
Diary No. 25

I have very few photos from the past two weeks. It was a great two weeks, but… don’t have much to show for it in terms of photos. I go back and forth between wanting to document everything and also trying to stay present; from wanting to share everything and also trying to maintain some privacy. It’s definitely a balance that I’m sure a lot of people struggle with even if you don’t have a blog or a public Instagram account. (Or, maybe I’m totally wrong??? You tell me!)


One of my friends pointed out that I may not be giving Teddy as much “social media” love as Hamilton! Truth be told, Teddy mostly does his own thing during the day whereas Hamilton follows me around like a shadow. But I will say, Teddy has never been much of a snuggler and now he’s an even bigger cuddler than Ham at night! I’ll wake up in the morning and Teddy is laying completely on top of me.

Dining Room

The dining room is one of my favorite spaces in the house. I think it’s just having lived in apartments without space for a full table for eight-ish years, it feels nice to spread out. Last weekend, a bunch of us tried to go bowling, but the alley was packed with birthday parties. We opted to play in the arcade instead and the two year olds shockingly killing it at those claw machine games– they got five inflatable balls?! We couldn’t believe it. Anyway, because bowling was a bust, everyone ended up at our house for pizza and we just camped out in the dining for six hours. Loved it.

Speaking of the dining room, I am thinking of doing wainscoting and a darker paint above it with window treatments…. We definitely want a bigger dining room table, too, and need to get a rug, too. Now that we’re “settled” in the house, it’s time to start tackling some of the less time sensitive design projects.


One of the three photos I took during the video shoot with Refinery29. I was a little taken aback by the scope of the project (it was bigger than I realized) and we had a lot of people in the house. I think at one point there were over 30. The dogs loved the extra attention and I loved getting to know so many interesting people– and learn more about the production process. I really enjoyed it.


Finally found a place to let the dogs run around. This has been my number one issue with our town– not having a great dog park– and the number one thing I miss about Connecticut. There had been some chatter about a dog park and a GoFundMe for one that supposedly got approved, but now…. crickets. This isn’t an official dog park, but it looks like people have made it an “unofficial” one. When we stumbled on it during a regular walk, I just about cried tears of happiness when we saw numerous pups sprinting around. SCORE. After a bit, our dogs were muddy and drained and oh so very happy.

Peanut Butter Toast

Sunday Motor’s latest additions to their menu are delicious. Each better than the last! I’ve been craving their peanut butter toast– it’s sweet and savory. Great on cold mornings!

Banana Bread

What’s a girl to do with some very overripe bananas? Banana bread. I usually make this one-bowl GF banana bread that is divine, but didn’t have everything I needed so I used this recipe. I halved the recipe and baked in a smaller loaf tin… probably a good thing because it was SO GOOD that we didn’t need any more of it laying around.

Open Concept Kitchen

And a gratuitous shot of my kitchen! It’s my favorite space in the house for sure and where I spend the most of my time. Despite having a dedicated office upstairs, I just loving working at the island.

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If Teddy hasn’t really been a snuggler, but now at certain times is it’s because you aren’t giving him enough attention (neglecting if you will). Obviously not on purpose. My dog has been doing the same thing lately since I’ve been away for long periods of time working. She normally just snuggles my boyfriend, including at night, but lately she’s been up my butt from the time I get home to the time I go to sleep and I don’t mind one bit.


I think it’s actually just because our house is old and cold at night in the winter…. but I’ll take it!
