

As you can tell from the title… we’re having a BABY!!!

Baby Riordan is due this August. Mike and I could not be more excited to welcome our first child into our family. I have felt a calling to become a mother since childhood and it feels like a dream come true. And I can’t wait to see Mike take on the role of “dad.”



I’ll share more about the first trimester later this week. (Spoiler alert: it was 100x harder than I ever imagined it could be.) But for now I’m just so grateful to share this new chapter with all of you. I’m 14 weeks and a few days right now and the baby is roughly the size of a PEACH already! Pregnancy has been so different than I expected (I always thought about the part about being a mom, rarely did I think about the pregnancy part), but it’s been such a mind-blowing experience. I’m obviously not the first woman to experience a pregnancy, but now that it’s happening everything feels just so new and so different. I already feel a shift in my priorities and an intense responsibility to be growing a human life.

pregnancy photoshoot pregnancy announcement

This baby is already so loved and I can’t wait to meet him or her this summer. That last photo is the baby’s hand “waving.” 😭

baby ultrasound waving

Photos by Julia D’Agostino

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So so so incredibly happy for you two Carly. You are the only blogger I’ve followed for this long and while I’ve been silent most years, it has truly been such a joy to watch you grow from college to young adult life to settling into marriage and now pregnancy!! It’s the best to see you so happy and glowing.

Emily Cate

Carly, I am absolutely ECSTATIC to read this news this morning!!! What a beautiful Valentine’s Day surprise for you to share this with all of us. Congratulations!!

I have been reading your blog religiously for years and am so honored to be able to witness this new chapter. I know you and Mike will be wonderful parents and your baby will be so loved. Wishing you a safe & healthy pregnancy!


I just could not be any happier about this news!!! I’ve grown up reading the blog from day one and this just makes me so incredibly filled with joy for you and Mike!! Hooray for baby!


I feel like I’m happy for a true friend! Congratulations Carly! Hope you’re feeling well!


YAY! I don’t even know you but I am so elated for you and Mike. Congratulations!! I can’t wait to watch your family grow 🙂


Oh my gosh, congratulations to you both!!! I’m currently pregnant with my first and just started my third trimester yesterday. TOTALLY feel ya on pregnancy being so different than expected. The whole second trimester I felt so normal, especially after the first trimester, and I was like, wait… shouldn’t I feel more pregnant than this?? Biting my tongue now! The entire journey is such a unique experience.

Can’t wait for you to experience the rest of the “firsts” like baby kicks. It’s truly SO incredible! Again, congratulations to you both – such a happy chapter in life, especially amidst the mundane, socially-distanced day-to-day of covid life! Wishing you all best during the remainder of pregnancy!!


Oh, I am so very happy for you! You have written about wanting children so many times before, how wonderful is it that it is happening for you now! Wishing you a smooth second and third trimester. I know pregnancy may feel different that what you imagined because of the pandemic, but I hope you are able to celebrate this journey with those you love, even if it is from afar!


Carly, I have been a TCP follower since (we both were in) college- I even got to meet you once in Naples, FL at a Lilly store in 2015! This news literally made me gasp and exclaim “OH MY GOODNESS!!” I am so unbelievably happy for you and Mike, and I can’t wait to see you take on this next chapter in your life ❤️


Congratulations! I had a feeling you were pregnant, although I can’t remember why 😂 hope the rest of your pregnancy goes smoothly. I am 34 weeks (how?! It goes so fast once you’re past the first trimester!) with our first so I’m very interested in reading about anything pregnancy and baby related at the moment, so looking forward to your posts ☺️

Joanna M

Congratulations, Riordans! I’m so excited to follow along on your journey. Thanks for sharing it with us. Sending you all the best!


Literally crying!! I am so happy for you and Mike! Sending good vibes to you three 🙂 Ham and Teddy are going to be the best big brothers!!!!


I am so happy for you! Congratulations! I’ve been following your blog since basically the beginning so this news feels like it’s coming from a longtime friend. I wish you and Mike all the best!!!


I am so unbelievably excited for you two! I hope you are feeling better now that you’re past the first trimester (I had a sneaking suspicion when I saw your comment about the box of graham crackers on your nightstand??) You are going to provide the most loving home to Baby Riordan ❤️ do Teddy and Hamilton know they are going to be big brothers yet?


The biggest congrats to you and Mike!! Couldn’t be happier to hear the news, wishing you a happy, healthy pregnancy!


So excited for you!
I have always loved your blog, and as a new mamma of a 9 week old I’m excited for hopefully some mom and baby content!!!


I read the title of the post on my RSS reader and I just shouted a loud “oui!” You all look very happy. Félicitations.


Congratulations!! I’ve been thinking you look so glowy lately… now I know why! I’m so happy for you and excited to follow along.


Such exciting news for you and your family. Welcoming your first baby is such an amazing life changing experience. I’m 12 weeks pregnant with my third so can definitely relate to your blog posts of late (feeling unmotivated, craving McDonald’s etc)


I have been following since 2013, I am so incredibly happy for you. Feels so special to witness these precious life moments and share your joy. Wishing you all the best!


Eeek!! This is so exciting! You’re going to be a great mom. I have been following you forever (you were my inspiration to start my own blog!). I had a baby boy last August, motherhood is the best thing ever!! xoxo


Congrats Mama!!!!!!!!! So thrilled for you and I’m sure your family is so excited to welcome in another little one with cousins close in age. Sorry if this is weird but feel like your whole family could be models.

I’m getting married in May and took a winding path and don’t start my career till next summer so babies are years off for us.

Can’t wait to hear more about your journey. May you feel peace in this new life stage. Would love to hear whatever you feel comfortable sharing about the whole process/finding your healthcare providers/parenting in general.

Thank you for choosing to share this with us.

Your baby is going to have an epic coming home outfit! I can see matching little outfits with their cousins sewn by you now.

Shannon Mahaney

Congratulations, Carly!! Pregnancy is an incredible journey…savor it as best you can. Also, journal throughout the experience. It’s one thing I made sure to do. 🙂


Congratulations! How exciting! It sounds like you’re due around the same time as sister-in-law and brother who are expecting their first child in August which will make me an aunt.


Congratulations! Beautiful photos. Great call on buying more nap dresses, they are the best when pregnant especially in the summer!


Congratulations to you two!! How funny, from your last weekly outfits post I was like, I think she might be expecting, but then wasn’t sure if you wanted children. Found my answer, congrats again, how exciting!


Congratulations so happy for you both! I knew when you had the two cheeseburger meal at McDonald’s something was up 😂


I was *so* sick that morning. After I threw up I was sobbing to Mike, “I’m just going to go get McDonald’s, okay?” 😅


CONGRATS!!!! I just saw on your FB Group and was soooo happy for you two!!! It’s seriously so exciting and you are just adorable!!! <3 <3 <3



Congratulations!! So happy for you two!! Many joy-filled days are coming your way!! Cutest pics 💕

Kelly and Mitch

CONGRATULATIONS, CARLY AND MIKE! Sending so much love! We’re so happy for you and cannot WAIT for this next chapter. ACK 2022 with babies yassssss. Love to you both!! xoxo!!!!

Noodle Larkin

Teddy and Ham,

You look worried. Don’t be. Babies drop so much food. It’s great. Get ready for the feast of your lives–



Oh, what wonderful news. Congratulations to you and Mike! I am so very happy for you … (the musings on a childfriendly car yesterday definitely got me thinking …)


Oh man no wonder you’ve shared ebbs and flows in motivation and priority shifts. PREGNANCY HORMONES ARE BRUTAL! Awesome news from a mama of 👶👶👶👶👶


I started reading your blog in September or October. I have been suspecting that you are pregnant!!! I am just one week ahead of you (15 weeks) and saw myself in the comfier clothes, mixed emotions, time on the couch, drive through for random cravings, and blood work visit. I hadn’t been reading long enough to know for sure, but I was reasonably sure this was coming just bc I FEEL YOU. This is intense.

Wow. What awesome news for you and Mike!! And selfishly, I’m like yes! Someone else to go through this with! (It’s my first pregnancy even though I have a 6 and 8 year old through adoption-so all my mom friends have finished and are done having kids at this point and it’s just me being pregnant over here by myself!) I’m here for ALL the pregnancy related content you want to share!! Congratulations again!!!! <3 and for me, 14 weeks was a huge turning point in energy and nausea so I hope you start to feel better!


Warmest congratulations, Carly and Mike! SO excited for you, Carly — like I would be for a close friend 🙂 xoxo


Congratulations Carly and Mike! I saw several birth announcements on V-Day and it is the best thing to come out of quarantine! Thanks for making our world brighter! I think you are having a boy, but will be just as excited if it is a girl. Hope you feel better soon and can enjoy the warmer months more so. I have been with you since Georgetown. You helped me connect to my more preppy roots from midwest Ohio! LOL! Again congrats and best of luck with everything! We are so happy for you two!


Congratulations Carly and Mike!!! I’m so thrilled for you! This may be the most
excited I’ve been for a birth announcement for someone I’ve never met. You two are going to be the most loving and supportive parents. Sending good wishes that the rest of your pregnancy goes smoothly and you start to feel better.


Congrats Carly!!! I had a thought maybe you were pregnant when you started looking a cars with more seats. Excited to hear about your journey 🙂


Congratulations Carly & Mike (and Ham and Teddy too)!!! Words can not express how excited I am for you, my internet “friend”. Honored that you are sharing this journey with all of us! xoxo


like so many others in the comments, i’ve followed you since nearly the beginning and i was more excited upon learning you were pregnant than i was learning that acquaintances i know are pregnant haha. suffice it to say — congrats! so incredibly excited for you and can’t wait for all that’s ahead!!


Never in my entire life have I cried reading a birth/wedding/graduation/passing/any milestone announcement. Carly and Mike I am so sincerely over joyed for you. My heart is moved! I cried when I saw the picture. I feel like I know you! You two are so perfect for each other and deserve so much happiness in life. Sharing this joy with you guys.


Congratulations Carly & Mike! This time last I was pregnant with my 1st due Sept 5th. The timing was so special to me because 30 years prior my Mother was due Sept 10th with ME, her 5th child! Although my Mother passed away in 2018 from cancer I felt this greater connection with her since we were pregnant the same season. I had my little girl August 25th, 6 days before my 30th birthday. It was all such a wonderful gift! It would be fun to hear your Mom’s thoughts on when she was pregnant with you. I’m so happy you’re happy & healthy! I look forward to following along your journey! <3


Hi Carly,
Congratulations 🎉 to and your husband. A child is always a great blessing and gift.

Best wishes!

Sylvia Leverette

Congratulations, Carly and Mike! You’re in for a wonderful adventure!!!
