Search Results for: nantucket


What to Do In Nantucket

I feel like I’ve been to Nantucket enough times where I can offer some advice on how to plan a great trip. That said, I’m not an expert on the island. Despite its relatively small size (less than 48 square miles!), there are always new pockets to explore. I certainly haven’t covered everything as far as what…



I’m going to be doing an updated Nantucket travel guide soon (lots of new updates and favorites to share as I’ve gotten to know the island even more), but I wanted to first do a travel guide specific to traveling with little kids. I have a toddler and a baby and recently came back from…


Postcards from Nantucket

I have a ton of posts coming down the pipeline (brace yourself 😂) from Nantucket, but I thought I’d kick things off with some photos from my iPhone. Get ready for some photo overload!!! If you can believe it, I narrowed down my photos quite a bit. This was, without a doubt, my favorite trip…


Kicking Off Summer on Nantucket

Two weeks ago (omg how has it already been two weeks?!), I went to Nantucket with Kiel, Sarah, Sophie, and Dave. We were invited by Nantucket Island Resorts to stay in the White Elephant Easy Street Loft. Especially since it was such a short trip, I loved being right in town! We had a bumpy,…


Nantucket Purchases

Whenever I travel, I never really want to do any major shopping. I find it incredibly boring after a while. Maybe it’s because I live an hour away from New York City, but most of what I would want to buy, I could just purchase at home. And then, there’s the internet on top of…


Nantucket for the Day

This weekend was one of the best ones ever. My family flew into town Thursday night and we went out to a late dinner (complete with giant cones of gelato and lobster tacos). The four of us packed up my car to head up to our friends’ house on the Cape.

The eight of us decided to take the ferry over to Nantucket early Sunday morning to spend the day there before heading back for a casual dinner back at their house. It was my sister and parents’ first time and we had a blast. Honestly, all of us could have a great time if we were in the middle of nowhere, but it doesn’t hurt to be somewhere as gorgeous as Nantucket.


Nantucket in Late September

I’ve been lucky enough to make it over to Nantucket a few times this summer. It really is my happy place. There’s something about walking off that ferry that instantly relaxes me– not an easy feat! This was my first late summer/early fall visit to the island and I have to say, it was my favorite.

It wasn’t exactly beach weather, but it was still nice to visit the windy beach in sweatshirts and jeans watching the surfers wait for the perfect waves.

Traveling to Nantucket with a great group of friends doesn’t hurt. I love this group of people so much… Garrett and I started going on ski trips with them a couple of years ago and it’s been so fun to watch the friendships grow. I’m glad we made a summer trip happen in addition to our winter ski trip. This was an extra special trip for a specific reason (keep scrolling!).



Just a few cute things that feel Nantucket-y to me! Obviously feeling very inspired by this beautiful, special island. I always love collecting product links and then sitting down to put together a collage. Sometimes it doesn’t come together as beautifully, but most of the time it naturally has the perfect vibe I was going…



Nantucket Snapshots

My camera roll is brimming with photos I’ve snapped from my trips to Nantucket. I have a bunch of outfit posts and a travel guide coming up, but for now… iPhone photos! As much as I love being back in my routine (and trust me, I really love it), I am missing my happy place. I think…