
Thinking in the Shower with Head & Shoulders

Today’s post is in partnership with Head & Shoulders. It’s been my shampoo of choice for years. (Now that I think about it, I’m definitely in my second decade of using it!) I have pretty sensitive skin, my scalp included. On top of that, I have very, very dark hair. Even the slightest of flakiness will show on my hair so I don’t like to take chances. I’ve tried other shampoos throughout the years, but I always end up going back to Head & Shoulders.

Head and Shoulder Almond Oil

Also, kind of like the foundation of a house, a healthy scalp will help with overall hair health. I think people forget about how the scalp is skin too. I try to take care of my scalp just as I would with my face!

Head & Shoulders is my top pick for shampoo because I know my scalp will be healthy and flake-free and my hair will look great. They have a big selection of options right now for all different kinds of hair types. I love the smell of Head & Shoulder Dry Scalp Care Shampoo with Almond Oil shampoo and conditioner, and it leaves my hair feeling incredibly soft because it locks in moisture 75% better than a regular moisturizing shampoo.

Now for the conditioner, while going through this partnership I learned something and thought I’d pass along the information to you… If you use Head & Shoulders Shampoo and then follow it up with a cosmetic conditioner, that conditioner can actually wash away up to 70% of the dandruff-fighting ingredients. I had no idea, but now that I do it does make a lot of sense. The Head & Shoulders Dry Scalp Care Conditioner is specifically formulated to work with the shampoo to add hydration to your scalp and hair.

Head and Shoulders

Because I’m partnering with Head & Shoulders, I thought this could be a fun post to discuss how I do my best thinking in the shower. It sounds absolutely insane, but I legitimately do almost all of my “writing” while I’m washing my hair.

Shower Thoughts

The first time I realized this was a possibility was when I was a junior in high school and under pressure to get a college essay done. My high school made us draft the essays as an assignment so they’d be ready to go when it came time for applying. I could NOT for the life of me come up with what to write about. I wasn’t much of a procrastinator because I had school and crew to worry about, but I kept putting the essay off until the last minute because I could not think of what to write. One night I was washing my hair and the essay basically started writing itself. I came up with the whole idea and walked out of the shower soaking wet to get to a piece of paper to jot down my thoughts while they were still fresh.

(And I only applied to Georgetown and got in early, so needless to say, I think it was a great essay!)

Ever since that moment of clarity, I’ve honed in on my thinking and writing in the shower. That first night when it happened, I thought I had some kind of superpower, haha, but it turns out that a lot of people get their best thoughts while washing their hair. There’s legit science behind why that happens and even an entire subreddit about “shower thoughts.” Psychologists believe it’s likely because you’re relaxed in a completely judgment-free zone with the slightest amount of distraction– like hair washing. I mean, when you think about it, you’re in the shower uninhibited so your brain can drop any walls that might usually be there.

One of the hardest parts about blogging for so long is constantly coming up with new ideas. I eventually implemented a strategy for breaking up content into a structure to take some of the guesswork out. But every week, I still have to come up with about four new ideas. When I know I am in a creative rut or when I need to focus on one idea, I wait until my next shower. I kind of “plant” the seed before I hop in (whether that’s to brainstorm new ideas or start “writing” out the details of one I already have). Because I got the ball rolling, I’m generally in a good state of mind to creatively think.

Head and Shoulders Conditioner

I’d say I do about 30% of my content generation (from broad ideas to specific sentences) just living my life and 50% while I’m in the shower, with the remaining 20% happening when I actually sit down at a computer.

I’ll come up with ideas for the blog, write a post (especially the long ones like my blogging tips), compose speeches that I have coming up, come up with scripts for my Youtube channel. Anything I need to think about has the potential to be completed in the shower! Talk about multi-tasking.

Anyone else a shower thinker or writer?!

Thank you Head & Shoulders for sponsoring this post.

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Audrey | Brunch at Audrey's

I don’t really think in the shower like that, but the act of refreshing my body does help refresh my mind! I always feel better after a shower, but sometimes I forget that. If I’m in a “blah, I don’t want to do anything” mood, a shower usually cures it. Trying to get myself to the shower can sometimes feel so bothersome, but taking a shower always feels so good. -Audrey | Brunch at Audrey’s


I’m a writer and just came up with an entire op ed idea in the shower the other day! I do tons of great thinking there. You HAVE to buy the rite in the rain notebook & pen set…they’re 100% waterproof and designed so that you can jot down ideas in the shower, rain, etc. Now you won’t have to run out early to write down everything you just thought of! Total game changed


I’m a writer and just came up with an entire op ed idea in the shower the other day! I do tons of great thinking there. You HAVE to buy the rite in the rain notebook & pen set…they’re 100% waterproof and designed so that you can jot down ideas in the shower, rain, etc. Now you won’t have to run out early to write down everything you just thought of! Total game changer…


I feel the SAME way… I travel with baby bottles of it because hotel shampoo is my worst nightmare hahah!


in college days- physics was a real time sapper, just think about the problem and wait for the answer – in the shower of course


I definitely do my best thinking in the shower! Sometimes I get so inspired (for blog posts, academic essays- anything!) that I end up sitting at my laptop in my bathrobe and hair up in a towel for hours afterwards just writing! I also loved using the shower as a place to brainstorm for interviews when I was interviewing for internships this semester.

xo Leda


If you need a blog idea, just do a question and answer post. I love reading those types of posts & I’m sure people ask you tons of questions. Just a thought!


I use H&S’s too and everyone makes fun of me but it’s the only shampoo that keeps my scalp happy. My dandruff is unreal and I become so self-conscious.


I am shocked that up to 70% of the benefits of head and shoulders shampoo can wash away if you use a cosmetic conditioner! They should really advertise that on their shampoo bottles better — otherwise what a waste to use their shampoo only to have the benefits wash away. I’ve only ever purchased the shampoo, and I always condition my hair. One of my friends in particular struggled with dandruff for awhile and found head and shoulders shampoo did not help her — maybe the product washing away with her conditioner is why! 🙁 Thanks for the information.


Technically yes, but it was an online application that just had our GPA/SAT scores and we were required to do it at my high school.


In college, my best friend and I would support each other by sitting on the bathroom floor jotting down the other one’s to do list or mental plate clearing sesh while they showered!


I legit used to tape study notes for a test or vocabulary words on the inside of my shower so I could look at them while in the shower. It def was a great way to only be focused on that!


I use this shampoo too! I was always so used to using my brother’s head and shoulders growing up that when I finally tried the almond scent I was shocked at how beautiful and feminine the scent is! I trade off between this and Lush’s BIG shampoo every other wash.


Thanks for your great information, Again Thanks for amazing useful post. the contents are quite interesting. I will be waiting for your next post. You would amazing to read a similar one here- shower head

I have to ask, About Shower head?
