
Wicker Bags

Confession… I didn’t get out of bed this morning. I essentially took a personal morning. Not planned. No particular reason… Just decided to take the morning off. I dozed and slept and scrolled through Twitter, but other than getting up to feed and walk Teddy, I didn’t rush off to start my to-do list. It was kind of amazing. I felt a little guilty and a little anxious about not doing a few things I needed to get done, but I reminded myself that everything would come together and I should just relax a bit. (Plus, I’m going to DryBar this afternoon for the event at Jack Rogers!
This week has been one of those “Oh, this is what being an adult must feel like” weeks. Corporate taxes = filed. Finally signed a contract that (… no joke…) has been in the works for thirteen months. Started working on an exciting new project with hours of Skype meetings. Basically, my accountants and lawyers are on speed dial. Early morning walks with Teddy. Had a spontaneous dinner with a friend. Lots of special time with special people. Got my inbox down to 8 emails at one point. Marginally ahead on the to-do list.
Even though I felt like all of these things were extremely important and serious, I have been adopting an attitude of not taking things so seriously. Sometimes I self-sabotage by being so uptight and not just going with the flow and being positive about the situations. The positive vibes have been flowing and I’m actually (truly) enjoying myself in the process. It’s a pretty amazing feeling!
Speaking of being light-hearted and not taking things so seriously, I’m obsessed, 100% obsessed with these wicker bags from Kate Spade. The personalities of these little guys are just the most fun!
While one of the totes or satchels might be more versatile, I’m totally in love with the car. Growing up, my dad had a bug and we lovingly called it “The Funny Car” so I feel like that bag needs to find a way into my life somehow. At the very least, it’s such a perfect conversation starter 😉

Do you ever think you take yourself too seriously? How do you keep things fun and light-hearted?


Say Hello


Corinne Walker

Hi Carly,

I might not take myself too seriously but I am a worry wort and an anxious person by nature. I try to have a go to list of things I know that de stress me & literally look at that list and pick one of them, when Im feeling overwhelmed or need a 'me' break.
Love to hear that your positive vibes are leading you in a more relaxed direction. Your productivity won't suffer but your mind & soul will thank you!



That sounds like the best! As I am rather newish to your blog – what are all of these projects that you are always working on or will we find out more in the future??

Seersucker Sass

I always had such a tendency to be too hard on myself and stress myself out until I took my first full time job. I never really felt like a fun person. When I took a break from dating this fall, I genuinely became so happy. Any time something unpleasant happened, I just reminded myself that it was only temporary! I am happier than I have ever been in my life, and I think it's because I've allowed myself to be a little bit irresponsible. I'm so glad that you took a day for yourself today, because you deserve it!

Also, I'm in love with those wicker bags, especially the little camera one!

XX, SS || A Little Seersucker Sass


Those bags are really cute. I've got spring break coming up next week and I'm really hoping to tackle a ton of work. I still have to go to one of my day jobs, but the rest of the time will be dedicated to freelance work and getting myself organized.


Bought the car one last week at Madison Ave store! It is a cute little Fiat 500 to go with the new Capri campaign. Looked at the camera one too….it's darling. Actually going to use the car one as a bookshelf decoration for my soon to be college freshman daughter's dorm room.

Linda Aguirre

I don’t know, I wouldn’t really think of myself like someone who takes stuff too seriously. But, I think it’s cool how you’re working on going with the flow. Also, I don't really know how I keep things fun and light hearted. I guess those moments are spontaneous.


I drive a Beetle so I'm totally obsessed with the VW Bug shaped bag! It's too cute!
PS: Congratulations on signing your contract (whatever it was for)! Hoping it brings you more great things in life!


Michelle Champalanne

Can't wait to see what you have in store! I've been a follower of your blog for a few years now and I'm excited to see your upcoming projects! Sending "positive vibes" 🙂

Also love all the wicker bags! You're making me want to buy a few to sprinkle around the house as decorations for my bookshelves + side tables.

UF Fashion Files

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