

I initially wasn’t going to do this post, but it came highly requested by a bunch of new moms who read the blog and feel as lost as I do/did when it comes to baby registry items. After DMing with a bunch of you on Instagram, I thought it could be helpful to do this in two-fold. First (this post), sharing what we registered for. And then come back with a follow up after we have had plenty of time to figure out what we used, didn’t use, love, didn’t love, were glad to have, and wish we had.

(I have to put this disclaimer here that all of this was based on internet research plus recommendations from friends I trust! I have never done this before, so it’s a bit of a guessing game for now until we figure out what preferences our baby has. As you can imagine, every family and every baby is different and will have different needs and preferences!)


I used Babylist to gather all of the items and it could not have been simpler. I have zero affiliation with the site and found it via Google. Just wanted to share that I have been very happy with how it works! I added the bookmark plug in to my browser and could easily add any baby item as I found it to our registry, similar to how you might pin a photo from a website to your Pinterest board. I love that this allows you to gather items from across the internet. From Amazon to Nordstrom, you can add it all! Beyond just creating a registry, I have found it personally helpful to keep track of items we want for baby even if they don’t end up being gifted. It’s like my own little Excel spreadsheet!


Uppababy Vista V2


Main Stroller: Uppababy Vista V2

Infant Car Seat: Nuna Pipa RX (currently sold out)

Extra Car Seat Base: RELX Infant Car Seat Base

Car Seat/Stroller Adapter (here’s how the car seat + stroller work together)

Stroller Organizer

Travel system: Doona Car Seat & Stroller

Baby Carrier

Car Mirror

Lotus Travel Crib



Bedside Swivel Sleeper Bassinet

Nanit Pro Baby Monitor and Floor Stand

Toy Storage Baskets

Crib Sheets (I registered for a few from various places!)

Bedside Light

Hatch Sound Machine

Moses Basket

Diaper Baskets

Steel Diaper Pail

Baby Merlin Magic Sleepsuit


Baby Merlin Magic Sleepsuit

Halo Sleep Sack

Easy Change Swaddle

** It was recommended to me that I not register for clothes or blankets since people typically gift those items anyway… but I couldn’t resist adding some fun clothing items out at different price points if for no other reason than to demonstrate the kind of style Mike and I prefer clothing wise. (Maybe that’s weird, but you know… lol) But honestly just have no idea what we need quantity/style/function wise yet.)



High Chair

Fast Table Chair

Travel Booster Seat

Baby Bottle Bundle

Baby Bottle Newborn Starter Kit

Silicone Bibs

baby grooming kit


Bath Tub

Infant Tub

Hooded Towel + Washcloths

Grooming Kit

Baby Basics Kit

Baby Bouncer


Baby Bouncer

Baby Gym

3-Stage Activity Center

Padded Play Mat


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Thanks for sharing! I hope curating your registry has been fun and not too daunting!

Just a quick aside about the Moses basket for anyone considering getting one: if you think you’ll use it more as an accessory like for a photo shoot or to ‘contain’ your baby as you’re sitting with them folding laundry or something, awesome! However, please look into safe sleep practices and product warnings if you plan to use it for baby to nap or to be left unattended. Some people might not realize the risks and regret getting an expensive thing that ends up getting used so little, no matter how cute it is! No judgment here, just a helpful suggestion for any newbies to the whole world of baby gear 🙂

Marie M.C.

The type of bib you’ve registered for has been around forever. I had one for my son and he was born in 1968! We called them “Pelican” bibs. They’ve wonderful!


Carly – I’m a first time mama too! This is super helpful as a check with what I have on our registry. Have you had any luck finding the Nuna Pipa car seat anywhere? We can’t seem to find it…


I swear I got one of the last ones from pottery barn kids, but I had ordered it multiple times from other websites and they were all canceled! Now they’re labeled as “backordered” (vs sold out) so I’m wondering if they’ll be back soon?


I’m sadly wondering if the Nuna Pipa is being phased out.

I absolutely LOVE ours and think it is worth it and is far superior to the Chicco Key Fit we had prior.


it’s not! I think they got hit hard with COVID-related factory delays!


Thank you so much for sharing this! I’m also expecting my first (boy!!! 💙) and it’s been a bit overwhelming figuring out what we need. I hope the Nuna Pipa RX comes back in stock — we can’t find it anywhere!


I have a Suggestion the silicon bibs are great when they first start off but the baby Bapron for when they start eating solids on their own is fantastic! It covers more of their outfit and it’s machine and spot check washable! Also there is this baby mail file on Amazon get it! clipping baby nails is hard! Especially as they start to move more and I clipped my little one tip of his finger 😭😭😭 the baby electric nail file is a life saver! Oh and their is also a stroller fan also a life saver!!!

My son loved the halo sleep sacks they are so versatile! you are totally right people will buy you all the clothes in the world no need to register for them 😂😂😂


Hi Carly!
Great list you have! We loved the Moses basket for our (now) one and a half year old. We now use it in her room for extra blanket storage since it’s so pretty. Congratulations to you guys! Can’t wait for the updated list!

Lorraine Barnes

My Mom insisted on getting us a Moses basket and we used it for our daughter the first month or so. Then she needed more room and I used it for stuffed animals and toys.

Emma Caison

Would love to see an update to this post once baby arrives with a mini review of these products!


This is great Carly- I’d love to see your hospital bag list (pre and post birth) – I’ve seen so many unique and interesting things I would have never thought of over the years- no pressure on it though!


Carly (or anyone who reads this who might find it helpful!) – I am a mom of two (3.5 year old son and 10 month baby girl) and I have a fairly insane Google doc of everything we originally registered for, plus I’ve updated it regularly with how things worked out for us and whether or not it’s needed to be replaced over the last 4 years! If you’d like a copy I’m happy to share. Find me on Instagram @queenjord. Congrats again, you have a great list of things to start you off on this journey!


Thanks for sharing this! I just had a baby in April and our registry was very similar to yours. One very random thing a friend who had older children gave us has been AMAZING and I never would have known to get it. It’s a BabyShusher and comes with us everywhere to help him sleep whenever we’re on the go (getting groceries, at the park, in the car, etc.). It’s perfect at helping him settle down quickly and text her daily thanking her for it. I can’t wait to see what becomes your favorites 🙂


I have both the uppababy and doona. I could not be happier. My husband and I think it’s the best decision we made!

It’s a life saver at pediatrician and other appointments and at restaurants when there isn’t much room. I have peace of mind that it’s safer than laying a baby on the ground in a car seat.

While the uppababy Can feel huge its wheels are amazing and sometimes you need that storage space.

Enjoy its all so fun!


Just a quick note in bathtubs, we’re on our 4th for our October baby. We got the two you listed here but they both offer little to no support for the baby in the tub. I would recommend the Angelcare seat, it’s slanted or something with a sling to support the baby. Our baby is 7 months now and still can’t sit unsupported for too long. Just went through this!


We got what felt like a million towels and blankets with both of kids. Sooo many. 🤣

Chelsey Manning

You will LOVE the Swaddle Me swaddles – easy, cozy, and secure. Pro tip: order more than you think you’ll need…my six week old can sometimes go through 2-3 a night (spit up, diaper leaks, etc…), so you’ll want to have plenty handy (I think we now have 9?) so you don’t have to re-wash every morning or, even worse, run out in the middle of the night!
