
DIARY No. 43

Well hello, hello. We’re back today with another Diary post, where I show what I’ve been up to over the past two weeks, according to my iPhone’s camera roll.

Diary No.43

Diary No.43

Mike is on a mission to perfect the Big Green Egg grilled pizza and I am excited to go along for the ride!! I could eat pizza every night of the week, so I am in full support of his mission. We’ve been experimenting with different dough recipes though haven’t landed on a “winner” yet. We keep joking that it’s going to be a long winter so we have plenty of time to get it right.

Diary No.43

I love Tate’s cookies and have been treating myself to a few every night after dinner. I decided I wanted to try them all and see how they measured up. So I picked up a couple of bags of the holiday flavors and they’re both delicious. The Gingersnap tastes homemade– it tastes like real ginger, not imitation. But the Cinnamon Brown Sugar Cookies are next level. They melt in your mouth! Highly recommend.

Diary No.43

Sara Fitz designed a blanket for Chappy Wrap

They sent me one and though they’re sold out, you can sign up for a waitlist to be notified when they’re back in stock. Chappy Wraps are fantastic– everyone in the house, especially the pups, love them.

Diary No.43

This just about sums up the past couple of weeks! Usually I burn myself out during the holiday season. (It’s the busiest time of year for bloggers!) But I’m committed to closing my laptop and taking evenings off. I’d say six out of seven nights I’m able to really step away and it’s made a world of difference for my mental health. I usually get into bed and needlepoint for an hour while watching Youtube or TV (currently going through every Annie behind the scenes video ever created & Sabrina on Netflix).

Canvas is Silver Stitch Needlepoint and pajamas are Schweitzer Linen.

Diary No.43

And a less glamorous day? Standing in line to get tested for COVID. I was annoyed we were exposed (because it wasn’t super clear when the person found out they were positive 🙃) and though the chance was super tiny (the exposure happened outdoors), we wanted to be safe. Well… cases are surging and getting a test is not easy. We stood in line for hours in 40 degree rain. I was so annoyed but relieved to get a negative test result!


Now that it’s really getting cold out, we’ve been lighting a fire almost every night! It’s a nice way to make an ordinary day feel special.

gift wrap design

I stepped up my gift wrap game this year!!!

Just love how it looks!! Talk about sparking joy.

Diary No.43

These two little men. They love perching on the couch in the living room and looking out the window. (Their collars are for our invisible fence by the way; I get a lot of questions about them in DM!)



That pizza looks so good. Hope you’ll share when you find the perfect recipe! I’ve also been watching Sabrina (very late to the party) and can’t wait for Part 4 to come out at the end of this year! Hope you have a great weekend

Lucy Meyers

Do you have a tutorial for creating that stitching pattern on the Needlepoint?

lucy minter

Do you have a source for your fireplace screen? Does it have glass doors? Hard to find something that will totally close off the fireplace when not in use. Thanks!


That’s sad to hear about covid testing. We were able to get free tests in Boston with a ten minute wait. We did have to sign up the two days before (not a big deal because you need to wait a few days pos exposure), but the process was so quick and easy. I’m glad you got tested and extra glad it was negative. S


Love those Tate’s cookies! Snagged a bag of the sugar cinnamon’s at Whole Foods last week on a whim and was not disappointed.
Share your feelings on the COVID testing!
Thanks for the post and be safe!


I totally hear you on the COVID testing! We really need to get a better handle on testing as a country. The last thing we want is to discourage people from getting tested because it’s so difficult.


Well done Mike! That pizza looks so good!
Glad to hear you are COVID negative. It’s getting scary out there. Be safe everyone.
I tried the Tate’s gluten-free chocolate chip cookies by accident and they are insanely good! I highly recommend them as well.


If you’re an Annie fan, may I recommend checking out The Great Hall and The Great Lawn at Monmouth University in West Long Branch. It doubled as Daddy Warbucks’ home in the Aileen Quinn version (there were notices referenced throughout the building at one time). I don’t think you need anything if you chose to take photos inside but you may for the Lawn.

Kelly Durante

So glad that you guys were negative! Such a scary time. 😞
What type of dogs are your pups? My 6yr old (and me! 😆) are looking at getting a puppy. We don’t want something to big or with an insane amount of energy. Your guys are so cute!


Maybe an odd question, but does the furniture/your clothes smell like smoke after a fire in the fireplace? If so, how do you get the odor out? I’ve never had a fireplace but it’s a top wish on my house hunting list for when we get there. The only time I’m around a fire is a fire pit outside or camping and we deeeeeeefinitely smell like smoke after and it’s so hard to fade! I washed my jacket 4 times after our last camping trip to finally get the smoke smell out!

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