
What’s in My Gym Bag

As I’ve been spending more time at the gym (who am I?), I’ve been working on perfecting my gym bag situation. If I’m in a rush that day, I just waltz into the gym with my regular purse and hope for the best. But when I have time, especially if I’m planning on taking back to back classes or meeting someone after, I have to be prepared.

Here’s an idea of what I pack:

Gym essentials

Minimergency Kit // I have these everywhere so it makes sense that I’d have one in my gym bag! These things are always good to have in a pinch. (I had a friend borrow the sewing kit to mend a broken sports bra strap once!)

Portable iPhone Charger // I keep my phone in a locker while I’m working out. So if I’m running on the low side of things, I’ll charge my phone during my class.

Makeup wipes // This is the one toiletry that I always bring. These wipes are incredible. I mostly use them after class just to get the sweat off my face, especially when I’m not taking a shower right away.

Extra socks, sports bra, and underwear // Almost always I just wear the same clothes between classes, but on occasion (aka after a hot yoga class) I want to start fresh.

Hair ties // I mean, these are just an essential.

Water Bottle // The S’well water bottle is my favorite for working out right now. It keeps my water cold, even in the hot yoga room. I also like that it’s not plastic.

Book or magazine // If there are more than twenty minutes between classes, I’ll sit down and catch up on a little reading. They do have Wifi, so sometimes I’ll get emails done, but it always gets me thinking about work and feeling stressed when I’m trying to decompress.

Toiletries // The locker room at my gym is pretty well stocked. They have everything from deodorant and mouthwash to tampons and razors. It makes it easier for me packing-wise and lightens the load. But if I’m going to a friend’s gym or taking a class somewhere else, I’ll pack all my regular toiletries in travel size! I like to keep a hairbrush, lip balm, aspirin, and band-aids in my bag too.

Do you keep any must-haves in your gym back that I forgot?

PS I don’t have the yoga bag in the graphic, but how adorable is it?!



This is similar to what I keep in my gym bag too! I also like to keep a travel set of face wash/moisturizer in case I can’t get straight home after and a pair of earbuds for music/podcasts!

Taylor |


How cute is that Kate Spade gym bag?!?!? Love it!

I bring only my keys and iPod to the gym and keep them on me at all times ever since I had my gym locker broken into and my wallet stolen. But if I was shlepping my gear straight from work this would be a great set up.


Forgot to mention that my gym has a snack bar/smoothie place… makes a huge difference!


I love this bag! It looks perfect for holding everything for the gym. I also like bringing a pair of sandals or flip flops and possibly perfume after a hard sweat.


Cute bag! I always pack a mini toothpaste and travel toothbrush, brushing my teeth makes me feel so much cleaner after a really sweaty workout haha. Also a little bottle of face moisturizer, sometimes cleaning wipes leave me so dry. Oh and a spare pair of headphones always live in my bag. There’s nothing more disappointing then sweating too much and breaking your headphones mid-run. Glad to hear you are loving your workouts these days!


I’m in the middle of reading The Circle right now, too! I like it, but I feel like I’m waiting for it to get exciting.

Maria Bonefacio

Where did you find your tote bag? I’m a huge kate spade fan

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