
Salt Water

I escaped the city this weekend! After debating on whether or not I’d fly home to Florida for the long weekend/my birthday, I opted to stay. Sometimes it feels like I spend more time planning and in the air than enjoying my weekend when I travel for the quick turnarounds. Anyway, I reluctantly decided to stay put. Staycation, anyone?
My friend Garrett and I made plans to go out to Long Island to meet our friend (from Instagram!) Howie and his wife, Jana. I was really excited to meet Howie and Jana and their absolutely-beyond-adorable daughter Lilly.
Sometimes I forget that you don’t have to travel all that far to leave the city. It’s amazing. Of course, it was the beginning of Labor Day weekend so everyone (and their mother, daughter, and dog) was in Penn Station ready to peace out from the city. Poor Garrett had to deal with 1400 nearly-panicked questions from me about travel plans and logistics. It wasn’t bad at all surprisingly.
This past week, at work in particular, was extra stressful. I think everyone is in the summer-is-nearly-over-time-to-get-cranking mode. So it felt a little off-kilter. (Even Bauer the dog seemed a little down!) I was exhausted every single night from the all day adrenaline. By Friday, I was done. My body was just not having any of it. I got home from work and pretty much immediately went to my favorite burger joint for french fries, found a movie on Netflix, and got in bed.
I’ve mentioned this before, but I never realized how much I needed water in my life. Growing up my mom always had baskets, cups, and dishes filled with candy all over the house. We had a second refrigerator pretty much dedicated to sodas and fun drinks. It was always there. So my sister and I never really were like crazy junk food eaters. It was available, we could eat it if we wanted to (whenever we wanted to), and we didn’t think twice about candy pretty much ever. It wasn’t special. That’s how it was for the water.
Almost every day in Tampa, you drive down Bayshore (this ridiculously beautiful road) and view the Bay. You’re never more than a few miles away from the water. Especially since I was a coxswain, I spent more than 20 hours a week on or near the river in high school and college. The water was always there. It was a significant part of my life and I hardly realized it. Looking back, I feel so spoiled to have had this kind of access to the water. I feel like I didn’t appreciate it nearly enough.
Sitting on the beach with Jana, Howie, Garrett, and little Miss Lilly, I was reminded again at the healing power of the water. A few hours at the beach and I felt restored and renewed and rejuvenated. Being with super sweet people didn’t hurt either 🙂
Look at that face… happy to be by the water 😉

Lilly had a serious crush on Garrett.

And perfection.
How is your Labor Day weekend going?


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I love the water too! I'm a scuba diver and I grew up in MI on the water. Living in Atlanta now means I don't have any rivers, lakes, or oceans immediately around me.

It has definitely made me appreciate my waterfront house in MI 🙂

AJ | TheAJMinute

Jessica Joyce

I don't blame Lilly 😉 LOL
Having grown up in the city, I always crave a fast life, but whenever I do head to a beach, it's so different for me. I was never a beach person (I know, I know), but I've learned that it's the escape from the city is what I need.
Your Friend, Jess

Julia D.

I feel the exact same way about the mountains and ocean. Funny how you only really notice what you love about your surroundings when they aren't there in a new city.


I feel that way about the water, the ocean in particular. I went from Long Island to Florida to Chicago (3rd coast, so it nearly counts) and I'll never go without it.

Also, who wouldn't have a crush on that man?

J. Parker

Wonderful quote and such a fun trip! I am a self-professed beach bum, especially when I spend time at my parent's beach house in the summer/every chance I can.

Sun, sand, and a little saltwater is truly the best cure for just about anything!

j. parker
