
A GREAT Product for Adult Acne

I have had acne-prone skin for the better half of my life. Thankfully it peaked in high school and calmed down a lot by the end of my 20s, but I still experience some acne as an adult. It’s definitely stress related and I notice my skin having “flare ups” whenever I’m particularly stressed or miss out on sleep.

Even when I’m vigilant about keeping my stress at bay, cleansing my face every night (always and only use this cleanser), and drinking water throughout the day, I still experience the occasional breakout. I have felt for a while that my skin is as good as it could get. I added a retinol into my nightly routine and was pleasantly surprised with the results. And I thought, for sure, that THAT was as good as my skin could be.

Then I was in Sephora recently and picked up Kiehl’s Cannabis Sativa Seed Oil Herbal Concentrate. WOW.

KIEHL'S SINCE 1851 Cannabis Sativa Seed Oil Herbal Concentrate

I didn’t take any before and after photos because I was actually pretty skeptical. I love a good facial oil, so I was curious to try this Cannabis version. It wasn’t necessarily that I had low expectations– more like no expectations. I kind of figured it would be like any other facial oil I’ve tried– hydrating!

For the first week, that was my experience. And then about ten days in, I started to notice a slight difference in my skin and after two weeks, it was noticeable. All breakouts I had are GONE and I’ve had NO new breakouts. Not even the hint of one. The redness in my skin is nearly completely gone and I feel completely confident to go sans makeup (which I rarely, if ever, feel).

It smells a little earthy but also like something that would be used at a fancy spa. (Is that a terrible description or what? Ha!) The bottle says to use a few drops, but I use a little bit more than that and go all the way down my neck too.

I can already tell that this is a product I’m going to order without fail whenever I run out. And I definitely wish I had something like this when I was younger and experiencing even more acne.

Of course everyone’s skin is different, but it’s definitely something to try if you experience redness/acne!! Let me know if you’ve used it and what you thought!!

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Thanks for sharing! Do you mind telling us when in your routine you use it? For example, AM or PM, or if you use a moisturizer with it.


going to try this! I have the same skin issues you described above and haven’t been able to find a product that helps. thanks!!


If I search your blog for “acne” and/or “skin care”, about a dozen previous posts come up where you talk about your “new” routine, some amazing new skin care product that’s changed your skin, etc. Which of the previous “amazing” products are you no longer using?


Skin changes, product formulas change (like my BELOVED night-a-mins #RIP), and my needs for acne products change!

BUT I have really been using the same few products for years– the soy face cleanser, the mega mushroom mask, etc. Sometimes when a product finishes that worked but I want to try something new, I try something new! I don’t see anything wrong with that.

It really is a process and I’m sure I’m like most women who are always on the hunt for something better or something new to try.


HUGE fan of canna-skincare products so I can’t wait to check this one out!! I recently nixed makeup so this sounds like a godsend for redness 🙂 x


Thanks. I’m obv not surprised that you ‘don’t see anything wrong with that’….ha ha. If the previous product worked, why do you want to try something new? Your skin needs change every 6 months?

The point is that it’s tough to take your recommendations seriously when you’re constantly recommending new skin care products (or coats, or shoes, or jeans, or bags….). I get it, you need content to feed the beast…This is the issue with for-profit blogs – it’s really no different than simply going to the Kiehl’s web site and buying whatever they’re promoting…

What does the sentence, “I have had acne-prone skin for the better half of my life.”, mean? It sounds like you still have acne prone skin, no? What’s the “better half” of your life? I’m so confused!


You’re really reaching here but I stopped using that moisturizer because they changed the formula. I still use the cleanser (and mentioned it again in this post), I still use the mask (and recently finished ANOTHER bottle of it ( and still use that microdermabrasion scrub often– it’s not something for daily use (

Is there something that you’re still not understanding?


I have worked in skincare for many years and it is definitely true that your skin changes. (Weather, hormones, etc) Something that may have worked amazingly before may not be giving you the results you currently need. And yes products are changing also…new formulas are being made. While I do feel that some IG and bloggers do jump in the “bandwagon” with the latest product push, I feel like Carly really tries to “keep it real” while still running her business. She could be promoting skincare that costs hundreds of dollars plus if she wanted instead of ones that are more attainable to the masses yet still as effective. Something to keep in mind. 🙂


Yes, can totally relate here. I’m in my mid-twenties and STILL dealing with moderate acne. I work with a dermatologist and use a variety of prescription and non-prescription products. There have been many that I’ve felt has made a MAJOR improvement that I have recommended up and down to anyone and everyone. And then, something will suddenly change (stress/hormones/the weather/probably the position of the moon at this point my acne is so finicky lol) and that beloved product will no longer work. It’s a constant process of trying new things and adjusting routines. It sucks but it’s the reality of skin care! Just this week I realized I needed to reevaluate the cleanser I’ve been using all fall and winter. So yes, I think it’s totally normal (and expected) for someone who has occasional acne to have new favorite products and changes to their routine!!


Jesus Christ idk who this Jane is but she seems like she sucks. Do you know how many times I’ve raved to a friend about a new life changing skincare product that I now no longer use? And when I say it initially I mean it but absolutely, your skin changes, particularly through your teens and twenties! This girl reminds me of that phrase about drinking poison and hoping the other person dies. Stop following someone if you don’t enjoy it, you’re making it unpleasant for other people.


You sold me when you said it helped with redness! Thanks for the recommendation. Your skin looks great!

Becca Barnes

Hey Carly! I’m dealing with so much stress at work and would love to see another post on stress relief tips from you! I can feel my shoulders tensing up while I work. I also work remotely, so it’s that feeling that I can’t “put it down” and be home and present.

Also, really strange someone would be so obsessed with your skincare routine and how it changes. I am constantly using new products and doing things differently and never think twice about it, you shouldn’t either just because you’re a blogger. 🙂 Hope all is well!


Your skin looks flawless in your story today! Have you had any issues with acne scarring? I have some remaining and curious if this may help it. Thanks for this post, I LOVE trying new skincare products! I always have my go-tos, like you mentioned, but it’s fun to try new ones that can make your skin even better.


Unfortunately yes- on my cheeks mostly. But it’d be a more invasive process like lasers or derm-prescribed creams that I just haven’t been eager to do


Jane, please stop doing whatever it is you are trying to do. What a disappointment it is to see other women picking on women. Your questions do not come off as curious, but rather as subtle bullying. Get a hobby.


I really like CBD products for acne and I’m almost out of my Herbivore Emerald Oil (which I liked but it just wasn’t a “miracle product” sadly) so I’ll have to try this next!
Also, I just wanted to say that you did an admirable job dealing with “Jane” and I really appreciate the mature way you handle trolls even though they don’t extend even a sliver of that respect to you. I’m glad I got to read your posts when I was in high school (and now as I finish up college). Keep on keeping on!


How long have you been using this? You said you picked it up recently and mentioned two weeks? A lot of women (like me – ugh) have hormone fluctuations throughout a whole month that impact adult acne so a flare up may calm itself down in two weeks and then come back a couple of weeks later. Have you been using this product for over a month to see how it does throughout the entire cycle?


I can’t remember when I started but early-ish January! I don’t have hormonal acne so I can’t speak to that specifically but I’d still say it’s worth a try!

Kassandra Flading

Ah! Cant wait to give this a try! I definitely still break out like I’m still in high school. I actually tried the night retinol cream you suggested a couple weeks ago, but it actually made my skin worse. Either way I’m willing to try something to get this adult acne under control.


So excited to try this! Thank you for sharing, Carly. I’m 28 and still struggle with redness and acne.

Recently I’ve really been loving Drunk Elephant, Caudile and a $20 serum created by
@justingredients an health blogger on Insta.


Hey Carly! Have you tried any other Kiehl’s products? If so, which do you recommend?!? PS I started using this product back in December and am I huge fan! Glad to know it’s helped your skin as much as mine.


I still get cystic acne, which takes many months to clear up so it’s extra frustrating. I’d be curious to try this except I switched to a clean skincare routine last year and none of Kiehl’s products are rated clean on Sephora. It’s hard to know which ingredients are the ones to watch out for.

Aura Garcia

I’ve just started using it. I’m hopeful that it will clear my skin up. I never had much acne when I was younger. Now all of a sudden my face is at war. 🤞🏽🤞🏽🤞🏽


I use Sunday Riley’s UFO oil which is very similar and it’s made my skin amazing. So amazing that over the holidays when I saw my aunt for the first time in a while, the first thing she said was that I was GLOWING. For a less expensive version, I might try the new Bloom brand Meltdown acne oil.


Just ordered this! I’m excited to try it. Thanks for the recommendation.
