
What to Cook When You’re Feeling Homesick

I did not cook at all during college (or frankly the first couple of years post-grad). My housemate Victoria would cook for us about once a week and my task was to wash the lettuce in the spinner. That’s about all I could manage back then, or at least all that I trusted myself to do. I regret not cooking more though! These are all delicious sounding recipes from Louisa and all seem pretty simple to make too!

What to Cook When You’re Feeling Homesick

Guest post by Louisa from Living Lou

With school starting soon (or maybe you’ve started already) you’re probably not feeling homesick quite yet, but you might be. And that’s ok. I lived at home through university so I never experienced the feeling of being away from home for the first time, but most of my friends did.

In those moments, I can imagine a home cooked meal would do wonders. Everyone has their favorites that they grew up eating, that bring back so many feelings of nostalgia and happy memories, some of these recipes are those for me, but I’ve also included some classic comforting dishes that feel like a warm hug.


1. Homemade Oreo Cookies

Usually, when I’m having a bad day, I find baking to be the perfect escape. The best part about baking cookies is that you can share them with your friends and it’s also a good way to meet new people. No one can say no to a cookie! Also, homemade Oreos. Need I say more?


2. Baked Pasta with Sausage and Peppers

This recipe is dead simple but so delicious. One of my favorite things to make–the combo of sausages and peppers is dreamy, and I just use a store-bought marinara sauce to make it extra easy.


3. Leek and Potato Soup

This might just be me, but leek and potato soup is my go-to comforting soup. My mom used to make it for me all the time and it reminds me of her. Also, it’s made with five ingredients and is basically a hug in a bowl.

4. Lemon Scones

A flaky lemon scone with a London fog or just a plain Earl Grey tea? Sounds like a perfect afternoon to me, all you need is a good book!

5. Smashed Potatoes

Potatoes. Perhaps the most comforting food? These are crispy on the outside and soft and pillowy on the inside.

6. Muffin Donuts

These took the internet by storm back in 2013– they were also what I baked when I was needing a little comfort myself during a hard time.

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Kayla Michelle Pelletier

