
DIARY No. 52


The last two weeks according to my iPhone’s camera roll:

Sockerbit Easter candies

You know Sockerbit has been a huge craving of mine lately… they sent me the sweetest package for Easter. I wish I could say there was still candy left. But we devoured it.

Sunday Motor.

If you happen to find yourself in the Madison, NJ area (or surrounding towns), you have to come visit Sunday Motor. It gets super crowded on the weekends, which after this past year, it’s a relief to see. They are the nicest people and it’s such a great cafe experience. During the weekend, car collectors meet here and park their cars in the lot so there’s lots to look at while you wait for your coffee or snack.

Home Chef review | DIARY No.52

I’m super picky with all the sponsored posts I do, and I’ve been especially grateful to work with Home Chef this year.

I have a paid partnership with them and get credits for meals during weeks when I post, but Mike and I love it so much that we pay for it every week that isn’t sponsored too. It’s changed my whole opinion on cooking at home lately…. wish I had started earlier in the pandemic. I think it would have saved us from the “mealtime fatigue.” The code “CARLY90FREE” gets you $90 off your first order.

100th Peloton ride | DIARY No.52

I did my 100th Peloton ride last week!!!! And I hadn’t even been paying attention and got a notification that it was my “century ride.” I don’t know why I think it’s so hilarious how adamant I was against Mike buying it… and now how grateful I am that he did. It’s been really hard to ride while pregnant (I am always out of breath), but I still get on a couple times a week to get a sweat in. It’s hard to know how slow I’ve gotten but I genuinely feel better whenever I get off.

kids books

How sweet is this…

One of my middle school teachers and her daughter sent the baby some of their favorite books. The teacher was one of my favorites throughout all my schooling (she was my homeroom teacher, PE teacher, and also the person who led a club I was in and we traveled all over the US together for many years) and her daughter was one of the first kids I ever babysat for! (She’s now, somehow, in college right now which is crazy.) It was so sweet.

sunny walks with dog

With the nice weather, we have been taking FULL advantage of sunny walks. Last weekend Mike’s sisters and god daughter came over to watch some basketball and then we all went for a long walk pre-lunch. Really just a picture perfect afternoon.

inside J&M

Another gem in Madison.

This is from inside J&M (it’s across from the Whole Foods). It’s the best store I think in town. They have a whole gardening center, which is where these pots are located… and a fantastic gift shop/retail store too. It’s a dangerous place to go though…. you will not walk out empty handed!

blueberry tea cake

I usually try to bake myself, but I ran out of town so I swung by a local bakery to pick up some treats. I went in looking for carrot cake and came out with this delicious blueberry tea cake. And I had way more of it than I probably should have. Just couldn’t get enough.

dogs cuddling | DIARY No.52

The dogs love when Mike or I do some yoga. They see it as the perfect time to use us as a jungle gym.

Sunday Motor Co | DIARY No.52

I spent an afternoon in Sunday Motor Co to get some writing done. It felt so… normal… to be eating “in” a cafe. A glorious moment, truly.

baby bump view from above

I walked into town this week to get coffee as a pick me up treat. I looked down and couldn’t believe the view. My bump is a real bump right now.

sandwich and sliced green apples | DIARY No.52

Why are sandwiches so good?! If there’s one thing I could eat every single day right now though, it’s a big green apple. I’d say it’s my #1 craving.



If you haven’t already, try out Power Zone rides on the Peloton! The idea is that, once you take the admittedly terrible FTP test, you ride according to your own personal zones. I’ve really enjoyed the classes I’ve taken so far.


Love seeing your pregnancy journey! Tha k you for sharing your light! 💛


Hi! Congratulations on your pregnancy! I’m currently 15 weeks with my second one as well and trying to do similar things like you posted. Just staying active and positive as much as possible.

What were the kids books that were in picture above? I figured out the top 2 but not the bottom 3.


OMG- when I was pregnant with my first baby, I totally CRAVED green apples. More than anything else. It must be that tart/ sweet combo. I literally ate one everyday. It’s the only type of Apple my now 16 year old will eat! My “babies” are now two teenage girls!

Lorraine Barnes

That Boynton “Going To Bed” book was my daughter’s favorite! And I just bought one this week for a friend. You will love the simplicity and cuteness of it! Happy reading!

Sandy Redman

Carly, what make of sneakers are in the picture of ‘the bump’? Congratulations on your pregnancy!

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