New Routine

I’m settling into my new routine… or at least attempting to…
It’s weird working from home. This week, I’ve spent a lot of time running around town and walking a lot… so it’s been quite different than my “desk job.” I honestly don’t know if I like it. It’s kind of lonely. When I’m in the zone I’m fine, but if I kind of remember that I’m just in the room by myself, I panic a bit. 
I’ve been calling my mom nearly every hour. Half because so many exciting things are happening I just have to fill her in the instant it happens. And half because I want someone to talk to!
We’ll see how this pans out.
Part of my new routine is forcing myself to get out of the apartment first thing in the morning. I’ve been sleeping an hour more (yay!). So I’ll wake up, take a shower, get ready, and then head off to a coffee meeting. Having someplace to go in the morning is definitely helpful. Even without meetings, I think I’m going to make going for a little walk in the morning part of my routine.
One thing that I committed to doing is listening to a Ted Talk (or something like that) every day. It’s really inspirational (or educational). I love it. Earlier this month, someone– thanks Deanna– sent me a Youtube video to watch. It sat in my inbox because I wanted to watch it, but never really found the time. Well, I definitely should have made time sooner. I watched it today and loved it. It’s SO motivational and it really makes you want to #Hustle.

Inspire Integrity // Corey Ciocchetti

What are your favorite Ted Talks or inspirational videos?

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I know exactly how you feel about being "lonely" and "in the zone." I had to make some major life adjustments in the past year and felt the same way! It won't be like that forever I promise 🙂


Working from home definitely takes more self discipline, I think you're schedule and early morning coffee trip is a great idea – I usually take one around lunch in order to keep me going – and so I can socialize with someone else other than my cat 😛


Mary Nobles

I love Corey! He came a few weeks ago to speak to a Panhellenic event at my school. What started out as a mandatory Code of Ethics signing quickly turned into a life changing talk, everyone should check him out!


I love Ted talks too! When I'm going to university I often listen to some of them, usually 1-2 because that's the amount of time I spend without changing train.
The best for me was "What we learned from 5 million books" or David McCandless "The beauty of data visualization"


Cory Ciocchetti came to my college and gave a talk. It was awesome and I have never seen so many students stay after an event to talk to the speaker. He is so inspirational and he really knows what he's talking about!

CT Cupcake

maybe working from home isn't the best fit if you're lonely and anxious, only time will tell if leaving an office setting was the best choice.

Ivonne Mata

Like everything else, it's all a matter of time for you to get used to it. It's great that you've been walking. Stay active. 🙂 I'm not sure if you can work with noise but I'd say to work from different places in New York. Coffee shops. book stores, etc. There's always something new to be found. Explore. I look forward to reading your blogs post more frequently. They make such a difference in my day. Best of wishes! xo
