
Tweed Mules

You know what I realized about this outfit when I was cropping photos? I posted a nearly identical outfit three and a half years ago. And by “nearly identical,” I mean identical. It just goes to show that sticking to the classics pays off in the long run. I like that I can look back on my outfits and not regret them. Or at least, not regret most of them. (I have some awful “What Was I Thinking?” gems in the archives!)

Preppy Fall Outfit

This shirt is actually the exact same shirt as the one in that post. I’ve had it for years (obviously) and Joe Fresh brought back a similar version this year. It remains my favorite fit for an oxford– nice and relaxed. (J. Crew Factory has a similar one, too. I have the blue and I also really love it.)

I held onto that blue sweater as well. BUT, right when we moved into our house, somehow it made its way into the dryer with a quilt… and I shrunk it. This was the first time I’ve ever ruined a piece of clothing in the wash. I was pretty mad at myself, but thankfully J. Crew still has cable knit sweaters on their site. My friend told me just to order a new one immediately and put the shrunken one out of my head! (Ugh, the navy is sold out at J. Crew, but Brooks Brothers and Banana Republic have similar options.)

Gwen Slides in Plaid

How perfect are these plaid mules? I bought them assuming they’d be super uncomfortable and that I’d suffer a little bit just for the cuteness. But they’re actually not bad at all, and super easy to walk in. They run perfectly true to size. Oh, and they’re majorly on sale right now at ~75% off, WHAT?!

Carly the Prepster

Navy Quilted Chanel

I’m still just so in love with my Chanel. I wondered if the excitement of it would wear off after I bought it, but it hasn’t one bit. If anything, I need to carry it more. It feels ~so special~ that sometimes I choose something else out of fear of bringing it out of my closet. I bought it to actually use, though, so I should use it!

Carly Heitlinger

Sweater // Shirt // Jeans // Shoes (major sale!) // Similar Bag // Similar Barrettes 

Shop My Outfit

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I have a Chanel bag that I also feel is too special to carry often. You’ve inspired me to pull it out more often!


I’m thinking a “what was I thinking?” blog post is in order! Would be a fun post.


Whenever I accidentally shrink a sweater, I save it for my daughter to wear in the future!


Reena –

Work on yourself. Spend just a few minutes a day working on who you. If you improve yourself, you will not feel so bad about yourself that you have to try to drag down other people.

Carly —

So glad you have a Chanel. Good for you! Enjoy your success.


I’m not dragging down anyone. Publicly bragging about the brand (cost) of one’s possessions is far more emblematic of Carly’s needs to feel better than other people than her classless peacocking irritating me is. The fact that you see no issue with her behavior – applaud it even – but feel me reacting negatively to it is the issue is alarming. But, not surprising. From what I can tell most of her fan girls are vapid, classless 18 year olds that are empowered by Carly’s lack of self awareness and hyperbolic consumerism.


If she is irritating, stop looking and commenting.
Seriously, start working out, make educational goals, clean your house, etc. Do whatever it is that you need to do to stop making negative comments about others. I am sure that there is something good about you as a person — focus on that and work on you and stop criticizing others.


What if I started a blog and bragged about my luxury items to strangers? Where’s that on your self improvement scale? Better or worse than cleaning my house?


No problem – it’s tough to rationalize your adoration of Carly’s brand lust while also proofreading. I get it. I trust you’ll work on yourself.


I am solid gold, baby.

Talking about me – I don’t see no shade.


Never in my life have I cared what trash thinks, why would I start now?


Ha ha ha. Nothing says solid gold like patting a 30 year old stranger on the back for having – and bragging about – a designer handbag. Yeah, you’re rock solid.


I applaud the success of other women. Nothing says loser like dragging down a complete stranger for being proud of her success.
Still solid, baby.


why do you equate her being successful with her publicly bragging to strangers about the brand/cost of her handbag? i’m missing the connection. no, i certainly don’t have a blog. my house is spotless though. should i blog about that? would that add more value to the universe than raising valid questions about how Carly humble brags on a blog (that targets young women) about the cost and brands of her possessions?


I can state it, but I can’t understand it for you. You have a jealousy issue and it doesn’t add to the universe. Get therapy.

FYI — I have a Chanel too, can I send you pics??? I store it next to my Fendi, Louis Vuitton, and Prada. Not a humble brag –straight up, I’m awesome and I appreciate other awesome women like Carly. Solid Gold, out!!!!


Thatgirl, you are indeed the perfect Carly reader. Your bags make you awesome, just like the Prepster’s! I can’t understand it for you either – you have a banality problem and it detracts from the universe. In the sea of useless drivel, laziness, psychoses, infantilism, vapidity, and out of control consumerism that is this blog, you’ve decided the real problem is my objective criticism of it. Moreover, you’ve judged me jealous of Carly. If you only knew. Enjoy those handbags – I’d bet a 3-bed in suburban NJ that they are well branded.


I thought Carly employed someone to filter out the negative comments. Where is that person and why is he/she allowing all of this negativity to post?


Because she’ll inevitably use them all in an eventual OH, WOE IS ME post to prove how bad she has it and how everyone is put to get her. There is no need to be cruel in the comments, but plenty of people here have levied legitimate criticisms against her (the horrendous grammar, typos, and overall writing style, how incredibly out of touch she is, etc. etc. etc.) only to get shut down by people white knighting for her. You can be a fan of someone while still acknowledging their failings and flaws. Frankly, I’m legitimately embarrassed I was ever a genuine fan of hers even though it’s been several years; I’m not going to bash her here, but my wish for her is that she take a long, hard look at herself and her life and pivot out of blogging and into something out of the public eye that truly fulfills her. It she’s worried about keeping up appearances, I have some news for her: the facade is crumbling and has been for a while. There is nothing stopping you from walking away from all of this, even if only for a few months. This has been a part of your life for a decade and I know it’s scary to consider walking away from all of this, but I think it’s something you should really consider.


Have you ever considered stepping away from either reading this blog, or reading GOMI? It seems clear from your comment that you no longer enjoy reading this blog (which is completely fine. there are tv shows that I have LOVED in the past and then decided I didn’t love anymore and just.. stopped). You know enough of what’s going on to know there was ~something~ happening in the comment section, so I am making a guess that you’re probably a visitor of GOMI. You may find that taking three months off of reading that may change your overall opinion. Not saying that you’re going to switch to liking my blog (you very likely will not), but you may find that it contributing/following in any capacity is not bringing you anything positive in life. MariKondo it out and see what happens, because I don’t think this blog or GOMI are “sparking joy” for you.


Your priority is applauding the monetary success of strangers who make their money blogging about their possessions, humble bragging, and marketing endless streams of other people’s products? Got it. So nice of you! Tell me more about how solid gold, grounded, and morally superior you are. Please. If you were really concerned about the well-being and success of women you’d see how shallow, self-serving, conflicted, and insane Carly’s blog is and you’d be concerned about the impression it was having on the “women” you care so much about. Instead, you’re cheering on this dumpster-fire charade from the sidelines….while moralizing other people’s criticisms and objections.


whew man, if me writing a few blog comments suggests that I’m really bothered by something, what do your regular rants/breakdowns (and all these comment replies) suggest about you?


Reena as a mother of a young daughter, I am assuming you are young due to your writing, I would be very concerned about your obsession with dragging Carly on a daily basis. Please get help !


Carly if you ever shrink an item of clothing that you love and want to ‘unshrink’ it- try soaking it in a tub of warm water with a spoon of hair conditioner for a minimum of 30 min ( I’ve also done overnight) – this has worked perfectly for two of my J. Crew items that made their way into the dryer! Apparently hair conditioner relaxes the fibers in clothing after they shrink and restores it back to original!


I bought a leather Dooney crossbody last Christmas after a years of wanting it, and I do the same thing. I have it in the dust bag and look at it as if saying” but what if you get scratched?” Ha Ha I think I’ll start carrying it tomorrow!
