
We’re Engaged!

Mike proposed last Friday night! I think I’m still in a little bit of a daze because it caught me so off guard. Most of the night is kind of a blur because I was on cloud nine, but it was a perfect night.

I knew Mike was proposing this summer, but I really didn’t think it would happen in June for a few reasons. Namely, I didn’t think he would propose before he could get a haircut. Barber shops just opened this Monday and we had a week vacation already planned, so in my head it wasn’t happening until July at the earliest.

Earlier last week, I had some good work-related news so Mike said, “Let’s celebrate with champagne on Friday.” I didn’t think anything of it… and then Friday came, Mike told me he was going to make dinner. Again, nothing that crazy because I rarely cook dinner anyway. We took the dogs for a walk and as we were coming back to the house, Mike said he was going to plug the outdoor lights in. (Mike and I had spent an hour on Thursday stringing them all up…) I took the dogs around the other side of the house to unleash the dogs and bring them inside.

I heard, “Carly…” I turned around and saw Mike “on the ground– he was on one knee, but in my head I thought he had tripped. I said, “Mike!” thinking he had hurt himself and then realized that he was holding a jewelry box and on one knee and then it hit me what was happening. I really don’t remember anything he said at all, I was in complete disbelief. I just remember hugging him and saying yes and then putting the ring on.

(In case you want to know how much I wasn’t expecting it, I hadn’t washed my hair in three days.)

It was such a perfect night. I’m so glad we were alone and at our house. It felt relaxed and very us. I also am not great under pressure when people are watching so I’m very grateful Mike did it privately. And then we did a slew of FaceTime calls with my parents, sister, and grandma and his parents. Everyone except for me knew it was happening soon, though no one knew the exact day so it was fun to spread the word.

We are both so happy. I have no idea how to plan a wedding with a pandemic going on, so that part should be interesting, but just trying to relish these moments now!!

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So so happy for you! My fiancé proposed similarly, in our house in December after I got home from work at 10pm at night. Big productions just aren’t us, and I was happy he did if privately too. Congrats!! ♥️


Hi! I’ve been following for a while but haven’t posted until now. Just want to say that I’m so happy for you!! And Mike!


I have been waiting for this post!! Congratulations- so exciting! Best wishes for you two!

Colleen Ray

Congratulations Carly and Mike ! My eighth grade self is SQUEALING that you got engaged, as you were my age when I started reading the blog! Sending love and prayers for a life of happy!


I have been waiting days for this post!!!! So excited for the both of you! Congratulations Carly and Mike! I have been following your blog for years and I’m so excited that you found the one!! I can’t wait to see where this new road take you. So happy for you both!


Congratulations Carly! Best wishes GM you and Mike. May you have a lifetime of happiness with each other!

Sophie Morrison

Congrats Carly! I have been reading since I was in high school and it feels like my cool older sister has gotten engaged! Really happy for you both!

Allie N.

Sophie, couldn’t agree more- that’s exactly what this feels like for a long time reader who’s “grown up” following you, Carly. Many congrats to you and Mike! (And coming from someone who is planning a wedding during the pandemic, there are perks. Like getting to break traditional etiquette rules and get creative on what it will look and feel like!)


Congratulations Carly! I’ve been a reader for as long as I can remember (8 years?) and I’m so happy to see you settled into a life you love with people you love. You are such a great inspiration and I wish you nothing but joy!


Ahh so excited for you, Carly!!!!!!! It’s so wonderful to hear happy news now!
I got engaged last June and was a total surprise as well. We were in a LDR and I was supposed to go up for the weekend for his sister’s college graduation. Long story, was running late, almost didn’t go that night, totally flustered, was convinced we’d go out for some summer ice cream and then we ended up at our college where we met and he proposed. Yes, I did get my ice cream after!
Now, we’re having a micro wedding in 15 days!!!
I’m so thrilled for you!


Congratulations, Carly and Mike!! I am so so thrilled for you both. I’ve been reading since high school ~9 years ago (!!), and it has been so exciting to see you fall in love and start a family with Mike. I just got engaged too, and I actually think that planning a wedding right now is refreshing. The pandemic has been showing me what is and isn’t important while planning, and it is allowing us to make decisions that we would’ve wanted all along anyway. Best wishes and CONGRATS to you and Mike — this community is so thrilled for you!


Ahh so excited for you, Carly!!!!!!! It’s so wonderful to hear happy news now!
I got engaged last June and was a total surprise as well. We were in a LDR and I was supposed to go up for the weekend for his sister’s college graduation. Long story, was running late, almost didn’t go that night, totally flustered, was convinced we’d go out for some summer ice cream and then we ended up at our college where we met and he proposed. Yes, I did get my ice cream after!
Now, we’re having a micro wedding in 15 days!!!
I’m so thrilled for you!!

Lisa Mari

Yay! So so so happy for you two! Congratulations!
Thank you for sharing this special moment in this blogpost with all of us!


Congratulations, Carly! I was so excited to see the picture on Instagram, wishing you both all the best.

Marie M. C.

Congratulations, Hurrah, Best Wishes, Mazel Tov — to the both of you! ❤️🎉👩‍❤️‍👨


CONGRATULATIONS, Carly and Mike!!! Long-time reader and so happy for you. Your engagement story is so cute; that you thought he had fallen when seeing him down on his knee is adorable. Wishing you both all of God’s blessings in the years to come!


The best news… congratulations, Carly and Mike!

I have to say I am just as happy for you both as I have been when my best friends have gotten engaged! Thanks for letting us be apart of your journey

Enjoy your vacation and, again, CONGRATS!

Coralys M

I’m so excited for you guys. I love this. Congrats Carly , I cant wait to see all the wedding planning and details


I am thrilled for you both. As far as the planning, you’ll be an inspiration to everyone. I have no doubts that you both can pull it off. Again, congratulations to you both.

Colleen P.

Congratulations! I’m currently planning a wedding for a couple of friends. Just approach the process with an open mind and a lot of patience.


CONGRATULATIONS!!! Such happy news is just what we need to be hearing right now!!! So happy for both of you. You are a darling couple!


Congratulations Carly!!! I’ve been following you for around 5-6 years and I’m so incredibly happy for you and Mike!


So happy! Thank you for sharing your life all these years and letting us celebrate with you!


So happy for you Carly!! And SO excited to follow your wedding planning process!!


Unexpected proposals are the best. I had gone to use the bathroom at the exact moment my fiancé was looking to pop the question. I still laugh about it.


Congratulations! Throughout the entire pandemic I have been checking your feed to see if he had proposed! I am so excited for you!

My husband proposed on a Tuesday in the middle of the kitchen floor when we were “supposed” to be going and picking up the ring I had put on hold. It was wonderful and perfectly us since everything we have done has been non-traditional.

Congratulations again! Have fun with all the planning.


Congratulations! Such wonderful news! My husband proposed on a random Tuesday in December while we were sitting on the couch! I had a migraine and was in a sweatshirt, but he had just picked up the ring and couldn’t wait! We were supposed to have our wedding in April but because of the pandemic, we decided to elope, and it was perfect! We are still tentatively planning on having a “celebration”- I still have my dress, shoes, and all the wedding things, but who knows? It all comes together exactly as it should, and I have no doubt your wedding will be perfect, too!

Ro //

Congratulations, Carly! My husband proposed privately as well and I am so glad he did. It made it even more special and intimate that the moment could be shared with just us. I’m so happy for you and wish you all the best!

Rachel C

Congrats! That sounds like the perfect engagement moment. And don’t worry – I have absolutely no memory of anything my husband said to me either. (I also barely remember any of our wedding ceremony!)


Congrats!! I’ve been following along for years and am so happy for you 🥰


Congratulations!! I’ve enjoyed following yours and Mike’s journey so far. I can’t wait to see what the future holds for you both. It’s been a refreshing spot during this crazy time.Enjoy your engagement! Cheers!


Congratulations Carly!! What a wonderful proposal! That’s how I would want to be proposed to.


Congratulations, Carly!!! I am so, so happy for you and Mike! My mom and I have been reading since I was 14, and we both teared up when you posted the Instagram!!!


Congratulations! I started reading your blog during my freshman year of college in 2010 (I can not believe its been 10 years). Being a reader for that long and seeing your growth compared to my own has always been a source of comfort. Thank you for sharing your life all of these years (The good and the bad). Congratulations again and I wish you both all the happiness <3


Congratulations, Carly! I’ve been reading here since college (just a year behind you) so it feels like something great happening to a long-time friend. I am so thrilled for you and Mike! Low-key engagements are the way to go – my fiance proposed on one of our regular hikes on our town’s trails with our dogs and it was PERFECT. Enjoy every second of this newly-engaged bliss!


Congrats! So happy you’re happy. I gasped and geared up a little when I saw the original Instagram post.


Congratulations! I’m so thrilled for the two of you! It sounds like the perfect night for the two of you! And I totally love that it was so private and you didn’t expect at that moment. A few things had me suspecting it was coming when my husband proposed and included our parents and my sister. As the day went on I got more and more nervous and felt the pressure of seemingly having all eyes on me. Good luck with wedding planning! I’m sure you’ll plan the perfect wedding for the two of you and I hope you share some with us along the way. I’m a sucker for following along as couples plan their big day!


Having a covid micro wedding on Saturday! Happy to share everything I learned haha!


As someone who has followed you since I was in college (I am now about to turn 28, married and with 1 kid) – I cannot tell you how overjoyed I am for you.

You and your blog has truly made me feel like we are friends and I am just so so so so happy for you. Congratulations & enjoy this special time!!!


Congrats to you and Mike! Definitely cherish this special time and don’t dive into wedding planning right away or feel pressure from all of the inevitable questions that will come


Congrats! I read your blog daily and always find inspiration….it’s wonderful to hear some really good news! ⚓️⚓️


This is the absolute BEST!! Congrats to the two of you! Soak in these days!


Congratulations!! SO happy for you both! This sounds absolutely perfect 🙂


Awww congratulations!! I have been reading your blog for years. So happy you’re engaged.


Hair washed or not, you look so incredibly happy, a huge congrats to both of you!!! I know I’m excited to see the wedding planning whenever it happens- enjoy your engagement! 🙂

Brigid Devney-Rye

So happy for you, Carly! This post makes it feel real. When I initially saw something on facebook posted by someone else I just didn’t quite believe it. What a wonderful couple. While many couples are separating post pandemic this has only made you stronger. I love how Mike proposed. He loves you for exactly who you are. xoxo


So freaking happy and excited for you two! I’ve loved following your journey — seem so happy, content, and at peace and it is SUCH a joy to witness 🙂


Congratulations and best wishes to both of you!! Such happy news!! Enjoy every minute of this 🙂 Congrats!


Congratulations Carly!! I’m so excited for you guys!! My husband also proposed at our home and it was perfect! He sent me to get my nails done that morning so he could “set up” but I hadn’t washed my hair either and was just wearing a hoodie! But those are the best stories in my opinion 🙂 So excited for you guys and can’t wait to read/watch the wedding planning process! I know it’s going to be beautiful!


Huge congrats to you both!! I think everyone who has followed you for a long time could just tell this was it. Mazel tov!!!!


Carly, congratulations! I’ve been reading your blog since I was a freshman in high school (about 8 years), and I am so excited for you! This is wonderful! Thank you for continuing to post lovely content all these years. Wishing you and Mike ALL the best!!


Ooooh congratulations!! I’ve been reading your blog since 2013 and I am really, really so happy for you.
A big virtual hug from a friend from Italy!


Congratulations Carly! Wedding planning during a pandemic is definitely a challenge – my fiance and I got engaged a week before the US went into lockdown. I keep reminding myself that the important part is that we are getting married and everything else falls into place 🙂 SO happy for you and Mike!

Becky H

Congratulations! I was very excited to see your announcement on social media, and I’ve been hoping that you would share how he did it! Sending the best of wishes to you both, and can’t wait to follow along for wedding planning tips! (My bf and I have been talking about it recently, too!)


I am so happy for the both of you. I don’t even KNOW you, but this just makes me so ding dang happy.


Congratulations Carly!! I am so happy for you both. Dave proposed at his house on Easter when I was in sweatpants and even a little mad at him. It was nothing fancy at all (no dinner, champagne or lights even:). But after, we went out to a pub and sat outside and planned our life that night. I joke but we did. We sat and talked about what we wanted and it was perfect. All the details of the proposal or the wedding do not matter nearly as much as the life you build with each other. Enjoy this time. It is special.


So happy for y’all! Thanks for sharing this special moment with us, and giving us “older” single girls hope that the right guy is out there 🙂

Chelsey Manning

Carly, I have been following your blog/social media for years quietly and am so very happy for you and Mike – congratulations! It sounds like the proposal was absolutely perfect. I had a similar experience (at home, just us, in workout clothes with a messy bun) and it is even more special to look back because my (now) husband knew that it was all I wanted – in fact, I don’t remember, but he says I literally said, “Are you doing this now? I’m in workout clothes!” But, it is such a cherished memory. Thank you for sharing your special moment on the blog so that we can all share in your excitement!

Congrats again, and enjoy being engaged!!


WE LOVE YOU GUYS! So incredibly happy for you. I need to say that I knew you were going to marry him that night in Soho–and Mitch said the same thing. 😉 Best. News. Ever. To a lifetime of happiness and love! The best is yet to come. <3


congrats!!! I just got engaged myself last month! He did a similar at home, just us proposal which was perfect! Planning during a pandemic is challenging but definitely doable! I am so happy for you guys!


I’m so incredibly happy for you! I can only dream about how amazing your wedding is going to be.


Congratulations Carly!! I’ve been a long time reader of your blog and this is my first post to you. So happy for you!!


Congrats to you both!!! Good luck with wedding planning. It’s a strange time but an engagement certainly makes it special!!


Congratulations! You really are an inspiration with the way you run your blog. You deserve this happiness. So cute how you thought in you mind that he fell when he was on one knee 🙂


Congratulations, Carly! I’m so happy for you. Mike seems like a wonderful partner, and I wish you every happiness!

Lucia Bellanger

Carly! I’ve been reading your blog since I was in high school in 2009 and you inspired me to start me own. I’m SO happy for you! I wish you and Mike the VERY best and all of the joy in the world!


Big congratulations
I’ve been following your contents for a while and you both are such a lovely couple.

A Girl, A Style

Oh Carly, I am just so overjoyed and happy for you both! Wishing you a lifetime of happiness together!

Sending lots of love from Cambridge! Briony xoxo


Congratulations and best wishes! Love that he totally caught you by surprise, that’s the best. I laughed out loud when you said you were so unaware that you hadn’t washed your hair in a few days-you know you are truly in unconditional love and comfortable with someone when they see you at your “worst” and they still love you no matter what. You’re like an old married couple already (in a good way). So happy for you and Mike! You will have such a beautiful family! Will you have Teddy and Hamilton in the wedding? Hehe. 2020 IS good in so many ways! God bless you and your future ❤️


Hi Carly,

Congratulations to you and Mike <3 The exact same thing happened to me: getting caught off guard when your partner proposes (and me knowing he was going to propose this summer). Continue to enjoy the cloud nine feeling!!


I just SCREAMED and startled my poor dog. Even though I already saw it on insta, this post just makes me so happy and it really made my day. You two have this quality that I love in couples; you already look like somebody’s parents or somebody’s aunt & uncle together. Not sure how to describe it, certainly not saying you look old lol. Just…like family.


Congratulations, Carly!!! As a looooong time reader/follower, I feel so very excited for you! You are radiating happiness!! You and Mike seem so perfect together, and I can’t wait to keep following along as your wedding plans unfold. Congratulations!!!

I may be late to this realization, but is Mike related to your friend, Taylor? Is she the friend that set you up on a blind date, or did you become friends with her after you met Mike? I just put two and two together from your insta-stories this week, and if my insta-sleuthing is correct, how fun and exciting to become sisters-in-law with one of your best friends!! That is seriously so cool! Very Nancy Meyers movie plot inspired. 🙂


My husband proposed in our house with just the two of us, on a random Monday night! I was totally shocked – in the best way. It was sweet and genuine and I can still replay it all in my head. It turned a random Monday into a very special, meaningful date and memory.

Best wishes! And seriously- pause and ENJOY this special time of celebration and anticipation!

Molly Moran

Congratulations Carly and Mike!! I’m so happy for you!! 💕💕💕


So happy for you two! I’m not great under pressure as well so I’m hoping when it happens for be it’ll be like yours – just the two of us!


I am so happy for you both! Wishing you a lifetime of love and togetherness.


I love how natural and chill was this. It feels so like you two, and thank you for being so open. Enjoy your engagement time, it’s pretty fun.


I LOVE THIS! A very similar story to our engagement, which was at home with just us and our dogs. So excited for you both!! – Grace (&Kevin)

Cosette Thoms

Best wishes for a lifetime of happiness together! I couldn’t be happier for you. You definitely deserve love and a partner who supports you, which it seems you’ve found in Mike. It’s been so fun watching your relationship grow thus far and I look forward to reading all the details you’re willing to share.


Congrats!!! This actually feels like a friend getting engaged – I’m so happy for you both!!


So happy for you!! Unexpected is the best. My husband woke me up early on a day off and I was so groggy I didn’t even know it was happening! Ha! Good lunch with you planning- so excited for you both!

Hannah Avants

I am so excited and happy for you! I’ve read this post like 5 times. Your story with Mike gives me hope in a time when dating / relationships seem unattainable. Thanks for sharing. 💕

Helena Guiguez

I love this kind of stories.
Wishing you two the best this life has to offer.
can’t wait to see how you plan your lovely wedding
