
Three Documentaries

I think I may love documentaries more than doughnuts. Which, you know, is a lot. But the problem is that I feel like I’ve watched all of the decent ones on Netlix!! Really, I scour pages and pages of documentaries, watching trailers, reading reviews… and I’m frustrated when I can’t find one that I like and haven’t seen.
This post is both me sharing three documentaries that I’ve loved recently AND me begging for any and all recommendations. Bring. Them. On. (Really, any and all recommendations.)
Blackfish // I’ve already technically blogged about this one in an On My Radar roundup. But I’m including it again. Because it’s that good. I think there’s a reason why everyone is talking about it. I mean, I’m still thinking about it even though I watched it a couple of months ago. 
Smash His Camera // A really interesting film about one particular photographer who made quite the living photographing celebrities. Not only is it entertaining, but it really makes you think. What is art? What is stalking? What is celebrity, how long does it last? Why are we a celebrity-crazed society? Who should draw the lines and how should the lines be defined, if at all? (Plus, there’s a great subplot about Jackie O!)
The Short Game // It doesn’t matter if you love documentaries or you’re indifferent to them, I think you’ll LOVE this one. Honestly. It’s kind of like Dance Moms, but way less drama and a lot more sheer talent. (Well, there’s some parental drama…) But it’s uplifting!! And motivating. The documentary follows around a bunch of kids who are crazy good at golf. I don’t even like golf (despite the fact that one of my AIM screen names growing up was golfchick2oo8)… yet, I was basically sitting at the edge of my seat as the tournament unfolds. A sweet documentary with pint-sized kids absolutely loaded with talent and dedication. 

Have you watched any of these? Any other recommendations?

PS I also watched My Amityville Horror and I couldn’t fall asleep I was so freaked out.
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I haven't seen the short game, but it sounds great! I also like First Position and Forks over Knives, both are on netflix.

Also I wrote an article about Blackfish a while ago for Sweet Lemon Magazine. I'd love to know what you think! {read here}

AJ | TheAJMinute

Savannah Baron

I completely agree with MITT! And, quite frankly, a little shocked that no one else on here has suggested it. No matter what your political affiliation is, it shows the struggle of political candidates during election times. Obama's 2016 was also really interesting for me (remember to take it all with a grain of salt). The Newsroom is good. Honestly, I really love political documentaries; I think they're really interesting and give you a look into a side of politicians that we don't usually see.

Julia D.

The Newsroom is actually a show. An excellent one at that, and the episodes are based loosely on past events, but it is not a documentary.


I would definitely recommend Miss You Can Do It! It's about a girl with cerebral palsy who competes at the Miss America pageant and then decides to start a pageant just for girls with special needs so they can feel beautiful and special. It's such a good watch that just makes you feel so happy inside! I'm not sure if it's on Netflix or not, but definitely check it out!


I would definitely recommend Miss You Can Do It! It's about a girl with cerebral palsy who competes at the Miss America pageant and then decides to start a pageant just for girls with special needs so they can feel beautiful and special. It's such a good watch that just makes you feel so happy inside! I'm not sure if it's on Netflix or not, but definitely check it out!

Playground Prepster

We have really been into the food documentaries – hungry for change, forks over knives, food inc. One non-food one we haven't seen but is on our list is Hot Coffee (I think that's the name). My parents have seen Blackfish multiple times and keep talking about it. I just don't think I could handle the reality (although I love the show Whale Wars which documents the Sea Shepherds trying to save whales in the Southern Oceans from Japanese whalers).

Kylie Mavrakis

Inequality for All is an incredibly interesting one about income inequality in our country. I had to watch it for a class, but I recommend it to everyone. It really gets you thinking!

Lauren Brumfield

Ahh, thanks for sharing! I'm feeling like documentaries are making a comeback–I've been hearing so much about them here recently! Definitely planning on watching these. Hope you had a lovely (valentines) weekend!
xo Lauren

Seersucker Sass

Smash His Camera looks so good! I'm going to have to check it out 🙂 If you haven't seen the original Grey Gardens, you should check it out!

XX, SS ||


First Position is a wonderfully made documentary that follows several aspiring dancers as they compete in a showcase to win a scholarship to the top ballet academies in the world. The dancing is so beautiful it'll make you cry. I watch so many documentaries that all netflix suggests anymore are documentaries!! I promise you, this one is so good even my fiancee couldn't stop watching!

Jessica Joyce

I see that the other commenters have mentioned it, but FIRST POSITION really is a great doc, not only for ballerinas. If you like The Newsroom on HBO or the film Network, go watch PAGE ONE: INSIDE THE NEW YORK TIMES. Very fascinating, especially for writers/journalists.
Your Friend, Jess

Krystal M

My parents told me about Blackfish last week and how I have to watch it. I downloaded it on my iPad but haven't watched it yet. I've never even heard of it before but now I'm seeing it everywhere over the past week.



I really liked Blackfish. I also enjoyed The September Issue (a great behind the scenes look at Vogue- I've watched it twice), Bully, & Craigslist Joe.

Julia R.

The Imposter, Invisible War and Dear Zachary are all great. Blackfish was shocking and I will never go to Sea World because of it

Nicole Y

I haven't seen blackfish I think I'm too much of a whale person to handle it. For that reason I couldn't even finish the cove.

I would recommend behind the mask (it's a docu-series on hulu free even if you don't have a subscription), the lottery of birth, and freakonomics (based off of the book).


20 Feet From Stardom
Muscle Shoals
The Art of the Steal
The Man Nobody Knew: In Search of my father CIA Spymaster William Colby
Hilter's Children


Somm on Netflix! It's about becoming a master sommelier and it's SO interesting. I loved it!

Kelsey –


My favorite is "Miss Representation", its on Netflix and is a really eye opening commentary on women's portrayal in the media! Especially being in the field that you are, it is really interesting it's critiques on advertising and lack of women representation!

Katie McC

Below is an actual post I posted on Facebook a few days ago about some of the documentaries I recently watched on Netflix. You may or may not have seen them yet but I am such a picky movie person and I thought all of these were super good. The only film that I didn't find on Netflix was the 58 Film. I would love to know if you and up liking any of these or if you've already seen them! Here it is:

I am the pickiest movie watcher ever. I can barely force myself to watch any animated movie (Facebook world probably hates me right now!). Lately though, I've watched a few documentaries (call me boring…ha) and though I would share the ones that I really liked.

1. Serving Life ( This was probably one of my favorites! Criminals who are serving life for horrific crimes have completely turned their lives over to Jesus. They are different people because of it and voluntarily go through a rigorous interview process to become hospice caretakers for their fellow dying inmates. If you are a crier- beware, this gets a little touching at the end and is a bit of a tear jerker.

2. Live 58. ( It's a film about ending extreme poverty in our lifetime. It gives you a look into severely poverty stricken counties. The worst was probably a slum in Uganda. I still have the images stuck in my head days after watching. It's great for visual people who need to "see" the images for themselves.

3. Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead ( A guy completely cures his autoimmune disease by juicing for 60 days, drinking only vegetable and fruit juices. My dad actually wanted to buy a juicer after watching this- and that's saying something! It was cool to see the benefits of juicing firsthand and how he was able to inspire others. I think it would be fun to try juicing but I doubt I could go a full day without eating any solid food. Does not sound ideal! (I'm sure you've watched this one, it's super popular)

4. The Art of Flight ( This is actually a TV Series and each episode lasts about 40 minutes. A helicopter basically flies to the top of a mountain, drops off the snowboarders and lets them zoom down the mountains and then picks them back up. I am pretty sure I watched this with my jaw dropped the whole time because it's that insane but keeps your attention! If you like action stuff, the Red Bull Rampage was also good! ( BMX bikers ride down super inclined rocky terrain in Utah.

…I also just watched Tent City which was a created city on the outskirts of Nashville where 85 homeless residents lived. It was interesting to say the least.

I love these posts though when you share the new documentaries. Keep them coming! =))

Elissa Verso

If you liked First Position and The Short Game (which I have not seen but I can imagine is similar in nature) you might try Jig! It's about competitors of Irish step dancing.


One that I have been looking to watch is Dreams of a Life, a woman who was found dead in her apartment for 3 years and no one knew. Its her story being told back thru friends and acquaintances! I hear its really good!

Jessica Wuensch

Some other people mentioned Happy and Chasing Ice, and I second that suggestion!

Happy is about happiness, and it is interesting and adorable. Chasing Ice is a visual representation of the glaciers melting and it is so crazy! It is just interesting to be able to actually see the changes that are happening.

Kylie Mavrakis

I totally forgot about First Position when I commented before! It's one about a ballet competition, and it is so incredibly interesting to see what these kids go through for their dreams. Plus, you get to watch beautiful ballet routines.

Amy Grant

Scatter My Ashes at Bergdorf's!! A really interesting and very stylish look into the influence of Bergdorf's. Features Karl Lagerfeld, DVF and Christian Louboutin in the first three minutes. Need I say more?

Amy. x

Jane Yuan

"An Idiot Abroad" on Netflix is the FUNNIEST documentary I've ever seen, it's the best thing that I've seen in a while. They take this typical cynical Brit (who is very attached to his comfort zone) and send him all over the world.
He's constantly like
"What the heck is this?!?!!"
"What the heck is that?!?!?!?"
"Is that a pet or and appetizer?!?!?!"


Oh and I watched some documentaries in sociology that I really liked, Unnatural Causes, Babies, and Killing Us Softly
