
On the Go with Garmin

When I lived in NYC it was so easy to make sure I was getting enough “activity” during the day. I felt like I spent half the day schlepping around town getting in steps, whether or not they were welcome.

Now that I have a car (!!!), I find myself driving around for errands and I definitely don’t walk as much as I used to. This has made me pretty hyperaware of my activity levels (or lack there of) in Connecticut. As much as I wish I was the type of person to enjoy sweating it out on a treadmill for an hour, I know that’s just not me. Instead, I’ve been trying to come up with creative ways to get some physical activity in that I actually enjoy. My favorite thing right now is going on a little hike with Teddy. I’m actually pretty obsessed with it and look forward to the days where we have an hour or so to get out in the park and get my blood pumping and fresh air flowing through my lungs. (It’s Teddy’s favorite thing too!)

Garmin sent me their vivofit along with the cutest Jonathan Adler bands a few months ago to test out. Which was perfect timing for me as I knew I wasn’t going to be walking as much not living in the city. Also, I have used a fitness tracker before in the past so I was interested to see how this one compared. While the main point of the band is exactly what you’d expect from a fitness tracker (it tracks steps, calories, distance, sleep), there were clear differences that I noticed.

– The battery lasts an entire year. No charging!!! After a year you simply replace the battery. I think this was the most helpful for me just because I tend to forget to charge things or forget to take it off the charger. (Sheesh! Every other day I walk out of my apartment only to realize I left my phone plugged in next to my bed.) I love that you can keep the band on for as long as you want without having to break to charge.

– Speaking of keeping it on… the device is water resistant which means you can wear it in the shower!

– The display is helpful without being obtrusive. I can get a little crazy about the number of steps (more on that below…) so I liked that I had the option to see the time instead of steps. There’s also a little red bar at the top that will let you know if you’ve been sitting too long. It’s super easy to switch between screens.

– The band is cute and adjustable. I like the option of being able to make the band fit my wrist, not a one size fits all. Just like a watch strap, you can adjust the size of your band. The fact that you can change the band is a major plus… you’re not stuck with the same color for eternity and you can match your outfit so it doesn’t look too out of place.

So I tend to get a little crazy when it comes to the numbers. This I know about myself. I think the ultimate goal of a fitness tracker is that it should help you with your health goals and not turn into an unhealthy thing. For some people, wearing it every day can help keep them accountable. For me, it turns me into a crazy person which can lead to some unhealthy habits.

Because of that, I slip the band on when I know I’m going to want to track the steps I’m taking or when I’m in a situation where I need motivation for good habits. It’s great when I’m spending the day running errands because I’ll take the stairs or park at the end of the parking lot for some extra steps. And when I’m going for walks or hikes with Teddy, it’s really helpful to track to see how far we’ve walked and how much activity we actually got in.

Thank you Garmin for sponsoring this post!

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