Daily Outfits


I can’t believe it’s time for another weekly roundup. Time has been flying by; I genuinely can’t believe that we’re already in April??? It can’t just be me thinking we’re in turbo speed.

LAST WEEK’S WIN: Hitting a big deadline!! Woo! I have another, bigger one at the end of this month so it was kind of short-lived relief. Relief nonetheless and I need to be better about celebrating wins as they come; not just moving on to the next step.

THIS WEEK’S GOAL: Get outside every day. We have a week of gorgeous weather ahead and I plan on taking advantage of it while I can. I already anticipate having a few later nights in order to be outside during the peek warmth and sunshine!


WEEK OF OUTFITS 4.6.21 | bow tie shoes


I worked from home in the morning and then took my car to get serviced. I ended up working in the dealership waiting area for the full two hours. Even though it wasn’t that glamorous, it was so quiet and ended up being a great spot to get work done. Who knew? I checked into a local hotel right after for a workcation.



Shoes (c/o)

sweatshirt and leggings outfit | WEEK OF OUTFITS 4.6.21


I spent ALL of Wednesday essentially sequestered in the hotel room. I was desperate for distraction-free time to work and it ended up being perfect. Usually I can just put my head down and get through what I need to get through, but I knew I needed to be FULLY alone this week and it was just what the doctor ordered. I only left to do curbside pick up for lunch.

Similar Sweatshirt




hoodie and leggings at home | WEEK OF OUTFITS 4.6.21


I came back home and continued to work from the couch. It ended up being a lazy work day of just computer work.

Similar hoodie


ugg boots outfit idea | WEEK OF OUTFITS 4.6.21


I felt so exhausted on Friday after a couple of sleepless nights in a row so I was trying to take it easy at home and wrap up work before the weekend. Nothing exciting.



Boots (hoping this is one of the final times I wear these until fall!)

low-key day outfit


It was gorgeous on Saturday! I walked to our local coffee shop, picked up some flowers for Easter, and (honestly) laid around. A friend came over on Saturday night to watch basketball outside and it was just an overall great, low-key day.




Easter casual outfit


Mike and I opted to have a quiet Easter together at home. We sat outside in our side by side lawn chairs reading (lol!) and then had a big brunch just the two of us. Then we went and saw our nieces after their naps just to catch some of their Easter bunny excitement.


Similar dress



ellie nap dress review


I had a mundane Monday planned– so I pulled out a fun dress. Literally nowhere to go and nothing to do besides sit on my computer, but somehow the dress made it feel a little more special?





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Marie M. C.

I agree with your other commentator who recommended you borrow or buy second hand as much of your baby equipment as possible. When I had my baby — 50 years ago! — we were on a very tight budget. I borrowed almost everything. One of the things I was given was the cutest wicker bassinet. I made a new skirt for it and bought a new mattress and loved it. It looked like this: https://www.potterybarnkids.com/products/bassinet-and-mattress-pad-set-2014/?catalogId=10&sku=1275937&cm_ven=PLA&cm_cat=Google&cm_pla=Furniture%20%3E%20Bassinets&region_id=820120&cm_ite=1275937&gclid=CjwKCAjwjbCDBhAwEiwAiudBy6xLzWW_sJSWkUvwyvfZ3MTrkWjFETu0c-sdwtnseUs3lkYMEv0lfxoCT38QAvD_BwE I also bought a changing table because no one had one to pass along. I would defiantly buy a new car seat and if I borrowed a crib I’d make sure it was up to current safety standards. One other mention. I recently had to use baby wipes — don’t ask why — and found they really irritated the skin around the opening (sorry I don’t know the proper name to call it!). So I’d use cloth wipes you have to wash. I did it with my baby — no disposable diapers then but I used a diaper service for the first two months. Good luck!

Swapna King

I totally understand working where you need to as well. Took my car for service and got soo much done at the dealership as well. I was so productive! I love love your mundane Monday look! You look absolutely stunning. I also like your real deal Carly looks! Comfy is the key!
