

John “Jack” Morgan Riordan was born on August 12, 2021 in Morristown, New Jersey.

I have always loved reading birth stories. “Mommy blogs” was the first genre of blogs I ever read and I have read many, many birth stories over the years. I can’t believe I’m writing my own son’s birth story now. One thing that I really appreciate about birth stories is that they are all unique and there’s no such thing as a “perfect” delivery.

I have always dreamed of becoming a mother, but as I’ve mentioned before, I hadn’t really considered the pregnancy portion of the motherhood journey… and certainly not labor either. When I found out I was pregnant, I was in for a crash course on pregnancy and had to start mentally preparing for the delivery. I was actually pretty detached to the idea of giving birth. It felt so conceptual and I think my coping mechanism for the fear around giving birth was to just deal with it “later.” As the weeks ticked by, I started to mentally come to terms with the idea that yes, I was growing a baby, but also yes, this baby was going to have to come out somehow!

I worked on this quite a bit with my therapist and took online birthing classes (through Tinyhood, which I loved and highly recommend). But even still, it didn’t feel totally real to me. I also think there’s only so much you can do to prepare– there are so many ways for a birth to happen and even with a great plan in place, life can very certainly have its own set of plans. As we got closer to my due date, I realized that I had never considered the fact that I may have a vaginal delivery. I was born two-plus weeks late via an emergency c-section. Because that was “my” birth story, I assumed (for no good reason) that I would also have the same experience as my mom. A c-section, even an emergency one, felt completely normal. A vaginal birth seemed scary and unlikely to me… but it dawned on me that I could very well have a vaginal birth.

At my 39-week appointment (the 9th), the doctor started to really prepare me for a late delivery. It didn’t seem like I was going to go into labor any time soon. We scheduled a 40-week appointment, a 40+ week ultrasound to check on the baby, and even started to get the ball rolling on an induction for 10 days after my due date (which was the 13th). With all that in motion, I was fully convinced that the baby was going to take his time and I was buckling up for a longer pregnancy.

But the next day (Tuesday the 10th), I felt off. Early in the day, I mentioned to Mike that I felt “crampy” but didn’t want him to get excited that the baby might be coming because everything on the internet said it could mean impending labor either that day or two weeks from then. I did text my friend Kelly to describe what I was feeling, and basically begged to know “IS THIS WHAT GOING INTO LABOR FEELS LIKE?” (I told her I didn’t want to be the boy who cried wolf, but ugh, I felt so off all day!) I did a super long walk with my neighbor in the morning, cranked through a bit of work I wanted to submit for approval just in case I didn’t have as much time as I believed, and then spent the afternoon at the pond with Mike and his brother. My bump felt so heavy and I was really, really hot. It was the beginning of a heat wave but this felt like I was melting from the inside out like a hot flash. I went fully under the water even though I had clean hair (which that alone should have been an indication that something was happening, ha!).

The pond closed early because a storm was coming, Mike and I had dinner at home together, and a meeting I was supposed to attend got canceled due to the rain too. We went to bed super early (about 9pm) and at 11:45 I woke up and my water dramatically broke. It was the oddest sensation and I jumped out of bed thinking I was peeing myself! I stumbled into the bathroom and it took me about five minutes to wrap my head around what was happening. I was 100% in shock. It was just the day before I was told to expect to be induced about two weeks later!

I walked back into the room and woke up Mike to tell him my water had broken! I’ve never seen someone’s eyes pop open that fast before! I called the doctor and was told to head over to the hospital and not wait until the morning. Luckily, we were fully packed and got everything into the car. I also desperately felt like I needed to take a shower before we went– so I quickly did that. We let the dogs out before we left and had planned to have someone swing by the house to take them to their boarding place as soon as they opened in the morning. Pulling out of the driveway is when it all started to hit me that this was happening.

We got to the hospital around 1am early Wednesday morning, but the hospital was packed with a bunch of women giving birth. (It was a very busy few days apparently!) Mike and I were set up in a triage room where we  had to wait until a room became available. We didn’t get to sleep at all– I was on a gurney leaking amniotic fluid (which was hands down my least favorite part of the whole experience) and Mike had a plastic chair, plus it was fully lit up with lights. The nurses kept saying “about thirty more minutes” until 8am when we finally got moved into a normal delivery room.

Even though my water broke, I wasn’t having real contractions so the doctor started me on pitocin around 9am. It was a very, very boring and long day. I wasn’t making much progress all day and I was still in shock. I had texted my family around midnight to say we were heading to the hospital and got a hold of them with a phone call at 6am and they all booked flights for later that afternoon. Meanwhile, Mike and I were just in the delivery room waiting not-so-patiently. I couldn’t focus on anything. I tried to read a book but didn’t get more than four pages into the book before I gave up. Thankfully I had tested negative for COVID, which gave us a little more flexibility and less restrictions.

The day was a bit of a blur, but I think I started getting painful contractions around 2pm… but I was still only 2cm dilated! More waiting…. I got the epidural around 6pm and it kicked in shortly thereafter. I had no qualms about getting the epidural and had always planned to if I was able. Let me tell you: it is MAGIC. I was shaking so bad from anxiety when they went to put it in, but it didn’t hurt at all. Once the epidural started working, I started actively dilating, which was a relief after waiting for so long!

Around 10pm (almost 24 hours after my water broke!) my doctor suggested we try to get in as much sleep as possible as she expected I’d start pushing “early” the next morning. We slept from 10pm to about 3am. By 5am we were getting ready to push… we did a few practice rounds… and then started for real just before 5:30.

Honestly? It felt completely surreal. My vision for what birth would look and feel like was completely different from what was happening. I had pictured an emergency c-section, chaos, bright lights, lots of commotion, lots of stress. It was 100x harder than I expected it to be– the physical exertion was unreal, the pain intense even with the epidural– but it was also a very calm experience at the same time. The lights were dimmed. It was just Mike and me with one nurse and my doctor. At one point I turned to Mike and said, “Do you think it’s normal that I feel so calm?” I am unbelievably grateful for my doctor as she had such a great calming presence. She sat at the end of the bed and just coached me through different positions, always asking for my feedback on how things felt and if I wanted anything changed. I felt so in control and easily could add my input (“I think I need to sit up a little more… no, this position doesn’t feel right… can we turn down the epidural so I can feel more… etc.”) Mike was incredibly supportive and championed me throughout the entire process with direct motivation. I could not have done it without him there.

For the first hour and a half, it was pretty calm and rhythmic (but still really, really difficult). And then I started to panic. I think I started to just get really fatigued, mentally and physically. I convinced myself I wasn’t going to be able to do it. I wasn’t sure that I was actually pushing him out. And I started to get upset and highly anxious, honestly. The final twenty minutes were a BLUR– I have few memories from it. They brought out the stirrups and a tray of tools which, in my hazy mental state, I thought meant they were going to do a c-section and the panic forced me to just click into a different gear trying to avoid a c-section. (Mike said it was insane to watch, but I totally blocked it out.)

The next thing I know, I came to just as they were placing this beautiful, large, pink baby on my chest and I lost it. There aren’t words for what I felt in that moment. The closest analogy I have is when your ears pop and everything is finally loud and clear but you didn’t even know you couldn’t hear that well before. A hole I didn’t even know I had was not only filled but overflowing in that moment. The most cliched thing to say, but it was the best moment of my life.

Every concern, worry, ache, and stress floated away in that moment and it was the purest form of joy, happiness, and elation I have ever experienced.

I did end up having some sort of tear (I didn’t ask and didn’t want to know how bad it was), but it barely registered that the doctor was stitching me back up. I just was there in the bed sobbing and cradling and kissing this beautiful baby boy.

Mike got to step in and cut the cord and was there as Jack got weighed (eight pounds, thirteen ounces– thankfully he came a day early!!!), had his foot prints done, etc. Besides having Jack placed on my chest, seeing Mike hold his son was the next best moment. It was so beautiful to witness! I sat there in awe thinking how amazing it was that we walked in just the two of us and were now a family of three. There was a lot of hustle and bustle in the room, but it felt like Mike, Jack, and I were in a little cocoon. Surrounded by but protected from everything around us.

It was such a long lead up from my water breaking at 11:45pm on Tuesday and Jack entering the world just after 7am on Thursday morning… I had completely lost track of time and day. We ended up spending Thursday night in an overflow recovery room and Friday night in a regular recovery room (that would be the fourth room in as many nights, haha) and getting discharged Saturday afternoon. We had had a few issues with the hospital throughout the stay and I was ready to get home!!!

I might do a separate post about my own experience first week postpartum. It has been a rollercoaster of emotion. Jack has been amazing and as great as a newborn can possibly be (seriously, not a single issue)… but I’ve struggled a little bit emotionally and physically. Women in my life had warned me how important it was to make sure I was taking care of myself in addition to the baby, but it was even harder than I expected to come home from the hospital and step into this new chapter. But again, that’s a different story for a different day. 😉

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So happy for you! He’s perfect. Love the analogy of your ears popping. Really beautiful.


Thanks for sharing! I loved reading this, and am looking forward to continuing to read as you’re navigating motherhood 🙂 congrats to you and Mike!!


This is beautiful, thank you for sharing. Go easy on yourself through the transition. You will feel like yourself again one day. Glennon Doyle just did two podcast episodes on parenting and in the second one, she addresses the transition to motherhood. Might be worth a listen if you have time 🙂


Congratulations! As soon as I got pregnant I realized that even after a few years of trying, I was terrified of actually giving birth! I was induced and my water broke. It took my body a long time since I was only 38 weeks and my body just wasn’t ready apparently. I found the room to be so calm. Just one light and and I was able to sleep since I had IV pain meds and an epidural. I didn’t text or even watch TV. Just slept. I knew my chances of having a c section were high since I had Gestational Diabetes. After 3 hours of pushing I did have a c section. There was a few minutes of chaos as they prepped me but the c section was calm and happy.
I’m so glad you had a good experience. The feeling of hearing my daughter cry was so surreal. I just thought, I did it. My dream came true. I’m a Mom.
Best of luck to you!


Congrats Carly!!! Baby blues are a real thing and it was so hard for me too. I spent the first couple weeks sobbing for no reason. Hang in there!!!


Oh, Carly – you’re going to be the best mom. I’m so glad you had a healthy and relatively trauma-free delivery. And remember, even when it feels hard (and it will feel hard), you have an entire community of women cheering you on!


Congratulations!!! August 12th a great day for a “Birth” Day. also, my husband’s. A baby is God’s gift that the world must go on. Can’t wait to see all the exciting times with your bundle of joy.


Thank you so much for sharing this. I was reading it and felt understood and validated with my own experience of childbirth. It’s easy to feel like you’re the only person in the world when you give birth and care for a newborn, and just hearing another women’s story helps so much. What beautiful photos of you three. He is perfect.


Congratulations, he is beautiful!!

So funny that you say that about expecting the c-section – I had EXACTLY the same experience! I was also born via c-section and the whole time I was pregnant I deep down assumed that I would end up having a c-section too. But I ended up giving birth vaginally (with an epidural!). I’m ultimately glad it happened that way, but it was definitely a strange realization when it actually happened!


Thank you so much for sharing. This new chapter for the both of you is going to be fantastic. Congrats to you both. Jack is so handsome and I can’t wait to see what his personality is going to be like.

Meghan M

Thanks for sharing!! I love reading birth stories, and yours is weirdly similar to my own. So it makes it extra special. Congrats Carly and Mike on baby Jack!! Xoxo


That final 30 minutes or so before you give birth when you are anxious and feel like you’ll die and have to give up and everything is mad is called the “transition” and it’s the best sign that you’re almost there! Lovely story


My son is 3 months old and we have such a similar story. I was a preemie twin and always assumed C section. Very similar timeline with water breaking and induction. So happy for you! When you are ready, very interested to hear your post partum story. For me, the BF pressure was so insanely stressful. Hugs!


Hi Jack and Congratulations Carly and Mike! He’s finally here! Thank you for sharing you story!


Congratulations! So excited for you and happy to get to see you step into this new season!!


Oh Carly!!!! Many congratulations!!! So happy for you and your precious family. He is adorable!!! I am due in 4 weeks and counting down the days!!!!


Not me crying in the airport reading this!! Thank you for sharing your story and congratulations to you and Mike! What a beautiful family❤️


Thank you for sharing Carly. Praying your recovery is what your body and mind needs it to be. You are going to be such a wonderful mother to Jack!


Oh my gosh, I’m so happy for you. I’m reading this as I finish feeding my own 6mo, and it brought back so many memories of his birth. Congratulations, mama! You are the best mama for this baby and you’re going to do an amazing job.


Oh Carly, this is so surreal to see your life coming full circle. I’m so emotional reading your story. SO so over the moon for y’all! Congratulations!


So so happy for you. I have been following you since 2011 (I was a freshman in college) and I’m so happy and excited for you as you start this new chapter!!


Congratulations!!! My Jack was born not even 2 months before yours. I’m glad for you that you were not induced as I had 4 days of hospital time before my contractions started ;). Also, I really loved your comment about the first week postpartum. For me, it was more like 2-3 weeks and I really struggled. You’re amazing, mama!

Sabrina G.

Congratulations on your new family! Those first few weeks (or even year ) can be tough . I had PPD/PPA at the same time that I was overflowing with love for my baby. Her and Jack share a birthday week! She’s 8/14! Don’t hesitate to reach out for help and talk about your feelings . You’re already doing an amazing job!


Congratulations!!! He is absolutely beautiful. Yes, please do a post about postpartum! I gave birth to our first baby August 13 (it’s been so fun to follow along with your pregnancy as mine progressed!) and I agree with how difficult the transition is within myself. I’d love to hear your perspective! Take care🤍

Amy Nelson

Carly!! First – congratulations to you and Mike! I am a new mom as well! I gave birth May 25th and had a similar pregnancy and delivery experience. I had pushed off the thought of “giving birth”. Needles scare me, I couldn’t even think about birthing a human. But our bodies are so amazing. I remember being so amazed as I checked off each part of my delivery experience… check in, IV, epidural, pushing, etc! I was shocked thinking “wow I am doing it! I am really doing this!” I too panicked mid way though thinking I couldn’t my husband drenched me with a wet towel to pull me back to it and moments later my gorgeous baby girl arrived. PP is tough! I struggled with intrusive thoughts and PPA – but its getting better! Thank you for sharing your story 🙂


Carly, I can feel your joy pouring through your words! Nothing prepares you for the miracle of birth. As a long time follower, I celebrate this new chapter in your life. Jack is beautiful and I’m so happy for your sweet family!


Oh Carly, thanks for sharing your story. Maybe I teared up reading this, maybe I didn’t. I’m personally trying to get pregnant right now and the end result of an actual BABY feels SO far away from my reality right now. I plan to revisit your post some time when I’m actually pregnant. Happy for you and Mike, and welcome baby Jack!


Carly, congratulations! I am due one week from today and your birth story made me so emotional. Thank you for sharing. I look forward to reading future posts about mom life and Jack.


Mazel Tov!! What a beautiful story Carly. Labor is so challenging and the first weeks at home are beautiful and brutal all together. Keep an eye out for PP depression ❤️. Praying God’s blessings and protection over you and your family. One day we need to sit and discuss it all over tea. Come see us in Georgia. Matt and Janinne


Having recently had my daughter in December, reading this made me tear up. It really is such a surreal and magical moment even with all the (physical and emotional) pain that can accompany it. So happy for you Carly ❤️


After reading your blog for YEARS now, I just can’t even describe how happy I am for you. You have the most beautiful family and have created such a beautiful life, Carly. I’m just SO happy for you.

Barbara Geiger

Thank you for sharing. So excited for your new journey! Congratulations on your beautiful Jack!

Jules Buono

Thank you for sharing your story with us, Carly, it was beautiful and so honest!! I appreciate how you incorporated your emotions and fears, and I wish your new family of 3 the very best!! <3

Christine S.

Thank you for sharing, I’m so happy Jack arrived safely (even if the labor took a while)! I’d love to hear your recovery story as well.


So beautiful Carly. I’m in awe of your strength, transparency and your self-awareness. I’m so happy for you and Mike. Jack is lucky to have you as his mom. 💙


Congratulations to you and Mike! Sounds like the birth we all wish we’re able to have honestly!


Oh my goodness Carly, this was so beautiful! Thank you so much for sharing. Best wishes to you, Mike & Jack! Sending so much love!


This absolutely made my Monday! Thank you for sharing and congratulations to all THREE of you 🙂

Lisa Quezada

Congratulations! And, thank you for sharing your beautiful story. Jack has an amazing mom. Wishing you, Mike, and Jack the very best!


I’m so, so happy for you! I have no doubts you’ll be an amazing mom and can’t wait to watch you on your journey! (And as someone who is also terrified of pregnancy and labor—though I’m a few years away—reading about your experiences is comforting lol.)

Best to you, Mike and Jack!!! 💕


Thank you for sharing! What a wonderful story to cherish forever.
Can’t wait for the next chapter!


Thanks for sharing your experience! Congratulations Momma, you did it! <3 Postpartum is definitely a rollercoaster of emotions. I was so thankful my husband made me take a shower or bath everyday. Something about doing that helped me feel a little bit more like myself. Thinking of you & your family! Hope you heal up quick.


Carly!! I cannot believe how precious he is, those cheeks!!!
It blows my mind following you the last 10+ years to see you in this stage of life as a mom, I am so happy for you. Congrats to you and Mike!


Congratulations!!! I had a similar timeline with my son earlier this year (Tuesday evening labor, Thursday AM birth) and it’s amazing how the time drags yet flies. The days are slow but the weeks are quick — enjoy!! Sending lots of healing vibes.


It’s been a beautiful experience watching your milestones as a longtime follower. Thank you for always being so raw and truthful with your audience. Congratulations! Jack is such a beautiful baby boy.


Thanks for sharing Carly, its so exciting after following you so long to hear parts of your life!

Lisa Mari

Congratulations !!! Happy tears and once again in awe of the female body! So happy for your little family ❤️

Yalana Allen

I love reading birth stories and yours was wonderful. My first trimester is ending this week and I am having some anxiety about giving birth. This has helped me!!

Marie M. C.

Congratulations! Who took that beautiful picture of you, Mike and Jack? Was your family there for the birth — or just after? That was a long labor!

After my son was born — a vaginal breech birth, 36 hours long! (His scrotum were the size of a grapefruit and black and blue from the breech birth where they went first!) — I said I now know why they call it “labor”.

Immediately after his birth I felt an overwhelming sense of love and joy for him I’d never imaged. Not just from me and my husband toward our son — I felt it from the doctor and nurse, too. My husband and I felt a kind of happiness we never knew existed. I felt a closeness with my husband I’d never thought possible. I thought: I’d jump in front of a car to save him, fight a tiger or bear to save him. I felt a kind of protectiveness I didn’t know was possible. I said I’d wished I’d gone to medical school — an OB-GYN has the most joyful job ever.

Immediately after our son was born the three of us were put in a small room by ourselves for a couple of hours while we waited for a hospital room to be ready. We just sat there and looked, and looked at him with wonder. How could two people have produced such a beautiful, amazing child. (I realized much later he wasn’t beautiful immediately after birth. When I look at newborn pictures now I see what really was a wrinkled, skin falling off, squinty little red creature.) But every baby looks beautiful to their parents. Every baby. I also thought this is the smartest child ever. He didn’t cry or sleep. Just looked a us with smartest eyes ever. I could tell just by looking at him he was a genius!

You and Mike have an exceptionally beautiful baby. Really. It may be because his birth weight was 8 lbs. 13 oz.! That’s big for a new born.

My son was born in 1968 and I remember that day perfectly. You and Mike will too.


Congratulations! I’m due October 7th, and I really appreciate reading your birth story. I also am dealing with anxiety of childbirth so reading this is so helpful!


Oh Carly – my eyes are filled with happy tears for you and Mike. I can’t wait to continue to follow you on this journey! Congratulations again and can’t wait to see how you grow even more into motherhood. You have a huge support system, including us, around you cheering you on every step of the way!


He is so beautiful and motherhood looks great on you. The postpartum time is definitely tough and a rollercoaster of emotions for sure, but hang in there. You’re doing great!! You look so happy!! ♥️


Congratulations! Gosh you did a good job of describing what it feels like when the baby arrives and you get to hold them – so magical! Birth is SO hard and confusing though! But so worth it! Jack is beautiful, I hope you are settling in okay!

Sammy Sohl

Carly I can not express how happy I am for you! As someone who has been following along since your Georgetown days, it has been SO amazing watching how your life has evolved… and now you have a family of your own!!! Congratulations to you and Mike! I am truly over the moon for you! XO


I’m so happy for you and Mike!! I hope you are recovering well! Thank you for sharing this with us!


What a sweet baby story! Congratulations to you and Mike. He looks a lot like you around the eyes.


So, so sweet! Thank you for sharing your birth story with us all! I have a 4 month old named Jack, went in to labor about midnight, and had him at 7:09am two mornings later – so similar! Wishing you all the best 💕

Leah Hawkins

Congratulations on your beautiful baby! He is just perfection!! So happy to watch the journey of you meeting your husband and watching your story unfold into your fairytale!


Thank you so much for sharing! I have similar fears abut anxiety and could relate so much. I feel like this will be me when I’m in delivery and honestly not associating myself with actual delivery seems to help. I truly feel like ignorance or ignorance is bliss till the time comes with actual delivery 🙂


Congratulations!!! Thank you for sharing your story!! Jack is perfect and I love that name!


Thank you for sharing your and Jacks story! I’m very anxious about childbirth and pregnancy in general without being pregnant (and will be for a few more years). I love how you told this story in such a grounding way and still kept it real, as you did during your pregnancy too. I am looking forward to continuing to read as you’re navigating motherhood


The title Mom aka superwoman is such a privilege and blessing. Take care of yourself, sleep when he sleeps, eat what you want when you want, soak up every minutes. If I could go back to those first months with my first born I would. It’s such a special time and you don’t realize it till it’s over.


Omg what a beautiful birth story Carly! Literally sitting here with chills. Congratulations to you and Mike on your beautiful baby boy!

Lorraine Barnes

I totally relate to you expecting a C-section and not a vaginal delivery, but in the opposite direction. I read up on vaginal delivery and went in prepared for that ( although fearing it a little). After 7 hours of labor, it was discovered my baby was breech and I was in the operating room in 30 minutes!All I could say as they rolled me in there was, “I didn’t read that chapter in the book!”.

I was touched by your birth story; it was lovely. This will be the most rewarding yet hardest year of your life! Enjoy!


Congratulations Carly and Mike!! Such a perfect baby boy <3 You are both going to be such fantastic parents, so much love!

Danielle Lorizio

holy crap – i am crying. i feel like a great friend of mine just gave birth! i’ve been following you for so long and to see your adorable lil boy (THOSE CHEEKS!!) i’m just amazed. congrats to you all <3


Congratulations, Carly! Jack is beautiful. I just had a baby boy myself the week after you (he was actually due on the day Jack was born but decided to hang out for an extra week!) and the hospital was SO busy! The nurses told me August is the busiest month in the labor and delivery ward. It was definitely a crazy time to be having a baby, who knew?!


I am very, very happy for you and that you are happy and healthy!

I would like to read one time why you chose to publish pictures, the exact birthdate and their full name on your blog. Maybe you’ll get the chance to talk about that topic.

I wish you all the best!
