
My Room

Last year, I had the luxury of living with Little V and Lookie (and Helen for the second half) in a fabulous house. Helen has a real job, Lookie is in his third year of med school, and Little V is hopping the pond to go to Oxford for graduate school.
Where does that leave me?
In a dorm again.
Honestly, it’s not bad.  I know a lot of people, especially girls, who would be horrified to go from living in a house to living in a dorm… but it’s really perfect for me.  The only thing I miss from the house are the people… and only sometimes Tucker (the dog).  Being back in a dorm felt weird at first, but it’s quite nice to have a single.
I was originally supposed to be another room, but it wasn’t quite live-able.  Move-in day was a little stressful and it was raining (Hurricane Irene), but it went remarkably well.  Soccer Dad was a hugeeee help!
Definitely my favorite part.  How pretty is this going to be when all the leaves start changing?

A desk!!!  I only had one half of the year last year, and let me tell you.  It’s a game changer.  I don’t have to mess with the library anymore unless I absolutely need a 100% distraction free zone.  I’ve been doing all my homework/reading/blogging/emailing from here and it’s fab-u!

My little refrigerator and coffee maker.

My desk allows me to really spread out if I need to.  The top shelf has three baskets where I store odd & ends that I may need.  (And birthday cards!)

Sporty Sister moved into an apartment, so I “stole” her bedding from her dorm last year.  I kind of LOVE it!!!  (She took some of my old pillows back up to school with her!)

Paris posters.  I’ve never been, but 1) They’re cute, 2) They match, 3) They’re my reminder that’s there’s more out there to explore… especially when I’m stressed with school/exams.

I built that!!!  Haha, seriously, I assembled it one afternoon.  I needed storage and someplace to keep my phone during the night… and my macbook (which recently died, RIP).

The storage is really great.  I have more storage than I need- which is wayyyy better than the other way around.  Am I right?

Closet pictures Monday!!!

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Sarah S

I just bought that comforter set a couple of weeks ago! Every time I walk into my bedroom I smile… I'm a little obsessed with it. It looks adorable with your extra pillows, too!

I think the only way I'd have been able to go back into the dorms is if I'd gotten a single, like you have. Adequate personal space is a MUST! Looks like you're doing just fine with the dorm life again, though. 🙂


You are so lucky to have so much storage space! I admire you for moving back into the dorms too. I always seemed to buckle down and go to the library more when I was in the dorms versus an apartment. Love it!


carly are you in a LXR single? i got a double in LXR my frosh year and the space was incredible!! i think LXR has the best storage/space in all of Gtown.

pve design

Adorable. Do other students hire you to organize their rooms?
My sons are freshman and I can bet their rooms are not up to snuff to compete with yours. 🙂
