Search Results for: label/handle with care


Organizing the New House

This house has me excited for a lot of things and organization is, naturally, at the top of my list. It was way harder to keep things organized in my last two apartments. Namely, because they were small so everything was more like “hacks” than anything else. (Under the sink in my last apartment was so…



Mike and I have been talking about going into the city for a staycation for a long time. Once we both got fully vaccinated and we were able to put things on the calendar again, we found a weekend to make the staycation happen. It is so nice to be so close– it makes for such…


10 Things Vol. 8

It’s time for another “ten things” post. I stole this idea from my friend Kelly– but it’s basically just an old school blog post where I share the first ten things that come to mind… Ready, set, go! MY OWN ADVICE // I’m finally taking my own advice on work. Over the years I’ve helped a…



I’ve been getting a lot of questions about what to pack for daycare. I don’t know if there’s a season for starting daycare, but it definitely feels like there’s a lot of babies starting according to my DMs! (And if you want to know more about why we chose daycare, I go into our thought…



7 Habits to Adopt

Today I’m sharing a few habits that I think everyone should start working on. I’ve been thinking a lot about how much life has changed since graduating college. A lot of these habits are ones I’ve been working on, especially since graduating, but really it’s never to early to start! 1. Ask for Help I…


Organize, please… Spring Cleaning Check List

Now that it’s technically spring, I’ve been working on my spring cleaning list. Honestly, it’s pretty boring. I clean my apartment thoroughly every weekend and do tidying up every night… but I’m doing a deep dive cleaning spree. Floors, walls, every nook & cranny. No stone left unturned. Besides the obvious “cleaning” that should be…


Vintage Ralph Lauren Sweaters

How amazing is this 1983 Polo Ralph Lauren advertisement? I’ve been really obsessed with hunting down vintage Polo sweaters ever since I started looking for one for Garrett last year. I found him a mint condition skiing teddy bear. Well now I check on eBay for vintage sweaters every week or so. (When I say it’s…


Back to School- Elementary

Since summer must come to an end eventually, I thought I should do a “Back to School Special” on my blog. I’m going to do an elementary school, middle/high school, and college edition. Today is all about the youngsters! Hand sanitizer is an absolute MUST, especially with Swine Flu. Remind your child to wash hands…


On My Radar

Oh, it’s beginning to look a LOT like Christmas. I wish it felt like December all winter long. Something about the holiday decorations that just puts a permanent smile on my face. The 60 degree weather we’ve been having is a huge bonus. It’s like the best of the holidays minus the freezing temperatures. I’m…