Search Results for: label/spring break


Last First Day

Today is the last first day. (I also said this my senior year of high school… and I’m sure I’ll say this the first day of spring semester.) But, really.  This is IT. I’ve been trying to wrap my brain around the whole Real World right around the corner situation all summer long, and have…


Lifeguard Press Review!

Getting emails from Lifeguard Press makes my DAY, getting a box from them makes my WEEK! (You can check out other items I’ve reviewed in the past here and here.) Jonathan Adler Umbrella There are two annoying things about going to school in DC.  1) It rains a LOT in the spring and 2) No…


Every End is a New Beginning

I’ve been waiting to announce this for a few reasons.  For starters, I didn’t want to write about it publicly while it was still very raw to me.  Frankly, it’s still a little raw, but I have had time to think and plan and reassure myself of my decision.  I was also really nervous to…


Guest Post: FRIDAY’S FANCIES {av}- Long Distance Loving

Happy Friday! My name is {av}! I’m so honored to be guest posting here at College Prep! I’m a Georgetown grad, so this little corner of the web feels like home to me 🙂 In preparation for one of the preppiest outings this spring, I pulled together this Foxfields-ready outfit…perfect for a day at the races! {all…


Let it RAIN!

Of course, I post about sunshine on Thursday, and it rains.  Go. Figure.  Now, I love my Hunter Wellingtons as much as the next girl… but, well, everyone has them.  They’re all over campus. CHECK THESE BEAUTIFUL BOOTS OUT. Zou Baby has these fantastic monogrammed boots.  Yes, I do believe that my little toes should be…



Hmm… Our Tervis Tumblers may be taking a backseat this spring and summer! Why? Marley Lilly has the cutest cutest cutest cups ever. I was asked to review one, obviously said yes, and LOVED it! So much so, that I’m giving away one!!!!!  HASHTAG HOLLA (#holla… it’s a twitter thing). College Prep has 1500 followers and…


Starboard Clothing Co.

Ben from Starboard Clothing Co. just emailed me introducing me to his line of beautifully crafted bowties. Now, I like women’s fashion just as much as the next girl, but there is something oh-so-charming about clothing for men.  And bowties???  I am a sucker for boy in a bowtie! Starboard Clothing Co. was started by…


Kayce Hughes WINNER

Thank you to everyone who entered the Kayce Hughes giveaway.  I definitely know where I’ll be heading once spring (officially) arrives!!! Without further delay… the winner is…………………….. Seashells and Southern Belles Congratulations 🙂 Please be sure to email me to claim (collegeprepster [at] gmail [dot] com) ooooh I just have so much fun with these…



Mike has put in some good work in getting our backyard “ready” for the summer season, and I’m really looking forward to spending more time out there this summer! We’ve gotten lucky this spring with a few early warm days. Pulling out lounge chairs on our lawn to read and watch the kids play outside has felt like a…