


I couldn’t let this day go by without acknowledging it here. Back in November when Biden officially won the election, I sighed the biggest sigh of relief and felt like a weight was lifted off my shoulders. When talking with friends, we all collectively agreed that we hadn’t realized just how much stress we felt until it was all said and done. Since then I’ve been counting down the days to January 20. The domestic terrorism at the Capitol threw in a hefty dose of reality– illuminating just how important this new era would be.

In a way it feels like we’re in suspended reality. I keep asking having to remind myself that this is happening and it’s real. The painful four year term. The campaign that seemed to go on and on and on. All the debates (some more cringeworthy than others). An election day that was more like an election week. The recounts. The false rhetoric. An attempted siege of the Capitol. All while a pandemic raged on.

After all that, Biden’s inauguration is finally here.



I really don’t have a lot to say other than to say I am hopeful. I’m relieved we are done with that particular chapter of our country’s history. Biden and his team have their work cut out for them, but again… I am hopeful. Praying for an uneventful, peaceful day today as our country turns the page and starts this new chapter.

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YES to all of this! Today feels celebratory (and anxious, hoping the transition is peaceful). Planning to pop a bottle of champagne tonight to celebrate our nation’s longgggg-awaited next chapter. 💙


Carly, I just want to say how much I appreciate posts like these. A lot of the other bloggers I follow haven’t acknowledged the last two weeks in anything more than a performative way (if that). It’s been disappointing and eye-opening, and it’s made me think a lot about who I want to support.

I totally understand that a lot of bloggers occupy a very specific space. But when you fail to acknowledge the real world, it feels like you have no concept of what’s going on and how it might impact your readers.


Amen, Cassandra! I couldn’t agree more. I’m so grateful to the influencers who are using their platforms for addressing these issues. No matter what side of the political aisle you’re on, the last four years have been horrific. I am thrilled to welcome this new chapter, and am grateful to continue following and supporting women greeting this new era with courage and bravery! Bravo, Carly!


@ Emma: I agree “No matter what side of the political aisle you’re on, the last four years have been horrific. ” This is objectively the TRUTH!

Emily K.

I totally agree, too! Many influencers I follow won’t discuss it because of it being “controversial”. It shows who cares just about having followers and who cares about defending what they believe in! This was a refreshing read, Carly. I had happy tears today for a hopeful future 🙂


I love that today is not just about saying goodbye to Trump, but hello to Biden and Harris! 🙌 I 100% am going to cry when Kamala is sworn in.

Ann Johnson

Amen, Carly. Started the day off with a virtual Catholic Dems mass and am looking forward to the rest of the events today. Hope and joy are in my heart. Thank you for the lovely post.

Emily V

Thank you for sharing! I’m also feeling joy today, but know the work doesn’t stop here. Our Black friends and family have been enduring this violence for centuries and there is still so much work to do to achieve equity and justice. Celebrate today, keep fighting tomorrow.


Yes! Let’s turn the page – 2021 officially starts now. So ready and hopeful for the fresh start and a new beginning.

Lili C

I’ve followed you since college and have to admit I may have prematurely judged you. It’s been a pleasure to follow along with you this year. 🙂 I appreciate you sharing your perspective in a sea of bloggers who don’t want to “shake the boat”. Even when it’s more important than ever to stand up for what you believe in.

Jessica Alvarez

Thank you for acknowledging today!! I read something today on Instagram that said, “Don’t apologize for hoping.” Couldn’t agree with it more – we all need to hold onto hope more!


Today is a new chapter. A chapter that includes acceptance, peace and positivity. I’m incredibly elated Biden is our new President and Harris is our new Vice President. Hopefully we can move forward as a unified country. We can make the proper changes.

Best wishes!!


So exciting to have celebrated today! It was especially emotional to see Kamala Harris make history as the first woman VP!

I hope, though, that everyone acknowledges that this is only the beginning and that there’s lots of work to do.

It’s important to acknowledge that the problems Trump’s presidency brought to the forefront weren’t caused by Trump but have been part of America’s history for a long time. They won’t go away just because Biden is president now.

Finally, I hope that everyone is thanking Black women; they showed up to the polls and voted for Biden and mobilized voters despite the horrific racism that they endure at every level of society. It is because of Black women that we aren’t dealing with a second Trump term. Let’s show our gratitude by holding our elected officials accountable, demanding racial justice, joining them in mobilizing voters and showing up to the polls in 2022, 2024 and beyond.
