
On My Radar

Well, this has been a week. (I think that goes without saying, but, like, have to address it.) I’ve been riding waves of emotions. Everything from panic to joy to frustration to fear to peacefulness. I’ve been trying to focus on things to be grateful for (and there are plenty even in a time like this) and trying to just put my best foot forward… at home… every day.

Work is…. nearly non-existent right now for me (… my inbox is eerily quiet), and instead of freaking out, I’m just going to take the extra time to focus on my mental health and refocus on goals and what is important to me in the long term.

Anyway. I hope you guys are holding up okay. I think one thing that has really helped me is talking to other friends and knowing they share the same fears as I do– makes me feel less alone and less “crazy.” If you missed it, I’ve shared some ways to take care of your mental health earlier this week.

ONE // Man Celebrates Anniversary With Wife Through the Window

A man was unable to visit his wife in a nursing home so he stood outside the building with a sign to celebrate their sixty seventh wedding anniversary! Brought tears to my eyes to read about this.

TWO // The Tonight Show: At Home Edition

Jimmy Fallon has taken his show home with him. His wife filmed the whole thing and his dog and daughter both make cameo appearances on the first episode. The best part was his wife giggling behind the camera the whole time. The second episode features Lin Manuel Miranda! Every episode is also going to feature a fundraiser for different charities. Totally brilliant.

THREE // eLearning Live Events

If you have kids at home (or as some of my friends are saying now: “coworkers”), you are going to want to bookmark this google doc! A reader shared this document with me and it rounds up a ton of links to live learning events that are happening online/on social.

FOUR // Save with Stories

Another one for kids but something that really caught my eye on social…. Jennifer Garner (who I think is now my favorite celebrity– she is the best). She’s teamed up with Save the Children and No Kid Hungry and have rounded up different celebrities to read books aloud on IGTV. Like, WHAT. Can we just take a moment to talk about how incredible the world can be. I know there’s a lot of bad out there, but if you’re looking for good, there is some pretttttttty amazing good out there too.

FIVE // Penguins Touring the Aquarium

And ending today’s post with the cutest thing. Now that the Shedd Aquarium in Chicago is closed to the public, they let the penguins walk around the empty aquarium. I couldn’t handle the videos, go through their recent tweets! Little penguins waddling around saying hi to other animals 😂 (It’s also nesting season so they look like they’re going around on dates. I can’t.)


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Hi Carly, just wanted to thank you for your posts from the last days. It’s so helpful to see we’re all struggling now with the same things. thank you so much for sharing and for all the helpful tips. Hope you mange to find calm and that better time will come for all of us soon


Carly, sincerest thanks for adapting your content for the crazy week this has been. It is comforting to know that we are all in this together!
