Search Results for: label/swimming


Sweet Summertime

Summer afternoon – summer afternoon; to me those have always been the two most beautiful words in the English language.  ~Henry James I could not agree more.  This week has just been wonderful.  I’ve let my mind get a little bit too much in “summer mode” and I had to start writing down all my…


On My Radar

What a week. I really think I pulled myself out of that funk and things were on the up and up this week. We had what I would consider the absolute perfect summer days. Be outdoors as much as possible kind of summer days.

Before I get into the on my radar posts, I have to say how happy you guys make me! Snapchat this week had me in stiches. Between the whole Instagram Stories vs Snapchat debate and then when I snapped about Garrett backing my car into parking spaces… guys, your replies made me literally laugh out loud. For now I’m sticking to Snapchat normally and maybe will post things on Instagram stories, but will likely keep things business as usual!


Dealing with Homesickness

The emails have already started… Homesickness is settling in. To be honest, when I think about new freshman heading off to college, I start to get emotional! It’s no secret that my first few months at school were a challenge. I personally spiraled pretty quickly to my lowest of lows and it all, I think,…


On My Radar

It’s been a surprisingly good week over here. It was low-key, and I loved it. Sometimes I miss summers as a kid when school would get out, and there were zero responsibilities for two months. No homework, no tests. Just days mindlessly spent playing made-up games with my sister and hours that melted into each…


What to Do In Nantucket

I feel like I’ve been to Nantucket enough times where I can offer some advice on how to plan a great trip. That said, I’m not an expert on the island. Despite its relatively small size (less than 48 square miles!), there are always new pockets to explore. I certainly haven’t covered everything as far as what…


One Year of Fitness

One of the biggest ironies of my life is that I was a Division I athlete. I actually have a varsity letter in a men’s sport no less. My dad always said that if he had to put his life-savings on the line, he would have said my sister (formally known as Sporty Sis if…


Dear Evan Hansen

While my parents and sister were in town last month, I was trying to come up with fun things to do. We had plans one day/night, and that left one other full free day/night. Sometimes we go into the city when they’re here and sometimes we don’t. We decided to make a trip to NYC for…


February Beach Outings