanie B.

First blog I ever really started following way back when and have enjoyed it ever since throughout different phases of life.

Ellie Oliveira

I found your blog through Julia’s (Gal Meets Glam). I have religiously been following your blog since. I love how sincere you are with your readers and I like how you stay true to who you are and the content of your blog. Congrats on 10 years!!!

Jordyn Tunnell

Firstly, congratulations! This is so impressive! Secondly, I love your blog. It was one of the first blogs I ever followed. I was only 13, and was going through a major friendship issue and didn’t really know who I was. I found your blog and it helped me to find out who I was by helping me go from dressing just like every other 7th grade girl (Nike shorts and a tshirt everyday) to dressing like myself and not being afraid of dressing in a classic style. It’s not only helped me dress a heck of a lot better, dressing in a way that I love has given me so much more self confidence. Thank you! I’ve been following your blog for 4 years now, and it never stops to inspire my style, and ultimately the Jordyn that I present to the world.


I started following because I was so inspired by your style, it has been so great to see you grow and develop your life style! Thank you for allowing us to be a part of your life!!


Congrats on 10 years! I actually found your blog through some photos you did with KJP and Sarah. I think it was apple picking? I was honestly most impressed that you managed to snag the “carly” username! I’ve grown to most love your Youtube videos, and hope you come back making them in your own time. Can’t wait to see what’s next for you!

Ashley Croft

Your realistic and genuine attitude combined with chic and sophisticated style are total goals. Thank you for being you and giving us plain-Janes some hope that we, too, can have timeless style.


I was so excited to find your IG while randomly searching one afternoon—I love your style!

Denise chan

Carly- you are an inspiration to us all. This post just made me realize how much of a renaissance women you are. I can’t imagine having the perseverance you had to start something that wasn’t well known back then. I am excited to see what 2019 has in store for the Carly the Prepster 😊


I found your blog through tumblr and having been following since! My favorite posts are the On My Radar ones.

Savannah Kernen

Thank you for not giving up on your blog you have inspired me for years and I think you are fabulous! Also I love your dogs!

Margot B

can’t even remember how I found your blog/when I started following you because it’s been so long! congratulations!!


I used to read your blog all of the time in college. Pre-Instagram days when I had to bookmark your site. I’ve loved watching your blog grow.

Marielle R.

Wow! Your tips have helped me through college and now that I’m living in DC! Congratulations!!

Mary D

Thanks so much for 10 years of content! Love your style and the special cameos from Meesh!


I found Carly on twitter early 2013, and have followed since. I have grown to admire her so much, I see her as a mentor. I also relate so much to Carly, she’s obviously a role model too.
Wish you the very best, Carly!

Ciera P.

WOW! Congrats on 10 years of blogging! That is quite an achievement and I’m so happy to hear that you have found a career that makes you excited! While I’ve only been a reader of your blog since June 2017 or so, the passion you have for fashion and lifestyle blogging really shines through every time you post. I have especially loved your collaboration with Julia with the most recent GMG dresses! Huge congratulations to you! Xx

Katherine Marie

I first found you on pinterest years ago and have been following ever since!! I absolutely love your sale guides and go to them for amazing recommendations. (p.s. Good luck learning French – I love using Duolingo to brush up on my Spanish when I’m not taking classes) Congrats on hitting 10 years!


I’ve loved following your journey- from DC to NYC to CT! Can’t wait to see what comes next. Congrats on this huge milestone.


I found your blog through Tumblr and have been following since! My favorite posts are the On My Radar ones.


Congratulations! I’ve enjoyed reading the blog since I stumbled upon it when you started. I’ve always appreciated your sincerity and admired your style. Cheers to 10 more years!


What a milestone! I can’t remember when I first found your blog, but it was definitely pre-ig. I remember back when Instagram was only in the Apple appstore and I had to use it from my ipod because I had a Blackberry. So funny to think about now.

Kelsey C

Congratulations on 10 years, Carly!!! I have loved following along via Instagram and the blog over the past few years and look forward to more to come!

Stephanie B.

Congratulations on your 10 year anniversary! I can’t tell you how many times I have seen an outfit you are wearing or products you recommend and have instantly switched to shopping mode. I love your style! I’m so glad that you didn’t stop blogging when things got tough. So many faithful readers would totally miss you! I started following you back in your first years when I was a college student!

Kathryn Selbert

Congratulations on such a milestone! I’ve really enjoyed following your journey and always look forward to your thoughtful posts.


I found your blog Five years ago when I started college and I’ve been a reader ever since! Your posts have helped so much, especially the organization and traveling pieces. I recently read your post about the KonMari method after watching a couple of episodes and I can’t wait to try it with your spin on it. I was apprehensive about trying it (too daunting) but when you said you did it by types of clothing, it made more sense to me. Now I can’t wait to empty out my closet and reorganize! Thank you for sharing over the years! To many more years of blogging!

Katie S.

I think I first followed you on tumblr (if that’s right?) Once I got an instagram you were one of the first bloggers I followed. I’ve always loved your fashion taste and how it’s evolved over the years, any of your fashion posts are always my favorites!

Kathleen B

Wow, what an accomplishment! You were the first preppy blogger I followed, and it was so refreshing to find someone who dresses similarly to me. I look forward to seeing where your blog goes in the coming years!


I’m a relatively new follower but I became hooked! Thanks for always having a great mix of posts and information—books, cooking, clothing, lifestyle. Reading your blog always starts my morning off well!


I’ve been reading since my last year of college, 2012, and never miss a post! I love your outfit posts the most and am always inspired to create similar outfits! I also love reading posts about you and your sister. I have a younger sister as well who has a more trendy style overall, while I tend to dress more preppy so I feel like you and your sister are very similar to us! Thank you for creating and maintaining such an awesome blog! Congratulations on 10 years!!


I started following you my junior year of college (fall 2012), I think I found you through tumblr while avoiding studying for finals. Needless to say I found my study distraction, and I became a loyal follower. I remember you had posted cute printouts for binder covers, I used them the rest of the year and got tons of complements! I am a west coast girl with a east coast fashion sense, and I always loved reading your posts and seeing your outfits and getting fashion ideas from you. I’ve been following you ever since! Fun fact: I went to the same college at the same time as Julia Engel, our sorority houses are right next to each other.

Ella L.

CONGRATS on 10 years, Carly! I found your blog last year. I read one post and was hooked! I always turn to your blog for fashion advice, or just life advice. As a girl in her early teenage years, you are one of my biggest role models! Thank you so much and I can’t wait to see what you have planned for the future of this blog! 🎊🎊


I love your blog, I found you through GalMeetsGlam/Julia Engel & your work with her clothing! As an east coast law student, I’m inspired by your preppy, put-together style! Your red J.Crew coat ice skating posts were some of my favorites! I loved the rainbow ring you got your sister for Xmas too, on my list now. 🙂

Sarah K. B.

Carly!! I cannot believe the blog is TEN! When I first started reading, you were working at Levo League and would blog late at night. I remember you taking about how you would get like four hours of sleep so that you could work on the blog! You have come so far, and I have loved getting to follow along for all of it!! Congratulations on this milestone! 💗

Jade Giovannini

I loved to know more about your blog history! I found your blog through Julia and after following you on Instagram I’ve been reading the blog quite frenquently! I absolutely love the prepster group on facebook too, it’s such a powerful community of wonderful women helping each other. Thank you for providing us with the space for that ♥️

Grace @ The Graceful Wanderer

I remember first reading your posts when I was a senior in high school frantically searching for information on what college would be like! It’s been fun to watch your blog grow and to grow alongside it all these years. Congratulations!


Thank you for such a great blog. I am a more recent follower but I love the variety in what you post. It’s a great start to my day to read your posts every morning. Keep up the great work!

Catherine Cirrotti

I have absolutely loved your blog and all of your posts since middle school. Unlike so many things I’ve followed, I’ve grown up (in college now!) and still relate to you and your posts. You are so authentic and devoted to your work and an inspiration to all. My favorite post was always the “on my radar” 🙂 thank you for being so relatable and growing up with me!

Ana Becerra

Congratulations on 10 year of your blog! I can’t believe you started in college, I was so unorganized and undisciplined (still am a bit) that i would not have had it together to start a blog then. I found your blog by following daphne (mode & the city) who I found by following Rach Martino. I love your preppy style and since I moved to NYC in the last year basically aspiring to be you one day! Love following along Carly <3

Whitney Kinyaevskaya

Hi Carly! As someone who also identifies with your original “college prep” and general preppy lifestyle, I love being able to follow someone with whom I feel that I relate. It’s nice be able to feel like your own style and lifestyle is represented, so I love reading your content and getting inspired!


I’ve been a longtime reader and have appreciated every bit of life you’ve shared here- it’s helped me in more ways than I can count over the years, from college to style to just getting through the tougher parts of life. Thanks for everything Carly, here’s to the next 10!

Maddy Peticolas

I stumbled across your blog a few years ago on Tumblr. Time and time again, your posts popped up on my dashboard. Who is this girl? I thought. Once I clicked on the blog, the rest was history. I was hooked, and years later your blog posts have become some of my favorite daily reads. Thank you, Carly.

Katherine Leak

Congratulations! I’ve been following for about a year but I’ve particularly loved taking inspiration from your sophisticated style and working it into my own wardrobe here in NYC!


Congratulations Carly! Fairly new reader but your posts have become part of my day now!

Lara Bloom

I’ve only been reading for maybe three years, but my time has not been wasted! I found you through KJP and thought your style was adorable. I’m in high school and cannot think of any better role model, your style and positive inspire me everyday!
Thanks for everything! And congratulations!

Rosalind Grace

Congratulations, Carly! I’ve read your blog since I was in college in New York City – all of your posts on fashion (the mix of classic and fun!) and posts on city have been especially meaningful to me. I don’t have a particular post in mind, but I’ve been most recently convicted by your mentions of putting the “insta” back in Instagram to document memories in the moment, rather than spending the time editing it 100% perfectly. It’s so wild to think how social media has shaped what blogging/posting looks like now, and I respect how you’ve consistently stayed ahead of the curve (maybe even ironically with on-the-spot instas!). Thank you for your posts and I’m thrilled to see what you do next!

Lara B

I’ve been reading for three years and absolutely love your style. I think your style posts are helpful, but so are your all around post, organized people do it best! I’m so proud of your ten year milestone and am excited to see what the future brings for you Carly!

Emily DeLong

Happy 10 years!! I can hardly believe I started following you NINE years ago – almost from the beginning! Can’t wait for another 10!

Haley Jo Middlebrook

Carly! I’m such a fan and I think this post may be my favorite because it took me back to my Freshman year of college when I started reading! So much of what I wore then and still wear now are based on your taste and amazing styling. All of your “How To” posts have been so helpful- breaking in Jack Rogers and J Crew sleeve rolling especially! Thanks for creating such a lovely, positive, fun place. Congrats!! xx

Beka Miller

I have been following since my sophomore year of college and have always loved how real and relatable you are. I am huge fans of your pups and love how you stick to your style through all of the different trends in fashion. Also after living with my nursing school roommate for several months figured out that you two grew up together. I was talking about how much I love your blog and told her she should follow-come to find out, you had been friends for years. Small world!

Kelsey Davis

I remember coming across your blog on Pinterest trying to find inspiration for my own college life! Thank you for giving a lost freshman some guidance on clothing and lifestyle advice 💗

Rebecca Schroeder

Loved your blog since my freshman year of college (8 years ago!), and continue to look to you for inspiration in both style and life. Keep doing what you’re doing because it’s great!

Jessica Steward

I found your blog just as I started my own college journey in 2014 and now I’m getting ready to graduate! I haven’t stopped reading/watching/following since. You’re such a positive presence to have in my life (even if it’s just online) and a constant source of motivation and inspiration. Plus, as a west coaster who has yet to visit the east coast, it’s a nice dose of a little bit different culture. Thanks for everything and cheers to 10 more years!


Taylor Bott

Great job Carly! What a great milestone to teach in your blogging career. Keep up the classy work!

Soraya Thenoz

I love the content of blog! I have been reading your blog for almost a year and on instagram! My favorite “on my radar”!

Theresa Feeney

Hi Carly! Congrats on 10 years of blogging! I’ve been following for so many years that I can no longer remember when I started following! But I love your post about meeting Casey Neistat! Seeing you so happy to meet Casey made me so happy too 🙂 and more recently, I loved your Parent Trap Halloween costume. I followed in your footsteps and did the same costume this year 🙂 Can’t wait to see what the next 10 years bring! <3

Ali Lowndes

Carly! I keep re-reading this post and I just love your story so much! You have and continue to bring so much joy into my every day. Keep on doing you. We all love you so much! The TCP community is so caring and positive. I love being a part of this little internet family xo

Sydney Donnell

One of my favorite blogs you did was after you and Garrett broke up. I felt so bad for you and the situation. But reading your post really showed how real you were as a person. Not just an incredible dresser, living a picture perfect life. It showed you were human dealing with the same things we have all been through. You showed such poise and honesty. It really made me appreciate your point of view and you in a different way. So grateful for that post!

Claire Wash

This is so great! I love the freedom and creativity of this type of position and the way social media allows us to connect.


Such an awesome post! You go girl! I’ve been following for years and always check your site for ideas when planning an important outfit or trip! You’re so classy and sophisticated.


Carly — I found your blog while I was working the lonely night shift back in 2010 and have been a follower ever since. I have loved seeing you grow and change into the person you were always meant to be!


Hi Carly! I found you on Instagram in 2014 when I, then a high school senior, was committing to upgrading my wardrobe and style to something more preppy and sophisticated. I’ve loved following your posts since!


I’ve been on and off blogging for a few years now, but I can always count on reading your posts to inspire me to start again. Congratulations on 10 years of blogging! We will all still be here reading your blog 10 years from now too… xo

Alyssa S.

Love this & your awesome style! It’s fun to see how you pair preppy clothing to still look feminine! Thanks for the inspo!!

Jenn J.

I started reading when you did the collaboration with Kate Spade for your graduation from Georgetown! I can’t believe it has been that long.

It’s truly been a pleasure watching you over the years. I look forward to many more! 🙂

Hannah Hart

Congratulations on ten years!!! I found your blog only a few years ago while I was browsing Pinterest for ideas for outfits for a first time trip to Alaska. I found your post from your trip with Julia and I fell in love with your style. As I browsed your blog and found your Instagram I continued to find more and more about you that inspired me! I came for the fashion, stayed for the realness!


I discovered your YouTube channel first. I loved the tour of the Vineyard Vines headquarters. I also love the video of how you ran into Casey Neistat and how he was so nice to you. I love how you have really good taste and great style. I think that graduating from Georgetown is such a great accomplishment. I am so proud of how you pursued a career in blogging and didn’t pursue the usual 9-5 job. You’re such an inspiration so keep up the great work!


I’ve been following your blog for years! It’s so exciting to see how you’ve grown and expanded! Congrats on this milestone. Can’t wait to see what you do next! 🙂

Abigail Edwards

I’ve loved reading and keeping up with your posts the past few years. I started reading in high school and am now a junior in college! So proud of your achievement! Congrats!!


Love following you, especially at the moment as I will be following my husband to New York in the summer as he accepted a job in New York.


Thank you so much for making my days a little bit brighter. I always look forward to reading your blog posts and watching your Instagram Stories. Thank you ♡

Rebecca Simmons

I found your blog over five years ago and immediately fell in love with it! I can’t remember how I happened upon it, but I loved your style and every post you came out that I quickly became an avid follower. I think I follow you on just about every social media platform now! I think it’s wonderful that you can make this into a full time job seeing as how it’s such an essential part of your inner creative process and something you love dearly. Helps that you’re AMAZING and every post is so interesting as well! 💗

Vienna Vance

I found you when looking for advice about homesickness after going off to college! Helped so much, and now I’m loving life at Pomona College 🙂

Kelsey F

10 years. Honestly floored. Congrats on all your hard work through the ups and downs! I think the only consistent in my life from 2008 is the backpack I used for college classes. 😂

Noel Stark

Absolutely thrilled for you! Thank you for sharing everything from your outfits to your books with us. You’re the best!

Jordan Garcia

Since I discovered your blog a few years ago I have never stopped loving your posts! You are not only a fashion inspiration, but also inspire as a wonderful human being who inspires others. Congratulations on 10 years!

P.S. Love Teddy and Hamilton! I have a bichon named Teddy Bleu!

Jordan Garcia

Since I first discovered your blog a few years ago, I have never stopped loving it! You are not only unequivocally a fashion inspiration, but also a wonderful human being that inspires others with the work you do/create! Congratulations on ten years!
P.S. Love Teddy and Hamilton! I have a bichon named Teddy Bleu!

Boston Petite

So incredibly impressed at your perseverance throughout these ten years! Thank you for continuing to do what you do!

Theresa Wolf

Congratulations on this huge accomplishment!!! I found you on Tumblr when I was still a high school student in Austria. I have loved following you and used your blog as an inspiration when I moved to the US to attend college. Thank you for all you do and I am excited to see what the future holds in store for you 🙂

Jessica Gamelin

Hi Carly!! I found you in 2012 during the summer before my freshman year of college. I wasn’t big on social media back then, so when I found you it was definitely through Pinterest! I was looking for a way to grow my own style (I was wearing blazers in 6th grade). Classic and timeless pieces have just always been my thing. Congratulations to you for hitting 10 years. It’s a joy to see your life progress! I’m hoping that someday soon, I’ll also be able to start my own business like you!

Ashlee N.

I’ve been following you since 2009! Reading your blog helped me get through college knowing that I wasn’t the only one struggling with the stress of how life changes when you get to college. I’ve been an avid racer ever since.


You are incredible! Thank you for being YOU and for providing this incredible community for all of us our here in the cyber world 🙂 You make it a better place!


Congratulations! I’ve been following you since I was in high school – your intense study tips and style spoke to me – and I’ve loved growing alongside you as you’ve embraced vulnerability (and adopted meditation through Headspace) as I’ve tried to do, too.

Izabele Wensley

Carly! I can’t believe I’ve already been reading your blog for four years and following you on Pinterest since I got one (age 12). Can’t wait to see what else you do!


Happy 10th! Thank your for being real and open with your story and struggles. As someone who struggles with anxiety, it makes me feel a lot less alone in that. Cheers to the next 10! 🎂

Lauren Mifsud

Carly, you’re amazing! I have been following your blog for years and have been continuously inspired by your beautiful self! Thank you for being YOU!

Anna Price

I’ve loved following along for all these years! You’re such an inspiration Carly!


I never read blogs, I always just stick to social media but yours has always been different for me as corny and cliche as that may sound! I first found you on Instagram (years ago) and loved how real you were on there, I started reading your blog and tend to go there for a lot specifically your organizational posts when I first started – I may have copied your tips a lot!! I even felt so connected to you I asked your opinion on a Phonecase one time on Instagram and guess what – you actually answered me!!! Thanks for being so real and awesome.

Lauren Ellie

I started following your blog in grade ten ( about 8 years ago) when for the first time I was getting into preppy fashion and I have been a consistent reader since then. I think my biggest memory is when you started sharing your experiences with anxiety and I saw s lot of parallels with my own life. Your story of starting a blog as a way to combat burn out helped me when I faced burnout in my senior year of college. I’m so incredibly grateful to have found your blog and am so excited to see what you do next!

Ane Icardo

Carly, I have been following you for about 7 years now, and I am very grateful for your posts on fashion, lifestyle, but honestly, mostly how you have dealt with mental health problems. It really touched me and helped me as I was going through depression 4 years ago. Like we say in my native language, ¡por 10 años más!



Congratulations on 10 years! I found you through Julia – I was looking for inspiration on how to decorate my new home, and you were buying awesome sconces at the time. So glad I found your blog!

Nicki Schiller

I remember in my junior year of college, between surfing the Total Sorority Move Wall and Sarah KJP’s Twitter for outfit inspiration to an upcoming social event, I stumbled across a picture of her posing with this adorable brunette in a pumpkin patch, and I immediately stalked her back to her blog. Two weeks and a thorough back dive through her previous blog posts, and stalking her puppy (soon joined by a second!), and I was completely obsessed. I quoted her advice to my sorority sisters constantly, and when she traveled, I added her hotel and restaurant recommendations to an ever growing bucket list. You’ve become a true friend to me, and every time you come back to Tampa Bay, I hope I get to be lucky enough to bump into you, so I can tell you in person some day how much you’ve helped me through some speed bumps! Here’s to another ten years.

Keely Riel

Carly I have loved watching you through the years of following you rebrand and dress beautifully. I loved watching the evolution of the college prepster to Carly! You are so real and you have gotten more sponsorships over the years. Love following you and cannot wait to see what the future holds!

Emily Lundberg

I remember when I was in college the same time you were and “blogging” was super popular. (Class of 2012, represent) I created a blog and it didn’t work out for me (wasn’t expecting it)…..but I enjoyed reading everyone’s posts/blogs. These days I still follow most of the bloggers, but on instagram now and watch their stories. Congratulations on ten years!! Something to be proud of. It’s been amazing to follow along with you on your journey called life, the personal and not so personal. P.S. you’re one of my favorites, us September birthdays have to stick together. 🙂

Kelly Adams

Congratulations!! I’ve been an avid reader for several years, and I always turn to your blog when I need some style inspiration! Keep up the great work!

Cassie Yettru

My favorite memory of you is probably MEETING you! Seeing Maxie McCoy open up to you during the event at Lively and visibly seeing the friendship you two have was inspiring – what a wonderful thing to have friends who are so driven, creative and successful, yet manage to still be normal and warm (and I don’t mean just for Maxie, but from both of your perspectives!). Reading your blog, especially when you talk about anxiety, has been a source of solace for me over the years and I’ll always be grateful for that – much more than the clothing tips, etc.

Samantha K.

You were one of the first “non-friends” I ever followed. I connected not only with your style and life stages, but also your relationship with your mom and how you view the world.

Happy 10 years — what an accomplishment!

Jess Schmitz

Congrats, Carly! I’ve been following your blog since I was a freshman in High School and I’m graduating college this year. It’s been amazing to see your blog grow, and you have been a steady role model for the past 8 years 🙂


I found the blog in college and followed it through out law school and now into my professional career. I love how it’s transitioned with me through the different stages in my life, and it’s made a move to a new city much easier with something familiar to check into. Thank you!

Kelsey Mosier

Hi Carly! 10 years of blogging is seriously amazing. I think it was about 10 years ago when I made my own blog on WordPress and kept up with it for maybe a year or two, got bored and couldn’t handle keeping up with it anymore. I just recently found your blog when I was searching for popular bloggers on Google, because I was desperately wanting to get back into blogging; even if I wasn’t the one reading the posts. Your blog posts are so inspirational and I love reading about your life on here and watching what you post on Instagram as well. I look forward to reading more of your posts in the future. Congratulations once again!!

Kelsey Mosier

Sam M

Congratulations on your blogging anniversary!! I’ve been following since the neon days of the College Prepster, when I first started undergrad years ago. I followed for your style, but now I find myself on your social pages more than your blog because I like your day-to-day life updates (in addition to your awesome style, of course). Thanks for always being you, and here’s to 10 more! 😉


Congrats on your anniversary! Found you through following Cathy from Poor Little It Girl when she lived in DC.


Congrats on 10 years! Really obsessed with the red lip red jumpsuit vibe you had in the holiday Gal Meets Glam creative. Love watching as your style matures – so chic!


I found you through the fold your sleeves like J Crew post and never looked back! (I still get asked how to do it by everybody so thank you!)


I love following your journey, you’re an inspiration! I’ve always debated starting a blog, mostly because I LOVE photography and travel, but I haven’t jumped in yet. It’s such a crowded space now, it feels so much more difficult to be successful.


I found your blog years ago through Tumblr and have loved watching you succeed!

Mary Kate

I found your blog as I was starting to look for colleges 4 years ago and I have loved it ever since! Your content is so much fun to read and follow 🙂


Congrats on 10! Big fan of your blog. Started following in 2012 when I was working at this awful internship – about posts and positivity helped get me through! You’re one of the few bloggers I follow whose posts I actually read! My favorite is when you give book recommendations – Circe and Educated are two of my favorite books and I would be have heard about them if it wasn’t for you! I also passed those books on to friends and family so multiple people have been able to enjoy all because you posted it! Haha


Congrats on 10 years! I enjoy reading your posts because no matter the topic, they are always thoughtful and well-written. Thanks for always keeping it real!


I found your blog probably back in 2013 when I started getting more into preppy fashion. I’ve loved reading it ever since!


Congratulations Carly! I started following you after your Apple picking post with Julia and Rose. I LOVED your style immediately! That particular post is one of my all time favorites of yours! I also love your posts from visiting Paris.

Erin Mitchell

I remember when I stumbled upon TCP my freshman year of college. Like you, I was in a rough spot, and it was such a relief knowing that I wasn’t alone (or crazy). That was 7 years ago. Thank YOU for staying true to yourself and sticking with it for all of this time. You’re so appreciated, Carly. Congratulations!

Carrie Bruno

Congratulations Carly, what an amazing accomplishment! I have been following since 2012 and have admired your classic style. Thank you for all that you have done! Here’s to the next ten!

Amanda Weber

I can’t believe it’s been 10 years! I remember finding your OOTD posts towards the beginning and loved how relatable and versatile they were. My favorite post is an oldie but goodie all about bean boots.

Casey Rice

Congratulations on 10 years Carly! I have been following your blog ever since I was in college (at least 5 or 6 years now) and always idolized your style and poised attitude. Now, living in NYC as a working adult, I am inspired by the way you handle life like a boss and enjoy life in the big city. I even ran into you once! I recognized you and just kind of stared at first, but I knew if I said something you would be so sweet. So I introduced myself, and you were so nice! I’m looking forward to the next 10 years of your blog and wish you all the best! Thank you for everything!

Kate Noble

Congratulations! It’s been wonderful to have a blogger who mixes high and low items so well and such a classic way.

Victoria C

Congratulations on an incredible milestone! It’s inspired me to pause and consider what I’ve been dedicated to for a decade. I don’t know when I first started reading, but I know it’s stayed with me through college, grad school, and my first job. Best wishes, and thank you for this space on the internet!


Congrats on 10 YEARS!! What a major milestone to hit! It must be crazy to look back at and think about everything you’ve gone through to get to where you are today

Kelly Allen

I’ve been following along since I was in college (nearly 6 years now!) I can’t remember how I found you but so glad I did. Love your posts!


I’m not exactly sure how I found The College Prepster way back in 2009, but I can’t believe it’s been 9 years since then! I was also a freshman in college and I think what I’ve enjoyed most about your content is how we’ve been at similar stages in life so I’ve really felt connected and honestly I’ve never followed anyone else half this amount of time. It helps that I’m from Central florida too (and love OE). Thanks for taking me on this life journey with you!

Darcy Van Ness

I found you through Pinterest first! As a Connecticut girl, I looked at your style and was like SHE GETS IT! Your office reveal has been major inspo to me this year, and your post about why you didn’t go crazy at the Nordstrom sale really changed my perspective on bloggers/influencer culture. Every time you pop up in my feed, I’m glad to see you because it feels like seeing a friend!

Madeline O.

A good friend suggested I read your blog 2 years ago and I haven’t stopped since! Your incredible style and positive attitude make your blog so much fun. And though I seem to find something I want to buy every time I read your blog, I love every minute of it! Thanks for all you do 🙂


Congratulations! In what often seems like an over saturated market, it’s so great to see that you have been able to keep you strong voice and perspective in such a special way. Cheers to 10 more years!


Carly- congratulations on such a milestone! I’ve been following you from the beginning and look up to you like an older sister!

Ashley Lamb

Congratulations Carly! I am just 2 years younger than you, so reading this and thinking about how different things were when I was starting college made me giggle a little. Love reading your blog and following your Instagram stories!

Christine Ross

Hooray for ten years Carly! You’ve been such an inspiration to bloggers for all these years!

Emma Conti

You’re blog has always been an inspiration for better (and prettier 🙂 studying and doing better in school. Thank you for being that inspiration! I remember when I Found your blog 5+ years ago and it’s hard to believe it’s been 10 years.

Victoria DiMillo

Hi, Carly! You popped up in my explore page on Instagram about 3 years ago, when I was a junior in college, probably due to my obsessive love of J Crew. I fell in love with all of your clothes and once I found out that you are also from South Tampa, I was hooked! I went to school in Boston and stayed here post-grad, but every time I go home for the holidays I always wonder if you might be nearby. Thanks for a few great years of content and conversation; I look forward to where you will go in the future!

Laurel Wilson

Carly! It’s amazing to read about how far you have come over the last 10 years! You are a constant source of light and inspiration to me and all of your readers! I can’t wait to see what you have planned for 2019. xo

Juliana N

I started following back when I was a junior in college (about six years ago!) and at the time I was trying to find a new style for myself & I really liked, and still do, your classic style! Thanks for being an inspiration to me then & for continuing to create great content that I can apply now such as your packing and organization tips!! Best of luck for another 10 years!

Shannon Danis

congratulations on this milestone!! i found your blog when i was a sophomore in high school and it has served as my style and lifestyle inspired ever since! as a recent college graduate, i now look to emulate your ambission and drive as i begin my own career. thanks for 10 amazing years, and here’s to many more!!

Jade PW

Happy 10 years! I first find you on instagram and you had some post about organization and I fell in love! My favorite post was your tips and tricks for planning travel — I use the mapping out trick in google maps religiously now. I also love being a part of your facebook community — always great positivity, support and tips! Thanks for all you do.


Wow, congratulations on your 10-year blogging anniversary! Like others, I started following you in my freshman year of high school. I loved your blog, and the travel, fashion, and lifestyle content in it! I remember I scored CCP stickers once, and I proudly put them on my school laptop. Of course they had to match my TB flats I got because of you too. Thank you Carly!!

Emily B

I remember finding your post while in college on how to be organized with your agenda and your time with studying. It was a big help for me. From there I’ve followed your blog for the last 7-8 years and I’ve loved the content. Thanks so much!

Emily B

I’ve followed since about 2011 when I started college and your tips on being organized where so helpful.

Thanks so much!

Ellen D.

Such an inspirational post! Congrats on 10 years and to many many more!

Much love from Hoboken. <3

Grace Driver

I was born and raised in San Diego, California and consider myself to be the epitome of a California girl. Although I love California and am grateful to have grown up here, I have always been enthralled by the beauty and style of the east coast. I began following Carly as a sophomore in high school for my daily dose of east coast prep. Fast foward to 3 years later I am now living on the East Coast attending Wellesley College, and it’s been an amazing journey. I truly don’t know if I would have made the big move across the country at just 17 years old but I surely do credit some of my inspiration for doing so to the exposure to the East Coast lifestyle I had from “The College Prepster”

Julie Harris

My, it’s been quite the ride! It has been such a treat to keep up with your blog over the years. I feel like I know you! You never fail to capture your readers with your beautiful writing, honesty, and humor. You are the true epitome of class. Can’t wait to see where the next years take you!


I first discovered your blog when I graduated college, when I was still trying to figure out my own style. Seeing your posts gave me the courage to figure out what was best for me and to be comfortable and proud of who I am. Congratulations on 10 years! I love all of your posts, especially on topics that I can relate to. I can’t wait to see what the next 10 years has in store for you!

Brynlee Hairston

Carly!! You were the first blogger I ever read/followed, and you’re still my favorite to this day! I am consistently inspired by you and the way you live your life. CONGRATULATIONS on 10 years of blogging – we all love you!!!

Elle Munns

I have loved following along through the years! Thank you for being so authentic and yourself and sharing your life with us!

Jenna Andrews

Carly!! I’ve been following your blog for years now and it’s still my favorite! My favorite posts are when you collaborate with Julia! 💗

Alexis Wiggins

I can’t believe you’ve been doing this for so long that’s amazing. My favorite part about your blog and you are watching/reading whatever you shared and using it for imagination and inspiration for my own life after college. It helps me get through exams and tough assignments, thinking about how lovely life can be afterwards.

Jordan W

Congrats on all of your successes and growth over the past 10 years. Truly inspiring.


The first time I learned about you and your blog was when you liked one of my Instagram posts years ago. I think it was of a Lilly calendar page and I was like “who is this?”. And that’s how I became a reader!!

Jamie S

Carly!!! Congrats on 10 years!! My favorite blogs post is one on how to blog – your perspective is refreshingly genuine and I love that about you. Cheers to you!


So happy for you! I only recently found your blog so this is a great recap of the history 🙂 wishing you many more years of success!

Olivia Patterson

I found your blog from following Julia first, and then seeing pictures of y’all on a trip together (maybe Alaska? about four years ago). I was a freshman in college with a new (and short-lived) Lilly addiction, and I loved the way you wrote. Since following you then, you’ve become one of my favorite faces and wardrobes to see on my feed every day. I appreciate the balance you strike between being personal and honest, and also setting a boundary between you and the reader by keeping your personal life to yourself. I think many influencers would be happier if they wer to practice this type of self care. Cheers to ten years of the prepster!

Hannah Millar

Hi Carly! Congratulations on this milestone. As someone who has been reading it for almost 5 years now, I cannot express how much I genuinely enjoy your posts. Over the past few years, your blog has helped me create new experience, learn more about myself, and push myself to go the extra mile. Thank you for continuing to write and share bits and pieces of your life. I cannot wait to see what amazing things you do next!

Holly Hunter

Carly! I have only been following this space for about a year due to a random find on the Instagram explore tab but yours is honestly one of my favorites. My favorite post would probably be the 100 days of meditation. I was going through a really rough patch for the majority of last year and didn’t know how to deal with my anxiety. I saw this post and immediately signed up for Headspace and wow, did it make a difference. I credit that with getting me through last year and I’m in such a great place now! Apart from that I absolutely LOVE your fashion and travel posts and I love getting inspiration from those for my next trips and purchases. Congrats again, here’s to 10 more years🥂


I’ve been a reader for many years and would just like to say congratulations! I was initially drawn to your blog for your organization posts and outfit posts. I could connect to you since you were also a college student and appreciated all of your wonderful advice. Your hard work does not go unnoticed and i am so grateful to have found you and to continue following you! 🙂

Meg Francez

Congratulations on TEN years! I found your blog in college, and have been reading it for most of your ten years. Can’t wait to see all the great things to come!

Lauren Tibbets

I found your blog through trying to discover my own classic style, especially as I’m transitioning from a teen to an adult! Thanks for all of your posts, Carly!

Christine C

Congratulations on 10 years! I have loved seeing your content ever since I found your blog 6-ish years ago. I am excited to see what you have planned for the future!

Kaitlyn Bly

I am over the moon for you and your 10 year achievement! You have taken this blog to new heights. Your originality and attentiveness to your work makes me feel like I truly know YOU! You are such an inspiration! Here’s to the years to come and your continued success!

Allison DiMaggio

Congratulations on 10 years of blogging!! I started following you a while back when I first saw you on Julia’s instagram. I love everything you two do together. But I just read through some of the comments on this blog post and honestly think it’s incredible that you have so many followers who go wayyyyyy further back than me. But it makes sense so I’m happy to be part of the Carly club! 🙂 Here’s to another 10 years!

Kate S.

Congratulations on 10 years! I stumbled across your blog a few years ago and I love your style!

Grace W.

Carly! Happy TEN YEARS!!! I think I found your blog back in my 2011 prepster days, and I was obsessed with you & Georgetown! I’m from Florida too and while I didn’t end up at Georgetown, I live in DC now for work post grad! Have been obsessed with you since then, you are literally my #goals! Congrats on ten years, can’t wait for the next ten!

Maria Christine

I first followed you during Fall 2013, when I was a junior in high school. Every girl I knew seemed to love your cute Instagram, and I quickly loved it too. Now, over five years later, I’m still using your posts for inspiration! However, by the far the most helpful posts you’ve ever done for me are your ones about when you coxed in college (I’m sure you don’t get that many of these comments anymore!). Last winter, after four and a half years of rowing (two in high school, two and a half in college) I had to make the switch to coxswain due to an injury. Over the summer, my coaches asked me to switch to the men’s team, as their coxswain had just graduated, and I accepted but immediately felt totally lost. I didn’t think I could ever get the guys to respect me when I was known for being, honestly, pretty girly. Reading your posts about your time as a college coxswain helped comfort me, because even though I don’t personally know you, your blog has made you a familiar presence in my life, and I felt like if you could do it, I could too. Sorry this was so cheesy and thanks so much for all your help over the years 🙂


Congratulations! I’ve just recently found your blog and have been thoroughly enjoying your instagram updates and blog posts for the few months since. You quickly joined my very short list of blogs (3) that I have seen a product recommendation on and then ordered that product. Thank you for your personable and thoughtful posts. Best wishes on many more years!

Katie G

I have loved every time you have been so real – especially addressing things like anxiety and failure. So awesome to use your platform that way and remind us those things are more normal than they can seem.


Hey Carly! Congrats on 10 years! I found you through Julia Gal meets Glam Instagram. And so glad I did! I really appreciate your clothing recommendations as they meet my budget. My favorite posts are when you open up about stress and anxiety and I use the headspace app all because of you— thank you for that! Oh and I love your dogs!!

Mary R

I started reading your blog when I was preparing to go away for college! Being from a small town, it’s not extremely easy to come by tips on going to college in a different state. Your tips and tricks were just the beginning, because once I started reading, I was hooked on your insight into things much broader than what to (and what not to) pack for college. Thanks for (simply put) being you!


Congrats! I’ve been following since many years ago! It’s great to see a succesful blog thriving throughout the years.

Madison Pincombe

Congratulations Carly on 10-years!! Your blog, Instagram, and more continue to inspire me as I document my life through my blog. Thank you for creating such amazing content and sharing it with us. I always come to you for fun style tips but also great informational and motivational content. I hope this next year is even bigger and better for you!

Mary R

I found your blog when I was preparing to go away for college! Being from a small town, tips for going to school out of state are not easy to come by. Once I started reading on your thoughts about what to pack (and ultimately, what not to pack), I was hooked! Crazy how the time has flown, but thank you for all that you do and all that you share. Simply put, thank you for being you!

Maria Christine

Hi Carly I’m sorry if I comment this twice! I just wanted to say that I first followed you in late 2013 because everyone in my small all girls high school seemed to be obsessed with your fashion style, and I am so glad that I did because your posts have been so helpful for me when I didn’t even know I needed them! Last year, after rowing for 4.5 years (2 in high school and 2.5 in college) I had to make the switch to coxswain because of an injury. Over the summer, my coaches asked me to switch to the men’s team as their top coxswain because theirs had just graduated, so I naturally said yes then was immediately terrified. Reading your blog posts from way back when you coxed in college were so helpful to me, because even though I don’t know you personally, your voice had become so familiar to me over the past five years that I felt like I knew you. If you were able to make eight big men respect and listen to you while still caring about fashion and knowing how to be fun, I knew I could do it too. So thanks for the last five years of beautiful Instagram posts and somehow always having a blog in the archives that will help me when I need it most.


The College Prepster is one of the first blogs I ever followed. I was in high school when I found it, and though your style and mine aren’t exactly the same, I loved reading how you put looks together and also talked about your other life experiences so openly. I was hooked! And your recent rebranding as Carly the Prepster and all of your collaborations have definitely pulled me back in. Thanks for being honest and real! The world needs more of that! 🌟

Megan mclean

I’ve followed you on Instagram all through college, and now post-grad! Your effortlessly chic and classic outfits are my main source of inspiration! Excited to continue to follow your journey!


10 years! Congratulations! What a fun milestone. I can’t remember how I joyfully stumbled across your blog, I I have loved following along ever since. I have loved all your travel adventures and from one preppy gal to another, I love your style. Give me jeans, a sweater and cute flats any day…

Alexandra Meyer

This is so great! I love when people find their passions and can actually follow them! I found you through a post you did with Julia probably about a year ago! I’m a huge fan of her and when I saw you two together, I become a huge fan of you! Congrats on 10 years!


Ten years is an amazing accomplishment! In a digital world where everything is so fleeting that truly is a lifetime. I, too, had a rough time my freshman year in college. I was an art major so thankfully in a time without the internet I had that. I’m glad you found something to bring you joy in that very rough time. I’m obviously older, the no internet was kind of the giveaway, but I really enjoy your classic style. I hope you have many more years of blogging that bring you joy!

Annemarie P

Carly, you are such an inspiration! Here’s to ten more years of amazing, authentic stories. Thank you for embodying the sort of elegance and classic style that I admire and strive to emulate. <3

Morgan Mielnicki

It’s been amazing to follow you for so long from following Teddy and Ham’s adventures, Meesh’s featured stories, you moving to Hoboken, all your traveling (paris, beaches, even NYC), your closet clean-outs, and all of your blogger meet-ups – its been so much fun to follow along. I love how down to earth you and how your sponsored posts are beyond creative and don’t just look like a pure advertisement. Happy 10 years to you and cheers to 10 more, Carly! xo


Way to go Carly!! Can’t believe I’ve been following your blog for so long! Where did the time go? Can’t wait to see all that you accomplish in the next 10 years! Xoxo


I found your blog while I was still I college, probably around when you started it! Well, I shouldn’t say I found it… my cousin was talking about one of your Lilly posts and I instantly connected with your other posts. I’ve been following ever since! Congratulations on ten years- it has been so much fun growing up with you 💜

Louisa Stephens

Congratulations on this milestone! I’ve loved watching your blog evolve over the years and I’m lucky to be able to call you an “insta-friend” 😉 Hope we can catch up again someday!

Kat Zobeck

Hi Carly,

This is an amazing giveaway you’re hosting. I wanted to say that I am very proud of you for having come all this way as a self-employed, entrepreneur-blogger! I myself hope to venture out in some of my own creative projects throughout my life and the blog you have built as well as the community you’ve found through it has given me hope that I, too, can succeed and find artistic-minded people through my own journey to bounce ideas off of and collaborate with.

I have enjoyed following along, and love the honest lifestyle approach you take to your blog, in that your blog has an incredible and vibrant life to it, but doesn’t read like a fantasy world of 100% optimism all of the time, that the every day viewer or person realistically could never attain.

For fashion, I enjoy following along your basic fashion essentials, which have helped me choose wisely in key staple purchases I’ve utilized for years (as well as your gift essentials for this past holiday!) I also enjoy learning about new and promising fashion designers, like Girl Meets Glam, through your posts. I love that you help provide them visibility!

Please stay inspired, stay earnest, and thank you so much for sharing these past 10 years!


Thank you for all of your hard work! I have been following since the beginning and just have loved watching the blog grow!

Jamie Willis

I’ve never really reached out to you (although I just recently tagged you in an Instagram story ab Catan bc I fell in love w it) but I found you when I was 19, in the start of my sophomore year of college. I think I was searching something like “college blogs” and you popped up! Fast forward 9 years and I’ve kept up! I come from a heavy southern proper family and life, and I’ve always kind of coveted your New England prep life (I would’ve died to be a coxswain!). And now I live in Tampa! Thanks for always keeping your class and wit ab you and staying true to who it is you want to be.

Fiona Shea

Congratulations on this achievement, Carly! Love reading your blog–you seem so authentic, and I really appreciate that

Dana N

Congrats on 10 years Carly! I started reading your blog as I was transitioning out of college and into law school. Your blog has been a constant source of fashion inspiration, not to mention inspiration for being more organized and productive in my work life. I always appreciate how open and honest you are about your daily life and struggles. Thank you and I can’t wait to see what the future holds for you and your work!


I’ve been following you for years and I can truly say that you are one of the most inspiring bloggers in the industry today. It’s so evident that you have a passion for what you do. I would love to win this giveaway but more importantly, congratulations Carly on your hard work and dedication to inspiring others and being true to your self. This is such a big milestone and I’m so happy for you. Much love xx

Madison gerisch

This makes me so happy! I found your blog through your YouTube channel back when you did an apartment tour! You’ve always been such a positive role model and always so kind and that’s not something that you see everyday so thank you 🙂


10 years of blogging is an incredible accomplishment! Be proud!
I am so thankful for all the guidance you’ve shared with me over some of those years. You’re a very “real” blogger. Not afraid to show the not so fun parts and let us in on some of the more everyday life things, but you put a unique spin on them!
Thank you so much for everything! Cheers to another 10 years!


I’ve loved your blog for 8ish years now & still have a folder in my gmail of Sunday Prep Talk 🙂 Congratulations on 10 years!


I love following your career! Thanks for being approachable and yourself on the internet. Congrats!


I love reading your blog! I have been reading since the early days and we are around the same age so it’s fun to see the blog develop and grow with time.

Allison Gardner

Congratulations on 10 years! I’ve been reading your blog since freshman year of highschool and now still today as a freshman in college! Reading your posts always put me in the best mood! You are always so inspiring and positive! Keep being you and I can’t wait see what’s next!


Hi girl!
I found your blog when I moved to the DC Area for school. I was preppy at the beginning of college but my style has evolved to less prep but I still am outfit stalking you for certain looks you serve us

Taylor Darrow

Although I enjoy seeing all of your Instagram posts, as well as reading your blog posts, I have to say my favorite blog post(s), recently, was either On My Radar (Nov. 9) or How to Speak Up (Even When It’s Scary) (Oct. 29). On My Radar, because although I’ve never doubted you only promote products / brands you can stand behind and love, it was only confirmed by your post. In a social media world, it is hard to know who is honest, but your integrity and commitment to your blog is apparent (loved the mirror selfie as well!) Speak Up, because as someone who is very shy and has difficulty finding the courage to say something, using the tips from your blog post has helped me to make strides in this. I found your blog through Pinterest, actually. I was looking for outfit inspiration about two years ago and came across a post of yours. I tracked down your Instagram from there, and the rest is history! Thank you for being real, and remaining true to who you are. Your posts are a pretty thing in a world that can sometimes be less than pretty.

Mila M.

Such a GREAT blogger Carly. You have been inspiring me since I was a wee freshman in high school and now you’re helping me get through college!

Kelly Miller

Love all of your book recommendations!! Always so spot on. Have followed for a long time and really enjoy reading your blog!

Calah V.

I found this blog about a year ago because I was looking for post-college style inspiration. I am definitely a West Coast girl through and through, but have always loved East Coast Style, so this blog was a perfect find. I’ve found most of my basics through this blog and love the great content and presentation! Thank you for being a blog that I catch up with weekly and when I’m just not sure what to wear!

Hilliary Jordan

congrats Carly! been reading along pretty much from the beginning, growing up along with you! (I’m also nearing 30 eek!) but I’m so glad I’ve had someone so relatable to go through it all with even if its just through this space on the internet

Lizzie Kenslea

Congratulations!! Been reading for years now because of my sister and am so thankful! It’s been great following along your journey!! Congrats!

Marcela Marrugo

I have been following now for more than 4 years and I have always loved your blog and Instagram. I love that you are always true to yourself! This is an incredible milestone, congrats!

Shannon Marie

Hi Carly – I honestly don’t remember how I started following you but it was back in the college preparer days – probably stumbled upon while searching for clothing Inspo while I was in college – but I continue to love it to this day!

Love your blog and your instagram!

Courtney Miller Pelfrey

I’ve been reading your blog for a few years now and it’s been a source of inspiration as I’ve challenged myself to grow my own blog, which I started for reasons very similar to your own! You also gave me an opportunity to feature some maternity style on your “1 Girl, 5 Outfits” post, which was so meaningful since you rarely see maternity fashion featured prominently! Thanks for being a down-to-earth, transparent blogger that we all feel like we’re really friends with from across computer screens! HUGE congrats on 10 years!

Amelia W

I’ll admit that I’m not an avid reader of blogs, but I’ve sort of grown up through high school and college following your Instagram and have always admired your sense of style. Congratulations on 10 years, and here’s to many more!


Congratulations on 10 years!! I’ve loved following along and feeling a part of your journey since first hearing about your story while back at UF. Best of luck in the future!

Jenny Ma

Carly!! Congratulations on your ten-year anniversary! I’ve only discovered your blog somewhat recently (a year or two ago) but I have to say that you are one of the few ones that I check on a regular basis! I love your fashion sense and also enjoy your writing style! Keep it up Carly!

Lots of Love,


Miriam Hall

Congratulations, Carly! It’s so exciting to see how far the blog has come. I stumbled upon it sometime in college (5+ years ago!), and it’s been fun seeing you transform while I also grew up and experience life’s fun changes too!

Monica Lynise

I’ve enjoyed your Instagram for years. It led me to your blog and it’s akwa so fun and honest. Congratulations on ten years!

Alexis (Lexi) Jasmin

You are such an inspiration to all young women! Congratulations on 10 years! I have enjoyed following you for the past two years!


Congrats Carly! I’ve been following you for a few years now and I absolutely love your style!


Congratulations on 10 years! My college roommate introduced me to your blog in 2012 and I’ve been following along ever since! Your style and genuine writing make your blog one of my favorites to read.

Sarah M.

What an amazing giveaway! I’ve loved checking out your blog and Instagram for the past few years!


Congratulations!!! I’m glad your creative outlet led to such amazing opportunities.

Anne Katherine

What a journey its been! I started following you around the time you graduate college, right when I was starting. I’ve loved the evolving content over the years, and your tried and true classic style inspires me daily!

Bianca Stabile

I graduated from high school in 2011 and was pretty anxious about going away to college. I found your blog and I’ve been hooked ever since. Our paths have ALMOST crossed a few times (I started working at Caneel Bay a year after you visited!!) Congratulations on 10 years — Wishing for another 10!

Reilly K.

I have no idea how I found your blog – but it’s been at least 5 years now. My sister and I also live apart (NY and FL! :)) and love to share your blog posts with each other. One thing that always comes up is how SMART we think you are – you write the most eloquently of any blogger out there!


Carly, many congrats on your anniversary! What an amazing milestone. I found your blog when I moved from sunny Florida to the Northeast to attend a preppy university in 2010. It was a whole new world, and I was ecstatic to find a guide (your blog) that helped me navigate (winter coats? Rain wear? Bean boots?)
I’ve always loved your style and found it a source of inspiration. Thank you, and best wishes for the next 10 years!

Samantha Williams

I remember my sophomore year of college (2014-2015) my sister send me one of your articles and told me she thought I would love your style and posts! Sure enough, she was right. You were the first blogger I ever followed on Instagram, and one of the few I continue to follow today. Thank you so much for all of your thoughtful posts, great content, and advice. Congratulations on 10 years of blogging 🙂

Taylor St Germain

When I moved from CA to MA for school, there was a lot I had to learn about east coast fashion. Your blog has kept me up-to-date on the latest styles and fashions in my new home!


So glad you are still around! I’ve been reading your blog since 3 years now and loved to see your journey.


Congratulations on 10 years! Have enjoyed your content and blog throughout the years


So crazy to think about, I started following the College Prepster in 2011 when I started college and attempted my Midwestern Prep tumblr page 😂 (sratinthecity, still mine to this day!) thank you for inspiring and helping those of us who were college preps transition into adulthood. Can’t wait to see what you do next!


Carly! I just want to say that I’ve started following you since the very beginning of your blog on Georgetown pre-all of the various social media platforms we now have. I remember your old site and how excited I was to see that you had a new post up! You were the one that got me into preppy dressing and I found you to be so inspirational as you were a few years ahead of me in school. I can’t wait to see what the next ten years bring for you! You’ve made a huge impact on me ( fun fact: I now live in your neighborhood and always hope to run into you!) and I hope you continue to blog your life’s adventures.


Congratulations on 10 years Carly! I’ve been reading your blog since around junior year of college (we’re the same age), and it’s been so inspiring to live through similar milestones with you. Your accomplishments teach me more about skills to develop professionally and even your sharing about your regrets and setbacks encourage me through my own experiences with failure. Thanks for always writing so candidly! Here’s to many more years!

Kalynne Miller

Congratulations on 10 wonderful years of blogging Carly! It has been such a joy following you over the years as you’ve continued to grow and build your brand. I love your content, and I’m constantly looking at your blog for inspiration! Keep doing what you’re doing Carly, and please never stop posting pictures of your sweet little pups. Cheers!

Jackie Mangin

Congratulations Carly! Thank you for the inspiration and guidance. You’re like the sister I never had.

Sarah Elizabeth Bowe

Congrats on 10 years! I appreciate that you have created a space with your Instagram account and blog to express your style while still being honest about your fears, goals and aspirations and a Facebook group that allows the community that follows you to do that with each other, as well. Cheers to you!


I just found your blog and Instagram account through Hannah Coker. I am so glad I found both because I love your style!! Congratulations on 10 years of successful blogging. It’s hard to keep up a blog. Haha I’ve tried it a few times but never hit the 10 year mark. It’s super impressive! Cheers!


Carly, HUGE congratulations on your 10-year blogaversary! I discovered you through Julia, and I’m so glad I’ve followed along since. Of all the bloggers, you’re so relatable and likable, and it has been inspirational to see your and the blog’s growth. Cheers to another 10!

Jennifer Langh

Love Carly’s fashion style ever since I discovered her instagram randomly while on a trip to DC in 2012. Can’t wait to see everything you accomplish in the future.

Anita Jude

Congrats on your 10 yrs that is quiet accomplishment and hoping for many more to come may you shoot for the stars

Anita Jude

Congrats on your 10 yrs that is quite accomplishment and one to be very proud of and I just found your blog and hope to be with you for another 10 yrs or more shoot for the stars

Rachel Kidd

I have been following you since you started your blog! My mom found you’re blog and sent it to me when I was going through some tough times in college, and I’ve been following you ever since. I love you’re posts and your style!

Cynthia M

Congrats on 10 years!! Have been following you for years on and off and have loved transitioning from college to the “real world” with you 😊


Congratulations! I discovered your blog when I was in college – it was one of the very first blogs I followed. I still look to you for classic style inspiration, so thank you for fighting through the burn-out!

Kendal Lanier

10 years is WILD! First found your blog through Julia, bless her, and you quickly became one of the favorites! I love how you own your fair skin (fair skinned girls unite!) and you provide tips on skincare in the sun. My favorite post is from your northern beach trip, forgive me for not remembering the details, but how you took time off to disconnect and read more was refreshing. Love the work and looking forward to many more years!!

Paige M

I started following you on Instagram a few years ago after you kept popping up on my “Discover” page. As a current Washingtonian (who was born and raised in Connecticut) I love seeing both the commonalities and huge differences as your blog has grown and developed into a brand! Congratulations on a decade of blogging =)


Your blog is my all time favorite. Is it weird to say that I feel like we’ve gone through our 20s together?? As a fellow 29 yr old, I’d just like to say thank you for being so vulnerable with your blog, it’s been a personal help when navigating through some tough times. Thank you!

Andrea Leigh

Congratulations on 10 years, Carly! I’ve been reading daily (+ following on Instagram, Snapchat, and Twitter) since 2012 when I found your “Organize, Please” series, while trying to get my life together as a college sophomore. It has been so fun to feel like a part of your journey these past 6+ years!

Alissa Orozco

Carly!!! I AM SO HAPPY FOR YOUR TENTH YEAR ANNIVERSARY!!! Congratulations!! Your blog has helped me in so many ways and I am forever grateful! As a college student you’re one of my biggest role models!


Any post you do about fashion, your style is to die for!! And I try to emulate it whenever I can!

Lizzy Willoughby

I have multiple favorite posts from your blog. I would say any posts on what you are reading are my favorite! I enjoyed your September what I read this summer a lot and got several recommendations from it. I love to read so I love bloggers that add that type of content.

I found your blog about a year and a half ago because I followed Julia Engel and I was interested in finding others. What caught my eye was how relatable your blog is and it was the one blog I felt really matched my lifestyle and clothing style.

Most recently you posted about the Oxford Exchange in Tampa. My husbands family recently moved to Seminole/ Clearwater area and asked if there was anything we wanted to do while we visited. I told them I had to visit the bookstore because it is beautiful and anything European style is up my ally. We ended up spending the whole day there catching up and it was a great memory!

Leah JG

Started following you about 3 years ago after seeing content you posted with KJP who I also follow. Adored your content then and ever since! From your adorable outfits to your beautiful shooting locations, your posts are always a cheery part of my feed! So glad to see all of the success you’ve had and wish you the best!


Hi Carly, Long time fan, first time to comment. I can’t remember the specific topic that led me to your blog. But I do remember Meesh making you a Vineyard Vines flag pennant to hang up on your dorm. I’ve been a fan ever since. Keep on leading the blogger world Carly!


Like AGES ago you used to make these cute little info graphics that were top 5 this and top 5 that. My roommate and I loved them! We had tons of them printed and hanging on the back of our dorm room door to inspire us to turn a bad day around, take a break, or feel fancy.

Carol Guzman

Congrats on 10 wonderful years! I have been following the blog since you were in college and loved following you adventures to NYC, Connecticut, and New Jersey. You introduced to nearly all the booger’s I follow now. I have loved reading your posts, watching your YouTube videos (please post more) and scrolling through your awesome Instagram stories. So glad to hear you are continuing to do what you love to do!


I found your blog and became a reader in 2011 after I had pinned approximately 9000 of your outfits on Pinterest. Decided I needed to know who you were and I’ve been following you ever since!

Amanda Nichols

Carly I recently became a follower in the last year. I admire you so much, your style and taste are excellent t!


Congratulations on 10 years! Such an accomplishment- can’t wait to see where the next 10 years takes you!! Love reading you blog and following along!

Samantha Franklin

I love your Lilly blog posts! I’m slightly LP obsessed so i love seeing how other people wear Lilly and seeing how much they love the brand! I know you post about hundreds of other things but those are always my fav.


Love your blog and how your always true to yourself. Thanks for your content the effort you put into making it tireless, pristine and organized is much appreciated.


Carly, I found your blog when I started college and have actively followed it since! I love the content you produce, especially the gift guides. At times I feel at a loss when I am buying a present and can always count on you. Keep up the great work and congrats on 10 years!

Sophie Henehan

I found your blog a few years ago from your college relatedness posts. Been reading ever since! Contgrats on 10 years!


Thank you thank you thank you for sharing a little bit of everything!!! I particularly enjoy your travels posts! Thank you for sharing yourself with the world.


Congratulations Carly! I found your blog years ago when one of my best friends told me about it. She’s since moved away for med school, and we still talk about your posts and pictures all the time! Your blog has also been keeping me company this year as I commute back and forth to grad school and internships. Thanks for all your work!

Sunny Hong

Omgoodness congratulations on hitting the ten year mark! You are an inspiration to me since 6 years ago- how you style, how you organized your small place in NYC, how you use bowties, how you travel with Julia and Rosie Londoner, etc etc, I remember dozens of post. There was a season I went to your app more than checking my email. And as a fan, I was happy to see your fan base grow!!!! It is evident that you have grown and gotten stronger. Being a woman entrepreneur is so powerful. Keep living on! Go Carly! 🙂

Kelly C.

I am one of the many who found you because of the jcrew sleeve rolling tutorial! Once I found your page I never looked back and enjoy looking at your Instagram and blog as a bright spot in my day.


Hi Carly, congratulations on ten years!! I was first introduced to your blog by one of my best friends, who has since moved away for med school – your posts are still something we talk about together! You’ve also been keeping me company on my commutes to and from grad school and internships this year – thank you 🙂 Wishing you all the best!!

Kerry P

I found your blog several years ago through KJP… I think?!? It seems as though you’ve always been on my personal “priority reads” list. Love your honesty and style!! Congratulations on 10 years, here’s to many more!!!

Meg Sealock

Congratulations! I’ve been reading your blog since the early days after my best friend recommended it because we were very into Lily Planners! I’m a few years older than you, a former teacher and stay-at-Home mom to three kids, and I’ve always been impressed with how relatable you are. Also, such great content – love your fashion and beauty picks. I look forward to reading every day!


Congratulations on 10 years! I just discovered you on Instagram a few years ago, and have since binged through your blog posts! I love your style!


I love how your blog has grown as you have grown too! I love your blog and your fashion content.

Ashley D

Congratulations! You were the first blogger on Instagram I followed! You are such a wonderful influence.


Congrats Carly! I’ve enjoyed reading your blog and gaining preppy style inspo from you for several years now. Cheers from the West Coast!


Congratulations on your 10 year anniversary! I loved reading this post. I love how personable you are and it makes me so happy that this blog was a light for you during a dark time. All the best to you xoxo – Ashield

Kinsey horne

I found you looking at a jcrew hashtag and never looked back! Great content.

Madeleine Cooney

After a detox of the “influencer” and fashion accounts that I follow, I am left with only you and a few other bloggers that I truly admire. Your style is amazing, but I have to say that watching you handle life changes with courage and grace helps me as I go through a period of many transitions in my life! Thank you, thank you.

Ava Hill

Congratulations for everything you have accomplished in these 10 years! I remember when I first found your Instagram account when I was in middle school and just beginning to understand myself and my style. Now, as a high school senior I can truly say your posts (on this blog and social media) have been such an inspiration to stay true to myself and my style. As my style sense is more classic/conservative than the mainstream style of many people my age, sometimes it is easy to give in to the trends which, deep down, I know aren’t for me. So, thank you for being a source of motivation and encouragement! I applaud your dedication and hard work and I can only hope to be as successful with my goals! Much love!

Brooke Hudnall

I’ve been following you since I was in middle school! So inspiring to see how far you have come while remaining poised and classic!

Jenna Andrews

Congratulations on 10 years, Carly!! Your blog is my favorite and it’s always a cherry part of my day to watch your stories or read a post 🙂 my absolute favorite posts are when you collaborate with Julia! I love to see your friendship and support for each other along with amazing locations and fashion! Wishing you amazing happiness, love and success in the new year! XO Jenna

Alexandra Michelle

Congratulations on TEN years Carly!!!! That is so amazing! I have been following you for a few years now and I’d have to say one of my favorite memories of following your blog was when you, Kelly Larkin and Mackenzie Horan did a trip to the Abaco islands together for Vineyard Vines. You all are my 3 favorite bloggers (didn’t know you all knew each other before that) and it made me so happy and excited to see you all together! You each have your own style of blogging, which I love. You specifically bring your followers in to interact with your Instagram and blog in a fun, positive and effortless way. Also have to say you have inspired many of my outfits over the years! Can’t wait to see what the next decade of blogging brings to you and your community! 😊 Cheers to Blogging!

Ava Hill

Congratulations on 10 years! Thank you for being a source of encouragement to remains true to myself and my style! Much love!!

Ava Hill

Congratulations on 10 years!! Thank you for your hard work, and being a source of encouragement for my to remain true to myself and my style! Much love!!


I really enjoy your instagram photos. I love your preppy style but your honest posts about anxiety have been very helpful. Everyone assumes a cute outfit in a nice location means everything is perfect. It was refreshing to here about your struggles and how you handle them.


I first found your blog through a study tips pin on Pinterest! It’s remained my favorite ever since 🙂 Congrats on ten years!

Dawn W

LOVE this! It’s so exciting to see a blogger so real and authentic be delightfully successful! 💛

Kristen McCauley

Congrats on 10 years Carly! That is truly an accomplishment, so much dedication has gone into your site and it does not go unnoticed! Thanks for all that you do for us readers!

Zara Kazmierczak

Hi Carly! I just saw this post on your Instastory. I’ve been offline for the last few weeks (and it’s honestly been really great), so I’m just catching up on some stuff I missed when I saw this ten year post. Congratulations! Your articles and posts are always so real and relatable, and it has been so awesome to grow up while reading your articles and the advice that is so applicable to many aspects of my life. I don’t have any experience in blogging, but I know that devoting ten years to any career while still loving what you do is something I hope to have. Again, congrats! And I hope to still be reading your blog ten more years from now.


Just recently started following you on Instagram – love your style! Congrats on 10 years!


Congrats on your 10th year anniversary! If I knew you we’re liging in DC I would have asked you to get a cupcake and coffee with me as well 🙂 Now I will follow the blog 🙂

Sara Z

Congratulations, Carly! This is such an achievement! I’ve been following you for longer than I can remember, and you’ve always been the first blog I check for looks that I know are fun and classic. Your style is timeless, yet attainable, which is so appreciated! I’ve loved watching, reading, and scrolling through everything you’ve posted thus far, and look forward to another 10 years. (Or however long you’ll give us!)


10 years of blogging is amazing! Through college, moving, moving again, and so many friends made through your little part of the internet that actually touches so many. Congratulations!

Monica Patel

First discovered your blog in 2011 when I was in high school and starting to get more interested in fashion and my personal style but needed a lot of help as a nerdy little kid who didn’t know where to begin. I’ve really enjoyed following your blog and your Instagram — and especially love that you live in Hoboken, which is where I was born. Thanks for creating this blog.

Caroline Gage

Hey Carly! Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful blog with us all! I discovered the blog two years ago and have been following religiously since. I’m constantly inspired by you! Cheers to another 10 years!


I can’t believe I’ve been following you for so long! I love that you personally answer your messages. I also really like the milestones section you posted. I thought that was pretty cool


Congrats on hitting this milestone! I found you years ago after searching for J. Crew outfit inspirations – still love your content to this day!

Allison Keathley

This is so exciting! I’m from a very small town, and following bloggers wasn’t something a lot of people did. When I went to college, one of my sorority sisters who ended being one of my best friends, said something about College Prepster one day, and I immediately stopped in my tracks! I had never met anyone else who followed along with your blog, and we immediately connected over it! Thank you for your dedication to your blog and for producing content that keeps me and others encouraged!

Hannah Renee

My favorite post is Advice to College Seniors! I read it when I was a senior graduating high school and was very eager to start college. Fast forward to now, I’m one semester away from graduating college! Yay! Your advice was very good and I’ll definitely be using it 🙂

Rachel lax

Carly it’s so wild because I remember following your blog (I found you my freshman year in similar circumstances to when you *started* your blog) and asking you questions on tumblr. I asked once how to break in my Jacks and about passed out when you answered me. You taught me how to roll my sleeves, lace my Bean Boots, and to embrace (even cherish) my gray hairs. I feel like we’re old pals because I’ve watched you move from coxswain to full blown career blogger and it’s just so cool and inspiring and encouraging. Thanks for always being you. 💕


I’ve been obsessed with your blog for so long! Just loved all the classic and preppy looks. Definitely was a mainstay in college.

Caley Bradley

I have always adored your blog and have gotten so much inspiration from your posts. Specifically from your honesty on your blog and your ability to be relatable especially when it came to difficult issues. I still read over old posts for advice about life and the many difficulties in it. I look forward to reading your blog in the mornings while sipping on my coffee. Congratulations and i hope you know your work is valued!

Rachel T.

Congratulations Carly! You should really write a book about your experiences! It would be a great read for college freshmen!

Annika Yandell

Hi Carly – Annika here. I’m also a Georgetown student, here for my Masters! I want to thank you for your honesty and down to earth attitude; you have achieved such success and it is remarkable to see you maintain a genuine, positive, humble platform. Your blog posts and instagram stories are forever inspiring, entertaining, and a “bright spot” on my timeline. Written truth – funny, witty, painful at times – is the essence of life. I am happy you have chosen the life of a writer, and I look forward to reading your work for many years to come!

Sonia McEwan

Congratulations on your 10 years! Love reading your blog, you seem to really enjoy what you do and it shows. Thanks for all you great tips and ideas.

Marlow Garner

Hi Carly! I loved reading this post about your blogging journey! You truly have so much talent and have used your gift for good. You’ve touched so many lives by following your passion. I feel so grateful to have gotten to know you better in 2018! Also… please don’t quit! But let’s say you did walk away, what would you do?! You’ve set yourself up perfectly at this point to do anything you want! That must be a nice feeling! I’m positive you would be successful in anything you do just because I’ve seen your work ethic first hand, you are amazing!!


Congratulations Carly! One of my favorite posts this year was your “recreating an oldie” – such a great reminder to wear what you already own!


Love your blog and have been following for years! Always a source of fashion and life inspo for those who believe in classic and classy! Here’s to another 10!!!!

Trisha Musgrave

Wow!!! Happy 10 years! What a great accomplishment! Here’s to many more, keep up the wonderful work that you do!


Congratulations on 10 years! That is such a huge accomplishment and I know you’ll accomplish more in the many years to come!


Congratulations Carly! I feel like I have grown up alongside you in this cyber world, and the 20’s can be rough! Of course I love your style, and you are responsible for much of my closet, but truly I enjoy your candidness, the vulnerability you are willing to show and how after 10 years yes, you have grown up and maybe the blog name changed, but you have not let your fame and success change who you are as a person. Keep at it girl, I wish you the very best! Also, shout out to Meesh! xx


Congratulations! I’ve been following since a friend kept asking if I ever saw the College Prepster while I was living on the UES 🍎

Faith Roberts

I love all your content! I have a friend that went to Georgetown and I was soooo jealous that you went to speak in one of his classes!!

Emily Howat

Your style is truly inspiring; I love your mix of classic, modern, and preppy! Thank you for writing with honesty and giving the reader a sense of real-ness! All the best!


Congrats on ten years! I have been following you since middle school and now I am in my junior year of college. This blog has it all. Keep up the good work, can’t wait to see what the next decade will bring.

McCray Coomes

Every morning, no matter how late I’m running, I make a point to take a second to read your blog. It just starts my day off on a good note!

Andrea P.

Hello! I’ve been following you for the last year! Found you from a google search for organizing tips. Love your Organize, Please Blog posts. But let’s get real I love all your posts! You’ve helped me perfect lots of different aspects of my life and I’d like to say thank you and so excited for your future!

Camille H

Hi Carly!!

I think I first started keeping up with your blog (and you!) in 2012/2013. I want to say I heard about your blog via word of mouth from one of my friends? That was my junior year of high school—and now I just graduated this past May and am out in the “real world”! What started out as a place to look for outfit ideas became a place I could go to for advice. All your college-related posts (especially your what to bring to college one) suddenly became incredibly helpful. As I went through college and experienced difficult times of my own, I appreciated your candor about your ups and downs. Now as I am working and trying to figure out my career I find myself thinking about when you were in a similar spot. You really have been the older sister I never had (even though I don’t know you—I feel like I do, though, to some extent..does that make sense?) and you are such an inspiration to me. I look forward to continuing to grow along with you—and making fun outfits along the way 🙂


I found you on Pinterest when I was still in high school, and now I’m about to graduate from law school, still checking your blog every day!


Hi Carly! This is such an amazing giveaway!!! I found your blog years ago through Instagram and it has honestly brought me so much happiness! I always relate to your content and you always look so put together and classy. I’ve gotten lots of outfit inspiration from you throughout the years. Congratulations on 10 years! 😊

Katherine wardle

I fell in love with your blog for many reasons, but what initially drew me to your account was your posts about Nantucket which is also a very special place for me! My great grandparents used to vacation there every single year and my parents started taking me when I was just a baby. I loved seeing your new ideas and your beautiful photos. Can’t wait to keep following along the journey
