
On My Radar

This week was a much needed week at home. I went to bed every night feeling great and accomplished… I didn’t get everything done that I wanted to do, but everything that needed to be done was crossed off the list. To be honest, I spent the weekend feeling a little unsettled; I think my body was sensing the change in temperatures and the earlier sunsets. I was worried that my whole week would be like that– but I jumped out of bed Monday morning, meditated and worked out, and felt ready for what’s ahead.

Speaking of working out, my workout accountability group and I are in the ninth week of Kayla Itsines’ BBG 1 workout guide. The finish line seems sort of in sight, but this week has been a killer one. (It hurt to just sit.) Because my next couple of weeks are crazy (I’m going to the Catskills this weekend and then Paris on Thursday!), I went through my calendar and scheduled all the workouts. It’s such a small thing but just knowing when exactly I’m working out for the next three weeks made me feel so much better about getting it all done. It made it feel more doable and that in and of itself is motivating!

And… if you didn’t catch this already on Instagram Stories… I found out that I probably have a broken toe. It’s a long story but basically, I have been in pain for like 18 months. It hurts to walk and I absolutely can’t wear heels without serious pain. I got x-rays at the beginning of 2018, but nothing was flagged. The pain is ignorable for the most part but it’s been slowly increasing in intolerance. I went back to a (new) doctor and sure enough, my sesamoid bone is literally in two pieces. I was slightly disappointed that my no-broken-bones-in-29-years streak is over (although apparently I might have been born that way?! an MRI will give more answers), but also relieved to know the pain wasn’t just in my head. (Also… this explains why my shoes are giving me blisters!!! My foot is slightly swollen from the sesamoid bone!!)


Whoops, apparently I still have more to say before we get into the official part of “on my radar.” Draper James asked if I wanted to help promote their new “Sisterhood” campaign + collection. I love the idea of sisterhood (duh!) and love Draper James and am always happy to help them in whatever way I can. I was even more excited that I got to shoot the collection with my friends Ashley and Mackenzie. I have a weird friend situation… all of my friends are from different parts of my life. I’ve lived in six states + DC (!!!) and have “collected” friends from each stage of life. The weirdest part is that most of my best friends don’t know each other… they just know of each other, but I know they’d all love each other though. Ashley and Mackenzie hadn’t officially met in person until the trip to Charleston, but the three of us had a great time together. My dream is to plan a cool vacation somewhere and invite all of my friends. It’d be hard to pull off because everyone is scattered across the globe, but one of these days I’ll make it happen!

Finally, here’s what was on my radar this week:

ONE // Dating Without Texting

THIS. THISSSS. I am the first to admit that I used to love to flirt over texts and loved the thrill of waiting for a text and then crafting a text. But “texting” is not “dating.” When I started dating again after my breakup, I dipped back into apps for a little but honestly? A few people were great at texting and horrible in person and others were terrible texters and we never made it to a first date, but who’s to say that they wouldn’t have been great in person?? My current boyfriend and I were set up on a blind date through a friend and other than a text to set up the date, we did not text. It felt WEIRD. Like, really weird… but then on the date, we had so much to talk about! I loved it!!! Even now, he doesn’t have an iPhone, so we can’t iChat. I text (via iChat) from my computer during the day so we only really text each other for logistics. We have real conversations, any issues we have to discuss happens in person, and we never say something that can be misinterpreted from a written text (versus speech). All this to say, YES, let’s put down our phones.

TWO // Life Size 2

Remember the Life Size movie with Tyra Banks?! They’re bringing us a sequel!!! I loved the movie and I’m so curious what the sequel will be like. Apparently, Lindsay Lohan has a cameo in it too. Not going to lie, I’m highly anticipating this.

THREE // Nike Signs Runner with Cerebral Palsy

Okay warning, I cried my eyes out when I read this story. I am so happy to see companies understanding the importance of inclusion and representation. While being the fastest or strongest is great, it’s not what life is all about. Justin Gallegos was born with Cerebral Palsy and Nike just signed him as a professional athlete. I was incredibly inspired by his story– despite his physical challenges, he can run a seven-minute mile and runs on University of Oregon’s running club.

FOUR // Cable Knit Sweater

I promised you guys that if I found a great cable knit sweater, I’d share it. 1901 sent me the striped version of this, and then I discovered that it comes in solid colors! You can’t beat that price for the quality (100% incredibly soft cashmere).

FIVE // Harry Potter Dance

A few years ago, I included this same high school’s Wizard of Oz dance. They’re back with an amazing performance of Harry Potter. Like, wow. The choreography is so cool and they performed it perfectly!!! It’s worth watching the whole thing… so you might have to save it for later if you’re at the office.

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Michael @ Mile in My Glasses

It’s so funny – when I started dating my now boyfriend, we were both like 15 and neither of us even HAD phones. It was like – I’d see him at school, go home and that was it until the next day. It was both terrifying and exciting. It’s so interesting how the dating landscape has changed with phones, texting and dating apps. Such a great thing to explore!

I hope you have a great Friday!


Re: Life Size movie, did you see they’re making a Are You There God, It’s Me Margaret movie?! I love Judy Blume and all her books were so relatable growing up.


That Harry Potter dance is just perfection! Thank you so much for sharing, and have a lovely weekend 🙂


I’ve had a cell phone since I was sixth grade, which was in 2004-2005. When I started talking to my first boyfriend in 10th grade, he didn’t have a cell phone. We would send really long Facebook messages to each other. There’s only a five year difference between my younger sister and me, but with her age group, dating was texting.

Jenn Frisbee

I am just getting back to the full-swing of things after recovering from breaking my sesamoid bone in the ball of my left foot. I know just how real that pain is(and how hard it is to diagnose, the first doctor I went to missed it as well). Wishing you a speedy recovery.

Catherine Hannum

I love these Friday posts. This is the second time I’m running through this one haha. My boyfriend is not a texter and can go hours without looking at his messages. When we first started dating I saw his lack of responsiveness on text as a negative thing, but as we got to know each other I realized how special our communication was. He would call me more often than text me, which is so rare for someone our age (I feel like at least), and 4 years later I’m in the strongest, most communicative relationship I’ve ever had. And I really attribute that to the lack of emphasis on text.
