
Interactive Home Tour

The home tour I filmed back in February is finally live!! It had been delayed and delayed so many times that I started to lose hope that it would ever be published. We filmed the first week of February and it was a huge production. Definitely the biggest shoot I’ve ever been a part of, including magazine shoots I’ve done. There were many cooks in the kitchen. (And now, months into a pandemic, I can’t believe I had that many strangers in our house in the first place.)

I was serving as a bit of a guinea pig for future projects so there were two additional teams “on set.” (I.e. in our house!) It was two full days of shooting and involved at least twenty people, but probably closer to thirty. I lost track of counting. Because it’s interactive, the script we followed was intense. We had to film a ton of options for every single question and potential answer. As crazy as it was, I absolutely loved the whole experience. Did I feel like I was on my own HGTV show? Yep.

You can watch the home tour here. You can walk through every room with me 🥰

(When you’re on the landing page, you should see a start button. If you don’t, just click refresh and it should pop up. Sometimes it disappears.)

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Lisette N. Rossman

I loved this tour, Carly. I never commented but after learning about how hard it is to film videos, I have no doubt that this was a labor of love. It looks amazing!


This was soo fun. Had to go through multiple times to see all the options. I picked the same choices as you the first time through for the design challenge haha

Kathryn W

That was so fun! Thanks for sharing 🙂 (also funny to hear you refer to Mike as your “boyfriend”! so much has changed since february!)

Allie N.

Thank you for sharing your home with us! I loved being able to see your design choices and the flow of your house in the video. You were such a pro on camera. New HGTV star in the making? 🙂


I love this tour and I love your home! It is even more charming on video than photographs, if possible. So happy for you and Mike.
P.S. I think they misspelled your name on home page
(Hietlinger) so you should ask them to edit that asap

Courtney Schier

Omg this is so fun!! Thank you for sharing and taking all the time to film 🙂


Wow! I have read for so long but never commented, but I wanted to tell you how much I loved that! You are a natural behind the camera. So fun!

Lisa Mari

This was SO fun!! Glad you finally got to share with all of us! Your home is truly beautiful!


Your home is simple but beautiful. I love all of the blue and white. You know how to decorate that is for sure! Great tour and you are a natural in front of the camera


I loved the video!! I could tell that a lot of work must have gone into it! And your house is so cute, of course!

Kelly Golightly

You’re such a natural in front of the camera! And your home looks beautiful.

The interactive concept is so fun too – and from doing a few videos in the past myself, I’m impressed you guys were able to get that much done in two days. That’s a LOT of work. Kudos!


Loved this video! So fun and you really were a natural behind the camera. My personal home decor style is quite different from yours, but I still enjoyed seeing your home and hearing some of the reasoning behind your design choices!


I’m on chrome and it doesn’t seem to work for me. Hopefully I can get it to work!

Denise Groulx

Even if I could be your mother, I can say with certitude that I have almost (90%) the same taste in decoration and clothes style as you.

Kristen Woolsey

I loved every second of this!! You can tell it was very time consuming to put together but wow, what an engaging, fun video! And you are so well spoken and polished!


I absolutely loved the tour! It was as if I was there with you. So much fun! I love the decorating you did, your bedroom is gorgeous!

It’s great to know more about how your interest for self-love and growth came to be! You’ve come such a long way, Katie. Well done for growing so much from there – there’s a lot to come for you, I’m sure! 🙂
Have a great weekend! x

Julia x
Last Post: My experience living in a foreign country!


Gosh turns out two comments merged together… Sorry about that! Second part isn’t about your house tour obviously! Oopsie! x

Liza Reifsnyder

Such a sweet tour! Love your home. I’m so proud that I picked all the same finishes you did for your guestroom! House looks amazing. Carly, have you considered starting a podcast? I look forward to reading your blog every day, it’s such a bright spot, even when you’re having a hard time. Just bringing real! I’d love to listen to your podcast. You know so many cool people, you would have such a great variety of guests. And I just love hearing about your every day life. Cooking, decorating, shopping, dogs, wedding planning…all nice things 🙂


I love love love this video! It was clean and simple. You do very well in front of the camera! It was nice to finally hear your voice. Your house is lovely and so are you!
