Search Results for: label/easter


Three Wishes

I LOVE Dogeared Jewelry so much.  The bracelets, necklaces, and earrings come in the sweetest little packages with precious advice. Soccer Mom gave me my first Dogeared necklace my junior year of HS.  It was a little tiny key to symbolize the key to my heart.  I wore it everyday for about a year, and I…


DIARY No. 53

This was a “busy” two weeks. I know busy is an overused term, but I have to say… in this case, it’s all GREAT stuff!!!! Finally starting to feel like there’s light at the end of the tunnel. If nothing else, we are now able to fully enjoy being outside. Mike and I have been…



So there were 108 entries for the giveaway… I used to randomly select the number of the winner. And the winner is….. MELANIE from the PINK WASHINGTONIETTE  Congratulations Melanie!  Email me your contact information and I’ll the ship the items!  Make sure to let me know which frame you love the best 🙂 Thanks…



As you may recall in my 2009 Favorites blog post, I am really feeling the flannel. The freshmen boys on the team were really feeling the flannel during the winter training trip. They were always rocking the flannel shirts. I love them to death… they wanted to be on the blog, but I didn’t get…


Sunshine on My Mind

I have a pretty fun trip coming up in about a week that is all about the sun. Of course, I will be slathering on the sunscreen, but I’m so ready for it. I have put so much energy into not hating winter (haha), but yesterday’s Nor’easter might have pushed me over the edge. I was driving on the interstate and the wind was crazy– so many downed trees.

gift ideas


When I put out a request for people to submit small businesses for a gift guide, I had no idea what to expect. I was blown away by how quickly the form filled up… and then going through everyone’s websites I was BLOWN AWAY by the quality of items. I am so proud of everyone,…


The Best Menstrual Cup: My DivaCup Review

I’m writing this as a public service announcement for all women who have a period… my life will never be the same, haha, and I just had to share the best menstrual cup and my DivaCup review because I wish I had tried it sooner. But first some backstory. I was a very late bloomer. I…


Shop My Closet!

I am insanely excited about my latest partnership with thredUP. You guys know how much I’ve been loving their website, which is the largest online thrift shop with all of my favorite brands up to 90% off. I’ve found it to be an incredible resource for finding pieces that I missed out on in past seasons and I love how it gives clothes a second life. It’s guilt-free shopping.


DIARY No. 111

Here’s what I’ve been up the past two weeks according to my camera roll…. If you’re local, highly recommend visiting Cam Jam Kids in Summit, NJ– it’s a darling new store filled with various gifts and toys for little kids. It’s CUTE. The perfect place to pick up a birthday gift or a special treat…