Daily Outfits


We had a great week. Half down in Florida celebrating Thanksgiving with my family and half back here at home recovering from all the travel. Let me tell you, traveling with a 15 month old is not for the faint of heart 😉 But I’ll give Jack some major credit and say that it went as well as we could hope for! It’s just all the packing and all the lugging and the schlepping that wore us down! Thankfully we had a super low-key weekend to recharge.

LAST WEEK’S WIN: All of my aunts, uncles, and cousins on my dad’s side of the family gathered together for Thanksgiving. My 95 year old grandma Charlotte was thrilled we were all under the same roof– we came in from all over (North Carolina, New Mexico, California, New Jersey….). It had been years since I had seen most of my cousins! Jack is just a few months older than my cousin’s daughter and seeing the two of them together was extra special.

THIS WEEK’S GOAL: Operation “holiday spirit” is underway. I usually decorate everything in one fell swoop, but this year it’s just a little harder with a toddler under foot. I had to get some decorations up to film a sponsored reel and while it was great to force me into it, but also…. it kind of sucks to feel like you have to do something, especially decorating! I was not in the mood, but after braving Michael’s and Target and three garden centers in two hours I was in the SPIRIT. Like there’s something about being surrounded by hundreds of shoppers all stocking up on trees and trimmings with holiday music blasting on the speakers! The hustle and bustle got me! Anyway, going to continue with this trend and try to get everything else up at the house.

Here’s what I wore last week:


We took Jack to the aquarium in the morning and spent the afternoon by the pool… I wore ballet flats during the day though! And then Mike and I went out on a date night and my parents watched Jack! We haven’t gone out in Tampa before just the two of us!!





We did a lot of Thanksgiving prep but it was mostly just spending time together.


Ballet flats (c/o)


Thanksgiving! This was my first dress from Sue Sartor and I’m beyond obsessed. I cannot recommend it enough– a small woman owned business and quality dresses. 

Dress (c/o)

Shoes (c/o)


We traveled back to NJ early in the morning! We were rushing back so we could go to our town’s Christmas tree lighting and parade. Literally one of my favorite days here– it feels straight out of an episode of Gilmore Girls.

Sweater (c/o)

Similar jeans



Went to the gym in the morning, ran last minute errands for decorating the tree, played a bunch with Jack, and then did a big chunk of decorating after Jack’s bedtime.

Turtleneck (c/o)

Leggings (c/o)


Full family day at home!


Similar jeans


Spent the morning filming content and then scooped Jack early from daycare for his 15 month (!!!) checkup. 

Sweater (c/o)

Similar jeans

Ballet flats 


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I think you meant “one fell swoop”… just pointing it out!
Also, I’m wondering if you washed or dry cleaned your Sue Sartor. I purchased my first during the summer and was disappointed when the colors ran after a delicate wash. They took the dress back after I inquired, but I wish it didn’t happen. I’m wondering what your experience has been.


I love these posts so much 🙂 I love seeing what you’re wearing! Strange question – do you still have Teddy and Hamilton? I feel like we haven’t seen them a lot lately!
