
Three Lessons from Fashion Week

Is it wrong that I’m kind of glad that fashion week is ending?! (Mostly I just want Instagram to go back to the regularly scheduled programming.) It’s definitely fun and I love getting to participate, but overall it’s just not completely my thing. I keep my schedule super simple, skipping shows and events that are not up my alley. It’s way less hectic and a whole lot more enjoyable to just do the things that I 100% want to do.
I don’t know how some girls do it going from show to show, wearing the highest of high heels, and meeting with everyone they can. I go to one thing and I’m ready to get back to my apartment to change into running shorts (or my favorite work-from-home dress) and snuggle with Teddy– which is, naturally, what I end up doing.
Over the past week, I did get to do some of my favorite fashion week things. The Kate Spade presentation, a rooftop party with rewardStyle, and the Nanette Lepore fashion show. Even though my days weren’t totally fashion-packed, I did learn a few things that I thought I’d pass along.

ONE // Top-knots are out, braids are in
Holy. Moly. The braids were unreal at all the events. I saw some simple side braids that can be easily done at home. A million milkmaid braids for the girls with a little bit more braiding talent. And a whole lot of these braided crowns that I could only imagine took a true expert six hours to craft. Needless to say, braids of all kinds were out in full force.

TWO // White all year round
The white after Labor Day rule has been totally thrown out the window. I thought I was rebellious with feeling comfortable wearing white jeans after summer. White dresses, white blazers, white shoes. It’s all fair game now. At first it bothered me seeing these all white ensembles, cringing a little bit out of habit I imagine. But then I started to love the look. The key here is that summery clothes should stay in summer, so a breezy white eyelet dress might be best kept for July. Instead, try an oversized white dress shirt with white skinny jeans.
THREE // Bill Cunningham is the best
Bill Cunningham is the legend of all NYC legends. If you haven’t watched the documentary about him, do it as soon as possible. You won’t regret it! I don’t know how he does it, but this man was everywhere during fashion week. It’s impossible to miss him in his signature blue coat. Seeing him in NYC is the best (I saw him when we went to the Veuve Clicquot polo match), but there’s something extra special about seeing him during fashion week. He’s completely in his element. He totally stands out (again, that blue coat) and somehow completely blends in. He was a few rows ahead of me at the Nanette Lepore show and I was completely and utterly starstruck. I should note here, I totally felt like a creep taking the photo for Instagram, but I legitimately couldn’t resist. I felt a lot better about it when Jenna Lyons did the exact same thing…. On that note, Jenna took over J. Crew’s Twitter and she is the queen of selfies. The best thing J. Crew has done social media-wise hands down.

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Madeline Sullivan

I am so glad that top-knots are officially a thing of the past..I was never one who could pull of a top knot. Mostly because my hair is so thick and wavy, I'd always have these little stray hairs that would stick up in different directions…Not pretty. Braids are definitely right up my alley though. So excited to really experiment with different kinds of braids!

I really loved your piece about wearing white after labor day. It can and most definitely should be done, but in the right way!

(p.s- Your pictures from the BSmart Guide post were absolutely GORGEOUS!)


No, you're not wrong for having your own feelings. I too am happy it's coming to an end. Happy that the city will get back to normal. I thought I could avoid the crowds by doing dinners down in lower Tribeca but I was wrong. People have migrated down there now. I suppose Meat Packing can't accommodate everyone. Also, it really adds up when you have to go shopping for that perfect outfit to wear to the shows. As for heels, I've been blessed by the gods & stand at 5'11. I taller than girls that how on those sky scraper heels. It's so funny, you look around and all you see is flesh-color band-aids on people. Own being short ladies! There's nothing wrong with it!

As for top knot, I'm neither here nor there on it. I was always jealous of those that could do it. I have layers framing my face & so pulling my hair up always meant pcs. falling out.

Taylor Hoffman

I love this, I have always dreamed of going to NYFW because so many bloggers rave about how much they love it but I see how it can be hectic, and there is no way I would want to attend absolutely everything. Like you, I would probably only go to my favorites.
