
Going Green

I wanted to expand a little on one of my goals for the year. I said I wanted to go green and mentioned that one of the big sources of waste for me was disposable coffee cups. I do want to go on record to say that I’m not going to judge someone if they…


On My Radar

I love that New Year’s Day fell on a Tuesday this year. It made this week go by much more smoothly since it was so short as a result… and I was incredibly productive, which always feels good. I had a running list of things that I had to do this week and I made…

gift ideas

Gifts I Gave & Received

This is one of my favorite posts about the holidays even though it comes after the holidays. Gift giving is definitely my love language. I always have so much fun coming up with ideas for people and I keep a running list of notes and ideas throughout the year as people note or mention things. For…


2019 Goals

I wasn’t exactly looking forward to this year. The stress of Q4 had tainted my view and outlook a little too much. After spending a week at home and then almost completely checking out this past weekend, I feel like a new person. I’m definitely ready for a fresh start. And I know while there…


hello 2019

Every new year, I try to set an intention for the next twelve months. I think I did a pretty good job about staying present last year, although it definitely devolved around the last quarter of the year. This year’s intention is actually something that I inadvertently started last year. I want to focus on…


On My Radar

I’m officially going on a blog break after today’s post! I usually take a full week off, but I will be back on the 26th for my blog’s 10 year anniversary which will include a HUGE giveaway (seriously, you won’t want to miss it!). This has been THE BEST holiday season to date… and it’s…


2018 Favorites

It’s as cliche as it comes, but I’m just shocked it’s the end of the year. I feel like I was just writing last year’s recap… and here we are again. This has been a big year for a lot of reasons. I feel like I experienced some of the best of the best, mixed…