
ON MY RADAR 11.13.23

We had a nice family-oriented week with lots of activities, dinners together, and time outside! (One of Jack’s new words is “outside,” which he says over and over by the backdoor to go out and play…. no matter what the weather is, he is ready to get outside!)

Here are some things on my radar this week:

ONE // Weezie Towels

I’m in the middle of a decluttering project. (Nothing special, just feeling a little bogged down after the holidays….) And we are currently redoing our guest bath room. Honestly, I’m bribing myself to finish the decluttering with a big purchase of…. fresh towels! (Hi, I’m 33….) I’ve been motivating myself every morning by playing around with color and embroidery options. I would choose something totally different if I were just buying towels for myself, but I want them to be for the whole family (aka husband approved haha).

TWO // The Importance of Work Friends

The NY Times had a wellness challenge going for the start of the year. It’s seven days of mini challenges to set yourself up for a successful and happy year. I love a good reset, especially one for wellness. Day 5 was all about work friends and I thought it was such a good reminder about making good connections with coworkers. Especially if you’ve been called back to the office!

THREE // Architect Explores Washington, DC’s Oldest Neighborhood (Georgetown)

I’ve had this video saved to watch later for months! I finally watched it and it’s so interesting. Obviously, I love Georgetown so I have a personal connection, but even if you’ve never visited the area I think you’d still be interested. Loved seeing clips of Georgetown and also learning more about the architecture. I know next to nothing about architecture in general, so I’m always interested to get an expert’s take!

FOUR // Red Sweater

My friend and I were recently talking about what colors we look best in. (Clearly we both got sucked into all the TikToks about getting your colors done.) I, unfortunately, know that I don’t actually look that good in the colors I gravitate towards. I know I look best in a deep red. But it’s red and, like, a huge commitment to me. Like I want to blend in, not stand out 🤣 I saw this red sweater though and I think it’s beautiful. It looks adorable and different and also (most importantly) not too “holiday.” Like I think it would even be cute with white jeans too?!

FIVE // 1000 Hours Outside

We are challenging ourselves to spending as much time outdoors as possible and I downloaded the1000 Hours Outside app to track. Even just having the goal of doing it and collecting hours as a family has helped me mentally get past the “it’s too cold” hurdle. Just wanted to share in case you want to do something similar yourself!

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Päivi Pouttu-Deliere

I just returned from a colour analysis (beauty colors) with a friend of mine. She is an Autumn and in the end I was not surprised to find I am Summer. I have quite a lot of right tones in my wardrobe but fear I “need” to buy a Barbour in navy or sage to replace my olive green one. 🤔

We have also been doing the 1000 hours outside -challenge with our children and it has really changed the way I feel about being outside on dark and cold winter evenings. Our kids are already at school and they need to spend at least 1h outside in the afternoon before any kind of screen time.

Here in Finland we’ll still have several months of winter but the first birds I heard this morning made me believe in the coming Spring.

Have a lovely weekend!


I was color analyzed as a kid (oh the 80s!), and it really does help with shopping. I don’t waste time trying on clothes I know I look terrible & washed out in. Whenever I wear my colors (coral, turquoise = spring!), I get so many compliments. It’s a great hack!

Lisa Mari

Just watched an architect video yesterday about the Chrysler building in NYC so I’m excited to watch the one on Georgetown!
I love red on you! And the sweater looks really cute! Maybe I’m biased because red is my favorite color and I love wearing it but I’d say go for it more often!


Thank you for the 1000 hrs info. Looking for some family ideas today and this is perfect to get out, get moving, stay motivated in spite of the January blahs!
