Daily Outfits


The past week was a bit of a blur. We were at Mike’s family’s lake house, which is always a highlight of our summer, and then made the trek home and had a really nice weekend here. I can’t believe it’s almost August. I feel like we fit in so much this summer and it’s just flying by. Jack’s almost three (how!) and school will be starting back up before we know it, so I’m hanging onto these summer days and trying to soak up every minute. (With that said… I am very tired. Summers as a mom just hit different 😜.)

LAST WEEK’S WIN: A little win that sounds kind of dumb now that I’m typing it out… I have been trying to swim as much as possible, especially with Jack! I really dislike getting my hair wet, because I really dislike having to blow it dry, and this summer I’ve just kind of said “eff it” to it all and have been getting in anyway. Most days that means letting my hair air dry and honestly, it’s just not been a big deal. I hate the way it looks and I hate how it feels even more, but it’s been so hot anyway, who really cares! I also am not feeling completely confident in a bathing suit and I’m still putting one on most days this summer between the beach, lake, and pond. Again, a small thing, but I am proud for just doing it. And it’s been genuinely FUN.

THIS WEEK’S GOAL: Not so much a “goal,” but I have been dealing with a clogged milk duct. I guess they’re calling it “blocked” ducts now but omg it’s been one of the most painful and uncomfortable experiences. I’ve been doing ~all the things~ and would love to get this fully under control asap.

Here’s what I wore last week:


Nap dress




Shirt (c/o)



Sweater (c/o)





Dress (c/o)



Dress (c/o)



Polo (c/o)

Similar jeans





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Julie K Gilpin

So enjoy everthing about you and your beautiful family! You radiate the joy of motherhood (of two adorable boys!) and the realities too … thank you for your graceful, stylish, real approach to living fully in this season of life!

Kate B

Way to go lady! I can’t imagine the pressure you feel to look your best as an influencer. But as a normal woman that has grappled with body/identity changes as I have had kids and begun raising kids, you do start to let things go (in a good way), and most of the time, you realize it wasn’t a big deal at all. Your sons will remember happy summers in the pond with Mom, and in their memories, you are the most beautiful woman ever. Even with airdried hair. As for the milk duct, I used to soak in a hot tub and then just hand express milk into the tub until I started feeling the clog. It is painful but massaging and releasing the milk behind the clog always helped me. Lots of friends also got antibiotics too. Hope that gets squared away soon!!’


Have you tried sunflower lecithin for the blocked duct? I took it in a prevention dose daily of the Legendairy brand for almost 2 full years of breastfeeding after a few blocked ducts at the beginning of breastfeeding. (Per lactation consultant recommendation.) You can buy at Target or most drug stores. You can take a few for a blocked duct and it helps so much to move things along…along with all the other stuff. Also, have you tried the dangle feed position? Ugh, the inhumanity of breastfeeding some times 🤪

McKenzie Raduns

Came here to say the same thing – Sunflower Lecithin from Legendairy Milk. Good luck!!


I’ve had clogged milk ducts when returning to work after having both my boys. Try taking sunflower lecithin, or any lecithin supplement. I worked as a mother and baby public health nurse, this was recommended to me by a lactation consultant. Huge difference! Ask your PCP or OB first obv.


Hi Carly

I just wanted to share a breastfeeding tip:
Take a glass full of hot water
Stand above a sink, leaning forward a little bit
Press the glass against your breast, with your nipple in the water
The milk should start coming out

I hope this works for you, for me it was incredible!
In french it’s called “technique du verre d’eau chaude” or “technique du verre tahitien” if you want to look it up on YouTube (I don’t know what it’s called in English)

Good luck 🙂


lots of amazing clogged duct suggestions on reddit. people swear by using one of those massage guns on it to break it up. feel better soon!! <3
