
Two Tips from Hair and Makeup

The Teen Vogue + Sperry Top-Sider photoshoot was so much fun. It was a bit chilly, but I think the results were well worth the goosebumps. You can check out the first peek at the photos on my Instagram (don’t forget you can win your own pair!) and the rest of the photos will be up on later this month.
One of the best parts was getting to know everyone. We had an incredible photographer and an awesome makeup artist Jeffrey! Jeffrey was the greatest. Literally so funny and we definitely tried to pry all the celebrity gossip out of him… his lips were sealed sadly.
I loved working with him because instead of just whipping through the makeup, he explained everything he was using and doing. Two of the products stood out to me and they have absolutely been added to my “MUST BUY” list (when the spending freeze is over…).
Bumble and bumble Tonic Lotion // This stuff. Before I get into what it actually does, I feel like everyone should buy it just because it smells amazing. Like, beyond amazing. Every time this stuff was sprayed I felt like I had just taken a trip to the spa. Yum. (I’m pretty sure we all were asking for extra spritzes.) The spray is basically a primer for your hair… to give it a little extra something something before styling. 
(#awkwardselfie– I took this between locations to send to my mom ha!)
Beauty Blender // I’ve seen the Beauty Blender before and I’ve even had other makeup artists use it. But Jeffrey really convinced me that I need one. He was blending everything together, including blush, and I think the end result was amazing. Trust me when I say, I definitely did not wake up this way. He even used the beauty blender on my lipstick! It comes in a traditional pink (cute!), but he recommended the black. The whites get stained, duh, and can turn funny colors when you wash it… And the pinks turn your other sponges pink too when washed. The black ones are, apparently, all the rage now. 
As I’ve been experimenting with makeup more, I think the one thing I’ve learned is that it’s how you combine a number of products together. Blush and bronzer. Foundation and spot concealer. Mascara and … well… another mascara. Most days, I just stick with tinted moisturizer, a touch of bronzer, and a bit of eyeliner and mascara, but I have been doing more makeup for bigger, more filled days.
These four Bs (Bumble and bumble + Beauty Blender) need to find their way into my cosmetic case.
Has anyone else stolen “secrets” from makeup artists? What’s the best tips you’ve learned from them?

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Alexandra Aimee

1) The images are gorg.

2) OMG I love tonic. It's amazing. I don't use it for everyday, because I'm not a style my hair every day kind of girl. But when I want to make my hair perfect it's my secret weapon!

— Alex at Cashmere Kangaroo

Rachel A

I honestly cannot apply makeup without my beauty blender! I actually got a knock-off from CVS for five bucks…Goss Makeup Artist on YouTube says they all do the same exact thing. I don't know how I went my whole life without it!


I got my Beauty Blender for Christmas and I've used it every day since! I have tried many different knock offs before and they just don't compare. One thing I've learned is spraying the beauty blender with setting spray before applying my makeup for extra staying power!
