
Myers-Briggs Personality Test

I’m always fascinated to hear about different people’s personality types. Finding out more about my own is also interesting. I think that what I love the most is how every single person is different (even within each “bucket,” everyone is still unique)… but that is exactly what makes the world so much fun.
I first took the Myers-Briggs test in high school for a class assignment. I was intrigued, but it wasn’t until college that I really became so interested. I’ve been in classes where groups for projects were lumped together based on personalities. It always made for fun groups. Everyone always had their own strengths. Additionally, we learned to actually value what we each brought to the table. The only way to survive the semester was to be strategic and make sure we were each set up for personal success within the group.

I’ve talked with people before and some don’t like the test because they get different results based on whatever situations they happen to be in when they take it. For me, however, I get the same results no matter what. For better or for worse, I am pigeonholed in this one personality type.
We had this discussion about personality types at work one day and then we all got a little obsessive over it. It was crazy how accurate everyone’s type was!!! Everyone was convinced that their personality type was the best one. That night, someone sent around this link and we all got a kick out of the “celebrities” that we matched with.
If you’ve taken the test before, let me know what type you are! If you haven’t, give it a try and let me know what you think.

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I used to be an INFP until developing OCD (really just intense organization and planning) in college. I now test INFJ.


I've always been an ESFJ. But, I think that ever since I've been in college (and about to graduate), I'm starting to hug the line between E and I.


you should try the enneagram. I find it way more accurate than myers briggs. there us a shirt free version online. I'm a 6, which means I'm equally one thing as another..I'm an introvert and an extrovert depending on mood and situation, so M-B doesn't really work, but the Enneagram fixed that, as I fit perfectly as a type 6. I even studied this in a law school class, because understanding other people's personality types helps in resolving conflict. Here is the link to the short tests.


Thanks for posting about this lab10! I found it really interesting to see my results to this test. I ended up getting a "tie" between Type 5 and Type 6.


I'm just barely a 4, as in 6 points, and a four way tie of 5 points for types 1, 5, 6, and 9. Maybe I need the long version?


I would try the long version because the more questions you answer the more it weeds out similar traits. All the numbers are related, and you can move around depending on "healthy" you are being. As a 6, when I'm emotinally healthy I take on a lot of traits of a 9(trusting my inner voice) when I'm not I can become more self-conscious (like a 3)…There are a bunch of books out there…this is the one we used for my class.


I've taken it twice officially and once online. I test ESTJ, but I am an ESFJ. I think it's interesting that the last step in the test is to review the 16 type descriptions and decide if you are something other than what the assessment says off the bat. I have been given the MBTI by someone who is certified to give it and my understanding is that many people complete the MBTI without the critical third step of assessing if you feel you are a type other than what the assessment initially tells you.


I'm an ESFJ! which is almost scarily accurate. I laughed when I read the description because of how spot-on some of the things were.


I am an ENFP on the super high end. The first time I took it in college my professor had us line up from one end of the room to the other in scale order. She was a highest end ISTJ and we got along really well. (I have taken it twice since and am pretty much still at the same point on the scale). One of my closest friends (and work colleague)is an ESTJ and we also work really well together and force each other to look at totally different sides of issues, it is refreshing.


I took the test my senior year of high school, my sophomore year of college, and again this year as a post grad. I have consistently hit ENFJ which is literally me to a tee. I teach high school psychology and my students are always freaked out when they get their Myers-Brigg results back! such an interesting thing to look into.

The Yuppie Files

I'm an INFJ but was excited to see the list of celebrities with the same personality. Until I saw the "bad" part of the list: Hitler, bin Laden, etc. Think I'll focus on the fact that Gandhi was an INFJ!

Ashley Cameron

Carly, this is such a relevant blog post for me! Recently, all my close friends and I retook the test. The types fit perfectly for all of us! Thanks for the link. It is fascinating to see the celebrity matches. I'm also an INTJ!Interesting that our personality type is rare for women. I don't know what that says about us if anything at all!

Julia R.

I'm an ISFJ which I feel like is the most boring one! I remember being very close to T though. I love personality tests, I need to try more.


ENFJ over here.

If you like personality tests, you should totally check out Gallup's Strengths Finders test. I think it has a lot more depth and explanation than the Myers-Briggs. It does cost to take it if you don't get it as part of a group deal (did it with a college group), but I think it's totally worth it. You discover your "top 5" strengths out of 30 — it's nearly impossible to have the exactly top 5 as anyone else in the world — and then once you become aware of them you can start improving on them. There are also people who can lead workshops on the test for groups. My top 5 are input, connectedness, belief, includer and responsibility.

Beth Hood

As soon as I started reading I thought, "I bet she is an INTJ." I'm an INTJ as well! And I too am a bit obsessed with personality types. Maybe its an INTJ thing…

Nicole Ciciretto

Hi Carly, thanks for sharing. This is definitely an accurate test and representation of my personality. I am also an INTJ. I am glad to know that there are cool INTJ's ladies out there who are all reading this blog! Coincidence, maybe not. 🙂


INFP, in company with philosophers like Rousseau, Kierkegaard, Camus and Kuhn. Also George Orwell. Why does that not surprise me, haha.


I've taken the test multiple times, as well, and it's always spot on for me. I'm an ENFP…I love its description so much I'm always afraid it will change! But I feel like the test does a good job of compensating for different ages and walks of life.

Kristie C.

ESTJ. I'm majoring in government and international politics and many of the "famous ESTJs" are politicians and leaders. I think I'm going to be well suited for my career! 🙂

Anna T.

Love this post!! I am a career advisor and actually certified to interpret the MBTI…I got to go an entire week long training where I just got to geek out over personality assessments. It was great. I'm an ENFJ and it's so fun to try and guess what you think others are!


INTJ! Like Beth, I had a hunch a while ago that you are also an INTJ 🙂 It's less than 1% of women, but it looks like there are an awful lot of us reading your blog!

This page has the *BEST* analysis, and it also has lots of info about relationships which I have found really valuable. Apparently you're likely to get along with partners that have the same to "inner letters" and different "outer letters".

I might have also asked my boyfriend what his MBTI is so that I could look up the parenting style for his personality 😉

Maggie Royce

I am an ISFP! Not really did I ever think I was the "Quiet" type but now I realize how quiet I actually am. Something to work on.. Thanks Carly!


I'm an ENFJ! I'm married to an INTJ and we balance so well, and also have a lot in common (the N and J) 🙂 I'm just always the one who does the talking, and I'm a LOT more emotional-I swear I cry at least once a day about something or other.


I'm ENTJ – "The Executive" . I took this quiz a couple of days ago when my friend showed me. It's amazing how accurate these are!

Colli M. McKiernan

I'm also an INTJ! My graduate school cohort and I all took the test for a seminar last year; I was the only INTJ in the group, and, quite honestly, no one was surprised with my result (I fit the INTJ profile to a T). 🙂

katie lake

My dad is a psychologist and first had me take it when I was 15. Now it is 14 years later and I am still the exact same. ESTJ.

Jodi Steele

I'm an INFP. It doesn't matter how many times I take the test – that's always my result! I love learning about other people's personality types as well. Probably one of the reasons I decided to go into counseling!


When I took it back in college ('96) I came up ISTJ, but just barely J, as in a preference score of 1, so right on the line! I think I took it again in '03 – still ISTJ. But then I took it again in '04 and I was INTJ. Took it again in '08 and I'm back to ISTJ.

Or so says my records.

heather elizabeth

So interesting how many INTJ women are followers of your blog! I bet that Levo would find a similarly high proportion of readers – though maybe more would be ENTJ. I think it is great to be able to understand though, how being introverted is both a challenge and an asset, particularly in reference to your career.


I was very unsure in many questions but it turned out I'm an ENTJ. I'm definitely Extroverted, definitely Abstract, definitely a thinker but I think I'm both J and P (jugding and exploring). Thanks for the link!


ENTP, here… not a regular follower, just stumbled on this website due to HerCampus.

But ENTPs are rare (>1% are women)and tend not to stick to things.

Taken 3 times n the last 3 years and have always gotten the same result. Unheard of for me.
