
New Quarter, New Goals

Today is the last day of September and I can hardly believe it. (I also can’t get “wake me up when September ends” out of my head.) With tomorrow being October 1, it also marks the first day of the last quarter of the year. It’s kind of like a fresh start. I gave myself last week to get ducks in a row and to tie up a few loose ends.
But tomorrow, the real fun begins.
I’ve set a few goals for myself already in terms of what I want to accomplish by 2014. Three months seems like a long time, but doesn’t it just seem like we were counting down the days until summer? Time moves quickly! Especially when you have lots of amazing things going on.
Establishing a new routine is absolutely on the top of my list. I’m going to try to keep things structured because I definitely perform best that way. (For all you free spirits out there, more power to you!) I’m trying to schedule all of my meetings in the morning. This forces me to a) get out of bed, b) shower and do my hair, c) put on something other than running shorts, and d) kick start my day. So far, this has been working out so well. I want the rest of my day to be fairly scheduled (kind of like periods/blocks in high school). Time for email, time for writing, time for updating social networks (like finally getting back to answering Tumblr questions), time for blogging. Etcetera.
I also want to make sure that I take the weekends almost entirely off. Maybe that’s impossible, but I definitely want at least one of the days to be free of plans (except for brunches with friends of course). Because of school and crew, I never really been able to enjoy my weekends since I was, like, 14. It was always filled with practices or regattas and group projects and mounds of homework and studying.
One HUGE thing on the horizon that I imagine will be a serious focal point is this project that I’ve been working on with a friend from Georgetown. Guys. This is something that I am so excited about. Mostly because it’s something I love… but also because I really think you will love it, too. OMG. But… as exciting as this whole process has been and as excited as I am to see the #finalproduct, it’s a lot of work. And a lot of work that is outside of my comfort zone and outside of my current experience level. So it’s been an incredible learning experience already. The timeline for the project is tight and we’re crossing our fingers that everything goes according to plan! (Hopefully we’ll be live by the end of October!)
So as we move into the next quarter, what are your goals/plans? What do you want to accomplish before the new year?
PS Let me know what kinds of blog posts you’d like to see! I’m mapping out my editorial calendar for the next three months and would love your input!
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Heather Mill

These new blog posts have been great! I like reading about your ventures as an entrepreneur. Would love to continue seeing your apartment project posts.


I totally agree! I'm enjoying the latest posts more than ever… I'm already excited for what's to come. Surely, we'll love it 🙂


Hi Carly!
I have been reading your blog since I've come to college (I'm now a senior!). I feel as if I have kind of grown with you. I am more and more interested in how to figure out things like paying bills, keeping track of my money/spending, BOYS is a huge thing I'm concerned about (i.e. I've never had a boyfriend but have never really wanted one until now). I am moving to NYC next year for a job and will be thinking of all the things I'm sure you went through during your move so blog posts on the cosmopolitan city-girl living would be so helpful. Like how do you live alone? What are your thoughts on different neighborhoods in the city? How do you "go out" at night and meet people? All of these things I would LOVE to see you write about as I feel like I've already learned a bit about your thoughts on post-grad, city-living life, I would appreciate even more.

Can't wait to hear more about your projects, and perhaps a bit more about love life as well. Thanks!


I always like hearing what you are up to! I think it's so important to take weekends off, everybody needs time to decompress after the work week. My goals since summer has ended was making sure I still make time for friends and family (it gets harder to see everyone during the school year).

Morgan M

I would love to hear more about you- your feelings about xyz, your take on trends etc. also you have hinted on having anxiety and written a lot about break downs- could you elaborate on that? there is such a stigma around mental health issues and hearing your take would be so awesome


For some reason I do 90 day goals but not in the terms of a yearly quarter…somewhere along the way I got a tad bit sidetracked on the actual dates! lol I'd love to see more posts about goals/business and organizing! I still re-read your planner/day organizing post at least once a week! (And I have since you first posted it and it went viral on pinterest!)

Kimberly Topolewski

I can't wait to round out the year. It's gone by so fast but I still feel like there's so much to do. I'd love to see you post about how you handle your finances as a self-employed entrepreneur! I know everyone's money situation is different and personal, but maybe even just your monthly budget or something.

carelessly graceful

Crumbs and Curls

I totally feel you on scheduling things early to force yourself out of bed, I always try to schedule my classes for morning time because I know if I have later ones I'll just sleep all day!


Briana Luca

I have fallen in love with your blog all over again the past few weeks, everything is so on point! I love how personal you're getting with us, it's awesome. I'm looking forward to your new project, if you're involved, it has to be amazing!!


Side of Sweet Mint

So inspiring! I'll be on this new "journey throughout life" with you! Very excited for a new chapter of my life, with a new outlook. Would love to see more "Organize Please" and more about how you organize as well!



I'm with you 100% on scheduling meetings in the morning, I love to do the same for the exact same reason! love your ambition and your positive attitude!

Mia Moore

So excited to watch this next phase in your life! So inspiring to me 🙂 I totally agree with morning meetings… otherwise I'll sit in my pajamas all day!

I love the content you've been doing lately. I'm sure it'll just get better and better!


First, I love these long-worded posts. Seeing you write so much makes my day. 🙂 I would love to see more Organize, Please posts. Those always make me so happy. Also, videos are fantastic! 😉 You are so great in front of a camera.

Other than that, best of luck with your goals, and I look forward to reading more about your journey!



I love the Organise, Please, the what is inside of your purse/bag and more on the apartment. I also love seeing how you spend your weekends, I love hearing about the glamorous side of living in the side side by side to working for yourself!


It's always a great day when I pop on over and you're sharing something related to entrepreneurship! I would love to know more about how you grew your business while you were in college. Also, personal is always good. Really good.


Oh my goodness, I can NOT wait to see what you've been working on! Being an entrepreneur is one of the best decisions I ever made and can be such a rewarding lifestyle. Knowing you, you will have lots of success in whatever it is you have up your sleeve! Keep it up! 🙂


I'm back. 😛 Seeing as how your "goal" for October is Organization, maybe you can (for the students reading your blog), do a post about how you organized your binders/notebooks/notes when you were in school. 🙂



I am also currently trying to figure out a good schedule for myself. I'm back at university and going back to a more loosey-goosey schedule after working a full-time job all summer is hard!

I have really enjoyed some of your posts recently. I like your more "wordy" posts, like this one. I would like to hear more about your struggle with anxiety. Mental wellness has been an issue for me lately and while I know not everyone's perfect, I would really value your perspective. I have always LOVED your "Organize, Please" posts and like many others, would like to see more of them in the future. I like reading about your goal-setting techniques and things you've learned about the workplace. I would be really interested in hearing about what works for you as an entrepreneur and how you keep productive and efficient without someone else enforcing a schedule on you. I guess those are some things that pop into mind for me!

Roza Jones

Post on goal setting. I try to reverse engineer my goals, yet get lost in the middle somehow.
I really like this blog. I hope everything goes well for you and your Georgetown friend.

Roza Jones

Post on goal setting. I try to reverse engineer my goals, yet get lost in the middle somehow.
I really like this blog. I hope everything goes well for you and your Georgetown friend.


Hi Carly!

I have to agree with many of the comments before me: your posts lately since leaving your day job have been awesome – can't wait to read more! As a senior in college, I've obviously been thinking about my career. After a number of internships, I'm realizing that I would love to take more of an entrepreneurial route and perhaps start my own business in the future. I would love to see more posts about being an entrepreneur almost like an "entrepreneurship 101" and just sort of discussing important factors/things to know as an entrepreneur and your experiences as an entrepreneur. Some of the hurdles, things you never expected, etc.

Love your blog – always super inspiring!


Hi Carly! I love your blog. Can you do an "Organize, Please" post on desks/cubicles specifically for the office? It doesn't quite apply to you anymore, but I'd still love your input. 🙂 Also, I would love a post on how to see New York (or travel in general) on a super-tight budget.
