

Thank you so much for all of your suggestions on workouts and classes! I’m really excited to try some of them out over the next few weeks.
Also, tons of thanks for all the encouraging tweets and comments about SoulCycle.
I am obsessed.
I’ve read all the articles and (guilty) scoffed at all the die-hard fans on Twitter. But I totally drank the Kool-aid.
I was totally scared walking into the building. Even though it was beautiful and clean and very open, I was oh-so-intimidated. Thankfully, almost everyone in the group was a newbie. We all figured out the lockers together, figured out how to adjust the seat of the bike, and even figured out how to get our shoes clipped in.
One song in and all I could think about was why in the world anyone would pay for this torture. Oh, my legs were on fire pretty much immediately. But then we started doing this thing. I have no other way to describe it other than it was bumping. And I was…. hooked.
I get it.
I even dragged little miss Nicole Loher to the class with me. We traded for bikes in the way back! And they played her favorite Beyonce… so you know she liked it.
Because the group was from Local Levo NY and completely girls. The songs were 100% girl power. Loved every minute of it!
Some of my favorite Levo girls!

And everyone!! I personally loved how dark the room was because a) it was intimate and b) it totally puts you in the zone.
I’m now seriously reconsidering my budget for the rest of my life. The classes are not cheap… but I’m thinking that even doing it on Sunday afternoons would be worth it. Honestly, I felt so amazing afterwards! Both my body and my mind. It’s a mix between bootcamp and meditation. Eep!
Have you taken a spin class before?



Katie + Courtney

I love spinning! My university's rec center has a glow-in-the-dark room for cycling classes, and I totally agree with you that exercising in the dark is much better. It's pretty grueling and I sweat a ton, but walking out after the class is always the BEST feeling!

The Hunter-Gatherers


My alma mater just got a glow in the dark room too! Just missed it. 🙁

Jeez I can't spell today!

Jordyn Sifferman

Okay I need to try spinning, I read positive review after positive review and I want perfect spinner legs, haha!


eeek I love spin class! I used to do it twice a week while I was in college, but now that I'm finished I need to find a gym that has it.

I'd do SoulCycle but it's a little out of my grad-student budget right now…but after!

I also like that it's dark and that the music is loud – it reinforces the fact that it's your practice, no one else's!

xx BHB

I'm a longtime rider and I struggled with the price tag initially. But then I realized that it's expensive for exercise, but pretty cheap for therapy 🙂 I consider it a gift to myself and an investment in my health to go once weekly.


i have always wanted to try it. however, my guy used to be a professional bike racer and has a stationary bike so i can't justify paying for it.


My mom is actually a spin instructor and she's dragged me to some of her classes. It's a little awkward and she picks on me because I'm her kid, but I like it. Definitely a good workout (:


Totally confirmed what I already assumed to be the case. Next time I go to NY I am definitely going to try a class!


This seems fun! We have spin classes at my school. maybe I'll try it out this fall

Brianna Kolota

I've never taken a spin class at UF because they fill up SO quickly. It's like the classes have a cult following! I want to try at least one spinning class before I graduate next May, so hopefully I'll squeeze my way in this year. 🙂

Elaine Claire

I used to take a few classes at my gym when I was in college. I definitely need to exercise more now though! But Working out is absolutely more fun when in a group! 🙂

-Elaine Claire


Taking a class here is on my 101 in 1001 list! It's great to hear the positive feedback from you. I am a runner (and crazy about it in the same way that you are too!) and tried yoga for something different. I agree that at first all that I could think was 'this is going to kill my shoe budget'. BUT I found a really amazing instructor and the classes are so challenging so I think that it's spending wisely to go twice a week. I come away with a great work out and a clear head and I definitely notice a difference in my mind and body throughout the rest of the week! I wrote a quick bit on it here (

Julia D.

Dare I say I'm one of the few people left in the world who doesn't quite know what it is. I know it is expensive and that there is cycling involved, but that's about it.

Heather T.

Which teachers did you take? I'm a big fan of SC, but hate the cult mentality that comes along with it. However, it is an amazing work-out and I have a ton of fave teachers i'd recommend!

Jennings Brooks

Spin classes are the best! They pump you up and make you push through! I loved the one I did! But they also turned me onto another class called the Bar Method. It was created by a dancer in college who still wanted to dance, but wanted a way to work out as well. You should check it out! There are studios everywhere. It's super fun and engaging and you use some of the skills of a dancer, but in a really great work out. You will definitely feel sore the next day!

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