
DIARY No. 61

It’s been a while since my last Diary post. My schedule got a little off while I took some time off for the last bit of my pregnancy and after Jack was delivered. I’m still going to be posting less frequently, but hope to get some posts up when it makes sense (and when I can). Of course, I want to be as present as possible in my life (you can’t get these newborn days back!!!), but Jack does sleep a lot 😉

I’m going to keep this Diary post catching up on all things that have happened. I think I’ll do a separate post with some of my fave Jack moments so far later.

I finally got to meet Sasha and Christy (twin sisters living in NYC). I found them on Youtube a bit ago and ended up hiring Sasha (pictured here!) to help with some blog stuff. She has been a saving grace for me during a very, very crazy year and I was so excited to finally meet her in person! (Most of the people I work with– including my entire management team– I have never met in person so this was a special treat!)

Is there anything better than a freshly cleaned home? I finally bit the bullet and hired a cleaning crew to clean our house every week. It’s a bit of a splurge and I wasn’t completely sure if it’d be worth it, but I have to admit… it 100% is. It sparks all the joy for me!!!

A latest lunch obsession: tomato toast! I can’t get enough of it. I usually try to get heirloom tomatoes from the farmer’s market but when we were out, I dipped into the cherry tomatoes and just loved the bright colors! It tastes exactly like summer to me!

Jack’s wallpaper got installed!!! I love it sooooo much. It took me forever to land on a wallpaper, but I had ordered a few samples of the Sister Parish “Serendipity” paper. I ended up DMing with the brand over a little issue and they replied back saying they were coming out with a blue and red version!! It was meant to be. (I didn’t fully love the blue/silver or the blue/orange.) I promptly ordered and couldn’t wait to get it hung! A local paper hanger squeezed me into his schedule just before Jack’s due date!

A monogrammed pillow for the daybed in Jack’s nursery and a soon to be needlepointed pillow for the glider (which is still MIA…). Who knows when I’ll have time to needlepoint again, but I have a great canvas waiting for me when I do!

Oh and I finished his stocking just in the nick of time too. I was stitching so much towards the end of my pregnancy to try to a) finish it before I gave birth and b) to make the Christmas finishing deadline. I dropped the canvas off at my local needlepoint store with legitimate blisters on my fingers from so much stitching! Can’t wait to hang it up this holiday season!!

I ordered this tote to use as a diaper bag and I am a huge fan. It’s the perfect size for packing what I need without being overloaded and the additional tote organizer is just right. Highly recommend!

Remember when I mentioned wanting everything to smell like gardenia?! I’m working on it. This candle smells heavenly. It’s part of my morning routine now to sneak downstairs with the baby once he’s up, start the coffee, feed the dogs, and light this candle. Smells so wonderful and I hope the gardenia scent always reminds me of this special time.

I got an early peek at my book!!! Felt SO COOL to hold it in my hands. It’s available for preorder now in case you want to order a copy 😉

I’m still working on my post about recovering from birth. One thing that has helped significantly is blow drying my hair and putting on an outfit. Even if I only wear it for a fraction of the day– and spend the rest of the day naked from the waist up breastfeeding– it makes me feel a bit more human and a whole lot more like myself. I’m struggling to find clothes that fit my current size and shape and that work for nursing… but this AYR button down has proven to be an all around winner. It worked before pregnancy, during pregnant, and now after pregnancy!

I haven’t wanted to invest in too many things while I’m in this in between bump stage, but I did order this dress when I was feeling a little down about my body as a pick-me-up. It’s absolutely darling on and will transition beautifully from summer into fall. LOVE.


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Wool and Grace in summit. It’s more of a knitting store but they have some needlepoint and a finisher 🙏🏻


Great post. He’s adorable. Any other ideas for a diaper bag that’s not a diaper bag that can handle spills, crumbs, and mishaps. Maybe washable. My husband didn’t tighten the diaper ointment cap…. Need I say more…..


I have the mz Wallace metro tote. I love it so much bc of all of the great pockets! Highly recommend.

Ps. Carly love seeing you thrive post partum! I am 2 months ahead of you and may just have to order that dress from Tuckernuck for a wedding in a few weeks bc none of my clothes fit. Thanks for the rec!


These posts bring me joy, remembering those precious years. Excited that breastfeeding is working out for you -such a wonderful experience.


Hi Carly, in the future are you planning to do a book tour? Congratulations 🎊 on the book!!


I have always loved these posts! That and your Friday loving posts are my favorite. Love seeing all your needlepoint with the name!! Thanks for sharing.


I bought that same tote and organizer foe my daughter in law when she gave birth last year. I am so glad to hear it’s a good one.


I stopped in to check on your blog for the first time in a long time the other day and just wanted to congratulate you on Jack! I, too, just had a baby – my second – in July. She just turned 6 weeks old on Saturday. My first is almost 2, and I know you’ve probably heard it a million times from everyone, but the time truly does fly! My son is starting to experiment with more vocabulary and stringing several words together at a time (that just blew up this weekend and blew us away lol). It’s crazy to look back on his babyhood compared to his sister’s now and realize that wasn’t even 2 years ago. He had heart surgery at 6 months old, so we went through a lot with him in those first 6-8 months. Time seemed to drag then at times because we were counting down to his surgery date and afraid of what might happen before we got to that, but looking back, it really seems to have zipped by in hindsight. I’ve followed your blog off and on since college (30 now), and I’m so happy for you! So again, congratulations!


I have so many things to say about this post. First, as a long time reader I wanted to say I am so happy for you and your new little family. Also, the wallpaper in the nursery is adorable, the stocking is even more adorable, I can’t wait to read your book, and investing in a cleaning crew is SO worth it!


Gabriela LeMay

Wow! I *just* placed my order for the Cuyana zipping tote because I’m craving more organization for my school bag. Seeing that you’re enjoying the tote and organizer makes me so excited for them to arrive.
