A Watercolor Class with Inslee

Inslee is a personal friend and also one of my favorite artists! I was lucky enough to attend her first ever watercolor class this week. It was such a great time and I even learned some great tips for drawing figures. Now, I definitely won’t be quitting my day job anytime soon. I’ll leave actual artwork to the professionals.
Inslee’s adorable assistant Ophelia. I have to say, Ophelia is much tinier in person. She’s so sweet and just bopped around all night saying hello to everyone.
Inslee and Ophelia hard at work!
The class was two hours and flew by. I went in feeling very nervous and intimidating, but walked away feeling a little bit more confident. Inslee taught us how the process she follows. Watching her work was worth the whole class though. It was amazing! She stood at the class walking us through each step.
We started with these little figures based on the way the model was positioned. Honestly this was the most eye-opening part of the process. It wasn’t until Inslee broke it down that I could really “see” the movement and body position. Who knew!!!
So once we penciled the figures, we penned the lines we wanted to keep. Then we erased the pencil and started the watercoloring. As you can see, I struggled here. Ha!
My interpretation above and Inslee’s masterpiece below. (Not kidding, it took her like four minutes tops to whip up the watercolored part.)

You can sign up your email address here to be notified when the next class will be. Hint, hint… there may or may not be a special guest live modeling during the next class 😉

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