oui oui paris

I’m so excited! I set a financial goal way back when I was still in school (Dec. of 2011). It wasn’t completely arbitrary, but I knew it was going to be a super important milestone for myself.  While still in school, it was more of me trying to build up some of my company. And then once I entered the Real World, it seriously turned into a strategic game of cash in and cash out. 
This meant buckling down, organizing a budget, committing to a set percentage of savings, and continuing to work really hard so that every month I was making more than the previous.
Over Christmas break, I could feel that I was seriously narrowing in on that goal and began planning what I would do to celebrate. At this point, I am frankly super proud of myself to really committing to both working hard and sticking to a conservative budget. 
Part of me just wants to allot myself money to, well, shop…. I mean, that Prada bag is still haunting me. But I realized that I’d rather do something more meaningful and more experiential than just splurge on one item. And so…
I mean, right? That seems like such a logical next step in my life. I really tried getting to Paris during 2012, but it didn’t happen due to school, crazy obligations, and just plain ole poor timing. (I even created an entire board on Pinterest dedicated to the city!) However, I’m making it happen this summer. IT IS HAPPENING.
“Paris is my favorite place in the world. I’ve never been there, at all… but I wanna live there, even though I’ve never been.” – Elle Fanning
I think Elle got it right. I’ve never been and maybe I’ve completely overly romanticized the city, but I must know. I have to go.
Naturally, I need your help here. I want to read as many books and watch as many movies as possible that take place in Paris! So definitely give me your suggestions
If you’ve been to the city, I’d also like to know your favorite places. The must-sees, the places I’ve never heard of,  and attractions that are amazing. (If you’ve never been, let me know where you would want to go the most!)
This is big. I am looking into everything right now in preparation for the summer trip and I’m seriously already counting down the days. (And planning my wardrobe, obviously.)
PS I can’t even tell you how excited I am!!!
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Ahhh Paris is one of my favorite cities EVER!!! You're going to just fall completely in love with it!

You HAVE to climb the Eiffel Tower, go to Montmartre and Sacre Coeur, go to the Louvre, Musee d'Orsay, walk along the Seine and poke through the little vendor carts there, visit Notre Dame…all of the touristy stuff is pretty great. Just walking around the city is a great way to find new little cafes and shops and things. There's so much to do.

I would definitely recommend a day trip out to Versailles–it's PHENOMENAL.


Blake K.

I've been lusting over dreams of Paris lately! I think it's the side effect of watching a few too many Audrey Hepburn movies…
But definitely read Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins. It's a young adult chick lit novel but the characters and plot line are really well developed and written. It also paints a beautiful portrait of Paris! It includes lots of real landmarks as well that you might find you want to see.
Have so much fun and I can't wait for pictures!!


Aw Carly this is amazing!!

I went to Paris (just once) when I was 13, (almost 25 now), so I don't think my recommendations would be of any help.

My brother and I were DYING from jet lag and we ate McDonalds on the Champs d'Elysees… my dad still cringes at that thought, so in his honor, please avoid doing that. A bakery crossaint will suffice.

Also, I thought Midnight in Paris was a great movie… I may be alone here.



Oh Carly, I'm so excited for you!! France and Paris are amazing. I know you're not a big music person, but you really should check out some French music- Charles Trenet, Carla Bruni, and Françoise Hardy are amazing. There's no way to feel more "French" than relaxing at a streetside café with a little "Quelqu'un m'a dit" (Carla Bruni) crooning in your ears.

As for books and movies, I love Midnight in Paris… it will only further your romanticization of the city. Also Passport to Paris (Mary-Kate & Ashley!!), Madeline, Marie Antoinette, and Amélie. Some books I like are Books, Baguettes and Bedbugs by Jeremy Mercer and The Elegance of the Hedgehog by Muriel Barbery. I've also really liked/really want to read a lot of the books on this Goodreads list.

As for recommendations of things to see and do, you ABSOLUTELY have to check out Lauren's blog Aspiring Kennedy. She always has the BEST tips. She did a whole guide to Paris, which you should read, but you should also check out her other Paris recaps.

I hope that helps and gets you even more excited! I can't wait to hear more about your trip as the planning unfolds. I hope you'll be blogging about it!!


I visited Paris for a week 2 summers ago to visit my cousin and had a marvelous time! It might not be quite as romantic as you think though… I was there in June and the high was only 60 degrees and it thunderstormed the entire time! I had no idea Paris was known for really icky weather at that time of year. Despite the cold I still had a wonderful time.

You obviously need to dedicate an entire day to wandering around The Louvre and the Musee d'Orsay. Try to take a guided tour in english or you'll probably be overwhelmed/lost, then wander around afterwards to see things you may have missed.

Definitely buy the museum pass! I think it's around 75 euro but it gets you entrance to almost every museum in the city and you'll end up saving a lot.

I'm also glad that my cousin and I spent extra to go to the top of Notre Dame and the Arc Du Triumphe. DON'T waste time going to the top of the eiffel tower. I promise that seeing it from the ground is just as impressive and you'll save yourself hours and hours of crowds and waiting in line. The restaurants can be pretty overpriced so buy yourself a baguette, some fresh cheese and tomato, and have a little picnic outside instead 🙂

Also the 5 euro crepe stands on every corner are to die for. My trip to the original Lauduree definitely didn't disappoint either!

If you are planning any day trips outside of the city, Versailles is definitely well worth it. You can find more details about my trip on my blog! Have a great time!


I disagree about the Eiffel Tower–while the crowded line to wait is annoying, it's totally worth it, especially going up in the evening! Take a bottle of wine, drink a bit in the grass of the Champs des Mars (under the Eiffel Tower) and then go up!

Lanie W.

When I was there last June the line for the elevator to go up the Tower was insanely long and much more money. My friends and I opted to take the stairs up instead and it was only 3 Euro! It wasn't a bad walk and you can take your time. Definitely the way to go in my opinion!

Savannah Baron

Oh my goodness, I am so jealous! I went to Paris back in 2009 and I'm so ready to go back. I'm planning on doing a semester there 🙂

I have to recommend doing the typical tourist stuff: Sacre Coure, Notre Dame, the Loure, Champs E'lysees (you'll fall in love), the Arc, walking along the Siene… I doubt I spelled most of those correctly haha. There's also a fashion museum that we could only go in for a few minutes because the employees were on strike, but what we saw was extremely cool.

I stayed at the Sofitel Arc de Triomphe, which I have to say, must have been the best location. We could walk just about anywhere without being totally surrounded by tourists (there was still a lot of Parisian culture in the area).

Our concierge at the hotel was also fantastic. My mother and I so desperately wanted to have lunch at the Eiffel Tower. We had been told by the people who worked at Eiffel that reservations had to be made weeks in advance to eat at the lower restaurant and even further in advance to eat at the restaurant at the top. We went back to the consierge and she managed to get us a reservation for the upper restaurant THE NEXT DAY. Literally, best experience of my life. The food was amazing, the view was breathtaking. If you are going to dine here, I recommend doing so on your last (or second to last) day so that you can see all the places you went from an aerial perspective.

Savannah Baron

Oh and also, one of the (few) places I haven't been in Europe that I would love to go: anywhere on the French Riviera. Monaco, Provence, Marsailles, Nice… If I had a few extra days in France, I would do everything in my power to take a train trip out there. The weather is probably a lot nicer there during the summer than Paris as well!


CARLY! OH MY GOODNESS! I love Paris. oh I mean j'adore Paris. I could go on forever and ever about how amazing this city is!! I went last year in April with my school because I take French. It which was freezing cold but I didn't even care because I was in Paris and Paris is perfect.To me, I found the air alot dryer than I was used to, so moisturise.

Champs Elysees. The most romantic and beautiful street to ever grace the Earth. Shops are crowded to the max with lines. Don't just cross the road. I've never been to NY, but do they have free polaroids with A&F models?

Metro is crazy so be careful. The metro closest to Centre Pompidou is quite dangerous in terms of theft. You will in awe when you are just on the metro you just casually see the Eiffel tower chilling in the view.

There are alot of smokers.

Also, there are pick pockets EVERYWHERE. There are so so so many street acts, street games, street vendors selling random stuff that may or may not be cheaper in a legit souvenir shop. And also! every souvenir shop is basically going to have the same stock- so choose wisely when it comes to price.

Beware of men holding friendship bracelets. That is, if your arms are free, they will start braiding a bracelet on your hand and you will have to pay a crazy price for it.

Lines are always long for everything! But if you're early, before 9am then you will probably be okay.

At Centre Pompidou, there is free access to the 'outdoor' elevator.

Men from the military casually roam around sometimes.

Often in public toilets there is no toilet seat.

You must buy crepes! They make savoury ham and cheese, chestnut cream, strawberry, nutella. The French are obsessed with nutella!

Really good places/things to go/do:
Arc de Triomphe
Champs Elysees
Pont Neuf (you'll see this bridge often)
Bateau Mouche
Sacre Coeur
Place du Tertre
Musee Rodin
Grand et Petit Palais
Place de la Concorde
Les Tuileries
La Tour Eiffel
Marche Rue Mouffetard (famous market! Seen in the french movie Amelie)
Boulevard St. Michel
Musee Sculture en plein air/Centre Pompidou
Notre Dame
Hotel de Ville

Buy french legal pad paper. And erasable fountain pens + erasers/effaceurs. Try the cheeses.

Email me if you want more info! [email protected]
xx bisous!


oh and I really couldn't stop just there. Paris is a walking city. Or a metro + walking city. Wear comfortable shoes.

There's no need to go to the second level of Notre Dame or any other church.

There are these green metal huts that line up the river seine. They sell authentic vintage music, posters, art, magazines, books and souvenirs.You can bargain.

I wish I took more videos. I wish I had macarons at Laduree.


Hey Carly!

I tried to count the times I've been to Paris, but it didn't work. I'm from Germany and we've been to France and also to Paris every summer when I was a kid. My brother even lived there for five years… so… there's a lot to recommend.
As one of the girls before mentioned, try to get a museum pass – it's absolutely worth it! When you want to have the perfect view over the city, don't go to the Eiffel tower… you could still climb up there for other reasons or just to tell people that you've did so, but for the perfect view you must go to the tour Montparnasse, because from up there, the Eiffel tower will be on your pictures, too.

for an other great view, visit the grand arche in la defense

Kelly, who commended before me, gave you a great list of what to visit and I would recommend all that, too.

Try to get dinner far away from the big sights, because there they only sell bad food for high prices. Paris is not the best place to get great french food, it would be better to leave the city and have dinner anywhere in the countryside. When you're renting a car, try to eat in the countryside around Versaille – there are many lovely restaurants.
When your in the city center of Paris, try something like Mezzo di Pasta for lunch – it's cheap and has good quality.

wish you a lot of fun
gros bisous

PS: anyway: I totally love your blog and read it nearly every day since 2010

Samee S

I am study abroad in England this semester in London and just went to Paris this past week! It is worth EVERY penny!

You will obviously want to see all the touristy things but by my far my favorite place of the trip was Montmartre! It has the most beautiful view of the city! (And its a free view!!)

I would also plan to go to the Louvre! It would honestly take days to completely go through the whole thing, but on Fridays at 6pm the entrance to the museum is Free!

Other than that I would highly recommend eating crepes (Mich's Sandwhiches and Crepes which is outside of Notre Dame has THE BEST) and trying some snails (once you get past the whole snail part of it, they are actually really good!)

On a side note though, Longchamp bags are a lot cheaper in Paris then the states, so you might still be able to get a new purse at the same time as your big voyage!

You are going to have a blast!!


Angeline is a fantastic bakery in Paris! Also if you have time, Versailles is a little bit outside of Paris, and it's stunning.


Fabulous! You will have a great time! I highly recommend seeing Versailles as I'm sure everyone will suggest to you. The town around Versailles is also nice– had a great lunch next door to a pastry shop where no one spoke English, definitely as authentic french as you can get.
When I was there, there was a beautiful outdoor market on the way to 31 Rue Cambon, aka the Chanel store (also a must see, though underwhelming). La Vieille Tour was my favorite restaurant I went to- definitely try to find it, I had the best escargot I have ever had there!
Have fun planning your trip!

Jodi Steele

How exciting! I just read the cutest little memoir called "Bonjour 40: A Paris Travel Log" about a woman who chose to spend her birthday in Paris. 40 years old = 40 days in Paris! The book was developed from the blog she wrote for her family and friends while she was there. It's like being on her trip with her. With being there for more than a month, she really had time to explore the city and gives great tips.

The Kindle edition is only $.99 right now. I'm sure there are similar deals for ebooks in other formats.


C'est ma ville favori (my favorite city) You will love it! If there is one place you have to go it is Shakespeare and Company in the Latin Quarter on the left bank. It is my favorite bookstore in the whole world. Even if you don't buy anything, you have to wander around in it. Hemingway was a big supporter when it was first a store.
Also, go to Montemarte and the Sacre Coeur. I think it has the best view of Paris. I got goosebumps when I was looking out over the city up there. With all the walking I am sure you do in New York City, you will be ready for all of the steps.
If you are looking for some great shopping like the editor did at the being of Funny Face, go to the Place Vendôme. It is all Chanel and such and even if you aren't interested in buying, it is fun to window shop.
Bon Voyage!


You should definitely make reservations for the restaurant at the top of the Eiffel Tower, the view is seriously so breathtaking!
The literature student in me is screaming against giving you this advice but Lindsey Kelk's 'I Heart Paris' from her 'I heart…' series is such a cute chick lit read!

xo Amy @ British Prepster

Lemon Smiles

Paris is a stunning city – every corner you look is just photo-worthy and Paris ladies are just pure class. The food is great, the sights are amazing but we warned – it aint cheap. I'm a Londoner and the prices between Paris and London are the same – expensive.

Since you're coming all the way to Paris – you might as well hop on the Eurostar, 2 hours and 15 minutes and BOOM you're in the centre of London – seriously! I'm not sure how long you're planning to go to Paris for but I would really recommend splitting up the trip and fitting in 2 of the best cities in the world! Might as well 😀

Tory Banknell

That's so funny, just last weekend I was looking into purchasing a Rosetta Stone because I'm dying to learn French and to visit Paris. I'm so jealous of you!

Julia R.

Wow! And I'm excited that I'm going to the west coast this summer…haha. Paris always reminds me of the last episodes of SATC Have fun!!!


How exciting!! I majored in French at NYU and currently work for a travel agency that specializes solely in French/Parisian vacations. One thing I'd recommend if you really want a truly Parisian experience is NOT to stay in the 7th arrondissement (aka where the Eiffel Tower is). Totally overrun by tourists…kind of like staying in Times Square in NYC! I've always found the right bank much more charming.

As for fun places to visit, you CANNOT miss the Musee d'Orsay, which I think beats the Louvre by leaps and bounds in terms of coolness. Versailles is another gorgeous spot, though it's insanity in the summer months! In general, my biggest suggestion would be to avoid overly Americanized/advertised places and go off on your own adventures. Buy a translation book (apps can be tricky with the wireless service over there!), discover new cafes and shops, and try to learn the Metro (which is easier than NY Transit, seriously). Take the same approach to discovering Paris as you did NYC!

Also, we recommend the Girls' Guide to Paris to a lot of our clients and it's a very cute, helpful resource. Bon voyage!

Žana Marin

Shakespeare and Company – the most stunning bookshop I've ever been to. If you buy any books, ask the shop-assistent to stamp them. Apart from that, I think that any tourist guide will give you a great insight on what to see and do 🙂

Daniela R.

This is so exciting!! Paris is my absolute favourite city in the world, Ive been there four times and NEVER get bored!

Definetly watch Midnight in Paris and Marie Antoinette, I coulnd't stop thinking about those two movies while strolling Paris at night and visiting Versailles (a MUST if it's your first time there, or even your second..or third)

ALL the touristy things are great, but I also loved just walking around the city. I would stopped at the most random cafes, the ones where there were no foreigners, order coffee and crepes and sit there watching the city. It is AMAZING!

Also take the metro! It seriously takes you everywhere, and there's a part in line 6 when you suddenly go above the ground and see the Eiffel Tower right beside you. I ride it only for that experience.

Hope you have a GREAT time there, Im sure you will!


I only was in Paris for 2 days while I studied abroad in London. I'm sure everyone has listed the highlights here, but I have one thing that no one has mentioned: Sandeman's Paris Tours. My friends and I found it by accident and it was hands down the best deicision of the trip. Basically students give free walking tours of the city and work on tips only (I think we gave them maybe 8-10 Euro each). Because they work on tips, they are OUTSTANDING. Better than tours we paid for and we learned so much that we wouldn't have otherwise. We did the free tours in 3 other cities! They're daily in Paris at 11 AM and 1 PM (Wear comfy shoes…ours was like 4 hours including a coffee/bathroom break) and meet at the fountain at Place St Michel. It's mostly students/young people and it's so fun!!


The Yuppie Files

Paris had always been my favorite even though I hadn't been & I was afraid I had built it up too much. Turns out, nope, the city lives up to the hype 🙂

I would allot time to just wander the streets and relax at cafes. Sights are great but make sure you take that time to really be a part of the Paris life. I would also recommend staying in St-Germain- great location, lots of cafes & life, & easy to go see the touristy things on the right bank.

If you're interested in venturing outside of Paris I have recommendation for Normandy, just email me if you want them!


My favorite movie about Paris is definitely Midnight in Paris! I love that movie so much! I hope you have fun in Paris! (: I've always wanted to go and I've taken French for five years because I always thought I would go. Maybe sometime in the future I will get the chance to!


I have been to paris 3 times. The first time was only for a few days, as we were staying at a chateau out in Normandy, but the next two were strictly city trips!

You have to do all of the touristy things and see the sights and museums. d'Orsay and the Louvre maybe a lot to do in one day, if you are the type to spend a lot of time at each. However, if you do do them both in a day like I did, grab a sandwich at the Paul stand in front of the Louvre and eat on grass of the gardens in front, if it is a nice day of course. It is so beautiful and great for people watching, and most importantly it helps you get a little break!

I also think you need to see Versailles, you can't go to Paris without seeing it, especially in the summer, the grounds are as stunning as the rooms. You can bring a lunch and eat under a tree in the gardens, it's lovely!

You also need to go to the Eiffel Tower. Fun fact – at Midnight each night it lights up all sparkly, so that is a really fun time to be there/on it.

Mont Saint Michel is also a great place to see. I think you can do a day trip from Paris, but it's worth it. It has the cutest town and winding streets. Also, seeing the tide come in is so cool.

Galeries Lafayette is probably the most impressive department store I've ever seen. It is so fun to walk around. It's stunning, really.

The Lock Bridge is a must see too. It's so neat to look at all of the different locks that people have left and it's really one of the most unique things in the city, I think. You should definitely get a lock and put it on!

Lastly, an afternoon tea, or hot chocolate at Angelina is a MUST. The food (desserts) are the most incredible pastries in the city. The hot chocolate is just melted chocolate basically, but heavenly!

Have a great trip!


Shelby Foster

Congratulations on your trip, Carly!! That will be SO amazing. I'm dying to go to Paris as well…hoping that I can go this summer after I graduate! Can't wait to hear/read all about it.


Must-sees in Paris: centre pompidou, sacre coeur, galleries lafayette (you can walk from place de la concorde, stop by laduree on the way, 31 rue cambon for chanel– they're all in the same district), versailles, the louvre, shakespeare and company, st. chappelle…

Les Jardins du Luxembourg are SO beautiful– if you're looking for less touristy things and time to kill, I would definitely recommend that. Much better than the tuileries. I really enjoyed walking around the area of the place st. sulpice– it was very quintessentially French (and a French professor recommended it to me!). If you walk from there to La Sorbonne there are a lot of small boutiques as well.

Also watch Amélie… fantastic movie. The area of Montmartre is a must-see.

Bon Voyage, Carly!

Kathleen Walpole

To echo all the other must-sees in Paris: Centre Pmpidou, Sacre Couer (worth the climb up the steps), Eiffel Tower, Tomb of the Unknown Solider, etc. You will be there for the summer, so I suggest finding the gardens (main touristy ones and the off beaten track ones). For unique souvenirs, go to Montemarte. I'm headed back to Paris in a few weeks, and I'm finally getting to do the Royal Opera House tour. If you are a fan of Phantom, I suggest it!

If you have time to make it out of the city, get down to Nice. Incredible city, tons of stunning views, the beach, shopping, etc.

Cannot wait to hear of your adventures!


I went to Paris when I was in the 3rd grade and it was the best experience of my life! Even though I was only 8years old, I still remember every detail from the trip!!

My favorite restaurant was right next to Notre Dame…it's called, Aux Tours de Notre Dame(Cafe in the Shadows of Notre Dame) They seriously had the best chicken with the best shoe string fries…kind of like the fries at Daily Grill in Georgetown but BETTER!

& of course for some shopping…Champs-Élysées!!

The Unreal Life

Movie: Midnight in Paris
Things to do: take some time just to walk along the Seine and visit the vendors, definitely the Louvre and Musee D'Orsay, walk around the artist's square at Monmartre!!!
So jealous–wish I could go back =)


Oh my gosh. I am so excited for you! I went last summer with my parents and sister and was pretty much in charge of planning the whole thing. Number one, I would TOTALLY suggest renting an apartment rather than staying in a hotel. I found ours on and it worked out super well. The best guide book that I read was Clotilde's Edible Adventures in Paris, which you can find here: The last thing I would suggest is to leave plenty of free time to just wander around without trying to force a schedule. You might miss some of the "must-see" spots, but just being able to relax and enjoy the city is definitely worth it. Have an amazing time!


You're going to ADORE Paris. My mom and I went this summer as my 18th birthday/graduation present and I'm already ready to go back. Definitely buy Rick Steve's Paris guidebook before you go; it's incredible (sometimes, I read it like a novel when I'm feeling nostalgic) and offers some great "must-see" tours, especially if you only go for a few days or a week.

We were there for a little over 2 weeks and one of our rituals was to wander around the streets until we found a boulangerie, buy a baguette and some cheese and then find a spot to sit and eat. Super cheap and we actually ended up at Notre Dame most days. It makes the city feel a lot more homey to have a 'spot' like that.

I highly recommend going to Chartes if you have a day to spare–it's the CUTEST, beautiful little town that really just surrounds this incredible cathedral. Sacre Coeur is phenomenal as well and the Eiffel Tower is a must. We went up twice–once at night and once during the day. The day was nice, and it's a great view of the city, but the nighttime view of Paris is just magical. I was waiting for movie cameras and dramatic music. Les Invalides is fascinating if you have the time, just to get a very in-depth perspective on the major wars of modern France, from a French perspective.

Have a fabulous time and I can't wait to hear all about it!


You are so lucky!! Paris is such a great city and I wish I was going back sometime soon! A couple of must-dos from my previous trip are:
-take a boat tour down the Seine for some views that you cannot get anywhere else
-the Musee D'Orsay beats the Louvre by miles
-Giverny (Monet's Home) is absolutely gorgeous. I still use the pictures I took there as decorations in my apartment
-if you get a chance to venture out of the city, Mont Saint Michel is simply amazing (and the cookies you can get there are THE BEST- so wish I could get them in the states) and Saint Malo was one of my favorite parts of my trip, its a cute little walled city that makes you feel that youve gone back in time and the people there are so so so nice
-Finally, Nice is wonderful if you want some time at a beach (although its not quite what we Americans are used to)

Enjoy your trip! You can never have enough time to see all the great things there are in Paris and in France


Congratulations Carly. I love Paris and have had the pleasure of going twice. Everything everyone has said is lovely and I agree. But PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE go to Shakespeare & Co. It's a really amazing bookstore. The owner of it passed away last year but it is still operable. Travelers come and work in the store for board. But it is really fantastic if you are a book lover. They are from floor to ceiling and in every nook and cranny. I have also met some amazing staff in the shop. An Irish Pub right down the block (I think its just called that, Irish Pub) was my favorite stop after, for some quick use of English without feeling odd 😉 It has been said here, but I really love Montmartre, my favorite part in all of Paris. Go to the Two Windmills, the cafe from Amelie! And for the love of God eat plenty of Camembert sandwiches because they are the best and you can't buy real Camembert in the states. Relish in the best cheese of the world while you can. Grab a bottle of wine and watch the sunset on the banks of the Seine. And please dear, a pilgrimage to Chanel at Rue Cambon is in order.

Sarah hood

Of course you know the major touristic attractions! One tip for the louvre: if you want to avoid the crowds and see the art on your own time, find out the nights that the louvre is open late during your time there. They change based on the time of year, but last time I went to Paris, we went late and were able to walk through the museum at a cheaper cost and without a ton of other tourists! There were local art students there drawing! It was an awesome way to see the major attraction in a very non-major way.

Definitely something I'd recommend! I was just in Paris in October 2012 and we stayed in a fantastic apartment, ate at great restaurants, and loved the city! If you have any further questions from my recent visit, please contact me!

-Sarah Hood

Caitlin Smith

Oh my goodness, I've been following your blog now for a few months and I swear it spooks me how similar we are! I too actually have been saving up my money to treat myself after my first year of grad school and will be going to Paris in May! I've never been but ALWAYS wanted to go. It somehow worked out perfectly because a close friend of mine is living in Paris this year (rough life ha!) and so I will be visiting her and doing everything Parisian we can, of course! I hope you have a great trip!

Kate Pilbeam

You MUST go to the little garden next to the St. Julien le Pauvre church (the oldest church in Paris). It has THE most incredible view of Notre Dame minus all the crowds!


Paris is amazing! I was just there in January. Go to a cafe and just eat and people watch all day. The food is incredible! Make sure you get macaroons from Lauduree. They are my favorite cookie! Enjoy!



CONGRATS!!!!! That is absolutely amazing!!! I hope I can reach such a substantial financial goal soon after college. I will be studying abroad in Rome this summer and hopefully will go to Paris for at least a weekend! I can't wait!! 🙂


Meredith Braun

If you're going during the summer you absolutely must buy a few sandwiches and picnic supplies and just have a little picnic in the Tuilerie Gardens. When I lived in France is was one of my favorite things to do in Paris — and it still is.

Not very touristy but relaxing and very real.


My best advice is to keep at least one of your days open and free of museums (or at least part of a day!) and to walk around and just take the city in. I know that Paris is absolutely filled with wonderful museums, but the most enjoyable visits I've ever made to Paris have been wandering around and taking in the scenery of the city.
A great place to start are the Rick Steves walking tours of the city. If you use one of those as a rough start, you pass lots of monuments and cultural sights on the way.

Jennifer Wojtas

Love your blog Carly! I've been a follower for over a year now. Funny story, I actually came across it when I was studying abroad and one of the places I traveled to was Paris! I spent 5 days there and it was NOT enough time. I am so excited for you! Paris is one of my favorite places in the world!
As mentioned in some previous comments, DEFINITELY visit the Musee D'Orsay!! I could have spent an entire day wandering around the floor with all of the impressionist paintings. They just took my breath away.
Explore the city at night. Get out and just walk around! That was how my friends and I found the restaurants where we had dinner and they were all FABULOUS. Dining out is on the expensive side though, so you should prepare for that, but absolutely DO NOT let the cost of the nicer restaurants keep you away. They are worth every cent!
On that note, my absolute favorite restuarant was Chez Fernand. It was on a dingy side street in the Latin Quarter that my friends and I happened to come across. Please check it out because it was AMAZING.

Everyone else's suggestions seem to be pretty great, so I will just leave you with those two from me!

Can't wait to read about your trip!

Safe Travels!


How exciting! I've never been to Paris, but plan on visiting for a week or two when I study abroad in either Florence or London next year. Also congrats on achieving your goals and budgeting! I'm trying to budget and save money now so I can be prepared for the "real world" after college, but it's definitely difficult. If you have any tips, let me know!


Alisa Renee'

I loved Versailles. It's not really in Paris, but definitely something you should experience while you're there. My mom and I spent hours just wandering around the garden. It was absolutely beautiful. Too bad I had a son that just wants to go to Disney World all the time. Smh!!

Annica Benning

Carly I am so excited for you! Skip Laduree (it's just good marketing…) and buy macaroons on the basement level of Galleries Lafayette (way better, and cheaper). Also the best pastries can be found in tiny villages off the beaten path so if you have a car- drive and explore! Believe it or not its actually hard to find a good croissant even in Paris. The best croissant I ever had was in a gas station (!!!) in a tiny village.

If you don't speak French, don't fret. As long as you are polite and respectful people will gladly help you out.

The really cute little ice cream stands on the side of the street selling homemade ice cream? Stay away! The French have a very laissez-faire approach to cleanliness/sanitation. The milk used is often not pasteurized and hand washing is not very big there (my mom told me her OBGYN in Paris didn't even have a sink in her office's bathroom). Kinda a let down I know..

I don't know how long you are going but if you can make it down to Avignon it is fabulous. Take the TGV.

Have a wonderful trip! x


I love Paris! One of my favourite things to do in the city is just wander around, everything is so beautiful. Walking through the different arrondissements is amazing, plus there are always so many little bakeries and cafes to stop in on if you get tired.

I'm sure everyone has already mentioned the big touristy things, but my favourite museum was the Musée Carnavalet – Histoire de Paris. It's a museum in two townhouses with collections of paintings, sculptures, furniture and scale models that tell the story of Paris from prehistoric days to the present. I wandered in here by accident one day and keep wanting to go back.

Cafe Louise which is close to the Louvre is a good spot after a day spent at the museum. Louise, the owner, who also makes all the foods (her daughter makes the desserts) is so sweet and welcoming.


I'm addicted to Paris as well! The French class at my high school just headed on their trip today (I've only got two more years- I can't wait!) and I am so jealous! I literally have such an addiction to France, I can't even tell you. I just ordered a book called "Lessons From Madame Chic: 20 Stylish Secrets I Learned While Living In Paris" and I simply can't wait to read it! It's written by a women who went to Paris for her high school trip and shares all of the style secrets she learned!

xoxo, Frannie


Paris is such a beautiful and magical city! It's so inspiring and completely full of possibilities. One of my favourite places is Sacré-Cœur Basilica. It's a white church at what I believe is the highest point in the city. You walk up a ton of stairs to get to it, but at night it's lit up and simply breath taking. People meet there and have late night picnics. It's a brilliant place to people watch. There's also a fountain, though I forget the name and where it is exactly, but I think it's right in the heart of Paris and people meet up for blind dates. It's such a romantic place, and even more interesting is that people who have been stood up are known to get together and go out themselves.

As spectacular and full as Paris is, it's very simple. One of the nicest things to do is simply wander the parks and streets, and eat simple but delicious food. Don't pass up the chocolate crepes, they're to die for! And spend every moment you can out exploring. Even if it's just resting with a book in a park or strolling along the water. It's a magnificent city and all this talk is making me want to go back!

Also, if you have a chance to get out of the city, the small towns are incredible, and Northern France has some gorgeous castles. There's nothing better than French countryside. Except maybe a French vineyard!

Megan Riddle

How exciting! I am a friend of Evann's and have been living in Paris since July 2012. You will have a wonderful time, especially since you have worked so hard to get here! My biggest piece of advice is to relax! Seeing all of the touristy things can be done in 2 days. You will really experience the "true" Paris when you sit down, enjoy a café crème and watch all of the crazy, beautiful and hilarious people in Paris. Spend as much time in the Marais and Montmarte as you can and try to not rush through anything!

Vina Smith

I'll be in Paris again in another 3 weeks!! Trust me, you haven't over-romanticized anything, Paris is every bit as magical and fabulous as everyone makes it out to be! Last time I was there I really enjoyed just window shopping, there are gorgeous boutiques and little shops everywhere. You can't leave without eating Nutella crepes, fruit tartes, and without taking a nighttime cruise on the baton mouche down the river Seine! So pretty! The area around Montmartre is also quite unique and fun to walk around. I know you are going to have a fabulous time 🙂



I would definitely recommend purchasing "Paris Pratique", which is a pocket-sized book containing maps of all the arrondissements in Paris and metro information. This book is so useful because you can locate wherever you are by looking up the street name in the index. I was given this book when I studied abroad in Paris and was told most locals own a Paris Pratique and it makes you look less like a tourist, always pulling out a large map. I would just wander aimlessly when I was in Paris and never worried because when I was ready to head home I would locate where I was and the closest metro station. If you have the time, I recommend wandering around Paris without a clear destination because all of Paris is so beautiful and you are likely to come across a charming café or boutique that is off the beaten path. Also, purchase a metro pass because it is so easy to use and takes you all over the city. Taxis are difficult to locate and expensive. I have an "All Things French" series on my blog, which highlights great French films, music, and books. This may help you get in the French spirit before your trip. Bon voyage!

Alyssa Freitas

I love Paris! I had such a great time when I went last summer but I did make one mistake and that was what I packed. I thought that it would be nice and warm seeing as it was July, but that was not the case! I spent the entire time freezing in cute sundresses. Not really ideal! It also rained a ton. So, just to be safe bring jeans, a trench coat, and umbrella.


I just finished "The Paris Wife" which would be a fun read before your trip! Congrats on meeting your goal!! I enjoy following your blog.


Sweety, take a breath. Breathe. You will easily find the big things to do. It is the small, petite, things that will make your trip to Paris special. Do not spend money on fancy digs, why bother, your memories will not come from that. I say walk everywhere you can, pack lunches and eat outdoors. Be a people watcher. Step into churches wherever you can. They are beautiful and usually contain lovely art. Self guided walking tours from guide books are wonderful. Eat croissants, ice cream, and crepes. I enjoyed the Ille St. Louis very much. You will know what to do, the city will guide you. Parisians are very friendly. Make an attempt to speak their language and their hearts will open up to you. I can't wait to read about your adventures. Rebecca

Sarah Brooke

I studied abroad there over the summer and second what others have said about it definitely not being that warm in the summer. It was mostly 60s while I was there and sometimes colder. Eat as much pain du chocolat as you can!

Julia (Jules)

I went to Paris last summer and loved it!!! Beware—summer can be chilly and rainy. In June, it was in the 50s and 60s and I was so thankful I brought a good rain jacket. I also bought Liberty of London wellies in Paris! Paris in the rain is amazing—if you're dry!

Definitely do:
a night time cruise on the Seine
go shopping at Printemps and Galeries Lafayette!

Have fun!!

Amy H.

What a fun trip! Do as much as you can every day. Take advantage of free perks wherever you can! Eat way too many pastries (seriously) and check out every little shop or store (the grocery stores are fab!). I spent a few days there when I was a junior in high school and I am dying to go back. I should start a Paris fund – even a few dollars a month would add up in time!

Evelien Vleeshouwers

You should definitely go to the bookstore 'Shakespeare and Company' (and take a lot of time for it). I would go back to Paris just for going to this book store. And go see the monument 'Mémorial des Martyrs de la Déportation', I thought it was one of the more special things in Paris.

For the rest: wonder around, just feel the city. Visiting a city is more than cite seeing I think. Walk through the parcs, and look at everyday life of the Parisiennes.

Rachel Medlock

I'll be there this summer too! It's my first time, so I can't offer too much helpful advice, but I'm definitely going to "borrow" some of the tips you obtain from this post. I couldn't be more excited!

Josephine Hoang

Oh my gosh! How exciting!! I would LOVE to travel! I'm sure you'll have the time of your life there!
I might actually go to France next summer!
Super excited for you!

Tracey Dz

How exciting for you! I went in high school over 30 years ago, but my favorite souvenir is a huge charcoal portrait I had done by an artist at Montmartre. They used to set up easels everywhere but I've read it may not be the same. Also, as a silly high school girls, so many of my photos are of me and my friends kissing statues at Versailles and posing beside those little French sport cars (Citrons?). Ha. You're going to have the trip of a lifetime!

Sam (Savvy City Chic)

Oh I love Paris. I haven't been in years and I completely failed to get there while one of my BFFs lived there. I mean there are all the obvious places like go to the top of the Eiffel Tower and visit Montmarte (be warned street venders are vicious there and will follow you even if you scream go away and no). And there is the famous cemetery there whose name is completely slipping my mind. And go to the crypt!!! I can ask my BFF that lived there for two years for better tips.


I just went to Paris last summer for the first time!

I took a tip from Jordan at Oh Happy Day and enjoyed the most amazing brunch at Pain et Chocolat. Be sure to check out her other Paris posts, I went to another cafe that she blogged about.

I also would recommend walking tours with Paris Walks — I went on a tour of Montmartre which was really great. Most importantly, just plan to spend a lot of time wandering the streets and sipping espresso at outdoor cafes. Nothing is more Parisian than that!

Deonnah Davis

How great is it to make a goal and REACH it! I wish I had the same willpower. I have never been a big fan of Paris?! I don't know why. You had definitely made me interested in researching and looking on Pinterest! (Another excuse to get on my favorite site) My only suggestion about reading and soaking in as most knowledge as possible is to read "The Paris Wife" by Paula McLain. I loved it!! It gives you a feel of how life was in Paris back in the day through Ernest Hemingway and his first marriage. Good Luck!!


Must go to Marché aux Puces for vintage everything. Give yourself a few hours to walk around, explore, and grab a bite to eat in one of the cafes.

Do take the train to Versailles if you have time. It is not overrated. I'd also recommend going on a tour or at least getting an audio guide.

Otherwise just enjoy your time in one of the most beautiful cities in the world!

Ashley L.

I went last summer and it was amazing! Definitely visit the Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame, The Louvre, Champs Elysees, The lock bridge, and Versailles! Versailles was probably one of my favorite places I went! You have to make sure to go on Sunday at 11:30 or 3:30 because the fountains will be on and trust me, they are worth being on! The fountains were beautiful. I LOVED Versailles. I went to other countries outside of France as well on this trip and Paris was by far my favorite city we visited! Oh and the crepes at the Eiffel Tower are delicious! I had a crepe with nutella and strawberries and it was literally like eating heaven…soooooo good!

Katie Sukes

I studied abroad there two summers ago and it is my absolute favorite place in the world! I'm dying to go back!! My favorite thing was just lying on the lawn outside the Louvre and soaking up the sun. It sounds super cheesy but there was something just so Parisian about it. You have to visit Versailles because it is absolutely beautiful! My biggest regret was not waiting in line for hours to go to the top of the Eiffel Tower, so you better do it. Also take the metro to visit the Moulin Rouge. Eat tons on crepes, macaroons, pain au chocolat, and croque monsieurs. And if you're feeling adventurous try escargot; it's actually really delicious.

Katie Jesaitis

I was in Paris a few summers ago…I loved all of the basic tourist stuff that everyone's mentioning, but one of my favorite parts of my trip ended up being my trip to the Fragonard Perfume Museum. It's a real French perfumerie that you can tour and learn about how some of the most famous perfume is made, and then you can take some home. I bought a bunch for my mother and for myself and I still use it daily. It was something different and special I haven't heard of many people doing, and it was one of my favorite things. (Also, Versailles is totally worthwhile. Find a way to get there for sure) Have a great trip!

The Modern Prepster

Congratulations! I am extremely jealous, I've been to Paris once a few years ago and I ache to go back. It really is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. Please go to la Place du Tertre and get a portrait done, you won't regret it. Also make sure and check out my absolute FAVORITE store there, Fragonard. There is one in the Louvre if you can't find any. And watch Midnight in Paris! An amazing movie. Bonne chance, Carly! Je sais que vous l'aimiez beaucoup! Xx


Lucky you! I love Paris–so many great things to do there.

It is definitely worth a visit to take the train out to Chartres (a tiny little town) and visit the cathedral there–it has incredible and famous stained-glass rose windows and is gorgeous. Also in the town of Chartres is Maison Picassiette, a house and courtyard completely covered in mosaic. Weird hours, a bit tough to find, but completely worth it.

Give yourself at least half a day if not more to visit the Louvre, as there is so much to see there.

Also, take your student ID from Georgetown along if it doesn't have an expiration date–you'll still be able to get lots of good museum admission discounts 😉

Have an amazing time!

xo Liva


Bon Voyage!
Paris is a gorgeous city, I hope you have a fantastic time. Obviously you need to do the touristy things (Louvre, Notre Dame, Eiffel Tower), but walking around the city is great as well. I'd definitely recommend checking out the Canal St. Martin area (and coffee shop Ten Belles) as well as many long walks through the Marais. You also MUST go to Pierre Herme, Galleries Lafayette and an outdoor market. Not to mention eat a lot of croissants…
But really, take a boat ride on the Seine. Have a great trip! 🙂


I had my second stint in Paris this past Febuary (I wrote a few posts on it). My number one recommendation is to get the Paris Museum Pass, it allows you to get into all the great sights/museums. Honestly, the best thing is to just explore the neighborhoods, cuisine, lifestyle. Have an amazing time!

Aryn Hill

You must go to the friperies (thrift stores!) They're located in a part of Paris called the Marais which is close to city hall and easy to reach. Other than the thrift stores, this is a great, artsy area of Paris.

Laura Harvey

You must read A Moveable Feast! Hemingway captures the beauty of Paris and also gives the city so much historical context if planning a trip


so so so jealous! I've been dying to go back to France since the last time I left. I definitely recommend checking out blogs like Paris in Four Months and Little Pieces of Light, if you don't yet read them – Carin and Milsters offer a lot of advice on places to eat, places to shop, places to buy macarons, etc.


I was lucky enough to live in Paris for 3 years and trust me, it is impossible to over-romanticize Paris! The touristy stuff, like the Eiffel Tower and such, you must do, of course. But there are also some hidden gems. Sacre-Coeur and the Montmartre area are in every tour book, but wander the back streets of Montmartre because the cobbled streets and all the little cafes and apartment buildings are so charming. The Latin Quarter (the Marais) is another beautiful little place. I wish I had spent more time there when I lived in Paris. If you want to see a truly Parisian street market, go to Rue Poncelet. It's closest to the metro stop, Ternes on the 2, plus the little patisserie has amazing eclairs! Paris has amazing vintage shops, so you may want to look into going to some of those. On sundays, there's a bird market on the Ile de la Cité which is really fun! There's an ice cream/gelato shop called Amorino that you should visit as well! Not only is the ice cream phenomenal, they scoop it out onto a cone and shape it like a rose!

BUT my other piece of advice is DO NOT, no matter what you do, GO IN AUGUST. Not only is Paris packed with tourists, but the Parisians literally all leave the city. So many shops, restaurants and cafés are shut down for the entire month, so you must go earlier in the summer or you'll miss out on a lot of little gems and you'll be overwhelmed by all the other tourists and you won't truly be able to enjoy much of anything.

I would highly recommend going out to Giverny, where Monet's house and gardens are located. It is JAW-DROPPING. His paintings literally come to life, and it is hands down one of the most peaceful places. Versailles was nice, too, and it's sort of a touristy must-see, but if you can only go to one or the other, please go to Giverny.

Whatever you do, you're going to LOVE Paris! My biggest piece of advice is to learn a few simple phrases and use them. Parisians can be rude to Americans sometimes, because of our reputation, but if you make an effort, they will be so much nicer! Also, in French culture, when you enter a shop, it is general etiquette to always greet the shop owner, so make sure you do that! Have an amazing, amazing time, and say hello to my favorite city for me!


Paris is beautiful! I'm so excited for you!

Definitely do the touristy things. Les Invalides, Notre Dame, Sacre Coeur, Eiffel Tower (take the stairs, you get an incredible view of the city!), and my personal favorite Arc de Triomphe. Spend a lot of time in the museums, the Louvre, Musee D'Orsay, etc. Take a river boat tour on the Seine at night… it's so romantic. And you will see the Eiffel Tower sparkle! One of my most vivid memories of the city. There's a tiny store a few blocks away from the Louvre called Claus, and it has some of the most unique fine food, and it's a little restaurant! It's adorable. And near the University (Sorbonne) there is a store called Upla, which has the cutest messenger bags. Google both, so you know the addresses.

Definitely take a trip to Versailles, and rent a bike to see Marie Antoinette's little village! And spend plenty of time walking around the gardens.

Buy fresh baguette from the Patisseries, eat plenty of macarons (OMG) and have SO MUCH FUN.

Elizabeth Sage

cafe metro on saint germain is quite possible my favorite cafe in paris. if you go when its cold, get the hot chocolate! also, the Kaiser bakery has the best bread. go. you won't regret it.

also the bread bakery poilane is famous for its amazing bread and cookies. youll have to make a stop there too!

The Continentalist

I'm currently based in Paris, so a few practical suggestions:

The RATP journey planner (which covers all Paris public transport, so buses, metros, trains, etc.) is very useful – and there are plenty of maps in central Paris (often right outside metro stations) which make it easy to get around without having to rely on phone apps (you've probably thought of this, but check with your phone provider about their international broadband and call rates – and sometimes, US phones won't even work in Europe…).

Paris is undeniably expensive, but there are plenty of great museums with free entry to their permanent collections; there's a list here –

There's one tourist trap I can never avoid, namely Berthillon's ice creams ( – they're on the island next to Notre Dame.


I did all the touristy things in Paris – Eiffel Tower, Arc du Triomphe, Rue de la Paix (I think you'd LOVE this!), Notre Dame (seriously, one of the most beautiful Churches I've ever stepped into), the Louvre, and Disneyland Paris (not as good as the American parks, but still an experience!). If you can, take a day trip to the outskirts – Lisieux, Normandy, etc. It's a relaxing change from the city.


Oh my, this is so exciting! I've been twice to Paris and I love the city, although I love London even more.
You already have plenty of fantastic advice, be sure to follow it and you'll enjoy your stay in Paris. However, I couldn't refrain from giving you some highlights based on what I've read on your blog for over a year (! – I'm sorry I've never commented before, but not having a blog and fear of showing that English is not my first language overcome me every time):

1. Do have macarons from Ladurée. They are the absolute best + You'll feel like a queen.
2. Visit Shakespeare & Co. It's just behind Nôtre Dame. If you know nothing about this bookshop, do some research before, because it is very interesting (I wish I knew how to insert links!). When you finish roaming the shelves, you can have a snack in the street that runs perpendicular to it. I recommend a French/Italian crêperie/gelateria with a name I can't remember, but with a cherub as a logo.
3. Visit the stalls by the Seine. You'll find all sorts of curious things to just have a look at, but it's also a great source of fabulous prints (to match the ones in your apartment!)
4. Have dinner in Montmartre. It is good quality, in a very Parisian place full of history and not at all expensive.
5. Visit Versailles.
6. Be prepared for lots of walking, changing weather and very persistent street vendors.
7. Have fun!

I was there last summer, so if you need any help, please send me an email!


Hi Carly! I am honeymooning in Paris next year <3 and cannot thank you enough for this post! These comments have been super helpful. Is there any way you will do another post of the information you've gathered from reader? I cannot wait to read your Paris planning posts! Thanks!
~ Samantha

Alexa Jones

If you'd like to spend a day doing something a little different… I HIGHLY recommend taking a morning or evening market cooking class at Cook'n With Class cooking school!
The class was amazing- we spent a few hours perusing the Parisian marketplace with the instructor, selecting fresh foods to prepare in the class. Then, we returned to the classroom to learn how to cook a 3 course Parisian meal- with free French wine of course! It was the highlight of my trip!
Here is the link:
Cheers! 🙂

Julia D.

AHH! So exciting, Carly! As far as movies go, "Marie Antoinette" should be on the list. Probably goes without saying that Versailles or the Louvre would be the top two places on my list then.

Krissy Miller

How exciting! I went there about six years ago with a school group-aka I didn't have any free time to wander around the city unfortunately- nonetheless I loved it and hope to visit again soon! I HIGHLY recommend visiting Fondation Claude Monet. It's extremely beautiful and serene and to be able to experience the same beauty that's portrayed in Monet's paintings is unbelievable. A definite must! It's maybe 45 minutes to an hour outside of Paris if you're willing to travel a bit 🙂 OH! and the Luxembourg Gardens! Great place to people watch…and I do have to say…the Mary-Kate and Ashley movie Passport to Paris covers a lot of the main attractions so it's worth a watch. haha! Can't wait to hear about this trip!

Krissy Miller

How exciting! I went there about six years ago with a school group-aka I didn't have any free time to wander around the city unfortunately- nonetheless I loved it and hope to visit again soon! I HIGHLY recommend visiting Fondation Claude Monet. It's extremely beautiful and serene and to be able to experience the same beauty that's portrayed in Monet's paintings is unbelievable. A definite must! It's maybe 45 minutes to an hour outside of Paris if you're willing to travel a bit 🙂 OH! and the Luxembourg Gardens! Great place to people watch…and I do have to say…the Mary-Kate and Ashley movie Passport to Paris covers a lot of the main attractions so it's worth a watch. haha! Can't wait to hear about this trip!

Laura Moreno

I am currently in Paris, and the weather is just turning around and it's getting super beautiful! You will love this amazing city! Visit all the touristy places like Tour Eiffel, Louvre, Champs Élysées, Ladurée, Rue de St. Honoré (the street with all the big names and the original Chanel store on Rue Cambon and the original Longchamp store – I know how you love your bag!), Sacré Cœur, l'Opéra, Musée d'Orsay, l'Arc de Triomphe, Notre Dame, Sainte Chapelle, Jardin de Tuileries, Jardin du Luxembourg etc. But also try to go into random places and I think you'll like the bookstore Shakespeare & Co. (It's right across the Seine from Notre Dame) and there's a fondue places near Sacre Cœur called Les Refuges des Fondues (it's on rue 3 Frères) it's really good! I definitely recommend it!

And for a day trip Versailles is wonderful, and Fountainebleu, and even going to Mont Saint Michel is good too! And since you'll be here during the summer try going to Giverny where Monet painted his water lillies.

I will be here in the summer, let me know if you need anything else, like recommendation on where to eat or stay! I can email you!

Laura Moreno

Also, before I came, I downloaded an app called "Paris Metro" it's a white square with a blue circle and a blue M in the middle. I think it cost 99 cents or something, but it was wonderful when I first got here! You can use it without internet and it's great bc if you know what métro stop you need to go to and what métro you're near or at (it can also show this to you without internet), you can plug the two stops in and it will show you the shortest trip! Super easy!
