Search Results for: label/books


Organize, Please… GMAIL

I am a gmail addict and have a huge system worked out. I have a few email accounts.  An AOL one (I know, so 1990s) that I use for pretty much everything, my Georgetown address, and a few gmail accounts. (Speaking of email addresses, you can reach me at carly [at] thecollegeprepster [dot] com) Before I…



2023 Personal Reading Reflections Before I get into my favorite books of the year, I thought I should reflect a little bit on my reading journey in 2023. 2023 was one of the hardest years for myself and reading, as always, was my personal escape. When I experienced a miscarriage at the beginning of the…



Favorite Books

I hope you don’t mind how much I post about books. To be honest, books have really been the best kind of “therapy” for me in terms of what relieves stress and reduces anxiety. I get most of my inspiration from books, my motivation from books, my entertainment from books. I find friends within the…


Books to Give

As we get closer to Christmas, the window for shopping online is closing! A lot of retailers won’t guarantee delivery unless you upgrade the shipping. One thing that you can buy pretty much up until a few days before the big day? BOOKS. Whether you pop into your local bookstore or shop with Amazon, you can’t go wrong with giving a book for the holidays.

There is a book out there for every recipient.  This year two people on my list are getting books (they definitely don’t read my blog, so I’m safe saying that 😉). I’m rounding up some crowd-pleasing options:


What I Read This Summer

I read some amazing books this summer. I love to read year round, but there is something extra great about sitting down with a book during a slow summer day. (Probably only second best to a snow day spent reading.) In today’s post, I’m going to share books I read, what I’m currently reading, and a…


My Tips for Audiobook Listening

I am fully aware that a) I have mentioned these tips sporadically already through other posts and b) that audiobooks are considered controversial by some. To address these two things really quickly: – Because I share my reading experiences on my Instagram (personal, and now my bookstagram), I have been getting a ton of questions about…

Some of my Favorite Audiobooks


Three Book Suggestions

I blew threw three books last week– special thanks to long commutes and a vacation for that! In college I used to read at least a book a week and I miss that steady pace. I miss meeting new characters every week and being able to transport myself somewhere new. It was nice to have…


Books I’ve Read this Winter

Earlier this week I shared some of my tips for reading more and today I wanted to share some of the books I read over the past few weeks. During my week off from blogging, I spent so much time on the couch with the dogs reading. It was exactly what the doctor ordered! (In fact,…