Search Results for: label/books


extra, extra!

Cool news! You can buy textbooks on College Prep now! It’s actually pretty awesome. You can look for books based on the actual name of the textbook OR you can search for your school and specific course! Once you search, you can compare the prices of renting and buying from different sites (like your school’s bookstore, Amazon,…


black and white and red all over.

I like to stay on top of the news… but I find it so cumbersome to read an actual newspaper. In fact, I absolutely hate newspapers. They make my hands feel super dirty and they’re so hard to maneuver. Am I the only one who feels like this? Also, I wish I could say that I…


to-do lists

Even being done with classes “officially” (papers turned in, finals completed), I am still running my life completely via my to-do lists. In fact, they almost seem busier than usual. The glorious feeling of freedom from homework was fleeting when my lists started filling up with normal “real life” issues. I can’t function without making…


Beach Week

I am writing this an hour before it goes live… that’s how swamped I am at school! In fact, I did not sleep at all last night!!! It was my first honest-to-goodness all-nighter. As in, I did not sleep one wink from Sunday at 7am until Monday at 2:30pm. Never again. (However, it was totally…


Navy + Pink

Of course, I am quite a fan of the pink and green combination, but lately I’ve been gravitating towards navy and pink. This is partly due to the fact that a good portion of my closet is actually navy. It’s a super easy color-combo! (And fun!!!) [Fun Fact: when I was having my blog redesigned…


DIARY No. 91

Some of my favorite pictures from the last couple of weeks: I actually can’t believe this was (almost) two weeks ago. I took Jack on a full day adventure. I had been wanting to take him to a local indoor children’s museum so that was first on our agenda. It looked so fun online… it…