
Diary No. 29

I had to check the calendar twice to make sure it was a) Saturday and b) time for another Diary post. I kind of feel like I just did one and couldn’t believe it’s already been two weeks. Time seems… off lately. Both fast and slow. (We’re already a 1/3 of the way through April…) Anyway, here is a GIANT random assortment of photos.

We have been running the dishwasher so frequently. I feel like I’m constantly loading and unloading this thing. It was starting to drive me nuts, but came to peace with the idea that I was just going to run it before going to bed every night and unload it first thing in the morning. For some reason I mind it less in the morning while the coffee is percolating!!

After a bunch of rainy days in a row, it was FINALLY sunny. We had a good stretch of sun and it honestly made staying inside all the time much easier. I put natural light at the TOP of my house priority list when we were looking (living in a basement apartment teaches you the importance of natural light

How sweet is little Ham? He loves to cuddle and always puts his body in hysterical positions.

Our street (maybe the whole town?) did luminaries one night. It was so nice to see the bags lining the block all lit up.

Might I suggest making cookies? I made a batch one morning and it was such a nice little activity. Plus it makes the house smell great and we had cookies to snack on for days.

I felt a little weird buying these chairs for our lawn, but now that they’re here? BEST DECISION EVER. I have been sitting outside, weather permitting, at least once a day. The best is actually setting the chair up, reclining it all the way back, and doing a 10 (or 20) minute meditation with the sun warming you. I did this randomly one day and when the meditation was over I felt like a CHANGED WOMAN. Highly recommend.

A new needlepoint project. On the weekends I let myself stitch and watch TV (last week was a Bravo marathon of Below Deck!) and during the week I listen to audiobooks. I am so grateful for this hobby that keeps my hands busy and mind distracted. 

Mike made homemade gnocchi the other day!!! It was delicious. He’s also been making meat sauce every week to have in our fridge throughout the week. Here’s the recipe/video he followed! I can’t take any credit, I watched from the couch, but it seemed pretty straightforward and doable!

The dogs are truly LOVING all the attention and now that we have the warmer weather, all the outside time. I am kind of freaking out about what to do with their hair… I am very low maintenance and have zero beauty appointments, but the dogs?! They get a haircut every six weeks hahaha. I am not looking forward to doing it at home… yikes.

Even though I’m sewing masks, I’m really having fun doing it. It’s inspiring me to figure out how to sew even more things!

I switched my closet over to warm weather and, even though it snowed yesterday, seeing all the blue and white and stripes is sparking all the joy.

Meesh sent a little Easter treat. Reese’s eggs and chocolate dipped pretzels. So cute right?

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Never not unloading the dishwasher at the moment! I get what you mean on time. Is there any end date in mind for NJ? Here in NZ we’ll hopefully be coming out of lockdown in a couple of weeks…we’ll see though, who really knows?!


I have a mini schnauzer puppy who gets a haircut every six weeks and I’m not attempting to groom her. May I suggest mobile grooming? We’re using a reputable mobile groomer next week.

Elle Brooks

I am also in the same boat with a VERY high maintenance puppy! She is a cocker spaniel cavalier mix and I have already had to trim her nails (which I will NEVER do again on my own after this, it was quite the experience!) and then I have also tried some of the hair around her eyes so she could see! Good luck and if you discover any tips PLEASE share lol! 🙂

Bailey Carver

I am so stressed about what to do with my dog for grooming. He is a mini golden doodle and he will absolutely not let me brush him.
Considering putting a cone on him when I try to brush him to see if that helps. Please share any tips if you end up grooming your pups!


We did this thing where we doled our pieces of bonies for our puppy when we trimmed his nails. He still hates it but at least now he sits still enough for me to do it quickly by myself. He’s a beagle. I still prefer the vet to do it, but I had to myself the other day and he didn’t run since he knew there was a treat in store for putting up with me. He has short hair thank goodness.


When this whole thing started, I made a triple batch of chocolate chip cookies. I baked about 6 and froze the rest in small batches. When my husband and I have been itching for something sweet, I pull out my little baggie and bake off a few. It’s been such a lifesaver. If I made a full batch in the beginning, there is no doubt we would have ate it in a few days! Highly recommend!

Lorraine Barnes

Your dogs look like mine (toy poodle), just a little bigger! First, you need to get small blunt scissors and trim around their eyes so they can see. I wait until ours is resting and just pet – cut – pet – cut – pet – cut bit by bit until I’m done. It takes a little patience. Then I trimmed her whole body with bigger blunt scissors the same way. It did take 2 days and 2 hours total! And it’s a little uneven but our baby was getting warm inside with all her fur.
Now I AM afraid to do her nails! I might have to break my social distancing and see if the vet will do it.
I miss those kinds of services so much right now!


Reading your blog is one of the highlights of my day. I just wanted to thank you for giving me a little mental escape during this crazy time.


I feel the exact same way about the dishwasher! I also mind it less while I wait for coffee. I have also been reminding myself to be grateful to even have a dishwasher during this time, I actually just moved out of a house that didn’t have one at all.

Libby Howells

I know there’s every one of these images and what not tied in with heating banana bread, however I believe there’s something to it! The fixings are quite negligible and bread can be breakfast, a bite, or treat.
Take My Class
