Poor Teddy

It’s a sad day here with Teddy. The little guy hurt his leg. Unfortunately, it’s a common injury with Toy Poodle puppies as the growth plate has completely sealed off. He does this little jumpy/bouncy/hoppy thing and just landed on his leg in the wrong way. He was limping around and I took him to the vet… THANK GOODNESS he doesn’t need surgery. However, in order to prevent further injury and surgery, he has to stay crated for a month. A month!!!
I can’t figure out who’s more upset. Teddy or me. I’ve been quite upset all day and just feel so bad for him knowing he’s not totally comfortable and happy. (He’s probably gained two pounds today from all the extra treats I’ve given him.)
Oh, it’s just been a sad day. I wish I could snap my fingers and have him be 100% healed right now. 
I don’t know how parents do it. I’m a total mess right now.

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Lauren Rose

Poor Teddy! My dog had the same problem and I think we suffered more than she did. Hope he feels better soon! (He still looks adorable in his cast).

Corinne Walker

I know the feeling all too well. Your pup becomes your furry little child and steals your heart, theres nothing you wouldn't do for them! When my little maltese got attacked by a pit bull I was a mess and wished more then anything I could have taken his pain away. he fully recovered thank the lord and I love him and appreciate him more now then ever!
Wishing Teddy a speedy recovery x

Katie Woodworth

So sorry for you and for Teddy! Our Westie had to have 2 knee sugeries and be crated for 2 months each time…I honestly think it is tougher on us than it is on them! If we knew it was going to be an exciting day we would occasionally give sedatives to keep him calm. You'll get used to it – don't worry!

Shopping Obsession

Poor Teddy! I have a Goldendoodle and with the poodle gene, he is full of energy and I can imagine how bad you feel when you heard that Teddy has to be crated for 1 month. Hope he will recover sooner than the vet thinks and can go back to his old self.


Poor Teddy, and poor Mommy (do you call yourself that? I swore I never would with a dog but of course I do now…) I sobbed when my pup had to stay over night at the vet's it's crazy how much we love them. At least Teddy has the cutest little cast! Just remember don't beat yourself up because it is not your fault!!

Kerrie Mitchell

Oh no! That's so terrible! I've never experienced anything like that but I have had to rush my fur-baby to the emergency room a few times – stomach issues – and each time she's had a tough recovery. I have to agree, it's hard to know who feels worse. Fingers crossed Teddy feels better asap and you too! xo

Kerrie Mitchell

Oh no! That's so terrible! I've never experienced anything like that but I have had to rush my fur-baby to the emergency room a few times – stomach issues – and each time she's had a tough recovery. I have to agree, it's hard to know who feels worse. Fingers crossed Teddy feels better asap and you too! xo

Belle Bun Smith

That is a common problem with poodles, poor guy i hope he gets well soon and it never happens again. I had a hunting dog that jumped and landed wrong and slipped a disc in her neck, it was horrible she had to be crated for 3 months, only left the crate to go pee/poop and eat. She got better but if we hunted for more than an hour she wouldnt be able to move the next day broke my heart since she just loved to hunt. I reccomend all dog owners invest is those ramps or stairs so your dog regardless of size can get in/out of vehicles without injury, or those little stairs for small dogs who are allowed onto furniture.
