
Diary No. 9

This has been a fun two weeks! I’m hoping I found/remembered all the pictures I wanted to share. I got a little disorganized and my phone’s camera roll is absolutely insane right now.


I’ve been taking full advantage of the beautiful weather with as much walking as I can fit into the day. I usually take the dogs out for a nice long walk every afternoon and we see so many other pups. (It’s the highlight of my day.) This sweet old guy was just watching everyone walk by and he totally was the king of the stoop.


Just a gratuitous picture of Hamilton looking like a sweet little teddy bear in the window. When we move, I think I’m going to miss this window set up for Hamilton the most. He hangs out there at least half the day snoozing in the sun or watching people walk by.

Dogs Uber

Speaking of the dogs, we recently had our first Uber experience together. Mike bought a new car and my car’s parking spot lease expired a couple of months ago so I brought my car out to his parent’s house in the suburbs to “store.” I’ve been relying on Ubers whenever I need a car, which is usually not a problem. But Mike’s sister had a sweet baby girl last week and M & I babysat big sister Lucy. It took me three Ubers to get out there and I was kind of like, “Okay, I need my car again.” One Uber to get the dogs to their boarding place (we usually walk them to a place in Hoboken, but had to bring them to a sister location this time around), then another one to a suburb for a last minute appointment I needed to make, and finally the last to Morristown. (1,000% worth it though 🤗)

Even though it was a trek, I think the dogs were thrilled they got to sit on my lap. They’re usually sequestered in the back seat and I never roll down the windows because I’m paranoid for their safety…. but since I was holding onto them I let them stick their heads out the window. Why is it so funny/cute to see them with their fur pushed back from the wind????

Pride Week

Loved the specially painted crosswalks for Pride Month in Hoboken!! Snapped this on my way into the city for an event.

Kate White

So I had RSVPed for the aforementioned event in the city and was locked into it, but the week of I realized that one of my mentors, Kate White, from my first couple of years in NYC was doing a book talk in Hoboken. I was actually shooting an outfit outside of the library and looked over my shoulder and saw Kate White’s photo on a flyer pinned to the community bulletin board! I haven’t seen her since I lived in NYC (we were sort of Upper East Side neighbors!).

I ended up leaving the event a little early to make sure I could catch the last bit of her talk and I’m so glad I did. We ended up talking and catching up for quite a bit. I have to say, it reminded me just how important mentors are. Kate White is a former editor in chief of Cosmo and now a best-selling author. She has so much incredible advice to give and I soak it all up. I love hearing what she has to say or what she thinks about a particular problem. In fact, she was the person who gave me the gentle push to quit my job. I’m forever grateful for her.

SZ Blocks

Consider me a new fangirl for SZ Blocks. I shared on Instagram that I had purchased a bathing suit from their collection with J. Crew. They graciously sent me one of their 100% Indian cotton dresses and it’s literal perfection. I threw it on the day I got it for an afternoon spent on the Hoboken waterfront. I don’t know what it is about the dress, but I feel like a new persona in it!

Ashley Brooke

When Ashley and I had planned our Nantucket trip, I thought we would already be moved into our new place but life had other plans. It actually ended up being a great thing because we hung out in Hoboken and got to go into the city for a J. Crew event together. It was fun to show her around to all my fave Hoboken spots. She kept saying, “I feel like I’m living a ‘day in your life.'” More on our Nantucket trip soon– just know though that it was just perfect!!!!!

National Stripes Day

J. Crew’s National Stripe Day is scheduled for June 21st and they threw a pretty amazing party to get everyone excited. Let’s just say, they know how to throw a party. There was cotton candy and gelato stands. DIY flower bouquet and embroidered t-shirt stations. And some fun celebrities!! Nate Berkus and his partner Jeremiah were there. Anna Chlumsky was milling about. Mandy Moore was totally the star of the show though. She even told me that she was going to copy a photo I had just taken for Instagram. “Oh go for it, do you want to borrow my cotton candy for a prop?”

J. Crew Stripes

Nat Philbrick

And one fun little update from Nantucket. The day we arrived, the girl driving us to the hotel mentioned that the book festival was starting. Ashley and I both love to read and we couldn’t have planned the timing of our trip any better. I wish we could have gone to more events, but we did make it to Nat Philbrick’s talk. Funnily enough, I had just picked up his book about the history of Nantucket and started it a few days before the trip.  It was a FULL HOUSE and we literally got the last two seats available. I was completely blown away not only by Nat’s extensive knowledge of history but also by his talent for storytelling. If only every history class was taught by someone like him or every history textbook written by him! I had him sign my copy of Away of Shore and bought In the Hurricane’s Eye for a gift! Such a special highlight of the trip.

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So jealous that Kate White has been a mentor of yours! I read one of her books years ago and it has been on my shelf ever since.
