

This week was a full week. I haven’t done this much interacting with people in… well… years! Mike and I spent the weekend down the shore, then Elsa and I drove up to Newport to attend a conference we were both speaking at, and then I had my first real event in the city since before the pandemic began. I’m coming into this weekend pretty low on my social battery, so to speak. Hoping for a nice, low key weekend to recover!

Here’s what was on my radar this week:

ONE // Where the Crawdads Sing Trailer

I loved Where the Crawdads Sing. I thought it was such a beautifully written story. When I heard that they were making a movie out of it…. I was nervous. Movies based on books are just so hit or miss. Just judging from the trailer, I think this adaptation is going to be a HIT. (I mean, the casting alone! Daisy Edgar-Jones as Kya is perfect!)

TWO // Loeffler Randall Tote

Do you remember the gingham liner I made for my woven tote a couple of years ago?? Well Loeffler Randall came out with a super similar version. If you’re handy with a sewing machine, you can totally make your own (it’s not complicated!), but if you’re not, the Loeffler Randall tote is a great option.

THREE // Crinkle Top Brownies

My friend made these brownies from Half Baked Harvest this weekend and, wow, they were hands down the best brownies I’ve ever had. Ever. The four of us couldn’t stop raving about them. I’m pinning this to make them the next time we’re craving brownies. Trust me. Make them, you won’t regret it!!

FOUR // Blue & White Floral Leggings

Tell me these aren’t the cutest workout leggings you’ve ever seen? Obsessed. I love the blue and white floral so much.

FIVE // Atlanta Book Signing!!

I’m doing a book signing next Thursday April 7 at the LAKE store in Atlanta. I would love to see you guys there if you’re in the area. We had so much fun at the Charleston signing and the team and I agreed we needed to add an Atlanta stop as well. 3519 Northside Parkway NW from 6-8pm PS Meesh (my mom!) is flying up to help me with Jack!



Why don’t you leave Jack with your husband and in-laws? It’s crazy that you’re flying and driving all over the place – for work events – with your baby! You make gobs of money and childcare options – this is getting weird.


Good morning, Janine. I’m really tired explaining myself. Mostly because I can’t imagine the backlash I would get if I (gasp!) did leave my son at home. I’ve seen it happen to my friends. Regardless of what I want to do, I have to bring him with me. 1) my in laws moved away this summer and are no longer local and Mike has a job with some amazing flexibility but not complete and 2) Jack has a medical condition preventing him from taking a bottle, so he comes with me. Babies are people too. What a gift, in my opinion, that he gets to travel to see his MOM work and promote a BOOK that she wrote.


(And my mom, Jack’s other grandma, can’t wait to see him… and me.)


Go Carly. Not that you need any approval from your readers (who choose to be here…if you don’t like her choices, go find another blog…) but for what it is worth, I love that you display the complexities of being a multi-faceted professional. We have so little control over the timing of opportunities, or what obstacles we might face in parenthood. Not to mention, you truly show so much gratitude for the opportunity you have to build these memories with your son and with a community that obviously cares about your family deeply.

Deborah Flanagan

Damned if you do and damned if you don’t
—used to say that in a specific situation a person can be blamed or considered wrong no matter what he or she does —ugh


Medical condition? Didn’t you tell all your followers that the LC you recommended identified and corrected the issue? So why is it that he still can’t take a bottle? Seems to me you were paid to say those things and fooled all your followers into believing the service worked for you when clearly it did not.

Also, you stated your mom was able to get him to drink from a straw when you visited them in Florida for the first time sooo why can’t he drink your breastmilk from a cup/straw?

Every thing you say is contradictory of another statement you made weeks ago. Even the loyalist of followers are starting to see right through it.


Going to assume you don’t have children of your own. Yes, we met with an LC and identified the issue and had it corrected, but we were too late (five months old). He still won’t take a bottle! (Meeting with a lactation consultant first thing when baby arrives is now my #1 piece of advice for new moms, regardless of how you choose to feed your baby!) Since we intervened too late, she recommended that we skip to practicing straws/open cups. He’s only seven months old though, so it’s practice. He is not able to take a FULL feed with a straw or open cup– it’s MESSY business with little babies!!! But he’s doing great and making progress. I’m proud of him!


I’m going to “assume” you mean a tongue or lip tie. If you had it corrected then he no longer has that medical condition. The true reason why he won’t take the bottle is because you waited to long to see someone – just flat out say it and own it. Followers will respect you more when you’re honest and up front.


Yep and I’ve been VERY clear since I saw our amazing lactation consultant that I WISH I could go back into time and see her sooner!!! It’s a huge regret of mine and seeing a lactation consultant when baby is born (even better BEFORE baby is born) is my NUMBER ONE piece of advice now for expecting moms… Is there another way you’d like to me to say this so you can understand?


You’ve been very clear on that part but you never once mentioned by name the medical condition your son had until just now. If you truly want to reach new and future moms you’d be completely transparent. Especially since tongue and lip ties are EXTREMELY common and go undiagnosed.


I never wanted to share Jack’s personal information, but I felt compelled to now since I’ve had to constantly defend myself. By taking a baby to a qualified lactation consultant, they would be able to properly diagnose a baby. And every baby is different.

In case I haven’t been clear enough in my Instagram stories, sponsored content with The Lactation Network, and these comments: I HIGHLY recommend EVERY expecting and new mom to seek out a lactation consultant before giving birth regardless of how they choose to feed their baby. The expertise and support is SO important and most of the time it’s covered by insurance!!!!


Now that you’re traveling again do you have any recommendations on where to stay when visiting Manhatten? 🙂

Christine S.

Love to see how much you are able to travel for work with Jack – you are seriously an inspiration! And how cool that he gets to see his mom’s career in action at such a teeny age! Even if he won’t remember this now, he will still grow up having been shaped by these trips and experiences, and it will affect his worldview in a positive way. 🙂


Wondering what precautions you take against COVID with a baby? New mom myself and wondering how you make it work. Thanks 🙂


I think everyone has to figure out what works for their family and comfort level 🥰


So you’re comfortable having your infant in large social settings? Did the conference attendants have to do rapid tests before attending? Wondering if we should follow this protocol as well. Thanks!


Unfortunately I can’t tell you what to do! You have to trust your own mom gut and do what you think is best for your family 🥰

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