Well, this has been a week. (I think that goes without saying, but, like, have to address it.) I’ve been riding waves of emotions. Everything from panic to joy to frustration to fear to peacefulness. I’ve been trying to focus on things to be grateful for (and there are plenty even in a time like…
New At Home Workout Routine
Now that we’re home, and home for a while, I wanted to get on top of my workout routine ASAP. Working out is one of the top things that help my anxiety. While it’s nice to looked tone and it’s great to be healthy and strong, I really work out because it’s so good for…
Don’t Give Up Yard Signs
Over the past month or so, when I was driving around town, I kept noticing these very simple, very powerful yard signs with positive messages. This wasn’t like a “here and there” kind of thing either– some streets had one in every yard!!! Every single time I saw one, I smiled and also wondered where…
Focusing on Mental Health
I know last week I mentioned keeping my blog a respite from Coronavirus. But as things have intensified, I feel ridiculous for not addressing it in some way. I’m still ultimately trying to keep things positive and I’m taking my content calendar one day at a time. One thing that I wanted to mention today…
You’re Working From Home… Now What
Because of coronavirus many people are now going to be working from home. I realize this is not something that everyone can do, but if your industry and office is encouraging it… welcome to the WFH club. When I quit my job back in 2013, I went from working in an office with a bunch of…
Lean Into Social Distancing
I am not a scientist or doctor who specializes in infectious diseases. But I am an extreme introvert with not-so-minor social anxieties and friends who live in different states. I can speak towards social distancing like an expert because it’s kind of my life. I’m not making light of this at all, by the way,…
Diary No. 27
The past two weeks have been pretty low key. I had been following the Coronavirus news and was beginning to sense that things were going to be drastically changing in the US. I started to feel a little insane, trying to balance being level-headed and smart about things while also preparing for what I thought…
On My Radar
I know if you’re anything like me, this week has been more riddled with anxiety than usual. Mike and I canceled our trip to Banff at the last minute and so we’re staying home to try to do our part in reducing the spread of the virus. We’re of course disappointed as we were looking…
Little White Blouse
When I posted the ivory suit on Sunday, I wore this shirt with it and mentioned that it would work with dark jeans too. The blouse is gorgeous. I really find M.M.LaFleur’s clothes to be gorgeously constructed with every detail thought of. The suit is such a statement piece and I felt like a boss in…