Search Results for: label/beauty


Beauty Empties Vol. 2

Time for another round of beauty empties! I’ve been tossing my empty products in the cabinet under the bathroom sink and realized it was getting a little crowded in there… I actually may just need a better system because it’s like a black hole!! ROUND ONE: L’Oréal Voluminous Lash Paradise Mascara: This was a drugstore buy…


3 Tips to Tease Like a Boss

Maxie is the queen of texas hair. I was laughing so hard when I opened the google document with the blog post draft. (Well, first I was confused and a bit worried… Teasing can mean many things, you see. Ha.) The funniest thing about Maxie is that she always has her extra-special hair brush at the…


On My Radar

This week didn’t exactly go as planned. I had a big shoot planned for Tuesday, but it poured all day long. Complete torrential downpour. At one point, I checked the radar again just to make sure it wasn’t going to miraculously clear up and almost immediately it started to thunder. I thought, “Okay, okay… I get it!”…


On My Radar

Today is going to be a bit of a ramble here. Apparently, I have a lot on my mind! I’m really missing my fam this week. That’s the worst part visiting… I always feel the homesickness a little more intensely when I’m back for a week or so. While I was in Tampa, I ended up working…


What I Buy at Nordstrom

Last week when the Early Access Nordstrom Sale started, I almost lost my mind. I get wanting to save money, but I was kind of disgusted by the way people (aka bloggers) were handling it. It was… a lot. I was on Nantucket the day it started, so I barely looked at my Instagram during…



I am really proud of my reading this month because I did something I have been putting off for years. I finally read A Little Life! (My review below…) But I had been putting it off for really one reason, which I’m not proud to admit but here it goes anyway. I didn’t want to commit…



Dressing for Your Body Type

One thing that I’ve really learned over the years is the importance of dressing for your body type. For years, I struggled with finding clothes that fit properly. And by years… I mean essentially my whole life. Seriously, since birth… I giant when I was born so I’m sure that I wasn’t fitting into any newborn…


The Best Menstrual Cup: My DivaCup Review

I’m writing this as a public service announcement for all women who have a period… my life will never be the same, haha, and I just had to share the best menstrual cup and my DivaCup review because I wish I had tried it sooner. But first some backstory. I was a very late bloomer. I…


Back to School- Elementary

Since summer must come to an end eventually, I thought I should do a “Back to School Special” on my blog. I’m going to do an elementary school, middle/high school, and college edition. Today is all about the youngsters! Hand sanitizer is an absolute MUST, especially with Swine Flu. Remind your child to wash hands…